I would like to get it clarified, that Cisco WLC 2504 running the code ( ) does support IPv6 or not ?
From Cisco Documents they are asking to enable IPv6 support under WLAN > Edit Page, and Enabling mulicast on Ethernet Multicast Mode under Controller > General.
But from the GUI am not able to find the above two field, Even in Interface i created under Controller > interface is not accepting IPv6 address. I am able to configure IPv6 ACL .
Is any deployment document is available to show different scenarios with configuration.
does wlc 2504 support air-ap 1262n-e-k9.if yes does the air-ap1262n need any upgrade or sometine to join the controller,this is versions & image for both AP & WLC2504: [code] and the below what i configure for my topology WLC connected to switch by Trunk linke allow all vlans.AP connected to switch by access mode for vlan 20. the IP address sechma :
I have a customert that needs to support 200 laptops over 16 classrooms with scalability to 400 laptops. I have a heatmap design to cover this with 22 1042 access points. Does any one know what features the 5508 has over the 2504? By reviewing the data sheets, the biggest feature difference is better support for mobility, which not a need for this deployment as they just wheel a cart of laptops into a classroom and fire them up. Also, does the 2504 support LAG across the four gig interfaces?
Is NPS (windows 2008R2) supports EAP-TLS? I've built an NPS to authenticate wireless clients (WLC 2504). But in the EAP types I only see EAP(PEAP) this only requires a certificate on the server side.
I want the clients also should have a certificate, for that the NPS should support EAP-TLS
IPV4 IP addresses will be running out in less than a year and I wanted to know, will there be a firmware update for WRT120N to support IPV6?
Also, if I have to buy another router to support IPV6, I'm going to buy a D-Link. It's nothing personal, I just find it absolutely idiotic that a router that supports wireless-N doesn't support IPV6. You have to ask your self, how does the standard IPV6 spec thats a few years old not make it to the final product of a router, but a non-standard wireless-N spec implementation somehow got the O.K....?
Region : Ireland Model : TL-MR3420 Hardware Version : V2 Firmware Version : ISP :
I have my router updated with the latest firmware and I'm pretty sure all the settings are correct but I'm only getting a max transfer rate of 144Mbps. I know this because I use InSSIDer 3 to analyse my wifi network etc. I stream movies over my network and while DVD quality movies play fine, HD movies tend to freeze and buffer a lot. I have the router's channel width set to 40Mhz, so I know that's not the problem. Strangely, I also use a Netgear wifi extender with the MR3420 and it's max rate is 300Mbps.
I attempted to assign a User Roles template to a## 2504 controller and if failed with message stating controller version not supported. My current WCS version is 7.0172, if I upgrade to the lastest version will that resolve the template issue?
i just came to know Assurance feature license doesn't come for free when upgrading from LMS4.2 or NCS1.1. It has to be purchased. Before buying this license, i would like to know if IPv6 netflow is supported.
I need to implement IPv6 for ASA VPN. According to the ASA_8.4_cli_cfg.pdf , IPv6 is not supported on ASA IPSEC vpn and remote client vpn. I do not have a ASA 8.4, any way to verify on ASA8.4 whether the crypto command support ipv6 address ? If the crypto command do support ipv6 address then probably there is chance it will work.what i mean is eg. crypto map xxx set peer <ipv6 address| ipv4 addres> able to set ipv6 address.
According to the url below, i could find that there is a separate module required for asr 9k, is it so; doesnt it sufficient to have the 4.3.0 Ios-xr version for the cgnat supoort features of nat 44, nat64, ds-lite.. like things?URL
I've got older SOHO97 which I want to use as a backup for Cisco 800 but I can not find any information if it actually supports IPv6. Neither the data sheet [URL] nor the Cisco Feature Navigator [URL] suggest it has any IPv6 support at all.
I was slightly dissapointed with the performance of the "pre-sales" phone number of Cisco in the Netherlands so I am asking it here instead.We decided on using 2 Cisco 2921 routers with 2.5GB ram to use for a MultiHomed connection using BGP. We already have our v4 and v6 space assigned as well as our AS number. The connections should turn up soon.What I could not find out with proper certainty on the Cisco Feature Navigator is if the IP BASE on the Cisco 2921 supports both IPv4 and IPv6 routing combined with BGP. This model uses the Universal IOS licensing which I found slightly confusing. I could not find a simple matrix with the supported commands either.
I have both ipv4 and Ipv6 config on all the three hops. Between Cisco and Sami module, I have the Ip config on vlan interface 1400(say). Its not on a physical interface obviously, I can ping ipv5 from DUT to Sami IPv4 address. But Ipv6 doesnt work. If I add a sttic route to DUT network on SAMI, show ipv6 route does not show it.
I purchased a Latitude E6220 with a 4G WWAN modem (the DW5800). My intention was to support DirectAccess, i.e. Microsoft's clientless VPN, but unfortunately I have not found any way to get the IPv6 protocol installed on the device.
I've searched Verizon Wireless, Dell and Novatel Wireless forums without any success.
I Have a requirement to migrate from ipv4 to ipv6, I have checked the scalability of all the devices for this migration except ACS 1113 Solution Engine, Version 4.2. I couldnt reach the proper documentation to check its support for ipv6.
I am having WS-C3560G-48TS switch with ios(c3560-ipbasek9-mz.122-58.E2.bin) and I am trying to use IPv6 feature in this switch model. More over I've upgraded this switch with many ios but none of them not supporting IPv6 feature. ios which supports IPv6 feature?