Linksys Wireless Router :: ES4500 Setup To Wireless Routers Onto One Network
May 12, 2013
I am trying to setup to wireless routers onto one network. One router is the ES4500 the other is the Apple Time Capsule. The apartment I am in has thick walls and because of this, there are some wifi gaps. Trying to set the second router in a different room to act as a wireless bridge/access point for the first router.
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Sep 18, 2011
I am following instructions I found to set up my wirelss network, but am having trouble configuring my router. I'm specifically at a standstill, because I can't connect to I pinged the router and got a response and went to run/ip config to confirm I have the right URL for the router, but still not able to get to the URL.
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Oct 18, 2011
where i am from, the houses are made of conrete. so obviously my wi-fi degrades. i currently have 1 basic wireless g linksys router set up, in my bedroom as thats where the primarry devices are. there is a portion of the house where the signal is non existant and i want to set up a 2nd wireless router for that area to have signal. its a fairly large house with 4 is a breakdown of the device priority:
The main room (my room, east end of house)
Gaming PC (gaming, downloading, netflix streaming) non wireless
Wife's Laptop (occasional streaming, general internet surfing)
PS3 (gaming and netflix streaming)
Ipad (streaming)
The general purpose of all this is just have wireless across the whole house for mobility, my room is the priority as far as bandwidth usage and coverage.Also i will be purchasing an N router for my room and moving the G router to my moms.
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Jun 19, 2012
I have a Linksys EA4500 setup on my corporate network for wireless access. I have enabled the guest network and from all I can tell it's on a seperate subnet from my internal network like it should be. 192.168.x.x My internal is on a 10.x.x.x network. I conenct to the guest network using a laptop and I'm prompted for a password to get to the internet, which I like. The one issue I'm seeing is when I'm connected to the guest network I can still do an RDP session to internal resources. How is this possible if the guest network is on a seperate subnet?I take a laptop which has not been joined to my domain, connect to the guest ssid, and then open an RPD session and enter an IP address for an internal server and it connects. Is there a setting to keep this from happening
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Aug 25, 2012
Firstly I cannot get my Linksys RE1000 to work with my network having tried the set up CD on 2 computers (mac and windows). The main router is a BT Home Hub 2.0
The main router is in the basement where out internet connection enters the house, also in the basement is our LAN board where we have ethernet cables extending to parts of the house. There is weak wireless signal from groundfloor up to the top floor so wanted to find something where I could plug into the ethernet port and it would broadcast an wireless network to the upper floors/areas with a weaker signal. Thought the RE1000 would do this job but i can't get it to do it wirelessly let alone connect it to the main router using a ethernet cable.
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Jul 30, 2011
So, with the latest firmware update I could add a second e4200 to my network to use as a bridge or access point? What I need is another device in my living room that can pick up the wireless signal and dish out network connectivity to my receiver, xbox360, and ps3. With the new firmware update can this be done with a second e4200? How does one connect to each e4200 on the network for setup (dohave to change the default ip address of 1?)I just bought a trendnet TEW-687GA 450 mb/s wireless gaming adapter and a trendnet 5 port switch to accomplish what I mentioned above. I'm just wondering if there is an advantage to switching over to two e4200's. The trendnet adapater does not have a 5ghz channel.
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Dec 25, 2011
Was told by a HP technician that I could setup a .wireless home network for the purpose of having my iPad and iPhone 4 connect to my D100 HP printer. Installed the disc that came with my router and can't get passed the point that requires a password. All my devices recognize the router but everything requires a password which I am able to provide. Can this router be setup without having Internet access if so then how?
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Feb 26, 2013
Just got a new EA3500, and plan to use its guest network feature to allow Internet access but not access to my LAN. Wondering if I can set it up so that users on the guest network bring up a particular website when they open their browser.
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Aug 3, 2011
Was told by a HP technician that I could setup a .wireless home network for the purpose of having my iPad and iPhone 4 connect to my D100 HP printer. Installed the disc that came with my router and can't get passed the point that requires a password. All my devices recognize the router but everything requires a password which I am able to provide. Can this router be setup without having Internet access if so then how?
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Jul 30, 2011
How do I setup a WRT160N as a wireless adapter to connect a wireless printer to my network? I do not use the wrt 160 as a router because I have an AT&T router for u-verse connection. Also, I physically cannot wire the printer to the main router (opposite corners of the house).
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Apr 6, 2010
I just installed my new Cisco E3000 and configured it over the HTTP interface, as I have on previous routers. I am unable to find any setting for the "Guest" wireless network (outbound internet only), or the Parental controls. Both of these are features of interest, and they're simply not listed in any of the web-based settings.
Puzzled, I did a Factory Reset and configured it via the Cisco Connect instead.. this had the Guest feature and Parental controls, but none of the other features I need, like QOS, or Port Forwarding, or DHCP disable.
It seems like the Web interface only configures some settings, and the Cisco Connect configures other settings, but I can't use them both.
Where does one set up the additional password for Guest access? Other than this, the router works fine on 2.4 & 5 GHz, nice..
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Jan 26, 2013
I'm trying to set up an Iomega Home Media Network Cloud NAS and I'm having problems with opening ports 50500-50599. I have opened port 80 and 443 successfully and included the above port range above as well, but when I check it on the ports 50500-50599 are still closed. I even tried to split the range in two parts, and still no success. I have been in contact with my ISP and confirmed they do not block any ports in the 50500-50599 range and that the cable modem (a Motorola SBV5120) is operating in Bridge Mode.
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Jan 29, 2011
I want to setup an home network with a wireless router and use multiple switches for wired connections through out my home. I currently have an Airport extreme hooked up to a cable modem and a leviton gateway hooked up to the Airport. The 2 computers connected to the Leviton are on a windows 7 homegroup and share fine, but won't share or discover any wireless device connected to Airport. My main goal is to have a wireless/wired network with all computers sharing information with each other. I want 2-3 wired switches/gateways with a min of 2 devices connected to each, connected to my wireless router whiich is connected to cable modem.
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Apr 10, 2012
I am using a Linksys Wireless-G Broadband Router(Model WRT54G). I am trying to set up a desktop computer to have a wireless usb adapter running so I can connect to the Wireless-G Broadband Router. When I run the setup CD for the wireless usb adapter it asks me to push the Wi-Fi Protected Setup Button on the Linksys Wireless-G Broadband Router.
I have looked at the Linksys router found an obscure button on the front with the Cisco Systems Copyright logo on it. I pushed this but the wireless usb adapter failed to locate the wireless network. There is also another button on the back of the Linksys Router that is a Reset button.
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Jun 28, 2011
I have a 4 year old Linksys WRT54G V8 I'd like to set up as an access point for an Xbox 360 or DirecTV box. I am using a Linksys E3000 as my wrieless router, atm, and was wondering if there was anyway to use the WRT54G as an access point before I go out and buy other network adapters to get these devices connected.
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Dec 24, 2011
even though I have successfully added the network manually, using the same settings as my other laptop which has no trouble connecting. So now, the network appears in my "Connect to a wireless network" box, but whenever I try to connect, it says "Windows cannot connect to *name of network*" So when I troubleshoot the problems, it states "Check your wireless settings. Make sure your computer is in range of *Network* and that the network settings match the wireless router or access point settings." I KNOW it's in range because my other computer is connected properly right next to this one. So it must be a problem with my network settings. Though I don't see how that can be because my settings on both computers are exactly the same, but one's connected and one's not. Could the problem simply be that I haven't logged on to my router online to add this computer to the network?
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May 9, 2012
i want to setup a wireless network with 12 pc
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Apr 19, 2011
The router was working fine when it was setup but was disconnected for a short while. There is now no recognition of the router and the install cd was misplaced...
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Dec 26, 2011
I am trying to setup a LAN network using wireless router. I hv two network cards. One is connected to internet through ADSL modem. Internet is working fine.The other network card is connected to wireless router.I am trying to setup hotspot at for learning purpose.
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Nov 7, 2011
I finally decided to go with a e3200 yesterday and picked up one at Walmart. Last night I went to hook it up and had no luck setting it up. Now I have able Internet with a phone VoIP service. After trying to connect several ways, all the router wants to do is sit with a flashing power light. I cannot access the setup page wireless or wired and have tried several methods I found last night.
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Jan 9, 2012
Can my Laptop be used to setup a WLAN for gaming?
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Dec 25, 2011
I assign private IP for each PC within LAN. And DHCP is in charge of wireless connection since for 10 clients. ,Web setup access is also disable for wireless connection.When a notebook connect to WRT54G via wireless. Private IP is always out of range and it could accesses web setup.What happen to my WRT54G ?
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Dec 4, 2012
i wanted to know if i could setup a netgear wireless router to my ethernet cable that is coming out of the wall. is it as easy as plugging the cable coming out of the wall into the internet port on the router?
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Jan 3, 2013
I have a WRT54G V8 and everyone says the username to sign is is blank and the password is admin. I have tried this and it does not work. I have also reset the router several times and this also does not work.
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Dec 27, 2011
Do I need to do anything to get the linksys router to interface with motorola dsl modem?
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Feb 2, 2013
I have two netgear wireless modem / router. I want to connect my internet, NAS and Media player on one device (netgear modem/router) and want to link the other netgear in my bedroom and connect another media player and also use the internet via primary netgear modem/router wireless connectivity.
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Jan 4, 2012
I get internet through my Desktop using a wifi card that picks up the internet from my in-laws across the street (gets a really good signal btw). Anyway, that connection is perfectly fine, and up until recently I had been using a Hawking Range Extender to repeat the signal through my house connecting it to my PC's ethernet port and using the Internet Connection Sharing feature. For some reason that is beyond me it suddenly stopped working. Or rather, it will work for a couple minutes and then stop receiving packets.I'm thinking the device is faulty since it never actually worked that great to begin with. Is this type of setup possible for a wireless Router such as a lynksys device? Or would I need a repeater/range extender like I have been using?Again I would use the Wifi from my PC to share the connection with the Router to broadcast that signal through my house.
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Jan 5, 2013
I am connecting the E4200 to a Sonicwall TZ100. I want the TZ100 to assign IP addresses to devices that connect to the LAN via the E4200.
How do I have the E4200 act as a WAP only or not assign IP addresses and push that responsibility to the TZ100?
I'd still want the E4200 to have a SID key for LAN access security.
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Mar 28, 2013
I have a phone system which uses a 10.40.x.x network and a LAN using a 10.1.x.x network. I'd like to pass the traffice from the 10.40 netork over to the 10.1 network so I can use data (caller id for example) om my PC network.I have an old WRT310. How to setup teh wrt310 so that I can have it pass data from teh 10.40 network over to a specific IP address ie
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Jan 23, 2012
I am trying to setup a WAP with my linksys 2500. I am currently using a Gateway connected to my DSL and am looking to set up the access point through the E2500.
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Oct 1, 2012
I have a WRT54G wireless router that I haven't used in years because my old cable provider supplied me with a router. I recently switched cable providers & they don't provide a wireless routers. I would like to use my WRT54G router, but I don't have the cd. I figured it wasn't a problem because I can just do a manual setup using the ip address I receive the pop up window to enter the user name & password. I follow the instructions & just type in the password field the word admin & l left the user name blank but it doesn't work.
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Jul 3, 2012
I can setup my router with the cd
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Sep 5, 2010
I'm using an Static IP adress and i'm using wrt120n router, but to connect the internet i have plugged the internet cable in the 1,2,3,4 (doesn't matter which one) slot. So now i'm just using the wirelss part of the router without "routering" if i can say so. When i put the internet cable in the Internet slot of the router, the laptop just cant connect to internet - it shows Unidentified network without Internet Access. I don't know what type of changes i have to make in the WEB interface of the router. I think i have to set the type of the connection - now is DHCP and may be to put my IP adress, DNS, Subnet mask in the router settings, but don't know how exactly. I've tried to set up the router with the CD-interface but same thing happened - Unidentified network when the cable is plugged in the Internet (yellow) port. How to set up the router to be a router, not just a wireless switch?
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