Cisco Routers :: RVS4000 Downloading Large Files

Oct 11, 2011

I have an RVS4000, and have been unable to update my iPad with the new iOS verison because the download of the update file keeps timing out.  The file actually gets to the end of the download, but then times out before completion.
My RVS4000 is being used in gateway mode and is connected to another cable modem.  When I connect my computer directly to the cable modem, the download completes without issue.
I've turned the IPS off.My patience is running out, as I've tried just about everything (firmware update, reboot, signature update, etc.).  When I contact support, they want me to pay $79 to open a ticket.  The router costs $120.

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Internet Disconnects When Downloading Large Files?

May 16, 2012

Currently im on a 60mb download speed and 6mb upload speed on an Alienware M15x (Windows 7) and attempting to re-download World of Warcraft... Every time I open World of Warcraft to continue the download it will disconnect all sources from the router (I'm downloading via wireless) including the wired connection through the computer in the other room. Its really annoying everyone when were attempting to download and disconnects people...

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Cisco Routers :: RVS4000 Cannot Download Files From Web

Oct 31, 2010

I am having problems with the RVS4000 ver 1.  I cannot download files from the web.  Firmware is up to date.  As an example, if I try to download from pdf995's site, I get a "page cannot be displayed error.  If I try to download current files for my flight planning software (like charts, etc.), the download hangs and never completes.  I have bypassed the RVS4000 and connected directly to the broadband router and there are no problems.  We have a 15MB cable connection.Follow-up - It appears the issue is file size.  At pdf995's site, downloading a 2.5MB file works, but the 9 MB file does not.  The file sizes for the flight planning software are rather large - 100-200 MB, and they hang as well.  Connecting directly to the cable router does not cause this problem.  The RVS4000 is set for Gateway mode.

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Downloading Large File Half Duplex?

Mar 6, 2012

if I have a half duplex 10 mbs connection, is the max speed to download a large file 5 mbs or would the download tend to hog the channel direction?

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Transfer Large Files Over Wireless LAN?

Dec 21, 2012

I have to transfer upto 50G of data over a Netgear 300 Mbps N300 router between too laptops both connected wirlessly to the same router. However, I get only 200 - 300 kbps when I transfer data? I get a faster speed when I download files off the web.

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LAN Drivers Shutdown Computer On Large Files

Dec 31, 2012

I can copy or past small files but on big files like DVD ISO which are about 5GB there is a sudden shutdown like a power out.This shutdown happens exactly when I click paste. It is not the temperature or virus or a bad xp install.I clean installed xp and installed the newest lan drivers from ECS.

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Connect Two Computers To Transfer Large Files?

Mar 8, 2011

I have a laptop I use at home and a mini laptop that I travel with. I record TV shows with the laptop and move them to the mini to watch them on the road.the programs are about 3 gb for a half hour show, 7 gb for an hour. I've been moving them one or two at a time on an 8 gb card, but that's kind of a pain. It takes 5 mins for each half hour show.I have a wireless home network, but that takes an hour to move one half hour show.Is there a faster way to move the files from one computer to another? Like ethernet cards or something?

ETA: I have windows 7 on both computers.

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Failing To Transfer Large Files Over Network?

Nov 24, 2011

I'm trying to transfer files from my wired desktop to my wireless laptop, and smaller files seem to transfer okay. Whenever I try to transfer a really large file, however, the internet and connectivity totally drops on my desktop (which is giving the file) and causes the laptop to lose the file. The desktop computer stays offline for about 1-2 minutes afterward before it either starts up again on its own or I reset the network adapter. I suppose it's important to note as well that the file transfer can fail at the very beginning, in the middle, or even at the very end, but my desktop computer always loses its connection whenever the interruption happens... but sometimes it can successfully get almost all the way through the file transferI tried following some of the steps in this case to confirm that I can ping and do all that jazz to my laptop and all of the services are running, since our problems seem similar. I've disabled all firewalls as well. However, since one computer is actually wired to the router, I don't think the solution will be quite the same

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WRT54GL - Can't Transfer Large Files Over Network

Feb 16, 2011

Router: Linksys WRT54GL
Main PC wired
HTPC Wireless

I am trying to transfer some blu-ray rips from the Main PC (wired) to the HTPC (wireless), but after 20-30 minutes it give me this error message and it can no longer locate the HTPC. i made sure the HTPC didn't so to "sleep" mode..

Something wrong with my home network or is it time to get a new router/adapter? everything else seems to work fine, except trying to transfer these huge files (10GB-20GB).

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Downloading And Using Host Files

Dec 3, 2011

I downloaded the HOSTS file from, hoping it would better my security. However, now some pictures that used to show either show the "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage." or just have the X box thing. I'm guessing this problem results from the new HOSTS file. What should I do? Should I revert to my old file? If so, then how can I do this?

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Internet Corrupts All Files When Downloading?

Mar 18, 2011

whenever i try to download anything it currupts all the files its nothing to do with RAM or virus or malware as ive had 5 other peoples laptops in my hiouse and it only does it while connected to my internet as theres works perfect else where and ive just been out and bought an o2 dongle and it works fine downloads everything perfect.this ios the errors i get when trying to install winrar:

Extracting files to "C:Program FilesWinRAR" folder
CRC failed in WinRAR.exe
CRC failed in Formats7zxa.dll
CRC failed in RarExt.dll
CRC failed in RarExt64.dll


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Drops In The Link When Downloading Heavy Files?

Aug 9, 2012

What is the config.,which I can suggest my Bandwidth provider,so that my heavy files and small files should be downloaded at the same speed?y problem is that my bandwidth limit is 2 M.B.P.S. but I start getting drops as I start downloaded heavy files like 300 M.B. My Bandwidth provider told me that the only solution is that rate-limit will be increased. But it will be of Higher cost. Any configuration is there so that the same can be resolved without increasing Bandwidth.

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Cisco Wireless :: AIR-AP1142N-N-K9 Connection Changes To Limited Access When Copying Large Files

May 26, 2013

We are having issue with all our Cicso wireless devices (AIR-AP1142N-N-K9) when connected to Windows 8 Pro users.  When copying large files, the connection changes to limited access. The initial connection to the access points is also slow for both windows 7 and windows 8 pcs.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: EA4500 Unresponsive While Transferring Large Files

Aug 9, 2012

I got a refurbished EA4500 (directly from Cisco) last week. I have been having a few issues, which I have found (not too great) workarounds for. However, the latest issue has me stumped, and is unacceptable.Whenever I am transferring files between 2 computers, I get kind of OK speed (5 MB/s). However, while this transfer happens, no other device can connect to the net. Actually, even trying to go to router home page ( times out.The clients still say they are connected to the router, but I just can't get anywhere.As soon as the file transfer finishes, everything goes back to normal.EA4500 replaced a WRT54G. Never had any problems with that router. It was such a workhorse. Just needed to upgrade to a n-router.I am on the latest non-cloud firmware.I have reduced the MTU size to 1200. Not sure that matters.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Sharing Large Movie Files With E3000

Sep 18, 2011

On the main floor I have a Linksys E3000, hooked up to my ADSL modem along with laptop #1 which has all my video and photos on Picasa.  Laptop is on 5ghz, running speed at 300.  I'm running the E3000 in dual mode (running 2.4ghz and 5ghz at the same time.)  I have 2 different network names mjames5gz and mjames24gz.  
In my basement, I have a laptop running on 5ghz and an IP camera running 2.4 ghz.  the signal in the basement is on the low side for both.  Under Wireless network connection, I am getting around 100 on Speed vs.300 on the laptop....  The basement is fully finished so I can't run cables to the basement easily.  What could I buy so I can stream videos from laptop to laptop on 5ghz.  Would also be nice to have the 2.4ghz signal boosted as well
When I go upstairs, both laptop read 300 ghz and I can stream between them just fine.

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Transfer Large Files Over A TP-Link 340G Mapped Network Drive Get Corrupted?

Feb 17, 2011

I have a Gaming Computer, with a 2x2TB RAID-1 setup, which I use to store .iso files ripped off my game's / movie's disks..Most of the time I'm on my laptop, I have set up a Network Drive to this RAID-1 setup, but when I try to transfer files from the Gaming Computer to my laptop via a network connection, either by wireless G, Ethernet 100mbps, or Ethernet 1gbps, my files get corrupted, this usually happens to larger files e.g over 1GB..But when I transfer the same files to my external hard-drive the files work properly....My computers is networked by a TP-Link 340G....

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Can't Copy Large Files To E4200 Media Server

Aug 27, 2011

I've rolled back my E4200 router to the old firmware, then set up a media server.It generally works (e.g. it streams pre-existing media files to other devices). I can copy to this external drive small (say, < 1 MB) files. The drive has enough free space. However, I cannot copy to this external drive large (e.g. 700 MB) files.

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Lost Internet Connection While Downloading Files Over The Wifi (adsl)

Dec 26, 2012

I have a wire ADSL connection and I use ADSL WiFi enabled router for distribute my internet connection with in my other devices (on my home network). When I downloading large files (more than 30MB) over the internet using my WiFi connection, my connection drop several times. However if I exchange large files within my WiFi network (with in home network via WiFi), my WiFi connection not drop (I can exchange 6GB files without any issue). Why is that? Is it my router issue or my ADSL connection issue? Most of the time after I lost internet connection, i can see my WiFi connectivity standby, it's not disconnect. However some time it completely disconnect. After I lost the connection (standby or completely disconnected) it again automatically connect.

I face this issue if i download large files on the internet, via the WiFi, if i download large files on internet using Ethernet cable, my connection not drop, it's stable. I use default wireless settings on my router? I use open WiFi connection.

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Cisco Routers :: RVS4000 - Multiple Internet Connections / Routers Sharing Printers?

Sep 11, 2011

I have 2 internet connections in my office one via Verizon Fios and another  one via the local cable company. On the fios connection I have an RV042 VPN  router and on the Cable company connection I have an rvs4000 router, I would  like to know if there is a way I can connect the 2 so I can share a printer I  have on one of the 2 networks from the other network without using the VPN  feature, like via an ethernet cable connected between the 2 and some kind of  static route maybe?

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Home Network :: Configure Two DSL Routers In A Very Large House?

Sep 17, 2011

In my house I have a BT Business Hub wireless router at one end of my house. I am looking to extend the wireless range of my network into the kitchen at the other end of the house, which is a rather large distance away. The house is 200 years old with large corridors and thick walls. There is absolutely no wireless range from about halfway between the office and kitchen. I initially tried two powerline adapters which did not work. Having spoken with an electrician who carried out a rewire on the house, I have been advised that the two areas are on a separate ring main.I considered using two wireless range extenders, but have been told that the signal is halved for each extender that I use.So, I have had the idea of trying to use two DSL routers at each side of the house. There is a phone point in the office and also in the kitchen, where the second router would plug into. These are both on the same telephone line.

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Cisco Routers :: Rv120w Freezes When User Prints A Large Document

Jun 4, 2012

I have a customer with the following topology:
Dallas: Netopia R910 router Windows 2003 Server
San Antonio: Cisco RV120W Router Thin client devices connecting to Windows 2003 Server Okidata 3410 Dot Matrix printer with Dlink DP301P+ Print Server attached to Parallel Port
If a user sends a picking ticket larger than 6 or 7 pages (not really that much data) to the Okidata printer with the attached print server, the RV120W router will completely lock up.  The connection between the two routers is lost, and the router must be physically rebooted.  This behaviour is fairly consistent on the larger documents described.  Pick tickets of less than 6 pages print without any issues.  I've examined the data stream and see nothing of consequence in the larger documents.  There is no effect on the Dallas router.
An IPSEC tunnel exists between the two routers. what could be causing the router to freeze?

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Cisco Routers :: RVS4000 - How To Add Vlan Wi-Fi

Apr 20, 2013

Ive set up a rvs4000 with two vlans, one as a bussiness network and the other as a guest network. Everything works fine and the networks can not see each other. I would like to add wifi and I would like to do so with keeping both networks separate. I have a used 1130AG access point and was wondering if I could use this single AP for both networks. If so, how would I go about doing so? Is there a better suited AP for my needs?

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Cisco Routers :: RVS4000 ACL Modification Bug

May 16, 2012

I have an RVS4000 running V2.0.2.7 firmware that gives me an "Invalid Character(s) Found" error message when I try to edit an existing ACL.
I'm trying to deploy 57 of these routers and would like to be able to use a pre-built config dropped onto each router.
I initially planned on editing the exported config with a find&replace for my local LAN addresses. Since that didn't work the next reasonable solution would be to edit the ACL list (much more tedious, but still better than hand-entering every ACL on all 57 devices).
when this bug will be addressed? Alternatively, if there is an offline configuration editing tool I would be one happy camper to have it!

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Cisco Routers :: RVS4000 V1 Or V2 Differentiation

Jun 3, 2013

I have an RVS4000, not installed. How can I tell from the unit or the packaging that it is a v1 or a v2, without installing and switching it on (which I don't want to do now) ? Are v1 branded Linsys and v2 Cisco ? Can you tell from the date on the package (mine says copyright 2011) ?

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Cisco Routers :: Two RVS4000 Don't Connect To Each Other

Sep 4, 2011

I don't know if my vendor mislead me, but I need to do this: There is a public subnet in my office, not a 192.168.x.x, but a real Public IP.The reason is that we do VOIP and those are only servers. I installed a RVS 4000 in that location, and assigned a PUBLIC Ip to BOTH the WAN and LAN, since when I connect from outside, using either QickVPN or another identical router, I need to be assigned one of the PUBLIC Ip's on the remote LAN. That is the whole idea of the project, to locate servers remotely and make them use our set of PUBLIC IP's. Well, so far I cannot connect either with the Quick VPN client, or using the VPN Wizard. It goes and creates the tunnel, without error, but when I click test, it fails.

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Cisco Routers :: Implementing QOS Over VPN Between 2 RVS4000?

Mar 15, 2012

We have backup and other traffic over our vpn which is affecting  our ip phone service between two sites.  Our consultant suggested implementing QOS over the VPN to give the phone traffic priority.  Is this possible with the rvs4000. Is there any good source saying how to do it.  Is the setup of the QOS on this router similar to another router where this has been discussed.

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Cisco Routers :: RVS4000 - QOS Does Not Work

Mar 19, 2012

I have problem with bandwidth management on my RVS4000.

That is the way how i done it:
All traffic (TCP & UDP on all ports)
IP range - (My IP adress)
Guaranted download speed 1kbps
Maximum download speed 5000kbps
after saving setting and rebooting router I have maximum download speed on my PC 12000kbps, Why QOS doesnt work ?

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Cisco Routers :: RVS4000 VPN Setup?

Nov 11, 2012

I am getting ready to setup an RVS4000 so we can use the VPN functionality of it, but I am not quite sure of the correct way to integrate it into our network though. I do not need site to site, just the client portion of it for a few salesmen/off site people to use. I have never used or setup a VPN before, so I'm learning everything as I go along.
We are in the middle of switching our ISP and I am waiting to set this up until the new service is live so I can test it prior to moving the rest of the company to the new ISP. 
We are switching to Comcast, and will have 5 static IP's available to use.  Currently, the firewall does all our NAT and is the forward facing device on our network.  I would like to leave the firewall in place (although I am setting up a new firewall for the new internet connection) and have th RVS 4000 sit behind it and receive VPN traffic from a WAN to LAN rule  We currently have a network. 
Do I need to setup another /24 network for the VPN to function behind (and still have access to the 100.X network), or is there a way to allow everyone who connects to receive a 100.X ip address from our DHCP server.  I'm not sure how to set everything up with the WAN/LAN connections on the RVS4000 to acheive this. 
We are running a domain on a 2008R2 server.  The clients will be using laptops that are already part of the domain, if that will make a difference.

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Cisco Routers :: RVS4000 VPN Configuration

Jun 15, 2011

I'm trying to setup a VPN tunnel between a Cisco RVS4000 on our side and a Cisco ASA5520, to connect a machine on our local network to a test server on the target side.
We have all the settings setup correctly and the tunnel is up and running, however, our local machine can't connect/ping to their server. I've tried a trace route both from the machine and from the RVS4000 itself, and they both get stuck after getting past Is there any routing or NAT-ing that I need to do on our router? Or is there a problem somewhere else?

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Cisco Routers :: RVS4000 IP Based ACL And NAT?

Aug 8, 2009

I'm having an issue with a Linksys RVS4000 which doesn't appear to be behaving as I think it should.I need to forward a port (Single Port Forwarding) through to an internal NAT host. However, I only want that host/port to be accessible from one host on the internet, for security reasons.
I have created the port forwarding entry and this works fine. I then created two rules in IP Based ACL - one to block all access to that port from the WAN interface and one to allow access from a single host.
However, it appears that when a port forwarding entry is added, it will completely bypass the ACL and allow all traffic for that port/host by default.Is this the correct behaviour?
Firmware version is v1.2.11

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Cisco Routers :: RVS4000 - ISAKMP Nat

Sep 13, 2011

I'm currently dealing with a weird problem on a Cisco RVS4000. I'm trying to connect to a IPSEC VPN Gateway (NETASQ) located on the LAN side of the RVS4000. I'm using Green bow vpn client on the WAN side of the RVS4000. Basically I'm trying to get through the RVS.My VPN config is OK because i tested it on the LAN side of the RVS.
The RVS is configured like this: NO VPN configured.
Block WAN Request :OFF

NAT forwarding on for UDP 500 and 4500 directed from the wan to the ip of the VPN gateway. Seems right because iv managed to do this with other routers (different brands) on another site.I've wire sharked my vpn client and i keep getting ICMP destination unreachable (PORT UNREACHABLE) after my ISAKMP launching packet.Can the RVS nat these ports ?

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Cisco Routers :: RVS4000 With FTP When IPS Disabled

Jan 11, 2012

I've been trying to disect this problem for a few months to no avail. The router allows me to connect to outside FTP only when IPS is enabled. The moment I disable the IPS functoin, the connection hangs and does not connect to a server. Reason I'd like to keep IPS disabled it is because it's eating up half of bandwith when enabled.RVS4000

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Cisco Routers :: Port Forwarding Beyond RVS4000?

Feb 8, 2012

I have a Cisco RVS4000 with Port 1 as a trunk connection to a Cisco SF300 switch.  Port 1 on the router is configured 1untag,2tag,3tag,4ag. When connected directly to the router I can connect to the switches management IP.  I would like to reach the switch remotely.  I have set up DDNS and can access the router and I have have set a specific port to forward to port 80 on the switches management IP but this does not work.  Should I not be able to Port Forward to the switch across VLAN 1?

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