Home Network :: ARRIS TM822 - Bridging Cable Broadband Modem To Router
Feb 18, 2013
i have an ARRIS TM822 cable modem provided by comcast, in addition i have a linksys e3000 wireless router. what i am trying to accomplish is to bridge the cable modem over to the router. i messaged comcast about this issue and i have attempted what they told me to do, but im not getting any where.
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Mar 7, 2007
I am at my wits end.Comcast just changed my old RCA cable modem for an Arris Telephony modem.(I had Comcast phone service added)The tech that did the install said the wireless G network was all up and running. (My 3 other computers and printer) Well lo and behold the network does not work at all. I only get internet through my wired computer and cannot access my router through anymore.I tried powering down the router and modem by holding the reset for 30 seconds and unplugging them.
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Aug 17, 2012
I am trying to figure out whats wrong with my parents apple airport router. Its connected into an Arris TM402P/110 cable modem. It randomly stops working, the network is there and shows up fine but you cant connect to it. It might work for a day or 2 and then just stops. I am trying to figure out if there is a configuration issue or the airport hardware is just failing. I am not sure where to start troubleshooting. The event log for the modem isnt much help, the following message shows up occasionally:
No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out
Whats interesting is my mom plugged her desktop right into the cable modem and then after plugging it back into the airport the wireless was working again. Is it possible there is a DHCP issue? If the hardware is failing what would be a good replacement for the airport?
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Jul 20, 2011
Lately I've been experiencing connection problems between my router and cable modem. Every night after 11:00 PM EST, my Internet connection sporadically goes out. I called my ISP who said there was nothing wrong on their end. Plugging directly into my modem allows me to access the Internet. When I wake up in the morning, the connection is back until 11 or later again. I ran WireShark but I'm not sure what to be looking for. There are a lot of random things from the LLMNR protocol like standard query A zmtvrjaql.
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Feb 7, 2012
I have a cable modem installed to my property but want to use my modem/router to go wireless. The proble is my cable modem output is a RJ45 and the router input is RJ11.
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Aug 6, 2011
I am having a problem with my newly purchased Linksys E1000 router, I am having terribly slow network speeds while on that network.
Here are my network speeds with The e1000: (wireless) And here are the speeds with my old wrt54g: (Wireless) Here are the results directly hooked up to the modem: (wired)
I've tried setting the MTU to 1500, did a RMA with Linksys to see if it was a hardware problem, did a firmware update to the e1000, disabled DHCP and SPI, reseted my router and my modem....none of those things have worked
My ISP is comcast and I have a Arris TM502G modem
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Sep 11, 2012
I have this setup at home and I can't make wireless bridging to work with two WR740N routers.I tried 3 online tutorials and none of them worked
R1,R2,R3 = routers
The main router "R1" Is setup like this :
IP Address
DHCP enabled -
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Jun 14, 2011
Do I need to change myArris-TM502G router when changing to a Linksys E4200 Dual-Band modem
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Aug 17, 2012
I have an ARRIS Docsys3 modem from Comcast which has a built in WiFi router. I also have a DIR-655. The Modem is in my office and I have a 100' Ethernet cable running through my attic to my front room where the dir-655 is located.
I use the DIR for WiFi as well I have it connected to my TV and Xbox.I use the ARRIS Modem for WiFi as well I have it connected to another Xbox and a Desktop computer.I want to have everything on 1 network, Dir-655 uses IP address and the ARRIS uses ranges I want to be able to connect to the dir-655 and have the IP for that connection join up with the 10.0.0... network so that I will be able to transfer files freely throughout the network.
I want everything on one network. Right now when I connect a laptop to the DIR-655, I can not access the printer that is connected to the Desktop on the ARRIS modem. I have to connect to the ARRIS modems WiFi to then use the printer on the desktop.Likewise, I want to use the media extender on the Xbox connected to the DIR-655 with the Desktop connected the the ARRIS modem, but I can not because of the to different networks.
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Mar 11, 2012
My home lab is in a different room than the cable modem. I have a wireless N router in the room with the cable modem. I have a wireless access point that is connected to a Cisco 2611XM routers fa0/0 interface. The 2611 accepts the DHCP address from the wireless router. However, I can't ping past the wireless LAN network. I know with the wireless router it's two layers of DHCP. Should remove the DHCP settings from the wireless router? The wireless router is a TrendNet TEW-651BR. I can ping my iphone or any device conntected to the wireless router. And my laptop can ping default gateway of the wireless router, which I assume is the cable modem, however the 2611 cannot. So I'm assuming that's why the hosts behind the 2611 can't get to the internet. I followed the below instructions. I know the instructions don't assume your using a wirelss router between 2611 and the cable modem. But, I really don't want to run a cable to the cable modem.
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Aug 14, 2011
Currently I am hosting a 7 day mountain retreat, for about 90+ people. Clearly they are dependent on the internet teet as am I I am trying very hard to provide internet to our friends, but I just can't seem to figure it out I have a Mobile Broadband Router (MBBR) which limits connected devices to 6, so I figured that if connect a home router with wifi (WIFI) that allows 253 connections problem solved right? So I put a short LAN cable from the LAN port on the MBBR to the WAN port on the WIFI and presto! The WIFI gets a IP address, but does not allow other users of the WIFI to get internet. I've even killed all security on the WIFI and put the WIFIs IP in the DMZ on the MBBR. I noticed the DNS was the same as the gateway on the WIFI, so I changed that to the DNS on the MBBR still nothing.
PS Yes I have a connection on the MBBR I am on it now.Connecting the LAN cable from the MBBRs LAN to the WIFIs LAN extends the range, and grants internet to the WIFI users... but uses the MBBRs DHCP to give IP addresses, which limits to 6.I guess the goal here is bypass the limitation of the MBBR by using the WIFIs DHCP to issue IPs?
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Apr 16, 2011
I have a god-knows-which brand broadband router through which I access the net. This router has 4 ethernet ports. I have 2 laptops (with wifi obviously) & a desktop connected to the router by the standard LAN cable. I was wondering if I could network all the three through the router
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Feb 26, 2012
is it possible to connect the wan port of a cable modem to a lan port of the home network? the reason is, i need some wifi access and more ports to my wired network, and the most reasonable solution would be a cable modem router with wifi and 4 ports just plugged into one of my routers.
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Jan 7, 2011
I have a new router (ASUS RT-N10)and It is asking me to direct connect my cable modem to my computer, and then find my MAC address via command prompt, and clone it to the new router.I can get to my command prompt, the problem lies in windows 7 and vista's (or mine) inability to realize that my network card is directly connecting to the modem. (No internet connection available, doesn't think anything is connected). I have tried on multiple machines to try and find my modem's mac address but it simply is not working.I want to know if I can find the mac address through the old router, or what I need to do to have windows 7 recognize I'm directly connecting the modem to the PC.
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May 26, 2013
I have a good working knowledge of TCP/IP networking. I have a Cisco 3660 router I'm wanting to use in place of a WRT54G router with my Charter cable internet service. I saw a youtube video where a guy demonstrated how to use a Cisco 2600 series router with home broadband service. I followed the video to setup my 3660 router. I can ping the LAN side ( with no problem, the DHCP functions as it should. I can see activity on the on the WAN port indicator but no internet access. I have attached .doc file that shows the "sho run" info. My network will be setup as follows Charter Cable Motorola Surf Modem - ethernet to MM fiber converter - MM fiber over to Sun Microsystems cabinet fiber closet - MM fiber card (on Cisco 3660 router FA6/0 WAN interface) - LAN interface FA0/0 - Cisco 3524 managed switch. One of the gigabit MM fiber ports on the Cisco 3524 feeds a 3Com Superstack 12 port gigabit fiber managed switch. My two Dell 2950 servers will be on the Superstack gigabit fiber backbone. The Cisco 3524 10/100 ports will have a Cisco access point, two IP addressible battery backup units, two Dell Desktops, and a LG Blu Ray player.
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Nov 8, 2011
Five months ago we moved into a new apartment, and connected up our broadband; the ISP provides a Thomson Speedtouch modem (ST546 v6), which I understand from Tech Support is running software v4 (it was issued with V5, but rolled back to V4 for stability issues).We prefer a WiFi network, so purchased a Belkin N Wireless Modem Router (F5D8636-4 v2); I connected it up ditching the ISP issued modem, and all worked well for four months. Suddenly it refused to see the ADSL connection - orange light flashing.So after four nights of 'fault resolution' with Belkin, they decided to send me a replacement... which I finally received last night. It didn't work - same problem, flashing orange light.I have the correct user name and password for the ISP - checked it not once, not twice, but four times. The Thomson Speedtouch works, but doesn't provide a WiFi environment. Can I connect the Belkin modem router into the back of the Thomson and transmitt/carry the WiFi signal that way, and if so, how? I tried (the obvious to me) plug a ethernet cable from the Thomson modem into the Belkin, but nothing.. I'm guessing there are a few important steps I missed.
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Apr 5, 2012
I have an arris modem from the ISP company and it works good, bat it is NO wireless model. So I have purchased arris WITH the wireless capability myself and ISP refused to support it so my guess that I need somehow to clone their old modem to my new one.
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Jan 4, 2013
Today I got a new modem brought from Insight my ISP.
Modem: Arris TG862
Router: Cisco Linksys E1200
What happened is I connected to the modem's configuration page and turned off dhcp for all of the options because I wanted my router to do this, but after doing this and saving my settings, I can no longer connect to the internet or the modem no matter what I try. I really don't want to call insight when they just brought the modem.
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Feb 12, 2012
so yesterday I went out and bought a new Cisco Linksys E4200v2 router. My ISP is Communicomm (terrible, but they're the only one here). I also have a Terayon TJ 715x cable modem. I shut down pc & cable modem, connected everything, and powered back up. I am able to access the router config page at, but the router does not receive an ip address from the modem. If I plug the modem directly to the pc, I get an ip and am able to connect to the internet. I have called my ISP several times, and they tell me that they do not use MAC address filtering. The only MAC address that they need is that of the modem, which they have. This modem has been working fine for several years. After spending over an hour on the phone with Linksys support, they have determined that the router is functioning properly.I also tried hooking up an older netgear router and got the same results. The following is my ipconfig with the modem connected directly to the pc. [CODE]
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Sep 28, 2011
I'm not that great at networking, I'm pretty much a novice but I'm trying to connect a modem and router to my computer but get around bridging the modem if possible. You see, I am working with AT&T and their dsl modem access page only works for me if the modem is unbridged. If I bridge the modem, I cannot get on the page again to unbridge it while I am trying to hook up my router. When I need them to unbridge the modem, I have to stay on hold for hours. One guy even told me that he did unbridge the modem, but since my internet persisted not to work, he told me my ethernet card went bad of a sudden on my computer. I knew this was incorrect so after a few more hours on hold, I had a lady debate with me that she was not unbridging my modem since it was my ethernet card that was bad and not the bridging. Finally, laughing to herself, she unbridged the modem for me and it worked
Here is what I have: My modem is a Motorola 2210 Style: MSTATEA My router is a Linksys WRT120N
As of right now, I just have a LAN with my modem plugged in through an ethernet cord to my PC. Is there a way of me hooking up my Linksys router to my modem and PC without bridging the modem? If so, where can I find out instructions for this?
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Feb 15, 2011
I've been trying to connect my laptop directly to my Arris modem with an ethernet cable to get on the internet, but for some reason every time I do I have "limited access" and can't get on the internet. I can only seem to get my laptop on the internet while the wireless router is connected to the modem and then either connecting wirelessly or by connecting my laptop to the wireless router with an ethernet cable.I want to connect to the internet without my wireless router, because someone was hacking our router and was apparently doing illegal downloads. We got a cease and desist letter that said our internet will be terminated if it happens again, so I want to connect to the internet without any wireless connections being set up.
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Nov 22, 2012
I got a new modem from the cable company Arris TG862G. This is a wireless modem and I had them set everything up on their end which is now after 2 hours with them on the phone working fine. The problem I'm having is somewhere in my computer is my guess and their guys didn't know which way was up so i gave up on them fixing my issue. So here I am. I have a custom built computer that is using a Gigabyte mobo and has been working fine with the on board Ethernet card before now. I used to have the desktop plugged into an Arris modem via a Belkin router and this set up worked fine. I also took the current modem and plugged it into the Belkin N600 router and then to my computer and to my complete bewilderment it worked fine. I wanted to get rid of the router so I could see if I could get faster download speeds (That initial issue being on speed tests I get 50mb/s and on actual downloads I would only get 5mb/s).
I got it to work (I have no idea how) for about 20 minuets. When I restarted the computer it stopped working. I am now back to square one which is the desktop not even recognizing that there is a cord plugged in. I know the cord is fine and the ports are fine as well that isn't the issue. My laptop connected just fine to the Ethernet cord with no issue. I have uninstalled the Belkin software to see if that was the issue and no change. Everything wireless works just fine, it is just this Ethernet connection that is FUBARed, and again ONLY with the desktop.I am running Windows 7 ultimate. I am about to QQ and just deal with the 5mb/s downlods because that's not terrible but I got greedy.I was messing with the Ethernet wire some and it started picking up the router but never tried to connect to the internet, I'm going to try other wires but I don't think that's the issue.
OK so another update ladies and gents: my desktop has been on for about 40 minuets now and it is connected to the modem. I have done nothing to it that would cause this and it just randomly happened. Short of never turning my computer off again which would be hell on my power bill what can I do to fix this problem? On speedtest.net I'm only getting 30.48 Mb/s and as I said earlier I should be getting around 50mb/s (which is what I get on on the wireless laptop). I just restarted it and it wouldn't connect to the modem again.
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Oct 3, 2011
I have a wireless modem on the first floor of my house, where I got cables through the wall running throughout rooms in first floor, ground floor and basement.I have my small business at the basement, so I have 2 PCs one printer and one external hard disc which also connects directly to a modem/router.I have 3 PCs from the first and ground floor that connect through the wall to my modem, and everything works well. But for my basement, which only has 1 lan cable output on the wall, I got myself a router so that I can connect all my devices.I connect the router with my modem, and then the PCs, printer and hard disc on the router. The PCs have internet access, so I know the connection to the modem has nothing wrong to it. But I am not able to access the PCs connected to the router from the PCs connected to the modem, or vice versa.
I was told to not obtain an IP address automatically, so I assigned my modem and router to work on 192.168.10.x and gave my PCs IPs such as Only after setting this up did all my PCs have internet access, but again, no network communication between PCs on modem and PCs on router.One thing that might be worth mentioning, is that through time, my network keeps going from Home Network: Network, to Network 2, Network 3, and so on... now it's on Network 5. I have no clue why this happens, and if it's related to my problem
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Aug 23, 2012
I have a pc running windows 7 connected to a broadband modem. From that modem I have a LAN cable running to another building plugging into a wifi router. I have 2 pcs running xp plugged into this wifi router. (they can see each other)Is it possible for the 3 pcs to see each other on the network?The only way I got it to work was if all pcs were connected to the same modem. However to save running super long cables for each pc I want to run just one between the modems and then plug all pcs into that wifi modem which is close to everything.
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Sep 25, 2012
First of all, this is how my connection looks like:
PC & Xbox 360 -> Router (Linksys WRT54GL with DD-WRT firmware) -> Modem (Arris TM602B) Everything is working just fine, except for every now and then (sometimes a few times per day), when my modem decides to "stop working" for a second or two. I do not know if it is exactly the modem, but i guess that it is.
What happens, is that for a second or two, all the lights on modem stop blinking or turns off, except "Power", "DS" and "US". Those lights stays turned on. After a second or two, all the lights continues working normally.
It would not even be that big of an issue, as i would not mind if my internet radio has stopped working for a second or if i had to wait a second before continuing with browsing the web, but it becomes an annoying issue, while i am playing video games on Xbox Live. This is what causes me to disconnect from an online game, even though, everything works normally after - until it happens again.
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Aug 20, 2012
I just switched ISPs and received a new modem, unfortunately I can't seem to connect my laptop online with this. Everything else connects fine, but something is up with my computer, it connects fine wirelessly to the modem, it just doesn't have a proper internet connection.I'm running windows 7, the modem is an Arris TG862.
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May 6, 2012
Connecting to the internet through my Arris Touchstone TM602G Telephony Modem phase 2 to my custom desktop.
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Jul 16, 2012
I'm having trouble connecting my 02 dongle to the internet using my router. My router is a TP-LINK MR3420 and my 02 modem device is E1752. I checked to see if the modem is compatible and it says it is. I went through the configuration that was given to me with the router and I tried using you tube but nothing. Do i need to get a static I.P address off my Internet provider? If I plug my 02 usb dongle directly into my computer it works perfectly and I got the router to work using a ethernet cable and plugging it into the WAN port at the back of the router but I would prefer to let it connect through the 3g port. I get a connection at 40% and 100 bytes are sent and some are received but the connection drops. Is it a problem with the connection? I will upload a image.
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Feb 2, 2013
I have two netgear wireless modem / router. I want to connect my internet, NAS and Media player on one device (netgear modem/router) and want to link the other netgear in my bedroom and connect another media player and also use the internet via primary netgear modem/router wireless connectivity.
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Sep 20, 2011
I'm currently in the process of buying the new property, which is in the build process and would like to put some cables across 3 floors, which would be connected to the router downstairs.
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Jan 1, 2012
our windows PC's will connect to the home (wireless) network briefly (~15 sec) and then lose the internet connection. The wireless connection seems to stay strong. During that period any browser activity will result in a DNS error message and the Win7 network signal shows strong but not connected to the internet. We tried setting static IP addresses on the PCs but no luck. A number of PC's all running Win7 exhibit this issue.After 5-10 min it reconnects and everything is normal.Network is a 20 mbs cable based system.
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Nov 16, 2011
I's studying for my Network+ exam, and I somewhat confused when reading up on internet protocol. Is PPP only used for Dial Up connections, or also with Broadband? And what type of encryption if any does it use?
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Apr 27, 2012
I have a general networking question regarding VLANS, multiple broadband connections and accessing PC's on both setups from each other.What I would like to do is have 2 broadband connections, one a cable connection and one a DSL connection. I would like to run them both through a Netgear FS-726T switch. Since the cable connection will go through a Linksys router giving out I.P.s in the range of 192.168.1.x and the DSL will probably use the same range, I would like to keep specific PC's connecting through the DSL connection and some other PC's specifically through the cable connection. I THINK that this can be done via the use of VLAN's set up on the Netgear switch but I am unfamiliar with setting them up. I've read through the manual and researched it online but I must be missing something. Just can't seem to figure it out so it's time to ask the experts. Due to the bandwidth limitations on the Comcast connection, I would like to avoid any data coming from the PC's on the DSL connection from going out through the cable connection (I do customer support for my business and want customers to be able to access files on my file server and also be able to back up their PC's online to my backup server but on the DSL connection. I will eat up my cable bandwidth in a hurry just from the backups alone. I would like to set up all the PC's with static I.P. addresses if possible. Now, I also need to be able to remotely access any of the PC's from outside my network (which I can do now) but I need to be able to access the cable connected PC's from the DSL connected PC's and vice versa.
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