Cisco Wireless :: 2 WAP121s Bricked After Interrupted FW Upgrade?

Apr 8, 2013

During an update of two WAP121s to firmware version (currently the latest) the network connection was interrupted and they both now seem to be similarly unusable.  The wireless lights on both are now unlit, the ethernet lights flash when plugged in and the power lights correctly show orange (PoE) or green (mains) but the device is inaccessible at its original static IP address and is not requesting a new one by DHCP. I have tried using the reset button as instructed, pressing it in for 10 seconds with the power on, but it doesn't seem to have any effect at all.  Holding the reset button in whilst powering the device up makes all lights come, the power and wireless alternate for a few seconds when the reset is released and then both go out with the ethernet light still flashing.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT350N Bricked / Lost After Firmware Upgrade?

Jan 4, 2012

I tried to upgrade the firmware of my WRT350N but while upgrading  my wife switched on the oven and.... yes, power down -> the upgrade has been interrupted. Now the router is no longer responding, it  shows just the green power light on (not blinking). I tried all the resets I found googling (pressing the reset button for 30 sec, isconnecting power and reconnecting it again) but no way, there's no way to ping the router at its default address All the leds are switched off (internet, usb, wireless, security) except the green power light.  Is there another way to have it back or it is definitely lost?

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Linksys WRT54G Router - Firmware Upgrade Interrupted

Sep 22, 2011

I was in the process of upgrading the firmware on my Linksys WRT54G router when a connection interruption occurred. Now, the router will not boot up and I cannot communicate with it.Is there a way to reset the firmware?

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D-Link DIR-825 :: Firmware Upgrade Does Not Work / Bricked

Nov 3, 2010

I wanted to upgrade to the latest firmware (2.03NA). Something went wrong and now the router comes up with the orange light flashing. So the system is in emergency firmware upgrade mode. I set my IP to and connect to the web interface at I see a page with "Firmware Upgrade System" and "Version". So far so good. I can now select the firmware and click "send". But then nothing really happens. I can wait for a couple of minutes and then run into a timeout. I tried different browsers (Linux: Firefox, Chrome, etc). I even tried it Windows 7 with IE 8 and I get the same result. It seems that the cgi ( is not really doing anything?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: EA6500 Process Got Interrupted Approximately 90% In Setup

Dec 27, 2012

After struggling with the setup of my new EA6500, I finally succeed in setting it up. Like other people in this forum, the setup process got interrupted approx., 90% in the setup process. After several factory resets and new setups, I finally was able to login locally to fulfill the setup and upgrade the firmware to After that, I do have wireless access, but the connection to my LAN connected NAS (Synology), is really really slow. Furthermore, when I try to use airplay to connect to my Airport express it drops out and starts blinking yellow? Finally, from time to time when I log in, I get the "No router found" message (can't remember the exact text). After a reboot I'm able to login. To me it seems that the firmware/router still is filled with a lots of bugs. I think I will downgrade to my old E4200, during the next couple of days, and return the EA6500.

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Cisco Wireless :: WAP4410N Bricked - Lost All Connectivity

Oct 28, 2010

Bought a month or 2 ago, configured and installed as our public access point. Worked well except for locking up weekly. A few weeks back, I lost all connectivity with it. It will get power, but no wireless and no Ethernet lights on the front. I attempted to reset it with no luck. Firmware is V01.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200v2 Bricked After 1 Month Of Use?

Aug 1, 2012

I purchased an e4200v2 to replace my old WRT160n which I have been using for years with no issues. Last night the e4200 crashed on me when I went to reset the router I noticed the CISCO light was blinking very slowly and I had no network connection. I power cycled the router and still no connection so I hit factory reset button. Nothing happened. Did a 30/30/30 reset nothing happened. At this point I have a 34 day old plastic brick on my desk and I'm back to using my old WRT160N. how to unbrick this router?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E3000 Bricked 3 Times In A Row?

May 20, 2010

I originally began with a WRT610N(basically the old version of the new E3000).  I had been using it for a couple months, when all of a sudden I was stuck with the power light flashing, meaning the firmware was corrupted.  I contacted support & they guided me through the process of trying to restore the firmware through using the tftp.exe program with no luck.  Unfortunately at the time this happened, the E3000 was just being released, so they stated it could be close to a month to get a replacement WRT610N!  So I decided to just go grab an E3000 from BestBuy, as I had some unused giftcards for there.  I bought the E3000 & used it for literally 2 weeks, then the exact same problem!  Power light flashing, firmware corrupted.  Again I tried to restore the firmware with no luck.  I should mention, each time I tried pinging the router after setting a static IP it resulted in a 100% packet loss, meaning the router was not even communicating with my PC.  So with it being within the 30 day period, I just went & swapped it for a new one.  Went and swapped for another, so I am now on my 3rd E3000 in less than a month! What could be causing this?  I notice the router does get fairly hot, but i have it in a well ventilated area, so not sure what more I can do about that.This is supposed to be the highest end LinkSys router out there & I continue to have major issues with each of them.  Now I do pull a lot of data through it.  I have a NAS, 3 PC's, PlayStation3, Xbox 360, Wii, iPad, multiple notebooks, etc. on a 18Mbps Comcast cable connection.  But shouldn't this thing handle high amounts of data?  I mean it's the highest end router LinkSys makes, so what do I need to do?  Buy a true Cisco router for $1,000 for home use?  

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Linksys Wireless Router :: How To Re-flash A Bricked WRT310N

Oct 27, 2010

I accidentally flashed my WRT310N version 1.0 with version 2.0 firmware. After which the router was dead as a doornail.After a frustrating 3 hours of reading forums, following over 11 tutorials, and being 1 second away from throwing my WRT310N at the wall, I finally fixed it.I performed this fix on a Windows 7 32-bit PC. My provider is Comcast.Make sure you only have one ethernet cable connected from your PC to the router. The cable should be connected to any one of the 4 blue ports. I connected mine to port 1. DO NOT CONNECT IT TO THE YELLOW INTERNET PORT on the router.
With the router in your hand, hold down the reset button for 30 seconds until the port 1 light goes out then immediately disconnect the power while still holding down the reset button. DO NOT LET GO OF THE RESET BUTTON!WAIT 30 more seconds with the power disconnected. (Do not let go of the reset button)PLUG the power back in and WAIT another 30 seconds. After that, let go of the reset button. You should have held the reset button for a total of 90 seconds. This will wipe the router's nvram.Bring up the command prompt window that you prepared earlier. You should still see the ping command that you entered in Step 2. Now, hit ENTER to start pinging the router continuously. You will probably see a bunch of "request timed out" responses.Bring up the TFT2.exe window that you prepared in step 2. Press UPGRADE so it can begin communicating with the router. Make sure you set at least 10 retries.
As quickly as possible, go back to your router and HOLD the reset button and disconnect the power. You don't need to wait 30 seconds...5 seconds is enough. While stil holding the reset button down, plug the power back into the router and keep an eye on the command prompt and TFT2.exe windows.If the command prompt has successfully pinged the router, TFT2.exe will begin to flash it and very soon it will show a success message below the progress bar. If you still can't successfully ping the router, close and restart TFT2.exe using the same settings and try disconnecting/reconnecting the router's power again as mentioned in the paragraph above. You may want to try holding  the reset button down longer than 5 seconds. I was able to get this to work on the FIRST TRY.Now that your router is has the proper firmware, go back to your adapter's settings (mentioned in step 4), delete the static IP and set it back to the default automatic settings.Plug your cables back in and don't forget to plug the ethernet cable from your modem to the yellow internet port on your WRT310N."Recycle" the power to your cable modem by holding down the reset for 60 seconds or disconnect it from the power outlet for 60 seconds.Reset your router by holding the reset button for 30 seconds.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E1200 Bricked Due To Upgrading Firmware

Jan 3, 2012

I have a little problem with my new E1200. Before the E1200 I had a WRT160N that was bricked to death by a power surge due upgrading the firmware. Till that moment the WRT160N met al the required specs as told in the description..I have from my ISP a 40Mbit cable line and was always downloading at those speeds wired aswell as wireless...
Now with the E1200 I get the 40Mbit only wired... wireless it only allows it up to max. 20Mbit.I figured that I didn't do anything different than the Linksys I had before..I'm working with a MacBook from late 2007 running OSX Lion 10.7.2, Built-in AirPort Extreme card (802.11a/b/g/n)My wireless setting with a WP2 Personal Security Mode

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Bricked EA4500 After Push Firmware Update?

Jun 27, 2012

just to relieve a little those who complain for the loss of functionalities/control caused by the new firmware, I want to let you know that yesterday evening when I came back home the router was bricked. After more than 2 hours of tests with the online support, they ended up the device has to be replaced.To add insult to injury, I ALSO HAVE TO PAY to ship my router to Cisco warehouse. I couldn't believe my eyes... It's not for the 10 bucks it costs the shipment (even if 10 bucks are much better in my wallet than in Cisco's), but I already spent around 300 bucks less than 2 months ago to buy the two devices and now I have to pay to fix something I have not broken.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT54G2 V1 Bricked / Destination Host Unreachable

Jan 2, 2011

I attempted to upgrade the firmware on the WRT54G2 V1 (the newer, slim black model) but it failed. I let the upgrade run for about 10 minutes and it just sat there and link to router disconnected I run ping for but response is "DESTINATION HOST UNREACHABLE". The router is now completely unusable and the ALL LAN ports lights are ON and Internet light is also ON.

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Internet Interrupted When Gaming?

Mar 20, 2011

Whenever I play video games my internet is completely interrupted and eventually disconnects.I thought it was a steam issue but recently I bought dragon age 2 and the exact same thing happens for it.

What is strange is that it continues to happen even if I run the game in a window and pull up a program in front of it, but the moment I minimize the game (windowed) the internet picks right up 2 seconds or so after I minimize it. I verified this by running speed tests and minimizing and reopening the game window to see what would happen.

I am completely confused on where to begin. I remember playing Arma 2 6 months ago and I didn't have this issue but something has changed since then and I don't know what.I have U-Verse internet, ATI Radeon HD 5700, Intel i5 cpu 2.67ghz, windows 7 32 bit, and 4 gb ram.

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Game File Interrupted On Every Browser

Dec 7, 2011

I bought a magazine 'PC JEUX', it had the game 'Far Cry' accompanied with it.On the case, it is mentioned Internet Explorer must be the default browser in order to use the interface. I ran it in internet explorer and the file was interrupted. I also ran it in Mozilla,Opera and Chrome but it was interrupted. I ran the setup.exe from the DVD and it said that it was not a valid Win 32 application. It had the game King Of Kings 3 also. It has the same problem.

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Sharing :: Download A File That Was Interrupted While Downloading?

Jul 11, 2011

while downloading .avi file from internet, the connetcion got disconnected and the download could not be completed. How to locate that incomplete file in my computer and also is it possible to download the file from where it was disconnected?

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Interrupted Internet Connection Randomly Go Down To 0kb/sec And Need To Restart Download?

May 15, 2011

I recently upgraded my computers hardware which included a new motherboard, ever since installing this new motherboard my internet connection has been unreliable. The motherboard ( Gigabyte p67-ud4-b3) has an inbuilt NIC which i connected to my router via a standard cable.I first started noticing the interruptions when download files any bigger than 20MB as they would randomly go down to 0kb/sec and I would have to restart the download. I bypassed this by using a download manager but i have noticed it happening on youtube streams now which is getting rather annoying.The only thing i've changed for this to start happening is the motherboard and a new installation of windows 7.I've tried various things to fix this by fiddling with router settings and even updating the router software but nothing has worked ( I have also done various virus scans all showing no viruses)

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Dell :: Inspiron 5100 - Online Session Is Not Interrupted

Feb 9, 2005

I have an Inspiron 5100 with a Conexant D480 internal modem. When I'm on-line on dialup to a V90 telephone line, if a telephone call comes in, the caller hears rings but the on-line session is not interrupted. On my desktop system, the on-line session IS interrupted by incoming calls, and that is what I want my notebook system to do. I have re-installed the driver from the system CD, which addressed this issue when the desktop had this problem, but this has not worked for the Inspiron.

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D-Link DIR-825 :: Bricked - How To Get This Working Again

Jun 6, 2012

I have bricked my DIR-825 when performing an upgrade of DD-WRT. Now I am not able to go on to the Recovery Web page. ( ) after performing the 30/30/30 rule, wich always worked before.

I had done an update of dd-wrt and lost all of my wireless adapters, they said to load open-wrt, find the caldata and write this. This all worked. But after a reboot, the deviced bricked on me .

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D-Link DIR-655 :: Upgraded To 2.07NA Firmware And It Bricked Router

Jun 21, 2012

I am today playing with the settings in my DIR-655 NA B1 router when I notice that a firmware upgrade is available.I clicked the button and the router automatically downloaded the file named DIR655B1_FW207NAB09.bin. I flashed it and was saying that it needed to wait 180 seconds (3 minutes) to reprogram the router after which it came up with a 404 not found on the screen. I am not able to access my router, it is bricked and I can't even re-flash the firmware comes back with Incorrect hardware ID image, Please check. I notice that the 2.07NA firmware file on the website is named DIR655B1_FW207NAB05.bin. What gives this is the first time a firmware upgrade has bricked anything I own?

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Linksys Access Point :: WAP54G V3.1 Bricked After Enabling Client Mode

Sep 15, 2009

I was using WAP54G in our company in AP client mode to support "wired" connection to far workstation being part of Windows Domain (it needed network connection before logging to windows). It was working fine for a year, secured with WPA. this AP client was wirelessly connected to another WAP54G unit running regular AP mode.
Today was changing configuration on "AP client" , wanted to cvheck if WPA2 is supported while in AP client mode. well it wasn't, so ireverted the config back to what it was. after power cycle device stays in "bricked mode".
it doesn't boot up, LAN port inactive (like a cable unplugged), no WiFi, only 2 LEDs are lit permamently red POWER and yellow LINK. green ACT is dead. resetting is no luck, tried resetting it multiple times holding it with device powered on or off, tried 30/30/30 method, no luck.
finally took it apart (was out of warranty anyways) and shorted pin 16 (A18) on flash chip (Spansion) while powering up and it worked to the point when LAN interface becomes operational with IP and i get ping response.
I thought that's it, would just re-load firware (original latest 3.04.03)  and done. i was wrong. device takes fw via tftp, but immediately after tha it stops responding, green ACT never comes back online, reset still do not work. after power cycle LAN port is dead (as well as device) again. what has happened to it?

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Cisco Wireless :: 1242 - Cannot Upgrade AP To LWAP Using Upgrade Tool On Windows 7

Sep 29, 2011

I have two Windows 7 computers and neither one will successfully upgrade a 1242 AP to LWAP.  However, I go to a coworker's XP machine and run the tool without issues.  On Windows 7 I keep receiving the error message of ACL or Firewall is blocking.  I have added rules and then even tried disabling the firewalls completely on both computers and still no success. 

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Cisco Wireless :: 5500 AP Upgrade Lic Upgrade On Controller

Jun 19, 2012

I am facing a problem to install a ap upgrade lic file on controller 5500. Iam getting the following error:

% Error: License file transfer failed - Error from server: File not found
I have confusion here that when I configure this command from GUI

What i should use for /cmm/  ????
Let say i have lic. file is on desktop of tftp server computer and I say in this command
tftp:// file .lic

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AAA/Identity/Nac :: CSACS-1121-UP-K9 - Possible To Upgrade It Being Non Upgrade Part

Sep 10, 2012

Is it possible to upgrade the CSACS-1121-UP-K9 to be a non upgrade part? We were going to upgrade from a Windows 4.x to the above Appliance (version 5.x) but there is now a reason to keep the old Windows version running therefore we cannot give the new Appliance the old ACS's licenses?!So we should have (with hindsight) bought a fresh version of the ACS 5.x rather than an upgrade.

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Cisco Wireless :: Upgrade WCS 7.0 To PI 1.2 Via NCS 1.1

Feb 18, 2013

we have started to do the upgrade from WCS 7.0 to PI12. In order to do that we first need to upgrade to NCS 1.1. We have ordered the following from Cisco:
R-W-PI12-M-K9WCS 7.0 to Cisco Prime   Infrastructure 1.2 MigrationN/A14 daysNoN/A11.995,00  1.995,00  01.995,00  R-PI12-BASE-K9Prime Infrastructure 1.2 Base   License and SoftwareN/A14 daysYesN/A10,00  0,00  00,00  L-PI12-LF-500-


L-WCS-NCS1-M-K9 is the Product Number to do the upgrade from WCS 7.0 to NCS 1.0, R-WCS-PI11-M-K9 is the product number to dothe upgrade from WCS 7.0 to NCS/PI 1.1.
If I try to install just the License File I get from Cisco using the XML file from our WCS 7.0 installation, I get the error "Unable to add any license without an NCS (L-NCS-1.0-K9) license.".
But how do a get this license if I ordered R-W-PI12-M-K9 (WCS 7.0 to PI1.2 Upgrade License)? What is the step to get the right License?

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Cisco Wireless :: WLC 2504 - Upgrade From 7.2. To 7.4?

Jan 22, 2013

I'm planning to upgrade our WLC 2504 from  to but the cisco site says "WLC Version will need Prime Infrastructure Version 1.3 to be managed, Version 1.3 is not yet available to download at this point of time" Is it something about NCS? we have only 1 cisco WLC 2504 and 6  1142APs..   Also let me know is it possible to go directly from 7.2  to 7.4 ?

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Cisco Wireless :: WISM2 7.0 To 7.2 Upgrade

Sep 17, 2012

We have some new WISM2 running, but now we need to upgrade their license to suport 1000 APs. So I am looking at upgrading the software to We are running WCS at the moment and got NCS with the new WISM2, so going to 7.3 and buying Prime Infrastructure is not an option at the moment, thus we are going for 7.2.
The thing is I can't seem to find much info about this upgrade. Is 7.0->7.2 a smooth upgrade? Do we need to do any configuration changes to the WISM2 or LAP1242? We are running H-REAP, will the change to FlexConnect be affected? I can't seem to find anything regarding requirements for 6500/SUP for running WISM2 7.2, do I need a certain software for that?

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Cisco Wireless :: 5508 / Upgrade WLC From To

Apr 25, 2013

I am planning to upgrade WLC from to due to some bug, but I wanted to know if it is compatible with WCS - and NAC Guest server version 2.1.0, I am made some search but I couldn't get to proper conclusion.

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Cisco Wireless :: Upgrade WLC 5508 To 7.3x Or 7.4x?

Mar 25, 2013

In order to enbale HA SSO on our two 5008 WLC's, I plan to upgrade them to 7.3 / 7.4 (currently 7.2)Right now is the latest release. We do not have any 1600 series AP's, which requires 7.4.any reason going for 7.4 directly..or not going for it?

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Cisco Wireless :: How To Upgrade AIR-LAP1522AG-N-K9

Feb 11, 2013

I want to update an AIR-LAP1522AG-N-KP. I want to use TFTP. The problem is that my laptop does not ping any of the interfaces of LWAP.For example:Laptop / LWAP Gigabit0 - - ping fails . I have experience using AIR-LAṔ1242AG , or the process is different?

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Cisco Wireless :: IOS 12.2 (33) SXJ Compatibility In Upgrade?

Jun 29, 2011

Since we have now got a go for upgrading the IOS I have a little difficaulties finding if the current IOS will upgrade correctly to the advised version without any loss.Current version is (s72033_rp-IPSERVICESK9_WAN-M), Version 12.2(18)SXF7 In the realease notes for IOS 12.2(33)SXJ I can't find any upgrade matrix or upgrade train.Will this version upgrade without causing any mishaps on current WiSM(ver.1) and switch config?I didn't get any adequate answer, but since NO ONE did mention any repercussions, we did the upgrade......and we did loose configuration !Still the WiSM (version 1) is working all right, but where did the related WiSM configuration go?.How can you do a span session if you have no interface to tie onto?

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Cisco Wireless :: 5508 WLC Upgrade From 7.0.116 To

Dec 3, 2012

I am planing to upgrade 2 of my 5508 series WLC from 7.0.116 to version  I understand that legacy AP's are no longer supported.  Is the upgrade straight-forward just like other code upgrades? 

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Cisco Wireless :: MSE 3350 Upgrade From To

Jan 18, 2012

Any info on performing this upgrade.  The release notes that I have looked over make it sound like if I want to do the data migration that I must first upgrade the MSE to version and then go to  This is only what I have come up with, this isn't clearly stated from what I have read.  How to performe this upgrade with the data migration? 

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Cisco Wireless :: 5500 - Upgrade IOS To

Mar 12, 2013

I want to upgrade the WLC 5500 from to, coul be any risk if i do the upgrade..?

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