Cisco VPN :: Reverse Route Injection With ASA5505?

May 25, 2011

My network consists of a router and a ASA5505.  The router has a serial connection back ot HQ.  The ASA has a VPN connection back to HQ.  I want the network traffic destined for HQ to travel over the VPN connection until that connection is no longer valid (down).  I've been told that RRI is the way to go but cannot get it to work.  I get one of my routes to show up in the router but that's it (and not as a static route).  Also I don't want the routes to be injected if the VPN connection is down.  But I do want the VPN connection to be the preferred connection. 

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Cisco VPN :: Reverse Route Injection On ASA5510 Site-to-site

Jul 29, 2011

We have two ASA5510's connected to two different ISP's and both able to initiate a site-site IPsec connection to a remote site. Depending on the state of the ISP's either ASA may initiate this VPN.We use Reverse Route Injection into OSPF for VPN clients and it works fine with the route being distributed when a client connects and disappearing when there are no clients.So we thought we'd try it for our site-site VPN's. Unfortunately when we enable Reverse Route Injection the routes are distributed regardless of whether the VPN is up or not, so if one ASA has initiated a VPN it's reverse route is distributed (which is what we want) but the other ASA also distributes a route for it's non-existent VPN. The result is that our gateway routers see two OSPF routes and can't ascertain which route is actually up.
Is there any way to distribute the route using Reverse Route Injection (or any other method) only when a site-site VPN is actually up? For various reasons we can't use BGP or other gateway routing protocols.Our ASA5510 are currently running IOS 8.2(1)

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Cisco WAN :: 12.4.24T / Disable The PIRO (PBR) And Only To Use Static Route Injection Between The MC And BR?

Feb 23, 2010

Have a solution with PFR with two master controller in hsrp mode and two active border controller, betwen the MC and the BR i'm running EIGRP. The two BR have BGP to the ISP but i have default router for the parent route. Same weeks ago i notice some problems in reaching to specific public ip addr. During the trobleshooting i found that the two border controller have dynamic-pbr applyed to the inside interfaces and one of the satement on the dynamic route-map is setting the next-hop for the destination public ip addr yhe inside interface on the two border routers. This way the traffic is looping betewn the two BR. It's possibel do disable the PIRO (PBR) and only to use static route injection betwen the MC and BR.
The routers are running 12.4.24T

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Reverse Trace Route?

Dec 29, 2011

I want to know the return path between my IP and a server. I know that trace route gets some information about the hops from my IP to a server (for example but this info is about the forward path. But I want to know what is the path from the server to my PC, what is the reverse path (return path)? What are the middle hops? In other word, I want to know where is the forward and reverse path when I ping a server? I can find the forward path using trace route, but what about the return path?

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Cisco Firewall :: Trying To Get ASA5505 To Route

Nov 14, 2012

customer's WAN solution, instead of buying routers, purchasing department bought ASA's (don't even get me started!). So I have 5 ASA 5505's for the branch offices and one 5510 for the Head Office. I am trying to get them to behave like routers and pass the traffic across. I set up a lab with a 5505 and the 5510 using an ethernet cable for both Outside interfaces since the WAN links are going to be MetroEthernet Layer 2 anyway.
I tried static routes, dynamic routing, I followed examples from other persons who did it and it doesn't work. I attached the configs here to show I have the default routes, specific static routes pointing the traffic out, any any rules configured as well. I cannot ping from the internal lan of the 5505 to the internal lan of the 5510.

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Cisco WAN :: Asa5505 Inside Network Route To Another One

Nov 29, 2011

i have cisco asa 5505 Security adaptive firewall. my inside network is . i want to add static  route another network i have that network id is . i can add the route.

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Cisco VPN :: ASA5505 - Static Route To L2L Tunnel

Feb 14, 2011

Got a problem routing trafic to my L2L tunnel...

Got an ASA5505 Sec+ with ip on inside interface. Firmware 8.3(1). Got another Cisco router (From my ISP) with ip - This one creates an L2L tunnel - To the net.
On the 5505 ive got "route inside 1", and trafic is being directed to as it should.
I know cause I can ping everything one the net - But thats it... Cant RDP, connect to fileshare... Nothing.

When i test a PC and set it to gateway I can access everything on the remote network. Do I need some NAT command or an access-list? I've setup AnyConnect VPN on the ASA and I can connect to both networks without any problems.

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Cisco WAN :: ASA5505 Doesn't Route Any Traffic

Apr 23, 2012

I am trying to configure dual ISP on my ASA5505.I have everything configured and working when eth0/0 is connected, but when I disconnect it, it doesn't route any traffic.The static route for the primary isp is removed and the static route to the backup isp shows up, but no traffic goes in or out.  I should note that I'm doing this as a proof of concept so eth0/0 is connected to a router and eth0/1 is connected to another router. [code]

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Cisco VPN :: ASA5505 Firewall - Route Internet Via External?

Feb 6, 2013

I would hereby like to inform if it is possible to configure the Cisco ASA5505 firewall to route internet via an external VPN, while a laptop and smartphone connect to the firewall via Cisco AnyConnect VPN.
The configuration would result into: Laptop on public internet -> Cisco ASA5505 VPN -> External VPN (Unix server) -> internet.

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Cisco Firewall :: 8.2 (ASA5510) / 8.4(2) (ASA5505) - Why Doesn't Route Map / Set IP Next-hop Work

Jan 2, 2012

I need to be able to redirect some HTTP traffic to an Ironport WSA (for now) on a DMZ interface, the initial config I'm trying to test is along the lines of the following (don't have access to the ASA at the moment to cut-and-paste):
access-list 101 deny any any neq www
access-list 101 deny tcp host any
access-list 101 permit tcp any any
route-map proxy-redirect permit 101
     match ip address 101
     set ip next-hop
Unfortunately the ASA does not take the "set ip next-hop" command, I get an invalid input error message and if I at the route map config prompt type "?" only the "metric" and "metric-type" commands are listed as available.
This happens both on 8.2 (ASA5510) and 8.4(2) (ASA5505). Since others are able to make this work, I assume there's something else on the ASA that I have to set to enable this command?

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Cisco Switching/Routing :: ASA5505 / Route External IP To Internal IP

Mar 20, 2013

I have an internal DVR system that I am trying to share to the outside world.  We recently put in an ASA5505 and I am having trouble getting the settings correct.I want to use an external IP to access the DVR system from anywhere and have my ASA5505 redirect the traffic to the internal IP address.  I assume I need to use a NAT and a route policy however can not figure out how it would be. 

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Cisco Firewall :: 5510 Trace-route / Antispoofing On Not Default Route

Jun 24, 2011

I've enabled antispoof on all interfaces on asa 5510.If you start a traceroute to a network on the default route, everything works, since replies comes to an interface with route defined.If you start a tracer route to a network that is NOT on the default route (let's assume coporate MPLS), you only get response from first carrier router, the other are discarded because of anti spoof violation.
I have ICMP inspection and icmp-error inspection enabled.

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Cisco Firewall :: Reverse NAT Configuration - ASA 8.4.5

Feb 10, 2013

I have 2 data centers conencted via WAN and each has their own Internet conenction.  One of the site's Internet is close to maximum bandwidth and we want to use the second site's Internet for future connections.  The problem is the core switches in each site has a default rout to their local firewalls, so even if I can NAT on the firewall, the return traffic goes out whichever firewall is local and will fail.
So, my plan is to change the source IP address of the packets to be an address on the inside interface's LAN subnet.  That way it is routed back to the proper firewall.  I am able to do this with the following code, but this code only works with a static one to one NAT.  I am limited in public IP addresses, so I want to NAT on a per port basis.  Each time I try to change the any any to a specific port, it fails. 
object network host-inside-int
object network host-outside-nat1


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Cisco Firewall :: Reverse NATing On ASA 8.2?

Jul 29, 2012

I am currently trying to apply a reverse NAT on asa 8.2 and not sure how to do this. I have done this on asdm 6.2 for asa 8.3 but the options are not simiar on 8.2. Is there a CLI equivelant?

I am trying to Achieve the object below for any traffic coming from outside interface to the inside interface with any source address to destination 10.X.X.58 then translate it so that it become 192.X.X.X to address 192.X.X.58. This is so that communications can traverse internal network as the server is not ona DMZ.
I have done this on 8.3 (shown below) but do not know if it is possible for 8.2, I have tried replicating the same command on 8.2 but commands are not recognised.
nat (outside,any) source static any 192.X.X.X destination static 10.X.X.X 192.X.X.58
Should I just upgrade to 8.3? never done it before so not sure of the consequences.

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Cisco Firewall :: ASA 9.0.1 - Reverse DNS Resolving

Dec 22, 2012

After upgrade to 9.0.1 from 8.4 I have problems with reverse dns resolving, like this:

named[2679]: DNS format error from resolving 82.64/ for client question section mismatch: got

Only solution I found is to disable inspect dns, which is not very good.

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Wireless :: Sync Pc To Mac And Reverse?

May 8, 2011

i am on pc i want same outlook on mac no delete on main xp pro home office pc. would like to received and send email from new mac book pro: fully synced between both?

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Cisco VPN :: ASA 5505 - Reverse NAT With Only One IP Assigned To Interface

Jul 27, 2011

I'm new to working with the ASA 5505 ,VPN and reverse NAT.
The basic setup is as follows. I'm trying to setup a IPsec site to site tunnel with reverse nat on the remote side.
I have as the tunnel up and it passes traffic. I have setup reverse NAT for 172.x.x.1 to translated IP 216.x.2.101 my ASA also has an IP address of 216.x.2.102.
Any connection from  172.x.x.1 to  216.x.2.1 should appear to be comming from 216.x.2.101
When I ping or telnet from to an open port on 216.x.2.101 I get the banner from 172.x.x.1, seems like it is working.
However in my setup I'm only given a singel IP that of the NAT address 216.x.2.101, so when I remove the IP address assigned to the inside interface  216.x.2.102. all conductivity is lost.
When I set the inside interface to 216.x.2.101 and  I setup a static NAT rule for  172.x.x.1 to 216.x.2.101, I get a message that says all traffic will be redirected and I will be unable to connect to the ASA.
Once thats in place, and I make any connection from 216.x.2.1 to  216.x.2.101on any port I get a connection but then it's reset, I no longer get the telent banner I was expecting.
My running config is,
ASA Version 8.2(1)
hostname ciscoasa


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Cisco Firewall :: ASA 8.2(5) / UDP Reverse Path Check

Jun 15, 2012

ASA running 8.2(5).When I enable ip spoofing on my network interfaces I see this getting logged:

Deny UDP reverse path check from to on interface SPECTRA-LAN
This is because interface SPECTRA-LAN (VLAN50) is the interface connected to the network with ip but the interface do not have a ip address so it does not exist in the routing table I believe?However interface INTERN do also belong to network which also is the management interface and the default route for hosts in network, but has no vlan. 

1. move the management0/0 to SPECTRA-LAN and give SPECTRA-LAN ip

2. give SPECTRA-LAN a ip address in the range?

My routing table and interface list is:

Current available interface(s):
  DATA-BACKUP     Name of interface Redundant1.10
  DMZ             Name of interface Redundant1.900
  GUEST           Name of interface Redundant1.990
  HOSTING         Name of interface Redundant1.100
  Infrastruktur   Name of interface Redundant1.20


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Cisco Firewall :: ASA 8.4 NAT And Reply / Reverse Traffic

Jun 15, 2011

I've got a 5520 running 8.4(1).I've setup a simple NAT: [code] Running wireshark on the outside of the ASA, I can see the packets going out fine (the source address has been translated). I can see the replies coming in from the 'net. But the replies don't get through the ASA to the internal host.What do I need to do to allow the reverse packets to get through the ASA back to the host ?

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Cisco WAN :: Unable To Reverse Telnet From Router With V15.1 Code

Aug 1, 2011

We have a router that was installed a few months ago which has the following version: 15.1(3)T
I am unable to reverse telnet to a new ASA firewall, however when I move the console to a second older router with an older version of code I am able to reverse telnet
Are there any known bugs, issues with version 15.1. I use the following command as normal: telnet x.x.x.x 2001

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Cisco Firewall :: Reverse Port Redirection With ASA 5505?

May 16, 2013

We have a singe IP Address in the Internet and want to forward SMTP traffic that hits our ASA Outside Interace to the internal Mailserver.And we like to forward Http Traffic to our Webserver.
Example. Port 25 -> Port 25 Port 80 -> 192 168.1.200 Port 80
How do i acomplish that. Which NAT rules do in need?

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Cisco Firewall :: ASA 5510 - Reverse Or Outbound NAT Redirect?

Jan 24, 2012

I have the need to do an outbound NAT redirection.  So what I mean is this.  I have a custom program that uses SSH to port 22 from a server inside the ASA firewall.  This goes out to a server on the Internet over port 22.    The ISP of the SSH server told me that they changed their SSH port from 22 to 2102.  So instead of changing the custom code on the developed application on the server... I thought it would be easier to do a OUTBOUND NAT redirection for the ASA to see port 22 from the server and redirect it OUTBOUND to port 2102. 
so for example:

The server is at and it uses a program to initiate SSH traffic to The server sends to port 22 but I need it automatically changed on the firewall to port 2201 at 
It is a Cisco ASA 5510.   The server at does have a fixed IP address on the outside with INBOUND NAT for things like port 25 (mail) traffic etc.  Lets pretend that was at

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Cisco WAN :: 2600 / Running Older Routers In Reverse

May 21, 2013

I have some legacy (read: old) audio equipment that used leased lines to run, no way to convert them to IP internally. They have x.21 and v.35 interfaces on them.
Is there a way i could use something like an old 2600 series router and run it in reverse, like just using them as a media converter to shove the v.35 over into IP land?
I'm not interested in buying newest latest greatest (these audio codecs are upwards of $5k a pop to replace, x2 for a complete link), i'm just curious if i can turn a WIC-1T into the interface for these boxes and do a direct route to another 2600 on the other end with the same configuration.
This would essentially turn the WIC portion into the local side and the ethernet into the WAN side.

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Cisco VPN :: 3000 - Reverse Lookup Is Not Working Over L2L Tunnel

Mar 6, 2012

I have Cisco VPN 3000 in main office which provides VPN tunnel to the remote site (PIX 506). In main office we have Domain Controller as well as DNS/DHCP servers.I ran into the issue where DNS reverse lookups are not working from main office to the remote computers:
ping - works fine from main office and resolves to appropriate IP address ping -a IP address - from main office returns
From the remote computers, both forward and reverse lookups are working fine.

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How To Connect Mobile To Laptop And Reverse Using Wifi

Dec 21, 2012

i got my samsung galaxy s duos...i wanna connect my mobile to laptop for internet using wi fi and also i have mts data card so how to connect frm lap to my mobile for internet using mts data card.??

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D-Link DIR-615 :: Antenna Listed As Removable Reverse SMA

Apr 28, 2009

This may sound ignorant but I cannot get either of the antennas off my 615. They are listed as removable reverse SMA but they are so tight I am afraid of damaging it. This is my second 615 after not being able to get one of the antennas off the first. D-link said they should just unscrew but I cannot get either of them to budge. D-link support said the one I had first must have been manufactured wrong so I returned it to new egg and got a new one. Same issue. I need to have an external antenna on the unit.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Reverse NAT On EA6500?

Oct 9, 2012

Any work around to enable reverse NAT or similar functionality on the EA6500? I recently upgraded from a Dlink that did support reverse NAT to my internal devices through a dynamic dns service. Now I have to know the IP address for all the devices.

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Cisco Firewall :: ASA 5520 - NAT Reverse Path Failure After Upgrading From 8.4(1) To 8.4(4.1)

Jul 2, 2012

After upgrading an ASA5520 from 8.4(1) to 8.4(4.1) I ran into the following trouble:
Asymmetric NAT rules matched for forward and reverse flows; Connection for tcp src outside: dst inside: [code].....

All the subnets mentioned above are connected via VPN.

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Cisco Switching/Routing :: 877 Reverse Telnet With No Aux Port For No Cross Contamination

Dec 21, 2011

I have a new 877 that I am using for internet traffic for 3-4 internet only devices.I also have a clean network that i want to insure no cross contamination. However I plan on rolling this out to many sites, but for management I was hoping to set up a reverse telnet to the console port from our one of my clean switches. which should allow me to keep the units seperated and allow me to manage changes etc remotely. Unfortunatly there is no Aux port on the clean switch (3560). Is there still a way to acheive this? can i configure one of the ethernet ports to connect to the console of the 877?

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Cisco Application :: Can ACE (4710) Behave As Reverse Proxy For HTTP And SSL Traffic

Jul 12, 2011

Can the ACE appliance behave as a reverse proxy for http and ssl traffic? I would assume it can given how it does SLB but SLB is not a requirement at this time.

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Cisco VPN :: ASA 5505 / Asymmetric NAT Rules Matched For Forward And Reverse Flows?

Sep 13, 2010

I have a problem with a Site-to Site VPN connection between two ASA 5505 (ASA 8.2, ASDM 6.2). I have build the configuration on both devices [URL] . Under "Specifying Hosts and Networks / Remote Network" i use not the external ip of remote Site, i use the internal networks ( and ). I need connetion to two remote internal networks ( from to and ). The Tunnel (Phase1 and Phase 2) comes up when i ping a host of the second (10.0.2.x) remote network, but a ping is not possible. Syslog says "Asymmetric NAT rules matched for forward and reverseflows; Connection for icmp src outside: 10.0.0.x dst dmz:10.0.1.x (type8, code 0) denied due to NAT reverse path failure ". On both Sites VPN connections with Cisco VPN Clients are possible.

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Cisco Firewall :: ASA5520 IPsec Client Reverse Path Failure

May 4, 2011

ASA-5-305013: Asymmetric NAT rules matched for forward and reverse flows; Connection for icmp src outside: dst DMZ2: (type 8, code 0) denied due to NAT reverse path failure
Cant seem to get around this one yet. I have a remote ASA that I can VPN into. It has 2 dmz's, outside and inside interface configured.
Inside subnet is / 24
DMZ2 is / 24 
VPN client pool is /24
I login in fine. But have no access to the DMZ2 subnet. I get the failure listed above.

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Cisco Firewall :: 5520 - Denied Due To NAT Reverse Path Failure - Asymmetric

Jul 4, 2012

I am trying to lock down the VPN access on my Cisco 5520 ASA's whereby I wish not to allow users to SSH access etc on servers running on the same interface that they are VPNing into.
I did not originally configure the ASA and so I am slightly confused by some config on it. Currently when I attempt to PING a server within the same interface as the VPN network I get the following error in the logs below.
5    Jul 05 2012    09:45:15    305013    monitoringsystem                Asymmetric NAT rules matched for forward and reverse flows; Connection for icmp src dmzAHdata:VPN IP dst AHdata:monitoringsystem (type 8, code 0) denied due to NAT reverse path failure
As a workaround I created a NAT exempt rule which then allowed traffic to the server in question however I wish to limit the traffic to only ICMP and when I do this in the firewall it does not take affect. Is this because of the NAT exempt rule?

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