when I log onto the PC, I have to reset the local network adapter in order to go online - it solves the problem every time. The real issue is with the laptop. It keeps dropping connection and, even when it shows up with a full signal, it can't connect to the internet and, when it does, it's really, really slow. I've tried resetting the IP address, I've gone in to make sure the network isn't hidden, I've checked the WEP key, I've even had it right next to the pc (which works only marginally, occasionally).We can't afford to buy another new laptop and I can't work out what the problem is.
I am running on Windows Vista and out of no where I cannot connect to my network %70 of the time. When I can connect I have local access and a full bar signal but no Internet access. But when I have internet access every page takes forever to load (if it even loads). I tried reinstalling my drivers and even hanged some registry stuff. My wireless card 8.11g by Broadcom.
I am facing a kind of weird problem!! My Sony Vaio was getting connected to my Home wifi network and I could access Internet without any problem. Its been few days now that I can't access Internet though it shows connected. It does connect with the Wifi without any issue and even show the full signal like before, but actually there's no internet access. No browsers (IE,Chrome,FF) load any webpage, no messengers work.
i have installed a belkin d wireless card on to a P.C it shows full single and picks up other networks in area but it will not let me connect i have 2 wired P.C's running and a wireless laptop all running fine.i have reset router with no luck uninstalled card and reinstalled used software that came with card and downloaded most recent driver's alos i have installed software that came from ISP(SKY). P.C is running XP ant ideas what i can try next. i have lso installed card on to another P.C and it worked OK
I'm standing beside my wireless access point with my laptop. It shows full signal in my laptop but I cannot connect to internet. I clicked on the view available networks and then the SSID names, typed my network key, and clicked "connect". It keeps on connecting, connecting and finally disappears and WAN connection remains with crossed mark. But it shows full signal in laptop and I'm standing beside the WAP.
I had a small issue wherein my pc would lose ALL network connection to my pc, but the network icon showed that i had full signal, no issues. as long as i sign in on skype before the internet drops, it will stay on after it drops and i can still chat and everything, and to fix, i had to restart my pc. well, it had gotten better.And now its back, and WAY worse then before. skype doesnt have time to sign in upon bootup, and wont connect. steam wont connect, NOTHING will conect, but i still show full signal and no yellow mark or anything! I have done the following:
and no, i am not able to reinstall windows. I am going to try (soon, i am not able to just yet) direct ethernet to my router. all other PCs in the house are working perfectly, even this one that is slow as crap because it has windows 7 and is designed for windows XP.
I have already seen many threads with the same problem but none of the solutions worked for me.I am unable to connect to my router (Beetel 450TC1) via wireless network. Even if I enter an incorrect security key, no authentication error is displayed. The wired connection works flawlessly and I can access router admin panel through wired connection. Things I have tried:
1) Called up the ISP customer care.They upgraded the router firmware, did a hard reset and did all settings remotely. This did not fix the problem and the executive reported that I have a faulty hardware. I think my hardware is fine because the same problem exists with other smartphone devices and I can connect to college WiFi easily.
2) Changed wireless security authentication and SSID.
3) Tried a manual hard reset and firmware downgrade (same problem persists with downgraded firmware) and again upgrade.
4) Tried different operating systems (Windows 8, Windows 7, Ubuntu 12.04). Same problem exists with each of them.
I have a Sony Vaio SVE1512B1EW and have connected it to my wireless. Works absolutely fine. However recently whenever I turn on my laptop the Internet will work for 2 minutes and then not work, even though it says its connected at full bar signal. When this happened again I tried the Internet on a different laptop and found that it is not the wireless! What will I do? It's telling me there's a connection but not working?
I have Virgin Media XXL broadband in the UK. I have Avast antivirus. Windows firewall is enabled and all security updates are up to date. I have a 50mbit virgin fiber optic broadband which is working fine on my flatmate's pc's. While making sure the internet wasn't being used my speedtest still returned around 1mbit with full signal strength. I have run speedtest on 3 pc's at the same time and 2 of them were over 30mbit while mine was still barely 1mbit. I am using an Edimax EW-7811Un nano usb adapter. From reviews I read that it should work great with Virgin. But for some reason it doesn't work well despite the full signal strength.
I recently bought an AE1000 wireless adaptor, but I have run into a problem.The range on the device is very low, as the only way to get full signal is when the router and device are right next to each other.I have read that this could be due to the device operating on 5.0Ghz frequency, and that this setting is changed through the Cisco Connect software. This software was not in the Setup CD, and the online installer did not install the software either.
I have a HP G62 laptop and it randomly disconnects from the internet even though it still has full wireless signal. However if I turn the laptop 180 degrees or lift it above my head it will reconnect .The laptop will also only work in certain rooms of the house and not others even though it receives a similar strength signal in all of these rooms. For example it will work in my bedroom which is upstairs and on the opposite side of the house to the router but will not work in the living room (unless i hold it above my head) which is right next to the router.
A second HP laptop in the house has no problems and will remain connected no matter what room it is in and how is held. The two can be right next to each other both with full signal and one will be connected to the internet and the other wont.I have tried updating the drivers on the laptop but this has made no difference. The router is an echolife HG520b. The hp laptop which has the problem has a Broadcom 4313 network adaptor where as the laptop which works fine has a Realtek network adaptor.
my router has all the lights on that it's always had. I use the wi fi for my iPhone,iPod, and laptop. On all of then I'm able to to search and find my connection and connect to it , but it's shows I'm connected with full signal but my internt just worn work . I can't connect to the internt on none of the devices, also if I connect the ethernet from my modem to my router then my routers ethernet to my pc my pc's internt won't work.
For some reason the laptop my friend brought over is not connecting to the internet and has had a problem connecting to the internet for awhile apparently. At first i thought it was just because his mom accidently hit the hotkey to turn off the wifi so i turned it back on and it still will not connect to the internet. The Mac and the PC i am using to write in this forum work just fine as well as the xbox.
Just got an E2500 and installed it with no problems and it was working correctly for 1-2 days. This evening the signal strength of my SSID dropped to LOW and a new SSID now shows up with full signal strength. It s not an SSID from any of my neighbors and from checking several forums it appears this is known problem.
I have Asus EEPC Seashell/ 1015PEM netbook. The wi-fi connects only near/ so close to the wireless router with full signal. Just next room, blocked by a wall it disconnects, but full signal still exists. Is it anything to do with driver or hardware incompatibility- netbook has 802.11n adapter. Wireless router/DI624+ is 802.11g.
On my asus laptop, wireless does not work. It works when connected with ethernet cable. Signal show wireless strength excellent but it does not work wireless.
My laptop is reading a full WiFi signal from my router. I am currently connected to the router via Ethernet on the same laptop. I've been reading tons of old threads to troubleshoot this. I'm at a loss. I have used this current networking hardware for more than a year without any problems. I do have a pretty old router but my iPod connects to the WiFi no problem at the moment. Here's what I've tried so far:
- soft reset of router - power cycle modem and router - removed saved network information from the laptop
I'm using a wireless usb on a home network. The problem is only this desktopBasically what happens is if I try to play an MMO on fullscreen(windowed is fine) I get disconnected from the game server or if I'm playing a single player game and alt-tab out the internet won't work unless I close the game. I typically get the "limited or no connectivity" message. No other problems with the internetTech Support Guy System Info Utility version Version:[CODE]
I just bought a new router and i'm not able to access the internet on one of my laptops even though on the laptop it shows that its connected with full bars, it doesnt have this problem with the other routers i use. Also all my other computers are able to access the internet on this new router.
I have a Gateway Laptop that knocks out my att dsl connection randomly. It happens when it is connected by wire or wireless. I have other devices that use the the internet connection without any problem including an ipad, cell phones, and wireless tv's. They all connect and the signal never gets interupted, but when I use my gateway laptop with in a few minutes the I start losing signal randomly. It does lock back on but usually continues to in and out.
Everytime im on the internet or playing internet games my internet drops a signal bar which causes the webpage or game to freeze. However there is also 3 other laptops in the house and none of them lose signal when i do.
I just received a brand new HP Pavilion dv7 Notebook PC. When I try to connect to my internet, it connects, but attempts to "identify" the connection for about 10 seconds then it says "Undentified network" and fails to have internet access. 2 other computers are connected to this network with no problem. I've tried resetting everything, and many other "fixes" for this exact problem from other forums. I even uninstalled Norton, but nothing seems to work.I can connect directly to mine, and wirelessly with my neighbors, so I know the network card is okay.Here is my information when I type ipconfig /all into cmd.
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601] Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:UsersStephen>ipconfig /all Windows IP Configuration Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : Stephen-HP Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :
I have a laptop with a Bigfoot 1103 n wifi card and up til now it has been working perfect for our location.cWe had to move our office down a few doors and now we get NO reception at all. My laptop will pick up the network momentarily then loose the signal. My question is : how to boost reception?I have no access to the modem or router either. Do they make a decent booster that I can plug in my usb that will work with my current wifi card?
My mothers laptop gets signal downstairs but upstairs it doesn't and my laptop gets signal anywhere in the house and its always excellent signal. Is there anything i can do to her laptop so that it gets more signal?
I have a 100mb conection and regularly get 90mb plus speed when conected direct to the modem. If I conect via the E4200 I only get 50mb ? I have tried disabling the firewall and QOS but this has had no effect. I am using a wired conection and the latest firmware. Its almost as the E4200 is capped at 50mb throughput.
I got WAG200G and two computers, one connected by ethernet cable and laptop connected by wifi.How to configure router to get full speed of my internet connection on the desktop PC?Let's say i need 80% of my internet speed to download something on desktop, but in the same moment laptop also downloading something, how to setup router to get more downloading speed on the desktop.
We have ASA 5540. We setup Site-to-Site VPN and Remote Access VPN (Cisco VPN client). If are running full tunnel on the Cisco VPN client, the internet access is slow. For example, when we are running full-tunnel, the internet speed is 16 Mbps based on Speedtest.net. When we go to Speedtest.net, some of the graphics do not load. If we are running Split-tunnel, the internet access speed is 78 Mbps based on Speedtest.net and the Speedtest.net web site loads all the graphics.
I've typed this question 4 times and keep losing signal so sorry if it appears multiple times, i have moved rooms and my laptop, toshiba satellite is now getting very weak signal. i bought a netgear usb adapter but it doesnt solve the problem much.