How To Setup 2 Internet Connections On One Pc

Feb 24, 2011

I have a DSL line and a Cable line. Cable line is 30mb, DSL is only 6 mb.MY PC has 2 NICs:cable modem is connected to ethernet NIC, DSL is connected via wireless nic.So, my question is, when I have both NICs enabled, which one does windows use ?does it use both via load balancing ? When I do a speed test with BOTH NICs enabled: My speed is 15 mb. When I do a speed test with ONLY ethernet NIC (cable). my speed is: 30 mb.So, what gives ?

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VLAN Setup For 2 Different Broadband Connections

Apr 26, 2012

I have a general networking question regarding VLANS, multiple broadband connections and accessing PC's on both setups from each other.What I would like to do is have 2 broadband connections, one a cable connection and one a DSL connection. I would like to run them both through a Netgear FS-726T switch. Since the cable connection will go through a Linksys router giving out I.P.s in the range of 192.168.1.x and the DSL will probably use the same range, I would like to keep specific PC's connecting through the DSL connection and some other PC's specifically through the cable connection. I THINK that this can be done via the use of VLAN's set up on the Netgear switch but I am unfamiliar with setting them up. I've read through the manual and researched it online but I must be missing something.Due to the bandwidth limitations on the Comcast connection, I would like to avoid any data coming from the PC's on the DSL connection from going out through the cable connection (I do customer support for my business and want customers to be able to access files on my file server and also be able to back up their PC's online to my backup server but on the DSL connection. I will eat up my cable bandwidth in a hurry just from the backups alone. I would like to set up all the PC's with static I.P. addresses if possible. Now, I also need to be able to remotely access any of the PC's from outside my network (which I can do now) but I need to be able to access the cable connected PC's from the DSL connected PC's and vice versa.I have a feeling what I want to do is a mess and may not even be feasible. I have asked the networking personnel where I work but (primarily because they are arrogant SOB's) they won't even give me the slightest bit of information.

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Route Connections For Multiple NICs Setup?

Feb 27, 2013

I have the setup as following on my PC:


I use the fibre internet for almost all internet activities since the speed is fast.However, when I do school's stuff, I need to VNC to my lab's server. Hence I need to connect to school internet point. External IP cannot directly connects to my school's server.Therefore, I would need to force Windows (or VNC) to use the connection of the Wireless Ethernet card when I VNC to my lab's server. But I want to use my fibre for all other internet activities.

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How To Setup Multiple Ethernet Connections In Windows 7

Jul 16, 2011

I have to connect/switch to two different ips different gateways, can I possibly keep two set of ips always ready.

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Remote Desktop Setup - Local Connections Only?

Feb 2, 2011

I have a couple WinXP Pros and Win7s connected to the same router wired and wirelessly. All of them have Remote Desktop enabled (via System settings) and have Windows Firewall exceptions setup. They all have AVG Anti Virus and no other firewalls installed. They all also have static ips assigned.Windows file sharing is working fine between all of them. VNC also works with no problems.But for some reason, I could not get Windows Remote Desktop to work between any of themAnother weird thing that may or may not be related is that they can't ping other computers on the same network.This leads me to believe that this might be a networking issue.I have a DLink router (can't remember model) with a Tomato Firmware.I do not have port forwarding setup for Remote Desktop because I think (although I may be wrong) that they are only used for connecting from the internet, which I don't need. I only want local connections right now.

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Cisco WAN :: 28XX To Setup A Lab Serial Connections Between Routers

Mar 14, 2013

I haveĀ  2801 and 2811 cisco routers. I need to setup a lab serial connections between the routers. Will WIC 2Ts work with the 28XX series routers ?

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Cisco Routers :: WRV54G - Setup New VPN Connections For Windows 7 And XP Laptops

Sep 26, 2012

We are still using some old WRV54G wireless VPN routers for work. Can we get new vpn software that will work with these routers? The quickvpn client software we have no longer works after we last updated the firmware. How can we set up vpn connections using tunneling?

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Cisco Routers :: Setup Port Forwarding On RV220W To Allow Outside Connections On RDP

Sep 5, 2011

I have setup port forwarding on the RV220W, to allow outside connections on RDP. I have tested that LAN RDP works fine, but when I test using an outside address trying to connect to an inside windows PC with RDP nothing happens.

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How To Use 2 Internet Connections

Mar 1, 2011

my neibour has kindly said i can use her internet connection. she has a wireless router. i have my own internet, but need more speed. can i use both internet connections by connecting my router to hers wirelessly?

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Laptop Not Getting Internet Connections

Sep 9, 2011

Trying to connect to the internet using my gateway laptop. Using a belkin G. wired connection I get: "Local Area Connection" doesn't have a valid IP configuration wireless connection I get: "Wireless Network Connection" doesn't have a valid IP configurationMy desktop which is connected by ethernet cable works fine and my sisters laptop using wireless is able to connect as well. I'm assuming settings on my laptop are wrong.I'm running win7 and haven't had issues until lately. drivers are up to date.

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2 Internet Connections Under 1 Network?

Feb 10, 2013

i have 30 pcs hooked up under one network. all 30 sharing 1 internet connection. 10 of those are put in a separate room for certain reasons. but those 10 like to download and cause lag to the other 20 pcs. my plan is to keep the 30 pcs under 1 network but ill add another internet connection exclusively for the 10pcs. and the original internet connection exclusively for the 20 pcs. how can i do that? reason why i need all 30 in the same network is cause they all use softwares needed to be connected to each other locally.

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Using 2 Internet Connections At The Same Time?

Jul 2, 2011

I'd like to use 2 internet connections at the same time.Assuming there are two internet networks.Network A and Network B (both are either wireless OR one is wireless and one is wired OR both are wireless). So, now I want to use BOTH internet connections simultaneously. However, both connections will still be separate and not combined:If I had to transfer big files, then I could do this on network A.Now, I want to use network B for other "normal" internet use so that the transfer of files in network A gets the maximum speed since there is no interference with anything else.I have to let the computer know somehow that there are two connections used simultaneously. I also have to setup what programs use what connection. E.g., IE uses network a and Firefox uses network b, program "x" also uses network b, etc.I would use two network card/USB Wifi Adapers so that each network card/wifi adapter can connect to one do you realize that without setting a Virtual Machine up?

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Use Multiple Internet Connections Together?

Jun 7, 2011

I have a two broadband (Indian standards) connections that I want to use together. One is a 1mbps and the other is a 512kbps. The config that I have is below.

OS: Windows 7
Laptop: Acer Aspire
Router 1: Buffalo AirStation WHR-G54S
Router 2: ZyXEL P-600

I read about it on a few boards but I couldn't find any proper info on that.

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Two Internet Connections But Cannot Get Online?

Sep 25, 2011

When I boot up my computer, I have two internet connections, one Home and one Public. I can't access the internet while they're both active. The only way to get online is to disable and re-enable the wireless adapter.

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How To Use Two Different Internet Connections Simultaneously

Jul 29, 2012

i have two diffrent-2 network connection and now i want to use both connection for load balancing and speed browsing.

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Different Browsers For Various Internet Connections

Sep 20, 2011

I have 2 internet connections, 1 wifi and another lan. Can I assign them to different browsers to perform different downloads at the same time to increase my download speed. Are there any softwares to manage 2 connections for such.

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Have Two Internet Connections But Only One Computer?

Nov 5, 2011

One is the regular from the phone line internet and the other is a wireless subscription I access via dongle. Is it possible to connect to the internet on both subscriptions and then use one for specific applications and the other solely for games?I want to be able to use the more stable direct connection for games and be able to use the 2nd subscription to download via torrent.. I have another computer but it is company owned and torrent is forbidden.

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Using 2 Internet Connections Simultaneously?

Jul 4, 2011

will the use of mobile wireless internet connection and broadband inet connection simultaneously can be used to download softwares or video files faster than these two used seperately?

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Use Two Internet Connections In Same Pc For Different Browsers?

Dec 31, 2011

how i can set two differnet internet connections for two different browsers

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Multiple Internet Connections Without NAT?

Dec 24, 2012

i'm trying to setup multiple internet connections however the ISP i am using doesnt allow the use of NAT. DHCP and uses the registered mac address as a way to authenticate the account. To compensate for no NAT i use a web proxy feature on my router.[CODE]

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Combining 2 Internet Connections?

Oct 28, 2011

I have two different Internets from different ISPs can I intgrate in one to increase total bandwidth. (means 2+2=4)

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Two Internet Connections In One Computer

Jul 23, 2012

1. vodafone mobile broadband 7.2mbps and mobile dialup 420kbps----

is it possible to combine thes connections together.

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Can Have Two Internet Connections On Same Network

Aug 1, 2011

Can I have two internet connections on the same network. Other computers accessing internet through router A other router B

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How To Use 2 Internet Connections On One Computer

Feb 4, 2012

we have 2 internet service provider so we how to use at a time both conncetion

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Broadband :: 2 Internet Connections One As Back Up?

Mar 24, 2011

I have a primary internet connection which is broadband and the secondary connection as a Reliance data card in my laptop. I have noticed that which ever connection,connects the last, becomes the primary connection and if the primary ever goes out, the second connection takes over and gives me continuous connectivity.Is it possible to configure and specify which connection I want to be primary regardless of which connection connects last etc?

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Two Internet Connections - Assigning Certain Programs To One Of Them?

May 4, 2012

For over a month I am trying to find a way that makes me able to use two internet connections at the same time, and assign certain programs to one connection. This is because me and my brother do game on the ADSL cause of the low latency of it, when one of us do surf the whole connection lags. I do have 2 internet connections at home, one is ADSL(1.5MB Connection) and one is WiMAX(10MB Connection). Both of these routers/modems are connected to the same network. I want to use the ADSL for gaming(light usage) and the WiMAX one for browsing and downloading(heavy usage).

I came up with three ways:

1) ForceBindIP - (1) (2) - Didn't work for me with Windows 7 64bit on Firefox 12.0

2) Using VMWare - Which I do not want to.

3) Using Astaro Security Gateway Home Edition - Which is a bit complicated and I have to run a dedicated PC for it with special setup in order to make it work (Live Demo)

IP Address:
Subnet Mask:


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Use Two Separate Internet Connections On Same Network?

Feb 4, 2013

Internet connection come from an ethernet port in the wall. Cat 5 then goes to the switch and then to various computers.Desktop #1 has a IP of, sub, default gateway, DNS want to be able to attach a cat5 cable to the LAN port of a Linksys WRT 54G going from the switch.What is the settings I need to select in the Linksys router for this to work.DHCP - Off. I guess the LAN IP of the router must fall in the range of the Main DHCP pool. Could I select anything in the 10.1.1 100's as long as another computer did not have the same IP. The starting IP of the linksys router stays in 192.168.1...... and doesn't looked like it can be changed. Does any Laptop that connects wirelessly to the linksys router need a static IP or can it obtain an IP address through

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Computer Lost Internet Connections

Dec 23, 2011

The computer lost internet connections. Other computers in the house are fine with wireless and the direct connection.This computer I am working on is the one directly connected (not wireless).I tried the connection on other computers and it works.When troubleshooting, it indicates it lost the drivers so we downloaded the correct drivers and installed them on the computer. It indicates it has the updated drivers now. Funny thing is when you start of the computer the error message on the screen is Installation or Upgrade Error A problem occurred during the upgrade must restart your computer. After it restarts, the Webroot upgrade resumes.I am concerned as my daughters computer has the same error message but her Internet connection still works.Seemed to me that Webroot could be a potential problem. Since we can't download the latest version (no internet and can't use disc we have as it tells us it is outdated) I tried to uninstall using WMPinfo.xml to finish the uninstall.I got an error that indicated - "The InstallAware Wizard for Webroot Software has failed: "WRConsumerService stop failed with error 2 and kill failed with error 128". If you continue to have trouble, please click the link below for assistance. And the link is titled Uninstall but without internet it is worthless. It uninstalled the Webroot SecureAnywhere file but it doesn't remove the Webroot Software. [code]

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Some Of Software Cannot Make Connections To Internet

Nov 25, 2011

I am connected to the internet, but the only thing that I am able to connect to are TeamSpeak servers, Avast Updater and Window Updater. No browsers or other types of software can make connections.

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Use Two Usb Modem Internet Connections Simultaneously On One Pc

Dec 26, 2012

I want two connect two usb modem simultaneously on the same pc.How can I?

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Link 3 Different Places Where 2 Of Them Have Internet DSL Connections

Jul 24, 2012

how to link 3 different places where 2 of them have internet DSL connections.Actually Im running this layout...

Place 1:
DSL Modem connected to "Router 1" with DHCP Enabled. and static IP assigned for every element in the network.
"Router 1" got this:
2 computers


At this point everything is working fine. Computers in "Place 1" can see computers in "Place 2" over network and share files and printers. Plus "Place 2" have internet from "Place 1".I want now to link "Place 2" to a "Place 3" using the same Nanostation M5 antennas and I can do it the same way I did Place1-Place2, BUT, what about "Place 3" router? it is connected to a DSL modem. "Router 3" should be DHCP Disabled too? What about the internet connection? I would like "Place 2" in the middle would be able to take the internet connection from both Place 1 - Place 3. It can be done keeping computers sharing files and folders between all 3 places?

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Load Balance Two Internet Connections?

Mar 22, 2012

i am using two internet connection if one fails the other want to connect automatically is there any hardware.

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Disable Only One Of Two Wireless Internet Connections?

Aug 8, 2011

I have a wireless router (an Actiontec PK5000) and two desktop computers that connect with USB wireless adapters. I'm looking for a way to stop one of those computers from connecting wirelessly, without disconnecting the other.I used to have a wired ethernet connection, but since I've moved my computer to a different room I've had to rely on a wireless connection. Previously, I shut off the wireless in the house whenever other people were hogging bandwidth, but now that's not an option, as it would shut me down too.

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