Spontaneous Disconnects And Instability?

Aug 12, 2012

OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2410M CPU @ 2.30GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7
Processor Count: 4
RAM: 6049 Mb
Graphics Card: Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000, -1988 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 584878 MB, Free - 114018 MB;
Motherboard: ASUSTeK Computer Inc., U56E
Antivirus: MSE

I am unsure whether this is a software or a hardware issue at this point, but 4+ other computers have no issue connecting to the wifi so I am fairly certain the modem / router are working correctly.Basically, I feel like I am playing Russian Roulette with connecting from my laptop. Initially, my laptop connects perfectly fine to the wifi upon boot up, but then it will randomly disconnect and a ! will appear on my taskbar icon. When I open the Network and Sharing Center it will state the it is getting hung up at the "identifying..." process. I will then "troubleshoot" the problem which will take a concerning long time only to return with a couple of different results (I have no idea why these vary). Either it will state that windows can not find a solution and the taskbar icon will turn into what looks like an ethernet plug with a red X on top of it, or the troubleshoot will return with results stating the the "wireless connection adapter and the LAN adapter are disabled" and it will allow me the administrative action of enabling these. Upon re-enabling them, my laptop will again connect completely fine... until the whole cycle repeats itself. And another possible result I get upon troubleshooting is that "the default gateway is not available". Whenever the first or third results occur from troubleshooting the only solution I have found is to restart my laptop (upon which the ABOVE issue occurs) and try again to connect upon reboot.

Here some pictures of the troubleshooting results:

Initial results I receive after directly plugging into the ethernet cable:

Results of troubleshooting if I choose to "skip this step" and not plug into an ethernet cable:

Upon clicking "Try these repairs as administrator":

I have ran Malwarebytes, MSE, defragmented, and cleaned out all my temp files, so in the slim chance it was some type of virus/cookie/malware then it isn't that.I have attempted a lot of solutions to this problem, including an update of all my drivers (which I found my wireless driver was outdated) but updating the driver did not resolve the issue.

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Cisco Switches :: SG300 Spontaneous Crash / Restart

Jun 27, 2012

2147483647     2012-Jun-27 20:23:40    Emergency     %OS-F-BUFFER: OSBUFG_buf_alloc: Buffer pool magic is invalid ***** FATAL ERROR *****  Reporting Task: GOAH. Software Version: (date  11-Jun-2012 t ime  17:35:31) <snip> ***** END OF FATAL ERROR *****   
The switch was running a relatively basic configuration and not under any appreciable load when the crash occurred. It had been running for quite some time and had been restarted several times since the firmware upgrade. I have not been able to reproduce the issue on demand.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E3000 - Spontaneous Port Forwarding IP Changes?

Aug 19, 2011

I have an E3000 with firnware 1.0.04. A forwarded port is spontaneously changing the IP address assigned to it, but with no change indicated in the singel port forwarding configuration.I have a web server on IP=XXX.XXX.XXX.7, and another device on my LAN with an internal web server at IP= XXX.XXX.XXX.8.  The single port forwarding configuration is:
HTTP, external port 80, internal port 80, protocol=TCP, to internal IP address xxx.xxx.xxx.7, enable checked The configuration is saved, and all works well for for hours and/or days and I can use the web host from the intenet as expected.  However, after a few days or hours the E3000 suddenly starts sending the http traffic to IP=xxx.xxx.xxx.8 instead of xxx.xxx.xxx.7.  When I log in to the router and look at the port forwarding page, it still says it's forwarding the http traffic to xxx.xxx.xx.7 ~ even though all http traffic is being sent to xxx.xxx.xxx.8!  I have to reboot the router to get the port forwarding to work properly.  If I leave the device at xxx.xxx.xxx.8 powered off, the router seems to work fine for extended periods.
There are no port forwarding services in the router that reference IP=xxx.xxx.xxx.8 , and it does not appear that the port forwarding problem is related to DHCP.  All devices on my network have a reserved DHCP address based on their MAC.  It does not appear that the spontaneous port forwarding change occurs when when the xxx.xxx.xxx.8 device powers up and gets it's address via DHCP.  I have also deleted the xxx.xxx.xxx.8 device from the DHCP reservation table and simply access the device as needed by referencing it's IP, and xxx.xxx.xxx.8 is outside the range of DHCP assigned addresses, and the spontaneous port redirection still occurs once in a while.Is there a known bug where forwarded ports are sent to the wrong IP address?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: EA 4500 Speed And Range Instability?

Jun 14, 2012

My EA 4500 wireless speed and range vary drastically by the day under the same conditions.I have tried everything listed on this forum from changing the channels to enabling the Space Time Blk Code mode. It seems to be working fine for a day or so, but eventually the speed and range goes back to being pretty bad!Even with my Ipad or Ipod touch right next to my router, my speed is cut in half compared to the PC connected via Ethernet to the EA 4500 (24 Mbps on PC side and 0.5-10 Mbps on wireless devices.)This router is a really big disappointment for me. It seems very unstable.

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Cisco Switching/Routing :: 3560 PoE / RSPAN Causing Instability

May 6, 2013

We are trying to configure RSPAN at one of our sites in order to record voice calls using CallRex. We have it working successfully at another site using RSPAN (smaller site with 4x 3560 PoE switches), but when trying to set it up at this site, it causes "instability" for the voice network to say the least (some phones display one-way audio, UCM down message on the phone...not good). The calls are actually recording successfully on the CallRex server, but we cannot leave the RSPAN config in place due to the issues it causes. As soon as the RSPAN commands are removed, everything behaves normally. Here is the relevent config: 
EDGE Switch 1 (Cisco 2960-48LPS):
 vlan 210
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1

The config is pretty stright-forward, but as mentioned above, is causing major problems when turned up.CPU / memory levels are normal. Nothing shows up in the sh log on either the Edge or Core switches.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E1200 - Constant Instability / How To Improve Performance

Oct 9, 2012

I've recently acquired a Linksys E1200 router--which is more than a week old--from the recommendation of a friend of mine. The service is great and all, but the one thing that frequently bothers me is the seeming constant instability of my router's model. There are moments when the router performs smoothly, but there is as much an instance because the router doesn't seem to work at all even when the lights (and the accompanying connection) on my modem seem to be working in good order.
I know that a router will always have its problems, but this is really a constant problem with the E1200; and if so, if there's any way possible on how I can be able to "stabilize" the said router's performance.

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Linksys Wireless Adapters :: WUSB600N - Cause Of Instability After Getting Upgrade To Previous Computer

Jun 5, 2011

I've been using a WUSB600N wireless adapter with my WRT610N router for quite some time and it has been very stable for quite some time. A few months ago, I switched to a new computer, basically the same model (both computers ran Win7 64bit) except with more hard drive space and two extra cores. I then moved the old computer to the router for a direct connection, moved the new computer in the same exact place as the previous computer, and set up the WUSB600N on the new one. However, on the new computer, my connection has been extremely unstable. Sometimes the connection  works fine, but other times there are long periods of no connection (though the computer tells me that I'm connected) and download speeds are horrid during this time period. What is causing the instability after only getting an upgrade to the previous computer?

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PC Disconnects Whenever Downloading Anything?

Jul 31, 2012

my internet will cut out randomly wheneveer i am downloading something, and the only way to get my internet back is when i unplug / plug back in my ethernet cable, or restart the computer. Also whenever i do this once, it will randomly disconnect when im not downloading every hour or so and i will have to either disconnect / reconnect my ethernet, or if i restart my PC it will fix it for like 4-5 days if i didnt download anything at all or sometime during a download if i did download something. Also it is only my PC that does this, i can download from my laptop / xbox fine and if my PC is disconnected i still have internet from my modem / router, just not the PC. I am guessing this has something to do with my motherboard. i am using windows 7?

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D-Link :: DIR 632 Disconnects AOL IM

Mar 29, 2011

there is no DIR 632 forum so I figured I'll post in the most active close one. My DIR 632 Disconnects AOL IM every 10mn or so, i tried changing the ports from 5190 to 443 which use to sole an issue of rapid disconnects/reconnects with a previous router (linksys).

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Net Gets Connected But Server Disconnects?

Jul 10, 2011

Actually im having a net problem..I use Windows XP SP3 and my net connection is 2mbps.It gets connected but my browser works very slow and it often shows that 'unable to display page'Iv called the interet provider he says theres nothing wrong.It works only for like 2 mins max.Iv even disabled all the startup programs and removed all the programs which I do not use its still the same.

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Random Disconnects Every 2 To 30 Minutes?

Aug 12, 2012

Recently I've been experiencing random disconnects.

My setup is a Actiontec Q1000 with (QAQ002-31.20L.4) modem/router that talks to qwest. Then I connect to a linksys router WRT54G2. I connect directly to the linksys router with an ethernet cable, but my family connects to it wirelessly.

I ran a constant ping to my modem and to google, and on the random disconnect, the Actiontec Q1000 gets a huge 4000ms response time (but then it resumes normally), and I get ping timeouts to google. Windows 7 will say "no internet connection available". Not sure if it makes a difference, but I had google timeout 4 times during my constant pings.

Nobody else is connected when it does this random disconnects, so I'm not sure what's causing it. I've tried a lot of things, from changing and flushing my dns, connecting directly to the modem, turning off QoS/firewall settings, but nothing seems to work.

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Wifi Disconnects At Certain Times?

Aug 11, 2012

I have noticed that all the computers lose wifi connection at a certain time (i.e in the morning and at night).

I think it may be the router. I notice the wifi symbol on my router blinking when my macbook pro is not connected to the router after it disconnects by itself.

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Internet Disconnects On Laptop

Sep 15, 2011

we have 2 laptops in the house and one console, One laptop and the console are fine, but the other laptop disconnects from the internet every few minutes, both laptops are connecting wirelessly, the router settings and modem are fine,

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FTP Disconnects In One Location But Works In Other

Aug 20, 2011

When I try to upload one file through FTP client to a server, it shows error similar to "you are disconnected by remote host" or something like that. It happens only in work place. When I try the same from home it connects successfully. What could be the problem?

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Internet Disconnects Very Frequently

Oct 13, 2012

My internet disconnects frequently when I'm either gaming or just browsing

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Internet Disconnects When Connect To WoW?

Dec 28, 2011

I have a situation that i would like a more experienced opinion on. We have 2 desktop computers in the house and do have a wireless router. Both of our computers are wired to the router, the wireless is generally only used for our iPad, and we have cable internet from Comcast. Whenever my fiance connects to World of Warcraft our internet disconnects and she needs to re-set the modem and the router. It is worth noting that not just the wireless disconnects but internet access all together is gone. What is likely the cause of this? I tend to lean toward a bad router but it only happens with this one program, so far, so i am also concerned it could be some sort of malicious virus/spyware.

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Centurylink Random Disconnects?

Nov 2, 2012

I just moved to a new rural city and Centurylink DSL is the only option for internet. I just had it installed on Monday and have had problems immediately. The two main problems are this:1) My computer is connected wirelessly but cannot seem to connect my mobile devices. My phone and my Google Nexus both try to obtain IP address and then immediately disconnect and try to reconnect over and over. Strangely my Kindle Fire didn't seem to have a problem.) I've found that when I am playing a game (Team Fortress 2 and World of Warcraft) and sometimes even watching a video on youtube, I will lose connection and get booted from my game or have to restart the video. The lights on the modem don't change and the modem itself does not disconnect or reboot. I seem to have internet service immediately after, but I get a hiccup probably once every 10 minutes that makes games unplayable

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Constant Disconnects From Internet?

Dec 21, 2011

I keep getting disconnect from the internet about every 10-15 minutes.I had a tech from cableone come over yesterday he installed all new wiring and a new modem.how can i tell if it's my computer that is the problem or if it's just a service i need to get rid of?

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Ethernet Disconnects After 15 Minutes

Nov 20, 2011

my ethernet cables is plugged into my xbox and router. it gets disconnected every 15mins. should i change something in the routers config page?

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Internet Disconnects / One To Five Times A Day

Mar 30, 2012

I've been having an issue recently which is causing my internet to disconnect for under 20 seconds 1-5 times a day. This can be troublesome when online gaming, as I am normally disconnected from the server.

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Internet Disconnects When Use The Telephone?

Sep 1, 2012

Our telephone point is downstairs in the lounge. We then have a long lead which we have run from the Eircom point in the lounge to upstairs into our son's room. This lead has a splitter on the end which is in our sons room. We have the Eircom modem connected to the splitter and to our sons computer, which is a Dell XPS 630 and which has no built in modem. The cordless telephone is connected to the other port on the splitter. The splitter has two ports one for telephone one for broadband. We also have another PC and two laptops. The second PC and the laptops are wireless.

The problem seems to happen when our son is in the middle of a game (he's a bit World of Warcraft gamer!) and I then use the phone and he loses the connection and then there's troublWe have had the line tested by our telephone/broadband provider and have tried connecting the telephone and the modem directly into the telephone point and we have been told there is no fault on the Eircom line. We only become aware of the problem when he's gaming and the phone is used

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TV Connection With Router Disconnects?

Aug 27, 2012

My TV Ethernet connection to my router, when streaming content from my laptop. When my TV is connected to the router via Ethernet cable and my laptop is connected to the router , O am able to stream media to the TV, but the TV often disconnects itself. I think the router is the problem because when the computer a connected directly (not using the router) It doesn't disconnect. Also another issue when the TV is connected to the router the computer will only connect to the TV if it is connected via an Ethernet cable, It wont through wireless.

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Sometimes Internet Randomly Disconnects

Nov 12, 2012

i have a fiber optics 75mbps internet , using a wireless n pcie adaptor on my computer,Dont know why but some times theres random ping spikes when im in game.Sometimes internet randomly dcs.Download speed is also very random from 2mb/s to few bytes.Also sometimes internet speed is so low that it is barely usable.

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Frequent Lags And Disconnects With DSL?

Jan 17, 2013

At our house we have Fast Access DSL through ATT. We are getting very frequent disconnects and lags. We have multiple devices running off of a single DSL modem/router. It has wireless and wired connections available. Our wireless devices disconnect as frequent as our wired devices do. We have called ATT many times. They have had us replace the DSL filters and did a line test outside our house which came back clear. However, when they run a line test while I am on the phone with them, they say they detect multiple errors on the line. We have replaced our DSL modem with a new one as well. It is a NETGEAR VersaLink Four Port Ethernet Wireless Gateway, Software VER:06.04.12. The self-diagnostics on the Modem come back clean with no problems detected. We get static on our phone line frequently as well.


In the technician readout part of my modem I also see this:

1Manufacturer NETGEAR
2Vendor ID b5004946544e449c
3Model NumberB90-755025-15


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D-link DIR 615 Disconnects From Internet?

Feb 3, 2011

I have a D-link DIR 615 and 2 laptops, a Toshiba (Vista) at about 35 ft away and a Dell (XP) about 15 ft away from the router. Both laptops connect to the router. The Dell w/ 4 or 5 bars and the Toshiba usually 2 bars. They stay connected to the router but lose the internet regularly. Anywhere from every day or two or 3 and 4 times a day. Usually shutting off the router for 10 seconds and turning it on again will reconnect to the internet but sometimes it takes up to 4 or more times and resetting the router before it works again. This happened when I was on a different cable network at a different address last year.

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PC Shuts Down When Internet Disconnects?

Jun 5, 2011

My pc has been running perfectly fine. My only problem is that it suddenly shuts down whenever my internet disconnects at random. i am totally clueless of what's happening with my machine. it worries me a lot for I think improper pc shut downs may cause damage to the hard drive. I use internet thru DSL service. My pc specs are as follows; AMD 64x2 dual core processor 5200+, 2.71 Ghz,120G seagate sata hd, 1Gig RAM,Nvidia Geforce 6150SE.

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Internet Disconnects Every 15-20 Minutes?

Dec 11, 2012

my idea net setter disconnect after 10 or 15 minute.

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Internet Disconnects While Downloading?

Jul 30, 2011

I'm having a issue where my internet will disconnect in middle of download and reconnect in like 10sec. I know its my computer cuz i can play on xbox live no problem all day. I'm running wireless it does not matter I can be wired and it will still do it. It does it while Skype,youtube downloading a file anything that requires a download and its very annoying. Its been doing it for months now and I don't remember when it started. It's not just here I took it to my parents house still did it. So i know its not my route

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Laptop Disconnects After Closing Lid?

Oct 29, 2012

there is a similar thread a few down that I saw. They suggested going into power management and disabling the shut down for network adapters. I did that and it didnt solve anything. So, on to my problem.It started a few days ago. Whenever I closed my laptop, put it into sleep, or hibernation, the connection to the wifi would be dropped and I would be forced to reconnect. I know it cant be my wifi because I did some tests at 3 separate locations and all resulted in the same effect. After closing my laptop, the wifi is dropped. I installed some updates from Microsoft. One in particular added the Remote Desktop Protocol 8.0. I doubt this did anything, but I figured I'd let you know. I would like to avoid have to re-install my OS and unfortunately my last back-up was a few months ago.

Lastly, my router has been doing something strange. Maybe a week ago, the signal radius seemed to have shrunk. I used to receive wifi all around my house, but now I only seem to get it when I am within 7 feet of my router. I updated the firmware. but the range is still small.

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Modem Disconnects When PC Is Turned On?

Nov 27, 2012

whenever my pc (the only pc in my apartment) is turned on, my modem disconnects and will not reconnect until it is shut off. My pc is connected to a wireless n-series router.

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D-Link DIR-601 :: AIM Disconnects After 5 Minutes

Nov 26, 2011

it seems so far that everything other than AIM works out of the box with this router but within 5mins time AIM disconnects. I have tried the application filter and port forwarding but nothing seems to work.

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D-Link DIR-651 :: Internet Disconnects When Try To Use It

Jul 25, 2011

I brought this router mainly for audio/video streaming, as well as multiplayer gaming.  I thought it would work.  However, whenever i try to watch a show online, or even play a flash game, it would disconnect.  I've only had this router for one day.  I have Time Warner Cable as my cable provider and honestly since I'm living alone, the only two device that'll ever use the router is my laptop and my desktop.  

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Nortel VPN Disconnects Internet - Any Alternatives?

Jan 15, 2012

We are a business partner of a larger company that gives us a VPN access to connect to one website. It's the Nortel VPN so it's old but it's set to disconnect our Internet when we connect which is really inefficient. I understand why it does that but right now we use two computers, we have one as our main one then another sitting here just for VPN.Does the Nortel VPN work system wide when it disconnects the Internet? Or is there a way to use Ethernet and Wifi and just have the VPN connect over Ethernet and just disconnect the Internet there but keep my local network on Wifi? Or is that not possible? I'm assuming it's not just wondering if there's any alternatives.

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