Cisco Switching/Routing :: Configuring Intervlan Routing Between 2801 And HP Switches?
Aug 5, 2012
I'm trying to configure intervlan routing between a cisco 2801 router and HP/Amer switches. Using int fa0/1 and subinterfaces I was sure I had it configured correctly, but I cannot ping the default gateways when I place a host in a particular vlan. Below is what I have configured.
HP switch - port 9 connects to fa0/1 on 2801
ip default-gateway
trunk 9 Trk1 trunk
trunk 10 Trk2 trunk - to another switch
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Nov 21, 2012
I am using a 3750 as a default gateway for multiple Vlans on a few 2960 switches. The trunk lines are configured and working and I have assigned ip addresses to each of the Vlan interfaces on the 3750. My issue is that I can only ping the ip address on the Vlan interface of the 3750 if I have a working computer plugged directly into the Vlan on the 3750. I only have 3 vlans on the 3750 that have hosts directly connected (vlans 2, 10 and 40) the other vlans ( 20 and 70) don't have any clients plugged into them on the 3750 but the hosts reside on 2 different 2960s that connect via trunk ports. How do I keep the vlan interface on the 3750 switch pingable when I don't have hosts directly connected in that vlan on the 3750? (yes, I have enabled ip routing on the 3750)
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Jul 4, 2012
upgrading our small office network. We currently have about 75 employees with probably 125 devices on the network. I'd like to create about 10 vlans for the different departments and then configure intervlan routing as needed. Currently we have all unmanaged switches and it's just a huge broadcast storm on the network. We are upgrading our Cisco 800 router to an ASA5505 sec. Plus license. I need some recommendations on switches. Of course, this needs to be done as cheap as possible.... Is there a way to use the ASA to configure all the vlans and intervlan routing and access lists and use a cheaper switch to provide the access layer to hosts?
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Apr 16, 2012
I have been looking into this for a while and I can't seem to figure out why my 2nd vlan is not able to connect properly to the net. My switch has 12 ports where my devices connects directly, they are all on Vlan 1 and they all work perfectly. on Port 12 I have a dlink router that is connected to a cable modem. the dlink router has an Ip address of,I created a second vlan (vlan2) and enabled dhcp relay on it. then I assigned port 9 on the switch to (vlan2),my laptop which is connected to port 9 seems to get an ip address fine and able to ping only some devices on my network (vlan1) and is not able to,go out to the internet.
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Dec 11, 2012
I implemented access list on cisco 3560 switch but it never works. I want to block access from network B to Network A and allow from Ato B
Network A.
Network B
The configuration is
interface Vlan1
description Data VLAN
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Sep 5, 2012
On cisco and am having some issues with intervlan routing. I have followed the vids and manuals but just can seem to get this working. I have the following network lab set up.
Vlan 10 =
Vlan 20 =
ME2400 firmware
ROM: Bootstrap program is ME340x boot loader
BOOTLDR: ME340x Boot Loader (ME340x-HBOOT-M) Version 12.2(35r)SE3, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
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Aug 28, 2011
I setup switch in layer 3 mode. I have a access port in vlan 10 and a access port in vlan 20. I am able to ping form vlan 10 client to vlan20 default gateway ( I am able to ping form vlan 20 client to vlan10 default gateway ( However, I am unable to ping from vlan 10 to vlan 20 client. If both the ports are in same vlan, then clients are able to ping each other. Proxy Arp in enabled.
vlan 10 client ip info
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Oct 17, 2012
I have an issue with correctly configuring sg300 layer 3 switch behind ASA 5505 (incl Security Plus License) The setup is as follows:
CISCO SG300 is configured as a Layer 3 Switch
Native VLAN 1: ip address, default route (inside interface ASA
Extra VLANs on Switch defined
VLAN 100 with, default gateway
VLAN 110 with, default gateway
VLAN 120 with, default gateway
From the different VLANS(100,110,120) I am able to connect to all devices in the other VLANS (except for Native VLAN 1; it's not pingable)From switch cli I can ping my firewall ( and all other vlan gateways and vlan devices (VLAN1,100,110,120) From asa cli I can only ping my switch port (, but no other devices in the other VLANs.
What do I need to change or setup in the switch or asa configuration in order for the other vlans to access the Internet through the ASA. I will not use the ASA as intervlan routing device, because the switch is doing htis for meI tried changing the asa int e0/1 into trunkport (uplink port on switch also), to allow all vlans, but as soon as I do that I cannot ping to from ASA cli anymore.
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Apr 25, 2011
I'm trying to get the following running.
I have 4 Subnets
VLAN 1 with the default GW
VLAN 10 with the default GW
VLAN 59 with the default GW
VLAN 130 with the default GW
With absolutly the same settings I did this with an HP E4200-12G L3 Switch (which is now doing the job) so there is no routing mistake in the other components.For me it looks like, the SG300 doesn't like to be NOT the default gateway.
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Apr 18, 2011
Some tips and trick on how to configure and sg300 for intervlan routing.
I already have the switch set up for layer 3 I already set up multiple vlans and each vlan has a ip interface setup with the desired subnet I see the local routes set up in the static routing page.
I cannot seem to get from one subnet/vlan (I am using one subnet for each VLAN) to the next.
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May 22, 2013
my company pay a switch 3750 X. WS-C3750X-24T-E. It uses IP services basically but I failed to configure InterVLAN routing. why interVLAN routing doesn't work on my switch?
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Dec 2, 2011
I've been working with these two Cisco devices in my home off and on for several months now but I just can't take it anymore, I'm about to throw them away and go back to Linksys router.
I have a Cisco 2600 Router with only one Ethernet card in it so I have to trunk from my 3550 Switch to that device. I'd like to have my ISP and all users plug into switch and all trunk back to the router's sub interfaces. Currently, I have started over...again, and am unable to simply get the router and switch to ping each other if I put sub-interfaces on the router. See my configs:
2600 ROUTER:
Router#sho run
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 555 bytes
3550 SWITCH:
Switch#sho run
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 2302 bytes
version 12.2
Port F0/24 is in VLAN 1, as are all ports but Port F0/1 which is my desktop PC. I mocked it up in Packet Tracer and it works just fine. This is just a simple setup and I'm making sure I can ping between switch and router before I move to each next step.
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Nov 8, 2012
Configuring OSPFv2 on a Nexus 5K switches, after configuring area 0 or area 10 it shows as or instead, I'm planning to uplink a couple of ASAs with OSPF enabled, just wondering if the area format showing will be a problem, is this how is supposed to look in the Nexus 5K? and will the 5K be able to form adjacensies with other non-Nexus devices that have area 0 and 10?
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Oct 11, 2012
I have a test setup of a C3750 stack as a core and some 2960's as access switches.[URL] - The switches at the bottom is the new network (VLANNED). The switches on the left is the current production network ( From the C3750 to the router is a /30 network.
There will be 6 VLANs but at the moment I have one configured. VLAN50 - From the C3750 I can ping my current production network, internet, other VLANs in the testsetup, ... Everything.From the C2960 I can ping other VLAN's, reach the gateway, reach the router, reacht the currenct production network. But I can't reach internet. I've configured "ip default-gateway" on the C2960. C3750 relevant config is down below.How is it that I can reach other networks connected to the router and not internet from the access switches? I'm just trying to ping
ip routing
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
no switchport
ip address
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Jun 2, 2012
I am trying get inter vlan routing to work on a DF 300 - 24 port switch. I have an existing company network on and want to create a vlan on that can talk to I have enabled layer 3 routing on the switch via console and also provided the ip routing command. I have the following VLAN's:
VLAN1 - Default
I have enabled DNS and provided my two DNS servers & I have set the VLAN1 interface to and VLAN2 interface to
Ports FE1 - FE15 are set to access ports and assigned to VLAN1 (untagged)
Ports FE16 - FE24 are set to access ports and assigned to VLAN2 (untagged)
I have set a default route for the switch to (Draytek 2600 router). I have connected a computer (A) to VLAN1 port FE3 and a computer (B) to VLAN2 port FE16. I have set Computer A default gateway to and its IP address to I have set Computer B default gateway to and IP to
Computer A has access to Mdaemon, file server via network drives but no internet (cannot ping google) and can ping computer B and RDP onto computer B.
Computer B can ping computer A and RDP onto computer A but does not have access to the company network i.e MDaemon, file server etc. It also cannot access the internet.
From the console I can ping [URL]and all ip addresses in the company network i.e. (DNS server). If I scan computer A wirh wireshark the internet starts working weird!
Configuration show below:
switch7c0a71#show run
vlan database
vlan 2
voice vlan oui-table add 0001e3 Siemens_AG_phone________
voice vlan oui-table add 00036b Cisco_phone_____________
voice vlan oui-table add 00096e Avaya___________________
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Sep 5, 2012
I've been conducting research on configuring 3 distribution switches in my network which are Cisco Catalyst 4507's to communicate with our core over layer 3. Our core switch which is already configured at Layer 3 for intervlan routing is a Cisco Catalyst 6509.
I've got the configuration portion complete and all devices are able to communicate my only question is about QoS. Do I have to configure QoS at the layer 3 interfaces for voice, if so how is that completed. We have several vlans and separate the vlans for each building by voice and data. We only configure ports on the access switches with voice vlans for QoS and we use the auto qos option on these interfaces.
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Oct 18, 2011
i have 2960 l2 switch connected to the ASA 5505. for some or the other reason i am not able to do intervlan communication. have done trunk mode on both ends on the switch as well as on the ASA and native vlan 1 allowed. the trunk is up up i am able to ping only the vlan 1 ip from the switch to the ASA for the vlan 2 i am not and similar for vlan 3.
config on the ASA
ASA Version 8.2(1)
hostname ciscoasa
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Feb 11, 2013
How do i enable InterVLAN MultiCasting. I have a WS-C3560G-24TS as my core switch and it does InterVLAN Routing. I have a Server VLAN (70) and Workstation VLAN (71). I have a server that i have set up to deploy images to computers. Up to this point i have only done one computer at a time, so unicasting was ok. I would like to be able to Multicast to multiple computers, but am unsure what i need to do on the switch (if anything) to enable this.
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Aug 29, 2012
We are trying to figure out how to configure this properly and so far we are stuck. We have a VMWare server with two different vmnics each on a different VLAN. We have each of these vmnics connected into their own switch port on a 3560G along with the appropriate VLAN membership for said ports. We have an additional port on this same switch in trunking mode connected to our firewall to a NIC that has an IP address in the respective VLAN networks. This port is also set for dot1q encapsulation. Each VLAN also has an IP set on the switch that is in the appropriate VLAN. We are having issues in this configuration getting the one VLAN to talk to another.
I know if we were in all Cisco mode then we would use ROAS to do this inter-vlan communication. How to make this happen short of changing hardware?
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Jan 4, 2012
I have a RVS4000 connected to my cable modem which I use as my gateway, the IP address of the RVS is
I have a 2811 with 3 subinterfaces of which I can ping all of them from my PC which at the minute is in VLAN 1, the only network that can connect to the outside world is VLAN 1, how can I enable the other 2 vlans to connect to the internet?
My set-up details are
interface FastEthernet0/0.1
description *** Data Network***
encapsulation dot1Q 1 native
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Jul 6, 2012
I am trying to setup intervlan configuration and stuck on a problem. Here are the details:
1. Switches Catalyst 3750-x (as core switch) and Catalyst 2960S (as access switch)
2. Both switches have VLAN 20 and VLAN 1 on their database and both are active. BTW, after I figure out how to properly configure interVLAN routing the native VLAN 1 will not be used anymore. This is just an initial test.
3. VLAN 20 SVI interface (IP on 3750 is up and can be pinged from catalyst 2960.
4. VLAN 1 SVI interface (IP on 3750 is up and also can be pinged from Catalyst 2960.
5. Catalyst 3670 can ping a client computer (IP connected to Catalyst 2960.
6. IP route enabled on 3750
7. Trunking is enabled on etherchannel connecting both 3750 and 2960
8. Client computer in VLAN 20 (connected to 2960) can ping VLAN 20 SVI interface on switch 3560.But, the client computer in VLAN 20 can not reach any computer in VLAN 1 and vice versa. Strangely, the switches which these computers are connected to can ping each other or any connected client copmuters without any problem as described above.
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Mar 1, 2012
I have 7 POE switches that have ESI IP phones attached. I have two VLANS, 1 and 2. VLAN 2 is used for voice and is defined in each switch.The ESI IP phones connect to my POE switch ports and the pc attaches through the ESI IP phone.
I have had voice quality issue between floors in my building. Talking to others on my floor via the IP phone, there are no voice quality issues. [code]
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Jan 14, 2011
I have 3560 with attached 3 networks, and, all of them have a vlan interface,,, and, I have enabled intervlan routing with command ip routing and they have route beetwen each other. Now I want to create PBR and let them go to the internet from different gateways.
so i did 3 access list:
access-list 20 permit
access-list 10 permit
access-list 30 permit
and 3 pbr
route-map supnet permit 20 match ip address 10 set ip next-hop
route-map blade permit 20 match ip address 30 set ip next-hop
route-map main permit 20 match ip address 20 set ip next-hop
attached them to corresponding vlan interfaces and everything ok they have different gateways to internet but now I dont have routing beetwen them?
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Feb 20, 2012
I am very new at this, but we have a 2801 router running 12.4, a 3560 that acts as the "Core" switch, and a bunch of remote 2960G's that connect via fiber to different buildings.
I am tasked to VLAN this network to reduce broadcast traffic. I started by setting up a VLAN 169 on the "3560" named the VTP domain, changed to version 2, and no password. THe Core switch and remote switch can share the VTP info, I HAD the Router seeing it too (able to ping until I changed the "Domain" and "VTP Version"
The switches see each other fine, my problem is the Router sub interface 0/0.169 I cannot get to see the VTP domain. I imagine because I don't have a "Trunk port" set on the Router, but the option is not there. Meaning I cannot do a "switchport mode trunk" on it. The only thing I see is to make it:
TCRouter(config-subif)#encapsulation dot1Q 169 native
But, my "int fas 0/0" is used now as the main interface for our "only" network, do I need to turn this over to a subinterface and make it "Native" then the difference of the subinterfaces will advertise? Here is some of my conf:
Core SW:
TCCoreSW#sh vtp status
VTP Version : running VTP2
Configuration Revision: 8
Maximum VLANs supported locally : 1005
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Mar 15, 2012
I have this 2801 in a critical environment. We had a brief power blip, and even though the router is on UPS, something happened. Anyway, after working with TAC, they determined the flash card had gone corrupt. Lucky for me I had a spare 2801 in my office, I grabbed that flash card and plugged it in and we're back up and going.
TAC sent me a new flash card. No matter what I do, I cannot get IOS to load on this thing! I am stuck in rommon. Here's what I've tried:
tftpdnld in rommon, times out. using another 2801 as a tftp-server. doesn't complete. using xmodem. ugh. never seems to get started. booting the router with a known good flash card, so I can get to ena, and "copy tftp flash".
have used tftpd32, Solar Winds TFTP server, What's Up Gold TFTP server, and open source tftp from sourceforge. With the tftp32, it always gets to exactly 73% download and then times out (it says, I have a feeling it's noty really a timeout). I have tried having the router and tftp server the only devices on a switch, i have tried the router plugged directly into the tftp server with a cross connect cable. No happiness. The open source tftp server reported (and I have to paraphrase, I am not near the router) "client does not support block number recount" or something like that. The client being the 2801.
The iOS file is about 45M. Someone asked me if the flash card was formatted...would that matter? would the tftp even start if it wasn't?
OK, I've gone on long enough. TAC is dispatching a new card AND 2801!
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Feb 11, 2013
Im using a 2801 router with a nat configuration.
The issue im having is the nat seems to be allowing only one machine at a time through the nat.
the range i am testing is
The firmware is c2801-spservicesk9-m
version 12.4
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
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Aug 27, 2012
i want to boot my Router's IOS from TFTP server but when I use the command: boot system tftp c2801-adventerprisek9_ivs-mz.124-24.T7.bin 172.16.10. 200; after that I write-mem, it shows the log:
-Building configuration...
-ROMMON: out of room in table, cannot set "BOOT"
And when I reload the router, it cannot boot IOS from TFTP Server, sure my TFTP work well and 2801 can ping to TFTP.
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Jun 12, 2013
I cannot connect to the Cisco 2801 with console cable. what to do ?
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May 7, 2013
I have a 2801 router that I am replacing with a 2911. I know the ports on the 2911 are Gigabits and the 2801 are Fe. I read where the IOS would not support backup and restore on each other . I am attaching a show ver on both routers. I need to know if backup and restore would work and or what other changes would need to get done.
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Jan 26, 2012
What is the inrush current (AC Input Surge Current) for the Cisco 2851 router? Is it the same as the router 2801?
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Oct 5, 2011
I have a major problem with our core 2801 router. In summary it appears that a staff member disabled password recovery, deleted the IOS and rebooted. Net result is no Rommon and no IOS on the flash. I've read that the Conf-Reg will be reset if I remove the NVRAM but I cannot identify it on the board. If I can get to Rommon I can recover. Currently I don't have Flash reader to restore to flash.
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Sep 22, 2012
2801 Router
3550 switch
3500 switch
2 2950 switches
2 pc hosts
Basically I have both PC's pinging DNS, Layer 2, Layer 3 intervlan routing functioning, 2801 Nat is translating, able to ping default gateway of ISP and have configured DNS from what ISP has given under my DHCP scope, however Im still not getting, web pages opening up when i open mazzila or firefox !
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Dec 30, 2011
I have a 2651 that has an adsl1-wic that I am using as my DSL router. I recently acquired a 2801 that I want to replace the 2651 with. I configured the 2801 the same way as the 2651 but on a reload I get the statement that says
Setup: New interface NVIO placed in shutdown state
When I do a show interface all of the interfaces show up except the NVIO and I don't have any connectivity to the outside world. I am using Nat since I have a /29 and using nat pool overload. What am I missing? I am running IPVOICEK9-M 12.4.25c on the 2651 and adventerprise 12.4.24.T on the 2801
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