D-Link DIR-655 :: Periodically Hangs And Loses Internet Service

May 4, 2013

Rev B, recently updated firmware to 2.10NA hoping to resolve the problem.WIFI is disabled.DHCP is disabled (I run a SBS 2008 server, but for testing i static ally assigned IP info on my test PC and disconnected all other systems including the server).Before updating the firmware, the router would hang for a couple minutes and then be OK for some random period, usually more than a few hours.  After updating and resetting to factory defaults, I'm now lucky to get ten minutes of service before it hangs.  The "globe" light goes out, blinks yellow and then within 20 seconds or so, goes out for good.  At that point I can't even connect to the router's admin login page.  I either have to power cycle the router OR the cable modem.  I have confirmed it's the 655 by reconnecting my old (and I guess more trusty Linksys WRT54G.  Same settings, same WAN MAC and WAN IP, no problems after many hours.

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Charter Service / Motorola SGB6580 - Internet Dropping Periodically?

Dec 21, 2011

Service provider is Charter, modem is a Motorola SURFboard Gateway SBG6580 that I bought on my own. We're new to cable internet service, having had slow but reliable DSL up until now.Periodically (3-5 times a day, at least), our internet connection drops. When this happens, the power and wireless lights are on, all other lights are out. The only solution is to unplug, count to 10, and replug the modem. This works, until it happens again.Yesterday, I finally broke down and called Charter after listening to my family complain about how we had traded our "great" DSL service for this "crappy" service (even though the speed difference is supposed to be something like 60x. They checked from their end, said they saw no problem, had me power cycle the modem (d/c coax and power) and said that if it happened again, it was probably the modem

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D-Link DIR-615 :: Lose Internet Periodically For No Apparent Reason

Jul 31, 2012

Just installed a DIR-615, not impressed so far I have 3 clients, a Windoze 7 laptop, a Kubuntu workstation (wireless N) and a wireless HP printer. When I enable DHCP reservations and reserve the addresses then save settings the router reboots and when I go back in all info is gone and nothing is reserved. I have been having weird disconnection issues - I lose my internet periodically for no apparent reason so I increased the lease time and am trying to reserve addresses.

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TP-Link Tl-wr841n Loses Internet Connection?

Jun 29, 2011

I have a fibre optic internet connection, the modem being connected to the TP Link wireless router. The set up works fine most of the time, but at times all the computers connected lose internet connection. The ISP says everything is fine from their end, and locally we are all connected to the wireless router just fine when this happens. I usually just unplug the modem and the wireless router from their power, in order to reset everything, and this seems to solve it.

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D-Link DIR-615 :: Internet Service Lowered Due To Iphone

Oct 20, 2011

I plug it in and connect the computer to it and expect it to work. And it has been doing that without any problems until I bought an iPhone and brought it into the house.   I thought it was a fluke,  but the day I brought the phone in,  my computer started intermittently losing it's connection.  If I turn the phone off,  the connection comes back on.   But what seems really odd to me is that if I right click on the wireless network icon it says I am connected and the strength of the signal is excellent.   But then it says no internet access.

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D-link Dir-655 :: Wifi Connections Dropped Periodically

Mar 5, 2011

My DIR-655 drops WiFi connections every few days.  All wired connections are fine.  Rebooting the router fixes the problem at that time.  Cable modem works perfectly fine. [code]

I'm sure I'm missing some devices, but that should give you the general mix of wired/wireless devices that I use.  I'm single with visits from my son every other weekend, so network traffic is not that high at my house.  I've had this router for a couple years now and didn't use to have this problem.  I've been updating the firmware, and I suspect this problem happened after on one those updates.  I just don't know which one.  Also, I didn't use to have any neighbors with Wireless Routers (that I could detect), but recently there have been 2 who have gotten them.  I was hoping this was a problem that D-Link was aware of, but that does not seem to be the case.  I would hate to have to go out and buy a new router (not D-Link).

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Networking :: D-Link DIR-636L Wireless Drops Periodically

Jun 17, 2013

Just a few days ago, my router started acting up. We have several laptops and phones all connected fine, then I will suddenly lose internet access. The windows 7 networking icon is showing me connected but no internet access, however, I can't even connect to the router ip address over wifi. If I use a wired ethernet connection, then everything still works. If I power cycle the router, then everything will work for an hour or two before it drops the wifi connection again. When the wifi goes down, all computers can see the network, but none can connect to it. From windows 7, it just times out.

What could be causing this problem, and steps can I take to troubleshoot this kind of problem?

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D-Link DIR-655 :: Wireless Router Fails To Connect Periodically

Nov 27, 2012

I have to reset my wireless router multiple times per day. Seems to just be our two laptops that fail to connect periodically, not other devices (iPods/cell phones/Wii). Both laptops have Windows 7. Router was replaced 2 years ago (went from Belkin to D-Link DIR-655) and the D-Link started acting like this a few months ago and is getting worse. I updated firmware on router last week in hopes it would fix it.

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D-Link DIR-601 :: Router Keeps Making Arp Query To All Ip Addresses In Same Network Periodically

Feb 16, 2013

I found my dir-601 router keeps making arp query to all ip addresses in same network periodically.all dhcp clients are general laptops and smart phone, I don't think there are any arp cheats attack on those  devices.is it normal?

model: DIR-601
hardware version: B1
firmware version : 2.00NA

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Network's Internet Periodically Disconnects

Apr 10, 2012

My internet disconnects every 15 minutes or so for about 10 minutes and it is getting really annoying. It started last night. I installed the HideMyAss add-on for Chrome and I think that may have something to do with it. Since then, I disabled and uninstalled the add-on, yet the issues continue. When I try to open a page with Chrome or Firefox I get these messages:This webpage is not available.The server at www.google.com can't be found, because the DNS lookup failed. DNS is the network service that translates a website's name to its Internet address. This error is most often caused by having no connection to the Internet or a misconfigured network. It can also be caused by an unresponsive DNS server or a firewall preventing Google Chrome from accessing the network.I have tried the Chrome recommendations with little success. One more thing, it is not just my computer. Everyone in my house is periodically unable to access the internet. Our service provider is Optimum and we have a Belkin Router. I changed all of the security settings on the router, yet the troubles persist. url...

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D-Link DIR-825 :: Clients (wired And Wireless) To Loss Connectivity / Router Rebooting Itself Periodically

Aug 6, 2010

As I continue to have various issues with my revision A version of the DIR-825, does an updated firmware is in the works?  Or has revision A been DE-supported by Dlink?

I'm still having issues with: Share port printer no longer being recognized/usable until router rebootedLoss/overload of router which causes all clients (wired and wireless) to loss connectivity Router rebooting itself periodically

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Netgear WRN2000 - Internet Drops Out Periodically

Apr 5, 2011

I'm currently writing this from a laptop. It can access the internet perfectly, with no dropouts and no speed issues. However, my desktop PC is a different story. When I purchased the PC, it came with a standard wireless PCI adapter which really wasn't doing the job. It couldn't pick up my router from just one story above, where my laptop could. I decided to buy a new wireless adapter that would hopefully fit the bill. Unfortunately, again it didn't pick up the router from downstairs. Trying a different tack, I purchased the Netgear WRN2000 as an access point that would increase the range of my router. I connected my PC to this after configuring and all was going well for a while, until now. Now, every 1-2 minutes, the internet will slow to a crawl for 30 seconds or so, and while comparing speeds via the laptop (connected directly to the main router) and via the PC (connected through the extender to the router), the laptop clearly has the speed advantage. This is more noticable when playing games on my PC, such as Call of Duty. Every 1 minute or so, the game becomes unplayable due to lag for around 30 seconds, and sometimes this happens constantly. I'm unable to work out if the WRN2000 has a problem, or if it's interference. I actually tried connecting my PC to my laptop via ethernet, and bridging the 2 connections, which seemed to work for a day or so, but now does not. Also, i'd be willing to purchase a new PCI wireless card if anyone has any recommendations for one that has a strong signal range.

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Periodically Unable To Connect To Wireless Internet?

Dec 17, 2012

My laptop is having trouble connecting to the internet. Some of the time it is fine, but at other times it will not connect to my home wireless network (or any other open ones I can find) despite the network being in full signal.The only advice offered by the troubleshooter is to reset the wireless router. This does work (but is very irritating to flatmates!) but doesn't prevent the problem recurring. Only my computer has an issue, and sometimes it will manage to connect to the internet by itself, seemingly spontaneously. The laptop is set to connect automatically, and when not working it also does sometimes attempt to connect, (i.e. it says 'connecting') but cuts out again before managing it. The problem can last for a few minutes or several hours.

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Laptop Periodically Fails To Connect To Wireless Internet

Dec 17, 2012

My laptop is having trouble connecting to the internet. Some of the time it is fine, but at other times it will not connect to my home wireless network (or any other open ones I can find) despite the network being in full signal. The only advice offered by the troubleshooter is to reset the wireless router. This does work (but is very irritating to flatmates!) but doesn't prevent the problem recurring. Only my computer has an issue, and sometimes it will manage to connect to the internet by itself, seemingly spontaneously. The laptop is set to connect automatically, and when not working it also does sometimes attempt to connect, (i.e. it says 'connecting') but cuts out again before managing it. The problem can last for a few minutes or several hours.

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TP-Link ADSL2+ Wireless :: W8968 Hangs After A Few Hours?

Feb 18, 2013

Region : India
Model : TD-W8968
Hardware Version : V1
Firmware Version : 0.6.0 1.1 v0005.0 Build 120926 Rel.27100n

I Bought this w8968 a month back.. It was working alright till a few days back. When i connect and start browsing or downloading, it goes OK.. but after a few hours(sometimes 2, sometimes 1), It stops responding and I couldn`t ping either through WiFi/Ethernet. Status indicators for DSL/WIFI/Internet/LAN all glowing as though nothing wrong with them..? The router is not that much hot when this happens.. When i switch off the router and then on, The Prob gets solved only to reappear again in 1/2/3 hrs..

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Broadband :: Computer Hangs On Internet Using Windows 7

Jan 19, 2011

I am using geniune Windows 7,my computer hangs when i connected to the internet?i tried re instal the software but same error?

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D-Link DIR-655 :: Loses 1 Hour And Forgets DST

Jun 19, 2011

My Dir-655 sometimes seems to forget it is now DST. Just now the routers time was 8:07 but the real clock time was 9:07. This is the 3rd time this has happened and when it does it messes  up access controls. If it can't keep the right time the access controls for me are useless. Clicking save settings gets the time set back to what it should be. How can I stop this nonsense.

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Cisco WAN :: 1905 - Internet Access Hangs After Few Minutes?

Sep 21, 2011

My team has installed a 1905 series router at one of our offices. It has been connected through lease line to our servers at our head quarters. When we start internet access it slows down and subsequently it hangs. When we log into the router and start verifying its configuration it hangs after some time.   We have replaced the router but the other router is also behaving in the same way. the possible areas and settings I should look into including lease line connectivity.

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D-Link DIR-825 :: Loses Connection / Locks Up And Needs Reconfigure

Jul 30, 2010

I have a dir-825 connected to Cable modem and a dap-1360 connected I have both wireless and wired clients.If get a ip address conflict and the the dir-825 connection fails from the cable modem and nothing seams to restore that connection, i reboot both route and modem and make sure no client are on. The only way i can figure out how to restore the router is to reset and reinstall from factory state.I can recreate this on 2 different router "825" with factory and updated firmware.I have removed the wireless extender form the picture and this issue has stopped, it might be the extender of a client off the extender. But everything uses DHCP so I'm not sure why ip address conflicts could cause this issue.

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Broadband :: Computer Hangs When Opened Internet Linked Software?

Feb 17, 2012

My desktop computer hangs when i use internet linked software like Mozilla and internet explorer. When i got hang i can't do anything but to press the restart on my CPU. But i can access only in Yahoo messenger and skype. It's really weird, I've been using it for a long time but i just only encountered it now. I tried to use my computer in safe mode with networking and it all worked! but why isn't it working in my normal mode. it's so hard

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D-Link DIR-300 Very Often Loses Connection On Wired And Wireless Connections

Nov 25, 2011

My D-Link DIR-300 very often loses connection on wired and wireless connections. It stops connecting to Internet randomly i.e. any URL typed in from the browser times out.I connect various devices such as desktop, laptop, ipad2 over wired and wireless connections and the behavior is the same from all devices when this problem occurs. If I make a direct connection to the DLS modem, it works fine for the whole day, without these issues.I also observed IP address conflict messages and my desktop does not connect to Internet if I am running VPN on my laptop, at the same time, occasionally.When this occurs, I am able to login to the router and can see the WAN status and the DHCP address being allocated to the router. I can even do DHCP release and renew, but that does not fix the problem.

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D-Link DAP-1522 :: Loses Bridge Connection When Powered Down / Up?

Apr 17, 2011

It took a while but I've had my 1522 running well for several days. However, if I power down and then power up the 1522, it never reconnects. The bridge mode light flashes 5 times, then - nothing.

So, I have to disconnect everything, bring the 1522 back to my main PC, attach it, let it connect properly, then unattach and re-attach at it's use site.

(I'm using a static IP address and a Cisco E3000 router working perfectly with all my other stuff. Firmware v1.31)

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TP-Link 300Mbps Wireless :: TL-WR1042ND Loses All Connections?

May 6, 2013

Region : Others
Model : TL-WR1042ND
Hardware Version : V1
Firmware Version : TL-WR1042ND_V1_130117
ISP : Optic konvertor DHCP mod

I bought TL-WR1042ND and I have problem. After 2 hours, the router loses all connections. Lights that everything is OK, but he can not connect to any site on the Internet or LAN. Even nor to Only search for the host.

I have a DHCP internet. DNS I disabled firewall and all I do not need, but nothing worked.

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TP-Link 150Mbps Wireless :: WR700N Loses Connection About Once / Day

Dec 27, 2012

Region : Canada
Model : TL-WR700N
Hardware Version : V1
Firmware Version : latest
ISP : Cogeco

I have a WR700N set up in bridge mode so as to provide a wifi signal in far end of our home. I used Bridge so we can tell which router we are connecting to. So we have two SSIDs (MySSID1 and MySSID2) Both with secure log-in. This works fine for about a day, and then disconnects. I then have to mess with the WR700N by plugging it in and out, maybe logging into it and changing something. Then it will work again - for a day

I updated the firmware with no change. Main router is a Dlink 615 with IP of connected to cable modem. TP-LINK is set at default of and gets a wireless signal from dlink.In an attempt to improve situation, I now have both units set to channel 11 and with fixed 20Mhz channel width. b/g/n on TP and g/n on dlink.

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TP-Link ADSL2+ Wireless :: TD-W8968 - Loses WAN On Wake From Sleep

Feb 19, 2013

Region : UnitedKingdom
Model : TD-W8968
Hardware Version : V1
Firmware Version : V0005.0 bld 12016 rev 48690
ISP : Talktalk

yesterday (GMT) I received and installed my new TD-W8968 from Amazon and seemed to work a dream.. until today. The router connects to my desktop PC via a wired LAN connection but uses the wireless for laptop, TV, smartphone etc. Today I notice that when my PC wakes from sleep the LAN connection is lost. None of the LAN lights are on. And also there is no wi-fi connection either and even though WLAN light is on there is no signal at laptop. Setup is pretty much out of the box though I did reset channel to avoid conflicts locally. This is set to 7. The PC LAN adapter is enabled and ready but no apparent connection to router. I changed the router LAN port and that seemed to work but after I had the problem again this change did not work. I changed the LAN cable and that seemed to work until next sleep! Then fail again!

Is there anything on LAN adapter or router that needs changing? Am I on the latest firmware and would an upgrade fix this?

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Tp-link 150mbps Wireless :: Tl-wr740n Loses Wifi Connectivity

Nov 28, 2012

Region : Others
Model : TL-WR740N
Hardware Version : V4
Firmware Version : 120320
ISP : Local PPPoE

I'm using this router for connecting 2 PCs, one lap top and few mobiles.The LAN network is always stable and never loses connection, but I'm having problems with the wireless connection. My lap top runs on wireless, and 3 Android mobiles, an xperia mini pro (problematic), xperia Tipo and Alcatel OT-908F. Almost always when I login to facebook on any of the mobiles, pictures won't show, and also youtube videos thumbnails won't show. On the xperia mini pro after 2-3 minutes of surfing, or doing anything else the connection drops, and then the mobiles can't see the wireless connection. My lap top can see it, but it cannot connect. After restarting the router everything is back to normal.

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TP-Link Dual-Band Wireless :: WDR4300 Loses 2.4 Ghz Connection

Dec 10, 2012

Region : UnitedStates
Model : TL-WDR4300
Hardware Version : V1
Firmware Version : 3.13.23 Build 120810 Rel.44064n
ISP : Comcast

The 5 ghz connects fine for multiple machines however machines on 2.4 simultaneously lose their connection to the internet, sometimes saying it is still connected to the internet when it is not and sometimes losing connection with the router entirely. The 5ghz still works when this happens.

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D-Link DIR-655 :: Xbox Media-Center Extender Loses Connection

Feb 7, 2013

I have an old laptop in another room running WMC with windows 7. This is wired to my new DIR 655 router then via a switch to another room to my xbox 360. I have successfully connected the xbox as an extender but after a few minutes of idle time, the connection drops and my xbox automatically restarts. If I'm streaming something it seems to work fine.


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TP-Link 300Mbps Wireless :: WR940N - Loses Connection And Web Interface After 8 To 12 Hours

Apr 23, 2013

Region : UnitedStates
Model : TL-WR940N
Hardware Version : V1
Firmware Version : TL-WR940N_v1_120201

Just bought a TL-WR940N and it was always loosing connection and freezing / locking up. I upgraded to the latest FW from the link below URL but it still freezes and loses connection to devices after 8-12 hours, keeps hanging up and pages sometime don't load.

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Tp-link 300mbps Wireless :: Tl-wr1043nd - Wifi Connected Tp Wds Bridge Loses Its Settings

Dec 17, 2012

Region : Others
Model : TL-WR1043ND
Hardware Version : Not Clear
Firmware Version :

I have 2 TP-Link # 941NDs at my home. ( version 3.6 )In the new ( second ) TP link, i activate WDS - Wireless Bridge. And configure it to through Wi-Fi connect with earlier TP-Link, and also to act as router to cater to PCs within its range. IPs are set as per of same family as that of primary TP-Link, and further, DHCP been de-activated as well. Have sent WEP security as well.It performs correctly for the time, its stays ON, but when its switched Off, and then On again, it is not able to connect to the primary TP-Link and thus not able to serve its client PCs.

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Internet Loses Connectivity Then Regains?

Jul 4, 2012

My internet connection goes up and down. After further investigation, I've noticed that as soon as i receive a certain # of packets, the internet connection goes down. It may be a process or application that is taking away these packets.

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Loses Internet Access When Plug Something On USB 3.0?

Feb 29, 2012

To go deeper on this issue, the only times I get no internet access (even though I have a good signal (wifi) and is connected to the dsl/modem/router combination) is when I plug something on the USB 3.0 (like my usb 3.0 external hard drive). I tried connecting it on other ports (usb 2.0) and it works perfectly, I don't get internet timed out and basically the internet is working.

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Netbook (aspire One) Loses Internet Connection

Sep 6, 2011

I have a netbook (ASPIRE ONE) with windows XP SP3. When I am at the office the internet connection fails frequently. The internet connection icon disappears after few seconds. But the rest of the computers that are in the office work OK with the internet. But at home, my computer work well, even the internet icon appears and remains. At office, there is a belkin300N router. At home, I have the same model but old version.there are computers with Windows Vista or Windows XP either at office or at home.

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