No Network Connection In Certain Parts Of The House
Dec 29, 2012
I can't connect to the wireless modem from most parts of my bedroom. I can connect to the modem from the hall next to my bedroom. Can't from my brothers bedroom, but can from my parents' bedroom. All using the same laptop. Once I connect to the modem, and move into one of the rooms where I can't connect, I do stay connected. I can ping the modem, but I get very high results (800-1500 ms), while I get 1-5 ms in other parts of the house. I only get extremes, good connection or very bad connection, haven't found anything in-between.I've tried changing the network channel (I've tried 1, 6 and 11), but that didn't work at all. I've been away from home a few days and these issues started while I was away. Nothing obvious changed in our house while I was away. Just that my sis got a new phone (but can a phone honestly be responsible for this?). And my laptop has found a new modem in the neighborhood. Previously everything worked fine. I had great internet all over the house. Something is just blocking the signal.
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May 14, 2013
I have following issue with RV220W - the router seems to be dropping parts of traffic coming through it. The unit is brand new, the firewall is turned off, there are about 20 computers and 15 VOIP phones connected to it via Zyxel GS1910-48; all IPs are set to static DHCP records, in the last 3 hours the router rebooted about 3 times, then I turned on the log in. The router is producing insane number of warnings, as you may see from the log attached. I found this thread [URL] but no answer regarding this issue.
Wed May 15 13:03:10 2013(GMT) [rv220w][Kernel][KERNEL] cvm_ipfwd_cache_flow: Failed to allocate flow info buffer
Wed May 15 13:03:10 2013(GMT) [rv220w][Kernel][KERNEL] WARNING:cvmx_ptr_to_phys() passed a NULL pointer
Wed May 15 13:03:10 2013(GMT) [rv220w][Kernel][KERNEL] cvm_ipfwd_cache_flow: Failed to allocate flow info buffer
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Feb 20, 2013
For a long time now whenever my home phone is answered my internet connection drops, it happened on my lenovo z575 laptop and i recently built a pc and now use a netgear n-300 wireless adapter and it still happens. I have BT infinity fibre optic broadband and previously had aol broadband and the problem happened with both providers. I was told by bt that it was the wireless adapter in my laptop that was not compatible with the router but that was clearly not correct. The internet drops when the phone is answered and sometimes when it is put back in the holder and sometimes just when it is rung.
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May 8, 2012
I am currently wanting to make a wired network to save buying a wireless router. The house is unfinished so holes can still be made. I need network modular outlets in 8 rooms, I want to use some type of ethernet cable and connect wire them up to a multi outlet on a wall elsewhere. So I can connect to these without there being loads of wires everywhere. The problem is I don't know which ethernet wire to buy and also I don't know which outlets, tools etc. I need to buy also. I preferably would like the network to have speed of about 1gb. How to wire these and if there is a specific way of wiring them.
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Aug 3, 2011
I currently have one wireless router in my house. Of course its hooked up the the modem, but i also have it hooked up directly to my desktop considering the router is on the desk where my computer is.I recently moved to a new house.One of the rooms has a huge brick wall in it, unfortunately the computer is in that room.AND, its on the far left side of the house, so the other side of the wall barely gets any signal (Enough to work, but it bounces and only gets about 2 Megabytes Per Second, which is awful, because the router sends out 20 megabytes per second due to our internet plan.) Now, my room is all the way on the far right side of the house, in my room, i get barely any connection at all, 20% is normal in my room. I have my Playstation 3 in my room, so I had to wire an ethernet cable from the wireless router, up through the attic, to my PS3. I can now get 20 MBPS while playing video games. While that is great, i still don't have a wireless connection back there.
What i want to know is, can i plug in another wireless router to the ethernet cable in my room, sending out another signal. So basically, im plugging up a wireless router to another wireless router, and want them to both send out internet.I plan on getting a gaming laptop in December and will be playing it most of the time in my room. I need to know if this is possible, and if it is, how do i do it?First off, let me state that moving the computer or router in front of the brick wall is completely out of question.Also, know a lot of stuff about computers, but know almost nothing about networking.
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Sep 17, 2011
In my house I have a BT Business Hub wireless router at one end of my house. I am looking to extend the wireless range of my network into the kitchen at the other end of the house, which is a rather large distance away. The house is 200 years old with large corridors and thick walls. There is absolutely no wireless range from about halfway between the office and kitchen. I initially tried two powerline adapters which did not work. Having spoken with an electrician who carried out a rewire on the house, I have been advised that the two areas are on a separate ring main.I considered using two wireless range extenders, but have been told that the signal is halved for each extender that I use.So, I have had the idea of trying to use two DSL routers at each side of the house. There is a phone point in the office and also in the kitchen, where the second router would plug into. These are both on the same telephone line.
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Jun 7, 2012
I have a guest House with 10 rooms The wireless network in not secured as we are in the middle of nowhere One guest has mentioned that she thinks her files have been accessed over the network (by another guest?)
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Oct 29, 2012
I've never been very good with networking, and this is my first post to these forums, but essentially, what I would like to do is build a wireless network throughout my house, and fortunately it is a new build and I have already had hard-wires installed to the first floor and basement, with the primary connection point being my office on the 2nd floor.What do I need to do, hardware wise, to have a single wireless network throughout the house instead of 3 different wireless routers or something like that?
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Feb 4, 2011
I have a Linksys wireless-g broadbrand router ( WRT54G ) in my bedroom along with my cable modem and everything runs fine in my room. But I also have a pretty old computer in another bedroom about maybe 15 or 20 feet away from the current setup. On that computer I have a wireless g adapter that's connect through a usb port and has very low signal strength. I sometimes use that computer and I'm always getting kicked off I'm guessing because the signal cuts out. So, today I plugged in the adapter in my room with my setup and had amazing signal. What can I do to give that other computer a good boost? I know I should update that computer but I'm guessing I also need to somehow boost the signal somehow.
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Sep 27, 2011
I have a wrt160n that I would like to use to expand the range of my wireless network. I have tried a few solutions, but to no avail. I am thinking I have just not found the proper steps.I am behind a dsl wireless router that Telus has provided me. The values of that router setup are as follows:SSID: TELUS4108WPA/WPA2-AESDefault gateway: address: mask:
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Oct 8, 2011
I've been having problems with my internet on my PC. I use it mostly for gaming (League of Legends specifically but it's also hooked up to my Xbox for internet connection), and I frequently (about every minute or so, sometimes more) get bad lag spikes when playing games. My character will freeze in place while I click wildly about and then appear somewhere else (and die or lose a kill).
The thing is, I'm connected to my Apple Airport which all other devices in the house are connected to (Wii, dad's Mac desktop, my Mac laptop), and only my PC gets this lag. Seems like a fairly generic problem but I have no idea what to do about it, so if you need more information let me know.
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Dec 15, 2012
What is the best Ethernet cable too run around my house?
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Oct 23, 2011
my dad wants me to get on expanding our home network (getting wireless into other places in the house). i do consider myself pretty tech savvy ( i just built my computer from scratch) but this is a little bit beyond my comfort zone. the 4 ports on the router are keeping me tied up and the size and layout of the house are restricting the wireless range
provider: comcast cable
modem: arris TM502G (comcast provided)
router: linksys wireless-n wrt160n v3
4 pcs running windows xp to windows 7
3 laptops running xindows xp, windows 7 and windows 7 starter (netbook)
1 xbox 360
1 ps3
(looking to add netflix capable bluray players on 2 tvs in the future)
the downstairs layout (router is the star)
the upstairs (red is range of current setup thats a stretch) (blue wanted coverage)
not to scale and a quick draw the top half of the house is off set from the basement area. i used google earth to estimate the range from the router to the outside area of my wanted coverage area and its roughly 80 feet through 4 walls and the flooring i do not believe theres a single router capable of doing that without dropping some serious cash is all the ports are currently tied up, and id like to expand the number of ports, along with getting wireless to the area i pointed out, i have the capability of pulling hard wire through out the house also.
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Jun 22, 2011
Me and my girl friend both work from home doing freelance work using the internet. The company we do freelance work for allows one agent per ip address and checks the ip address for multiple agents I guess.I only have one modem, router, and two computers, but I believe they are on the same ip address.Is there a way to have two different ip addresses so we wouldn't have any issues with our work here?
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May 18, 2011
Can 2 wireless routers work in the same house if they are from 2 different internet providers? the reason why im asking is. my girlfriends daughter is getting here internet from cable. and its not very fast speed. i can get AT&T U-verse Internet. from my phone company for half the price and get more speed
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Feb 4, 2012
I'm considering wiring my house for Ethernet (I've chosen Cat 6 cable.). I've read some online guides about this. However, I can't seem to find any that would work with my house, which is a Pueblo-style flat roof with parapets. However, I want to tear out as little drywall as I can. There's already wiring for coax and phone.
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Jul 22, 2012
I have a Netgear R6300 Router and I bought 2 Netgear WN2500RP range extenders. My router is in my basement (not ideal I know but it's where everything is home run) and I have one extender on the main floor which works great, but want another extender on second floor or outside.
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Jan 9, 2011
how can make sure i am recving mbps that i am paying for?
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Apr 24, 2012
Randomly the internet connection for either my, my son's , or my husband's pc drops. This also can happen with the X-box. The router lights indicate it is working and the rest of the connections will be fine just randomly any one of ours will fail until we reset the router. Two of the pc's are wired, one is on a plug (devlo) and the xbox is wireless. I phoned BT, our isp, who sent an engineer out. It turned out the BT rep told the engineer I had reported no dial tone on my phone line and if I had allowed them to investgate this fictitious fault it would have cost me £150 for a call out.
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May 31, 2011
my house has 4 ports in each room, 2 coaxial, 1 for the net, and one for a TV, and there's a phone jack and a Cat5e Ethernet port. From what I have learned, all my ports lead up to a "closet", and I have found it. It has all the connections for the LAN, and everything else. I am confused on what to do next. I see that there are blue Ethernet cords connected to the ports on one side, and that they are not connected to anything on the other. I thought I had to buy a switch for all these ports, and I haven't done so yet. where am I supposed to connect the modem to the internet. It is currently connected to the internet coaxial port, which it then connect to the VoIP switch, and is then connected to everything else. Where is the coaxial port that I have to plug it in to, and what is it labeled?.
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Apr 26, 2011
If I have a wireless adapter do I still need a wireless router? I have DSL service for my desktop but just got a new laptop and wanted to be able to use my laptop around the house without relocating the DSL modem. However I wasn't sure about the adapter vs. the router.
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Oct 23, 2012
My device is not providing wireless around the house. What should I do?
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Mar 24, 2012
Just purchased two DIR-655's to spread the WiFi around the whole house. I realize now that the 655 is considered "older" when it comes to technology but I am really not using these for anything other than full coverage of our house. I am just looking for any recommendation people may be able to offer as to how to get the best out of these.
Same SSID everywhere so that the clients will see it one big network. Different channels so that there is no interference. No security enabled. (I am in the boonies, no neighbors and I have walked all the way out to the road with my laptop. You can't even see the network) My guess is that the clients will automatically switch to the AP with the strongest signal correct? Any utility that can tell me which AP I am connected to?I am running a Windows 2008 domain here in my house with the server performing DHCP and DNS functions. [code]
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Aug 28, 2011
So I am currently living in a fraternity with 60-70 other guys and our internet is slow at best. Currently we have 2 business connections from time warner cable and each of those connect to a apple wireless router. We dont have the speed i think we should and the range is very poor, and one of the routers seems to not work all the time.can give me to speed up the internet in my house,
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Jun 6, 2011
yesterday at 6:30 am my internet was working fine.yesterday at 7am it quits working.the computers through the house are 2 desktop PC's, one netbook, and one laptop.the 2 pc's connect to the router via a switch.the netbook and laptop use the wireless router.the wireless router is not specifically just a wireless router, it goes both ways (hardline and wireless)after 7am, the netbook still had connectivity to the internet via wireless even though my laptop did not.the internet is still connected to all of them, browsers like google chrome, firefox, and IE7 do not work. but just like a browser, steam's store will not's the funny part, the netbook still had browsing ability until 7pm last night.we checked all the ip's and MAC addresses on the computers to make sure nothing was conflicting.nothing was.packets were coming in and out at normal rate but none of our browsers worked.we do have comcast, and my father told me that comcast gives you norton for free for using them.i have read on here that removing norton magically solves the problem but 3 of the 4 computers does not run norton. and i also do not see the logic behind this.we have also recieved emails from comcast exclaiming that they have reports of "bot emails" coming from our I.P.'s could this have been an attack on our network or some network virus?
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Feb 20, 2013
I am trying to brainstorm some ideas for the best wireless set up in a house that is 2 stories and 8500 SQ Feet. The house is wired with ethernet jacks.
Option 1. ASUS RT-N66U and Hawking Hi-Gain HWREN1
Option 2. Two Apple Airport Extreme's at either end of the house.
Option 3. Asus RT-N66U and Linksys WRT54G (DD-WRT Firmware).
What about the placement of the equipment? Should there be one router/access point on each floor or just two at either end of the house.
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Mar 9, 2013
We have wireless in the house, the router, etc is down in the basement where my office is. Is there any way to increase the strength to the main level of the house? Our house is standard size, but it seems to weaken upstairs.
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Feb 21, 2013
I bought a "Nexxt Solutions 8 ports Ethernet Switch" and it only allows me to use the internet on the first computer that I plug into one of the Lan ports. I get a Limited Connection MessageI did some research and found something about a DHCP Server and automatic IP assignment, but I can't find a comprehensive tutorial on how to setup this.I'm sure the solution is simple.
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Apr 16, 2012
my brother could not use wireless at my house where do I find security code?
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Jun 21, 2011
I have 2 networks in the house. The main network is called "FIOS", From one of its LAN ports, a cable runs to the power-line adapter #1) and supplies internet via power-line, to my office.Office network called "Leo". A Netgear router with Its WAN port connected to powerline and is getting its internet from Powerline adapter #1 I have devices attached to both networks, and would like them to communicate. (like TV on "FIOS" to communicate with NAS on "Leo")
Main network "Fios" uses Actiontec MI424WR Gen2. Router DHCP enabled: IP schema 192.168.X.X
Secondary network "Leo". uses Netgear power-line Router DHCP enabled: IP schem 10.0.X.X
So I have a TV which is a member of "Fios" , but would like it to access a NAS, which is attached to the Netgear router "Leo"
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Apr 13, 2011
I m setup for my brother's next house. He wants to use to share with my internet access. I do have 2wire modem provider that has wireless capability in my house. So he have DAP-1522 [bridge mode] and adjust in Wireless Setting, to use SSID manual, (Bell9**) WPA. It s successful, and works well. Problem is cannot use wired to computers, blu-ray, Xbox 360 in same time. it will disconnect frequently because in bridge mode doesn't have DHCP reserved?
My bro bought other one is DIR-655. DAP-1522 keep in [bridge mode] to link to DIR-655 (Static IP), and setup DHCP Reserved. He feel relief that works very well and have no problem with any computers and devices doesn't disconnect anymore. my question is why DAP-1522 doesn't have DHCP reserved when bridge mode that connected to any providers modem?
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Sep 9, 2012
Have two desk top pc's in metal building office they are operating by way of DSL modem my provider is Century Link. I purchased a WRT 54Gl linksys wireless router hoping I would be able to get a WIFI signal to my house. I have no live phone lines in my home just the one in my metal building , how can I get a signal through the metal building to my home in order to use wifi on my Ipod and Iphone . Keep in mind I am 200 ft from my home and have a wooden shop and another metal building to go through to get to my home.
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Jun 25, 2011
how do i change the signal of my router, i belive this is the reason why my interent goes off when the house phone is used
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