Cisco Wireless :: WLC 4402 No Boot-up Dead

Jun 22, 2012

I tried to upgrade the cisco boorloader pf WLC 4402 from version 4 to 7.2. I updated ER.Aes FOR 7.2 (EARLY RELEASE.aes). It was updated perfectly and then I rebooted i can only see blank screen  from connected console.I tried the flash of other lan controller but its not working because the issue is in the ROM as the boadloader file is in the ROM which is corrupted now i want the solution to upgrade the boatloader file inside the ROM.

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Cisco Wireless :: After Upgrade WLC 4402 Doesn't Boot

Jun 10, 2013

I wanted to upgrade our three WLC 4402 from software version 5.0.148 to The upgrade on the first controller was working. Unfortunately he lost all the local management users and it's MAC filters, but restoring this was not the problem. After upgrading the second controller.... the device does not boot anymore! The alarm led is RED and I don't know what to do. The only way to get connected to the controller is via the console port. There I can see a "parse error" but I don't know if that is the problem. Please look at the "log" attached. I'm not sure if the red alarm led was there before upgrading the controller software because the device is located to another place. I'm really concerned about upgrading the third controller because it's the most important wlc.

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Cisco Wireless :: WLC 4402 - Boot Software Required For Upgradation

Jan 15, 2013

we have Scheduled an Upgrade for 2 of our WLC Controllers 4402 From Software Version to Version.
I Have gone through the Cisco Docs for the upgrade procedure, I have an Doubt, When i Downloaded the WLC software , I found another software (Cisco Unified Wireless Network Controller Boot software )
I have Previously Done upgradation from to , but i have not yet remebered uploading the boot Software for upgradation.Boot software also Required for upgrading the Wireless controller ?? Whats need of this software?? OR only Main software is enough for upgradation?

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D-Link DIR-825 :: Wireless Dead On Router

Apr 29, 2011

Just for no reason that I know of the wireless stopped working.  I can can connect to the SSID fine and there seems to be good signal strength, but no wireless internet access.

I have up to date February 15, 2011 firmware, 205NA, hardware version = B1.I have done a reset with no luck.I have done a 30/30/30 factory reset = no luck

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Linksys Wireless Router :: How To Tell If E1500 Is Dead

Jun 13, 2012

Have to re-boot 1-2x daily. Updated firmware through Cisco, followed by about 7-8 support calls.  They all recommend some sales thing, new router, computer update and clean-up, or blame it on my modem (not the case).  When E1500 goes down, all wired and wireless connections are lost. They all recommend some sales thing, new router, computer update and clean-up, or blame it on my modem (not the case).

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E2500 Dead After Upgrade

Oct 1, 2012

I upgraded my E2500 with the last version of firmware but now is dead. the power led is turn on, but the ping are discontinued. the other problem is that after 10/15 sec, the router will restart automatically. i try with tftp but after the reset of router does not change anything.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: How To Find Out If WRT160N Is Dead

Feb 9, 2013

How do I troubleshoot to find out if my wireless router is dead? I have a WRT160N. It's been giving me problems lately, so I thought I'd update the firmware. Long story short, I had to reset it, but I still can't get into it. I have gotten into it, but when I try to save it gets hung and then I reload and then it starts all over again.It does work hard- wired--I can access the internet with ethernet. But I can't get the dang thing reset and then upgrade the firmware... 

Somehow I set this router up to act  essentially as a repeater, an extension of the wireless network that is "anchored" (not the right word I'm sure) by the wireless router provided to me by my DSL provider. I want to do the same thing once I get this one working again--set it up as an extension of the existing network so I can essentially walk around the house with my iPad and not have to re-log in when passing into a new "zone".

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Cisco Wireless :: 5508 Internet Both Wired And Wireless / Access To Server Everything Dead

Oct 24, 2011

have a Cisco 5508 controller (version that when I enable global multicast mode it will work for an hour or two and then it will kill the network.  All internet both wired and wireless, access to server everything dead.  I then have to directly connect to the service port and disable the global multicast mode.  Then two reasons for enabling it are Docs2Go and LanSchool both require multicast to be enabled.  I have it enabled on our wired network and it works OK there.  ted.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT160N V2 Goes Dead When There Is IPTV Traffic

Aug 20, 2011

I've got an IPTV network with Bell FibeTV with Motorola VIP1216 (the DVR master) and VIP1200 (slave) cable boxes.  All the coax cables in my walls form a wired ethernet network instead of a cable TV network.  To get better wireless coverage in my home, I've set up routers as wireless access points at each of the cable boxes.  Essentially I've plugged the router into the ethernet bridge of the cable boxes, and disabled DHCP and gave it a static IP and did all things I needed to do to disable all the routing capabilities and make it into a switch (here's what I did, step by step: [url...]).  So when I go from one room to another, I just select a new wireless access point to get maximum signal strength and speed.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT150N Internet Port Dead?

Jul 28, 2012

It has happen suddenly : Internet is not working through WRT150N, though it work when directly connected to the modem. So I think it is a router issue :On the WRT150N, Internet light is flashing fast for 2 seconds, then is off for 2 seconds, then flashes, then is off and so on, wether there is a device (computer, modem, ...) plugged or not, through the blue ethernet connector.And sometimes, Internet light stays off from power on, whatever is done with ethernet connexions (yellow or blue).
When connected to the blue ethernet Internet connector, my pc ethernet lights don't blink (nor the link light or the data light)I have try the 30-30-30 reset cycle. But it doesn't improve.I have tried the loopback test : connect an ethernet cable from the one of yellow ethernet port of WRT150N to the blue ethernet of WRT150 N.Sometimes, the light for the yellow ethernet port goes on for a few seconds, while the Internet light continues to flash. After a few seconds, both go off.Sometimes, as soon as the loopback is made, the 2 lights go off, and if a computer is plugged to the yellow port, the ethernet lights of the computer and the router stays off.But I can access to WRT150N through Wifi and I can access to the web management.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200v2 Connection Always In Dead Loop

Mar 26, 2012

I've bought my E4200v2 via eBay, because original Cisco store doesn't ship to my country (Israel).My first unit was... defective, I think I wrote about the issue on this forum a while ago.It had connection troubles, always in a dead loop, saying "Connecting..." one to 100 times it managed to connect, and suffered slow internet connection speed, where all speedtests gave me 60% of my actual internet speed.Which is 30mbit.I'm sure about my ISP, it uses next.gen technology, they have their own underwater optic cables. Without Cisco router, only dialer, I get 100% of my internet speed, or with another router as well.I decided to RMA my e4200v2.

Out of context question: Why there's no option to specify server name instead of server IP? our ISP uses domain name for connection, rather than IP address, as they have a lot and a load balancer above 'em.Now, to the original issue.Refund is no option, RMA again is no option, too much time and money.Maybe there is a solution? It just can't be the reality, that two out of two units are not working. I heard this router is very good. And I heard the v1 is working very well in Israel. so It can't be our country that is the problem.By the way, I've called my ISP and they've switched me to MPLS connection for a try, so in a router you just switch to "Automatic configuration - DHCP" and it pulls IP, DNS servers and connected to the internet, but was hooooribly slow.
So I'm back to dialer. the main still is the "Connecting..." loop, sometimes says "Connected" for a second, and then connecting again... It manages to pull DNS addresses though, but never the IP and never managed to stay connected.All the connection configs are very basic, you know it. Server IP, username, password, keep-alive, MTU (I've tried auto, and a ton of other combinations recommented by our ISP or Cisco).My latest idea was to film how I burn it or throw a rock at it and send to Cisco the video, but that's kinda too much, it's too early for such decisions, especially when already $300 were spent.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Phone Gets Dead When Connect WRT120N To Modem

Aug 5, 2011

i brought a new wrt120n from the retailer and when i tried to connect the modem and configure, my phone gets dead and i couldnt connect it to the internet.

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Ubuntu 10.04 - Wireless Connection Works Great But Wired Is Totally Dead

Mar 18, 2012

I am running Ubuntu 10.04 on my Acer Aspire One netbook.The wireless connection works great, but the wired is totally dead.

When I plug the Ethernet wire, the little led next to the port doesn't blink.

If I do ifconfig, this is the output:

lo Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr: Mask:
inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
RX packets:1659 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:1659 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0


There is no eth0. Is that normal?

In the "Network Connections" GUI there is an entry "Wired connection 1", its "MAC address" field is blank.

How can I make the wired connection work?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Wrt400n - Internet Light On But Dead Via Wifi And Ethernet?

Jan 20, 2013

WRT400N worked great for 18 months. 
Last week the Verizon-supplied DSL modem went bad (wasn't receiving data) and was replaced. 
Now I can get Internet direct out of modem, and when I connect it to router the router's Internet light is on, but it seems to stop there. Devices connected to router via Ethernet or wifi don't get Internet. 
I'm able to get to the router's admin console via Ethernet and wifi, but no Internet. 

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Upgraded E3000 From Wrg54 To Increase Rang / Still Having Dead Spots

Aug 10, 2011

I have just ugraded to a E3000 from a wrg54 to increase the rang, but am still having dead spots. How to increase the range.

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Cisco VPN :: 5520 - ASA Dead Peer Detection?

Oct 22, 2011

I have a simple question regarding dead peer detection on the ASA 5520.  I am using a cellular VPN device to connect back to an ASA 5520 and I have noticed that the connection drops at random periods during the day.  The vendor for the cellular device recommends disabling dead peer detection on their device, which I have done.  The question is, where is this disabled on the ASA?  is it the IKE Keepalive setting under the tunnel group option?

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Cisco Routers :: Get Configuration From Dead RV082?

Jul 13, 2012

I have an old RV082 that I suppose has failed. The red diag light on the front panel is lit and nothing works. I've already replaced the unit, so I don't really need to fix it. Here's my issue: the setup on the old unit was pretty complex with a number of port forwards and other non-default settings. I'd like to recreate those items on my new router, but they were never written down so I don't know what they were. I've tried to connect a computer to one of the LAN ports, but they're all dead. Is there any way to get at the configuration page?

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Cisco Firewall :: 7940G - Is ASA 5505 Almost Dead

Feb 16, 2012

I just got a refurbished ASA 5505.It works fine until un need to reload it or unplug it from power en replug it, when I do this and it's warm (even after some minutes of uses, so still physicaly cold while touching it), in this case, it simply reboot in chain withing 1 or 2 seconds. I have to unplug it from power and wait 5 minutes before replugging it to power.
I don't know if it's a problem from the power supply (that makes some noise, but I think it's normal), I tried loading more the power supply by plugin in some PoE device (Cisco 7940G) and it works fine, so it looks more like it's a problem on the ASA itself.
Must I send it back to the vendor? I tried updating the ASA image, but this don't changes anything.

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Laptop Ethernet Port Is Dead?

Jul 5, 2012

Is it possible my Laptop Ethernet port is dead?After I got home today I noticed that the store that passed by caused a short power outage. I knew this because several electronic devices that rely on constant power were reset.Next to be noticed was that my computer had no connection to the internet, and my Ethernet port has a constant orange light on.I proceeded to perform a full network restart for my modem, router, and computer. This solved the internet connection to my router. My roommate was able to connect via an Ethernet cable to the internet on any of the routers ports, but I was still unable.However,I was able to connect to the wireless on my computer. Unfortunately no matter what port, or cable I use my Ethernet port still is unresponsive to it all, and still has the constant orange Gateway

Model: P-78
OS: Windows 7
CPU/Ram: Intel(R) Core(TM) 2 Duo P7350 2 GHz / 4090 MB
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 9800M GTS
Sound Card: NVIDIA High Definition Audio Conexant High Definition SmartAudio 221

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NetGear Router Dead After Reboot

Dec 10, 2012

So I rebooted my router after adding a MAC address to the MAC address filtering scheme, and now it wont get its static IP and broadcast. what have I done and how can I fix it? and before someone says "Turn it off and on again" and "hard reset it", ive done this! it was first port of call!

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Cisco Routers :: Resurrect Dead WLAN On WRVS4400N

Jul 3, 2012

After replacing my WRVS4400N Gen2 with a RV220W, I would like to know if there is a solution to resurrect the dead wlan, killed by the well known buggy firmware some time ago (I could not let it fix it in those days, cause some of use may need those devices every day, so "send it in and we fix it in some weeks" was a bad joke).

I do not need the "old" router atm, but it would be nice to have a backup device in hands, because the VPNs created by those devices are vital for my business. Is there a cheap way to fix this device, or would you say it would be cheaper to buy something else? (And after those two devices, I'm not sure that the next one would be a Cisco device again .

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Cisco Firewall :: 5510 / Vpn Dead Peering Detection

Sep 13, 2011

I have remote site in which site to site vpn is configured with hub site using 5510 model. now i am using load balancer in which 2 isp will terminate one is isfy and other is reliance . now i want if suppose ipsec-tunnel is configured primary with sify. if sify link fail at hub site then at remote site should be able to communicate with reliance that is secondary?

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Cisco Switching/Routing :: 3750v2 - Dead After Upgrade

Jul 25, 2012

In a lab environment, I have a stack of two 3750v2-48ts switches.  I upgraded the stack from 15.0(1)SE2 to 15.0(1)SE3 using archive download-sw.
Switch 1 in the stack reloaded and came back with the new image.
Switch 2 appears to be dead.  No console out put.  When power is applied, the SYST LED blinks 22 times, then stops.  I've held in the mode button for up to 60 seconds, held in mode while applying power, removed the stack cables and repeated...there's not a whole lot else I can think of to do at this point.

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Laptop Keyboard Dead / Can No Longer Activate It

Feb 23, 2013

My laptop's keyboard just dead and I can't no longer activate it wifi.My laptop is Toshiba and it usually use fn+f8 key to activate, but since my keyboard got broken yesterday,I don't really know how to activate it.

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How To Recover Data From RAID0 And Dead Screen

Oct 11, 2012

My Vaio's screen is dead due to a dead graphic card (long/short/short beeps when starting up). But i can't easily remove the harddisks and connect them through an external USB-SATA because they are in raid 0 configuration..The laptop still works (i hear the windows 7-soundlogo) but I can't get access to it since i cannot see what i am doing for installing eg VNC or Remote Desktop software. Command line commands? try portable VNC installations? remove harddisks and bring them to a recovery centre?

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Linksys Cable / DSL :: CM100 Goes Dead After Connecting

Mar 4, 2011

Model: Linksys CM100 Cable Modem, purchased December 2010
Modem goes dead immediately after 3rd light goes solid.  All lights go out and the modem stops functioning completely.  Using the reset button gives no response, the modem stays dead.  Upon unplugging and plugging it back in, the modem turns back on and cycles through the lights, only to die out once again.I was initially able to get it to stay alive by starting it with the Ethernet cable disconnected then plugging it in once the modem had connected, which I found odd.  After a relatively short period, say 20 minutes, the modem would randomly die out again.  However even that has since stopped working.

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Cisco Switching/Routing :: Catalyst 2948G Switch Got Dead

Feb 15, 2012

I had an old Cisco Catalyst 2948G switch that I have not used in about 7 years down in my basement.  I powered it on and went through the process of clearing out the configurations, and I got to a point where one of the commands to clear out the config asked me to install jumpers for "ROM" and "ERASE".  There is a third jumper labeled "NO BOOT". They are numbered J6, J7, & J8 respectivelyI found the jumpers inside and put the jumpers on them and ran the command expecting it to remove any old configurations I had on the switch and bring it back to factory state, but I was wrong.

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Cisco Switching/Routing :: Catalyst 2948G Switch Is Dead

Dec 10, 2012

I had an old Cisco Catalyst 2948G switch that I have not used in about 7 years down in my basement.  I powered it on and went through the process of clearing out the configurations, and I got to a point where one of the commands to clear out the config asked me to install jumpers for "ROM" and "ERASE".  There is a third jumper labeled "NO BOOT". They are numbered J6, J7, & J8 respectivelyI found the jumpers inside and put the jumpers on them and ran the command expecting it to remove any old configurations I had on the switch and bring it back to factory state, but I was wrong. This switch runs CatOS, not IOS.When power is applied to the switch, the fans turn on as normal, but no LEDs are lit on the front.  There are green LEDs lit next to the jumpers inside, but that is all.  I am not able to get any response from it on the console at all anymore.The LEDs that are lit green inside are labeled "CR5" and CR6".

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Cisco Switching/Routing :: 4500 Switch Dead Ports / No Poe

Feb 24, 2013

I have a Cisco 4500. Recently some of the ports seem to have "died"/ will not supply Poe to phones. Some work for data only. Other do not work at all. The switch has been restarted, this made no difference.

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Linksys Cable / DSL :: WAG54GX2 - Router Appears Dead

Apr 4, 2011

My router appears dead.  I assume that I need to reset it and replace the firmware.

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Cisco Wireless :: Can't Get APs To Recognize 4402 WLC

Nov 20, 2011

I have 2 4402 WLC's and am in the process of deploying 1042 APs out to sites. But The AP's wont recognize the WLC. I have configured the DNS for CAPWAP but still no dice. I have had to serial into each unit and give it a static IP and then I can see it on the WLC. Shoulsnt this be automatic?

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Cisco Wireless :: WLC 4402 Has Detected Its IP Add Being Used By Mac

Jul 29, 2010

Any explanation about this warning from the WLC4402 after the software upgrade to 7.0.96. version? this is the message: Warning: WLC has detected its IP add xx.xx.xx.xx being used by a machine with MAC add xx:xx:xx:xx.and the MAC add found is the the mac add of the dynamic interface of the WLC.

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Cisco Wireless :: 4402 WLC Cannot Join More Than 47 APs

Jun 29, 2011

My WLC running suddenly could not accept more than 47 APs! Ihave a 1240 trying to join but failed with no obvious reason (no special errors in debugging).

I unplugged one of the joined and the first one joined!! I replugged the second one but could not join!! I unplugged the first one and replugged the second one: the second joined the controller but the first could not associate again!

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