Cisco Wireless :: Aironet 1242 - Connect To DSL Using Static Public IP

May 21, 2013

I have an aironet 1242, It must be connect to an DSL using a static Public IP, and this AP must provide dhcp services, how to configure this access point in order to be connected to Internet using Public IP and provide dhcp service.

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Cisco Wireless :: Can Connect Various Aironet 1242 To 2500 Controller

Dec 5, 2012

Can I connect various Aironet 1242 to Wireless controller 2500?

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Cisco Wireless :: Aironet 1242 G - Disappointing Antenna Signal

Jan 13, 2013

I have a Cisco Aironet 1242G and an outdoor omni 12 dbi antenna. I hooked it all up to day  (antenna is connected with a 100ft cable). My signal is very disappointing. I have it behind a garage and can only get about maybe 75 foot away and the signal gets very weak.
Is there something that needs to be configured in the aironet? I have enabled external antenna and played with the settings. Is the 12 dbi antenna just too much?

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Cisco :: Bridge Link With Two Aironet 1242

Oct 23, 2012

I want to connect with wireless devices two buildings, one in front of another. Short distance (about 20 meters) and no obstacles. I have a couple of aironet 1242 and i was wondering if it would be possible to setup this link with this equipment.
could  WGB be the solution?

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Cisco Infrastructure :: Multicast For Aironet 1310 WGB And 1242 AP?

Mar 15, 2011

I have configured a Aironet 1310 bridge as a WGB and is connected to a Aironet 1242AG AP wirelessly!A sensor(IP device) is wired into the 1310WGB. The sensor needs MULTICAST to operate!I checked the DETAILED STATUS of the RADIO and both the 1310 and 1242 are blocking multicast!The RELIABLE MULTICAST TO WGB option is enabled on the 1242AP already!

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Cisco Wireless :: Aironet 600 OEAP / AP Is Able To Configure 2 Public IP Address Of DMZ-WLCs?

Dec 9, 2012

Does the AP is able to configure 2 public ip address of the DMZ-WLCs?
like ip in my US data center, whereas a second ip in my EU data center?

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Cisco :: Cannot Ping Static Nat Public Ip In ASA 8.4(2)

Jun 27, 2012

I have setup Cisco Asa 8.4 Lab in GNS3 to understand new Nat changes in asa 8.4 because im new to asa.

I have configured one of my internal webserver to static NAT with one public ip. Im able to access hosted webpage from static public ip means NAT is working fine, the problem here Im facing i'm not able to ping to Mapped public IP from outside interface sitting on pc (ip which is also connected to same outside network and neither from ASA console but Im able to ping outside interface ip address which is from pc ( and from asa console.

This how my network topology

Inside Network outside Network
inside ip ip (connected to ADSL router


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Cisco Firewall :: ASA 8.4 NAT Static And Dynamic With Same Public IP

Nov 8, 2011

in ASA 8.4, I need to use to static nat an internal IP with a public IP and use the same public IP to dynamic nat another internal IP:
-nat (inside,outside) source static IP1_PRIVATE IP_PUBLIC
-nat (inside,outside) source dynamic IP2_PRIVATE IP_PUBLIC
All outgoing connection from IP1_PRIVATE and IP2_PRIVATE should be natted to IP_PUBLIC and all incoming connection to IP_PUBLIC should be forwarded to IP1_PRIVATE: is it correct ?

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Zoom ADSL X6 Static Public IPs?

May 26, 2011

I'm able to configure the device with the IP, Subnet, GW and DNS given by my ISP. However I need to assign public IPs to my other two servers ( Apache Server, Firewall) which are connected directly to the device. I've tried disabling NAT and assign static ips to each server. However, when I go to change the lan ip on the router it won't allow it. the errors are: pv0 and iplan are on the same subnet cannot have ip_range

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Cisco Routers :: RV082 And Public Static IPs And UVerse?

Aug 29, 2012

I recently "upgraded" to Uverse from DSL. While the speed boost is nice, UVerse comes with a 2wire residential gateway. Unfortunately you can't disable the DHCP functionality in the 2wire router, nor can you disable the router functionality completely and just run it as a modem, which has pretty much made it impossible to integrate into my network.So the partial solution anyway is to keep using the rv082 (yey!) behind the 2wire, assign a public static IP to the rv082 WAN1 i/f, disable the firewall in the 2wire for the rv082, and up and running again.The problem I'm facing now is that I had 3 devices on the LAN that were published using individual public static IPs. With good-ol'-DSL, I could use the one-to-one-NAT feature in the rv082, block any unwanted traffic in the firewall, and everything works. Unfortunately with the configuration options in the 2wire, I can only assign a single public IP address to any one device hooked up to it, in this case the rv082 WAN1 port.i have the one-to-one-NAT configured sequentially on the WAN and LAN side on the rv082 with nothing else hooked up to the 2wire. For example, one-to-one-NAT configuration in the rv082:
WAN range: to 66.77..88.93
LAN range: to
The 2wire is allocating the first public static IP in the range to the rv082 (i.e. This works 100% reliably for this address - however because I can only assign a single address in the 2wire interface the other devices are no longer accessible externally. Curiously it kind of partially works, but not reliably. I can briefly connect to one of the other addresses (say xx.92), but then connectivity is lost to the others.Someone suggested I try using the Dual-WAN feature to get at least two addresses assigned to the rv082. Seemed like a good idea in theory, i.e. because the 2 WAN ports have different MAC addresses, the 2wire should see two different devices and allow me effectively to assign two public IPs to the rv082, e.g. to WAN1 and to WAN2. Of course failover mode won't work here, because only one is connected at a time. However the load-balancing mode did seem like it may work, but something is going on that I don't understand. Internal connectivity is working fine and I can access the internet, but for some reason the 2wire is getting really confused and constantly re-assigning IP addresses to the rv082. I don't know if this is because the host name is the same for both WAN1 and WAN2 ports, or there is something in how the rv082 does the load balancing.
- Is there any tricks to getting the Dual-WAN to work in the way needed to essentially have two simultaneous internet connections?

- Would it be possible to buy a 2nd rv082 and have it on the same LAN? How would I configure this?

- Is there an alternative Cisco router that may work better with what I'm trying to do?

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Cisco WAN :: 1941W-A/K9 / Static PAT / 2 Public IPs To Single Private One?

Apr 16, 2013

I have a customer who wants to do a static mapping in order to prevent any downtime for one of his public web servers. Any good example to follow? FYI, the edge device is:

CISCO1941W-A/K9 (configured as a zone based firewall)C1900 Software (C1900-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 15.1(1)T

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Cisco Routers :: SRP547W Multi Static Public Ip?

Sep 25, 2011

my Networks contain three devices (BPX, DVR, PC) need to fixed IP, do you router supports the Cisco SRP547W  Static Public ip.

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Cisco Firewall :: ASA 5505 - Public Static IP Address And DMZ

Feb 3, 2013

I have ASA 5505 with basic licence, v9.1, ASDM 7.1. I want to create the DMZ for a web server.
The interface 0 is for the outside network The interface 6 is for the DMZ All other interfaces are for the inside network
My ISP provided me with one public static IP address, one gateway address and a subnet mask
1/ I would like to ask which interface I should assign the public static IP address to. Should it be assigned to the outside interface 0, or should it be assigned to the DMZ interface 6, while outside interface would be configured to use DHCP?
I tried to assign the static IP address to the outside interface first, but then when I used ASDM the “Public Servers” feature to configure NAT, I get error message that the outside interface and the public address cannot have the same IP address.
2/ For the sake of peace of mind, I am thinking about using the second firewall, which would be used only for the inside network. Can I connect this second firewall to one of the inside interfaces of the 1st firewall,

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Linux Server With Two Static Ip - Public / Private

Dec 14, 2011

Is there a simple way to have a web server have both a static public ip (I have a block of static IP's) and an static private ip (ex I am running a web project management application....

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Cisco WAN :: 7960 - Static NAT Public-Private Forwarding On 887VA

Sep 3, 2012

So, I have a bit of a problem getting out Natted Cisco 7960 working with our external SIP providers behind NAT.
We have a block of IPs available to us, however when I asign a static NAT rule for the internal phone, outgoing calls are fine but incoming provides no audio.
We have no ACL blocking or anything, it's fully open to the outside world with the IP assigned to it via NAT.
Our static NAT rule for the phone:
ip nat inside source static
NAT is configured on the phone, with the external IP set correctly.
Also, after a while, it seems as the the registration times out or something because incoming calls no longer work.
I thought a static NAT rule would just allow full access to incoming connections to the internal IP specified? Our main router config (with unnecessary information removed):
version 15.1
no service pad
service timestamps debug datetime msec


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Cisco Wireless :: Connect Aironet 1231G To 3G Hotspot

Jul 13, 2012

Where I live there is no DLS or cable to probide me with Interent access so I use my Verizon 3G/4G smart phone (Android) as a hotspot.  Right now I am using an old Vista PC and ICS (Internet Connection Sharing) to provide Interent connectivity to my home network and Cisco lab.  This works fine but I must have my smart phone near the PC for it to work.  When I go to other rooms, I end up missing calls and texts since I have t oleave the phone if it is providing Inerent access at that time.  If I can get the Airnet's to connect to the hot spot AND provide Internet access, that will provide me additional mobility.  This would also be good for small businesses as a backup Internet Connection.
Is there any way that I could elimanate the Vista PC and have my Aironet 1231G Wireless router(s) automatically connect to my phone's 3G hotspot to provide Internet access to my lan?
I have 2 Airnoet 1231G's running the c1200-k9w7-mx.123-7.ja  IOS and a C3550XL layer 3 switch.

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Cisco Wireless :: Cannot Connect To Second SSID On Aironet 1231

Apr 22, 2013

I have configure my AP with to SSID (11 & 12), but I cannot connect to 12. It authenticates, and while trying to acquire IP address from 12, it fails and connects me to 11 (if I have already saved the SSID connection).
The following is my AP status:Product/Model Number:AIR-AP1231G-A-K9 System Software Filename:c1200-k9w7-tar.123-8.JEE System Software Version:12.3(8)JEE Bootloader Version:12.3(2)JA4  
The SSID 12 already have 4 clients connected, And I am tring to connect a 5th one (smart phone), but cannot connect to 12, instead coneected to 11. Also tried with a laptop, but cant get the IP address, and give Limited Connectivity error.

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Cannot Connect To Public Wireless Access Points?

Apr 6, 2012

At home, I use my laptop to connect to my wireless router without any trouble.But at: public libraries, Starbucks, hotel rooms... any free public wifi? All attempts to connect meets with the same error: "unable to connect to network" (preceded by the system hanging for a lengthy amount of time). Windows advises me to unplug the router and plug it back in, which obviously isn't an option.It's annoying to troubleshoot, because I'm only having the problem at times where I have no wired access (hence: no way to get to forums like these and look for an answer, update drivers, whatever).

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Cisco Wireless :: Aironet 1142 Cannot Connect To Device With Browser

Sep 9, 2012

I am tryign to set up an Aironet 1142, I have created a reserrvation in DHCP using the MAC address, and the reservation shows as active, but I cannot connect to the device with my browser.          

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Cisco Wireless :: Some Devices Are Failing To Connect To Aironet 1262 AP

Jun 10, 2013

Some devices are failing to connect to my Cisco Aironet 1262 AP. So far I have noted the ipad 2, a windows 8 phone and a bang and olufson speaker. Is there something I need to tweak in my config. Other devices connect fine, that is my laptop, desktop and android phone.

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Cisco Wireless :: Aironet 1142N Getting Started / Unable To Connect

Dec 5, 2012

I just Bought  1142N AP, I am unable to connect to it or open its Web interface, the Default IPs i am using are for Router and for my PC, whats its Default IP, What IP address should I put on PC, plus Do i need the IOS for the AP?

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Cisco Wireless :: Cannot Get Windows 7 X64 Laptop To Connect To Aironet 1140 WAP

Sep 17, 2012

I recently changed the configuration of my Aironet 1140 from WEP to WAP2-Enterprise to make it more secure. I am using the WAP as the radius server. After making the change I connected my Blackberry to the wap as well as a Samsung Chromebook.  However when I tried to connect my HP laptop it is unable to connect. Watching from the Aironet's console I see that it is processing the association and windows ask me to enter my uid and password. When I do this I get an authentication error. I have tried several times adjusting parameters on windows but it always fails. Here is the configuration of the WAP:
version 12.4
no service pad
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
service password-encryption

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Cisco Wireless :: Aironet 3502i Adapters Not Allowing Hosts To Connect

Oct 21, 2012

We recently had the Aironet 3502i APs installed in our infrastructure and are having a bad time with hosts connecting to them. The controller sees them, they have an IP, they are showing a solid green light, but you cannot get devices to connect. If you reboot the device you get about 5 seconds of connection and then it disconnects. The only cure seems to be rebooting the APs, but I am baffled why this keeps happening. The installer is blaming our devices, but it is happening to laptops, thin clients, and even cell phones. From what I've seen, everything works fine until, i believe, the device tries to refresh it's lease and is unable to do so.

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Cisco Wireless :: Aironet 1140s - How To Connect Repeater To Specific Access Point

Feb 12, 2013

In our office, we have 3 Cisco Aironet 1140s and they are configured as follows: 

* Access Point A (
* Access Point B (
* Repeater (
* SSID : 101
how to have the Repeater connect to Access Point A only?

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Cisco Wireless :: Aironet 1140 Series Units Won't Connect To Gigabit Switch

Mar 27, 2013

I just installed 2 new units and neither will connect to a new HP gigabit switch - no link light, other devices can connect to the switch OK.  Their gigabit ethernet settings are set to auto for duplex and speed.  I also tried forcing one of them to full duplex and 1000 Mbps which didn't work either.  They're both powered by POE injectors.  If I connect them to a 10/100 switch they work fine.

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Cisco Wireless :: Aironet 1140 - Unable To Connect Web Interface / Check Logs?

Feb 13, 2012

Our office has 4 Cisco Aironet 1140 access points mounted on the ceiling. They are all powered via PoE. Every few days 3 of the 4 access points hang and have to be rebooted. When they hang I am not able to connect to their web interface to check the logs. The fourth, for some reason, always seems to stay alive.
I checked the configuration for all AP's and "Hot Standby" is disabled They are all using static IP addresses. I've tried 2 different banks of static IP addresses and 3 of 4 still hange so I don't think this is an IP conflict. I have saved the configurations and compared them and they are all identical, where possible.
They all have software version: 12.4(21a)JA1

They all have bootloader version: 12.4(23c)JA1
I have tried to download the latest software/firmware, but unfortunately I do not have a valid service contract in place with Cisco and therefore can't download the latest version. All of our CISCO hardware was purchased from Amazon resellers but no luck. I have also tried to contact Cisco and they can't seem to assist either. How I can get a valid service contract that information would also be very useful!!!
why 3 of our 4 access points would hang? When they hang, I can't login to the web interface and the logs seem to reset when I reset each access point. I have also set up an rsyslog server and I don't see a log entry that would indicate a problem.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT54Gv6 Can't Connect To Public Weather Website

Feb 12, 2011

I can't connect to the public weater site, and, but have no problem connecting to any other sites, private of public.WRT54Gv6 wireless with v1.02.08 (Oct 5, 2009) firmware..the latest.3 devices, desktop, laptop, and iPad......none of which can connect to NOAA or Government websites are up when I tried to connect.I've connected to these sites for years, and as recently as yesterday.Linksys BEFCMU10 cable modem.  This blows my mind, since the 3 device all have different OS's, browsers, AV software.  The only thing in common in the network is the modem and wireless router.  Why only the two .gov sites cannot connect?

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Protocols / Routing :: Using Static IP Now Wireless Printer Won't Connect?

Jan 8, 2011

For some reason, our router donwstairs was kicking one or more of our (4pc's downstairs, one occasionally upstairs) off. My son connected another router upstairs and then created a static IP for everything. It seems when he did that, our Brother 2170 wireless printer quit working. We've tried everything to get it going again and nothing works- even Brother didn't get it rectified. Earlier today, my son finally got it working, connected directly to the router to get the static IP on the printer (I guess). But when he disconnected it (hardwired) from the router, it won't work again

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Cisco Wireless :: Configuring WDS With 1242 APs

Dec 26, 2011

I'm using two cisco 1242 AG access points to configure WDS feature. I've named the accesspoints as AP1(acts as WDS) and AP2. Since I've only two accesspoints, I've configured the AP1 to act both as a WDS and as a regular accesspoints.Further I'm using the local radius server within the AP1 to authenticate both clients and infrastructure accesspoints. And both APs are connected to a router (which act as a dhcp server) via a unmanageble switch and both accesspoints are getting registered with WDS.But the issue is when I tried to connect to the configured SSID, it promts me a "authentication window" but after entering the configured username and password, i'm not getting authenticated by the AP.

I've attached the configurations of both APs to for your reference and I've used the following cisco document as a guideline to crate the WDS. [code]

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Cisco Wireless :: Ap 1242 Need To Reset AP

Mar 4, 2013

I'm having a little issue with some Cisco Aironet1242ag WAP's. I receive a call at least twice a month stating that some of the WAP's are not giving out internet connection. What I always do is go to my patch panel and disconnect those WAP's not working and connect them back again so they can power cycle. These WAP's are connected to a Cisco3750g. Once the WAP's boot up, the users can connect to the WAP and connect to the internet.
I don't know if these WAP's are filling up with some information that causes the access points to not connect to the WAN.

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Cisco Wireless :: 1242 And 1310 Bridge?

Apr 18, 2011

Is it possible to make a bridge using a 1242 and a 1310? I have been able to get them to associate together and it appears it will function as a bridge. I have the 12(4) 253 JA IOS for both devices. I would like to use the g antenna on the 1242 for the bridge and the a antenna for wireless clients. The configuration on the web management appears to support bridge root and non root for both devices.

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Cisco Wireless :: Upgrading A 1242 AP From IOS To LWAPP

Sep 12, 2011

I am trying to upgrade an autonomous IOS 1242 AP to LWAPP and I am having an issue with finding the right code to complete the upgrade.  I have upgraded the AP to c1240-rcvk9w8-tar.124-21a.ja2.tar, but now I think I need a JX version of code to have it join a controller, and I can't find this anywhere on the Cisco site. 

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Cisco Wireless :: 1242 Is Not Joining Controller

May 9, 2012

i have 1240 series access points which is not joining controller 5500 series. [code]

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