Home Network :: TP-Link Wireless Access Point / Ethernet Switcher (TL-SF2005D) Fails To Connect?
Jun 6, 2011
I have just bought a TP-Link Wireless Access Point (TL-WA&01ND) and an ethernet switcher (TL-SF2005D).I have put the access point into client mode, allowing me to put it in my room and wirelessly connect to my router, allowing me to plug my PC in over ethernet and use the internet. However, after much fiddling with settings I cannot get it to work, as it continually searches for a network, and then fails to connect, despite the fact it is configured to use the network?I already have a similar setup with a netgear wireless G access point which works, and so I dont understand why the new box cannot do this when using what I believe to be the same settings.
Secondly I have an ethernet switch box which I bought to connect to the access point and switch the ethernet signal between my two PCs, my xbox and PC. This works fine with my primary PC (over my old access point) but when I try to connect my PC i get a DNS failure with auto IP settings and a gateway failure with manual settings, and other devices refuse to connect.
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Jan 23, 2012
May I use an access point as wireless receiver to have internet on RJ45 interface?Is possible that internet source for AP to be on antenna, not on RJ45?
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Jul 21, 2011
I am looking for an equipment recommendation for setting up an access point/repeater for my home network.
I have comcast > surfboard > d-link dir 655 I want to add another router/access point so I can move the dir655 to my office and have my computers connected over gigbait. All my comcast stuff is setup in the living room, and I would like to setup the access point there. Something like
comcast > surfboard > ddwrt n-router (living room) > dir655 (in office) > desktop
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Aug 29, 2009
I just bought an LG Bluray DVD player (BD390) which is unable to find the access point in my home network.My router is a WRT54G, ver. 2.2, running firmware: Ver.4.21.1. My home network uses high speed cable with two computers on the wireless network, all working with no problems.The router is on the second floor but the two computers and the new BD390 are on the first floor - about 35 feet away. I have the wirelss security set to none and use only the specific computer MAC addresses to allow connection to this network.
I found directions in the forum for a setup using the LG BD390 but with a different Linksys router. I changed the security to WPA (AES); the Beacon interval from 100 to 75; the Fragmentation Threshold from 2346 to 2304; and the RTS Threshold from 2347 to 2307. The DVD wireless connection still failed to find my network. There is a "Push button" connection feature on the BD390 setup which I tried, but the only "button" on the router I could find was in the basic wireless setting, a green icon for the wireless SSID setup. No connection was made there either.
The recommendation connection from the LG manual is for a network cable, but that would be over 50 feet and a real pain to connect, so I would prefer WiFi.
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Oct 16, 2012
it is each wireless access point need to have different subnet, if 24 users connect at the same time? will it be slow down if 24 user put in the same network?
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Jun 6, 2012
I am trying to improve the coverage of my home network.I have Fios, and with the existing Wireless capabilities, there are several dead and low coverage areas in my house. This is due to a combination of where my router is (Limited by input feed) and the confuration of the house.
I have CAT-5 running to most rooms, so adding wired devices is not an issue. I went out and picked up an EA4500 router, and my plan was to convert my Fios Router to a bridge and use the EA4500 as the DHCP server. However, even with this router, my coverage is not improved. My preferred solution will be to get 1 or 2 additional access points that I can plug into my wired network, however, I would want to have a common SSID for the entire network.
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Jan 3, 2013
I have a tplink acess point TL-wa5110G . I have WISP ( wireless internet service provider). I have configured the acess point on wisp client router mode and wan type to pppoe gave the username and pwd..Now i want to share internet wirelessly. now my question is that can i connect the aces point to wan port of the wirless router to share internet wirlessly? Because i have seen the instruction figure in tplink access router where they have shown that u can connect it with with unmanage able switch to share it to wired lan.i want to ask can wirless works to share internet if i use wireless router to access point.
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Feb 17, 2011
my home has a wireless network, and I can get internet (wirelessly) on my PC perfectly. What I was wondering is if it would be possible for me to hook up an ethernet cable to the RJ port on my PC, and connect my PS3 to it to give me a wired internet connection on the PS3.
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Apr 22, 2011
i live in a two story townhouse. under the stairs, there is a small closet where the modem and router are. there are also three ethernet ports, one that leads to each of the bedrooms. However, the only one that is being used is my room (my roommates dont need ethernet) so what i decided to do was run the ethernet port from the modem directly to my room and then connect the router to it using the ethernet port in my room. (my room is upstairs)
Now, this setup works great for me. I can connect my HD to the Airport and my printer via ethernet and my desktop as well. BUT ever since i moved the router upstairs to my room, the internet has been EXTREMELY slow downstairs
so this is what i was thinking, I want to get another wireless router and put it downstairs where the modem is, and use my airport Extreme as the "second" router. But, i want to use a different SSID for my airport extreme. is this possible?
I was thinking to connect the new router downstairs like normal, and disable the DHCP server on the airport extreme and change the IP address to make sure it isnt the same as the new router, then connect the new router to one of the three ethernet ports on my airport extreme.
Is that the correct way to set it up? and if i do that, would i be able to connect all my devices without a problem? (in addition to the devices mentioned earlier, i also have a second printer, a PS3, a home entertainment system, and sometimes my laptop, all connected to the airport via an ethernet switch) and lastly, will I be able to access the internet without a problem? will this slow down the internet that i get?
the reason i want to do this is because 1) I dont want any of my roommates or their guests to access my hard drive (i know, i can put a password on it. but still) and 2) if my printers are on the same network as their computers, they like to "accidentally" wirelessly print to my printers. I want to avoid that because they print. alot.
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Jun 28, 2011
I want share my adsl internet connection to my galaxy tab and use labtop wirless as a access point. in toturials there is settings in wirless newworks tab in wirless propertice,but I cant found this tab. I installed lastest Wirless driver update and start WLAN autoconfige service. also I cant found microsoft virtual wifi in network connetions.
Intel wifi link 5100 AGN
Windows 7
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Aug 15, 2012
I currently have a BT Home Hub 3 router and an Ubiquiti Power AP N.What I am trying to do is use the Ubiquiti access point as the main device for all connections in my house (ethernet and wireless) so that I can use the QoS settings etc. I basically want the Home Hub router to play as little role as possible in the network except for providing the ADSL internet connection.I know I need to enable DHCP on the access point but everytime I do so the devices connected to the access point lose internet connection.(BTW I have an ethernet cable connected from one of the routers LAN ports into the access point's WAN port)
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Apr 14, 2011
I have just installed 3 access points along with 6 repeater access points all running V12.4. They are all AIR-AP1242AG-E-K9 using the 2.4GHz radio.
Prior to installation I bench tested that the repeaters would associate with the access points and if one of the access points was turned off the repeaters would automatically roam to another access point. I did not have all 9 devices powered up at the same time, but did have 2 repeaters and 2 access points powered up to simulate association and roaming.
During installation as access points and repeaters were powered up everything behaved as expected (repeaters were associating to access points etc.) however during installation once everything was installed the 3 access points were all powered down for half an hour or so and once powered back on the repeaters did not automatically re-associate until they were re-booted.
I have now configured the repaters with parent MAC addresses to reflect the above current assocaition pattern but not yet powered off the access points to test if this forces re-association as this is now a live operational site!!
Is it normal to have to re-boot the repeaters if ALL 3 access points are powered down at the same time? i.e. If only one access point is powered down will the repeaters automaically roam to another access point o.k.?
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May 17, 2011
To put it simply, my parents live far enough in the middle of nowhere that they have no access to high speed internet. Of course, there are always wireless solutions, but the options around here are pathetic and comparable to dialup. They were content with this; I moved back in with them for the time being and am not.y solution has been to dump just shy of $1,000 into a point-to-point wireless bridge setup that claims to have a range of 5 miles non-line-of-sight. I have one antenna set up four miles away on top of a building that has high speed internet.Unfortunately, I was a stupid fool and set that end up without enabling security, thinking that it wasn't a big deal. Nobody in that town has a mind for anything but farming and drinking. That was my mistake. Some asshole set a password and forced me to do a factory reset on the access point and now I can find no IP address. It's like it only reset halfway to factory defaults or something
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Sep 13, 2011
I want to turn my old Surf router into an access point but am having a few issues. I know how to do it and can get the LAN ports working fine but the wireless is confusing me.I was wondering how I set up wireless devices to connect to it. I know there is no DHCP and the access point IP is
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Apr 12, 2011
I have an ADSL2 connection at home served by a DLINK DSL-2760U modem+router . I also have a DIR-655 router.Is there any way I can use the 655 as a wireless repeater/access point/bridge to connect to the 2760U (reception issues between the floors)?
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Jul 7, 2013
At my office we have a wireless modem(D-Link DSL-2750U) and all the clients are connect to it wirelessly with a wireless lan card. at the next floor we have two pc(without wireless lan card) that I want to connect them to this network, I have a switch and a wireless access point(TP-Link TL-WA701ND). my Question is that how can I connect the WAP to Modem? I set the operation mode of WAP to client and add the MAC address of it in the table of wireless modem but the clients cant connect to the network.
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Nov 23, 2012
how i can set up access point aironet 1040 cisco?
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Oct 25, 2011
I'm working at a high school which has pretty large grounds. The network is configured via one central router and a lot of access points. Recently, they shut down my access point for a moment after connecting it again. The access point works fine (after finding my problem we've tested a lot of computers and they all connect to it and the internet). My laptop and my desktop - the only computers connected to access point when it was rebooted - do not connect to this access point however!
Instead, they "choose" to connect to an access point farther away, so that my signal strength is extremely low (and hence, my internet connection is very poor).How do I get my computers to connect to the previous access point with the strong signal?
The laptop runs Windows 7 32-bit and the desktop runs Windows 7 64-bit.
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Dec 22, 2012
i have a network at home where 2 Ethernet switches (denoted as #1 and #2 in the diagram below) are chained ,then 3 wireless access points is connected to the 2nd switch. family laptops want to access the internet using wireless access points. any problem with this configuration ?
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Dec 27, 2012
I am trying to determine the best option for extending my home network. I am currently running an E2000 as my router and am considering the purchase of a Valet Plus to use as only an Access Point. Alternatively I have a used E1000 in good condition. Which would be best for use as an Access Point only?
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Aug 27, 2006
I am using WRT54G, I have 3 pcs connected to this router, some wired, some wireless.I need to monitor from my PC what my kids are doing on their PCs, including website visited, chat, email etc. Which software to use, or do I need to buy additional hardware?I have downloaded a application, however, it needs hub or switches on top of router. And my kids r connected by wireless and if I ask them to change to wired connection, they may not like it.
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Oct 9, 2012
I have a 3COM 3CRUS2475 24 Port PoE Switcher that I connect a number of Crestron control units to.All of a sudden yesterday I could no longer see the network on any device including Ipads, Laptops etc.I have rebooted several times and restarted all of the access points around the house but still cannot see the network. I have also connected a WAP directly to the Switch with a new LAN and still nothing.
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Nov 14, 2011
I have 3 pieces of hardware:
1. Green Packet DX-230 WiMAX modem with router
2. D-Link DIR-615 ver G2 (from my ISP)
3. D-Link 8 port desktop switch
I previously used the DIR-615 with my high speed broadband connection. However I had to move to a new house and here I can only get WiMAX. I want to...Place the WiMAX modem upstairs to serve as modem and wireless access point Have the DIR-615 function as the main router and firewall (downstairs) Use the switch to connect all the rooms in my house FYI my WiMAX modem has no connection configurations. I just plug it in and it'll connect automatically to the WiMAX signal. It has 2 LAN ports but no WAN port. From my understanding of networking, I have to turn off DHCP on my WiMAX modem, put it in the same IP range as my DIR-615 (, and disable UPNP and NATPMP. After this I'm stuck.How do I tell my DIR-615 to use the WiMAX modem as it's WAN connection?Should I reserve an IP for the modem in my DIR-615?
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May 9, 2012
If I hook up a wireless router as an access point will both the Ethernet ports and the wireless connection on that router work?
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Oct 8, 2011
I have set up an access point as per the instructions I found on this site. It works perfectly, holds a wireless signal fine. Now, I have the challenge of trying to remote connect to the home computer that is connected to this access point. I have absolutely no clue as to what changes in settings have to be made.
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Nov 20, 2011
My home desk top is set up with D-Link Xtreme N Dual Band Router. I have no problems accessing the internet on my desk top computer. I am trying to access my home wireless network through my HP laptop computer. The wireless network status is Limited or no Connectivity. I've tried the "repair" button with no resolution. The wireless connection is set to automatic.
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Nov 27, 2012
I have to reset my wireless router multiple times per day. Seems to just be our two laptops that fail to connect periodically, not other devices (iPods/cell phones/Wii). Both laptops have Windows 7. Router was replaced 2 years ago (went from Belkin to D-Link DIR-655) and the D-Link started acting like this a few months ago and is getting worse. I updated firmware on router last week in hopes it would fix it.
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Sep 20, 2011
I'm currently in the process of buying the new property, which is in the build process and would like to put some cables across 3 floors, which would be connected to the router downstairs.
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Apr 7, 2011
Camera set up with the Beta Mac wizard connected via ethernet on Airport base. Wireless security WPA2 Personal. Using DHCP. AirPort Utility 5.5.2, OSX 10.6.6.I can see the cam with the myDlink Lite iPhone (4) App when I am in my house with my wireless network. When I am out, away from my network, the App can't connect to the cam, tells me to check my network settings. I did the wps way and added the cam in the airport base utility *Access Control* tab but still doesn't work. Checked in the cam web page settings, can't figure out what the Pre-Shared Key is and where I get it/set it up in the airport utility...
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Nov 12, 2012
My Vista computer and my XP computer had been happily "talking" to each other, sharing files and printers. I got tired of paying $70 a year for Norton Internet Security, so I uninstalled it (using the Norton removal tool) and selected the Windows Firewall. I also installed Avast! and SuperAntiSpyware. Now neither computer talks to the other. When I run "\FamilyRoomHPOfficeJet" I get "Windows cannot access \FamilyRoomHPOfficeJet" . Check spelling, etc. Get error code 0x800704b3 "The network path was either typed incorrectly, does not exist or the network provider is not currently available..." What have I messed up by going from the Norton firewall to the Windows one.
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Nov 1, 2012
How do I connect and configure my WAP54G wireless access point to my new Cable Modem? I have it connected to the modem but I cannot access it to configure it. It appears to be working but before I got the cable modem I had it connected to a router and it was set-up with a static IP address. With my new ISP, I no longer have a static IP address so I am trying to configure the WAP54G to use DHCP. Trying to access it thru the internet at does not work.
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Jan 8, 2013
I have a TP-Link TL-WR720N wireless router, and I am trying to set it up so that it limits the times that my kids can access the internet. I have included screenshots of all of the programming pages, so you can see exactly what I am looking at. Here is what I have done so far:
Schedule: I created several schedules for different days, weekdays, weekends, start at 1900, end at 2100, etc.
Host: I created a host name titled "All", and set it for ~ The router assigns from thru I assigned my computer's MAC address as the "Parent PC", and bound it to, through the "IP and MAC Binding" function. In this manner, I hope to limit the kids access, while allowing the parent PC to access it at any time.
Rules: I selected the option to "Allow" passing of packets during these hours. I then created rules, assigning the host "All" to the different schedules that I created. I set the target as any, and did not set up any targets in the target section, because I do not want to control what sites they visit (yet, anyway). I generally don't worry about the sites they visit, I just think they spend too much time on the internet.
Here is what happens. I use my laptop (not the parent PC) as a test machine. When trying to access the wireless, i have verified that the router does give me an IP address within the specified range I created in the schedule. If I set the Access Rule to "Allow" the packets to pass through the router, and try to connect during the time it is set for, it will not allow my laptop to even connect. The weird thing is, if I set it for "deny", I can connect, but I have no internet access. Either way, if I have any of the rules enabled, I cannot access the internet at all. Thinking maybe there was some sort of conflict with schedules, I tried enabling only one of the rules instead of all of them, with no change.
What am I doing wrong? Do I need to set targets? If so, does this mean I have to set one for every site I want them to be able to visit? Can I set a target as the IP address of the router? If so, what ports do I use?
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Jan 18, 2012
I am looking form accesspoint for home network. I do not need router and usb functionality, I have this already in my linux server. I need only wifi accesspoint with 2 bands and 300Mbps bandwith. Is there a big difference between E4200 or E3200 or E2500? I know that E4200 supports 450Mbps, but I am not planning to buy new devices which could go faster than 300Mbps. Beside of technical parameters in technical specyfication is there a difference in wifi bandwith or tranmission between wifi and cable network?
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