Cisco WAN :: 28XX To Setup A Lab Serial Connections Between Routers

Mar 14, 2013

I have  2801 and 2811 cisco routers. I need to setup a lab serial connections between the routers. Will WIC 2Ts work with the 28XX series routers ?

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Cisco Routers :: WRV54G - Setup New VPN Connections For Windows 7 And XP Laptops

Sep 26, 2012

We are still using some old WRV54G wireless VPN routers for work. Can we get new vpn software that will work with these routers? The quickvpn client software we have no longer works after we last updated the firmware. How can we set up vpn connections using tunneling?

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Cisco Routers :: Setup Port Forwarding On RV220W To Allow Outside Connections On RDP

Sep 5, 2011

I have setup port forwarding on the RV220W, to allow outside connections on RDP. I have tested that LAN RDP works fine, but when I test using an outside address trying to connect to an inside windows PC with RDP nothing happens.

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Cisco Switching/Routing :: No Serial Connections With 2911

May 8, 2011

I have 2  2911 routers that will be connected via fiber with an ethernet Gig handoff to each router. Each router will then be connected to local networks on a second ethernet interface on the router. I have always connected routers via serial connections so this is new to me. Outside of the usual ethernet interface addressing configuration, is there anything else that would need to be configured on the 2 routers?

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Cisco Wireless :: Configure 28xx Series Router With HWIC-AP Card As Wi-Fi Client?

Mar 20, 2013

Is there a way to configure a 28xx series router with a HWIC-AP card as a wireless client instead of a wireless access point?  There isn't a network drop in the location that I need to place a router, but there is an active Access Point that reaches the area.

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Cisco :: Create A Simulated Serial Wan Connection Between 2 Routers?

Apr 12, 2012

i'm making up a new lab and need to create a simulated serial wan connection between 2 routers. I originally did it with 2 wic1t cards but i sold my old setup. I have access to wict1 cards i know they are serial connections. will it provide the same function as connecting with wic1t cards?

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Cisco WAN :: 2620 / 2950 - Serial To USB Adapter For Routers?

Jun 26, 2012

I have some 2620 routers and 2950 switches that have Console Ports that are serial.  However my HP PC w.Win 7 dosent have any serial ports. I am looking for a USB to Serial converter that will allow me to access the console ports so I can configure these devices. I've read many old posts and still havent found a solution.  Is it true that none of these cables work? Anything that will work on XP? (also have XP PC's).How about a RJ45 to Serial?? How about a PCI Serial card? I cant believe Cisco hasnt developed a conversion cable to use with their Console Cables?

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Cisco WAN :: 1905 / Clarification On Txload And Rxload On Serial Port For Routers

Sep 21, 2012

I have a 1905 series cisco router, when I run "sh int" command it gives me following details -
MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1544 Kbit/sec, DLY 20000 usec,
     reliability 254/255, txload 7/255, rxload 151/255
  Encapsulation PPP, LCP Open
  Stopped: CDPCP
  Open: IPCP, loopback not set

let me know the significance of txload and rxload.This router is used for MPLS connectivity.Link is working OK..but I'm not able to understand exactly what is the above txload and rxload signify.There is also one peculiar phenomena occuring, when my reliability goes down then rxload also goes down or might be vise versa.

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Cisco Switching/Routing :: 1841 - Connecting Routers Via Serial Interface

Oct 22, 2012

While I managed to connect to each router individually, I decided it was time to connect the routers together via serial; as I don't have any serial cables and need to buy some, what serial cables I need, as well as to ask whether I have the right cards in my router(s) that will allow me to do so.
I bought 3 1841 routers, and all have a 1 port serial WAN Interface Card (WIC 1-T); one router has 2 of these, and one router has a WIC-1B-S/T .. My question is, can I connect the routers with a serial cable via WIC 1-T, or do I need a 2-T

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How To Setup 2 Internet Connections On One Pc

Feb 24, 2011

I have a DSL line and a Cable line. Cable line is 30mb, DSL is only 6 mb.MY PC has 2 NICs:cable modem is connected to ethernet NIC, DSL is connected via wireless nic.So, my question is, when I have both NICs enabled, which one does windows use ?does it use both via load balancing ? When I do a speed test with BOTH NICs enabled: My speed is 15 mb. When I do a speed test with ONLY ethernet NIC (cable). my speed is: 30 mb.So, what gives ?

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VLAN Setup For 2 Different Broadband Connections

Apr 26, 2012

I have a general networking question regarding VLANS, multiple broadband connections and accessing PC's on both setups from each other.What I would like to do is have 2 broadband connections, one a cable connection and one a DSL connection. I would like to run them both through a Netgear FS-726T switch. Since the cable connection will go through a Linksys router giving out I.P.s in the range of 192.168.1.x and the DSL will probably use the same range, I would like to keep specific PC's connecting through the DSL connection and some other PC's specifically through the cable connection. I THINK that this can be done via the use of VLAN's set up on the Netgear switch but I am unfamiliar with setting them up. I've read through the manual and researched it online but I must be missing something.Due to the bandwidth limitations on the Comcast connection, I would like to avoid any data coming from the PC's on the DSL connection from going out through the cable connection (I do customer support for my business and want customers to be able to access files on my file server and also be able to back up their PC's online to my backup server but on the DSL connection. I will eat up my cable bandwidth in a hurry just from the backups alone. I would like to set up all the PC's with static I.P. addresses if possible. Now, I also need to be able to remotely access any of the PC's from outside my network (which I can do now) but I need to be able to access the cable connected PC's from the DSL connected PC's and vice versa.I have a feeling what I want to do is a mess and may not even be feasible. I have asked the networking personnel where I work but (primarily because they are arrogant SOB's) they won't even give me the slightest bit of information.

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Cisco Routers :: RVS4000 - Multiple Internet Connections / Routers Sharing Printers?

Sep 11, 2011

I have 2 internet connections in my office one via Verizon Fios and another  one via the local cable company. On the fios connection I have an RV042 VPN  router and on the Cable company connection I have an rvs4000 router, I would  like to know if there is a way I can connect the 2 so I can share a printer I  have on one of the 2 networks from the other network without using the VPN  feature, like via an ethernet cable connected between the 2 and some kind of  static route maybe?

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Route Connections For Multiple NICs Setup?

Feb 27, 2013

I have the setup as following on my PC:


I use the fibre internet for almost all internet activities since the speed is fast.However, when I do school's stuff, I need to VNC to my lab's server. Hence I need to connect to school internet point. External IP cannot directly connects to my school's server.Therefore, I would need to force Windows (or VNC) to use the connection of the Wireless Ethernet card when I VNC to my lab's server. But I want to use my fibre for all other internet activities.

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How To Setup Multiple Ethernet Connections In Windows 7

Jul 16, 2011

I have to connect/switch to two different ips different gateways, can I possibly keep two set of ips always ready.

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Remote Desktop Setup - Local Connections Only?

Feb 2, 2011

I have a couple WinXP Pros and Win7s connected to the same router wired and wirelessly. All of them have Remote Desktop enabled (via System settings) and have Windows Firewall exceptions setup. They all have AVG Anti Virus and no other firewalls installed. They all also have static ips assigned.Windows file sharing is working fine between all of them. VNC also works with no problems.But for some reason, I could not get Windows Remote Desktop to work between any of themAnother weird thing that may or may not be related is that they can't ping other computers on the same network.This leads me to believe that this might be a networking issue.I have a DLink router (can't remember model) with a Tomato Firmware.I do not have port forwarding setup for Remote Desktop because I think (although I may be wrong) that they are only used for connecting from the internet, which I don't need. I only want local connections right now.

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Cisco Routers :: QuickVPN Setup On RV120W Without Changing Internal Setup

Nov 8, 2011

Is there a way to set up Quick VPN on the RV120W without changing the internal subnet? I have just taken over responsibility for a network and I don't know all of the nooks and crannies yet, so I'd rather not change the internal sub net. I've tried setting up a user then changing the LAN settings afterward, but it automatically removed the VPN user when I did so.

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Cisco Routers :: SRP527W - Setup - Cannot Find Web Console To Setup

Jan 1, 2012

I've just purchased a couple of SRP527W routers. I've been unable to even browse to the default to start my configuration. My local network is 192.168.1.x. At risk of showing my stupidity, what am I doing wrong.

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Cisco Routers :: Rv180 Dropping LAN Connections?

Mar 13, 2013

I just recieved a new RV180 yesterday and it will not connect to my switch. Router was updated to the newest firmware, reset to factory settings. I did change the ip and ip range. Router works fine with one computer attached direct. As soon as I connect my sf300-24P to it, the WAN and LAN lights all light up and then go out. Only the WAN will light back up. I have no connectivity to the router. I plug the laptop to the router directly and no LAN lights come on and can not see the router with arp -a.

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Cisco Routers :: RVS-4000 Dropping Ip Connections

Apr 25, 2012

I have my RVS-4000 configured using static IP addresses in the LAN configuration.  The users use DHCP to get their addresses (for the most part, a couple may have static IPs set on the computer). I have the maximum number of DHCP users set to 1 to restrict the ability of people to log in to the system. That one address is locked down.
The internal address of the router is set to  It doesn't conflict with anything on my network. I have 35 static IPs. About half of them are uing IP Based ACL to limit their access time but that doesn't seem to bear any relationship to what drops off.  
Almost daily one or more of the users will lose their IP address and a hard reset of the router is required.  The user this happens to seems random and it may be more than one but seldom all of them.  The network includes Windows7 (Home & Pro), a FreeNAS, Macs (Leopard and Snow Leopard), iPad, iPods, an iPhone and an AirPort Extreme used as a WAP (DHCP is disabled).  The AirPort is plugged directly into the router and has a staic ip on the RVS-4000 but is set to DHCP.  It seems to be the most common problem child.

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Cisco Routers :: RV215W Not Responding To Outside Connections?

May 5, 2013

The RV215W is not responding to the https port, the VNC port 5900 is also failing to respond. VPN still works, I will go in and reboot and it will work again. It works for 1 day and fails to connect again.
Latest Firmware is already install, I don't know what else to do.

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Cisco Routers :: WAP4410 Dropping Connections

Aug 10, 2011

Model: WAP4410N-A V02
Firmware version:
Deployed 3 of these as WAPs. No repeaters. They are spaced at least 50 feet apart over three offices, each in a server or switch room.
Across multiple laptops, and multiple WAPS, the wireless will function fine for a while with good bandwidth..then the connection will simply drop. By simply resetting the connection on the laptop or turning the wireless off then on, the connection typically returns, at least for a period of time before it drops again.
I’ve tried these configured as three separate SSIDs on identical channels, as well as one SSID for all three with different channels (preferred for a seamless wireless), and the behavior does not change either way.Based on some other threads, I tried forcing the LAN port speed to 100 mbps, but the problem persists.

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Cisco Routers :: RV042G Dual WAN Connections?

Jun 5, 2013

We are connecting to a Cisco DPC3825 cable modem supplied by our ISP.  It has been configured to act as a switch only.  They have supplied us with 2 static IP addresses.
When each WAN port is connected individually, everything is fine.  I see the IP addresses on the respective WAN port, and it is working fine.
When I connect both WAN ports to the modem at the same time, I see a large amount of traffic between the WAN ports, as indicated by the port LEDs, and the RV042G becomes completely non-responsive through its web interface.
How do I get the RV042G working with both WAN ports connected?

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Cisco Routers :: RV120W To Allow For Remote VPN Connections

Apr 5, 2011

I'm trying to configure my RV 120W to allow for remote VPN connections by a few salesmen. I tried to set it up through the wizard, but the menu tells me that the Remote Information (IP or FQDN) is assnged when they client connects but I HAVE to put something in there. I tried it with my IP information and can't connect either, but I have a feeling that is my PC's issue with Windows 7 (it just sits on verifying uername and password and then locks up explorer). I don't see anything in the logs about it attempting to connect or anything from my machine- I'm going to work with another but that still doesn't work with the "unknown" IP connection setup.

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Cisco Routers :: WRVS4400N IPS Blocks TeamViewer V7 Connections?

Jan 10, 2012

Since the change from TeamViewer 6.x to TeamViewer 7.x my router's (WRVS4400N V1.1, latest firmware V1.1.13-ETSI from 2009-02-24 and latest IPS definitions 1.50 from 2011-08-09) IPS blocks its connections to my remotely supported computers claiming a "P2P Vagaa connection attempt - 2". This is not happening with TV 6.x.Who does the error, TeamViewer or Cisco?

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Cisco Routers :: RV220w Configure For Ipsec Vpn Connections

Jan 2, 2013

I have an RV220w in office, which I have configure it for ipsec vpn connections. Behind router there is a NAS for file storage. [code]I have managed to connect to router from my home with ShrewVPN and I can ping every client connected to RV220w.The problem is that I can't connect to neither to router's web interface nor to NAS web interface or any other intranet web page ( the browser doesn't give any error, but keeps loading without showing the web page). Although, I can access web pages from my laptop.Also, in windows file explorer when I connect to NAS, although I can browse folders I can't copy files from my laptop to NAS and vice versa, I always get timeout error (I have checked the permissions to NAS and in addition I succeed to copy a small txt file 1kb, but no luck with bigger files).I also tried with QuickVPN client, but I had the same results. When I connect with pptp from windows everything works like a charm.My laptop has windows 7 64bit.

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Cisco Routers :: WRV200 - Create 3 Node WAN Using VPN Connections

Jul 11, 2012

I have 3 WRV200 that I want to install in 3 cities.I want each router to have its own Internet connection from the local ISP.I then want each router to connect to the other 2 routers and create a 3 node WAN using VPN connections.

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Cisco Routers :: RV082 Firewall - Limit Connections By IP

Mar 25, 2012

RV082 - 1.3.2 I need to have RDP and pcAnywhere enabled to a customer site for remote support, but need to limit the incoming IP ranges to only our offices. I have the port forwarding set up and tested working. I then set up rules to deny all traffic on the needed ports and added rules to allow a few IP ranges from our office locations. I even tried a rule allowing all traffic from our main office but that also failed to allow RDP or pcAnywere connections.Now I can no longer connect from any of our remote offices. I followed the limited instructions that I found in another post but its not working.

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Cisco Routers :: Connecting 2 RV042 To Different Subnet And DSL Connections?

Apr 29, 2013

Small office, 2 RV042, 2 DSL connections. 1 is used striclty for the business side, and the other is for our CCTV network. They also have seperate DSL connections as we have 2 external IP address for clients to connect remotely. We don't want to take away our exisring setup, but would like to bridge both networks so a few of our internal clients can connect to our CCTV network and use some of the devices. Right now they come in on VPN but its not as fast.Is this doable without adding additional hardware? Both networks need DHCP enable as well.
|| Would like to somehow join the 2 networks together.|

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Cisco Routers :: RV180 Dropping Connections Every 10 Minutes Or So

Jun 28, 2012

I have a cisco RV180 hooked up to a  cisco cable modem and Cox service. 
The basic symptoms of the problem are that every 10 minutes or so external connections will hang.  This lasts maybe 20-60 seconds.  If you're loading a website when this happens, various parts of it won't load and firefox will sit and spin indefinitely (it seems) until you manually stop the loading and click the reload button.
When this is happening I can still connect to the routers webserver and dashboard that auto-refreshes every 10 seconds.  It seems perfectly fine.  My initial theory was that something was broken on the Cox end of things, but after swapping out the RV180 with an old on-q router we had laying around, we haven't seen the problems. 
Some other differences I've noticed between the on-q and the rv180:
* with the rv180 traceroute to external hosts shows a big delay (500-600ms) at the hop right after the router.  With the on-q, it's 12ms. 
* when I ping the ip of that hop with the large delay, with the on-q I get no responses.  With the rv180 I would get these strange host redirect messages that make it look like that ip is redirecting to itself.  There would be 1 or 2 of those redirect responses, followed by 3 or 4 errors, and every packet would be listed as an error in the ping summary. 

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Cisco Routers :: RV180 Dropping Connections Every 10 Minutes Or So

Nov 11, 2012

A couple of days ago, after a suggestion in a old forum post (rv180 dropping connections every 10 minutes or so) I tried increasing the various session timeouts.  This didn't seem to affect anything for the first day, but last night the router started becoming unresponsive (not responding to pings, but maybe continuing to route established connections.) After a couple minutes the router would be pingable again, and as soon as i could I reverted the changes I made to the session timeouts.  That didn't seem to fix the problem.  Logs showed many many warnings saying "nf_conntrack table full, dropping packet."
Then as soon as I got on the phone with small business support the problem seemed to correct itself.  The only thing we changed was decreasing the MTU to 1472.  It is strange that the MTU would make a difference all of the sudden, isn't it?

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Routers / Switches :: Increasing Connections And Security?

Jan 24, 2012

I'm not sure about my title, it;'s the best I could come up with. I have approximately 7 computers, two iPhone, and iPad, wireless printers and a network attached storage. Most are connected over via wifi, the exceptions being one pc, the nas and a printer. I plan to add six more devices plus some ip cams. The way the router or network is configured whenever a guest connects to our wifi they can "see" our computers. I haven't been able to tell if they can see the files or just the name of the computer. Question 1: How can I tell if the guests are able to access the data on our computers or networked drive? Question 2: If I add a switch will I need to do anything special with regard to security?

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Difference Between Wired Connections And Wireless - Routers

Feb 6, 2012

I see 350 and 450 Mbps speeds Router but I think that that only refers to wireless. Are there differences in the speed of a wired connection for all these new routers or are they all the same?

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Routers / Switches :: How To Secure Network Connections

Oct 2, 2011

My itty bitty manual just shows on how to hook up my router via cable modem...nothing on how to secure it. I go into setup of the router and see where one can add info but am at a loss what to enter. I tried, merely by guessing, applied the info, and screwed up my networking. I couldn't even get into my router to revert back, cause i couldn't get on line...finally i reset manually my router and all is well again, except when i see a list of nearby network users, mine is the only one that says unsecured.

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