Unable To Connect To Internet From Terminal On Ubuntu 12.04

Oct 29, 2012

I don't get whats the problem but when i try to run the following command :

sudo apt-get update

I was getting an output of sort...

0% [Connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com (] [Connecting to security.ubuntu.com (]
0% [Connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com (] [Connecting to


And our institute uses a proxy server... when i try to ping that server it was pinging these servers but not the external servers...like security.ubuntu.com or some other site... I can access internet from my browser, but the software center is unable to download anything.

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Ubuntu Server / Unable To Connect To Network?

Apr 12, 2011

We are having a network of 7 computers and a server (Ubuntu server). The problem is, two of them are not connecting to the network. When i check the network card of these two systems, it seems working (the green light is blinking). When i replace these systems with a laptop, it connecting to the network and there is not problem at all.

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Unable To Connect To Secure Wireless Network XP / Ubuntu 12.04?

Sep 26, 2012

I've tried two operating systems (Ubuntu 12.04 and Windows XP) two different wireless adaptors (Dell M1530 internal adaptor and Alfa USB Adaptor which I get full bars on) and tried a different Dell M1530 laptop which I'm also having issues with. I've also tried to diagnose the network with a tool, but I'm totally unable to connect to it so I'm unable to get any more information.If I try to connect to an unsecured network, it works perfectly. I'm totally stumped about this, due to the fact that I've used two different operating systems, two different adaptors and two different laptops (albeit the same brand).

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Installed Ubuntu 10.10 - Can't Connect To Internet

Mar 10, 2011

I just installed ubuntu 10.10 and I'm unable to connect to the internet. I checked for device recognition and the output is DISABLED which apparently means that my network device may be turned off. How can I turn it on. Windows is no longer installed. By the way I'm an ubuntu newbie. Hence, I wiped my hard drive during installation.

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Ubuntu 10.10 On Virtual PC 2007 - Cannot Connect To Internet

Feb 17, 2011

I have installed Ubuntu 10.10 on Virtual PC 2007 on my desktop Windows machine. The internet connection has failed.

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OpenVPN On Ubuntu 11.10 - Unable To Redirect Default Gateway

Jun 8, 2012

I'm trying to connect to connect to OpenVPN server from my Ubuntu 11.10 machine. I use the following command to do it (under root user):

openvpn --config /home/vladimir/client.ovpn

Everything seems to be OK, it connects normally without any warnings and errors, but when I try to browse the internet I see that I still use my own IP address, so VPN connection doesn't work. When I run openvpn command, it displays the following message among others:

NOTE: unable to redirect default gateway -- Cannot read current default gateway from system

Below is full output of openvpn command:


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Cisco Switching/Routing :: 3750 - Unable To Paste Script Into Terminal Session

Feb 28, 2012

I have 100+ 3750's that are running various IOS, some stacked and some not, and all seem to have the same problem.If I attempt to paste a configuration into the terminal session I get booted after about 10 to 15 lines.  This happens when using SSH and Telnet.  Telnet will go a little further before I'm booted.  After I'm booted it sometimes takes a minute before I can log back into the switch. Any issues pasting configs into a 3750 via a VTY session?

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Cisco Switching/Routing :: Unable To Login To 2960 Via Console Through Terminal Server

Oct 23, 2012

I have a set-up with multiple C2960 and C3750 switches. All these devices are being managed remotely. So basically I login to C2901, which is used as a Terminal Server,  and reverse SSH to the console of each device. That's - I have assigned an IP to each port of the terminal server so that I can SSH directly to the desired device through via the mapped IP.
Now, recently I had to restart couple of switches - one C2960 and C3750. I initiated the reboot via console connection remotely. I could see the device logs for some time and then the logs stopped and there was no reaction from the console irrespective of any command I tried to enter.
I tried resetting the line on the terminal server, but that didn't work.
Now when I try to SSH the IP mapped to console of that particular device - i dont get any login prompt and there is no effect on device after giving any command. Although i can see the logs on the console session - but cant do anything.
I have a second way of connecting the device via inband- management, and checked the device config found it correct. It is same as other devices which are working correctly.
Both C3750 and C2960 are behaving exactly same - can see logs on console but see effect of even pressing enter - not getting login prompt as well.

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Connect Ubuntu To Windows 7 Wifi?

Apr 1, 2012

I've finally made the jump into Ubuntu and put it on my laptop. I have never used Linux before so it will be a bit of a learning curve although it does look quite user friendly.

I have already connected my Ubuntu laptop to my wireless router so I have internet. I would just like to be able to access files on my PC and vice versa similar to Windows Homegroup but I have no idea how.

PC = Windows 7 Ultimate - Laptop = Latest version of Ubuntu (I think it's 11?)

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Di-lb604 To Connect System With Os Ubuntu 10.04

Oct 31, 2011

if i want to connect d-link router to system it asking for password i enter admin /password it is not accepting

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Cisco :: 2600 Terminal Server Can't Connect To 3750 / 3560 Switches

Jul 23, 2012

I have a 2611XM that I am using as a terminal server for my lab setup.  Async is using octal cables.  It works great with routers of all different models, but when I connect a switch of any model, it does not work.  The connectivity LEDs don't even light (they do for the routers).  The switches in question are 3750s and 3560s. 
I have tried straight through from the octal cable to the console port of the switch, as well as a rollover with a converter, no luck.  This does seem to be independent of configuration on the console port - even before the console port of the routers were properly configured, I at least had indication of physical connectivity.

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Wireless :: Cannot Connect Adapter TL-WN721N On Ubuntu?

Jan 21, 2011

I have installed Ubuntu on my HP laptop within Vista, because I am using the wireless adopter TP-LINK TL-WN721N to connect, I am not able to find the correct driver and install it.

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Wireless :: Ubuntu On Laptop Partition Won't Connect

Jun 13, 2011

I have a Sony Viao PCG-71312L laptop that has Windows 7, 64-bit as OS. I loaded on Ubuntu as want to learn more about Linux. The wireless locator finds the signal but won't connect.It says "ethos" and then when you click from there I don't get through. Just seems to keep looking forever, then says after 3 minutes can't connect.It could be I need a specific driver for the Ethernos wireless device, I am not sure. Further I am had a hacking where I had to change wireless settings so I may have done it myself. I am able to connect on my Windows 7 wireless network account but not the Linux one. I tried deleting the account on the Linux Ubuntu that shows up but this didn't work.May have made worse.Is this on my wireless device side, meaning I need to change/get password ect or the Ubuntu side where it's some type of common problem. Do I need to access through the router web page? Incidentally that's blocked for me too.

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Ubuntu - Connect Two Laptops Using A Wireless Router?

Oct 13, 2012

I want to connect two laptops for experiment purpose. I do not want to use the internet on any of them , just be able to ping from one pc to another and SSH into them. The use is basically for a mobile robot , one pc on the robot and another one to control and see the processes using SSH. How do I use a wireless router to create such a network? I am using Ubuntu on both system (I tried ad-hoc but its not working).

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Linksys Cable / DSL :: WAG320N - Ubuntu Can't Connect To NAS And Other LAN PCs

Apr 23, 2011

I have 2 PCs, an Acer H340 and a network printer wired to the WAG320N; two other PCs are connected  wireless. On every PC I have Windows 7 and Ubuntu (except the NAS with WHS).When I boot with Ubuntu on every PC, I can print, I can connect to intenet, open the Web interface of the WAG320N at  but I CAN'T see the NAS and the other PCs: this with the wired PCs and the WiFi connected ones. A Galaxy Tab can browse the NAS content and the Web.I didn't had this problem with the modem router I had from the ADSL supplier and the Huawei D100 I used before.On the network map of the Cisco Network Magic the Linux PCs are showed connected to the WAG320N with a dotted line, when the W7 ones are connected with a solid line.

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No Internet Access Using Ad Hoc Network In Ubuntu 12.04?

Mar 4, 2013

I setup a wifi Hotspot in my desktop(Ubuntu 12.04), and was able to connect to it using my laptop(also Ubuntu 12.04).

My desktop is connected to Internet using Ethernet cable and I can access internet from my desktop but not from my laptop.

Also I can ping successfully to my router from my laptop, but still no internet.

Desktop routing table.

$ /sbin/route -n

Kernel IP routing table

Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface UG 0 0 0 eth1 U 2 0 0 wlan1 U 1000 0 0 eth1 U 1 0 0 eth1

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How To Share Internet Connection In Ubuntu 10.04

May 12, 2011

I have a laptop1 which has its two interfaces ( wired and wireless ) working. And have another laptop (laptop2) for which only wired interface works.

I am planning to connect the two wired interfaces such that laptop2 can connect to internet through the wireless interface of laptop1. How to achieve this? Both systems use Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop edition

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Networking :: Best Way To Connect Windows Server 2003 And Ubuntu 10

Mar 14, 2011

If I have two servers, one running Windows Server 2003, and one running Ubuntu 10, what would be the best way to 'map' one's drive to another? Either way is fine. They are each in a different state, and each have an external IP. I just need to do some processing on the Ubuntu server, then write the file either to its own drive, and have the web server (Windows) read it, or, have it write to the Windows HDD, and have Windows read it.

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Setting Internet Quota On Ubuntu 11.10 - Linux

Apr 3, 2013

I use a limited usage internet plan and want that when I surf approx 10MB of data my connection automatically stops further download untill i reset or increase the usage.

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VGN-SR490 Missing Eth0 Ethernet Interface In Ubuntu / Can't Connect To Router

Aug 26, 2011

I'm having trouble getting my Ubuntu 10.04 machine (Sony Vaio VGN-SR490) to connect to the Internet by way of an Ethernet cable connected directly to my router.

I'm able to connect to the Internet using this same cable using a Windows machine, way Linux is configured. [code] It looks like the network adapters list is empty. I will now install both Windows XP and Ubuntu Linux dual-boot. I'm still not able to access the internet, even through Windows. I'm wonder if this could be a hardware problem with the computer or a problem with the router itself. Other computers can connect to this same router, and work fine.

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Chrome And IE Can't Connect To Internet - Unable To Connect To The Proxy Server

Jun 8, 2011

Few days ago I started to get the following error message while trying to connect to the internet using Chrome and IE:"Unable to connect to the proxy server..."I don't have a proxy server configured - nothing is checked in the LAN settings page.In Firefox I don't have that problem - it seems it gets the proxy configuration from elsewhere.

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D-link Dir-601 :: Unable To Connect To Internet - Devices Able To Connect To Wifi

Mar 1, 2013

In my device I am able to browse through & connect to my HOME wifi network ; But after connecting it says 'No Internet Access'.I tried connecting with my SONY Bluray , iphone , ipad , laptops -- everywhere same story.I am able to plug in the ethernet cable directly from modem & able to connect to network.I am not able to open the -- ( When I am plugged in the modem directly)

Following are my router details

IC : 4216A-IR601
H/W Ver:A1
F.W Ver:1.00 NA

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VGN-SR490 / Linux - Missing Eth0 Ethernet Interface In Ubuntu - Can't Connect To Router

May 6, 2012

I'm having trouble getting my Ubuntu 10.04 machine (Sony Vaio VGN-SR490) to connect to the Internet by way of an Ethernet cable connected directly to my router. I'm able to connect to the Internet using this same cable using a Windows machine, so there's something wrong with the way Linux is configured.

Here are my network settings on Linux:

$ ifconfig
lo Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr: Mask:
inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host


It looks like the network adapters list is empty. I will now install both Windows XP and Ubuntu Linux dual-boot. I'm still not able to access the internet, even through Windows. I'm wonder if this could be a hardware problem with the computer or a problem with the router itself. Other computers can connect to this same router, and work fine.

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Unable To Connect To Internet Through Anything But Internet Explorer

Sep 30, 2012

I come here today with a problem that has been plaguing this laptop forever and a day. You see, about two or so years ago on this very laptop, it was just another day where I booted up my laptop and was going to get a good day of wasting time on the internet underway. I tried to open Firefox, and I got prompted to download an apparent update for the browser. Obviously I went along with it because it seemed pretty routine and identical to how Firefox had updated in the past.

After the update was all done and dusted, I found myself unable to connect to the internet through Firefox. I would just get a constant stream of "Unable to connect" messages. I thought it might have been a problem on my end since back then I had rather wishy washy internet. So I let it settle for a while. Later on that day I talked to a few of my buddies over Xbox Live and asked if they'd had any similar issues with the new Firefox update because at the time, we all used it and hadn't quite jumped ship to Chrome just yet. But no matter who I asked, I always got the same response "I didn't get any update." Which as you can imagine, confused me quite thoroughly.

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PC Unable To Connect To Internet

Jun 22, 2011

Simply what happens when I attempt to connect to the wireless network (Home network). I'll click 'Connect', it will start attempting to connect, it will keep attempting to connect for a good few minutes and then just stop, no error message, no 'unable to connect', it will just stop and I'll be back to square one, the home wireless connection will still be there but not connected.

The connection displays as full signal all the time, but will not connect. In the house we have also got 3 other laptops running from the same connection from time to time, these all connect fine without any hassle.

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Broadband :: Unable To Connect To The Internet?

May 3, 2012

However I cannot connect to the internet, the following message appears. The system cannot up date the telephone book file error 624. I am not connected to a telephone line for my system, as I use a modem USB, which is working ok.

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Unable To Connect To Certain Sites On The Internet?

Mar 14, 2013

I'm having problems connecting to certain sites on the internet through one computer. I can connect ok on other computers going through the same home network. On the one computer that is having problems I can connect to the site but then when I click on a link I get unable to connect then I can reload the page and some times it connects to the page. So as I am browsing through the site almost every time I click on a link I get unable to connect and have to keep reloading the page.

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Broadband :: Unable To Connect To Internet?

Aug 15, 2011

diagnosis is indicating server is connected but internet is not connected

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Unable To Connect Netbook To The Internet?

Jul 1, 2011

So my fiance picked up a netbook and we can't get it to connect to my wireless network. It is an XP computer with Service Pack 3. It sees the wireless network, which other devices can connect to with no problem but when I try to connect it I get a limited or no connectivity error. I get the same thing when I try to plug the computer directly into the router. Occasionally it will just connect to the wireless, but it still won't connect to the router, let alone the the internet. Currently it is not connected to anything.

Windows IP Configuration

Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : your-17e2f2b317
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Broadcast
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No


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Unable To Connect To Internet With Windows 7?

Mar 1, 2012

Basically my desktop computer no longer connects to the internet, and I'll try to describe the problem to you all to the best of my ability.I ran ipconfig /all and it is attached.The problem first started a few weeks back and I haven't been able to get around to it due to school. When trying to connect to my router it will connect with limited connectivity (in other words, at the bottom right of the screen when you check the SSID you're connected to, it will show the signal strength, but it also has a yellow exclamation mark indicating it has no connectivity. When I ran the built-in troubleshooter on it, I received multiple things:

- sometimes: "windows could not automatically detect this network proxy settings"

- sometimes: "no errors detected"

Of course I would've done a system restore long ago,however initially I thought the problem was the adapter so I kept re-installing the drivers, I even went to buy other network adapters to make sure my adapter wasn't the one that was defective (I have an ASUS adapter, the other adapters I've tried were D-Link, and Netgear which is also the brand of my router which is very old). Because of all these installs/uninstalls, the old system restores I had were gone. I have Windows 7 64 bit, I'm using wireless connectivity and cannot try ethernet cable due to the immobility of my desktop and problems it would generate around the house. I've attempted to change the IP address of my network properties of ivp4 to defaults, change the DNS server, check my DHCP, check my services, check my registry, and many other things found on the internet (including resetting with netsh)

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Unable To Connect Vista To Internet

Feb 23, 2012

I've been having connecting my other desktop pc (with windows vista) to the internet. I am connecting it via ethernet/cat 5 and every time I continue to get a message that says unidentified network and it wont connect me to the net. From a previous post, I tryed going in and working with the tcp/ip stacks thru the command prompt and had no luck. So what I did was copy all the information from the command ipconfig.

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Netgear Box - Unable To Connect To Internet

Jun 6, 2011

In Room 1 Computer 1 and computer 2 are connected to the Verizon box via ethernet cables using port LAN 1 & LAN 2.In Room 2 I have Computer 3 connected to the Verizon box using Wireless I then added a ethernet cable into Computer 3 that goes into a Netgear box the ethernet cable goes into the Internet port I then run a ethernet cable into port 1 in the netgear box into the Xbox 360 and on computer 3 I bridge the wireless and LAN connection this then lights up the netgear box showing Internet and Gives the Xbox internet connection but Computer 3 shows and will not connection to the internet just that it is on the LAN network.

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Cisco :: Unable To Connect The Internet?

Jan 15, 2013

My company is using catalyst 3650G which we configured to route between vlans.ports 1-12 on the switch are configured to be in vlan 50 which serves as our servers vlan,port 13-20 are configured to be in vlan 100 in which the CE500 switch connected to (end users are connected here). we have two CE500 swithces and they linked each other via the gigabit uplink port.port 24 is configured as a routed port and connects to a 2811 router.We want to change the Internet connection from Leased Line to Broad Band.Currently we are using the(Leased Line) primary network.Whenever we are try to change the (Broad Band)secondary network,It's not happening the internet[CODE]

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