Wireless G Versus N Routers?

Feb 10, 2012

Any difference between G and N routers? Also, can you use either one? I currently have a wireless G. I have added A few wi-fi devices in the last couple of weeks I.E. Smart T.V., I-phone, I pad, and Satellite TV ( the on demand comes from the internet). My internet on my laptop seems to have really slowed down, and I it keeps locking up. I have to go reset the modem, and router to get it working again. Could all these wireless devices being on at the same time be dragging down my speed?

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Cisco Routers :: WAN / ISP Configuration - RV220w Versus 2951-SEC/K9

Sep 26, 2011

We are planning on testing a new ISP provider in our company but we have the following doubt: This new provider is using a Optical Fiber line (GPON – PT Prime) for this new internet connection and we already have a Cisco RV220W router but they are not sure if that can be used, so they just informed that they a capable router is the Cisco 2951-SEC/K9, that they are selling of course. So our actual doubt is if the Cisco 2951-SEC/K9 can have some “extra” WAN configurations/authentications that are not available in our Cisco RV220W and that can implicate that we cannot use our RV220w router?

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Cisco Routers :: RV042 - QuickVPN Versus Standard VPN Client

Nov 15, 2011

I have a RV042 router setup with Client to gateway VPN access, and am connecting with a W7 PC running QuickVPN. We have many PC's that already have the standard CiscoVPN client on them, is it possible to configure the RV042 to allow these clients to conenct? I'm not sure how to get the Mutual authentication to work, or how to import the PEM certificiate into that client. It seems to allow it to import, but I can never select it.

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Cisco Routers :: RV042 Link Backup Versus Load Balance?

Nov 14, 2011

We have 2 dsl lines coming in and the modem is in bridge mode while the router handles the pppoe information. Each line is 6mb down and .5 mb up. It's ****, yes I know, but this is pretty decent for a small town in the country. To double our bandwidth, I put it in load balance mode. When load balance, I get anywhere from 9-12 down and .8 up. Here's where it gets tricky.
When anything is uploaded, the speed drops from 9-12 down and .8 up to about .2-.7 down and .2 up. I realize that we will lose some down and up speed but I wouldn't think it would be this drastic. Is this normal?When they upload to a specific https site (file is about 50mb), it never initiates the upload. If I switch it to Link Backup, it will upload fine. I still lose the speed but at least it does something. I've read that some https sites have issues with grabbing data from multiple IP's so I figured this is the case since it's a medical site that was probably developed in house. Is this true?Does protocol binding work in Load Balance mode? I binded all http and https traffic through WAN 2 interface however, when I do a speed test or check my external IP, it is not indicating the WAN 2 IP address.  Is this a common issue in rv042's or is there a firmware update that solves all these issues?

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Linksys Access Point :: E4200 / E1500 - Cascading Routers Versus Access Points?

Nov 24, 2011

I am trying to find an effective way to extend the wireless signal across our home. I have tried various different solutions. Currently, I have an e4200 primary router that is cascaded with two additional e1500 routers that have been configured as access points. The Linksys support team hosted my computer and configured the devices. The e1500 routers are connected via ethernet wires running through the walls. And, this seems to be working well. Here's my question. The e1500 routers are configured with different SSID names, which Linksys advised was required to avoid conflicts in communications from the three router devices. Is there any way to configure this set up or something similar so that the entire wireless network has the same SSID and is seamless. In the current configuration, I have to specifically connect to the primary router or one of the two access points.

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Cisco Wireless :: Air-AP1242AG Versus Air-APLAP1242AG?

Mar 20, 2013

We just got (2) Air-lap1242ag-a-k9 units here and i am also working on (2) air-ap1242ag-a-k9 units also.
my question is this, do the lap units function the same as the air-ap1242ag units?
if not, what will it take to make the lap units function like the ap1242 units?

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Wifi Range Extender Versus Wireless Router?

Aug 16, 2011

I have a wireless modem but its a sucky one. It was one of those free ones from verizon. Anyways, I don't get good signal in certain places in my house, so i am interested in knowing which would be better a wifi range extender or a good wireless modem.

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Linksys E1200 Wireless Download Versus Upload Speed

May 28, 2012

I have a Linksys E1200 router, which replaced a Linksys WRT54G wireless router. The WRT54G ran perfectly, but did not support wireless N, so I replaced it with the Linksys E1200. The router is physically located in a good spot, up high and centrally located in my house.Problem is, my download speed on my android tablet, xBox, iPhone is very slow, yet my upload speed is screaming fast.

Wireless: Ping: 30ms, Download 1.93Mbps, Upload 6.27Mbps.

Wired: Ping: 14, Download 17.88 Mbps, Upload 6.7Mbps.

I've changed channels on my router, changed channel width. Connection type is DHCP. My security is WPA2. I use the wireless MAC filter (allow only these MAC addresses access). No parental controls, I don't use port forwarding or triggering, and my firmware is up-to-date. why my speed changed from the older router to the newer router?

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Cisco Wireless :: 1142 AP 100mb Versus 1000mb Uplink?

Aug 14, 2012

Is there a big difference in operating AP's when they are uplinked at 100mb vs 1000mb?  We have 2 "main" offices that have AP's that are all connected to our access switches at 100mb.  Recently with the addition of mobile devices, phones, etc we are seeing some issues.  Today, we had a meeting room that had 20+ people connected to one AP and they started seeing issues of people getting disconncted or unable to connect.Just wondering if the uplink could have anything to do with this, or if we are just over subscribing the APs?

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Cisco Wireless :: Range Of AP541N Versus Aironet 1041

Oct 5, 2011

I have done a wireless site survey at a library and one AP541N will cover everything pretty well. They do have one spot where the radio strenth is not quite as strong, but you would never buy a second access point for just that one area. I did the SIte Survey using a 541N Access point.
Here is my question. I see that the Aironet 1041 is very similar in price and according to the documentation has a stronger power rating and higher antenna gain. Why would I not buy an Aironet 1041?
We are just mounting to a wall and are planning on using the pwrin4 to provide POE for whichever we buy.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Pros / Cons Same SSID For 2.4 Versus 5 (E2500)

Dec 2, 2012

I just got a new E2500 and out of the box the system uses the same SSID for 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz.  Obviously you CAN configure them to use different SSID's, though.  Should I make them different or keep them the same?  I don't really want to mess around with having 2 different SSID's if I don't get a real benefit.Will most devices that support both (like a new laptop) find and use the 5 automatically?

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Cisco Wireless :: 4402 WLC Management / Local Controller Versus Cloud

Feb 26, 2013

We are currently looking to upgrade (re-design) our wireless network at our college. Any experience going from a local, controller-based wireless network to a cloud-based controller? If so, what have you found the pros and cons to be?
If you thought about going to a “cloud solution”, what stopped you?
We are currently running wireless at our 3 primary campus locations, and looking to add it to our 3 satellite locations. We use 4402 WLCs at our primary locations with a mix of 1140 and 1240 APs.

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Cisco Wireless :: 1140 Series AP - Centrally Managed Versus Standalone

Jun 13, 2012

I have a number of existing 1140G Access points.I now need to purchase a couple of new AP's to expand coverage and it makes sense to go with the latest N standard ones.Currently I only have standalone models and at the moment I don't have the budget to purchase a management box to allow me to get centrally managed models.
If I purchase 1140N standalone AP's now, can I convert the to centrally managed ones later? If yes, Any disadvantage in doing this?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E1200 Versus Motorola 2210-02 DSL Modem?

Jan 7, 2012

My son tried to "speed up" our connection by unplugging modem&router. now can't get both talking to each other. Tried numerous steps! Bought Router 8/11/11, so NO Support from Cisco(only 90 days-POOR!). Website useless. Modem works fine with PC wired in.

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Cisco Wireless :: CT2504 / Bad LWAP Versus Good Standalone AP Coverage?

Jun 13, 2012

We have just installed our first CT2504.After install I have found a dramatic drop in signal strength compared to the wireless survey result obtained.All of our site surveys include real world testing using an AP, in this case a AP1041N.In doubt I retested a section using an AP1041N in the same location as one of the recently deployed LAP1041N.
In the same location a LAP1041N has between -10 and -20dbi difference in SNR compared to the test AP1041N.For example locations that tested with -60dbi using an AP1041N have little to no coverage using the LAP1041N installed.This applies irrespective of the WLC automatic control over Tx power or manually setting the LAP TX to the highest level.

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Cisco Wireless :: 1142N / Internal Versus External Antenna Coverage

Mar 19, 2013

I have a few 1142N Aironets with internal antennas in place, and I am not thrilled by its coverage. I want to extend my wireless network because of a new building which led me to the following question;Is there is any difference in wireless coverage when using external dipole antenna’s (the small ones, for example the AIR-ANT2524 for a new 2600 Aironet) versus the internal (dipole) antenna’s. I am aware you have more options when using external antenna’s, such as omni, directional, outdoor etc.
For an indoor office or warehouse deployment, where temperature is not a concern, why would I buy for example the 2600E with 4 dipole antenna’s over  the 2600i?I have read most Aironet datasheets and their antenna options, but can’t find a word about the advantages of external dipole antennas. I would expect external antennas would give better coverage.. is this true?

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Clear 4g Wireless Versus Road Runner / Time Warner Cable Internet

Jan 2, 2012

I have a home made desktop I use for work so I use a dsl modem (my laptop wireless ofcourse) I was thinking of switching to Clear...Any thoughts? I have TWC roadrunner and its the 3 way package (net, phone, cable) But I watch my shows online cable is over-rated for us tech nerds...

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Linksys Wireless Router :: EA4500 - Admin Username / Password Versus SSID / WPA

May 18, 2012

The EA4500 web-settings application asks for a username and password.  The username is "admin" and the password is my long (60 character) wpa key.  I see where I can change the password but it says I'll lose all wireless connections.  This doesn't make sense to me.  I would think the router administration username and password are completely separate from the ssid and wpa key. This was the case with my earlier LinkSys router. I'd like a router administration username to be something other than the generic "admin" and a password that is easier than my long wpa key.  I want a separate ssid and wpa key (what I currently have).

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E3000 5Ghz Auto(DFS) Versus Selecting Channel

Nov 15, 2012

I have an E3000 Dual Band. On my 5Ghz channel, I can select Auto(DFS) or I can manually select a channel.First of all, what does the DFS stand for? My 2.4 GhZ channel only has Auto, not Auto(DFS).
Second, when I select Auto(DFS), my wireless speed defaults to 144Mbps, and is only a single channel (I can see it in the in SSIDer utility). When I manually select a channel, no matter what channel it is, I get 300mbps and I can see that the signal is two channels (for instance, 36+40). Why Auto(DFS) doesn't automatically select the best channel and fastest speed?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT54GL Versus Magic Jack VoIP Telephone

Feb 17, 2010

I got my WRT54GL v1.1 yesterday and connected it to my pc [wired] and netbook [wireless]. I thought all was well until I noticed that my Magic Jack VoIP telephone began dropping calls after about 1 minute. My first course of action was to disable SPI firewall in router and reboot. That had no affect on the situation, then I noticed that my send light on my cale modem [ no manufacturer listed on unit] was not blinking as it has done before the router installation. I reverted to my cable modem to pc only set up and my Magic Jack worked just fine. I need to use the router for wireless, so I need to find a solution to this problem. I took a look at my firmware version and saw that it was not current, but I wanted to bring my problem here for a possible solution be for I flashed new firmware.

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Cisco Wireless :: 3502s / Mixing AP Models - DHCP Versus DNS For Controller Discovery

Jan 3, 2011

I'm adding some additional AP's (3502s) to an environment that is all 1131AG AP's.  The DHCP is configured for DHCP option 43 for remote sites for layer 3 discovery.  Since only one AP mode can use option 43, I've added a DNS entry for cisco-lwapp-controller in my local domain.My assumption here is that the new 3502's will be able to use DNS for discovery, while any additional 1131AG would continue to use DHCP option 43. will this work in a mixed environment?The new AP briefly showed up on my controller, but then disappeared.  The LED is cycling red, green, off - indicating it is still in the discovery process. Could I effectively remove the option 43 in DHCP and have all AP's use DNS?  Is this as reliable as option 43?  What is the best practice for discovery?

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Cisco Wireless :: 5500 / Controller Versus Cloud-based (Controller)

Mar 31, 2013

We are trying to navigate the waters in choosing between a in-house, controller-based, wireless network solution or a cloud-based solution. We have been presented with the usual suspects in cloud-based (Aerohive, Meracki, etc) and with Cisco (5500) and Aruba on the other side. We are a multi-campus organization with approx. 200 APs.Any hard reasons why go with a controller-based vs. cloud-based solution? If we must keep the conversation limited to Cisco, why go Meracki over Cisco's WLC solutions or vise versa?

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LAN Set Up Versus WLAN

Jun 28, 2012

I run my business from a home-office, and have a program that operates off a database.This database is run on what I'll refer to as the "server" computer.I have other laptop and desktop pc's that run this same program, but are referred to as "clients" since they don't house the database and only pull the data from the "server".I can connect wirelessly through my WLAN, but the connection is slow due to the database server. However I am told that a wired network would increase the data transfers tremendously between the machines.I have plenty of ethernet cable and a brand new switch.I run windows 7 64 on all machines that I'd like to connect.What steps do I need to take in order for the "client" machines to connect to the "server" via the LAN and not the WLAN?

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Graphic Card Versus USB To VGA?

Apr 12, 2011

which is better to use from 1PC to multiple displays?

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Cisco Infrastructure :: Fiber 62.5 / 125 Versus 50 / 125?

Feb 22, 2012

I need some fiber to run between a Cisco Nexus and an IBM server with Intel NIC.  It's 30meters, and LC-LC connectors.What is the difference between 62.5/125 vs 50/125?

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Cisco VPN :: IPSec Versus SSL On ASA 5505?

Mar 9, 2011

On an ASA 5505 with the proper licenses running version 8.3, which would you consider the more resource intensive for the ASA, IPSec VPN or an SSL VPN with a portal?
The connections through the firewall would be the same so I am curious how adding the different types of VPN will affect the CPU and overall ability of the ASA to function.

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Wireless Versus Ethernet / Does Ethernet Have Less Ping

Jun 11, 2012

I just got a new Xbox today, and use the integrated WiFi card. I was lagging like Crysis 2 on a 6800 GT (forget it). I just got a CAT .5 cable, and plugged it into modem/xbox and IDK... it works, I'm online, but basically my question is:Does ethernet connections have less ping (better) than wireless connections? This is with the Xbox 360 Slim. I know it improves upload, and download, but what about ping?

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Ethernet Versus Serial Interfaces Work?

Dec 6, 2011

I know serial interfaces are called that because they put bits on the wire serially - i.e. one bit at a time. If that's the case for serial interfaces, how do other kinds of interfaces, such as Ethernet interfaces, put bits on the wire? Do they somehow put more than one bit on the wire at a time? I assume it's a faster process, but how so?

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IPsec GRE Tunnel Versus Just Static Route?

Aug 14, 2012

i measured with Iperf over two Cisco 1811 router, that bandwidth speed is higher then is used IPsec+GRE tunnel between two routers, than just using a static routes.Bandwidth over GRE in average is about 91389Kbit/sec Over static routes is about 88474Kbit/sec.

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Cabling / Cards :: Cat 5e Versus Cat 6 For Gigabit Ethernet

Apr 10, 2012

I'm going to be upgrading my network (router and network cards etc). I was wondering if there will be any performance difference with the Belkin Fastcat 5e I currently have and CAT6 cables?

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Engenius ECB300 Versus ZyXel WAP3205?

Jun 29, 2012

I like to create a access point and thinking to buy the Engenius ECB300 or the cheaper ZyXel WAP3205.

I cannot find anything about the power output of the ZyXel WAP3205 so I'm not sure what do buy.

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Cisco VPN :: ASA 5505 256MB Versus 512MB

Nov 21, 2011

recently I had a power cut in the office and my Cisco ASA 5505 512MB Base 10 user License stopped working.it was not possible to establish L2L VPN.I replaced it with another ASA 5505 with 256MB RAM Base 10 user License.I restored the configuration and everything is working now.The main problem is that before (with the 512MB ASA)  I had two L2L tunnels established  and many clients (up to 30 clients)using the two tunnels. Now with the 256MB ASA when the clients being in the L2L reach 10 clients,the other clients stop working inside the VPN, they cannot reach hosts which are on the other end of the L2L. This could be due to te less amount of RAM ?? Otherwise I can't explain this behaviour.Could I solve this buying the 50 user license upgrade ?But in my previous ASA I had the Basic 10 user license and everything was working with many clients reaching hosts behind the two tunnels.

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Cisco WAN :: 3750 Versus ME3600 And ME3800?

Mar 21, 2012

I have two sites connected to each other using L2 MPLS/1Gbps "provided by the telecom", the link is configured as a 802.1q trunk and terminated on C3750 on both sites. Everything is working fine according to the below configuration. But i am facing QoS limitations on the number of queues, i checked cisco web site and found that the ME3600/3800 has HQoS which will give me advanced QoS features.I am thinking to migrate from the 3750 to ME3800, but i am new to metro switches. if i can apply the same below configuration on ME3800 except the QoS as i will replace it by MQC configuration? So can I consider that the ME3800 has all 3750 features plus MQC QoS? 
version 12.2
no service pad
service timestamps debug uptime
service timestamps log datetime


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