Cisco Firewall :: ASA 5510 - VPN Dropped Periodically

Sep 2, 2012

We have one ASA 5510 but we got the error attached periodically for IPSec/SSL VPN connection but i configured timeout connection as none

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D-link Dir-655 :: Wifi Connections Dropped Periodically

Mar 5, 2011

My DIR-655 drops WiFi connections every few days.  All wired connections are fine.  Rebooting the router fixes the problem at that time.  Cable modem works perfectly fine. [code]

I'm sure I'm missing some devices, but that should give you the general mix of wired/wireless devices that I use.  I'm single with visits from my son every other weekend, so network traffic is not that high at my house.  I've had this router for a couple years now and didn't use to have this problem.  I've been updating the firmware, and I suspect this problem happened after on one those updates.  I just don't know which one.  Also, I didn't use to have any neighbors with Wireless Routers (that I could detect), but recently there have been 2 who have gotten them.  I was hoping this was a problem that D-Link was aware of, but that does not seem to be the case.  I would hate to have to go out and buy a new router (not D-Link).

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Cisco Firewall :: ASA 5510 / Dropped Packets In VPN AnyConnect Connections?

Dec 5, 2012

Our Cisco ASA 5510 running 8.4(4)1 just started dropping packets and our AnyConnect clients are seeing horrible performance.  The system is extremely slow compared to just a couple days ago.Nothing has changed on the system.  I can post the configs if needed.
firewall# sho int
Interface Ethernet0/0 "outside", is up, line protocol is up
  Hardware is i82546GB rev03, BW 1000 Mbps, DLY 10 usec
    Full-Duplex(Full-duplex), 1000 Mbps(1000 Mbps)
    Input flow control is unsupported, output flow control is off
    Description: == WAN Interface ==

I have done a "sho vpn-sessiondb detail svc" and I can see the dropped packets of the individual users, but cannot see why the packets are still I can correct this and restore speeds?

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Cisco VPN :: ASA 5510 - Client Connections Getting Dropped

Mar 30, 2011

I have some remote locations that connect to my ASA 5510 cluster (Aktive/Passive) using the Cisco VPN Client, from which the connection gets disconnected at random intervals (could be 5 minutes, but sometimes after 15 minutes). However, some other remote locations do not have this problem. All locations have the same VPN client configuration (distrubited by pcf file).

I already disabled isakmp keepalive on the ASA but this did not work. If I read it correctly, the Cisco vpn client logging shows that the ASA initiates the ending of the connection.

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Cisco VPN :: 5510 - VPN Client RA / Connection Dropped By ASA

Jun 29, 2011

I have an issue witch Cisco VPN-Client V Remote VPV-Access to ASA 5510 8.2(3)
Evrything works fien but sometimes after about 4-5 Hours the Connection is dropped by the ASA. The Client still prtends to be connected, but there is no connection seen on teh ASA.

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Cisco Firewall :: ASA 5520 - VPN Traffic Is Getting Dropped Through Firewall

Apr 8, 2011

Our Local Network is behind the CISCO ASA Firewall.Whenever we are accessing to Client VPN server,it is getting connected but after few Minutes (May be 5/10/30 Min),the sessions are terminating. The same traffic through PIX is no issue , only with ASA Firewall. See the following Error and request you give the possible root cause for this.
2011-04-09 16:15:09    Local4.Info    %ASA-6-302016: Tear down UDP connection 87447908 for OUTSIDE: to inside: duration 0:27:49 bytes 18653

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Cisco Firewall :: 2921 Firewall Allow Rules Being Dropped

Jul 5, 2012

I am configuring a 2921 with enhanced security using the CCP.  I have found a behavior that seems strange to me and I'm not sure if I'm misunderstanding something or missing a setting.  It seems that if I create a firewall rule to "allow" traffic through, that traffic gets dropped, but if I set the action to "Inspect", the traffic comes through fine.  I can actually reproduce this at will by setting up a rule from out-zone to self to allow traffic and I cannot telnet into it from an external ip, but if I change that rule to "inspect" i can connect fine (i dont want that rule set up permanently, was just using it to test the firewall).
If I set the allow rule to log, I see the following line in the application security log:
(target:class)-(ccp-zp-out-self:user-fw-ccp) Passing telnet pkt => with ip ident 0
(where is the external laptop and is my WAN IP address of the 2921)
So it looks to be passing the traffic, but that traffic is getting dropped somewhere because the connection is unsuccessful.
Is this the expected behavior of "Allow" action?  Is there something I can do to make sure "allow" traffic actually gets through?

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Cisco Firewall :: 6509 - FWSM With Packets Dropped

Jun 9, 2013

I happen to noticed the FWSM was dropping packets at about 387 packets every 5 minutes. My outside FWSM is WAN facing and has a 1gig link (35% utilized) my inside facing has about 100 downstream switches to the closets. I do not see my 6509's back plane is being over utilized and my understanding of the FWSM show be go for 5 gig so it isn't oversubscribe. Why i am seeing packets dropped?

[Code] ......

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Cisco Firewall :: 8.2.4 External Users Will Be Intermittently Dropped

Jan 14, 2012

We just upgraded from 8.2.4 to on each firewall. The Primary and Secondary work when they are standalone but, when we connect the fail over link from the Primary to the Secondary, invariably, one of them will go into a constant boot cycle and one will be active but, external users will be intermittently dropped. As soon as we unplug the fail over, the firewall that stays up behaves normally. This is with code or any other code for that matter?

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Cisco :: 5508 Guest WLAN Dropped Off Outside Firewall

Sep 5, 2012

We are implementing a new corporate headquarters and have bought a Cisco 5508.  I have two connections plugged into the 5508 in ports 1 and port 2.  Port 1 is for all internally wireless networks and connects to our core 6500 and use an external DHCP server scopes.  Port 2 is for our guest WLAN and connects directly to a public network switch in front of (outside) the firewall.  For the guest network, I have setup a vlan on the controller for dhcp and the interface setup to that vlan and dhcp scope built on the controller. how or can I NAT the internally addressing for the guest network to  the public IP address on the controller.  Essentially I want to drop of guest network traffic outside the firewall and not have to deal with setting up the firewall for any aspect of guest network traffic. 

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Cisco Firewall :: ASA 5520 - ESMTP Connection Dropped

May 30, 2013

We are working with an ASA 5520 and it seems there is an issue with some email messages sent throught it. When there are many recipients in the emails the email messages are not sent, and I have revised the server an the only thing I see is connecting dropped. When I went to see ASA log and see this log report: ESMTP Classification: Dropped connection for ESMTP Request from 'interface': servername/portnumber to outside: IP address/25; matched Class 2: cmd RCPT count gt 100 tcp flow from interface:servername/portnumber to outside: IP address/25 terminated by inspection engine, reason - inspector disconnected, dropped packet. So I think there should be an inspection of ESMTP packets and if they detect an email message sent to over 100 addresses, then the packet is dropped, am I right? if so, what should I do to let those email messages be sent?

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Cisco Firewall :: 5520 - PPTP Connection Dropped Every 120 Minutes

Jun 27, 2012

I am using a pptp server running on windows 2008 server and I have configured my ASA 5520 to let the PPTP traffic to pass throught.
The solution works quite well but exactly every 120 minutes the connection drops and people have to reconnect. Is there any setting to change? In the PPTP server I haven't found any setting to change.

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Cisco Firewall :: 2911 - Immediate Gateway Dropped Ping Traffic

Jun 13, 2011

I have a a firewall policy on a Cisco 2911 - the zone policy from OutZone>InZone basically drops everything apart from inspected traffic on the opposite direction and a few essential traffic generated externally (such as Outlook web access and E-mail exchanging). However, I seem to be getting a lot of firewall drops coming from the immediate gateway of the ADSL WAN address to the internal IP range on port 3. I get about 10 hits every 5 seconds.

policy-map type inspect FWPol_Out-In
class type inspect CCP_PPTP
class type inspect FCMAP_In-Email
class type inspect FCMAP_In-OutlookWebAccess

 %FW-6-LOG_SUMMARY: 1 packet were dropped from IMMEDIATE WAN GATEWAY:0 => INTERNAL IP ADDRESS:3 (target:class)-(FWPair_Out-In:class-default), the immediate gateway would ping an internal IP address? Keepalive? Could this be stemming from another problem? The traffic  wasn't generated internally as all InZone>OutZone is inspected.

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Wifi Connection Losses Periodically

Feb 14, 2012

I'm having WIFI connection issues with a Sony Vaio VGN-FW140E Laptop. After a connection is established it will randomly stop working.The network adapter is a Intel WiFi Link 5100 AGN using driver version,I have also tested the connection with a Cisco Valet AM10 WIFI USB adapter and received the same results.All other devices connected wirelessly are not experiencing any connection problems.

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Wireless Network Dropping Periodically?

Nov 18, 2012

Connection goes out from time to time. Especially when downloading and uploading. Ive posted here before and the problem fixed it self for a few days and now its back again. Drivers are up to date. Router firmware is up to date

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Network's Internet Periodically Disconnects

Apr 10, 2012

My internet disconnects every 15 minutes or so for about 10 minutes and it is getting really annoying. It started last night. I installed the HideMyAss add-on for Chrome and I think that may have something to do with it. Since then, I disabled and uninstalled the add-on, yet the issues continue. When I try to open a page with Chrome or Firefox I get these messages:This webpage is not available.The server at can't be found, because the DNS lookup failed. DNS is the network service that translates a website's name to its Internet address. This error is most often caused by having no connection to the Internet or a misconfigured network. It can also be caused by an unresponsive DNS server or a firewall preventing Google Chrome from accessing the network.I have tried the Chrome recommendations with little success. One more thing, it is not just my computer. Everyone in my house is periodically unable to access the internet. Our service provider is Optimum and we have a Belkin Router. I changed all of the security settings on the router, yet the troubles persist. url...

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Cisco Wireless :: 871W Periodically Will Drop Its Signal

Apr 16, 2012

I have a Cisco 871W that periodically will drop its signal. how to configure this for maximum reliability? I set it to use chanel 2462.

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Cisco VPN :: ASA 5520 / One Subnet Of L2L VPN Stops Working Periodically?

Jun 14, 2011

I have two Cisco ASA 5520's running software version 8.2(2) set up in a HA pair. The L2L vpn is set up and works as expected between this site and another. The issue is that every few months, one subnet of the VPN, the same one all the time, stops forwarding/receiving traffic. The device in the remote location is not a Cisco device but I am certain the issue lies with the ASA as when I fail over to the slave device the VPN works again, failing back again however stays with the subnet still not passing traffic. I need to reboot the device before it starts forwarding traffic on the subnet again.

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Online Games Connectivity Drops Periodically

Mar 22, 2012

I can install things, run CCleaner, and do other basic tasks. I've been stumped about this issue for months and after repeated, and failed, attempts to resolve it via the ISP. I've done searches via Google, this website, and all the other places I can think of, so hopefully I didn't miss a solution to my problem. When playing games online, my internet connection will occasionally drop for 5-8 seconds, every 5-10 minutes. Sometimes, the game will allow me to reconnect after a short lag spike. Other times, I must meet a breakpoint for getting booted, and I'll have to leave the game.

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Netgear WRN2000 - Internet Drops Out Periodically

Apr 5, 2011

I'm currently writing this from a laptop. It can access the internet perfectly, with no dropouts and no speed issues. However, my desktop PC is a different story. When I purchased the PC, it came with a standard wireless PCI adapter which really wasn't doing the job. It couldn't pick up my router from just one story above, where my laptop could. I decided to buy a new wireless adapter that would hopefully fit the bill. Unfortunately, again it didn't pick up the router from downstairs. Trying a different tack, I purchased the Netgear WRN2000 as an access point that would increase the range of my router. I connected my PC to this after configuring and all was going well for a while, until now. Now, every 1-2 minutes, the internet will slow to a crawl for 30 seconds or so, and while comparing speeds via the laptop (connected directly to the main router) and via the PC (connected through the extender to the router), the laptop clearly has the speed advantage. This is more noticable when playing games on my PC, such as Call of Duty. Every 1 minute or so, the game becomes unplayable due to lag for around 30 seconds, and sometimes this happens constantly. I'm unable to work out if the WRN2000 has a problem, or if it's interference. I actually tried connecting my PC to my laptop via ethernet, and bridging the 2 connections, which seemed to work for a day or so, but now does not. Also, i'd be willing to purchase a new PCI wireless card if anyone has any recommendations for one that has a strong signal range.

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Periodically Unable To Connect To Wireless Internet?

Dec 17, 2012

My laptop is having trouble connecting to the internet. Some of the time it is fine, but at other times it will not connect to my home wireless network (or any other open ones I can find) despite the network being in full signal.The only advice offered by the troubleshooter is to reset the wireless router. This does work (but is very irritating to flatmates!) but doesn't prevent the problem recurring. Only my computer has an issue, and sometimes it will manage to connect to the internet by itself, seemingly spontaneously. The laptop is set to connect automatically, and when not working it also does sometimes attempt to connect, (i.e. it says 'connecting') but cuts out again before managing it. The problem can last for a few minutes or several hours.

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Cisco Switching/Routing :: 2960 - Periodically Lose Connection

May 5, 2013

I have two 2960s that periodically lose connection for just a few Seconds. If I run a continuous ping from a workstation the connection never drops but as soon as I kill the ping command I will start losing the connection again. All cables test fine tried different switch ports nothing seems to work. No errors in log file either.

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Laptop Periodically Fails To Connect To Wireless Internet

Dec 17, 2012

My laptop is having trouble connecting to the internet. Some of the time it is fine, but at other times it will not connect to my home wireless network (or any other open ones I can find) despite the network being in full signal. The only advice offered by the troubleshooter is to reset the wireless router. This does work (but is very irritating to flatmates!) but doesn't prevent the problem recurring. Only my computer has an issue, and sometimes it will manage to connect to the internet by itself, seemingly spontaneously. The laptop is set to connect automatically, and when not working it also does sometimes attempt to connect, (i.e. it says 'connecting') but cuts out again before managing it. The problem can last for a few minutes or several hours.

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Netgear Router / Wifi Not Connecting To Network Periodically

Dec 24, 2012

I am running an i7 MSI gt683 with windows 7 with an Intel Centrino Wirelss-N 130. My home wifi connection runs off of comcast on a netgear router, and the wireless connection works on every single device in the house except for my laptop. I can run my ps3, my wii, we have an ipad, all our phones can connect and we have another laptop that connects with no issue. I have updated my drivers for my wireless card to the latest, flushed the ip on my desktop that the modem is connect to a dozen times. The only way to sometimes fix it is to manually log in to my router and release/renew the ip address from there. Sometimes it will work, sometimes it won't. When it does work, it will work for about a week and then stop working for no reason at random times.The errors I keep getting are:Identifying network (which runs infinitely before cycling back to no internet connection)Connected with no internet access.

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Connection Drops Periodically When Playing Multiplayer Games?

Jul 14, 2012

Up until now, my wired connection to my modem has been flawless. Recently I have been experiencing periodic connection drops. This is most noticeable when I play multiplayer games. I use Comcast ISP.[CODE]

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E1000 Periodically Locks Up

Mar 26, 2012

my E1000 router locks up and I lose Internet connectivity until I unplug the router's power cord, wait for 10 seconds or so, then plug it back in and let it restart. This seems to be triggered (a.) when I land on a web page with intensive graphics, etc., that takes a while to load, or (b.) if I launch a web page really quickly while another one already is up. it doesn't just happen spontaneously when I'm working on the computer. This computer I'm working on is old and slow, which is why as per my earlier inquiry about having to reconfigure the router and network , I'm looking at changing to an up to date and faster model. I just updated to the latest firmware, probably a week or so ago, but the router was doing this before then and still is doing it now.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT54GH Shuts Off Periodically?

Nov 4, 2011

Firmware version is V1.0.01 b001 my WRT54GH has recently started to shuts off periodicaly without any reason. Will stay off for couple of minutes, then will turn ON again. In this period, On/OFF button has no effect.

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D-Link DIR-655 :: Periodically Hangs And Loses Internet Service

May 4, 2013

Rev B, recently updated firmware to 2.10NA hoping to resolve the problem.WIFI is disabled.DHCP is disabled (I run a SBS 2008 server, but for testing i static ally assigned IP info on my test PC and disconnected all other systems including the server).Before updating the firmware, the router would hang for a couple minutes and then be OK for some random period, usually more than a few hours.  After updating and resetting to factory defaults, I'm now lucky to get ten minutes of service before it hangs.  The "globe" light goes out, blinks yellow and then within 20 seconds or so, goes out for good.  At that point I can't even connect to the router's admin login page.  I either have to power cycle the router OR the cable modem.  I have confirmed it's the 655 by reconnecting my old (and I guess more trusty Linksys WRT54G.  Same settings, same WAN MAC and WAN IP, no problems after many hours.

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D-Link DIR-615 :: Lose Internet Periodically For No Apparent Reason

Jul 31, 2012

Just installed a DIR-615, not impressed so far I have 3 clients, a Windoze 7 laptop, a Kubuntu workstation (wireless N) and a wireless HP printer. When I enable DHCP reservations and reserve the addresses then save settings the router reboots and when I go back in all info is gone and nothing is reserved. I have been having weird disconnection issues - I lose my internet periodically for no apparent reason so I increased the lease time and am trying to reserve addresses.

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Networking :: D-Link DIR-636L Wireless Drops Periodically

Jun 17, 2013

Just a few days ago, my router started acting up. We have several laptops and phones all connected fine, then I will suddenly lose internet access. The windows 7 networking icon is showing me connected but no internet access, however, I can't even connect to the router ip address over wifi. If I use a wired ethernet connection, then everything still works. If I power cycle the router, then everything will work for an hour or two before it drops the wifi connection again. When the wifi goes down, all computers can see the network, but none can connect to it. From windows 7, it just times out.

What could be causing this problem, and steps can I take to troubleshoot this kind of problem?

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D-Link DIR-655 :: Wireless Router Fails To Connect Periodically

Nov 27, 2012

I have to reset my wireless router multiple times per day. Seems to just be our two laptops that fail to connect periodically, not other devices (iPods/cell phones/Wii). Both laptops have Windows 7. Router was replaced 2 years ago (went from Belkin to D-Link DIR-655) and the D-Link started acting like this a few months ago and is getting worse. I updated firmware on router last week in hopes it would fix it.

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Cisco Firewall :: ASA 5510 - Users Unable To Access Internet Through Firewall

Feb 26, 2013

I have some problem with the ASA 5510 ver 7.0(6). My manager wants to keep this as backup. tried lots of things but still users not able to access internet nor can i ping anywhere.For example when i ping i dont get any reply.The runing config is below for ur ref :
HQ-ASA-01# show  running-config
: Saved


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Cisco Firewall :: ASA 5510 / Multiple VLANs Behind Single Firewall Segment?

Feb 5, 2012

I need to create a firewalled segment that not only separates hosts from general population, but also from each other.  The solitary confinement of firewalled segments.I know that I could create a bunch of sub-interfaces, one for each host or group that needs to be isolated, but I'd really rather not have to do that if possible.  1) It could become a management nightmare between ACLs and sub-interfaces and 2) it's a waste of IP addresses.s there any way that I can create a bunch of separate VLANs behind the firewall and have them all terminate at the firewall, using a single firewall IP address for the gateway?
VLAN 1 - hosts and 2 - hosts
Firewall DMZ Interface - 3 - hosts and 

This way, the hosts are isolated and can't talk to each other unless they're on the same VLAN.I'm working with an ASA 5510 running 8.2.4(4).

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