Cisco WAN :: Comcast Connection On E4200?

Apr 25, 2012

For those of you who are trying to connect your router to a Comcast modem, be sure to actually RESET the modem instead of just depowering it like it instructs you in the setup process. This should save a lot of trial and error.  Also unmark the MAC address cloning like the Cisco connect software does, then just renew IP and it should connect just fine.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 On Comcast Business Account That Uses Gateway

Jul 23, 2011

I am setting up a e4200 wireless router on a Comcast business account that uses a gateway (SMC8014).I have fixed public IP [x.x.x.x/30] and the gateway sets up a subnet (  I have mail server and DNS server at and I use port forwarding in the SMC gateway. 
The setup of the e4200 using the software sets up a network (  I can connect devices to the router and browse the external Internet.  However, when my android phone connects to the e4200 it gets an IP such as  However, I cannot download my mail which is at  When I try to browse that IP from the android phone I get the SMC gateway at and not the computer at  If was coming in from the external Internet port forwarding would take over but it does not work for the android phone connected to the e4200.
Also, i noticed that when I set up the default setup for the e4200 the "Cisco Connect" says the WAN address is and the LAN address is  However, when I go to the SMC Gateway and list the connected computers it doesn't see the e4200 at  If I set up the e4200 within then the SMC sees it (but the computer name always says "unknown").  It I set the DHCP in either the SMC or the e4200 within the subnet I can see the phone connection in the SMC when I list the connections but any requests to 10,1,10.0 computers goes to the SMC gateway.

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Comcast Connection Keeps Dropping Often

Sep 11, 2012

I have had comcast for 4 years and for the last two years my comcast connection had been dropping. At the time I didn;t take it as a big deal because I have bad connection but not it's way too frequent to ignore. I have gotten a new router and exchanged a modem from comcast. Basically at a random time of the day internet just goes off. To fix it, I have to go up to the router and disconnect and reconnect the router. Even sometimes it doesn't fix the connection so now to fix the dropped internet everytime I do the following procedure: Unplug ethernet cable from modem --> Unplug the modem --> unplug the cable that connects the modem and a Y-extension for TV and internet

Motorola modem: (new one)

Software Version: SB5120-

Hardware Version: 1

MIB Version: II

GUI Version: 1.0

VxWorks Version: 5.4

Cisco E-1200 v1 router (new one)

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Comcast Wireless Internet Connection Via Cable And Router?

Jul 10, 2011

We have Comast internet using an Arris modem and have a Netgear wireless router. We have our modem hooked up to a desktop computer that we don't even use. We have three laptops that we us with our wireless.Comcast has told us that we have to have the modem hooked up to the desktop for the internet to work.what do people do who have only a laptop and have wireless internet in their house?Is there anyway to get rid of the desktop and have the modem hooked directly to the cable and router?

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Belkin Routers :: F6D4230-4 Wired Connection But No Wireless Through Comcast?

Apr 28, 2013

I have xfinity internet with a comcast rented modem connected to a personally owned belkin router. I can successfully connect to the internet directly from the modem or if I connect to the modem to the router and then to my computer via ethernet cable. I cannot for the life of me connect wirelessly with any devices. The router previously worked when it was hooked up to comcast internet, but it was moden->router->my router. When I connect wirelessly on my Windows 7 laptop, it says I connect and that there is internet access. But when I try to load a page it takes me direclty to this website: url.. Comcast says that it is my router that needs configuring properly with xfinity and wants to charge me $39 to provide this wonderful service.

Router: Belkin Model F6D4230-4 v1 with firmware F6D4230-4_WW_1.00.03

Modem: Comcast Model RCA DCM425

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E3200 Loses Connection To Internet Through Comcast

Jan 24, 2012

I have a problem with my E3200 that has happened at least 4 times since I first purchased, installed and configured it.  Initially I thought it might be something with Comcast, but a) I never had the problem with my Linksys WRT54G router and b) It seems I can now duplicate the issue by saving a config file and restoring it.The specific issue appears to be somewhat random.  At some point the connection to the Internet simply stops for no apparent reason.  I am able to ping the router and connect to it.  I am also able to drop and renew connections to the cable modem successfully.  Furthermore, I can ping my network side of the router, as well as the external address handed to my router by the cable modem, and the cable modem gateway address, but still no connection to the Internet.The only solution to my problem has been to restore the factory defaults to the router and reconfigure it from scratch, which does seem to fix the issue for a time until it occurs again.  FYI, I do not use the Cisco connect software because I have several custom port and QOS configs that are necessary for an IP Phone and other hardware on my network.

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D-Link DIR-615 :: Internet Activity Light Blinking Non-stop With New Comcast Connection?

Jan 21, 2011

I recently switched from a DSL ISP (Earthlink, Zyxel modem configured as a bridge, pppoE connect) to a cable ISP (Comcast, Arris cable modem, dhcp connect). Basically PC --> DIR615-->Cable modem-->Internets. With the old DSL the Internet activity LED (green, looks triangular) on the DIR615 blinked only when internet activity occurred. With the new Comcast connection it blinks non-stop about 5 times a second! Even if the PC is turned off it blinks. It stops blinking if I disconnect the ethernet cable between router and modem. The connection itself is fine, but if the DIR615 is doing something it should not be doing it might slow the connection down a bit, (or burn something out prematurely?)FYI, the Arris cable modem does not seem to be a router. It takes a cable connection from outside and provides a single ethernet cable and 2 (voice) telephone cables to the house.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Wrt54gs Switch From Dsl To Comcast / Now No Internet Connection

Jan 5, 2011

Hard wired network (15 workstations.) I had a dsl modem connected to my network switch and linksys wrt54gs router connected to that modem. All hard wired workstations had internet access AND there was a wireless internet connection. With any wifi device I could access the internet.I switched from dsl to comcast. All hard wired work stations still have internet. but when I plug my wireless router into the modem (comcast business IP gateway) there is no wireless internet connection. The hard wired workstations can still get online and there IS a wireless network, but it does not allow internet access (page cannot be found etc.)
Comcast says it absolutely should work. Linksys says it requires simple reconfig of router settings (reset router, clone mac address.) I have read knowledge base articles from linksys and followed each step. The lan ports of the modem are all working if I connect to them directly with a laptop and cable. I have reset router multiple times, cloned mac address, dhcp release/renew. 
My physical connections are correct.  In the router set up utility, I can see the mac adrdress and ip address but can't tell if the IP is from the modem or the router. Default gateway is always in the router AND in any workstation ipconfig screen. Ip addresses are 192.168.1.xx in ipconfig at any workstation AND in the router set up status. 
I cannot access internet via router even if plugged directly into it. It is as if the router is not getting the correct information from the modem. However, it worked perfectly with the DSL modem the day before we changed.My workstations are all hard wired and work. I simply want to have Wi-Fi also... for phones and laptops w wireless etc.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT160N Won't Hold Connection After Comcast Sent Signal To Modem

Aug 9, 2011

Comcast had us unplug our modem in order to upgrade to their new faster speed.  now our wireless router won't work.  We've reset the router twice.  we can set up the wireless network but we cannot connect to it.  The connection last for about 5 minutes and then we get an error, cannot read IP address.  Comcast says it is not their problem and linksys says they can't assist either.

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Dell :: E4200 Wi-Fi Connection Configuration

Jun 21, 2012

I have a Dell Latitude E4200 laptop and this is connected to my home wireless wifi.

It will continuously loose connection for no reason.  I have another laptop and this does not have any wireless issues, any problem with the wireless drivers on this model?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 Get No Connection At All

Nov 22, 2011

My dad recently got a E4200 router, My whole family are mac users, the connection are all okay with their computers, I'm the only one using Microsoft, ASUS running on Vista. The connection is fine when I'm near the router, but when I go to my room I get no connection at all, it connects for a second but then it goes on connection with limited access.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 Not Getting Any Connection Via XP / FTP

Mar 21, 2012

Last week I bought the E4200 thinking it was probably the best router on the market and if it worked properly, it would be...I think.I have attached a Seagate GoFlex Desk 2Tb USB drive formatted to NTFS to the USB of the E4200. I can map to it from my Windows XP computer with no problem and I can FTP to it from any Windows 7 machine is another story. When I try to map the network drive from the Windows 7 machine I get error code 0x80070035 every time. I've seen some other threads where people are having this problem but in the cases I've found, they aren't getting any connection via XP or FTP either.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 - Connection Of V1.4 For Mac

Jan 29, 2012

I have just installed Cisco Connect v1.4 (11266.0), and have upgraded my E4200 software to 1.0.03.I want to add a USB printer connected to the router but when I open Cisco Connect, and select the "Add new devices.....' button, the only option for a printer is 'Wireless Printer' not 'Printer' followed by USB or Wireless as per the User guide.

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Cisco Wireless :: 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi Connection - E4200 Router Stops Working

Oct 1, 2012

My wireless connection for 2,4 GHz stopped working correctly. Here's the set up:

I have an E4200 Linksys router. Furthermore I have a desktop running on Windows7 connected to the router with a wire. No problem there. I can connect to the Intenet via the E4200 and a modem.Then I have a notebook also running on Windows7. Until yesterday it was wireless (2,4 GHz) connected to the router and to the Internet, but now I can see the router on the networklist (so there is connection), but it will not make contact to the Internet. If I hook up the notebook with a line to the router it works OK.Then I have an iPad which makes a wireless connection to the Internet (via the router) for the 5 GHz option, but it does not make a connection with the 2,4 GHz option anymore (before yesterday this worked well). I did not change any settings on the Linksys or other network options, Can an update from McAfee make a difference (only for 2,4 GHz?).

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 Does Not Allow Connection To Certain Website?

Jan 2, 2013

I have an E4200 (v1) with the latest firmware.  For some reason, the E4200 does not allow me to conenct to certain websites.  This is true for wired or wireless connections.To test, I connected a wired PC directly to my cable modem and was able to connect to all websites fine.  I also tried an old D-Link router I had on hand and was able to connect to all sites fine.  Went back to the E4200 and was blocked.  I re-loaded the firmware and same results.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 - No Connection To Internet?

Apr 21, 2012

I have my e4200 connected to another modem/router (2Wire 3600HGV), because the other router does not support Wireless N. I can connect to my E4200 network, but there's just no connection to the internet. I reseted my e4200 but still no luck. I've unplugged both routers and replugged them, nothing. I know it's possible because I've had it set up before but I had my 2Wire exchanged for a newer one.
Firmware: 1.00.4
Just to be sure. I have the cable going from my modem out of port #1 and into my e4200 where it says internet, thats correct, right? On my e4200 i have the IP but on the 2Wire I have the e4200 as 

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 - Way To Get USB Support For Connection

Nov 7, 2011

The web site says that the E4200 has a USB port to connect USB drives and printers.  That sounded to me like multiple devices could be added.  It says nothing about only being able to connect one.  Since I have 3 USB drives and 2 USB printers, that sounded great.   Setting it up, it seems that this port will not use a HUB, and can only be used for one USB device.  How can that be?  That is so limiting as to be nearly useless.

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Cisco Switching/Routing :: E4200 Not Giving Android Devices Connection

Jan 3, 2012

I just upgraded to the e4200 v2 and I seem to be having connection issues with my android phone and tablet. Both are 802.11n compatable but they seem to have issues staying connected. Just so everyone is up to speed, there are two connections made by android, a general one to the internet, and a second one to the google servers (for syncing e-mail and contacts and the like) When just connected to the internet, the wireless icons are gray, when connected to the google servers as well, the icons turn blue. It's the drop in connection to the google servers that I'm having an issue with. I currently have the router set in full auto for channel and frequency band, but I've also tried setting specific ones thinking maybe the change in channel or something was causing the disconnect. The disconnect will even happen when I'm sitting right next to the router. The phone is a Samsung Galaxy Nexus (Verizon LTE) running Android 4.0.3 and a Asus Transformer tablet (Wifi only) running android 3.2.1.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 V1 Rebooting / Losing Connection?

Jul 5, 2012

I have an E4200 v1 wireless router.   Intermittently, my hard wired laptop (and hard wired desktop) loose Internet connnectivity and when I look at the 4200 I see the status light flashing slowly like it was just  rebooted.  I am runnong 1.0.04, have reset to factory, reflashed the 1.0.04 code and done a 30-30-30 reset (so far no drops since the 30-30-30 reset but we'll see). 

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 - Xbox Lost Connection?

Dec 27, 2011

The problem: running a standard single band 2.4gz BT homehub. When using my xbox and wireless headset (razer chimeara) the xbox loses connection. When i tuen the headset off i no longer lose connection. This suggests to me that the headset is simply emitting on the same frequency and bullying the connection, thus the xbox disconnects I have purchased the wireless N adapter to allow the xbox to run on the 2.4 or 5ghz band. I am now looking for a duel band router to allow my xbox to connect to the 5gz band and hopefully this will rectify my interference issue with the headset. I have been lookijg at the e4200 as this supports seperate ssid for 2.4 and 5ghz band, so the xbox can run on the 5ghz and the intererence from the 2.4ghz headset should subside - do you think this would work? Also, with the single ssid duel band routers, where 2.4/5gjz share the same ssid - how would my wireless N devices know to run on the 5ghz and not the 2.4?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: How To Monitor Connection Speeds On E4200

Dec 28, 2011

All my previous routers have allowed me to monitor my connection speeds however I can't find this in this router.  I found the client table under "status" but I have not been able to find the connection speeds anywhere.  I like to make sure that my devices are running at close to 300Mbps and not 54Mbps in case I have a connection setup wrong.  I have searched in the forums without much luck.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 Internet Connection Fails

Jan 1, 2013

I have a E4200 V1 with firmware installed The problem is that when I connect the cable from my modem to my router and recycle both I get a rapidly fashing Cisco light and can not connect to the internet.If I remove that cable and recycle the router my network works but (obviously) I have no internet connectivity.This was working (almost 2 years) without issue until today.I updated the firmware and did a factory reset and neither resolved the issue.My next experiment is to see if I can't get log files (since the factory reset) but I can't do that at this time.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 Dropping Connection After Some Time

Nov 15, 2011

I bought a e4200 router about 3 weeks ago and after a power outage it decided it didnt like being connected to the internet anymore. So i got on the phone with cisco they determined the router was no good, mind you my laptop would connect wired. So they sent me a "refurbished" one, so i set it up. The new setup was wonky because it said the same message "Your connected to your router but..." then after trying to get the connection its self and failing it came up with "congratulations you are now connected to the internet". That lasted 3hrs and 45mins then died, so i went upstairs to power cycle it, it decided to connect with the old settings. That lased 25mins then died, so i reset it and reconfigured the router. Wouldnt connect, i checked my mac address and it was using my wireless one and kept turning on my wireless connection durring the install. So i cloned my wired mac address and got the internet for roughly an hour... then it died. So i reset it again and kept the wifi off got it going and decided to go to sleep. I wake up and its still working after 8hrs, i go down stairs with my tablet and i dies again. This time it refuses to reconnect, refuses to reset back up just doesnt want to work.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Cannot Setup E4200 - No Internet Connection

Aug 9, 2011

I just purchased e4200 from a friend of mine. Got an issue with setup of this device. I use a model from internet provider. Have 2 computers at home. One is pc with cable, another one mac with wireless.SO my issue is that i can not connect none of them. I was trying to use cd that comes with router but he can not locate a router. When I connect cable directly from modem to computer everything works fine. As soon I connect cable to a router I can not see a router and I can not connect to internet.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 USB Printer Connection Not Working?

Jun 21, 2011

The latest Firmware for the E4200 states that there is now the ability to attach a printer to the USB port of the router. I am using a Mac, so that may be the problem,  but I have followed the instructions on how to add the printer and it is not happening. It's possible that the MAC Firmware was not given the ability to add a USB printer like the PC Firmware upgrade.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: SBG6580 And E4200 - Connection Keeps Dropping

Feb 4, 2011

I just got an E4200 and have a SBG6580 cable modem. I cant seem to set this up properly and my connection keeps dropping. What is the proper set up ? I would like to configure it so the cable modem handles the DNS and the E4200 handles the wireless.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 - Connection Drops And Timeouts?

Aug 26, 2012

I have the latest version firmware
I am constantly getting dropped and timeouts accross all of my devices this has been hapening for several months now I think ever since I upgraded to 1.0.04
It says no internet access when the wired computers have it fine.  Android phones, windows 7 pc, and chromebook. 

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 Slow Connection Within Network?

Aug 4, 2011

I installed the E4200. Internet works fine, and the internet connection is maximum performance. But if I copy a file between laptops, or to my mediaplayer (AC Ryan HD2), the connection is 3MB/s tops. I changed to the 5gHz and N settings, still no change.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Linux OpenVPN Connection Through E4200

Jul 6, 2012

When I try to connect OpenVPN through an E4200 v2 router from my Linux Fedora 16 client, the connection hangs. The connection log show that OpenVPN has connected to the VPN server. Internet also freezes until I disconnect OpenVPN.

OpenVPN on Windows works fine through the E4200 router.If I connect the Linux client directly to my Inteno fiber router, OpenVPN works fine.Passthrough is enabled in the router, and I have configured QoS and port forwarding for port 1194. The router has firmware version 2.0.37.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Intermittent Dropped Connection With E4200

May 25, 2012

Bought an E4200 to replace my Netwgear router and am experiencing the following problem.One of my wireless boxes serves as mu mail server. I've been running this configuration for years so the only thing that has changed is the router.The neworkd is up and all wireless clients can connect, but after some time, access to the mail server just 'freezes'. I say freezes as the nework icon (i'm using ubuntu' still show a connection. In addtion, there are not error in any of the logs. I just seems that the mail server and the router just stopped communication.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 - It Keeps Dropping Internet Connection

Jan 15, 2012

ever since i had a power failure losing all power in my apartment, my router has begun regularily losing connection to the internet, I have to go into the router and renew ip address which is quite annoying


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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 Inbound Connection Timeouts?

Oct 9, 2011

So I recently purchased an E4200 to replace my aging and slightly ailing DLink DIR-655 which as served me well for going on 5 years.  The part of the DLink that was giving me the issues was the wireless, the routing and switching worked fine however.
I do quite a lot of streaming of media from my home machine outside my network through the internet.  Most recently I've been using Kalemsoft Media Streamer on my HP Touchpad, however I've used Zumocast, Windows Live, Splashtop, and a few others.  I havent yet tried my PPTP VPN through the router for an extended period of time to see if it reflects this issue as well though.
Since replacing my 655 with the E4200 I've started experiencing a timeout issue.  It seems to be semi-consistant and only happens after time of unuse or extended use (I havent timed it yet to see if it always happens after the same amount of time though).
Basically what occurs is this:
I'll be watching some video or listening to audio streaming from my machine and after a period of time (usually a long period of time) it'll suddenly lose connection, requiring me to re-connect through the software, like the NAT translation is timing out or something.
How it USED to work is this:  It'd basically work until I stopped streaming.
 My setup:
AT&T Uverse set to DMZPlus aiming towards my E4200 WAN port (sitting directly in place of the 655 I used to have)
All machines on the network are gigabit.  I have ports 7000 and 7001 open for Kalemsoft Media Streamer on the E4200 per the specifications of the software.
The software understands UPnP so I have nothing specific forwarded on my machine, but I didnt previously either.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 Dropping Connection While Browsing?

Jan 2, 2013

I have e4200 router and i notice sometimes when i  am browsing that dops connection.

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