Cisco WAN :: C6509E Multicast Configuration For Only Layer 3 Switches
Jun 13, 2011
If there is C6509E as core switches and C3750 Switches running layer 3 at the User dept uplink to the C6509E Switches, what will be the multicast command that should be implemented at both end? CGMP or IGMP or do not need to implement this snooping as well?
Users (IPTV) -> C3750 (Access Switch) -> C6509E (Core Switch) -> C6509E (Server Farm Switch) -> IPTV Servers
Do we need to configure multicast at C3750 Switches (Access Level) at the User dept? Let's say the IPTV Mulitcast is How can we build up this multicast configuration based on this scenario?
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Mar 18, 2012
I want to setup VLAN with the switches SG300 and SLM2024. What is the suggestion to connect these 2 switches. We have the Juniper net screen.
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Dec 18, 2011
does the SG300 switches can be used with Microsoft NLB in Multicast mode?I know on traditional Catalyst switches you can statically "map" IP's to mac's and then to multiple ports but this doesn't seem to work correctly on the SG switches - it gives an error about the mac not being not Unicast?
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Oct 6, 2011
now we have 2 switches: SF300-24..on one SF300-24 we config it at layer 3 mode with VLAN configuration same as following [code] And we use port 26 on 2 switches SF300-24 is trunk mode then we connect both SF300-24 switches.But on SF300-24 layer 2 cann't inderstand VLAN from Sf300-24 layer 3..How to config VLAN on 2 switches SF300-24 Layer 3 and SF300-24 layer 2?
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Jan 1, 2013
We have several of the SG300 Serices switches. We use them to route VLAN traffic to Remote Offices, Internet Connections, and WiFi Access Points.In one remote office we have a SG300-10 setup to route the HQ Network and the remote Office Subnet. The SG300 is Connected to HQ via Fiber and has multiple Tagged VLANs on it. If I do speed tests over the Fiber Link on the Incoming Tagged Netwotk I get Decent performance, 80Mbs. If I switch to a networtk that is not priginating from HQ, and have the SG300-10 route packet, I get dismal performance. 15-20Mbs.
I Fireded up a New SG300-28P FW v1.2.7.76. Added a the HQ VLAN 101 and new VLAN 1025 . Mapped some Tagged and untagged ports for each. Switch was connected to HQ Network as untagged VLAN 101. I put a laptop on an Untagged VLAN 101 port. Ran some tests, cam back with 750-850Mbs. Great. Put the same laptop on a Tagged 101 Port, Configured the NIC for Tagged VLAN 101, Same test, same Speeds, 750-850Mbs.I then Configured laptop for Tagged VLAN 1025. Connected to tagged VLAN 1025 port. Ran speed tests, resuts were 15-20Mbs!
I then Configured laptop for Untagged VLAN 1025. Connected to unagged VLAN 1025 port. Ran speed tests, resuts were 15-20Mbs!It was only the Laptop and the Connection to the HQ net on the SG300-28P. Why is the performance of this unit soooooo poor when it needs to route?Other Switches have FW v1.0.0.27 or FW v1.1.2.0. They have Similar speed issues. All Configured for Layer 3.
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Jul 21, 2012
My internet router acts as an IGMP Proxy for the LAN and distributes IPTV there. The router is connected to one of my three SG 300 10 Cisco switches (connected to one another via uplink port). Now I want all switches to send multicast traffic to only the recipients of such traffic (PCs with VLC and Network Media Players) connected to either one of them. How do I have to configure the switches to do so and not flood the LAN with multicast traffic, is it enough to enable IGMP Snooping on each switch?
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Apr 19, 2013
I am currently working on my first ASA5510 configuration and am running into some issues. The ASA is running 8.2(5). The network setup is as follows:Layer 3 switch with 4 VLANs with ip routing enabled.All systems are pointing to the 3560 as their default gateway. ip route (asa)The ASA is directly connected to the L3 switch on one of the VLANs. The other VLANs are not established on the ASA, but static routes have been created for them on the ASA.I am able to ping the ASA from the switches, etc.I am able to ping the switches from the ASA When connected to VPN Client to ASA, I am unable to reach anything behind it. When at the office, I am unable to reach the internet from the ASA.The following NAT configuration is in place on the ASA;
nat (inside) 0 access-list inside_nat0_outbound
nat (inside) 1
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Sep 14, 2011
I have
MLS : C6509-E
SUP : VS-S720-10G
I'm trying to find out what is its limitation for encrypted traffic via SVTI there .
I don't have a SPA for the ip sec .
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May 23, 2012
I been practicing with the configuration of layer 3 etherchannel configuration and i am facing a problem here. I have two 3560 switches and i want a layr 3 ether channel configuration setup between the first 2 ports of bothe the switches. I assign IPs to the Port-channel 1 of both the switches " /24 and /24" but i am unable to get a successful ping. what am i doing wrong. below are the configs for bothe of my switches.
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 1274 bytes
version 12.2
no service timestamps log datetime msec
no service timestamps debug datetime msec
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Mar 3, 2013
I have one server which run some application for wireless user. this server forward multicast packet to wireless user. server and wlc physically connect to cisco 3750 switch.i want the server forward the multicast packet to wireless users.server access vlan 4.wlc controller have 2 vlan: 90 and 110.and wireless user some of vlan 90 and some of vlan 110.i enable igmp snooping on wireless controller. and enable globally command but it is not working.which additional configuration i need on cisco switch.
Switch(config)# ip igmp snooping
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Mar 25, 2013
We are buying some C6509Es with Sup2Ts and 8 port 10G cards. Would like to get a close estimate of the power consumption for our configured chassis. Does C6509E have at least the following components that can share their show power output.
Catalyst 6500 Enhanced 9-slot chassis 14RU no PS no Fan Tray1Catalyst 6509-E Chassis Fan Tray1Catalyst 6500 24-port GigE Mod: fabric-enabled with DFC41C6K 8 port 10 Gigabit Ethernet module with DFC4 (Trustsec)1Catalyst 6500 Dist Fwd Card DFC416908 10G baseboard1Cat6500 6000W AC Power Supply2Cat 6500 Sup 2T with 2 x 10GbE and 3 x 1GbE with MSFC5 PFC42Internal 1G Compact Flash2Cat 6k 80G Sys Daughter Board Sup2T PFC42Catalyst 6500 Supervisor Engine 2T Baseboard2Catalyst 6500 2GB memory for Sup2T and Sup2TXL2
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May 10, 2013
I want to use Multicast TV VLAN with my SG300-10 to join Multicast Groups in different Data VLAN's. It's working fine, but the problem is that it isn't possible to add all the Multicast Groups to the Multicast VLAN because each TV channel use other groups. For me it's only to handle if I can use wildcards to add a specific range of multicast traffic to the Multicast TV VLAN. Is that possible with that Switch?
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Apr 9, 2013
I am IT teacher at a middle school in Nuremberg, Germany. We have in our school 5 VLANs, 4 Switchtes, 1 L3 switch and 1 router.
2 months ago the old L3 switch (Catalyst 3550-12T) is broken. In the short term I've borrowed a Catalyst 3750G-24, so that the network continues to function. Now a SG 300-10 switch was purchased. This should be configured the same as the 3550-12T or 3750-24G.The network looks like this (there are much more PCS than in this image):
VLAN Interface
The DHCP server in VLAN 30 is also a FOG server. The Fog server images all PCs in school. PCs in VLAN 10, 20 and 30 boot from PXE. The MS Server in VLAN 10 has been configured by the DHCP options 66 and 67.
The Catalyst 3750G-24 routes the multicast, but the SG 300-10 I do not have the option of using the commands ip multicast-routing distributedip pim sparse-dense-modeto work and must configure igmp. I'm having problems with the igmp-configuration on the SG 300-10. Therefore, I have uploaded the configuration of the 3750G-24 and the configuration of the SG 300-10 (without ACL).
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Apr 29, 2013
I've turned up a new layer 2 WAN link between two data centres and i'm having some trouble trying to logically figure out how things should be configured.As you can see from the diagram i've created, I have the link connected on port 13 on one switch and port 14 on the other. Both ports have an IP address assigned to them and they can both ping each other..
The problem comes when I need to add routes in order to get traffic flowing over the link.I added an IP address to switch 2 on the link interface (port 14) as:
I then added an IP address to switch 1 on the link interface (port 13) as:
When I tried to add, it said " overlaps with VLAN2626". This would be correct as Vlan 2626 has an IP address of
However, if I remove the IP address from vlan 2626 and add to vlan 2 (the link port VLAN), I would surely lose remote access to the switch. (I'm telnetting into the switch from a machine on vlan 2626).
I started to tinker with this by manually adding a route to a server in each location and seeing if I could get traffic to flow:
On server 1: route add MASK METRIC 1
On server 2: route add MASK METRIC 1
If I try to tracert from server 2, the first hop is the default gateway instead of
The ultimate goal is to add the static routes to the Layer 3 router/firewall, but before I do that, I need to be sure of what to add to that router (It's a manged firewall from the data centre, so I don't have access to it and I need to raise firewall change requests to get the work done, so want to ensure it's right first time.
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Jul 12, 2012
I have a situation where I have ethernet traffic from two separate networks/ip subnets (Subnet A and Subnet B) on a single ethernet connection. I have the need to separate the traffic into two separate networks and two isolated broadcast domains. I thought this could easily be accomplished with a Cisco 300 Layer 3 switch, but I can't get it to work correctly. I have the switch set to IP routing mode. I have three VLANs configured. VLAN 1 sees the combined Layer 2 & 3 ethernet traffic for both subnet A and subnet B. VLAN 10 has an IP address assigned from subnet A and is the gateway for devices within that subnet. VLAN 20 has an IP address assigned from subnet B and is the gateway for devices within that subnet. IP proxy arp is on by default and should be active.Devices in VLAN 10 can ping devices in VLAN 20 and devices in VLAN 20 can ping devices in VLAN 10. This appears to be working only because the switch is the default gateway for those components.
No devices or servers in VLAN 1 can ping VLAN 10 or VLAN 20 components, and VLAN 10 and VLAN 20 components can not ping VLAN 1. I analyzed the ARP traffic on VLAN 1 and the switch is not responding with its own MAC address for requests for IPs for active devices connected to VLAN 10 or VLAN 20. The Cisco documentation says that the device should be responding and acting as a router.I can not physically connect everthing on VLAN 1 directly to the switch, I can not make the switch the default gaeway for all devices on VLAN 1, and I can not create static routes directly to the VLAN 1 switch IP address for all devices that are part of VLAN 1, so I am stuck. I need the switch to let VLAN 1 components automatically know what is connected to VLAN 10 and VLAN 20.
I am willing to scrap this approach entirely if there is an easier way to do this. Put simply, I have a few devices in Subnet A that need to be isolated from Layer 2 & 3 traffic destined for a few devices in Subnet B, but I can't reconfigure my entire network to create these isolated broadcast domains.
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May 29, 2012
We have a potential new customer who is wanting to deploy a guest WLAN. I am happy doing this via a VLAN on the WAP4410N series AP’s. I would then create the relevant VLAN’s on the switch. Can each VLAN be assigned an IP address and allowing me to be able to add a static route on the router pointing the traffic for the Guest VLAN back to the switch?
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Dec 27, 2011
Why layer 2 switches need its mac address, even it does not have any interface ? (does not have stp and etc)
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Jan 22, 2012
We're replacing our older catalyst switches with new SG300 family switches and have a Microsoft NLB cluster for some services that run in multicast balancer mode.
We currently do L3 routing to the network with the cluster and have the following IOS configuration line in the specific switch to let users on other subnets to access the services.
arp 03bf.0a14.01e2 ARPA
How do we replicate this using the SG300 series in L3 mode? Whenever I try to add a manual ARP entry I get an error message that says that the MAC address is not a valid unicast address?
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Dec 11, 2012
A brief background on the setup: I recently switched out my switch. It was a Cisco 3750 10/100 switch and I wanted to upgrade to Gig. The cost of a Gig+POE 3750 is too much to bite so I opted for the SG300. My router is a Cisco 891. Here is the setup:
Cisco 891:
two SVI's: vlan1 and vlan 100
Vlan1 =
With the 891+3750, I was able to add "ip pim sparse-dense-mode" on all the SVI's and hosts could join any multicast group, irregardless of which vlan the host was a member of.
Now I've changed switches, and I dont get the same love. I have the PIM statement on both SVI's on the 891, but Im unsure of what I need to configure on the SG300. I have enabled "Bridge multicast filtering" + "IGMP snooping". What can I do to get similar functionality using the SG300 + 891? I assume this is my lack of understanding IGMP in general, but was able to get away with it using the PIM statements on the 891+3750 stack.
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Jul 23, 2012
I'm new and just entered in the world of studying my certification for Cisco, since I'm curious I see that there are switches that can perform task depending on the layer? I see some with specifics for Layer 2, some other for layer 3 and even some others with router capabilities!I know this is a rookie question but how do I know what the best switch for a network? or how can I identify them?
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Dec 14, 2012
i've a problem with my SF300-24 routing. That's my network configuration:
Port 1 to 12 assigned to VLAN 10
Port 13 to 23 assigned to VLAN 20
Port 24 has an ip to connect with my deafult route, beacuse I've also a Linksys RV042 router, connected in turn with my ISP router, having an ip
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May 12, 2013
I have a project I am working on that will require routing over a MetroE circuit to connect a few sites together back to HQ. Although, I know this can be accomplished several ways, I have come up with a solution that I think will work, but would like you all's input as to whether this is adequate and if my thoughts on how to properly "organize" the network are right.
I have been working with the SG300 line in Layer 3 mode and have not had any issues in a test setup I have here in the office. Basically my thought is to have a single VLAN/subnet allocated for each physical site. That will handle the basic interoffice connectivity etc. I also have a need to prioritize voice/video traffic throughout the entire network. My plan was to create an additional VLAN/subnet to house the teleconferencing equipment. Thats pretty much the jist of the setup. My only question is how to properly prioritize the voice/video VLAN.
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Jul 15, 2012
At our site we have a 4510 core switch and 3750x switches in our IDFs. The 3750 switches are connected to the core via DOT1Q trunks in a server client setup. We are putting in an Informacast/Berbee server witch will send pages and text to the cisco phones. We also have 1 3750 switch connecting to the core via a layer 3 port channel. If we put the Informacast server on the phones vlan would I just need to enable ip pim sparse-dense mode on that vlan only and enable multicast routing, ip multicast routing?
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Sep 25, 2012
I would like to ask if it is possibe to stack a 3Com 3cr17161-91 to a layer 3 Cisco Switch? The two will be stacked using the avaialble SFP modules.
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Sep 30, 2011
Connecting ASA 5520 to two Catalyst 3560G layer 3 switches. What's the best practice to connect the asa-5520 at the edge, to the core of my network? What I'm looking to do is connect two routed gigabit ports (gi0/2 and gi03) to two seperate layer 3 routed ports on catalyst 3560G. I'm wondering how to do it, or if there's any type of failover method? I'm running EIGRP in the network and the link to the first core switch has a /30 point to point connection. Everything works fine, I'm just not sure how to connect the second switch to the firewall. Should I use the a different /30 for the point to point connection to csw02 gi0/48? (See attachment) How would this affect traffic flowing through this interface? Would I have to duplicate rules I have on my inside (gi0/2) interface? Is there a way to make the inside2 interface standby some how? I want to know the best way to set this up, so in the event csw01 goes down I don't loose internet. Will EIGRP work it's magic and only use 1 path to the ASA? Should I even be using routed interfaces on the ASA and just use trunked mode?Running ASA 8.4?
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Mar 16, 2012
My SF300-24 switch has been working 100% as a backup switch for a client of mine. At my clients premises it was running 3 Vlan's and doing inter VLAN routing. When my client received their original switch back, I obviously brought my SF300-24 back to the workshop, reset it back to Factory defaults and tried to do a fresh installation on it. I can not get it to change from Layer 2 to Layer 3! I installed the latest firmware but still no go.
Everything works a 100% via the console, but when I go to the System Mode menu and try and edit it, it justs sits at layer 2 and will not chage to layer 3!
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Mar 22, 2011
I am migrating an a group of workstations that run a fire system from one software to another. The current workstations run the following new workstations is a central switch location using a GE-DSG-244 Layer 2+ Managed switch. There are two remote location using GE-DS-82 Managed Switches.The two networks must remain isolated, yet use the same fiber communications. The central switch connects to the two location using MM Fiber. From my research I believe I need to use the 802.1q standard to allow port trunking between the two switches.
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Sep 5, 2012
I've been conducting research on configuring 3 distribution switches in my network which are Cisco Catalyst 4507's to communicate with our core over layer 3. Our core switch which is already configured at Layer 3 for intervlan routing is a Cisco Catalyst 6509.
I've got the configuration portion complete and all devices are able to communicate my only question is about QoS. Do I have to configure QoS at the layer 3 interfaces for voice, if so how is that completed. We have several vlans and separate the vlans for each building by voice and data. We only configure ports on the access switches with voice vlans for QoS and we use the auto qos option on these interfaces.
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Jun 13, 2012
How to set the management interface on a SG300 Switch in Layer 3 mode? I've some vlans configured on the switch with interfaces in each of them:
Vlan 100 ( /24)
Vlan 200 ( /24)
Vlan 300 ( /24)
Vlan 900 ( /24)
Now, the management interface is listening on all interfaces (IPs). But I would like to configure the switch to only listen on What I need to configure or whether it is possible?
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Jul 11, 2012
I have a SG300-28P switch. I just read in the Administration Guide that, when in Layer 3 mode, the switch doesn't support MAC-based VLAN or Dynamic VLAN Assignment.
So, in order to assign a client to a VLAN based on their MAC or based on the response of a RADIUS server, we have to disable layer 3 features. Without layer 3 switching, the switch is unable to act as a default gateway and forward packets between VLANs. As a result, the VLANs can't communicate in any way, or access the internet, unless a separate router is connected to every VLAN. Right? Doesn't this limitation significantly reduce the usefulness of the DVA feature?
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Dec 8, 2011
How do you enable multicast traffic on 2900 series switches?
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Mar 24, 2013
I've been taught/under the impression that vlans and stp stay in the access layer to prevent bridging loops and broadcast storms from taking down the whole network. Well I was reading about backbonefast and how it "Enables fast convergence in the networkbackbone or core layer switches after a spanning-tree topology change occurs." Now I thought that from the distribution layer up we use a routing protocol.
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Oct 3, 2012
We are currently designing Layer 3 to the edge EIGRP solution for our customers. The network is a hybrid of collapsed core (Core to access) as well as a three layer design (Core/Distro/Access) for connectivity to the Data Centre, Internet, Wireless Blocks etc.The core of the network contains two 6509-E switches interconnected on a Layer 3 Port channel (no VSS). Access Layer switches (3750-X series running Stackwiseplus protocol) connect to the core switches over p2p routed links and Distribution layer switches (3750X stackwiseplus) provide connectivity to the Data centre, Internet, wireless blocks etc.
The access and distribution switch stacks(Cisco 3750-X) are set up with two or three member switches with uplinks multihomed to the primary and secondary core switch with each uplink included in EIGRP. In each of the stacks, one of the switches controls the operation of the stack, which will be the stack master.As the Cisco Stackwise architecture is not SSO-capable but NSF aware, all Layer 3 fuctions must be re-established during a master switch outage. To minimize control plane impact and improve Layer3 convergence, uplinks should be diverse and originate from the member switches instead of the Master switches in the respective stack. This is as per Cisco recommended design solution.The above solution can be setup if there are more than two switches in the stack. i.e. uplinks are configured on the backup member switch modules.
1.But what about stack with two switches..Which switch should be set up as the Master for a two member stack with uplinks to the core primary and secondary from each switch(Master and Backup)
2. For Layer 3 routing, does the routing takes precedene over switch failures? Say for eg. In a two member stack, the master switch with uplink to primary fails, does EIGRP provide a fast convergence to route traffic via backup secondary and does not wait for the control plane on the switch stack to converge? All the access to core links will be set up for ECMP.
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