Home Network :: How To Network My House Using Ethernet Cable

May 8, 2012

I am currently wanting to make a wired network to save buying a wireless router. The house is unfinished so holes can still be made. I need network modular outlets in 8 rooms, I want to use some type of ethernet cable and connect wire them up to a multi outlet on a wall elsewhere. So I can connect to these without there being loads of wires everywhere. The problem is I don't know which ethernet wire to buy and also I don't know which outlets, tools etc. I need to buy also. I preferably would like the network to have speed of about 1gb. How to wire these and if there is a specific way of wiring them.

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Home Network :: Latest Ethernet Cable For Home Wiring?

Sep 20, 2011

I'm currently in the process of buying the new property, which is in the build process and would like to put some cables across 3 floors, which would be connected to the router downstairs.

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Home Network :: Setting Up Two Wireless Connections In The Same House?

Aug 3, 2011

I currently have one wireless router in my house. Of course its hooked up the the modem, but i also have it hooked up directly to my desktop considering the router is on the desk where my computer is.I recently moved to a new house.One of the rooms has a huge brick wall in it, unfortunately the computer is in that room.AND, its on the far left side of the house, so the other side of the wall barely gets any signal (Enough to work, but it bounces and only gets about 2 Megabytes Per Second, which is awful, because the router sends out 20 megabytes per second due to our internet plan.) Now, my room is all the way on the far right side of the house, in my room, i get barely any connection at all, 20% is normal in my room. I have my Playstation 3 in my room, so I had to wire an ethernet cable from the wireless router, up through the attic, to my PS3. I can now get 20 MBPS while playing video games. While that is great, i still don't have a wireless connection back there.

What i want to know is, can i plug in another wireless router to the ethernet cable in my room, sending out another signal. So basically, im plugging up a wireless router to another wireless router, and want them to both send out internet.I plan on getting a gaming laptop in December and will be playing it most of the time in my room. I need to know if this is possible, and if it is, how do i do it?First off, let me state that moving the computer or router in front of the brick wall is completely out of question.Also, know a lot of stuff about computers, but know almost nothing about networking.

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Home Network :: Configure Two DSL Routers In A Very Large House?

Sep 17, 2011

In my house I have a BT Business Hub wireless router at one end of my house. I am looking to extend the wireless range of my network into the kitchen at the other end of the house, which is a rather large distance away. The house is 200 years old with large corridors and thick walls. There is absolutely no wireless range from about halfway between the office and kitchen. I initially tried two powerline adapters which did not work. Having spoken with an electrician who carried out a rewire on the house, I have been advised that the two areas are on a separate ring main.I considered using two wireless range extenders, but have been told that the signal is halved for each extender that I use.So, I have had the idea of trying to use two DSL routers at each side of the house. There is a phone point in the office and also in the kitchen, where the second router would plug into. These are both on the same telephone line.

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Ethernet Cable Too Run Around My House?

Dec 15, 2012

What is the best Ethernet cable too run around my house?

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Adding WAP To Ethernet Home Network?

Jan 26, 2012

I would like to set up a WAP at home so that we can choose when different members of the family have wifi access.I am currently using ethernet and a Thomson Speedtouch 546(i) V6 router. We have 3 laptop PCs and an imac, also a PS3 and Wii

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Home Network :: Wireless Connection Sharing Over Ethernet?

Aug 11, 2012

I'm sure this may appear to have been asked before but I've scoured the Internet and can't find anything exactly applicable to the setup I'm trying to achieve. I had a sky ADSL connection in my living room that had my tv, ps3, NAS and netbook wired in. I've since changed to a sky fibre connection but this had to be installed in the master phone line which is upstairs. This obviously isn't a problem for all of the wireless devices around the house including the netbook and ps3 in the living room. The NAS and TV are still wired to the old router so can see each other with no problems. Any pc trying to connect to the NAS can just switch to the old router via wifi if desired. The only problem I have is that the TV can no longer access the Internet.

I initially tried to use ICS on the netbook (it's left on permanently) - it's wired to the old router and wirelessly connected to the new one. This appeared to be working for a while but is no longer playing ball. I've tried bridging the connections and the tv and NAS both had Internet access but it's very sporadic.Is this a reasonable setup or should I be looking for another solution? I can specify a manual ip, subnet and default gateway on the tv if necessary - I was going to point it towards the bridge's gateway but I don't know about IP?

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Home Network :: How To Get More Ethernet Ports Available To Use / Without Losing Sky Router

Oct 27, 2012

I have Sky Fibre Optic Broadband, with a router supplied by Sky, (You can't use any other router, as username/password for internet is already put into router & they will not give you details when you phone them). The router they supply has only four Ethernet ports on. One is used by Sky to give you Fibre Broadband, thus leaving you with three.I have five devices that must use Ethernet, as they do not have wireless.How do I get more Ethernet ports available to use, without losing the Sky router, as Sky will NOT let you use any other router.

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Home Network :: Use Access Point As Ethernet Card?

Jan 23, 2012

May I use an access point as wireless receiver to have internet on RJ45 interface?Is possible that internet source for AP to be on antenna, not on RJ45?

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Ethernet Cable Showing As (unidentified Network)

Dec 5, 2012

My attempts to connect me and my girlfriend's laptops together for some LAN gaming with an ethernet cable has had some odd problems, with my LAN connection showing up as an Unidentified, Public Network which I cannot edit in any way whatsoever. I'm at a loss. I've tried setting a static IP and it didn't appear to work at all.The network bridge is to use my laptop as a wireless adaptor for my Xbox.

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7600]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Windows IP Configuration
Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : Corey-PC
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No


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Cannot Connect To Wireless Network Without Ethernet Cable

Sep 11, 2011

I have a Netgear wireless router and just set up my wireless network.The only problem is that when I remove the ethernet cable, I lose connection to the internet.My operating system is Vista.In the network connection icon, it shows that I am connected to an unidentified network.Also, on the globe icon it shows that I am connected to the network by local access only. Furthermore, I seem to be missing tabs under the wireless network connection properties section, such as advanced and sharing. I seem to be sending packets but not receiving any.I tried all the basics at this point, including rebooting and powering the modem and router down.

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Home Network :: Using Both Wireless And Wired Ethernet Connections On Laptop

Aug 17, 2011

I have some servers running in my office and I have hooked them to a wireless router. I want to access those servers from my work laptop. At this time, I have to disconnect from my company network and assign static IP to wireless interface to access those servers. is there a way to configure my laptop so that i can be hooked to my company network through wired interface and can access my servers through wireless interface which is configured with static IP

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Home Network :: Ethernet In - Wall Updated With Setup Pictures

Mar 16, 2011

My internet (via wifi) works just fine. But here is the situation that has me baffled-I have a house that has ethernet wired ports in each room, then there is a central hub in my closet. In the hub, I have a grey ethernet cord that is labeled 'service'. This service wire connects to a board that features 12 ethernet ports, 1 of which says 'in', 1 says 'security interface' and has a little nub in it, and the other 10 are not labeled. The grey wire is in the 'in' port.So I am left with 10 ports- port 3 of 10 has a (phone cord size) cord in it, connecting into the 'line' port on my Qwest modem/router. (Qwest set this all up for me, by the way). The modem/router is obviously plugged into the wall. Now- remaining loose in the hub are 9 ethernet cords- 5 blue, 4 green. Each one of these is written on in sharpie, and has a room label on it. 'Family, living room, kitchen, etc...'. So, pretty obvious, I simply found which cord corresponds to the room I am trying to use (family GREEN is one, family BLUE is another). These 2 wires correspond to the top port, and bottom port of a switch plate that is in my family room. Now- inside the closet hub I plugged family GREEN and family BLUE into the back of the ROUTER, ports 1 and 2 (of 4 available). Now- I went back to the wall- connected ethernet wires into the wall plate and then into the ethernet devices I am trying to use (slingbox and directv dvr). Neither are working.

If I go to setup menu on dvr it says it cannot find a network, not getting an ip address. is that the slingbox red lights are both solid (which means there is a connection), and if I go back to the router ETH1 and ETH2 are lit up on the front, again implying that I have a valid connection. This isn't rocket science, but I must be doing something wrong. Are the family GREEN and family BLUE supposed to go into any of the 9 remaining ports that are open inside the closet hub? Because my thought was- let's say hypothetically I wanted to use every available wall jack in my house. There are 9 wall jacks total, but there are only 4 ports on the router. So this would not work. But, there are 9 ethernet ports open on the board in the closet. So I must need to use the ports in the closet, NOT on the router? If so, are these closet ports specific? Because (remember I have a phone like cord coming out of port 3, going into the 'line' port on my router/modem) I took this phone like cord out of port 3, plugged into port 4. and 5, and 6, 7, etc... and none of them would allow my wifi to work- the INT light goes off on the modem/router at that point. But when I plugged back into port 3 (where Qwest originally put it), INT lit back up and wifi worked again. So this makes me think that these 10 (9 remaining) ports are specific somehow? I know this was a lot to read. End result I am looking for- continue to use my wifi on the computer (the ONE place in my house there is no wall jack lol), and connect my slingbox and my directv dvr to the wall jack in my family room so I can (have slingbox) and get On-Demand content for directv.

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Home Network :: Chaining Ethernet Switches And Access Points

Dec 22, 2012

i have a network at home where 2 Ethernet switches (denoted as #1 and #2 in the diagram below) are chained ,then 3 wireless access points is connected to the 2nd switch. family laptops want to access the internet using wireless access points. any problem with this configuration ?

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Home Network :: Can't Print To Wireless Printer From Ethernet Connected PC

Mar 1, 2011

I am currently having a problem connecting a hardlined (ethernet connected) PC to a wireless printer. I want to know first of all if this is even possible. If so, how can I make this work? I know just enough about networking to be dangerous, but not enough to see what I am doing wrong. My network structure is as follows:
a 2Wire wireless modem/router provided by my ISP. a win xp laptop connected wirelessly a vista laptop connected wirelessly a win xp pc connected via the 2Wire ethernet port a Lexmark 4530 printer with wireless adapter connected wirelessly wireless config is WPA-personal (TKIP)

The laptops are able to print to the printer, but that is only because I used the CD for the printer to setup the wireless printing. When I look at the network neighborhood on both laptops, the printer does not appear. This leads me to believe that the printer is not connected to the network, the laptops have just created a printer connection (the port designation leads me to believe this as it just shows Lexmark 3500_4500 and not an actual address). The hardlined PC can connect to the internet, but is not visible to either of the PC's. When I try to type in the IP address listed on the printers config page, it doesn't see it. I can ping it, but can't connect. I think my problem is in the connection of the wireless printer. I can see it in the connection screen of the 2Wire status page, but I have a funny feeling it isn't configured properly. There appears to be no way to configure the printer outside of using their "wireless connection utility wizard" on the CD.

There is one other twist to this, I have a Dlink DGL4300 wireless gaming router that I use for my XBOX and to give me additional hardline ports for other things. I don't have it connected right now (my box is out of commission waiting on parts), but I did have it connected behind the 2Wire before without any problems. I would like for it to remain this way once I have the printing problem resolved. I am using DHCP right now with auto assigned IPs, but I can reconfigure the network to whatever will allow me to get this to work properly.

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Home Network :: Cable TV And Powerline Networking

Mar 11, 2011

I would like to set up a TV in my spare room which does not have a coax plug. Because of the set of my house running coax cable to this room, although possible, is something I am hoping to avoid. This is because if I was to run the cable on the outside of the wall it would get in my way and it will cost $300 to $400 for a tech to come out and run it through the wall.My first thought was to set up an old computer in my living room and have it connect to a cable box. Then I would send the video signal over the wireless network. The problem is that I cannot change channels on the other end. I have been reading up on power-line networking and it looks like a good option for my problem. I was hoping to find a device that will allow me to plug coax cable into it in the living room send the signal through the power-line to another device in my spare room where my TV receiver would be located. Is there anything like this out there on the market? If not are there any other options I can look at?

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Home Network :: Wifi Or Rj-45 Crossover Cable?

Mar 29, 2012

Ad hoc network may created between two PCs either with, wifi or a RJ-45 Crossover cable?

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How To Connect Laptop With A Home Network Without Using A Cable

Feb 10, 2011

How to connect laptop with a home network without using a cable??

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Home Network :: Internet Is Not Working While Using 24m Cable?

Aug 10, 2011

I have a modem which is allowing me to go online at home. Unfortunately, the cable that goes with this modem is too short (just 2m).This week, I bought a cable (internet cable) of 24m and I expected to be able to move around while being connected and surf the internet but internet does not work when I am using the new cable. We have tested the cable (using a cable tester) and the cable seems to work fine. When I use back the old cable (which is very short) internet is working perfect.

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Linksys Cable / DSL :: WAG160Nv2 For Home Network?

Sep 30, 2012

To connect WAG160N to a Dell switch 5224 do I need a cross cable or a simple one? Do I need to use port 1 of WAG160N or any port ?

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Local Area Connection Via Ethernet Cable - Unidentified Network

Nov 14, 2012

just a couple of days ago i started having problems with my internet, I can't seem to connect via an Ethernet cable?

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Dell :: Inspiron 1545 Ethernet Network Cable Unplugged

Mar 7, 2013

I just had recently replaced my Power Jack which had the ethernet port with it. Ever since I replaced it my Local Network Connection would give me an error (Network Cable Unplugged).

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Home Network :: Connect Two Computers Using A Crossover Cable?

Jul 3, 2011

I'm trying to connect my two computer (XP and Win 7) using a crossover cable. I set the the IP as and computers can see each each other and I can access the public folder of the win7-machine on my XP-machine. However, if I try accessing the xp-machine it says:

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Home Network :: Why Maximum Length Of UTP Cable Is 100 Meter

Mar 17, 2011

as we know twisted pair cat 5 has maximum length 100 meter?

is because the voltage will decrease"weak" at the receiver "because the resistance of cable"? or because the noise will increase?

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Home Network :: New Cat6 200ft Cable Not Working?

Nov 15, 2011

I just bought and received a Cat6 200ft Ethernet cable from Amazon, linkIt is going from a router to my PC and is not working. My old Ethernet cable works just fine from said router to PC. I do not know why this one is not working. I tested the cable out on my laptop and it works fine for that. I am not sure what info to post about my PC, but I am using an Asrock z68 Extreme3 Gen3 motherboard as my lan connector.

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Home Network :: TP-Link Wireless Access Point / Ethernet Switcher (TL-SF2005D) Fails To Connect?

Jun 6, 2011

I have just bought a TP-Link Wireless Access Point (TL-WA&01ND) and an ethernet switcher (TL-SF2005D).I have put the access point into client mode, allowing me to put it in my room and wirelessly connect to my router, allowing me to plug my PC in over ethernet and use the internet. However, after much fiddling with settings I cannot get it to work, as it continually searches for a network, and then fails to connect, despite the fact it is configured to use the network?I already have a similar setup with a netgear wireless G access point which works, and so I dont understand why the new box cannot do this when using what I believe to be the same settings.

Secondly I have an ethernet switch box which I bought to connect to the access point and switch the ethernet signal between my two PCs, my xbox and PC. This works fine with my primary PC (over my old access point) but when I try to connect my PC i get a DNS failure with auto IP settings and a gateway failure with manual settings, and other devices refuse to connect.

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Home Network :: Connection Between Router And Cable Modem Goes Off At Specific Time?

Jul 20, 2011

Lately I've been experiencing connection problems between my router and cable modem. Every night after 11:00 PM EST, my Internet connection sporadically goes out. I called my ISP who said there was nothing wrong on their end. Plugging directly into my modem allows me to access the Internet. When I wake up in the morning, the connection is back until 11 or later again. I ran WireShark but I'm not sure what to be looking for. There are a lot of random things from the LLMNR protocol like standard query A zmtvrjaql.

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Networking :: Does Length Of Cat6 Cable Make Difference In Home Network DIR-655

Dec 10, 2011

I have a Dlink DIR-655 router for my wired and wireless router for my home network. I have a 100ft cat6 ethernet cable. I pulled it from the router to my home server in my basement.

Does the 100ft cable make a difference or does the fact that it's a cat6 cable make a difference?

When moving similar files at work, it's faster. So I'm trying to find out what's the bottleneck at home. What speeds should I expect for a home network?

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Home Network :: Advanced Home Network Setup (3 Subnets) And Port Forwarding?

Feb 24, 2013

I have a Time Warner Cable business class service with no static IP, with a wireless modem which is plugged to a CAT5 distribution panel. On the jacks (2 other rooms on the house) I have a Linksys E3000 and a Linksys Valet router for signal boost and gadgets usage (TV, cameras, etc).The main router (TWC) has it's own external IP which TWC assigns to me and internally distributes via DHCP the range 192.168.0.x. With that said:

- The E3000 has a IP -- this is fixed setup on the TWC router (ubee brand) by MAC address
- The Valet has a IP -- this is fixed setup on the TWC router (ubee brand) by MAC address
- The main router has the as the gateway and web-interface

Whenever I connect something to the E3000, it is distributing the 192.168.1.x range and the valet 192.168.2.x range.That works perfectly for my home based business until I decided to use more stuff on the network such as a IP printer, IP cameras, etc.

- The IP cameras are connected to the E3000 due to signal strength and I have manually assigned them the and IPs and ports 9001 and 9002.

- The printer is connected to the E3000 and I have manually assigned the IP

Issue 1: Port forwarding On the main router (TWC - UBEE) I have tried to setup a port forwarding by informing the Local IP as (E3000 IP), Internal Port 0, Public Interface IP (, Ext Start Port 9001, Ext End Port 9001, Protocol - Both, Enabled Yes. On the E3000 I did the same config (screen shot attached e3000.png).This is not working properly. I can't get into the camera.

Issue 2: Printer/ The printer is only accessible if I connect to the E3000 (because it is on the 192.168.1.x network)

Issue 3: How to configure all the devices on the same subnet? If I want everyone to be on the 192.168.0.x network, how to configure properly the E3000 and the Valet? I have tried to force them into the same network but it would not work properly. It would not get an IP from the UBEE router (main).

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Home Network :: ARRIS TM822 - Bridging Cable Broadband Modem To Router

Feb 18, 2013

i have an ARRIS TM822 cable modem provided by comcast, in addition i have a linksys e3000 wireless router. what i am trying to accomplish is to bridge the cable modem over to the router. i messaged comcast about this issue and i have attempted what they told me to do, but im not getting any where.

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Cisco Switching/Routing :: 2950 And Cable Router - Expand Home Network

Apr 27, 2012

I just picked up a 24 port Catalyst 2950 to expand my home network and learn a bit more about networking. Having just upgraded the IOS software 'm now trying to get this to work as required on my network but I'm having a few issues.
My intentions are to plug my cable router/modem wan connection which is set up as the dhcp server to fa 0/1, then use fa 0/2 - 24 for the rest of my wired network. So essentially all on the same subnet interfacing with the router
So far I have set up all of the security on the switch, and have all switch ports assigned to vlan1 with no IPs. My laptop connected to fa0/2 however is not assigned an ip address. Looking at a few posts I ahve rightly or wrongly played about with dhcp snooping.
Current configuration : 2205 bytes                                             
version 12.1                                                                   
no service pad                                                                 
service timestamps debug uptime                                                
service timestamps log uptime                                                  
service (code)

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No Network Connection In Certain Parts Of The House

Dec 29, 2012

I can't connect to the wireless modem from most parts of my bedroom. I can connect to the modem from the hall next to my bedroom. Can't from my brothers bedroom, but can from my parents' bedroom. All using the same laptop. Once I connect to the modem, and move into one of the rooms where I can't connect, I do stay connected. I can ping the modem, but I get very high results (800-1500 ms), while I get 1-5 ms in other parts of the house. I only get extremes, good connection or very bad connection, haven't found anything in-between.I've tried changing the network channel (I've tried 1, 6 and 11), but that didn't work at all. I've been away from home a few days and these issues started while I was away. Nothing obvious changed in our house while I was away. Just that my sis got a new phone (but can a phone honestly be responsible for this?). And my laptop has found a new modem in the neighborhood. Previously everything worked fine. I had great internet all over the house. Something is just blocking the signal.

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File Sharing On Wireless Network In Guest House?

Jun 7, 2012

I have a guest House with 10 rooms The wireless network in not secured as we are in the middle of nowhere One guest has mentioned that she thinks her files have been accessed over the network (by another guest?)

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