Evo W4000 Computer Freezes When Ethernet Cable Plugged In

Apr 12, 2012

Compaq Evo W4000 with XP professional.Comp works fine when no ethernet cable plugged in - after 10 secs of plugging it in - it freezes Have run malware bytes and combofix already - no change.Disabled everything in startup menu and non Microsoft services Works OK in SAFE MODE with networking though

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Computer Freezes Up Once Ethernet Cable Is Plugged In

Sep 5, 2012

I've got a wireless adapter for my desktop and thats what i've been using for years to connect, but now i'm am trying to get a more reliable connection by having the ethernet cable plugged in. Problem is, as soon as I plug it in the whole computer gets extreamly sluggish or sometimes freezes up completely. If I am very patient, I can very slowly do something things. If I open the browser, it probably takes a minute for it to load. Opening the control panel, the window pops-up but none of the icons will appear until it times out. And trying to use the network icons on the taskbar to get into network settings is impossible. Weird thing is as soon as I unplug it and turn the wifi back on, the PC starts responding super quick again within seconds.

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D-Link DIR-825 :: Ethernet Cable Not Plugged In?

Jan 30, 2013

I've had this modem set up for over 6 months and this just happened out of the blue. I had no connection to the internet, and the lights on LAN 1 and 3 were lit (only LAN 1 is in use.) I think I went about this the wrong way because now the LAN lights won't light up at all, and the internet light is always yellow. I know it's not the ISP because well I'm writing this post with my modem plugged directly into the PC.

When I try to reinstall the router using the CD I get an error message stating that the Ethernet cable probably isn't plugged in, although it is, as I followed each step exactly.

Now when I try to plug in the PC to the router I can't access the router webpage, and device manager is showing an Ethernet controller with a yellow exclamation mark under other devices. I don't even know where to start.

HW: C1
FW: I resetted the modem in an attempt to get this working again, so I imagine it's at the default now. Besides I can't access the router page anyways.
Region: NA - Canada
Wired Connection
Factory reset: Yes
ISP: Shaw (Cable)
Modem: Motorolas SB5102 - no built in router

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Broadband :: Ethernet Cable Plugged In But Get Message No Connectivity

Jan 3, 2012

Ethernet cable plugged in but get message "no connectivity plub in the cable" This is after I upgraded my desk top from XP to vista home premium. I've checked my drive (via rhine11) it is working.

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Networking :: High Pitch Noise Coming From Motherboard When Ethernet Cable Plugged 7970

May 9, 2013

This has been driving me absolutely crazy but I am glad to have found the source of it. Over the past 4-5 weeks ever since i built my new computer, my computer has always had this wierd high pitch noise. I dont know if its coil whine or not, but the sound signature is def not the same as the coil whine that comes from my 7970 card. It sounds more digital.

What could be the cause of this? And what would the remedy be? My ethernet cable is approx 60 ft so it will be a pain in the ass to replace. Or buy another NIC?

edit: forgot to mention....the noise is constant. Not intermittent with usage. No amount of load or idle on the network changes the noise.

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Computer Won't Recognize Ethernet Cable?

Jul 30, 2011

I just received a computer from a relative since they do not use it anymore. I just reformatted the hard drive and I can't seem to get it to connect to the internet. Every time I try my computer says there is no ethernet cable connected but I know it is. I read around on the forums and one thread (that is now closed), was about the same problem and to diagnose the problem they asked to use IPCONFIG/ALL in the cmd.exe. The results are this:

Windows IP Configuration

Host Name: bouss
Primary Dns Suffix:
Node Type: Broadcast


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Computer Doesn't Detect Ethernet Cable

Apr 25, 2011

I tried 3 cables, and even one of them was new. So im sure the problem isn't the cables. For some reason, whenever I connect a ehternet cable to my computer, I cannot seem to get internet connection through it. Some days ago I installed this Wireless Lan device from a CD, that came with a sort of antenne I had to put on my computer. It works great, BUT its slow. Thats why i would like to go on internet with cable again. I remember one day to another that my computer didn't detect the cables anymore, what could be the problem?

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Split Ethernet Cable One To Computer Other To Wifi Router

Dec 13, 2011

I have only one computer right now.Had two, and got very weak signal to laptop (since discarded) upstairs from Linksys g 54Mbits downstairs at main desktop computer desktop.I have tried three different kinds of 54Mbits wifi routers, all with no success.I'm going to get my wife a new wifi laptop for Christmas, and she wants to be able to use it all over the house.The 54Mbits will cover the downstairs, but, based on previous efforts, I am thinking of putting my modem in the garage, where the cable enters my house, and using a splitter on the cable coming out of the modem to make two IN cables, using one cable for my comp and a 54Mbits router (for downstairs coverage), and putting a second wifi router on the end of the upstairs cable, to cover the upstairs rooms.My house has cable outlets in every room, so I won't have to do any wiring.

I plan to leave the routers on all the time (at this time) subject to how much of a bandwidth drop they cause. I have a 100 Mbps connection, and I play games, so I'd like to retain as much bandwidth as possible. I assume the two "on" wifi routers will pull zero bandwidth as long as the laptop is off. (??)Or maybe I should just try an "n" wifi router, since they get twice the distance, and forget the cable splitter idea.

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Ethernet Cable For Connecting Computer To Router Is Not Working

Jun 13, 2011

My Ethernet cable connecting my computer to my router is not working. It was just working a few days ago and I have connected it to a different computer and it worked on that

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Connect Laptop To Computer Using Ethernet Crossover Cable?

Jul 30, 2011

i use a home pc and i want to connect to a laptop that needs cleaning out i have a etherrnet crossover cable and i am using windows 2000 pro

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Cabling / Cards :: Computer Can't Detect Ethernet Cable?

Aug 3, 2012

Computer keeps saying that the I need to plug in a ethernet cable but I already did. This is happening on my Windows 7 Ultimate partition. I also have have a Mac OSX partition and the internet is working fine on that partition.Here is what I get for ipconfig/all command:[CODE]

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Computer Won't Detect Ethernet Cable - Dependency Service Or Group Failed To Start

Mar 7, 2012

My roommate and I are trying to set up the internet, but my computer won't detect the Ethernet Cable. Whenever I go to Network and Sharing Center and try connecting to the internet, the computer simply says "Windows did not detect any networking hardware", even though the light is clearly on and should be working. The cable is also new so it should be fine. I've also been looking around on the internet a bit, and in trying to fix the problem it looks like some of my Services are turned off, which seems to be causing the problem. However, whenever I try and turn them on, I get an error message saying "The dependency service or group failed to start".

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Internet Works Through Ethernet Until Plugged Into Router?

Feb 28, 2012

I have my internet coming from my DSL modem (of course) and running into my wireless router. Once it is in the router I can't get a connection, period. Not even through any of my router's ethernet ports. This wasn't the case until about 3 o'clock yesterday. If I unplug the cable from my wireless router and plug it directly into my computer it runs fine. If I run it through my Micro-Cell tower and into my computer it runs fine. But if I plug it into a router it won't work through Wi-Fi or Ethernet. I have tested the connections of all the ethernet cables I am using. Figuring it had to be a problem with my router (since it was working earlier and the connection only disappears when plugged into it) so I bought another, same problem. What else could it be? PS: I'm using both a MacBook Bro, a PC, a PS3, and a Nintendo 3DS and none get a signal from the wifi. I always keep the PC hardwired through the ethernet ports on the router and use the wireless for everything else

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My Computer Freezes When Connect To Net

Mar 12, 2012

I have a Sony Vayo, and since I moved to a new apt my computer freezes when connected to the net, be wireless or direct to the cable

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Computer Not Responding And Freezes On Internet

Jul 3, 2012

Why my computer keeps freezing up and keep getting not responding while on the internet. Also I got a message of low vitual memory? [code]

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Computer Freezes When Connected To The Internet?

Jan 13, 2011

In a previous thread I have tried to figure out why my computer kept freezing and it kind of ended with us thinking it was due to the incompability between the RAM and CPU. (thread here) Just the other day though I tried a fresh install and there were no freezes, installed all drivers etc and thats when I noticed that after connecting via Wifi the computer froze up

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Did Not Have The Network Cable Plugged In?

Apr 9, 2013

I have been playing on a laptop for the last one and a half year without any problems with the internet. I have never had any lag and a steady ping around 20. On my laptop I was connected to the internet both wireless and with a cable because it tend to lag if I didnt have the network cable plugged in.And yesterday I got my new stationary PC, everything is working amazing but its just one problem. My ping goes skyhigh! On this PC I dont have any wireless connection, only a network cable.I have had this lag now since I got my now computer and its pretty frustrating. On this new computer I have a new anti-virus program (norton) that I am not that familiar with since I used Avira for years so I am not sure if the anti virus protection could be messing something up

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Netgear Wall - Plugged Ethernet Adapter Is Extremely Slow

May 11, 2011

I have a problem concerning my Netgear XET1001 85 MBit/s Wall-Plugged Ethernet Adapter. My personal computer in my room is connected directly to our router and I'm getting arround 14-15Mbps download speeds. My parents computer is located in a different room and I bought them the Netgear Adapter thinking this was the most effective and simplest solution. Better than a Wifi-Adapter. I cost me quite a lot too to be honest. The problem is my parents are getting speeds of 0.05Mbps and the browser often doesn't even load the pages completely. To me it seems like the data can only travel through the thing very hardly if at all.

We thought this might have to do with the age and RAM of our computer. (512MB of RAM) So we bought a new one a couple of days ago. Turns out: nothing has changed.

The Wall-Pluggs are connected directly to the outlet by the way. I'm trying to give you the most amount of information I can think of so one more thing might be important. Yesterday I brought my parent's PC into my room, connected it to the Wall-Plugg and got speeds of 5Mbps. Although this is better, it's not what I bought this thing for. Even a WIFI connection would be faster would'nt it?

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Broadband :: Dx Error On Skype Freezes Computer

Oct 20, 2012

dx error on skype freezes computer

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ASUS P8P67 Pro / Network Slows To Crawl When Desktop Ethernet Plugged In?

Feb 25, 2012

My internet service grinds to all but a halt as soon as I plug in the ethernet cable to my desktop. Nothing is running in the background (that I can determine). Nothing is spamming data up or down (that I can determine). I get 40ms ping and 12Mbps downloads on every device I have until I plug in my big boy; then all the speeds come crashing down to 600ms ping and 0.9-1.4Mbps downloads (including the desktop, I have not been able to play SWTOR for weeks now). It's not the provider, (I thought it was) but I switched from Time Warner to AT&T with the exact same results. ASUS P8P67 Pro; I've had funky issues with USB ports and one SATA port died. Other friends suggest I may have an awful bug and I need to wipe and start over. I wouldn't mind doing that, but I don't have a windows recovery disk (my copy is legitimate).

Mobo-as listed.
CPU- i5-2500k stock, not clocked
RAM- 16GB G.Skill Ripjaws X DDR3 1600

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Vista Host Computer Freezes / When Trying To Connect To Printer From Another PC

May 2, 2011

Small office setup with a wireless modem/router. We have two computers that are identical HP Pavilion a6807c PCs running Vista Home Premium. Other computers in the office are a bit older and run either XP or Vista.Just purchased a new HP Officejet 7000 printer and connected it via a USB to one of the HP Pavilion Vista computers (which I will refer to as HP1). The printer works fine on HP1 using the direct USB connection.Set printer sharing, file sharing, and even public sharing on both HP computers (HP1 and the other one I will refer to as HP2). Workgroup name is the same. Can access HP1 and see the HP printer on HP1 from other computers in the office. However, when I try to connect to the printer from HP2 to HP1, it locks up HP1 and HP1 requires a hard reset. I tried installing the software/drivers on HP2, but HP2 still tries to install the drivers from HP1.I am not sure its a problem with HP1 as much as it is a Vista issue. The reason I say this is because I have been able to successfully use an XP computer (XP3) to connect and print to the Officejet on HP1.

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Hp Probook 6460b - Wifi Freezes Computer At Home

Feb 1, 2013

I've been having an issue with my computer for a few months now. I'm quite capable of handling computers and repairs but this has me stumped. I have no issues connecting to the wireless internet at my office. It's tied directly to the company server so that's no surprise. While using Holiday Inn's internet this is also NO problem. When I'm at my house it's another story. If I boot my computer with wifi shutoff and ethernet disconnected the computer runs just fine. When I engage the WIFI or connect the ethernet the computer becomes non-responsive. The curse still moves but nothing is opening, closing, clearing off the screen. When I ctrl+alt+del, click task manager my desktop image appears but NO windows tool bar nor task manager appears. Not only does this occur on my home wifi, but my girlfriends parent's house and at an official Google job site.

It may also be worth mentioning that when coming back from a hibernation, (the black screen with the load bar on the bottome "resuming windows") it loads about 20% and stops, never loading the rest (I've waited hours before, NOTHING). My initial thoughts where that the Symmantec Endpoint Security had blocked certain router IP addresses and was causing the freezes. But this didn't seem to be the issue since my company deleted the Symmanted software and installed McAfee to fix my issue. I can connect to wifi at my office and holiday inn express BUT NOT at my home, other private networds, nor the Google jobsite wifi. My Smmantec Norton Enpoint Security was removed and replaced with McAfee Security. My laptop is an HP ProBook 6460b running Windows XP (5.1 with service pack 3).

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Computer Freezes Beeps Twice And Shows A Black Screen?

Feb 18, 2012

i have a comp that runs freezes everything screen fades beeps a couple of times and than that black screens and seems to run very slow i have 4gb amd athlon(tm) 11x2 240 dual process 2.81 ghz 64 bit operating systen on win7 premium dont know why this suddenly started happening and sometimes wont switch on /off?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 Freezes And Not Connect In Any Interface Not Ethernet

Sep 23, 2012

My e4200 freezes and not connect in any interface not Ethernet not wireless, i connect reset in any way ( push the reset button, push the reset button an unplug the power.

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Routers / Switches :: Difference In Ethernet Cable And Ethernet Networking Cable?

Apr 28, 2013

Is there a difference in an ethernet cable and an Ethernet networking cable? I have an Ethernet cable and a 6 port splitter I am trying to connect. I have 4 ports in the router that are in use. When I connect them to the splitter nothing s working.

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Network Cable Not Properly Plugged In Or May Be Broken

Aug 10, 2012

I have an acer aspire 5552 laptop that wont connect to the internet. When I tried troubleshooting I get the message "network cable not properly plugged in or may be broken". When I go through the control panel/system devices/network adapter the only thing that shows is pdanet. Right now the only way I can connect is through my cell phone using pdanet. How can I get my network adapters to show back up?

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Talktalk Router - Can't Get Internet Unless Cable Plugged In?

Feb 23, 2013

I've just had talktalk installed and cant get internet unless I plugin cable is there a button on my keyboard I have to press .

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Linksys Cable / DSL :: X1000 Freezes Every 2-3 Days

Mar 26, 2013

I'm experiencing some problems with a new X1000 gateway. The device works very well for 2-3 days. After that period, it seems to just freeze. I can connect to the wireless, but no IP address is leased. Wired clients keep their IP address, but can't connect to the internet. Communication between the wired clients is still possible (Ping, CIFS, LAN games,...). The DSL sync LED is lit as is the Internet LED. The management interface does not load. Doesn't matter is there has been a lot of internet traffic or virtually none. The only way to make it work again, is to cycle the power.
I've been fiddling with the different features from all off to all on, but the problem persists. I even got a replacement device, but that has the exact same problems. My ISP tells me that the Cisco and Linksys devices are fit to work on their network. I'm using a Zyxel gateway at the moment, which is absolutely fantastic, but has no wireless and useless QoS management.

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Cabling / Cards :: Realtek PCIe Freezes The Computer During Torrents

Dec 18, 2012

My computer freezes during torrent downloading , usually within the hour. I have used various torrent clients and problem remains.I have the latest drivers Realtek 8168 v 7065 . Some suggested to turn Checksumms off from the property menu , but that would increase my CPU load. Some other suggested to turn off Task Offload , but I cant find anything similar in Properties.

System Setup
Operating System
Microsoft Windows 7 Professional 64-bit SP1
Intel Core i7 920 @ 2.67GHz55 �C
Bloomfield 45nm Technology
3,00 GB Triple-Channel DDR3 @ 535MHz (8-8-8-20)


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Linksys Cable / DSL :: Wag120n-br Freezes When Connect Phone?

Apr 9, 2012

Everytime i connect my phone on my network the entire network freezes: the lights on the router stills on but there is no connection on the network. There is anything that i can do to prevent it?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E1200 - Computer Freezes When Watching Videos?

Apr 26, 2012

Since I've bought a new Cisco router last summer,, a Linksys E1200 (v.1 updated...) (always in the wireless mode), my laptop (Sony, Vaio VGN-NW110D) freezes when I stream videos online or when I use skype video calls. It sometimes freezes for a few minutes (in that case it's just really extremely slow and it sounds like a satanic robot), and then comes back (but does it again a few minutes later. Or sometimes, and this is more frequent with skype video calls, it completely freezes, and I have to reboot the hard way...This never happened to me before and I've been watching videos and video skyping for years. I have windows 7, service pack 1 (32 bits) now . I have windows 7 now, since about the same time I bought the router. But what makes me think its related to the router is that when I'm at work, or at my parents, or sisters, or boyfriend's house, this problem does NOT occure.... I don't know if this information could be relevant, but this does not happen when I make videos calls with skype on my iphone.

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ASUS AC66 Router Plugged Into Comcast Cable Modem

May 27, 2013

I've got a ASUS AC66 router plugged into my Comcast cable modem (regular dumb modem), it's running the Merlin (OEM-modified) firmware.I've got a Netgear 3400 router flashed with DD-WRT (latest build), it's a replacement for another N router that died on me.

Anyways, I went to set client bridge like always. Main router is so I set DD-WRT router as, set the wireless modes to client bridge with matching SSIDs for my 2.4/5GHz radios, input the correct security keys on the security page (AES), then I put the router in router mode (from gateway) Basically, I followed the instructions on DD-WRT's website, which worked perfectly until the other router died.

This time around as soon as the DD-WRT router reboots with its bridge information saved it immediately causes some sort of conflict on my network and kills the internet and all network connections. All devices lose their IP address. It's like the DD-WRT router is somehow shutting down the network and my default router.

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Linksys Wireless Adapters :: After Installing WMMP600N On HP Pro 3410 (BIOS 7.04) Computer (freezes)?

Mar 11, 2012

After installing a WMMP600N on an HP Pro 3410 (BIOS 7.04)  the computer "freezes" after booting or doesn't boot at all. On the other hand, installing the same board on an HP (Compaq) DX2390 (BIOS 5.3) doesn't cause any problem: both the machine and the board work nicely together. Both machines run on Windows 7 Ultimate, with the latest driver from Linksys.

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