Cisco Routers :: Error I18nHTMLMissing On RV220W

May 12, 2013

I just received and installed my RV220W today.  Everything was working fine.  I was down to configuring SSL VPN as my last step.  I was reading through the documentation and than went back to the management console to make a change.  The session timed out.  When it prompted me to login again I keep getting a message on the screen "i18nHTMLMissing", nothing else. (Ruby on Rails Error?)  I can't seem to login anymore.  All logins result in this message.  I have tried from multiple devices with the same result.

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Cisco Routers :: RV220w - Cannot Login / I18nHTMLMissing Error

Mar 12, 2013

I am locked out of the rv220w. After typing in username and password into the admin page I get "i18nHTMLMissing". I can't clear the error, even after a reboot/reset of the router. Any wat other than a factory reset? This is a brand new box .

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Cisco Routers :: Error Message I18nHTMLMissing In RV220W?

Apr 29, 2013

What does this error message mean? What is wrong? Appears when adding a new One-To-One NAT rule. The first rule is OK. When I try to add a rule nr. 2, this error message occures.

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Cisco Routers :: RV180 IPv6 Error - I18nHTMLMissing

Jun 1, 2013

When I attempt to save IPv6 Router Advertisement settings, it fails and displays this cryptic message:

Addtionally many of the settings in this dialog are not in the PDF manual.  Seems odd - like this portion of the Router Configuration is broken.
Steve CICSO RV180 FW:       

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Cisco Routers :: RV220W - Same Error In Logs

Jan 31, 2012

On a RV220W ( I keep seeing the following error in the logs multiple times:
[Kernel][KERNEL] ERROR:endChantRecv: protocol PNAC returned !OK
What this error is all about and how to fix it?

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Cisco Routers :: RV220W Invalid Certificate Error

Oct 15, 2012

When I access setup on an RV220W with Internet Explorer, Mozilla or Safari the following message always displays:
"There is a problem with this website's security certificate. The security certificate presented by this website was not issued by a trusted certificate authority. The security certificate presented by this website was issued for a different website's address."
I access the router by clicking on "Continue to this website (not recommended)."
This also happens anytime a URL filter is triggered by a client. I.e., clients do not see the "Blocked by Cisco Firewall" message unless they also click on the "Continue to this website (not recommended)." option.
Even worse, when I attempt to connect as a VPN, the SLLVPN applet gets java connection refused. This is why I bought this thing!
What do I need to do to fix all these certificate related errors?

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Cisco Routers :: RV220W First Connect - Error Message In Browser

Feb 7, 2012

I just got myself a Cisco RV220W, connected my laptop to configure it. I receive an IP adress by DHCP (192.168.1.x) and can ping the router ( However, when I try to connect to the router by the web interface, I receive this message in my browser (Chrome):
The webpage at might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address. Error 113 (net::ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH): Unknown error.
In FireFox: Secure Connection Failed An error occurred during a connection to Cannot communicate securely with peer: no common encryption algorithm(s). (Error code: ssl_error_no_cypher_overlap)
In IE9: I get no error message, the page never loads
Is it DoA or how to get connected to the web interface?

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Cisco Routers :: Windows 7 32 Bit IPSec Client To RV220W Error 789

Oct 9, 2012

I try to connect to RV220W with windows 7 client but  I fail : error 789. I compare again and again pre shared key, but it doesn't change anything. How to connect to RV220W with IPsec client ?

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Cisco Routers :: RV220W / What Exactly Is QuickVPN

Apr 2, 2012

what exactly is QuickVPN?Is it a IPSec VPN?Is it a PPTP?Is it a SSLVPN?can I resolve my local hostnames? That means, can I configure a lokal DNS Server?

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Cisco Routers :: RV220W VPN Setup

Aug 24, 2012

I am trying to setup and configure a VPN on the RV220W that uses IPSEC so I can use the Cisco VPN Client I use at work, I have gone through the user manual 11 or 12 times now but still cannot work it out. I cannot find where on the Rv200W iset up the phase 1 authentication username and password which will then lead me onto the phase 2 stage of asking for a username password to allow me access.

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Cisco Routers :: Static IPs Behind RV220W

Jul 3, 2012

Picked up a pair of RV220W's for a project I'm working on.  I have several IP's available, 4 of which are assigned to/in use by a server behind the RV220W.  All 4 of these IP's are static external IPs.  How I can configure the RV220W so that requests to those 4 IP's get routed to the server.
Prior to purchasing this, I was under the impression what I was trying to do was called one-to-one NAT, but after reading the 'Help' document on the one-to-one NAT page, I don't think this is right.  Emphasis added below: Cisco RV220W Wireless-N Network Security Firewall Help FirewallOne-to-One NATOne-to-one NAT is a way to make systems behind a firewall and configured with private IP addresses appear to have public IP addresses.One-to-One-NAT Rule TableThis table lists the list of available One-To-One NAT rules configured by the user. Private Range Begin: start ip address in private (LAN) ip addressPublic Range Begin: start ip address in the public ip address (WAN IP), Public IP Subnet Mask: The Subnet Mask of the public IPRange Length: Range length maps one to one private address to public address up to the given range.Service: This column shows service to be accepted by LAN Host.The actions that can be taken on One-to-One-NAT rules are:(Check Box At First Column Header): Selects all the entries in the table.Add: Opens the One-To-One NAT Configuration page, to add a new entry. Edit: Opens the One-To-One NAT Configuration page, to edit the selected entry.Delete: Deletes the selected entries.
So according to their documentation, the server in question would need to be configured with a private IP.  Unfortunately, one of the applications I use is licensed via IP address and my understanding is that I cannot use the software with private/non-routable IP addresses.
Is the RV220W capable of not only securing the line (firewall, access rules, content filtering, port trigering & forwarding etc) but also doing what I was hoping to do (keeping the external IP's on the server, and routing appropriately)?

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Cisco Routers :: Dynamic DNS With RV220W

May 15, 2012

I'm using a RV220W router, and recently got shifted to a dynamic IP solution.Now, I've got a address, but the update service seems to be on So, I try to enter OR in the dynamic dns settings, under Host and Domain Name, but when saving the settings it says
'The hostname specified does not exist in this user account' ,which seems to indicate that it manages to login to the update service but gets a negative reply.Is it possible to use the RV220W with

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Cisco Routers :: RV220W Won't Allow Web Access Across VPN

Dec 12, 2012

We have 2 sites connected thru 2 RV220W routers via VPN and most things are working fine. I have noticed however, that any device that has a web interface, i.e. our Sharp Copier and our Freenas server, is inaccessible. The page tries to come up but then I get the Cisco "server is down" page generated by the RV220W.
I can pull up the web interface pages if I use a machine on the local LAN but not on any machine across the VPN. The only commonality I can think of is the RV220W blocking that traffic for some reason..

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Cisco Routers :: RV220W IPsec VPN On Mac OS?

Sep 28, 2011

Cisco support write down manual (workaround), how to setup IPsec VPN connection on Mac OS 1.7?

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Cisco Routers :: Associate Name To IP - RV220W

Nov 27, 2011

Is there anyway to associate a name to an IP in the RV220W?  I am coming from a WRVS4400N v2.  Folks are complaining that they can't connect, for example via Real VNC, via the PC name any longer.  They have to use the IP address.  In the past I put the names of the PCs in the WRVS4400N when I reserved IPs via MAC addresses (some call this assigning static IPs).  There isn't any place in the RV220W to put the name.  Even when I look at the DHCP list a lot of them show up as "unknown".  I am sure this is a NETBIOS thing but I'd rather fix this in the router as I have always done in the past.

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Cisco Routers :: RV220W Firmware - Getting Or

Jul 22, 2011

i have a RV220W  and absolutely nothings functional on this stupid Router, no NAT , no Port Forwarding and I cant access my Network from Outside. Any firmware link for downloading. This address works, its handling special webrequest.

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Cisco Routers :: Set Up PPTP VPN With RV220W

Jul 19, 2012

I set up a PPTP VPN with an RV220W recently.  It was working flawlessly until a recent power outage and now users are getting the 807 error when attempting to connect.  I have PPTP passthrough enabled and TCP/UDP 1723 open.  As far as I can tell GRE 47 is open as well. Why it was working and is not working after a power outage?

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Cisco Routers :: RV220W Just Disappears

Jun 23, 2012

Having a strange problem that just started this week and got worse this evening. I have a RV220W that is feeding my network. The RV220W sits behind a broadband modem and acts as the DHCP for the network and those computers access the internet that way. Anyway, tonight started an issue where the the RV220W just disappears. Becomes unpingable. I recycle power, and within anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes, it's gone. No longer pingable.  Even if I plug a latop directly into it.If I power cycle the RV220W it comes back and I can ping it and access it and its settings. 5 to 10 mins later, I again lose it. Nothing was done. Its been working fine for a few weeks. Had a similar outage last Tuesday, but a recycle of everything brought everything back into line. After I lose connection to it, the lights I expect to be lit remain lit.

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Cisco Routers :: RV220W - UPnP Does Not Work?

Jan 26, 2012

I am unable to make UPnP to work on the RV220W. I am forced to use port forwarding.

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Cisco Routers :: RV220W Cannot Save Settings With IE9?

Nov 20, 2012

Nothing happens when clicking the SAVE button after making changes on the VLAN Membership screen when using IE9, but it work fine with IE8. Any problems using IE9 during configuration?

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Cisco Routers :: RV220W / Getting Bad Bandwidth Sharing?

Jan 31, 2013

When someone downloads a file, or similar, there seems to be no, or very little, room for other requests. I've even tried to be the only one on the network, start a download (from ex. Intel) and then tries to access a simple website, almost only text, and its extreemly slow. I hav ethe latest firmware, a windows domain network and the routers is not acting as dhcp server.

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Cisco Routers :: Where To Find MIB Files For RV220W

Sep 26, 2011

Where I can find the MIB files for RV220W router?

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Cisco Routers :: RV220W - Very Slow Wi-Fi Connection?

Aug 5, 2011

I'm an IT professional with more than 10 years experience. I have spent last 5 days trying to figure out why the wifi connection to this router is so slow, but still no luck. I'm getting only 13Mbps even if my laptop is next to the router! (wired connection worked ok)
I have tried all sort of setting combinations, 2.4GHz/5GHz; N only/ G,N Mixed;  Auto/20MHz bandwidth; different channels; WPA2 encrypted vs open; disable firewall; wmm enabled/disabled; firmware... no matter what I try, I always get only 10 - 15Mbps speed.
Once I replace this router with my old router, it worked perfectly --- getting 70 - 80Mbps with exactly the same testing environment and configuration.
I really expect this router to offer much faster wireless speed according to this review: [URL]

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Cisco Routers :: Workgroup Accessibility With RV220W

Apr 30, 2013

I'm using a RV220W in my home office. Before this router I was. using a Sitecom router which did not cause any problems. I have setup a home network. The RV220W connects to the provider modem. The client components connect to the RV220W. Which acts as DHCP gateway. The DHCP features of the modem are disabled. I have assigned all network client devices to the same workgroup. I have to windows 7 PC's. one of them acts as fileserver. when trying to acces it from the other fixed PC or via a laptop the fileserver is visible but not accessable. I can not open it and access the shared folders.It has worked for a brief moment, but without changing any settings it stop working. I have never had accessability problems with the sitecom router. I have installed the latest firmware and tried rebooting the router several times. I have also started again with the factory defaults.

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Cisco Routers :: How To Configure QoS For VoIP In RV220W

Jan 8, 2012

I have a cisco RV220W router used in a home environment. Recently I purchased a Siemens Gigaset A 580 IP phone. It works OK so far but I would like to optimize the configuration for VoIP traffic and apply QoS for VoIP on this router. Any guide with the recommended configuration and preferred settings of the same? I have not used QoS previously

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Cisco Routers :: RV220W Connect To Web Interface

Jul 18, 2011

I have an Cisco RV220W and I can’t connect to web interface. The router is new, I receive the error in Mozilla: Cannot communicate securely with peer: no common encryption algorithm(s). I used also Internet Explorer, Chrome , I tried to disable SSL 3.0, TLS 1.0 but the problem persist. The PC obtained IP address from the router, I have ping on it ,also the SSID is up with open network I reset to factory default but the problem persist.

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Cisco Routers :: RV220W PPTP Not Working?

Mar 23, 2012

I recently installed a new 220W with the sole intention of setting up the PPTP server. I got the router installed and working but cannot get the PPTP server working. Also when i configure a block of IP address from my lan for the server it tells me i cannot use that subnet? i have set it up this way with other routers ( RV042 ) with no issues.
firmware is

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Cisco Routers :: SSL Email Support On RV220W

Aug 29, 2011

I do you not think the RV220W needs to have better E-mail support that the feature it supports at present?No SSL support at all. The only setting for authentication is: Login Plain or CRAM-MD5. Every mail server I use now, supports SSL as the default authentication and not CRAM or Plain, this makes the E-mail feature useless. [code]

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Cisco Routers :: RV220W Can't Create Subnet

Nov 8, 2012

I'm trying to setup this router with my IP range to but if I try to enter a subnet mask other than I get the error - Invalid subnet mask. It should be 255 for given class of IP address at
Every other device on my network allows that subnet mask, why not this router, it's stopping access from my 192.168.101.x devices.

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Cisco Routers :: RV220W Is It Necessary To Perform Initialization Of Each WAN

May 16, 2012

I have 5 public, static IP's provided by my ISP. I read on another page that to use the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th IPs, I must first 'register' them by entering them on the WAN page and I must wait until I can successfully PING them from an external network. Then I can set the WAN IP back to the one I want to use to administer the router. Then I can use those other IP's on the various Access Rules or Port Forwarding pages where there is a spot to enter 'alternate WAN IP address'. I'm trying to determine if this is true because I'm having a heck of a time getting port forwarding to work. My BIOS is

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Cisco Routers :: Cannot Email Logs From RV220W

Aug 29, 2011

I am trying to setup logging on my router. I want to use my gmail account / gmail SMTP server to send emails.
Does the router support TLS for SMTP?
Oh - and I also get the "critical error" page. I get it when I try to un-check the send logs checkbox in the remote logging management page.

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Cisco Routers :: RV220W Connect To SSL VPN Using Windows 7

May 15, 2011

I'm relatively new to establishing VPN connections and I'm having one heck of a time getting everything configured.I'm setting up a RV220W at the office and trying to get VPN steup. I've have gotten Quick VPN connections working using the QuickVPN software. I've given up for now on IPsec VPN connactions and will come back to these later.What I'd like to get setup is the SSL VPN connections using the Win7 built in VPN client. Is this even possible? I initially tried to connect to the VPN via the SSL Web access but I cannot get the software/divers to install on any of the 3+ Win7 64 bit machines I tried.So can the SSL VPN on the RV220W be setup to connect to with the Win7 VPN Client using SSTP?

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Cisco Routers :: RV220W One-to-One NAT Only Allows A Single Service?

Sep 16, 2012

Just purchased an RV220W for a customer to replace a WRVS4400N that had no support for One-to-One NAT and have found the One-to-one NAT for this router is only marginally better.
I have three WAN addresses and three devices to map them to. With the RV0xx I've used the following configuration over a dozen times.
WAN Address 1 - the router's public address Port forward HTTP, HTTPS, and SMTP to Windows Small Business Server 2011 Email and Remote Web Access are accessible at
WAN Address 2 One-to-one NAT to private IP address of Ubuntu Server Add the following access rules: Deny allAllow HTTP from any to private IP address of serverAllow SSH from my company's static IP to private IPAllow FTP from my company's static IP to private IPCompanies website is accessible at and I can update the website with SSH and FTP
WAN Address 3 One-to-one NAT to private IP address of the Hyper-V server's Intel RMM module (Lights out remote management) Add the following access rules: Deny allAllow HTTP, HTTPS, and all RMM ports from my company's static to the RMM modules private IPI can access server at from my companies network connection
My problems are as follows:
The One-to-one NAT option now requires you to specify the service you'd like to forward (Note: service, not services)If you select the Any service which is the only way I can see to have more than one service, there is no way to add any specific Allow or Deny rules because the Destination box is grayed out on the access rules page.This results in my Ubuntu server only having HTTP forwarded to it and my RMM module having all ports opened up to any IP address. There must be some way around this! I don't understand why the Destination IP option is greyed out for all Inbound access rules. I have been using this same configuration with the Cisco RV0xx, many Sonicwall firewalls, as well as several Cisco ASAs. Obviously this is not an ASA but this implementation of One-to-one NAT is useless!

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