Cisco VPN :: ASA 5520 - Cannot Ping Or Remote Desktop Connect To Any Client

Apr 18, 2013

I have a need to Remote Desktop connect to company’s employees for support then they are abroad and using Cisco AnyConnect client.Cisco AnyConnect client connection works fine, clients can reach company’s inside network without problems, but I cannot make revers connection, I cannot Remote Desktop connect or ping VPN clients from companies inside network. I cannot ping clients from ASA too.I am using ASA 5520, Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance Software Version 8.4(3) Device Manager Version 6.4(7), and Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client 2.2.0133. Protocol Encryption- AnyConnect-Parent SSL – Tunnel DTLS-RC4 RC4 AES 128.

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Cannot Ping / Remote Desktop Connect Via VPN

Sep 9, 2012

I am having problem connecting to my work PC via VPN Cant ping and RDP. I sometimes need to log into my work PC to check out a problem. I connect via VPN and I can access servers (using Citrix and local intranet sites) that can only be accessed once connected to my work domain. So it looks like the VPN actually works fine.

But I cannot Remote Desktop Connection to it. I also tried to ping the PC using a command prompt. Using the command prompt, I ping MyWorkPC And I can see that it tries to ping So it looks like it sees the MyWorkPC on the network. But all pings fail.

A work colleague tried to remote connects to MyWorkPC from his home PC and he can successfully connect. So I do believe that the work network and PC is setup correctly. I am running window 7 Ultimate SP1 (32bit) with a 3G dongle in a router. I also have Avast antivirus installed on my PC. I was not sure if the router or the antivirus was the issue so I tried:

1.Removing the 3G dongle and attach it to my USB port on my home PC directly. No luck
2.Some blogs said that the P2P or IM shield on Avast might be the problem so I disable it. No luck
3.Then I uninstalled Avast completely to see if it has any shield that might still block it. I restarted. No luck

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Unable To Ping Or Connect To Remote Desktop On Xp Pro Sp3

Jun 11, 2011

I have two computers side by side and both running xp pro sp3. On 8 I can RDC to the 7, but on 7 I cannot RDC to 8. I can see port 3389 listening on both using netstat -a. But 7 just can't RDC connect to 8. 7 cannot ping 8 either. I have the firewall turned off on 8, I had tried allowing RDC 3389 earlier with the firewall but that didn't work either.I don't have any extra firewalls running.Life will be like perfect, if I can just RDC to 8.Both are on the same wired belkin wireless router, 4' from itl.I tried taking the no ping no rdc computer to work and it didn't work there either.

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2x Client On Android To Remote Into Desktop

May 25, 2012

This is probably where I should have started my search. During the last 2 days I have taught myself numerous things to try and figure out this problem. I want to run 2x Client on my android to remote into my desktop. I have a Verizon fios actiontec router ver. I and running win 7 prof.. I have been able to easily set up the 2x client and remote into my desktop while on my home wifi but trying to use 3g/4g service has yielded nothing but heartache and stress.

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Cisco :: Client Behind NAt Access Remote Desktop?

Jan 22, 2011

I have A setup in different location with the the ASA Firewall with VPN enabled and a Print server. on Network B i have a server with 2008 installed and its my NAT server, DNS and File server.Now the Client on Netwrok B wants to access the Server in Network A Remotely through VPN they could connect to but cannot user Remote Desktop either its Ip translation issue or i dont know.

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Run Remote Desktop Client Using CAT 5 Crossover Isn't Working

Aug 9, 2011

Attempts to run remote desktop client a laptop on a tower using a CAT 5 Crossover isn't working. After starting the remote desktop on the laptop, I'm asked to identify the other computer, which I do, and a remote desktop window with a black background pops up, as expected. But I expect an opportunity to login will be displayed after a second or so. That never happens. After about a minute this pops up:Remote Desktop Disconnected?Your Remote Desktop session has ended.The connection to the remote computer was lost, possibly due to network connectivity problems. Try connecting to the remote computer again. If the problem continues, contact your network administrator or technical support.

My clients are impressed with my ability to setup their networks, Linksys routers with WIFI. But toss something unfamiliar into the mix, like this situation, and I'm pretty lost, pretty quick.

Hospital's WIFI.
Laptop running XP Home with WIFI and Ethernet.
Tower running Win 7 Ultra with Ethernet.
Cat 5 crossover cable.

Goal:Configure laptop to access Hospital's WIFI. This is successful, I'm using it to post this. Configure laptop run a remote desktop with the tower as the server. The tower, running Win 7, has no monitor. I don't have a flat screen monitor, and didn't feel like dragging an 80 pound 24 inch Nokia into the hospital.After reading some sites while trying to figure this out, I gave the laptop the same group name, workgroup, as the tower.In my experience, starting the tower has been, turn it on, and it boots to Win 7. But I can't watch that happen without a monitor. I can't configure the the tower's network connections without a monitor either.I purchased the CAT 5 crossover cable yesterday, for this occasion. The label on the plastic bag it was packaged in had the word "Crossover" on it. I connect the CAT 5 to the laptop's single ethernet connection, and to the tower's Intel pro card. At home the laptop is on WIFI, the tower connects to the router.

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Cisco VPN :: ASA 5200 - AnyConnect VPN Client Establishment From Remote Desktop?

Jan 26, 2012

I have set up an Any connect VPN client profile in ASA 5200. So, before creating an Any connect profile, i have uploaded the Any connect client image into flash (.pkg).It was successfully uploaded.While creating the profile, i have choosen the AAA server that i created (here its a RADIUS Server), specified the IP pool (192.168.2.x to 192.168.2.x),and assigned a group policy that i created.

So, in the client side i have installed the Any Connect VPN client in Win XP (version compatible with XP, same as the one that was uploaded into flash).Entered the IP of ASA in the "connect to" field of Any connect client. So, in the group field, it has auto detected the any connect profile which was created in ASA and i entered username and password and clicked on connect.It has authenticated the user credentials and has displayed the banner present in the group policy.

I accepted the banner, it displayed the security alert,clicked on OK on the alert, immediately after this it has thrown me a warning "VPN establishment capability from a remote desktop is disabled. A VPN coonection will not be established.".

When i click OK on the warning, it has thrown me another warning "Any connect wasn't able to establish a connection to the specified secure gateway.Please try connecting again".

When i searched for this warning, i got a work around which says "you will have to modify the "AnyConnectProfile.tmpl file", which can be found on the machine where the client was installed (its an xml file). You need to change the setting of "'WindowsVPNEstablishment' from "LocalUsersOnly" to "AllowRemoteUsers".Since i installed the any connect client in XP, i found this xml file in

"C:Documents and SettingsusernameLocal SettingsApplicationData CiscoCisco AnyConnect VPN Clientpreferences.xml" .

So, is this the same xml file where the change needs to be done? Because,  i haven't found the setting "WindowsVPNEstablishment" in this xml file.

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Cisco VPN :: ASA 5520 Client VPN Can Gets Connected But Can't Ping LAN Server

Apr 21, 2013

CISCO ASA 5520 -K9 .Client can connects ASA server and get ip address(172.168.31.X),but can't ping ASA inside interface ip address and other servers in lan .

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Cisco VPN :: 5510 Remote Access VPN / Ping From Client

Jul 26, 2011

I'm configuring ASA 5510 Remote Access VPN, I can connect from Cisco VPN Client to the ASA VPN. I obtain from ASA some routes to inside networks, but I can't do any ping to those inside hosts. I have got those error in ASDM log file: [code]

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Cisco Security :: ASA 5520 - VPN Client Remote User Limit

Jun 16, 2012

how many remote user connect using Cisco VPN client on Cisco Firewall ASA5520-BUN-K9? Already i read VPN Client FAQ But their have no information about user limitation.

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Wireless :: Remote Desktop Can't Connect To Remote Connection

Mar 9, 2011

On wireless (lenovo tabletx61) I cannot connect through the intranet - no problem connecting through internet. When I manage to connect through intranet connection is dropped quite often.No problem connecting via Ethernet cables.

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Connect To VPN On Remote System With Desktop?

Jan 15, 2012

We use Nortel VPN and the problem is that it's set so when you connect to it, you can only access company resources so no Internet. To mitigate that we use vmware and run Windows XP at the same time as our Windows 7 systems. I'd love to be able to use remote desktop though and connect to a system located elsewhere even another office computer and have that one on the VPN, but of course as soon you connect the remote desktop connection goes down with it.I'm just wondering if there's any ways around this. I'm assuming not, but I'm not sure how VPN fully works. Like if I had 2 network cards in the remote system, when I VPN in does it block connections from all network cards? Ideally I'd like to use something like Amazon Web Services since their Windows Server tier has the free option which is good, or will use another VPS type system running Windows Server.

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Remote Desktop Cannot Connect To Computer

Jun 5, 2011

I am trying to use my computer running Windows XP Home to remote desktop into my computer running Windows 7 Ultimate over the internet.The computer I am trying to connect to is listening on port 3389, has all sort of firewall exceptions sorted and is enabled to accept remote connections. The computer I am trying to use to connect has no firewall currently (I have disabled it just to get this working).

And yet when I try and connect using the ip address of the host computer I receive the message "remote desktop cannot connect to the remote computer for one of the following reasons"... and so on.

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Servers :: Remote Desktop Can't Connect?

Aug 23, 2011

Remote Desktop can't connect, so I've got four servers in the same LAN. Whenever I try remotly access the web server, the message (Remote Desktop can't connect to the remote computer for one of these reasons: 1. Remote access to the server is not enable. 2. The remote computer is turned off. 3. The remote computer is not available on the network) The thing is that I can connect to all servers with any desktop computer in the network, but when I try to do it in my laptop (that is connected to the same LAN) I've got access to the other servers but not to the web server. Sometimes I had to restart this server and works fine for a little while.

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D-Link DIR-825 :: Remote Desktop Will Not Connect Via It Over LAN

Jan 10, 2012

I am attempting to set up a remote desktop connection to my home media server so I no longer need to keep a keyboard, mouse, and monitor plugged in to it when I need to use it.  I am running Windows 7 Home Premium on both systems.  I am sure the firewall is not the problem, as I have tried to connect with it disabled.  I have also made sure to allow remote connections on the server.  I know the DIR-825 supports UPnP, which works with Remote Desktop, so there should be no problem, but something is not working.  I have tried disabling UPnP, setting up a virtual server, port forwarding, and assigning a permanant IP to the server, to no effect.  Something is blocking my remote connection requests.  Keep in mind, I am not even trying to do this over the internet, just over my LAN! 

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D-Link DIR-655 :: Cannot Connect Using Remote Desktop Connect From External PC

Jun 16, 2011

I'm trying to connect to my home laptop from work.  The home laptop is connected to DIR-655 router.  I set up the internal and external ports to 3389 using both TCP and UDP protocols with the Application as "Remote Desktop".  From my work PC I enter the external IP with :3389 and it fails to connect. I have also tried accessing internally which is failing too.  All computers are running Windows 7 Home Premium Remote Access is enable on all.

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Can't Connect To CCTV Box Via VNC - UVNC Or Remote Desktop?

Aug 22, 2011

I have a PC that runs cameras covering the access to my house ( due to an earlier incident where someone thought my stuff would look better at their place ). It has been running fine with XP and a VIA C3 box for years, but the mobo died and so my woe begins...I have slapped together a D510 box with W7 32 Enterprise, but cannot get it to network properly. ATM it is propped on my dining table with Cat5 threatening to trip someone up, so I'm not really the flavour of the month in the house.

Regular file sharing ( looking at docs, pics, etc. ) is not a problem between the house PC and the CCTV box ( bidirectional ). The old CCTV box was controlled remotely using VNC with great success, and I was hoping to continue in the same vein. Unfortunately VNC cannot connect from the house box to the CCTV box, but will work the other way when initiated from the CCTV box, not very practical. UVNC will not work in either direction and will not loop back to itself, and Remote Desktop does not work either. Error messages are "server running as application" for UVNC and server unavailable ( words to that effect ) in VNC. Remote Desktop just times out. Firewalls on both machines have been off and on during testing with no apparent change. There is a Netcomm ADSL2 4 port modem that ties them together.

It should work, it did work, so I know it can work, but networks are not my strong suit so I am throwing it out for input here. I have been banging my head on this particular rock for about 10 hours and half a bottle of bourbon and it is 00:49 local time, so forgive me if I have failed to include the crucial nugget of information that will unravel this mess.Where should I start, or is there a no-fuss remote control software option for Windows 7 that I need instead?

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Can't Connect To Internet After Connecting To Remote Desktop

Aug 23, 2011

I successfully connected to my windows xp pc through the remote desktop connection client on my macbook and now I am unable to connect to the internet on the pc. All that it says is acquiring network address. I know that it is not an isp or router issue because all of the other computers on the network are able to connect just fine. I tried using system restore but it said something to the effect of windows can not restore to this point, no changes were made to your computer. This happened with multiple different restore points.

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Connect To Remote Desktop Through VPN From Public Network?

Sep 7, 2011

I have a user that is in a hotel with a Windows 7 laptop. He is connected to the hotel's public network and it is set as a public network in windows network and sharing center.Usually from home, which is a private network, he can log onto our VPN and then use Remote Desktop to control his work computer (which is Windows XP) here at the office; however, from this hotel, he can still connect to the VPN and access shared drives and all, but he cannot connect to any computer using remote desktop.I've tried everything, allowing remote connections for public in the firewall, even changed the network from public to private and he still cannot connect. Still, he can connect just fine from home.

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Cisco VPN :: ASA 5510 - Client Can Connect But Can't Ping

May 27, 2013

I have an ASA 5510 with the configuration below. I have configure the ASA as remote access vpn server with cisco vpn client, my problem now is I can connect but I can't ping.
ciscoasa# sh run
: Saved


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Cisco Routers :: RV220W Upgrade To - Now Remote Desktop Won't Connect

Sep 16, 2012

Or rather, it will connect within the first few minutes after a router reboot, but eventually is kept from connecting.
All settings look good. Upgraded from  Prior to upgrade, this was not  problem.

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Configure System To Connect To Remote Desktop Connection?

Nov 5, 2011

I want to know how to configure my system to connect to Remote Desktop Connection?

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Cisco VPN :: Client Get Connect But Request Timed Out When Ping 837 Router

Apr 30, 2013

I'm using the cisco 837 router as my VPN server. I get  connected using Cisco VPN Client Version 5. But when I ping the router  ip, i get request timed out. Here is my configuration :
Building configuration...

Current configuration : 3704 bytes
version 12.4
no service pad
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec

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Cisco VPN :: 5520 - Use Windows 7 Native VPN Client To Connect To ASA

Oct 24, 2012

can I use Windows 7 Native VPN client to connect to the ASA..and are there docs out there that support install and config ? I heard it is possible but not able to confirm .

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Cisco Routers :: RV180w To Connect As Client To Remote VPN Gateway

Jun 1, 2013

I'm trying to setup an rv180w to connect as a client to an remote vpn gateway and route all the lan traffic behind it direct to the remote vpn gateway. [code]

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Cisco VPN :: 5520 Cannot Connect Remote Subnets Via ASA To Draytek Router VPN

Jun 19, 2011

my local site has Cisco 2811 router connecting locally to ASA 5520. Remote site A has Draytek Vigor2950. I have working vpn between local subnet and remote site A I have remote sites B ( and C ( I would like to route traffic from local site to remote sites B and C via the local-to-remote A vpn. On Draytek routers B and C, I have added to subnet to the remote network profile list. On local router, I route traffic for subnets 10.100.7.x and 10.100.8.x to the ASA. On ASA I have added these subnets to the profile for local-to-remoteA vpn.But the vpn will not establish when I attempt to ping from local to remote B or C.

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TP-Link 150Mbps Wireless :: WR740N - Unable To Connect Remote Desktop And Do File / Printer Sharing

Feb 19, 2013

Region : India
Model : TL-WR740N
Hardware Version : V4
Firmware Version : 3.12.11 Build 120320 Rel.51047n

I am facing some issue in LAN network.I have connected one desktop( win 7) and another desktop (win xp) to the TP link router. Both the computers got ip address and able to share the internet. But both the computers are not in the same network. That is they cant PING each other. hence they are not visible to each other.

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Cisco VPN :: Remote Client Cannot Connect To Local Network Or Site To Site ASA 5510

Jul 21, 2011

I setup RA-VPN under local asa 5510 IP pool ( and all was working fine. I got internet and local network access.
Then i have 5 site to site VPN working fine but when im traying to access to those L2L VPNs from the remote acces client im not able to do that. So after that i decided to obtain IP addresses from my DHCP server so i can obtain IPs from my local network ( and then access normally to the VPN site to site. But the surprise was that the VPN cisco client is getting local IP address ( perfectly but im not able to access even to my local network.

I have the same-security-traffic permit inter-interface same-security-traffic permit intra-interface enable.

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Remote Desktop Won't Work

Jan 2, 2012

Have just been trying to install Remote Desktop between two XP pro laptops When I try to log on I get a black screen with the connection bar at the top with the name of the remote computer and after about thirty seconds it drops the connection. The remote laptop comes up with logon screen but it isn't visible on the on host machine.I have followed all the instructions including file sharing enabled remote accesss etc, Both machines show up on network map and can ping each other.

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Using Remote Desktop Connection?

Jan 7, 2012

To use Remote Desktop Connection, is it really this easy:Open up remote desktop connection on your Host PC --- type the IP of the computer you want to access, then click connect --- As long as "Allow Remote Desktop" is enabled on the PC you are trying to connect to, your attempt will be successful

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Remote Desktop Dos Printing?

Nov 20, 2011

i want give the dos printing from remote desktop to local computer on anotherlocation

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Remote Desktop Via Dual Lan?

Mar 8, 2013

We have a server which in addition to other services is used to stream live hi-def video from our building during special events.We use a software video/audio production mixer which works very well. But we now would like to make a change in the system.Is it possible/practical to use Remote Desktop via the second - as yet unused - LAN in our server. We really would like to put the operators in a different location where they have both video and in-person view of the event being streamed. But we don't want to use more bandwidth on the LAN...the production mixer handles a *lot* of uncompressed video and tends to be a bandwidth hog.

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Performance Of Remote Desktop Using VPN?

Sep 20, 2011

Can i build a Server through Remote Desktop using VPN, how will be the performance? Is it advisable ?

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