Periodically Unable To Connect To Wireless Internet?

Dec 17, 2012

My laptop is having trouble connecting to the internet. Some of the time it is fine, but at other times it will not connect to my home wireless network (or any other open ones I can find) despite the network being in full signal.The only advice offered by the troubleshooter is to reset the wireless router. This does work (but is very irritating to flatmates!) but doesn't prevent the problem recurring. Only my computer has an issue, and sometimes it will manage to connect to the internet by itself, seemingly spontaneously. The laptop is set to connect automatically, and when not working it also does sometimes attempt to connect, (i.e. it says 'connecting') but cuts out again before managing it. The problem can last for a few minutes or several hours.

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Laptop Periodically Fails To Connect To Wireless Internet

Dec 17, 2012

My laptop is having trouble connecting to the internet. Some of the time it is fine, but at other times it will not connect to my home wireless network (or any other open ones I can find) despite the network being in full signal. The only advice offered by the troubleshooter is to reset the wireless router. This does work (but is very irritating to flatmates!) but doesn't prevent the problem recurring. Only my computer has an issue, and sometimes it will manage to connect to the internet by itself, seemingly spontaneously. The laptop is set to connect automatically, and when not working it also does sometimes attempt to connect, (i.e. it says 'connecting') but cuts out again before managing it. The problem can last for a few minutes or several hours.

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D-Link DIR-655 :: Wireless Router Fails To Connect Periodically

Nov 27, 2012

I have to reset my wireless router multiple times per day. Seems to just be our two laptops that fail to connect periodically, not other devices (iPods/cell phones/Wii). Both laptops have Windows 7. Router was replaced 2 years ago (went from Belkin to D-Link DIR-655) and the D-Link started acting like this a few months ago and is getting worse. I updated firmware on router last week in hopes it would fix it.

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Network's Internet Periodically Disconnects

Apr 10, 2012

My internet disconnects every 15 minutes or so for about 10 minutes and it is getting really annoying. It started last night. I installed the HideMyAss add-on for Chrome and I think that may have something to do with it. Since then, I disabled and uninstalled the add-on, yet the issues continue. When I try to open a page with Chrome or Firefox I get these messages:This webpage is not available.The server at can't be found, because the DNS lookup failed. DNS is the network service that translates a website's name to its Internet address. This error is most often caused by having no connection to the Internet or a misconfigured network. It can also be caused by an unresponsive DNS server or a firewall preventing Google Chrome from accessing the network.I have tried the Chrome recommendations with little success. One more thing, it is not just my computer. Everyone in my house is periodically unable to access the internet. Our service provider is Optimum and we have a Belkin Router. I changed all of the security settings on the router, yet the troubles persist. url...

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Netgear WRN2000 - Internet Drops Out Periodically

Apr 5, 2011

I'm currently writing this from a laptop. It can access the internet perfectly, with no dropouts and no speed issues. However, my desktop PC is a different story. When I purchased the PC, it came with a standard wireless PCI adapter which really wasn't doing the job. It couldn't pick up my router from just one story above, where my laptop could. I decided to buy a new wireless adapter that would hopefully fit the bill. Unfortunately, again it didn't pick up the router from downstairs. Trying a different tack, I purchased the Netgear WRN2000 as an access point that would increase the range of my router. I connected my PC to this after configuring and all was going well for a while, until now. Now, every 1-2 minutes, the internet will slow to a crawl for 30 seconds or so, and while comparing speeds via the laptop (connected directly to the main router) and via the PC (connected through the extender to the router), the laptop clearly has the speed advantage. This is more noticable when playing games on my PC, such as Call of Duty. Every 1 minute or so, the game becomes unplayable due to lag for around 30 seconds, and sometimes this happens constantly. I'm unable to work out if the WRN2000 has a problem, or if it's interference. I actually tried connecting my PC to my laptop via ethernet, and bridging the 2 connections, which seemed to work for a day or so, but now does not. Also, i'd be willing to purchase a new PCI wireless card if anyone has any recommendations for one that has a strong signal range.

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D-Link DIR-655 :: Periodically Hangs And Loses Internet Service

May 4, 2013

Rev B, recently updated firmware to 2.10NA hoping to resolve the problem.WIFI is disabled.DHCP is disabled (I run a SBS 2008 server, but for testing i static ally assigned IP info on my test PC and disconnected all other systems including the server).Before updating the firmware, the router would hang for a couple minutes and then be OK for some random period, usually more than a few hours.  After updating and resetting to factory defaults, I'm now lucky to get ten minutes of service before it hangs.  The "globe" light goes out, blinks yellow and then within 20 seconds or so, goes out for good.  At that point I can't even connect to the router's admin login page.  I either have to power cycle the router OR the cable modem.  I have confirmed it's the 655 by reconnecting my old (and I guess more trusty Linksys WRT54G.  Same settings, same WAN MAC and WAN IP, no problems after many hours.

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D-Link DIR-615 :: Lose Internet Periodically For No Apparent Reason

Jul 31, 2012

Just installed a DIR-615, not impressed so far I have 3 clients, a Windoze 7 laptop, a Kubuntu workstation (wireless N) and a wireless HP printer. When I enable DHCP reservations and reserve the addresses then save settings the router reboots and when I go back in all info is gone and nothing is reserved. I have been having weird disconnection issues - I lose my internet periodically for no apparent reason so I increased the lease time and am trying to reserve addresses.

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Charter Service / Motorola SGB6580 - Internet Dropping Periodically?

Dec 21, 2011

Service provider is Charter, modem is a Motorola SURFboard Gateway SBG6580 that I bought on my own. We're new to cable internet service, having had slow but reliable DSL up until now.Periodically (3-5 times a day, at least), our internet connection drops. When this happens, the power and wireless lights are on, all other lights are out. The only solution is to unplug, count to 10, and replug the modem. This works, until it happens again.Yesterday, I finally broke down and called Charter after listening to my family complain about how we had traded our "great" DSL service for this "crappy" service (even though the speed difference is supposed to be something like 60x. They checked from their end, said they saw no problem, had me power cycle the modem (d/c coax and power) and said that if it happened again, it was probably the modem

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Wireless :: Unable To Connect To Internet?

Oct 8, 2011

Have a Dell Inspiron 9100 w/ Windows XP. Dowloaded "owners manual" prior to problem. Rather computer illiterate, but homebound after cancer treatment & computer is my LIFELINE ! After painstakingly following step by step troubleshooting guide from Windows AND Dell owner guide, came up w/ "video card disabled". Have a DSL modem from tele. co. & husbands pc does great, but my laptop won't connect to browser via wireless or if I plug it into modem....???

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Unable To Connect To Internet Wired / Wireless?

Aug 29, 2011

i have 2 laptops (1. Dell 2. IBM) and both of them worked wirelessly with BT until last month when I switched to talktalk. Dell s laptop now works wirelessly but the IBM isnt working either wired/wiressly. When I connect the IBM laptop to the modem through the cable my Dell laptop stops working too, looses the wireless configuration too and in order to make it work again I have to plug it back to the modem andafterwards going wirelessly. I spoke to talktalk support and they confirmed that the line works fine therefore there is a problem with the IBM laptop which also causes problems to the DellLaptop.I domt know from where to start to get the laptops working again fine at the same time.

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Unable To Connect To Wireless Internet On PC And Mobile?

Jun 30, 2012

I am no longer able to connect to wireless internet. I use the free internet from the shop downstairs, I had permission to use it as does the rest of the house.The strange thing is that since my Wifi went down yesterday, I have noticed its also disabled on my smart phone too.The notification says that there is limited or no connectivity and a normal repair only prompts that my PC cannot renew its IP address So I tried to renew and re list the IP setting, flush the DNS, recatalogue etc and still no joy. I have re installed my PCi adapter twice and even used a different card, pulled them out and cleaned the PCi slot...basic housekeeping

An ipconfig command at the command line shows that the IP address isnt your standard 192.168. xx type ...(its something like 165.0.01)...the subnet is normal 255.255.xx A look at the status window in attempt to manually input an IP address instead of the automatic function shows that there is no default gateway...just the odd IP address found when I did ipconfig.Ive also tried a winsock joy..also I have checked the services.msc and made sure all the relative services are enabled and automatically set.An attempt to connect to a different network ( my smart phones 3g hotspot and also my neighbors wifi) both were I dont see the problem to be with my PCi adapter......but then again I dont think its the shops router either, as both of my housemates can use the internet on their phones??..they are not tech savvy at all and would defiantly remember if they had recently changed anything or lost the service...usually its me who has to set up their computers or smartphones and they would be banging on my door if they lost the service also!Im unsure if a wrong WPA 2 key would show up as a "limited or no connectivity" notification??..surely it would just say that the key was wrong?

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Unable To Connect To Internet By Wireless Network

Jan 25, 2013

The problem is I can't connect to my router, It says "unable to connect to wireless network" . Been trying to 5 days now to fix this, Not getting anywhere.Laptop is, HP Pavilion g6 Notebook, My network wireless adaptor is realtek rtl8188ce 802.11b/g/n.

OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium , Service Pack 1, 64 bit

Processor: Pentium(R) CPU B950 @ 2.10GHz

RAM: 4.00GB

Graphics Card: Mobile Intel(R) HD Graphics Family

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Unable To Connect To The Internet (wired And Wireless)?

Nov 9, 2012

I've recently moved house and have signed up with a new internet provider. I can't connect to the internet with a wired or wireless connection. My partner has got the wireless working perfectly on her laptop and I got wifi working on my phone with no problems, so I think it must be something specific with my computer.

I used a wireless connection in my old house, and I remember it took some time to get that working properly too, so obviously my computer doesn't like change!I'm now getting the IPv4/IPv6 connectivity messages and can't even get close to finding a network.

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Unable To Connect To Wireless Internet Connection?

Oct 21, 2011

A few weeks ago I tried to install vmware to my toshiba laptop to play around with is and eventually install Windows server 2008 virtually. Well I didnt complete the installation and set up because I forgot to write down the registration key #. Ever since then I have had a terrible time getting my network reconfigured and have tried everything with Verizon network support over the phone. I am now unable to get a valid Ip address or default gateway with either my Wireless or my LAN connections. I have done all types of troubleshooting, resetting netgear router, modem, ip config /reset /renew,netsh winsock reset catalog commands and etc . . . STILL NOTHING WORKS ! I have another machine that is a mac book on my home wirless network that connects just fine, the only problem is my machine. And I have also taken this machine to my job and try connect to the wireless public network and all I get is "limited access" I ran the network test that Kadar provided and this is what I get:

Windows IP Configuration

Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : JerryDiaz-PC
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No


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Error 106 - Unable To Connect To Internet Wireless

Mar 19, 2012

i have a fujitsu siemens laptop amilo using vista, I have error 106 showing unable to connect to internet wireless, I dont know how to turn my wireless on.

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Linksys Wireless-g / Wrt54g V6 - Unable To Connect To Internet?

May 31, 2011

OS - Vista Home Premium x32 I have a modem (Comcast) connected to my router (Linksys wireless-g /wrt54g v6) connected to my desktop which runs Vista.recently i am unable to connect to internet using my desktop, but I am still able to use my wireless devices such as wii, laptop, phone, ipad etc. with problem When I first boot up computer I receive error UPnP device host has stopped working. I close that and I have no network connections (linksys or LAN connections-icons) in my network and sharing area. Nothing is listed. When i click diagnose issue i receive the follow error A CABLE IS NOT PLUGGED INTO THE NETWORK ADAPTER "LOCAL AREA CONNECTION* 12" I have changed ethernet cords but still the same error. Nothng has been changed and as stated worked fine 2 days ago. I also did IPCONFIG and all i receive are ETHERNET ADAPTER LOCAL AREA CONNECTION* 12 MEDIA STATE.....MEDIA DISCONNECTED and so on. No IP address is listed.

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Can't Connect To Wireless Internet - Unable To Type Password

May 23, 2012

I click on available wireless networks, select the network, but when I go to type the password, it won't allow me to type.

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Wireless :: Unable To Connect To Internet Through Built-in Network Adapter?

Feb 18, 2012

Since i installed windows 7 on my Samsung R530 notebook i am unable to connect to internet through built in network adopter. while on diagnos it appears that network adopter is not found or may be the driver not been installed?

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Unable To Connect To Internet Through Wireless Virgin Media Router?

Jan 7, 2012

I have a VirginMedia 50Mps wireless router that runs 4 wired connections. These are all working fine and have Internet connection. When the router was installed I could also connect to the internet wirelessly on my Laptop which is running Windows Vista Home Premium. But of late I have been unable to connect to the Internet on the Laptop. When you place the mouse pointer over the Icon in the bottom right hand corner, the following message comes up : Currenlty connected to:Unidentified(virginmediaxxxxxxxx) (where xxxxxxxx is a numeric identifier for the modem). Access: Limited connectivity or sometimes it says Access : Local only.

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Unable To Connect To Internet On Wireless Basis When In Safe Mode

Aug 27, 2012

I was provided with a new wireless modem from our internet service provider (the old modem was antiquated and needed updating). After this, i have been unable to connect to the internet on my laptop on a wireless basis. I can search for the modem via the usual means and seemingly connect, but when i am connected it states that i have 'Local Access' only and i am unable to access the internet at all. I am also unable to connect to the internet on a wireless basis when in safe mode.I am however, able to connect using a Ethernet cable from the modem.My laptop is fairly old but it is fine for our needs and thus i do not really want to change it unless totally necessary. I just wonder if it is something relatively simple that i am overlooking?My son also has a more modern laptop, and he tells me that he can use the internet via our new modem without any problems. Which would suggest there is nothing wrong with the modem.The operating system is Windows Vista, if that makes any difference.

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Cabling / Cards :: Unable To Connect To The Internet Through Wireless Router

Jan 19, 2013

I am unable to connect to the internet through my wireless router. However, I can connect using neighbor's wireless connection and other laptops in my home are able to connect to the internet using MY wireless connection. The problem started suddenly, I used to be able to connect, then I had the problem so I rebooted and that resolved the issue temporarily. I tried disabling the wireless adapter card then rebooting, this did not work. I also unchecked the TCP/IPv6.

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Netbook / Connected To Wireless Network But Unable To Connect To Internet

Jul 17, 2012

I tried my entire afternoon trying to figure this out but to no avail. Fortunately, I found this place out of my desperation for a solution. My netbook works very well in my home network but when I brought it to my workplace, I was unable to connect to the internet eventhough I could connect to the wireless network. Other computers and laptops were able to connect and use the internet well using the same router. I tried manually configuring my IP and default gateway based on what I read but nothing worked.

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition, Service Pack 3, 32 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU N270 @ 1.60GHz, x86 Family 6 Model 28 Stepping 2
Processor Count: 2
RAM: 1011 Mb
Graphics Card: Mobile Intel(R) 945 Express Chipset Family, 224 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 109474 MB, Free - 7145 MB;
Motherboard: Acer,
Antivirus: Avira AntiVir PersonalEdition, Updated: No, On-Demand Scanner: Enabled

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Dell Studio 1555 - Unable To Connect To The Internet Through Wireless?

May 30, 2012

Are you able to connect to the internet through wireless?

I tried all the steps mentioned in this thread, but its not working. I've windows 7 home premium on dell studio 1555 with 4 gb ram and 320 gb hdd.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Unable To Connect Internet Using WRT54G?

Aug 13, 2012

Due to some reason I had to reset my linksys router WRT54G and now I am not able to connect to internet using my router. I tried coupld of settings followings some suggestion over internet sites but doesn't work for me. Still I get no network access message.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E1200 -unable To Connect With Internet?

Sep 15, 2012

I just upgraded my router from an old wireless54G to an E1200.The wireless device I have on my Sony Viao PCG GRT-240G laptop is LAN-Express AS IEEE 802.11g miniPCI Adapter
-Initially I couldn't connect at all with this machine (however the other two newer laptops could) so I contacted the Linksys tech and he advised I should upgrade my laptop driver
-After much research about this I found a common fix was to upgraded drivers from the 2004 sony driver to atheros_wifi_9.2.0.480 drivers.
-After I did the upgrade I can connect to the router on the guest account and use the internet
However, on the Main account I can connect to the router but I have no internet connectionGoogle chrome gives error belowThe server at [url]... can't be found, because the DNS lookup failed. DNS is the network service that translates a website's name to its Internet address. This error is most often caused by having no connection to the Internet or a misconfigured network. It can also be caused by an unresponsive DNS server or a firewall preventing Google Chrome from accessing the network.How can I use  one part of the network but not the other part? Shouldn't both the guest & main accounts use DNS lookup?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT54GS V7.2 - Unable To Connect Internet

Apr 30, 2013

I have a few devices I cannot connect to my router or modem but my ps3 and 2 xboxes are connected. I have easy link and I try to add devices to it but it doesn't show me the same options it did before when I added my ps3, and ipod. Now I can't connect my psp or any phone to it, I have the WRT54GS v7.2, those are my only problems with the router nothing.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT 150N - Unable To Connect To Internet

Dec 13, 2011

I have had this router with no real problems for the past 2 years. As of now I can't connect to the internet through the router wired or wirelessly. I have tried all the hard resets and other tricks. I can go straight from my internet connection to my computer and it works fine. Once I go through the router using a lan cord all I get is limited or no connectivity. I have tried to access the router set up using the 192.68. etc but can't just states invalid address. Anything else to try or is this thing bricked ?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E2500 - Unable To Connect With Internet?

Dec 23, 2011

Ok group here's the issue. I have a E2500 router with a wired connection for my sons xbox and 2 laptops connected to it. The laptop I used to set-up the system will usually connect to the router but not allow me through to the internet then after a shutdown and repowering it connects. what to check? The othhitch. Both arer laptop connects without a e running vista home.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Unable To Connect To Internet Through WRT54G

Sep 28, 2011

I am using the following model and version:
Model No.: WRT54G, Ver. 7.0
I am not able to connect to the internet through Linksys Wireless Router.  I have tried pinging the default gateway of the ISP provided router IP from the router utility, "Diagnostic", but I am not able to ping it.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Unable To Connect Internet With WRT120N

Dec 7, 2011

For some reason my wireless router recognized my pc, or my modem, Neither is it able to connect to the internet. All the lights are on but not flashing/blinking like they used to. I tried to run the setup over and it couldn't find the router even though everything was plugged correctly. I tried reseting the router but that doesn't even affect it. All the lights remain on with on blinking or flashing no mater what I do. Is there anyway for my router to work normal again or do I need to get a ned wireless router?

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Dell :: Inspiron 5520 - Wireless Unable To Connect To Internet?

Aug 27, 2012

My laptop is inspiron 5520 new one just one month old. my wireless is working but in very closed distance to the connection point, if I change the site to about 5 or 6 metter from the connection site, the Internet become interrupted! note: I did system restore and update for MecAFee

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Wireless :: Compaq Presario CQ57-315NR Unable To Connect To Internet?

Feb 2, 2012

Laptop getting only limited wireless access via Centurytel. I have other wireless devices which are able to connect to my home network with no issues. I have disconnected and connected anew as well as unplugged both the router and the laptop and the connection does not execute to allow full access.

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Cabling / Cards :: Unable To Connect To Internet With TP-Link Wireless Adapter

Dec 27, 2011

Today I bought a TP-Link 150 Mbps Wireless PCI Express Adapter so I can pick up the internet connection in my house from my home PC. (We use a laptop most of the time which is able to pick it up fine).I've installed the wireless adapter into the computer and installed the drivers however I receive an error message:

"The device may not be present or could have been ejected/unplugged from the system. Insert of Reinsert Now."

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