Cisco Wireless :: Why Does WAP4410N Stop Responding

Sep 21, 2010

I have 13 WAP4410N and I have the same problem.

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Cisco Wireless :: WAP4410n Not Responding And Will Not Reboot

Feb 25, 2012

We are running two WAP4410n devices in our office. One of the devices recently appears to have died.  No ethernet, wireless, or POE lights passing packets, however the power indicator stays on steady.  Have attempted a direct connection to the box straight from a computer with both straight and cross-over cables.  Device will not even do a factory reset via the reset button.Device cannot be reached via web-interface either.

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Cisco Wireless :: 2 Different WAP4410N Stops Responding?

Sep 21, 2010

I reconnected 4 laptops today on 2 different WAP4410n APs. The user will let me know if they get disconnected. Yesterday I even reflashed the firmward on them. Also in order to reconect to one of the Waps I had to cycle the power.
The laptops are different One is a Dell Latitude c840 w/ Links wireless card and the other is a IBM t41 i believe.

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Cisco Wireless :: WAP4410N Stops Responding With

Sep 21, 2010

Just bought 2 of these (wish I had seen this thread before).  They shipped with the latest firmware already on them, so must be a very recent manufacture.  I am having the exact same problems as above.  It seems to be almost exactly 24 hours for me and the access point stops passing traffic.  At first the latency goes very high (2200ms - 3800ms) right before it stops passing traffic.  You can still ping the access point from the 802.11 side for a while, but nothing from the wired side, it just goes braindead.  Once I was able to get the management interface up over the wireless while it was in this state and rebooted from the management side.  It did not solve the issue, I had to unpower it and restart it (PoE Powered).  I have only configured one of them due to these issues.  I think they are going back.  Here is how the access point arrived (yes, I just rebooted again for the 8th time).
Hardware Version:Rev.12Software Version: MAC Address:00:13:60:FF:AF:F0System Up Time:0 hour:34 min:35 sec

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Cisco Wireless :: WAP4410N V2 Stops Responding?

Feb 26, 2013

I recently installed six of the WAP4410N v2 models, firmware

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Cisco Wireless :: WAP4410N Stops Responding With

Sep 21, 2010

After a day or so it just stops responding. I recently bought 3 of these to my office.
Running etc.

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Cisco Wireless :: WAP4410N Stops Responding Between Two Buildings

Sep 21, 2010

I have 2 of these in a Bridge between 2 buildings.  Cisco support replaced them with 2 BRAND NEW units after 6 weeks of waiting, that do the same thing.  Spent so many hours on these turds it is insane. the thing goes down with the wind, tinker with it and maybe you will be up for a few hours or days then back to down again.  Thinking it has something to do with the firmware or a power saving thing.  Works great when it is up though.  I am still trying stuff to get it to work stable. To much money invested in them now to start from scratch but they wanted budget equipment in place and not Cisco Aironet.

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Cisco Wireless :: WAP4410N Stops Responding Between 1 Day And 1 Week

Sep 21, 2010

With over 45,000 views, something must be wrong. Like many of the others here, we can't work out what's wrong with our network and why the cisco 4410n behaves so badly.
Our experience is just like everyone elses. At some point in time, mainly between 1 day and 1 week, the router just stops responding. The problem appears to be on the LAN side, as quite often when it fails, the wireless is still active and clients are associated. Some time ago I was Cisco certified, so I have had faith in Cisco products. I also sold them for a living, which made it a natural choice, but I am struggling to come to terms with my purchase here.
I had tried:
All the latest firmwares from March until now (including the latest) Full resets of the device, including "reset to factory defaults" Pegging the autonegotiate to fixed 10/100 Changing channels on the wireless (although as mentioned, it appears LAN side issues)
This thread has given me different views. Other sites also talk about changing beacon settings, but I'm not sure that's the right way to go.I would consider syslogging the results and getting extended debug happening, but when the problem happens and the device hangs, LAN is lost so the messages are also lost.
I find it hard to believe that so many people can have this problem and no one at Cisco can reproduce the fault. So, here's a pretty simple network for Cisco to experiment with which clearly has the problem:
Flat GBit network
Dlink DGS-1016D 16-port GB switch (unmanaged)
4-5 wireless clients (mainly iPhones & iPad)
The volume of traffic is low - no huge file transfers. The expected uptime is between 3-6 days. As a matter of interest, I also tried POE to drive it using a TP-Link injector. The device worked perfectly, but the problem did not seem to be affected.
It might be heading towards time to log a call on this. I was hoping the vast number of existing callers would have given the support staff enough to solve the problem, but it appears Cisco is none-the-wise on the fault, let alone the solution.
As a matter of interest, maybe a good interrim solution would be for Cisco to use the watchdog timer to ping a known address and perform a soft-reset if the address (on the local network) did not respond after a period of time. This atleast would stop people having to crawl under desks and pull plugs to reset the device as it has no power switch.
I have a "Generation 2" device.

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Cisco Wireless :: WAP4410N Stops Responding With SRW2024

Sep 21, 2010

I have the same problem with my two WAP4410N connected to my Cisco SRW2024 Gigabit switch.It appears that there would be a time where the PHY's between the WAP and the switch are hung.The lights on the Gigabit switch are constantly flashing.
It is until I disconnect and reconnect the network cable between the WAP and the Gigabit switch that the problem is momentarily solved.  Then it seems like another high traffic usage of the WAP will cause the connection to hang.  This solutions is totally unacceptable as I am not willing to open my wiring closet every time to fix this hang.  Also I've lost precious data between my client and server because of this hang!
I don't think the problem is with the Gigabit switch as I have other Gigabit devices connected to it and I never get them to hang like the WAP.
I saw on the release notes (although the firmware has not been posted) that there is a problem with the WAP Gigabit PHY.  From the release notes, it seems the firmware will have an option to take down the speed of the WAP Gigabit PHY from 1000BT to 100TX. This would be a shame if this is the final solution as one main reason for purchasing the WAP4410N is its Gigabit capability.
Being a networking PHY designer who had also worked on other Cisco products, I'm surprise that this problem had not been resolved in their qualification and interoperability lab.

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Cisco Wireless :: WAP4410N Stops Randomly Responding

Feb 26, 2013

We have a situation with 20 4410N's They are connected through a 2960 switch. They runned for about a year with no problems. We use the WiFi system with 10 cisco wireless ip phones, several workstations (5-10) and a few mobile devices.
Three weeks ago we took 10-15 iPads in commission (almost equally divided over the AP's), since then the trouble started. Several accesspoints stop randomly responding a few times a, day. We updated to the latest firmware (, but that did not solve the problems.
Were using 3 SSID's WPA2 encryption and fixed IP's for the AP's. If we can't get a hold on this we have to replace all the AP's by other ones.

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Cisco Wireless :: WAP4410N Responding By Adding External Antennas?

Sep 21, 2010

I have not done the firmware for the units yet but have had only 1 outage thus far (but I think it was a power issue over the weekend).What I have done, 3 weeks ago, is put external antenna's on the 2 units which are 15 feet apart at 15dBi.The output is 40hz and I changed the latency time settings on the main unit, leaving the secondary at factory.This seems to be working for me so far. Usually goes down over the weekend and have to reset Mondays,but not this week.  I am afraid of running the firmware because then it may become unstable again.

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Games Randomly Stop Responding

Aug 31, 2012

Roughly once an hour my games will simply just stop responding, most notably on League of Legends everything else continues to happen around me uninterrupted but I cannot move my character nor can I use any abilities for about ~4 seconds and will do the same for literally every online game I have played.It doesn't seem to cut out my internet but when it happens on occasion it will crash a Skype call for about the same duration the unresponsiveness occurs.I have Optimum Online and a Linksys wired router with Windows 7.

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Cisco Routers :: RVS4000 Stop Responding To DNS Requests

Apr 4, 2012

We have a 25Mbit connection comming in through a cable in the basement, going through a modem that is connected to a RVS4000 small buisness router on the first floor, that acts as the single NAT. Connected to that in parallel we have 4 wireless b/g or b/g/n routers of various cisco/linksys models, one for each floor, each with DHCP disabled.Over the last few months there have been some issues with the router and I'm curious if there is anything that can be done to solve them.The firmware of the router is the latest at the time of this writing, V2.0.2.7
1. The router will occasionally lock up and completely stop responding to DNS requests. Attempting to open a website will result in browsers giving their standard 'DNS Lookup Failure' messages. The router will also become completely non-responsive when trying to access it via its IP address (standard No username/password dialog appears.However oddly enough IRC and other chats like skype will still work fine.Restoring Factory settings has not worked. This issue has gotten to the point where this happens about once a day. Restarting the router will fix the issue. While I think the issue may sometimes resolve itself, it could also just be one of the other people in the house restarting it manually.I'm assuming that the router is to blame here and not the cable modem in the basement or the DNS server of our ISP, mostly due to the fact that the router becomes unresponsive and won't let me log in as admin when this happens. also restarting the router, not the modem, seems to fix the issue.
2. The router's log is always empty Specifically I have enabled 'Output' and 'Local Log' as you can see here:

3. Issues with some people hogging bandwidth With 25 people and a 25Mbit connection each person in the house should effectively get about 125KB/s of download speed, especially since not everyone is always using bandwidth. However it can happen where one person is, often without knowing it, hogging a large chunk of bandwidth and slowing the network down for everyone, such as downloading multiple large files from different sites, streaming high-quality video, etc.I would like to know if any of the following might be possible to do with this router: See the bandwidth usage per individual MAC or IP address on the network over timeLimit the amount of bandwidth a specific MAC or IP address can use. Make the distribution of bandwidth more fair when a few people are using far more of it than other people.  
I have at times resorted to limiting P2P via IPS in the past, and of-course that does work somewhat, but that's not ideal. I'd much rather just know who is doing it, and specifically by how much they are slowing other people down. While the IPS page will list the IP addresses of those trying to use P2P when it's disabled, there is no way for me to really quantify how much bandwidth they'd be using otherwise, and this doesn't at all include things straight-up HTTP downloads.In any case, this router should easily be able to handle ~25 simultaneous connections, right? Are there any settings that I should make sure to enable or set to distribute bandwidth more fairly, given the setup we have?
4. The IPS report chart is not readable.This is a bit of a nit-pick, but the IPS report chart is basically not readable because the colors used in the key are identical in color. Can you tell the difference between the colors of 'Network Traffic' and 'Attack Counts' in the key at the top? They could have used any two colors that are at least somewhat distinguishable, even light grey and dark grey would have been better, not magenta and another magenta.

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Plugging In Internet Cable Makes Computer Stop Responding?

Apr 14, 2013

Yesterday I was on my cousin's computer, and we had to remove the ethernet cord to connect it to mine as my wireless adapter wasn't cooperating with his internet. This was all fine and dandy until we had to plug the ethernet cord back into his computer. It locks everything up. If you try to open a program, it won't open. If a program is already open when the cord is plugged in, it stops responding within 15 seconds.I called my brother, and he suggested I run a virus scan via Microsoft Security Essentials and MalwareBytes, which I did. MalwareBytes found 5 problems, MSE found 1 additional one. They have all been removed, however this problem still persists. If you try to start the computer with the ethernet cord plugged in, it will allow him to put in his password, it will say welcome for about 3-5 minutes, then the screen will go black. The mouse is visible, doing it's motion to indicate that it's loading something, but it never achieves anything.

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Cisco Firewall :: 6509 / Interface VLAN Stop Responding On FWSM Automatically

Aug 8, 2012

i  have been facing strange issue on FWSM (6509 switch). we have created a  vlan inteface for  server farm on fwsm and its stop responding  automatically and we need to give shut/ no shut command under that  interface to back into normal .

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Cisco Wireless :: 802.11 WAP4410N To WAP4410N Backhaul Using N Protocol?

Apr 30, 2011

I have the following equipment:
Cisco 871W router
2x WAP 4410N APs running

I currently have 1 AP connected to the router via copper.  The AP to AP link is over 802.11.  I have attached a diagram reflecting the current topology.
The AP-to-AP link will come up utilizing B/G/N mixed mode; however, the connection is basically unusable.  About 30% of the traffic is dropped, while the packets that do make it have a consistently volatile latency, anywhere from 15 to 1500 ms. I have had success using G-only and B/G mixed.  The link is stable (I have had the best results with B/G).  The problem is, I didn't buy the 2nd 4410N to run the G protocol.  I would like to connect the APs running either B/G/N (hopefully negotiating to N) or N only.  I am wondering if there is a certain configuration I can utilize (perhaps using WDS repeater or bridge versus Wireless Client/Repeater?), or a firmware upgrade set for release that can make this happen for me.

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Wireless :: How To Stop Skype Lag

Jan 9, 2011

I have TWC internet, I've never had a problem till 6months ago. I play online video games often and well it was all fine and dandy. My brother use to have a desktop which he skyped 24/7 webcam and all, that didn't bother my gaming till he got a laptop. Now that hes on a laptop and only when using a laptop on wireless it makes my internet go crazy. I played wow and my ping was 110 once he got started in a webcam session it would fly up to 1000+ in ping. PS3 would lag to s---. I'm not exactly sure whats causing the horrible lag, I know the program that does it is Skype webcam when ran on wireless. Some people say they use you as a super nod whoring your net out to others. Others thing is too many incoming connections bottlenecking my router. Is there any way to fix solve this problem?. I lag even when QoS is set. He uses a Windows 7 Laptop.

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Cisco Wireless :: Mesh AP1522AG Not Responding?

Sep 17, 2011

We have a Cisco 1522AG configured as a MAP in our production network. Last week the AP went down. On investigating it keeps rebooting itself. constantly showing 4 orange leds, Maybe cant find the WLC? Is there a way to console into these devices to see whats happening in the background while its booting up or even reset it back to the factory defaults?

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Cisco Wireless :: AIR-CAP3502i-e-k9 Led Stop Working?

Dec 9, 2012

i've one of my 3500 that when finish to download the os, the front led stop working. During the power on and all the test the led is flashing in various colors pretty ipnotizing :-) When it bacame operative, the led stops. If i issue the test led flashing console command it works.

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Cisco Wireless :: CAP3502I Not Responding For Traceroute_tracert

Oct 18, 2012

I have 1 cisco AP (CAP3502I) which is not able to associate with WLC (version, using CAPWAP. Simply from debug I can see that AP is trying to contact WLC on port udp/5246 but can't see any response from WLC.
*Oct 19 07:06:50.055: UDP: sent src=x.x.x.x(4271), dst=wlc.wlc.wlc.wcl(5246), length=47
AP is getting config about WLC from DHCP option 43 and have own reservation to get same IP address (+default GW). AP is NOT associated but as it has IP address from DHCP then it is pingable. But don't know why, but I'm not able to tracert/traceroute to this AP, as I can see it is getting packets but it is not responding.
But on different locations, where are same APs model (associated with WLC) I have no problem with traceroute it, as APs are responding.
My question: It is not related that AP is not able to associate with WLC (still working on it) BUT should I be able to traceroute/tracert to unassociated AP (to his IP) and get response???
==> WLC is in DC and AP on one location, so diagram could be: WLC ---- L3 device ---- Provider MPLS router..........Provider MPLS router ---- L3 device -- L2 switch --- AP (CAPWAP)
@It means that there is NO FW on tha way :-) 
I check many other APs with same model and non of them has problem to respond for traceroute, but this particular unassociated one has :-

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Cisco Wireless :: WAP4410Ns Stop Broadcasting

Aug 5, 2011

I have two WAP4410Ns (about a month old) running  They both stop transmitting wireless traffic after about 2 days.  The SSIDs (which are normally broadcasted) stop showing up and all wireless devices are disconnected. When accessing via the wired management interface, everything appears normal.  No errors in the log, device is responsive, etc. If I reboot it through the Administration menu it reboots and goes back to working normally for about two days. This is happening with both my WAP4410Ns. As far as I can find, I am running the latest publicly available firmware.

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Wireless :: Stop Neighbour Using Internet?

May 1, 2011

My internet connect has been really slow since new neighbour moved in.How can I stop him using my connesction?

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Wireless Internet Stop Working?

Jun 27, 2011

Yesterday my wireless internet just appeared to stop working completely, it has always worked fine up unti now!I have checked all the usual issues, it is nothing to do with my router as i can use other laptops/desktops to access the internet fine.I am using a Pavillion DV6-1215sa which has a Atheros AR9285 802.11b/g WiFi Adapter.It has full strenght but just says Limited Connectivity, so it is picking up the wireless network but wont actually let me connect to the internet via it.

I am able to access the internet when i hard wire the ethernet cable into my laptop, but the just wont work for wireless.I have tried lots of different suggestions so far, but still cannot access the internet.

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Belkin N Wireless Usb Adapter Is Not Responding?

Aug 5, 2012

my belkin n wireless usb adapter is not coming on when i put it in my laptop i see nothing

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Cisco Wireless :: 5500 WLC Port Stop Transmission

May 24, 2012

i have a 5500 series WLC connected to a switch through a trunk port with 2 v WLClans. the connection works fine, but sometimes it loses connectivity.  it works again rebooting the wlc.
When the problem presented, i checked the cpd neighbors on switch and it didn't show the wlc, and i checked the cdp neighbors on WLC and this shows the switch in its neighbors list. i also checked the port counters on WLC and the receiver counters keep increasing, but the transmission counters remains in the same value. then i can see that only the TX side on the controller is down, if i restart the WLC the problem disappear temporarily.
Is there a misconfiguration or a wlc bug related to this behavior?
The switch is a Catalyst 3560
The WLC controller code is

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Cisco Wireless :: AP2600 - How To Disable Stop-on-failure

Jun 3, 2013

how can be disabled  "stop-on-failure" feature on Cisco AP2600.

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Cisco Wireless :: 2006 / 1252 WAP Won't Stop Resetting

Apr 30, 2013

I have two 1252ag wireless access points running in lightweight mode, and connected to a 2006 wlc. They were both running fine until this morning. One of the 1252s won't stop rebooting itself. I consoled in, and this was the output -
*Mar  1 00:00:32.055: %LWAPP-3-CLIENTEVENTLOG: Performing DNS resolution for CISCO-LWAPP-CONTROLLER
*Mar  1 00:00:32.055: %LWAPP-3-CLIENTERRORLOG: DNS Name Lookup: could not resolve CISCO-LWAPP-CONTROLLER
*Mar  1 00:00:32.055: %LWAPP-5-CHANGED: LWAPP changed state to DISCOVERY
[ code].....

IOS Boot loader - Starting system. X modem file system is available. I'm particularly curious about this line -

*Mar  1 00:00:50.283: %SYS-4-PUPDATECLOCK: Periodic Clock update with  ROMMON failed, because size left in ROMMON (4294967295), size needed  (29), error code (-1)
The only reference to it I found online was a very vague "It's a hardware failure", but no further explanation.

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Wireless :: No Internet With PC But Router Ok - Web Proxy Not Responding?

Sep 23, 2011

Use wireless router and can connect to internet on laptop. When trying with PC (windows xp software), I can't connect. Ran diagnostic, result: Your computer appears to be correctly configured, but the device or resource (web proxy) is not responding.

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Wireless :: Dell Inspiron 1545 - DNS Not Responding

Mar 15, 2011

i am unable to connect to the net in my laptop and laptop manifacturer is dell inspiron 1545 and error i am getting is DNS not responing.

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Wireless Connection Stops Responding Randomly?

Feb 26, 2013

My internet works fine but after a random period of time, usually 20-30 minutes the internet stops responding. I have ran a diagnostics test using the Intel PROset/wireless tools program and it states on the ping test that there is no response from the default gateway and the DHCP server.

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Stop Pc From Losing The Connection To Wireless Router?

Jan 25, 2012

When using my pc through my wireless Netgear router, the connection is lost periodically and I get the message "default gateway not accessible". It only happens on my PC, and not on my IPad. What should I do to keep the connection on my PC?

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Why Would Computer Stop Connecting To Wireless Router

Jun 21, 2011

I have a touch screen packard bell comp and all of a sudden i cant connect at all to the wireless router yet we can connect to the router with ipod and phones, does this mean there is summat wrong with my computer? its only two months old

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How To Stop IP Address Conflicts With Wireless Printer

Nov 25, 2012

I use a wireless laptop and a wireless printer with no problems until my lodger's friend comes and connects to the network. That is when I lose printer connection and sometimes get the IP address conflict message. Obviously something to do with his laptop wireless connection

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