Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT160N V2 - Open Up Ports To Get Open Connection On Xbox

May 23, 2012

I have the port numbers but do not know how to proceed from there.   Router is a WRT160N V2.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Open Ports 443 And 80 On Wrt160n V3?

Jan 20, 2012

How do I open ports 443 and 80 on my wrt160n v3 router?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: XBOX 360 NAT Is Set To Open

Nov 7, 2007

I have a WRT54G ver.5.(just did latest firmware) and a Buffalo Air Station wireless gaming adaptor.I have gone and port fowarded the UDP 88,UDP 3074,TDP 3074 I believe I have left the UPnP on (brother in law says not an issue)(?) On my XBOX 360 i have the IP & DNS set to Auto, and I get an OPEN setting on my NAT.But when I play online (Halo 3) I can't join any of my friends' parties,acting like it is STRICT. When I set up my IP & DNS to Manual and put in static IP & DNS, I run the tests and get STRICT. It seems to me that even though my NAT "says" its OPEN, it is really on STRICT.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Open Nat On A WRT160n V3?

Jan 4, 2012

I have all the ports open necessary and i have upnp enabled.  my modem is a webmaster DPC2100 series. 

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Linksys Wired Router :: Befsr41v3 Cannot Open Ports Due To Internet Connection

Nov 16, 2011

i cant open my ports  because i have a internet connection that first goes to my router and then to my modem.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT160N Cannot Open As An Admin

May 7, 2012

I need to get to my web admin page, but I cannot get into my router to do so.IE tells mt that there is a certifacte error, and then gives me the option of going in anyway.When I select that option, nothing happens, and the same IE warning page remains.I am plugged directly into an e-net port on the router, and it is a WRT160N.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT160N - Can't Open Https://

Nov 15, 2012

I need to get to my web admin page, but I cannot get into my router to do so.
IE tells mt that there is a certifacte error, and then gives me the option of going in anyway.
When I select that option, nothing happens, and the same IE warning page remains.
I am plugged directly into an e-net port on the router, and it is a WRT160N.

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Linksys Wireless-N Broadband Router WRT160Nv3 / Open NAT For 2 Xbox 360's?

Jan 28, 2011

I got a new Xbox 360 Slim and he has it connected through wireless, and His older Xbox 360 connected through Ethernet. And well we would like to play some games online without some major lag. So is it possible to have an Open NAT with two Xbox's within the same network?He has a Linksys Wireless-N Broadband Router WRT160Nv3.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Open NAT For Xbox Live On E1000?

Feb 17, 2012

I have a E1000 and already for the longest time I've been trying basically everything possible to get my NAT open from being strict.I've looked around and tried everything I came across including the port forwarding. The only thing different from what I have and from what I have seen is that my router's ip is instead of that everyone else seems to have. I don't know if that affects my NAT in any certain way either. What I can possbily do or what might be the problem as to why I can't get my NAT opened?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 / Open Nat / Port Forward Xbox?

Aug 13, 2012

I'm using Cisco Connect Cloud to connect to my E4200 router. I wish to open my NAT type as currently its moderate on all games.Where the hell is the area to add the port ranges?? Is it even an option on the new connect cloud? If it is, it doesn't make it very easy to find. Would be allot easier if you had a tab/app for "Gaming/Applications" like you did previously.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Open Nat Type For E3000 For Xbox Live?

Apr 7, 2011

how to open my NAT Type For my xbox.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Open NAT Type For Three Xbox 360s On E3000?

Nov 24, 2011

I have three xbox 360s (mine plus my son and my daughter)...I have my settings set to where when myself and my son are on our 360s our NAT type is open..

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E3000 Open NAT Settings For Xbox Live?

Apr 24, 2010

I just recently upgraded my router from the WRT160n V3 to the E3000. I had to port forward from my old 160n to get my NAT settings from Xbox Live set to OPEN.  When I switched out the router to the new E3000, my Xbox Live settings went back to Medium (Moderate). I assumed this would happend since its a new router/setup.
setup my E3000 and Xbox Live so I can have my NAT settings to OPEN?  I only need to setup 1 Xbox.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT160Nv2 Xbox Live Strict Nat And Need Open Nat?

Nov 16, 2011

I Have a WRT160Nv2 and I am trying to get my nat to become unstrict for xbox live. I have tried port fowarding that has not worked. I tried this site [URL] and that didnt work(I only have one xbox 360 btw). Nothing has worked for me and every time I mess with something it screws up the internet so I have to set it up to the previous defaults. I know how to access my router I just need to know what to enable, disable, or add to the router.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT160N - Upgraded Firmware Now Setup Page Won't Open?

Aug 7, 2011

I was having problems with the speed being between 30-58 kpbs when going through the WRT160N router, whether its hooked up wired or wireless, the speed with both was extremely slow and wouldnt fully open pager or would take dsl day slow. I hooked up straight to modem and I got 100+ kpbs so I figured its not my ISP, so I read that upgrading my firmware might make it faster, so I upgraded and hit and held the reset button for 30 secs like it recommended but now the wont open, I get a message saying it cant open this page

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E1000 Ports Won't Open

Apr 30, 2013

I tried forwarding ports 80, 443, 7001, 8888, 9901, and 9911 on my Linksys E1000 router but whenever I check my ports always come back as closed.  This happens even why I try to enable DMZ.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E2500 Ports Won't Open

Nov 18, 2012

My LinkSys E2500 wont open my ports, I have tried DMZ mode but it still does not open any of the ports.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: To Open Up Ports For E1200

Jan 30, 2013

I am trying to open ports 53, 80, 88, 1863 and 3074 for my xbox.  I then run PFPortChecker by Portforward and it tells me the ports are not open.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Open Ports On EA3500 For XBL?

Nov 13, 2012

The last few weeks I've been having problems with my 360 Slim. Sometimes it boots up just fine, other times it wont connect to XBL at all. Some days I have a open NAT, other days I have a moderate NAT.
I have followed the steps on the portforward website. I make a static IP and all that good stuff. I open the ports, using the IP address the Portforward static IP program gives me. After that...My computer stops working. It fails to connect me to any websites at all.I'm running a Linksys ea3500 router.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT54G - Only Open Ports 22 And 80

Aug 23, 2012

I am using remote management to attempt to open port 8889 on my Linksys WRT54G router. I have successfully opened ports 22 and 80 with no problem. Additionally, I can close and reopen these ports without having to physically reset the router. However, if I try to open any other port (I have tried various ports: 23, 100, 8888, 8889, and several others) this port will not open. The ISP this router is connected to is Comcast and according to this site URL port 8889 isn't among the ports that Comcast blocks. I have tried everything I can think of to resolve this issue (short of manually resetting the router or restoring the default settings).

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Unable To Open Ports Through WRT54G

Mar 24, 2013

I am running a Linksys Wireless G 2.4 GHz Broadband Router Model WRT54G.  I am unable to open any ports.  I upgraded to the latest firmware yesterday but still am unable to open any ports.  I even turned off my Symantec Internet Security Suite Firewall but still am unable to open any ports.  

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Fail To Open Ports E4200v1

Jan 4, 2013

im moving over to VDSL.But now i cant open any ports on the E4200 no mather what i do.It worked with the previous modem, but now i cant open anything. all the ports seems to be closes, 80, 21 etc, and the ports i manually forrward.The previous modem was a ZyXEL P-2602HWT-F3, and the new one is a ZyXEL P-2812HNU-F3.If i connect directly into the ZyXEL P-2812HNU-F3, every ports seems to be open, port 80 is open, port 21 is open, but not on the E4200, and yes, i have tried open the FTP ports.I have tried the 30/30/30 reset on the E4200.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Open Specific Ports On E4200?

Mar 5, 2012

How do I go about opening specific ports on an E4200?I'm having disconnect issues with a particular game, and the Customer Service drone thinks the ports required for the game aren't open. Nevermind the fact that it's worked fine for 6 months now, and the problem only started a few days ago.I figured I'd humor the idiot and open the ports, but all I can find is information on forwarding, not making sure the ports are open

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT54G - Check To See If Certain Ports Are Open?

Dec 29, 2011

I need to open four ports and have no idea how.  My web host thought that my ISP was blocking them; the ISP says they are not and that it is teh router.  I don't have pjone support anymore (WRT54G is old) so could not be walked through it by a tech support person.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E3000 Ports Forwarded Are Not Actually Open

Dec 9, 2012

I have been using Linksys routers for quite some time now, and recently made a big upgrade from the WRT54G to the E3000. I am familiar with the interface and its functionality. However, I recently noticed a problem: when I set a port to forward traffic to any IP address on my network and then check whether or not it is actually open (url...), I am told that the port is still closed. More interestingly still, the first port that I forwarded when I first got the router is listed as open, but the other half dozen or so are still considered closed. I have been trying to set up a file transfer protocol (FTP) server, but can't even get traffic to forward from port 21! I even tried using the pre-configured FTP drop down on the Applications & Gaming tab, but to no avail. Has anyone had similar issues, or perhaps an idea as to why only one port is forwarded when I have followed the same steps that I have been using for years?
I tried to get in touch with Technical Support about this issue, but was told that I needed to purchase a $30 subscription in order to qualify for assistance. I don't think that I should have to pay $30 to know why the same steps work with some ports but not with others.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E1200 Ports Not Open On DMZ Mode?

Oct 17, 2011

I've DMZ'd my computer using the the E1200's Web Browser Config screen ( yet when I try to test the ports not a single one is open.
I've used this test to see if they were open: [URL]
And almost none of them were. Is there any issue that could be causing this?
Also when I try to open a single port the site says it times out. Opening single ports didn't work either. I've also tried to DMZ via the IP and the MAC address of my PC and still no luck.

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Cannot Open Ports On Linksys Router?

May 27, 2012

I have been trying to host games for some time now with no luck. I believe it is because i cannot open the proper ports. I own a Linksys BFSR41 Ver. 4 router. I have been trying to open ports, testing them on a port checker website and they are always listed as closed. I have followed the guide on perfectly with no luck.I have disabled Block Anonymous Internet Requests.I have disabled my Windows firewall, and AVS. Still cannot open ports.I have also updated to the latest firmware. I am using Win-7 x64.

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Linksys Cable / DSL :: WAG54G2 - Open Nat On Ps3 And Xbox 360?

Dec 15, 2010

i have the xbox and ps3 wired to the router and the laptop wirelessly to the router (if that makes any difference)
My router is the Linksys WAG54G2

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT54G3G-AT - Way To Open Port 443 For Connection?

Aug 16, 2012

How to open port 443 on my wireless router model WRT54G3G-AT? For a secure business connection. Plese don't give me a link to follow, I've tried that one.

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Open Some Ports On A Linksys E1000?

Feb 7, 2011

I am trying to Open some ports on a Linksys E1000. When I run the Shield Up test to see the status of my ports the ones I want to open are closed which is normal but when i try to portforward any port the status goes from closed to stealth. That really does not make any sense to me why when trying to open a port it becomes even more secure then if I did not try to open it. I turned off the firewall and the only thing I see might be the wireless security on the router. I have no idea what that means tho so idk if it is even a firewall.

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Linksys Cable / DSL :: WAG120N - Ports Won't Open?

May 14, 2012

normally i have no trouble opening serten ports for gaming purposes but now i just cant seem to get them open
if i do  hyperlobby: (begin: 20999 ) (end: 21001 ) protocol: ( both) on my current ip address and select the active square
it should open port 21000 right?but if i check in game, it wont open, and if i check on internet for port checks it also says timed out, for some reason it wont open this port, also other game ports wont open anymore,not sure what router i got but i think this is the model :  WAG120N

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Open Ports Though No Router?

Apr 3, 2011

My reports say that my listen ports are blocked even though I removed my router already. I've enabled these ports in Windows firewall already. Why are they still blocked?

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What Does Open Ports Means In Router

Sep 12, 2011

by saying "open ports" in a router or PC or other Network System what we mean basically? what is opposite terminology, "closed ports"?-used or unused-sensitive-vulnerable or non vulnerable to attacks-exploited easily and when so may attacked and have much bad/serious consequences/results

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