i enable guest access, when connecting though any device it doesn't ask for password but allows access straight away. I've tried changing the password, but no luck.
With the E4200, is it possible to setup the main SSID with a pass pharse but have the guest SSID without a passpharse or password (ie access without security). If so, How?
My E4200 settings show both the 5.8GHZ and 2.4GHZ channels to be active, with SSID's displayed. However, when I look for available networks via my laptop(s)/tablets, etc, only the 2.8GHZ channel is visible. I've tried changing various settings and even updated the firmware but nothing has changed.
In addition my "guest" portal displays as not being password protected, even though it is setup for password protection in the E4200 menu.I've rebooted the router several times, but nothing has changed. The 5.8GHZ channel is not visible.The router is also performing frequent random disconnects, but that appears to be a separate issue, based on other posts.
I just bought a E4200, is there a way change the default text of the pop up message that is used when the client is requested to put in the password to access the guest SID for the e4200?
Purchased E4200 this week and did simple setup via CD setup (Cisco connect). Set up main name and password. Cisco Connect assigned "-guest" to end of main name for the guest account. Gave guest account its own password. Both main and guest accounts were broadcasting OK -- but guest account was not secure and could be accessed without password. (All software and firmware upgrades were done during initial setup).Reset the E4200 and restarted things from the CD setup. Created main account, main account password, and guest password again. In advanced settings, left basic wireless settings at initial settings, changed wireless secutiy to WPA2 Personal. Still having the guest account being broadcast in unlocked status. (Have turned off guest access for now until I can get password protection for it).
My serial number on the E4200 starts with 01 - does that indicate it is a version 1? If not, how do I determine which version I have? Are there any software updates available? How do I disable my guest access?
I have changed from dlink to linksys because of good reviews in transfer speed. Nothing to complained about that yet, Wireless guest zone has more to wishes... Disable password req is one, why call it guest and show it as an unsecured network (I know it separated from my local network and doesn't have encryption)? This password req is a bum when visitors with smartphones and ipods came and visit! More irritable is that somehow connection settings for guest in devices are lost when e4200 powercycle and every visitor must reconfig their devices again
I have the wireless guest access set up in my E4200 flash to the latest firmware. When I connect to the wireless guest network it comes up under the 192.168.33.xx IP address. I can connect fine but it never pops up the browser so that you can type in the guest password. I'm running Windows 7 but I've also noticed the exact same problem under XP.The only thing I can guess is the problem is that I have this acting like an access point and all DHCP requests go to my router. I've basically turned off DHCP on this and plugged the network connection into the switch on the back.
For weeks guest access to my e3000 worked fine. Today I have a friend come over, his XP connects to the guest wi-fi, but his computer does not get a prompt for a password.
I have the wireless guest network up and running just fine. But, I need to also connect to the router's quest network via one of the ethernet ports. Can I just give the LAN-conencted PC a 192.168.3.x static IP to access the guest network? I am assuming there is no VLAN functionality...
And even better, can I set up a DHCP relationship to that port? So that any device plugged into the port will get a IP on that subnet?
I cannot get the Guest Network feature to work.Even though Guest SSID is enabled, it does not show up on any devices attempting to connect. Manually connecting by entering the Guest SSID fails (not recognized). On devices with the primary 5 and 2.4 GHz configured they do see the third network but without SSID (unknown) and are also unable to connect to it manually using the SSID.I did not try this before 1.0.02. Have rebooted modem and verified all configs (multiple times). The network is live in an office and can't keep screwing with it or drastically changing its settings.
Is it possible to change the Guest Network Name on the E4200? And if so, is it possible to do so without having to do a complete reset of the router and without using the Cisco Connect software?
I tried searching through the threads but didn't see anything on this. Recently bought the E4200 so that when guests come by they can use a separate network instead of mine. I have guest network set up for one user but I am able to connect more than one computer to the guest network.
When Im connected to the GUEST network and open the web-browser it will not open the Linksys guest-login page. Why?(latest firmware ver.1.0.01(Build10) installed)
I am interested to know if there is anywhere (even in the code) where i can play with the guest network settings?
*. ability to change the default webpage login for guest network *. Ability to set a lease time for guest network *. Ability to use special characters in the password (@!$%)
is it even possible or an open source firmware is the way to go?
Just bought myself an Cisco E1000 today and I am having problems figuring out what the "Guest" password is, how to change it and how to possibly disable it all together?.
The Cisco CD can't access my router now claiming i changed the admin password, which I havent done at all.
But is there some way to manually get access to said password, change it and/or disable guets access all together
My router a E4200. the thing is i want to disable the dhcp services from the router, because there are allready a dhcp server in my network. but if i disable the dhcp will the Guest wifi functions still work?
Netgear ProSafe Gigabit Router is my DHCP Server -- The entire home net work is on the same subnet (192.168.15.xxx) Linksys E4200 configured as an access point ONLY -- wired connection -- static IP assigned -- DHCP server turned off Linksys WRT610N configured as an access point ONLY -- wired connection -- static IP assigned -- DHCP server turned off
3 -- 5 port gigabit switches 1 -- 8 port gigabit switch
No more than two switches between any two wired devices Both Linksys access points have the same SSID and WPA2 security phrase -- total of 4 radios Nonoverlapping channels are selected on both the 2.4Ghz and 5.0Ghz radio to minimize interference All computers are running Windows 7 Professional 64bit with all the latest updates Two iPhones and one iPad also access the network All LAN and WAN connectivity is working as designed?
guest SSID is turned on
password is established
All devices will connect to the guest SSID and the E4200 is assigning an ip address to the device in the 192.168.33.xxx range which is what it's supposed to do.When I open a web browser, I am not automatically redirected to the Cisco Login Page. If I enter as the URL, the login screen is presented. I enter the password I have created in the guest admin page on the wireless guest tab. I then see a blank page and a URL of THIS IS WHERE I GET STUCK. THE ONLY WAY TO EVER SEE THE LOGIN PAGE AGAIN IS TO REBOOT THE E4200, otherwise you just get unable to connect messages when opening web browsers and the wireless status icon in the system tray shows a yellow exclamation mark.
I successfully connect to the guest SSID but I do not get access to the internet. When I type ipconfig, I see that the DNS is set to which does not exist on my network. I assume there's some internal NAT magic that is supposed to happen in the E4200 to bridge me over to my 192.168.15.xxx network but it doesn't seem to be happening.At the beginning of the call I specifically asked them if the E4200 must be the DHCP server in order for the guest SSID feature to work and they said no. 1.5 hours later they had no answers so they told me that it wasn't working because the E4200 was not the DHCP server. The documentation says nothing about a DHCP requirement for guest AP service. Linksys support further could not answer what you would do if you needed more than one AP with guest service enabled.It seems like this is a firmware issue but it may be the guest SSID service requires the E4200 to also act as the DHCP server. Whether this is a bug or if the router/AP is working as designed?
We have three brand new E4200 routers, all using the most current firmware (1.0.02). They are all in bridged mode, however when I attempt to enable the guest network on each of them, the config shows it as active, but it never shows up as visiible SSID. In previous posts, I've seen people saying that I need to do a complete hard reset of the router and re-enter all the configs again to get the guest network active. Is this true? I'd hate to think that I have to hard reset and reconfigure all three of these APs, just to get the guest network enabled.
Is there a way to configure one of the GigE ports on the E4200 to only work on the "guest" network? Basically I have a need to setup one of those ports to get to the Internet, but I don't want it to be able to get to anything else on the private side.
I used Cisco connect to set up guest access with a secure password. Cisco Connect now indicates guess access is allowed and shows the password. However, when I actually try to connect to the guest network, it shows no security at all, and I can join the network without a password.
The Cisco E1000 I just purchased provides two connections: a main connection, and one for "guest access." I've successfully disabled the need for password on the main, but the guest access still requires that I assign a password. How do I make this connection open and accessible as well?
I have setup my EA3500 for guest access however when my clients connect and start their browser they are never prompted for a password to continue their session. The browser times out. I can connect to the secured network by using the wireless password and the clients work.
I have the lastest firmware. I have a host of different clients, Kindle Fire HD, RIM Playbook, Windows 7 laptop. I have turned off guest account restarted, reconfigured and nothing changes. The browser always times out and the client is never prompted for a password. I bought this router because a friend that I visit has one so that visitors can use the internet...I know hers works, I have brought my Kindle along with me and connected to her Linksys router and it prompts for a password. I liked the feature so much I bought this one.
FYI. This router was replaced under warranty, I spent two days (I'm not kidding) on the phone with Linksys support trying to get the first one to work. I rebooted, reset to default, changed settings, tweaked, used different clients all with no effect so they replaced it.
I just purchased an E4200 and got it up & running. Everything was fine, until I connected a Wi-Fi DVD player to it. I followed the DVD player procedure, which was to push the WPS button on the router, and then the appropriate button on the DVD player. After a few seconds, the player connected, and I successfully accessed YouTube through it.
So far, so good -- except that it turns out that the router, on its own, changed the SSID and password. When I could not get Wi-Fi access on my iPhone, I checked the Wi-Fi settings, and instead of the original SSID of the E4200 -- let's say ShadeTree -- it was changed to Cisco_WPS_xxxxx (the X's represent numbers). I started Cisco Connect, and a screen came up showing that the password had been changed from the original, and listed both the original and new passwords.
What is going on? Why would the E4200 change the SSID and password all by itself, when I connected a Wi-Fi equipped DVD player with WPS? Is this going to happen when I connect a Wi-Fi equipped TV set, or some other component? What can I do to keep the E4200 from changing the network name and password all by itself? Or am I going to have to re-program every other Wi-Fi device (iPad, iPhone, etc.) every time I add a new component?
I am in the process of upgrading a Linksys WRT160Nv2 to a Cisco E4200. I run Cisco Connect and enter my ISP password (7 characters long) and click save but when it refreshes the screen, the password field has 16 characters in it.