Cannot Reset IP In Windows XP

Dec 26, 2011

I'm currently running Windows XP Home Edition. While attempting to remove some malware from my computer...I lost my Internet connectivity The odd part is that my wireless status reads that I've got a strong signal. I can't reset my IP address is all zeroes and my computer states "NetBIOS over Tcpip.......Disabled". I've been unable to "Enable" this as well

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How To Reset Ip Address For Windows 7

Dec 23, 2011

how to reset IP address for Win 7 and it takes you to a XP dialog problem is when I try to connect wirelessly I get the old ''Limited Access'' and not connected in the status box. And the wireless connection utility shows my old IP address as autoconfigured to IPv4 whereas it should be the 169 number was for a connection I had security on but that company went out of business and now I have an Alfa usb hi-gain antenna that picks up my work place that I can share a connection to but it keeps going back to my old IP address and when I go to the star>control panel>internet connection> connections tab all I have is the LAN. At this point I am having to use a Virgin Mobile usb dongle to go on line and it is as about as good as dial-up slow as Christmas in August...and would like to connect to the linksys at work which I show 4-5 bars in signal strength...

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Reset Windows Xp And Now No Internet Access?

Sep 26, 2011

I had to reset my windows xp back to factory settings so i lost all my files but the important thing is that i cant get internet access. I have a modem and router and it does say on the computer that they working but still have no access. I tried to feasting everything and still nothing. I'm not sure what else i should do. Did my files get corrupted?

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Reset Password On Windows XP Domain PC?

Mar 27, 2012

I have forgotten my password for windows xp with domain created in windows 2003 server.How to recover my password.I still have same server accessable to me where domain is created.

1. How to recover my windows xp password with domain there is no access to administrator in the client system(XP) ?

2. How to create another id in my server (Windows 2003) and create a new client in windows XP ?

3. How to recover windows xp password through any other means?

*Moderator Edit* - Removed email address for your security.

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Windows 7 Having To Reset Wireless Adapter Constantly

Sep 8, 2012

I just moved into a new place and I've been having a lot of trouble with the wireless connection. There are 4 other people sharing the wireless and none of them seem to have problems, and my phone connects fine, but my laptop will randomly lose internet access while still detecting the network. When I run the troubleshooter it says it has reset the wireless adapter, and the connection will work again, but sometimes only for a few minutes before it craps out. I don't have access to the wireless router itself, so doing anything with that will require asking the landlady (who doesn't speak English well). I had access fine for the first two days after I moved in. I did install a couple of programs after that: 7-Zip and Flash Player 11.2 (since the newest Flash version crashes my Firefox). I don't know if that could have anything to do with it.

I'm running Windows 7 64-bit on an Asus laptop. After searching around the forum a bit, I followed the instructions in this post and will paste the results here. I don't know if the ping address starting with 206 might be invalid since the post is from several years ago.

C:UsersLindsay>IPCONFIG /ALL

Windows IP Configuration

Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : Lindsay-PC
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No


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Windows Vista - Reset Router To Factory Settings Now Cannot Configure

Feb 6, 2012

I have windows vista, and forgot my network password. I reset my router to factory settings by pushing the reset button on the back.I tried reconfiguring the router from the network icon, but at the end of the process it says it cannot configure my router.I lost my internet service in the process

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Slow Internet - Reset To Windows Default Settings Feature Which Does Not Work?

Jun 22, 2011

So just recently my Internet has been running a lot slower than normal at different times of the day (completely random, could be fine for hours then just turns slow). I know it's not the Internet itself, since it's only happening on my computer, and none others in the house - and I'm far from capped. I've run AVG, Spybot & Malwarebytes' scans and have found no infections of any kind. I've run TCP Optimizer and used the "reset to windows default settings" feature, which also hasn't worked one bit. I've tried different Ethernet cables and different plugs in the modem and no improvement.

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Linksys Access Point :: WES610N Windows Home Server Looses It's IP Requiring A Hard Reset

Apr 10, 2012

I have a WES610N in my office connected to a E4200 @ the cable modem in the family room.  ~30'.The connection is fine and works well when working.Connected to the WES610N I have:

-Polycom VOIP phone
-HP Mediasmart Windows Home Server
-Multi-Function Laser Printer
I have two issues. 

1) The Polycom does a random reboot that I have traced down to it loosing it's IP
2) The Windows Home Server looses it's IP requireing a hard reset.
I have enabled QOS for the polycom and that just worked with managing data.  However both devices seem to loose their IP regularly.  The desktop might also be having the issue but because it is Vista I suspect Vista is better equipped to deal with IP issues. 

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Cisco Switching/Routing :: WS-C2950-24 - What Last Reset From System-reset Means

Dec 10, 2012

Does any know what " Last reset from system-reset " means? Is this becouse of a power failure or someone reloading the switch?

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Linksys Access Point :: How To Reset WAP11 With No Reset Switch

Apr 16, 2013

I have the WAP11 serial number G3110320414 that does not have a reset switch in the back. How do I get back to factory settings?

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How To Reset Router

Jul 13, 2012

I was messing around with IP address settings in the router firmware, screwed up, lost internet connection via my router, thing is i couldnt get my connection back even if i put all the settings back to where they were, Resetting the router and doing initial configuration didnt work either.

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Router Needs Reset At Least Once Per Day

Sep 18, 2012

SB5100 leased modem from Comcast. Have been thinking about purchasing a 5101 to avoid the $7/mo lease fee, but am not sure if I will just have more issues like this if I do. This thing will drop to .5mbps (sometimes .4, sometimes .7, etc.) when this issue is occurring. Just for contrast, after resetting it, it jumps to 22mbps (we pay for 20). So, what's the deal? I have it tucked under our desk so that we don't have to see it all the time. In order to reset it, I have get under the desk on my back like it's a vehicle and I'm changing the oil.

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Reset Routers Now Can't Connect To Net

Apr 25, 2011

I reset my router (WBR-T2) a fews days ago and now I cannot connect to internet (although I can connect to the router - local only).

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Router Needs To Be Reset Every Week?

Oct 6, 2011

i have verizon fios and a MI424WR-GEN2 REV E and the past 2 months i woke up to find all of my devices, 2 win7 laptops and a droid through wireless and an ubuntu desktop through ethernet, wouldn't connect to the internet (through the fios router). i did a firmware update, but it's still breaking every week or so.

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Have To Reset Wifi Box Every Hour?

Apr 12, 2011

I have a modem and connected to the modem is my wifi box. I have 9 computers using the wifiWhat happens is the internet connection just drops for ALL the computers at the same time even though ALL the computers signal strength is excellentI have to reset the wifi box and then all the computers are back onlineThis can happen 2 or 3 times an hour or sometimes I can go 2 hours or so

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How To Reset Computer IP Address

Sep 1, 2011

I started my PC (aser) as usuao but did not connect to internet that i am using TP Link modem/router, I turned laptop on and get conected the wireless is working fine, serached about TP links solutions and applied all of them, before I was using "obtain IP automatically" then I used to insert the required IPs manually, applied and save and restarted several times... still cannot connect to the internet while I still connected to the same modem+router via laptop wireless connection,

Finally I decided to format and installed new OS XP, though some wrong error was with my OS, unfortunately even after installing new OS still not able to connect, I checked the IP and tried both options and still cant access, i never experienced such..

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The Connection To The Website Was Reset

Jan 25, 2011

I'm having issues accessing facebook from my system, it worked untill a few days back where its not opening and gives a message "The connection to the website was reset". I have tried every trick in the book. I'm on Windows XP Pro.

1. I tried accessing the site from IE6 opera and mozilla still no luck.

2. I disabled my firewall and antivirus

3. Zonal Alarm and avira

4. I also uninstalled both and tried nothing worked.

5. Im able to ping the site and also did a tracert.I also flushed the dns and winsock.

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Connection Was Reset Error

Mar 28, 2011

I have a different problem, after i succesfully erased the spyware protection virus, i cant get in the internet anymore :( it always says "the connection was rest" on firefox and it wont load any site in IE either. what to do

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Wireless Access Always Needs To Reset

Oct 27, 2011

My wireless works fine when I am at home, but when I go into a cafe where there is wireless I need to go through the whole troubleshooting process (takes 3-5 min) to reset the wireless adapter (I think those are the words). In one particular location called Popovers I can seem to get access at all anymore. Whats strange is that whenever I go through that troubleshooting process in other locations, I always get the following message at some point : Cant connect in Popovers When I look at the Windows diagnostic

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Cannot Reset Dlink 615 Router

Jul 28, 2012

For reasons that are slowly pushing me over the edge of insanity, I have to reset this dumb router!!

I press the stupid little button on the back of it, the lights go out, one amber one comes on etc. etc. but when I go to, everything is still the same!!

Like the passwords are still there and nothing has changed! I thought resetting it was supposed to wipe all that stuff out so you could start from scratch? Also pulled the power cord in and out a zillion times but no way it will reset!

As an aside, I am having no end of problems getting my iPads (2) and iPhones (2) to connect to the wireless network! The "Network Discovery" button will not stay checked and though I have done all the Googling and been into Services to start things running, no way it is going to work!

But I digress, how do I get this fool of a router to reset properly?

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How To Reset My Network Password

Aug 30, 2011

I don't remember my network password. How do I reset or recover it?

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Router Won't Broadcast Unless Reset

May 16, 2011

My router has been having major problems lately [Well, for a while now]. Before, it would make all my machines [1 PC, 2 Laptops] disconnect from the internet briefly and reconnect. This doesn't impact browsing, video watching, etc. It wouldn't even say I was disconnected. However, I know it was disconnecting because programs like AIM, MSN, and multiple video games would say I lost connection. For example, MSN would disconnect and take me out of any conversations and reconnect a second later. Friends tell me that I keep going offline and then online.

I read somewhere I should change my channel, so I did and still got the same problem. Furthermore, my router/pc are literally right next to each other. Then I read elsewhere I should do a factory reset on my router by holding the reset button for a while. So I did and it reset. It started broadcasting as an unsecured network, so I was going to secure it.

1. Log in via (default "username: Admin and no pass")

2. Go to setup tab ----> internet ----> internet connection wizard2.1 CHANGE PASSWORD ! click next 2.2 chose time zone (you know where you are) 2.3 Configure your Internet Connection DHCP Connection (Dynamic IP Address)Choose this if your Internet connection automatically provides you with an IP Address. Most Cable Modems use this type of connection. 2.4. press "clone your computer's MAC address" ; hostname: 'your computer name in ubuntu' ( mine is "grobar" yours is ..... )

3. Go to setup tab ----> wireless settings ----> Wireless Network Setup Wizard (after this we're gonna do manual settings)

3.1 give your network a name= SSID (e.g. 'grobar')
3.2.Automatically assign a network key (Recommended) and chose WAP or WAP2
3.3 Write down the network key!!! Or do printscr and save this page.

4. Go to setup tab ----> wireless settings ---->Manual Wireless Network Setup 4.1 Wireless Network SettingsEnable Wireless : ALWAYS Wireless Network Name : (Also called the SSID) the name you gave in 3.1 802.11 Mode : chose "mixed 802.11n,g and b" Enable Auto Channel Scan : YES Wireless Channel : AUTO Transmission Rate : BEST (Mbit/s) Channel Width : AUTO 20/40 MHz Visibility Status : !!!Invisible!!! (so that no outsiders know your SSID except you) So after I finish the Internet Connection Wizard [Setting up Password etc], the page asks me to click "Connect" so it can reboot the router with the settings. When I do so, the router turns off with the power icon being orange. After about 15 seconds or so, the broadcasting icon, power icon, and PC1 icon all turn green. However, there is a globe icon on it as well and that is ORANGE.

Regardless of power cycling, redoing the process, etc. it stays orange. None of my machines can connect to it. The only way I can connect again to the router is if I do a reset again (By holding the reset button). But then, I am unsecured and live in an apartment. I would like to add that the above process is the one I did previously and it worked fine. But then I had to reset the router and a similar problem occurred but I managed to fix it somehow and the first problem I talked about started happening (Reconnecting and disconnecting). Furthermore, when I go to "Connect to a Network" one of the old SSIDs I created for the router is still there regardless of the router status (Offline, Not connected, etc). I am typing this by connecting my PC directly to my modem. Router Information: D-Link DIR-615 300N

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How To Reset Security Key In DLink

Aug 3, 2011

For some reason my wife's laptop has lost its connection to my router and when I put in what has always been my security key it gives me an error message saying that it has to be such and such for WEP ?I logged into the D-Link router but could not locate the place where the security key is set. Any way to that part of the firmware so I can reset the security key.

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No Wireless After Modem Reset?

Aug 3, 2012

I had some issues with network and I thought that reseting the modem might work. So I did it, I pushed the reset button thingy, but now I can't connect wireless. There is no network offered in "Wireless network connections", like the reset deleted it. What can I do about this?

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Reset My Wireless Password?

Oct 10, 2011

I need to reset my wireless password because I forgot it

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Where Is Reset Button On Smcwbr14-g2

Jan 1, 2013

know where is the reset button on my new SMCWBR14-G2 BARRICADE WIRELESS ROUTER ; I am using AIRTEL'SBROADBAND CONNECTION with IP ADDRESS as

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Ho To Reset Security Password

Sep 2, 2012

trying to reset my security password- and same problem as listed- tried using admin for admin and password for password at, but seem to have locked myself out.

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Reset Wifi Password To

Dec 25, 2012

I need to reset my wi fi password to

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How To Reset Password On IPad

Apr 22, 2012

How do I reset my password on my iPad? I have phone to enter a password on it and I don't remember what it is.

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Dlink Router Will Not Reset?

Feb 23, 2012

I reset the router and now it doesn't have a default gateway address. It stops on the check for network status when trying the install wizard and says it can't install it.

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D-Link DIR-825 :: How To Reset Router

Jan 22, 2013

my cable company tells me my router is not refreshing ?? even after i disconnect - reconnect ..the power   is the button on top with the circling arrows for refreshing it .. i do have a static IP if that makes a difference .

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D-Link DIR-655 :: Time Will Not Reset

Mar 4, 2012

I have DIR-655, 1.33NA. Recently, I noticed the clock in the router was off, so I wanted to correct it. Each and every time I go through the steps to reset the clock, using time server or clone computer time, or manual reset, after the save settings and reboot of the router, i find the router still displays the wrong time, and frequently reverts itself to a time on Feb 22, 2012. Same problem for trying to reset the DST settings, turning automatic time from server on and off, changing the time server polled. Additionally, I have forced the router to factory settings and rebuilt all of my configuration no less than 4 times.

So, since I recently had to trade out the cable modem because Cablevision fried it with their 'system upgrade', I'm also wondering if the same shenanigans also damaged the router.

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Cisco :: Reset DSP On 3600?

Jul 2, 2002

How to reset DSP on the 2600 and 3600 without reset the controller or reset the routers.

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