Cisco Firewall :: PIX 501 - Allow Traffic From Single Citrix CAG Across Variety Of Ports
Dec 12, 2011
I have a question around pix 501 (6.3) configuration. I am trying to allow traffic from a single Citrix CAG across a variety of ports (80,443,9001-9005,27000,7279,1494,2598) from external (dmz) interface through to multiple addresses (on the same ports) on the internal (secure) network and dont know how to best approach it or if its possible. The only way I have found to allow traffic through is via Static Nat entries which I cant see will work for this requirement as we need some ports to be allowed into multiple addresses.
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May 21, 2013
We are migrating from a nother brand to an ASA Cluster running 8.4.5
We have a web-server on an inside interface listening on a non standard port - 20111. We have created a static NAT translating the public ip to the private, so If I do http://public-ip:20111 it works. (we are using a seperate public IP for this service only).
Now I need to create a NAT rule that will forward requests on BOTH port 80 and 443 to the same private ip and the same port number (20111)
The Private address is and the "public" (I've replaced it in this example) is I have managed to create a NAT that will translate 443 to 20111:
object network nat (Private-DMZ,Outside) static service tcp 20111 https
But if I try to add another rule like: nat (Private-DMZ,Outside) static service tcp 20111 http It will simply replace the first one.
Is it possible to redirect both 80 and 443 from outside to the same port number and same IP on the inside?
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Feb 1, 2012
I have a private network behind a configured Cisco ASA 5510. I need to send data back and forth between a server on the inside network and a device on the outside network on port 44818. No amount of configuration is allowing this to happen. The packet tracer always fails on of the implicity "deny" rules, even though my other rule should explicitly permit it. I also realize I need to set up routing from my outside network to the inside network, but I cannot see from the documentation how to do that on this particular port without simultaneously breaking my outside connection.
The inside IP for the ASA is
The outside IP for the ASA
Here is my current configuration:
: Saved
: Written by enable_15 at 08:49:25.956 UTC Thu Feb 2 2012
ASA Version 8.2(5)
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Sep 8, 2011
I would like to know if there is a way to apply in the Cisco asa 5510 traffic shaping not for a interface but a single IP address.For example i would like to limit the bandwith for the IP address of my FTP server.
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Apr 18, 2011
I would like to know how can we allow traffic on ports 3389 (rdp) and 8007 which comes from any to but pretend to be a Phones interface [code]
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Oct 21, 2011
I am in search of a new routers. I don't have any special task to do. Just the flow of maximum 2mb/sec data and some times video conference. However I need the Voip solution as well. I just got excited on the cisco ASA 5505 product. Can this fulfill my requirements. Can this work as the router 1841. Does this support DMVPN, SSL VPN and dynamic routing. Can I upgrade the IOS for dynamic routing purpose. Do you recommend to purchase this produe act or not instead of router ? What are the limitations of this product. If I purchase this I can use this as an router as well as strong security solution. How many ports are available for traffic flow in ASA 5505. Are all routed mode or some of them switch port.
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Aug 10, 2011
enabling traffic between interfaces on the ASA 5510. Of course I have an outside interface E0/0 and an inside interface (E0/1) for normal operation. The idea was to enable one of the remaining interfaces on the 5510 to attach an internal network resource to for management in case we lost our switch. I am using E0/0 as the outside interface and the inside interface is E0/1. I am wanting to attached a management device on the same inside network IP address range for simplicity. I have E0/2 configured for the same security level (100) as the other inside interface and I also have enabled same-security-traffic permit inter-interface as well but I still cannot access the device on that port. Is there something else I am missing? I guess the best way to explain this is that I want ports E0/2 and E0/3 to act like a "switch" so to say...... The ASA 5505 lets you do this pretty easy but having trouble on the 5510.
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Jan 9, 2011
its possible use citrix receiver for java on asa 5505 on ssl web vpn?
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Sep 11, 2011
My company has a cisco ASA 5510 and we have a Citrix remote desktop solution. In a nutshell I have users from outside our network accessing a virtual Citrix NetScaler inside our DMZ. There is a session reliability feature enabled on the Citrix solution. Session reliability uses tcp port 443. A user from outside the network connects to our network and is handed a virtual desktop to work with. When a remote user is working on their virtual desktop and there is a network connection issue the end user loses network connectivity for a brief period of time (in most cases just seconds) then the Citrix session reliability feature takes over and holds in a buffer all data destined for the end user . Once the connection is re-established then the buffer is emptied and the session goes on like before and the end user is able to use the virtual desktop. At least this is the way it should work.
In our case the connection never re-establishes between the end user outside the network and the NetScaler in our DMZ. We have been working with Citrix Support and they believe the issue is in our firewall. We have taken packets captures with Wire shark and we can see when the network failure occurs the NetScaler in the DMZ is holding information in a buffer and trying to communicate with the remote end user outside our network via packets and TCP port 443. We can also do the same packet captures from the end user computer and see where it is not receiving any packets from the NetScaler in our DMZ. The fire wall has an access list allowing any traffic in the outside port destined to the NetScaler Public IP on port 443. Then once in the firewall outside port we have a static rule pointing to the NetScaler IP in the DMZ.Everything is working quite well until we need to rely upon the session reliability. We have tried altering the TCP & Global Timeouts options in the firewall via the ASDM with no luck.
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Jul 27, 2011
I have just set up a 881W appliance for a satellite office. At this time, we don't need a site to site vpn. However, I have EZVpn configured on it and working great so that I can connect from our main office for admin purposes. How can I setup up a firewall rule/policy in order for only our main office IP to connect to Ezvpn? I don't want to allow access to the VPN from any other IP other than our IP at our main office.
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Feb 8, 2012
We've just purchased a WS-C3750-24FS-S, only to find that the 100baseFX ports will not work over Single Mode fibre, backhaul links. Any way or a device that convert from MM to SM?
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Mar 19, 2013
Does Nexus 7K support Multiple VDCs sharing ports on a single line card. One of our cisco parnter engineers stated that cisco doenst recommend using same line card for multiple VDCs.The second VDC (Non-Default VDC) will be used four our Outside, and DMZ Segment, and to phyiscally segregate our Firewall from our Internal/Inside Core Switch without using a physical DMZ Switch.I know Cisco used the Nexus in this way in their PCI DSS 2.0 Compliance Document. Module is N7K-M148GT-11L
Mod Ports Module-Type Model Status
--- ----- -------------------------------- ------------------ ------------
1 48 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet XL Mod N7K-M148GT-11L
Mod Ports Module-Type Model Status
--- ----- -------------------------------- ------------------ ------------
1 48 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet XL Mod N7K-M148GT-11L
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Jul 1, 2012
Can you configure a Cisco 1941 to use an 8 port EHWic module and the 2 onboard GE ports in a single LAN?
I've discovered you can't have the on GE ports associated with a VLan, and I'm when I've previously researched for a solution, bridging was mentioned but I cannot seem to get it to work (or completely understand it)The reason I would like to use all 10 ports on for the LAN is becuase I have 10 devices I need to connect to the 1941?
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Jun 9, 2013
We have an ASA 5505. 5505 comes with two default vlans 1&2 with each of them marked as inside & outside respectively.My query is , if i do not want to use vlans on 5505 and only want to use the Ethernet ports as pure physical layer 3 ports, is it possible?i.e. i want to assign a layer 3 ip address on eth0/0 and eth0/1 and make them as the inside & outside interfaces rather than vlans. is it possible to do away with vlans in 5505 & will it work otherwise?
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May 14, 2013
Is there a way to associate spare firewall ports with another port that is being used..For gi 0/2 is being used currently for my web dmz. Its ip is there a way for me to associate gi 0/3 with the same layer 2 as gi 0/2 ?
In my webdmz I use 2 ACE 4710 proxys in FT mode. I used a layer 2 switch to connect firewall and proxys together.
I would like to eliminate this switch if possible..and connect both 4710's (layer 2) direct to firewall.If I could make gi0/2 - 4 part of the same vlan, then I would be good to go.
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Aug 4, 2012
I am trying to limit the incoming and outgoing traffic on a l2 port to 8mbps for a ip subnet within the nexus 7000. The port is connected to my ISP router which has a bandwidth of 20mbps.Policing won't work on a l2 Port and shaping cannot be applied on a port level. url...I have been reading thru the qos guide for nexus release v6 and have problems understanding the different queues.
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Sep 6, 2012
For my Lan, I have created two Vlan; Vlan 10 = for Users and Vlan 20 = For Database Servers,There are 15 Lan computer/laptop and 5 SQL database server (Dell Server) connected through same 24 port cisco 2960 switch. Means, 15 + 5 port occupied.
I have applied access list on cisco switch to restrict communication between vlan 10 and vlan 20.But My main purpose to create two Vlan is not for any kind of communication or restriction. My main Purpose is that Users traffic do not distrub or choke or affect the Database servers. then what will i need to do for that is VLAN Concept is sufficient for my concern OR I will need to buy seperate Cisco Switch to connect 5 database servers OR Else ?
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Jan 9, 2013
I need to configure a Cisco 887va router for a customer with a firewall that doesn't support PPPoA. I basically need to ensure all traffic that is recieved from the internet (ADSL connection) is NAT'd to a LAN interface so the firewall can do the specific NATing. I have the following route map and NAT rule in mind, but what I am confused about is that if the atm0 interface needs to be configured as the outside interface and vlan2 as the inside interface. How will the following work?
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Dec 28, 2011
I have a question with regard to setting up the ID firewall on the ASA 5585 in a single forest, multiple domain windows network.Currently I have a semi-operational IDF at the top level but can't find users on the lower other domains, here is the setup:I have 3 domains.
Both domains have a two way parent-child trust and I can look for users in AD Users/Computer on both domains. I initially setup the ASA to look at using an LDAP aaa-server per the IDF instructions, and then proceeded to configure the ad-agent. I installed the adagent on the domain controller configured the settings on that system and had no problem adding users to the firewall and getting functionality within domain1. I looked to see if I could see domain 2 and domain 3 users and found none. I went ahead and added the domain2 system to the adagent on the DC and the system says that it is up, but when I search for users is not pulling them from domain2. Instead, it shows domain1 users as domain2user1. I also configured another adserver in the ASA to search ldap on domain 2 to no avail.The cisco documentation states the following:•Before you configure even a single domain controller machine using the adacfg dc create command, ensure that the AD Agent machine is first joined to a domain (for example, domain J) that has a trust relationship with each and every domain (for example, domain D[i]) that it will monitor for user authentications (through the domain controller machines that you will be configuring on the AD Agent machine). Single Forest, Multiple Domains—All the domains in a single forest already have an inherent two-way trust relationship with each other. Thus, the AD Agent must first be joined to one of the domains, J, in this forest, with this domain J not necessarily being identical to any of the domains D[i] corresponding to the domain controller machines. Because of the inherent trust relationship between domain J and each of the domains D[i], there is no need to explicitly configure any trust relationships.Reading that it sounds like it should just work. I had everything properly configured before I installed the adagent, but I'm guessing that there is a chance that you can't have the adagent on the top level DC and get to communicate with the lower level domains.
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Feb 5, 2012
I need to create a firewalled segment that not only separates hosts from general population, but also from each other. The solitary confinement of firewalled segments.I know that I could create a bunch of sub-interfaces, one for each host or group that needs to be isolated, but I'd really rather not have to do that if possible. 1) It could become a management nightmare between ACLs and sub-interfaces and 2) it's a waste of IP addresses.s there any way that I can create a bunch of separate VLANs behind the firewall and have them all terminate at the firewall, using a single firewall IP address for the gateway?
VLAN 1 - hosts and 2 - hosts
Firewall DMZ Interface - 3 - hosts and
This way, the hosts are isolated and can't talk to each other unless they're on the same VLAN.I'm working with an ASA 5510 running 8.2.4(4).
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Jan 4, 2012
Two different WAN links get connected to the firewall via two routers.(Different ip subnets).I need to get this two wan streams seperatly to the core switches.Core switches sits.Active/Stanby senario. If the Active core goes down Stndby Core will have take over the traffic. My design is correct ,if not what do i need to change. ASA is 5520.
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Nov 21, 2012
New to the ASA 5505 8.4 software version, but here is what I'm trying to do:
-Single static public IP:
-Need to PAT several ports to three separate servers behind firewall
-One server houses email, pptp server, ftp server and web services:
-One server houses drac management (port 445):
-One server is the IP phone server using a range of ports:
Basically, need to PAT the ports associated with each server to the respective servers behind the ASA 5505. Is anything missing from this config? Do I need to include a global policy for PPTP and SMTP? [code]
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Mar 10, 2011
We are looking to implement traffic shaping/policing primarily for P2P traffic. As natively the ASA5550 is only capable of p2p inspection if the traffic is tunneled via port 80 is the AIP-SSM the way forward? We have 2 5550s in active/active failover config. As a side note we are also looking to implement an IDS/IPS system so could this module cover all?Is this module going to provide the desired outcome or is there another module/device out there better suited for this? I would prefer to use the ASA5550s as opposed to implementing another product if only that we can make use of the investment we already made on these devices.
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Nov 27, 2012
I am testing limit bandwith using my ASA 8.2, i am trying to limit internet access for certains users , i order to save Bandwith for the important things but i can´t get any limitation
My configuration is the following, the acces list is just for my pc in order to test, and the service policy is applied to outside interface (called internet in my case) for incoming traffic
access-list Internet_mpc_1 extended permit ip host any class-map Internet-class-TEST match access-list Internet_mpc_1 policy-map Internet-policy-web class Internet-class-TEST police output 1024000 1500
service-policy Internet-policy-web interface Internet
With show service policy i can´t see any activity on the policy , but if i do a similar configuration for inside interface outgoing traffic i can see packets allowed and dropped
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Apr 29, 2012
I have an ASA 5520 with the below config
Gi0/0: outside (Internet)
Gi0/1: inside (Internal users)
Gi0/2: DMZ (web servers, ftp, Mail etc..)
I have a SMTP relay deployed on the DMZ for mailing. I have also a mail servers installed in the internal lan,
I want to allow trafic from dmz to reach internal lan, and i want normally also allow stmp relay from dmz to reach Internet.
How can i block trafic from DMZ to reach Internal Lan (instead of smtp) if the to allow trafic from dmz to internet i must put ANY in the policy?
For allowing trafic from DMZ to reach Internet, the policy must be DMZ -----> ANY ----->Services., this policy means DMZ can implicity reach Internal Lan?
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Jul 16, 2012
We have built IPSEC VPN over MPLS P2P circuit between Head & Branch office using Cisco ASA 5510. Client systems at Branch office connects to Citrix app at Head office, but it gets disconnect intermittently for all user. if any recommendations/changes required for Citrix App whn passing over IPSEC VPN/ ASA.
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Apr 10, 2006
A group of Citrix Clients connect to a Citrix Metaframe Server. The port numbers involved are Citrix Metaframe (TCP/UDP 1494) and MS Terminal Server (TCP/UDP 1604).
The network is configured such that the communication between the Citrix clients and server goes through a GRE tunnel. Traceroutes from client to server, and vice versa, confirm that it passes thru the GRE tunnel. There's no ACL, firewalls or NAT devices along the IP path, in both directions.
The issue is, all Citrix clients can ping to the server but some fail to log on to the server; some have no problem. Also, other applications, e.g. PCAnywhere, can go through. If the GRE tunnel is taken away, all Citrix clients can log on to the Citrix server.
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Feb 10, 2012
Ive serched everywhere for this problem and couldnt find it, ive tried the basic troubleshooting, one of are users is using the 32 bit client of citrix and it is not lauching, other users have no issues with it, only her computer does. When I click to lauch the desktop it thinks a bit and then the receiver will shoot me an error saying :
"The network connection to your application was interrupted. Try to access your application later, or contact technical support." Her computer is running Windows 7 64 bit, IE8. Im really not sure what could be causing this error
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Jul 29, 2012
So I am trying to get traffic from on UDP ports 10000-20000 and port 5222 (udp) to have DSCP set to EF and Forwarded accordingly.
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 32481 bytes!! Last configuration change at 22:52:11 UTC Mon Jul 30 2012!version 12.2no mls acl tcam share-globalmls netflow interfacemls qosmls cef error action freezevty-async!!spanning-tree mode pvstdiagnostic bootup level completeaccess-list 99 permit 99 permit 99 permit 99 permit 111 permit udp any any range 10000 20000access-list 111 permit udp any any range 1 9999access-list 111 permit tcp any anyaccess-list 111 permit udp any any range 20001 49151access-list 111 permit udp any any range 50000 65535access-list 150 permit udp any any eq 5060!redundancymain-cpu auto-sync running-configmode sso!ip access-list extended Modesto_Officeremark Wireless Linkpermit tcp any any establishedpermit icmp any anypermit udp host host eq tftppermit ip host host
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Sep 5, 2011
Does the ESW 520 24P Support Mirroring 20 Ports Traffic to 1 Destination Port?
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Oct 30, 2011
My colleague wants to use our load balancers for VPN. We are coming off 3030s which are serving remote access IPSec as well as terminating LAN to LAN tunnels for like 7 sites.I want to secure the 5540s behind our front end 5585Xs when we move prod to the new dc.We have no immediate need for clientless but need to support osx lion and IPSec client does not. Thats all that's driving this effort currently. I already reminded mgmt that the 3030 and the IPSec client are end of life.I just think anyconnect is the better solution based on current skillset and the popularity of the solution.
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Jun 5, 2011
We're trying to access Citrix applications on customer`s server, but the error message attached pops up every time I try to access any application. Actually, this is the same error message when we try to use ssh protocol. I'm pretty sure I have loaded all the plugins for this. All the other functionalists are ok for this equipment.
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May 16, 2011
We run a hub&spoke network with dual GRE tunnels from each spoke site to seperate independant adsl routers at the hub.IPsec is enabled on each tunnel with crypto maps and then QOS is enabled with pre-classify for voice traffic priority. We also have defined a class for Citrix traffic by identifying port1494 traffic out and anything bound for our citrix servers IPs.Ok so the problem is that once the encryption comes up on the tunnels, the citrix programs wont connect. Take the crypto map off the tunnel and all works fine.
Here is the relevant config
crypto isakmp policy 1 encr 3des authentication pre-share group 2crypto isakmp key **** address *.*.*.*
crypto isakmp key **** address *.*.*.*
crypto map SDM_CMAP_1 1 ipsec-isakmp description Tunnel to hub1
set peer *.*.*.*
set transform-set ESP-3DES-SHA match address 104 qos pre-classifycrypto map SDM_CMAP_1 2 ipsec-isakmp description Tunnel to hub2
set peer *.*.*.*
set transform-set ESP-3DES-SHA match address 105 qos pre-classify
I deliberately weight EIGRP to favour Tun0 and have Tun1 as a failover. I was thinking of Route-mapping the Citrix traffic to Tun1?
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