Home Network :: VLAN's Using 2 Different Broadband Connections?

Apr 27, 2012

I have a general networking question regarding VLANS, multiple broadband connections and accessing PC's on both setups from each other.What I would like to do is have 2 broadband connections, one a cable connection and one a DSL connection. I would like to run them both through a Netgear FS-726T switch. Since the cable connection will go through a Linksys router giving out I.P.s in the range of 192.168.1.x and the DSL will probably use the same range, I would like to keep specific PC's connecting through the DSL connection and some other PC's specifically through the cable connection. I THINK that this can be done via the use of VLAN's set up on the Netgear switch but I am unfamiliar with setting them up. I've read through the manual and researched it online but I must be missing something. Just can't seem to figure it out so it's time to ask the experts. Due to the bandwidth limitations on the Comcast connection, I would like to avoid any data coming from the PC's on the DSL connection from going out through the cable connection (I do customer support for my business and want customers to be able to access files on my file server and also be able to back up their PC's online to my backup server but on the DSL connection. I will eat up my cable bandwidth in a hurry just from the backups alone. I would like to set up all the PC's with static I.P. addresses if possible. Now, I also need to be able to remotely access any of the PC's from outside my network (which I can do now) but I need to be able to access the cable connected PC's from the DSL connected PC's and vice versa.

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Home Network :: Is PPP Only Used For Dial Up Connections Or Also With Broadband

Nov 16, 2011

I's studying for my Network+ exam, and I somewhat confused when reading up on internet protocol. Is PPP only used for Dial Up connections, or also with Broadband? And what type of encryption if any does it use?

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VLAN Setup For 2 Different Broadband Connections

Apr 26, 2012

I have a general networking question regarding VLANS, multiple broadband connections and accessing PC's on both setups from each other.What I would like to do is have 2 broadband connections, one a cable connection and one a DSL connection. I would like to run them both through a Netgear FS-726T switch. Since the cable connection will go through a Linksys router giving out I.P.s in the range of 192.168.1.x and the DSL will probably use the same range, I would like to keep specific PC's connecting through the DSL connection and some other PC's specifically through the cable connection. I THINK that this can be done via the use of VLAN's set up on the Netgear switch but I am unfamiliar with setting them up. I've read through the manual and researched it online but I must be missing something.Due to the bandwidth limitations on the Comcast connection, I would like to avoid any data coming from the PC's on the DSL connection from going out through the cable connection (I do customer support for my business and want customers to be able to access files on my file server and also be able to back up their PC's online to my backup server but on the DSL connection. I will eat up my cable bandwidth in a hurry just from the backups alone. I would like to set up all the PC's with static I.P. addresses if possible. Now, I also need to be able to remotely access any of the PC's from outside my network (which I can do now) but I need to be able to access the cable connected PC's from the DSL connected PC's and vice versa.I have a feeling what I want to do is a mess and may not even be feasible. I have asked the networking personnel where I work but (primarily because they are arrogant SOB's) they won't even give me the slightest bit of information.

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Broadband :: Can't See Network Connections / Add Xbox

May 21, 2012

Cant see my network connections,cant add my xbo..

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Combine Multiple Broadband Connections On Single Network?

Apr 27, 2011

setting up a simple internet plan for a place, but a LAN center needs crazy fast internet, faster than most large enterprise class offices that take up an entire floor or two. Otherwise there is too much lag in games like first person shooters. We are expecting to have 60 computers, plus people bringing their own gaming rigs from home and laptops as well, xbox, ps3 and other consoles, all accessing the internet at the same time to varying degrees, with no room for lag. There is a LAN center in california that has 200 or more computers and they pay for 9 t3 lines, which is thousands and thousands of dollars per month. Plus the initial equipment to set that up from what I can find on cdw is many thousands of dollars also. Something like 10,000 for a router with 4 expansion bays, and 4000-6000 dollars for a t3 expansion card, bringing the total to around 22-28,000 for equipment to do just 4 t3's. Plus the monthly cost. Since we don't need all of the traffic to be secured like a high end business class line like a t3, I was considering what it would be like, and how one would set up, having multiple cable internet lines coming in. They make cable wic cards for cisco routers. 4, 50meg cable lines would give us 200 down and 40 up but I don't know how to make that work without having multiple public ip's. I was thinking that if I did have multiple public ip's on the network I could just divide the computers up so that they are in groups, using all of the public ip addresses for gateways, so that the load is split pretty evenly, but still, there should be a more seamless way to do this, I just don't know what it is. At the rate for business cable internet, 4 lines would probably only cost around 700 dollars a month, which is much better than probably 5 grand a month for several t3 lines.

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Broadband :: Network Connections Lost Windows 2003 Server

Feb 8, 2011

Network connections lost Windows 2003 Server, Reload Drivers Still not working.

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Broadband :: Icon Missing From Network Connections After Fresh Install

May 21, 2012

Icon missing from network connections after fresh install

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Broadband :: DNS Home Network Not Working

Jan 1, 2012

our windows PC's will connect to the home (wireless) network briefly (~15 sec) and then lose the internet connection. The wireless connection seems to stay strong. During that period any browser activity will result in a DNS error message and the Win7 network signal shows strong but not connected to the internet. We tried setting static IP addresses on the PCs but no luck. A number of PC's all running Win7 exhibit this issue.After 5-10 min it reconnects and everything is normal.Network is a 20 mbs cable based system.

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Home Network :: To Monitor The Router Connections

Jun 17, 2011

if I have a unprotected wireless router and someone start using my router, will i be able to monitor what they doing using my router internet connection?

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Build 1 Home Network Using 2 Wifi Connections?

Sep 7, 2012

setting up a single home network in my apartment that will be able to connect to and use 2 separate wifi internet connections to provide stability and reliable bandwidth for a home network.

Situation: I have recently moved into an apartment complex that has 2 separate wifi connections that are available to the residents free of charge. (yes i am authorized to use both) I do have the option of paying for and having my own personal DSL line installed but I would much rather use the free wifi and not have the monthly bill.

The Problem: My apartment is located far enough away from each of the routers (One wifi at each end of the building and I am in the middle) that my signal strength is poor most of the time and sometimes heavy traffic on one wifi requires that I disconnect and connect to the other. Wifi A is farther and has very low signal and low or no connectivity. Wifi B has good signal most of the time but gets very slow during peek usage times of the day.

I understand that I need one or more high gain antennas in order to receive adequate signals from either Wifi connection.

Between me and my son we have 2 laptop PCs, 1 Desktop PC, 1 network printer, 1 Xbox, 1 HDTV and my smartphone. I don't want to try to equip each device with its own high gain antenna and try to figure out which device should be connected to which Wifi depending on available signal and bandwidth. Rite now I do not have a Home network set up at all and we are only using 1 laptop and the Xbox and each is directly connected via wifi (usually to Wifi B).

If I could connect to either Wifi A or B with decent bandwidth and reliability and then be able to network or connect all my devices via wireless or wired to my own router/extender etc. I would be happy. However.. Given that I must share bandwidth with the other residents and at times one Wifi has heavy use while the other does not. I have been trying to research how to connect to both wifi signals for load balancing, reliability and hopefully greater bandwidth.

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Home Network :: Connect Two Routers With One Broadband Connection?

Jul 29, 2012

i have triple storey house. in all three floors a broadband connection point (rj45 jack) is there. i have connected one wireless router in 3rd floor. but the signals are not coming on second floor. can i connect netgear wireless access point with one ethernet point in the 2nd floor broadband connection jack (Rj 45), to access wirelessly my internet?

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Home Network :: Mobile Broadband Router To Wifi?

Aug 14, 2011

Currently I am hosting a 7 day mountain retreat, for about 90+ people. Clearly they are dependent on the internet teet as am I I am trying very hard to provide internet to our friends, but I just can't seem to figure it out I have a Mobile Broadband Router (MBBR) which limits connected devices to 6, so I figured that if connect a home router with wifi (WIFI) that allows 253 connections problem solved right? So I put a short LAN cable from the LAN port on the MBBR to the WAN port on the WIFI and presto! The WIFI gets a IP address, but does not allow other users of the WIFI to get internet. I've even killed all security on the WIFI and put the WIFIs IP in the DMZ on the MBBR. I noticed the DNS was the same as the gateway on the WIFI, so I changed that to the DNS on the MBBR still nothing.

PS Yes I have a connection on the MBBR I am on it now.Connecting the LAN cable from the MBBRs LAN to the WIFIs LAN extends the range, and grants internet to the WIFI users... but uses the MBBRs DHCP to give IP addresses, which limits to 6.I guess the goal here is bypass the limitation of the MBBR by using the WIFIs DHCP to issue IPs?

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Set-up Wireless Home Network Through Wifi Broadband Router?

Apr 16, 2011

I have a god-knows-which brand broadband router through which I access the net. This router has 4 ethernet ports. I have 2 laptops (with wifi obviously) & a desktop connected to the router by the standard LAN cable. I was wondering if I could network all the three through the router

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Broadband :: Home Network Is Now Unidentified Network?

Aug 29, 2011

my gateway laptop, running vista 64 home premium, cannot connect to the internet at home. connects straight to the modem via ethernet. displays as 'unidentified network'. according to the Atlantic BB tech(my ISP), my laptop is not obiaining an IP addy from the modem. The modem seems good, and the tech could see the modem from his end, but no IP addy from the laptop. ran ipconfig /all from home and the gateway was instead of 192.168.x.x So i'm stumped with no net at home. the ipv4 properties do have the obtain automatically button checked, and dhcp is enabled. had the tech reset the provisioning on the modem & he said the mac addresses were cleared already. i reset the ipv4, ipv6, and winsock. haven't gotten anywhere. tech's last advice was to bring the modem back and swap it for another one.

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Home Network :: Setting Up Two Wireless Connections In The Same House?

Aug 3, 2011

I currently have one wireless router in my house. Of course its hooked up the the modem, but i also have it hooked up directly to my desktop considering the router is on the desk where my computer is.I recently moved to a new house.One of the rooms has a huge brick wall in it, unfortunately the computer is in that room.AND, its on the far left side of the house, so the other side of the wall barely gets any signal (Enough to work, but it bounces and only gets about 2 Megabytes Per Second, which is awful, because the router sends out 20 megabytes per second due to our internet plan.) Now, my room is all the way on the far right side of the house, in my room, i get barely any connection at all, 20% is normal in my room. I have my Playstation 3 in my room, so I had to wire an ethernet cable from the wireless router, up through the attic, to my PS3. I can now get 20 MBPS while playing video games. While that is great, i still don't have a wireless connection back there.

What i want to know is, can i plug in another wireless router to the ethernet cable in my room, sending out another signal. So basically, im plugging up a wireless router to another wireless router, and want them to both send out internet.I plan on getting a gaming laptop in December and will be playing it most of the time in my room. I need to know if this is possible, and if it is, how do i do it?First off, let me state that moving the computer or router in front of the brick wall is completely out of question.Also, know a lot of stuff about computers, but know almost nothing about networking.

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Home Network :: Two Internet Connections And Port Forwarding

May 25, 2012

1. a LAN with about 10 pcs, a router and a shared internet connection which is connected to the router.

2. One of the PCs is a server, and is accessed from outside. the port 2230 is forwarded to it in the router.

Now the matter is, as the server uses a shared internet connection which is always very slow,I decided to have a dedicated internet connection in the server by adding an extra NIC.but what happens is when the outsiders try to connect to the dedicated internet connection IP address,the port 2230 is not forwared to the server pc.If I dissable LAN in this PC then the outsiders are able to connect.

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Home Network :: Connect To 2 Internet Connections Simultaneously

Jul 3, 2011

I'd like to use 2 internet connections at the same time.Assuming there are two internet networks.Network A and Network B (both are either wireless OR one is wireless and one is wired OR both are wireless).So, now I want to use BOTH internet connections simultaneously. However, both connections will still be separate and not combined:If I had to transfer big files, then I could do this on network A.Now, I want to use network B for other "normal" internet use so that the transfer of files in network A gets the maximum speed since there is no interference with anything else.I have to let the computer know somehow that there are two connections used simultaneously. I also have to setup what programs use what connection. E.g., IE uses network a and Firefox uses network b, program "x" also uses network b, etc.I would use two network card/USB Wifi Adapers so that each network card/wifi adapter can connect to one network.

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Combining Multiple Internet Connections For Home Network?

Jun 17, 2012

How to make 2 (or more) connections work together and increase your final download and upload.You will need the following items

- A PC or server connected at high speed that is greater or equal to both connections speed (from a data center, You can get some very cheap $30 a month, a VPS can be good enough)

- 2 Internet connections at your home (DSL + cable for example)

- A router that supports dual WAN

- A Magic software that I can write for example

So what is needed is a way to split your data using some technology like the concept of RAID 0 (MAGIC software will be here used) and then use both IPs through the router to send the data to the server which will handle your request (it is possible to have a good usage of VPN here to forward all your traffic to the server without worrying about doing much work here). After that on the server you can reverse your RAID 0 data (using the same MAGIC software) and forward your request to the destination site that you want to visit. Same way the downloading will happen when the server receives a reply from the destination site, it will split the data using same RAID 0 technology (using the MAGIC software) and then send the data to both of your IPs. After that on your side you combine the received data (using the software) and you are done. Of course I do prefer the data splitting to happen using some hardware like a router with MAGIC software as it will be much more effective.

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Home Network :: Using Both Wireless And Wired Ethernet Connections On Laptop

Aug 17, 2011

I have some servers running in my office and I have hooked them to a wireless router. I want to access those servers from my work laptop. At this time, I have to disconnect from my company network and assign static IP to wireless interface to access those servers. is there a way to configure my laptop so that i can be hooked to my company network through wired interface and can access my servers through wireless interface which is configured with static IP

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Home Network - VLAN Without Switch?

Feb 7, 2012

new to networking, I can not fully understand concepts like VLAN, so I would like to know whether it is possible to have a a few VLANs without a switch but over a bridge (created under linux - connecting a few virtual machines).

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Home Network :: ARRIS TM822 - Bridging Cable Broadband Modem To Router

Feb 18, 2013

i have an ARRIS TM822 cable modem provided by comcast, in addition i have a linksys e3000 wireless router. what i am trying to accomplish is to bridge the cable modem over to the router. i messaged comcast about this issue and i have attempted what they told me to do, but im not getting any where.

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Home Network :: WAN Access With VLAN Setup?

Mar 18, 2013

I am extremely new to network but also excited with the things you can achieve with a Cisco switch.For about 3 months I sat down looking at my "Cisco C2950-24 Switch", this surely for such a beastly looking thing it must be able to do something other than just allow you to plug in cables. So with that said I started to do some reading and watched a couple of You Tube Videos.I am on the route to complete my first goal and thats have my own VLAN setup with 1 Server and 6 clients. The Server is running ESXi therefore a few other servers are running inside it too.So my VLAN - VLANID 20 running the network On the physical switch I have the following:Port 1 - WAN incoming connection from my Router on the network 2 thru 9 all running on VLAN 20.By the way I am using the GUI Cisco Network assistant

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT120N / E1200 - Extend Home Network With Both Wired And Wireless Connections

Jan 27, 2013

I am trying to extend my home network into my basement with both wired and wireless connections.  I have a WRT120N upstairs, which is connected to my cable modem.  I have an E1200 in the basement, which I have connected with a LAN port.  DHCP is turned off, and all wired connections are getting an address from the upstairs router, and connecting to the internet successfully.I've configured the wireless with the same SSID on both routers, but the clients that connect to the downstairs wireless are not able to access the internet.  They are getting an IP address from the upstairs router, but can't get past the gateway. 

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Broadband :: 2 Internet Connections One As Back Up?

Mar 24, 2011

I have a primary internet connection which is broadband and the secondary connection as a Reliance data card in my laptop. I have noticed that which ever connection,connects the last, becomes the primary connection and if the primary ever goes out, the second connection takes over and gives me continuous connectivity.Is it possible to configure and specify which connection I want to be primary regardless of which connection connects last etc?

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Broadband :: How To Talk On Home Phone

Feb 8, 2012

I want to connect my home phone to the pc and make aqlls through voip. I do not want to use the headphone as it is not good to be used in the office.Or if I have a modem, can that be converted to make voip calls on a pc?

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Company Laptop Can't Connect Home Broadband

Jan 6, 2012

I need to use the company laptop to connect to home broadband. However, when it is connected, it shows "no or limited connectivity".All the other laptops/computer at home can connect without any problem.When I try to use my iPhone as hotspot. My company laptop can connect and browse websites (but extremely slow because is 3g speed).

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Broadband :: Monitor Internet Usage Through Home DSL?

Nov 17, 2012

I am trying to figure out how I can see what my monthly total bandwidth usage is. I have been trying to find a way to monitor my internet usage so I can make an informed decision on ISPs. one has a cap but allows ESPN3, the other is the opposite on both accounts. everything I have been finding look like good products however they all look like they are for an individual device. I have about ten devices and not all would have the ability to have these programs on them. I have and old xp machine that really is only good as a paper weight, If I had to I could make it a proxy but before I do that and create a major bottleneck I wanted to see if there were any other options

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Home Broadband And Routing To Multiple Devices?

Jan 5, 2012

I work from home and host quite a few machines within my home network which are all accessible internally, however I have a requirement to be able to access multiple services externally.I have standard home broadband with a SKY ADSL Router Modem and have the ability to set a DMZ, however i can only put 1 IP address as the DMZ destination. This means that from externaly, I can only access a single machine, obviously I can RDP from there but I need other services, for example SSH to another machine. Anything that I can buy which I can set as my DMZ, but can have rules which will redirect me once in the internal network to different services?

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Cisco Routers :: RV220W Max DHCP Users (Max Connections) Per Vlan

Nov 19, 2011

We assign (reserve by MAC actually) static IPs to all of our devices.  Over time we have gotten rid of some devices but haven't begun (or finished really) re-using the old IPs.  On our WRVS4400N v2 routers we are able to set the max number of DHCP users per Vlan.  This prevents unauthorized devices trying to connect to our LAN.For example.  I set the range from -  IPs 100, 101, and 103 are in use (reserved via MAC address).  We set max number of DHCP users to 3.  This prevents someone from gaining access to  Does this make sense?  Or at least this was the initial goal and it tested out successfully back when we implemented it.
How can I do the same for with the RV220W?  I can set the range, assign static IPs (reserve IPs by MAC address), but can't keep others from gaining accessing to our LAN via the unused IPs (not assigned a static IP).My initial thought was to create static IPs (for the unused IPs) using dummy MAC addresses.  I'm sure there is a much better way of accomplishing what I am trying to do.

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Home Network :: Advanced Home Network Setup (3 Subnets) And Port Forwarding?

Feb 24, 2013

I have a Time Warner Cable business class service with no static IP, with a wireless modem which is plugged to a CAT5 distribution panel. On the jacks (2 other rooms on the house) I have a Linksys E3000 and a Linksys Valet router for signal boost and gadgets usage (TV, cameras, etc).The main router (TWC) has it's own external IP which TWC assigns to me and internally distributes via DHCP the range 192.168.0.x. With that said:

- The E3000 has a IP -- this is fixed setup on the TWC router (ubee brand) by MAC address
- The Valet has a IP -- this is fixed setup on the TWC router (ubee brand) by MAC address
- The main router has the as the gateway and web-interface

Whenever I connect something to the E3000, it is distributing the 192.168.1.x range and the valet 192.168.2.x range.That works perfectly for my home based business until I decided to use more stuff on the network such as a IP printer, IP cameras, etc.

- The IP cameras are connected to the E3000 due to signal strength and I have manually assigned them the and IPs and ports 9001 and 9002.

- The printer is connected to the E3000 and I have manually assigned the IP

Issue 1: Port forwarding On the main router (TWC - UBEE) I have tried to setup a port forwarding by informing the Local IP as (E3000 IP), Internal Port 0, Public Interface IP (, Ext Start Port 9001, Ext End Port 9001, Protocol - Both, Enabled Yes. On the E3000 I did the same config (screen shot attached e3000.png).This is not working properly. I can't get into the camera.

Issue 2: Printer/ The printer is only accessible if I connect to the E3000 (because it is on the 192.168.1.x network)

Issue 3: How to configure all the devices on the same subnet? If I want everyone to be on the 192.168.0.x network, how to configure properly the E3000 and the Valet? I have tried to force them into the same network but it would not work properly. It would not get an IP from the UBEE router (main).

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Combining Multiple Internet Connections For A Home / Office

Jan 26, 2011

do not have fast internet service so we must need to combine two or more different internet providers and get one speed kindly reply do you know any router/modem/switch which can do this for us.

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Software To Test Home Wireless Router Connections?

Jan 26, 2012

How can I test for proper network setup with my home wireless router? Is there some free software that can test all connections for integrity?

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Cisco Switching/Routing :: WRT54G / 3660 For Home Cable Broadband Use?

May 26, 2013

I have a good working knowledge of TCP/IP networking. I have a Cisco 3660 router I'm wanting to use in place of a WRT54G router with my Charter cable internet service. I saw a youtube video where a guy demonstrated how to use a Cisco 2600 series router with home broadband service. I followed the video to setup my 3660 router. I can ping the LAN side ( with no problem, the DHCP functions as it should. I can see activity on the on the WAN port indicator but no internet access. I have attached .doc file that shows the "sho run" info. My network will be setup as follows Charter Cable Motorola Surf Modem - ethernet to MM fiber converter - MM fiber over to Sun Microsystems cabinet fiber closet - MM fiber card (on Cisco 3660 router FA6/0 WAN interface) - LAN interface FA0/0 - Cisco 3524 managed switch. One of the gigabit MM fiber ports on the Cisco 3524 feeds a 3Com Superstack 12 port gigabit fiber managed switch. My two Dell 2950 servers will be on the Superstack gigabit fiber backbone. The Cisco 3524 10/100 ports will have a Cisco access point, two IP addressible battery backup units, two Dell Desktops, and a LG Blu Ray player.

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