Home Network :: How To Get More Ethernet Ports Available To Use / Without Losing Sky Router

Oct 27, 2012

I have Sky Fibre Optic Broadband, with a router supplied by Sky, (You can't use any other router, as username/password for internet is already put into router & they will not give you details when you phone them). The router they supply has only four Ethernet ports on. One is used by Sky to give you Fibre Broadband, thus leaving you with three.I have five devices that must use Ethernet, as they do not have wireless.How do I get more Ethernet ports available to use, without losing the Sky router, as Sky will NOT let you use any other router.

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Home Network :: Using A Netgear WG602 Wireless Router - PC And Iphone Randomly Losing Connection?

Jun 2, 2011

Currently using a netgear WG602 wireless router which i use to connect to my 2nd PC and Iphone, with the Netgear router running from my main PC.I have recently been having trouble with my 2nd PC ad Iphone randomly losing connection and the only way for the connection to be reastablished is to reboot the wireless router. Once rebooted i am able to connect again to the internet with no problems, interestingly enough my main PC never loses connection. Also sometimes when i lose my connection and reboot the wireless router i will have a IP conflict pop up on my 2nd PC however i would i say i get this once in every 10 dissconects and not all the time. Sometimes i won't dissconect at all in a day but sometimes i may dissconect 5-6 times.

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Home Network :: Wireless Router With 12 Ports?

Jul 21, 2011

My house is wired with Ethernet to just about every room with several connections in some rooms and its come time to expand our network. Right now we have a wireless router connected by Ethernet to a standard Ethernet router and we are experiencing problems with our network printers. While i'm not sure if it will solve our printing problems i am looking to consolidate both my wireless router and my standard Ethernet router into one single router.

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Home Network :: How Many Ports Can An Average Router Handle

Mar 9, 2011

I have a bandwidth-intensive video conferencing device connected to a router. I have forwarded all the necessary ports to the device (and I have even tried DMZ) but the device is unable to connect to some servers due to "NAT issues". The device uses lots of ports simultaneously to connect and I am wondering maybe possibly the router can not handle the number of open ports. The ISP only blocks port 25 which the device does not use. Could it be that the ISP limits the number of ports that are in use? Or maybe the ISP limits the amount of bandwidth that can pass through certain ports?

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Losing Wifi In Home Network?

Sep 2, 2012

it shows that it is Online getting an Excellent Connection thru my Home Network... I go Online using Firefox with it at home.. stays up for a few minutes .. can get onto the internet...then loses the ability to stay connected.... it still states it's Connected though ... kind of baffling... like something is timing out then blocking it...I tried shutting down my AVG Anti-Virus.. also shut down Windows Firewall... it still continues to lose the Connection while stating it's connected getting a good signal... both of these are configured correctly as far as I can seeI've re-installed my Wireless driver thru the Acer Recovery Management included on the Netbook.. still no good..

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Home Network :: Losing Connection On Part Of Network?

Nov 27, 2012

I have a problem with my home network (diagram attached below). I sporadically lose connection between my Router and the devices behind the switch. I have replaced the Ethernet cable between the 2 so I don't think the problem's there. It will work for a week or so, then just lose the connection. I then try a combination of rebooting all of the devices on the network and/or unplugging and re-plugging the cable connections and sometimes that works. It's a relatively new router, but can a router be "underpowered" for pushing a signa

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Home Network :: Set A Rule In Router 1 To Forward All Ports To Router 2?

Jul 13, 2012

Router 1
Cisco EPC2420 to ISP via F-connectorConnects to Router 2
Router 2
Asus DSL_N55U to Server)

So I bought router 2 but since it doesn't have an F-connector input I need to keep router 1 in the infrastructure so I can connect to the internet.The port forwarding on router 1 is a limited list so I can only add so many rules and would rather have my router 2 do this as it alot better but i cannot seem to get it to work.So I set a rule in router 1 to forward all ports to router 2 and then setup the port forwarding in router 2 to send port 22 to my linux box but it didnt work.

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Home Network :: Latest Ethernet Cable For Home Wiring?

Sep 20, 2011

I'm currently in the process of buying the new property, which is in the build process and would like to put some cables across 3 floors, which would be connected to the router downstairs.

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Belkin Wired Ethernet Router / Losing Connection With Online Games

Nov 3, 2011

I've recently replaced my router with this Belkin (F5D7230uk4) Router, (this one without the wireless reciever Whenever it's used for online gaming, either on my computer, my playstation 3, or my brothers computer the router will lose connection after about 5minutes, then return within about 30 seconds. This happens every single time without exception, and have not been able to play for longer than 10minutes on any occasion since changing the router. I've tried connecting straight to the modem and it all functions correctly with no problems, so I am certain that it is something that needs to be setup with the router. I've searched many forums and posts from people having similar problems, and followed instructions to disable router firewall, disabled UPnP and NAT etc with absolutely no success whatsoever.

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Home Network :: No Open Ports Despite Port Forwarding

Jul 10, 2012

I'm struggling to set up an SSH router and it always looks like the port is closed...

Here's my set-up

www>D-Link router (ADSL connection)>Linksys router (+Tomato)>Target PC

I have set up the Linksys router to be an SSH server running Tomato as described in many other forums. The "Tomato router" sits behind my ISP-provided D-link-2680 router.

The internal IP of the Tomato router is and if I try: Code:

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Cisco Firewall :: ASA 5505 / Use The Ethernet Ports As Pure Physical Layer 3 Ports

Jun 9, 2013

We have an ASA 5505. 5505 comes with two default vlans 1&2 with each of them marked as inside & outside respectively.My query is , if i do not want to use vlans on 5505 and only want to use the Ethernet ports as pure physical layer 3 ports, is it possible?i.e. i want to assign a layer 3 ip address on eth0/0 and eth0/1 and make them as the inside & outside interfaces rather than vlans. is it possible to do away with vlans in 5505 & will it work otherwise?

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Home Network :: How To Network My House Using Ethernet Cable

May 8, 2012

I am currently wanting to make a wired network to save buying a wireless router. The house is unfinished so holes can still be made. I need network modular outlets in 8 rooms, I want to use some type of ethernet cable and connect wire them up to a multi outlet on a wall elsewhere. So I can connect to these without there being loads of wires everywhere. The problem is I don't know which ethernet wire to buy and also I don't know which outlets, tools etc. I need to buy also. I preferably would like the network to have speed of about 1gb. How to wire these and if there is a specific way of wiring them.

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Adding WAP To Ethernet Home Network?

Jan 26, 2012

I would like to set up a WAP at home so that we can choose when different members of the family have wifi access.I am currently using ethernet and a Thomson Speedtouch 546(i) V6 router. We have 3 laptop PCs and an imac, also a PS3 and Wii

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Home Network :: Wireless Connection Sharing Over Ethernet?

Aug 11, 2012

I'm sure this may appear to have been asked before but I've scoured the Internet and can't find anything exactly applicable to the setup I'm trying to achieve. I had a sky ADSL connection in my living room that had my tv, ps3, NAS and netbook wired in. I've since changed to a sky fibre connection but this had to be installed in the master phone line which is upstairs. This obviously isn't a problem for all of the wireless devices around the house including the netbook and ps3 in the living room. The NAS and TV are still wired to the old router so can see each other with no problems. Any pc trying to connect to the NAS can just switch to the old router via wifi if desired. The only problem I have is that the TV can no longer access the Internet.

I initially tried to use ICS on the netbook (it's left on permanently) - it's wired to the old router and wirelessly connected to the new one. This appeared to be working for a while but is no longer playing ball. I've tried bridging the connections and the tv and NAS both had Internet access but it's very sporadic.Is this a reasonable setup or should I be looking for another solution? I can specify a manual ip, subnet and default gateway on the tv if necessary - I was going to point it towards the bridge's gateway but I don't know about IP?

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Home Network :: Use Access Point As Ethernet Card?

Jan 23, 2012

May I use an access point as wireless receiver to have internet on RJ45 interface?Is possible that internet source for AP to be on antenna, not on RJ45?

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Connect Second Router / Ethernet Ports?

Nov 15, 2011

When i was looking for a wireless card, everyone seemed to be having connectivity issues with all of these cards, and i regularly have interference issues when the microwave is used which completely knocks off my connection. How to connect a second router as i have a telephone port in my room so i am able to connect my PC/PS3 via ethernet. Just some basic info, I'm on the O2 wireless network using their Thomson router, and i also have a Bt Homehub 2 lying about for some reason.

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Home Network :: Using Both Wireless And Wired Ethernet Connections On Laptop

Aug 17, 2011

I have some servers running in my office and I have hooked them to a wireless router. I want to access those servers from my work laptop. At this time, I have to disconnect from my company network and assign static IP to wireless interface to access those servers. is there a way to configure my laptop so that i can be hooked to my company network through wired interface and can access my servers through wireless interface which is configured with static IP

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Home Network :: Ethernet In - Wall Updated With Setup Pictures

Mar 16, 2011

My internet (via wifi) works just fine. But here is the situation that has me baffled-I have a house that has ethernet wired ports in each room, then there is a central hub in my closet. In the hub, I have a grey ethernet cord that is labeled 'service'. This service wire connects to a board that features 12 ethernet ports, 1 of which says 'in', 1 says 'security interface' and has a little nub in it, and the other 10 are not labeled. The grey wire is in the 'in' port.So I am left with 10 ports- port 3 of 10 has a (phone cord size) cord in it, connecting into the 'line' port on my Qwest modem/router. (Qwest set this all up for me, by the way). The modem/router is obviously plugged into the wall. Now- remaining loose in the hub are 9 ethernet cords- 5 blue, 4 green. Each one of these is written on in sharpie, and has a room label on it. 'Family, living room, kitchen, etc...'. So, pretty obvious, I simply found which cord corresponds to the room I am trying to use (family GREEN is one, family BLUE is another). These 2 wires correspond to the top port, and bottom port of a switch plate that is in my family room. Now- inside the closet hub I plugged family GREEN and family BLUE into the back of the ROUTER, ports 1 and 2 (of 4 available). Now- I went back to the wall- connected ethernet wires into the wall plate and then into the ethernet devices I am trying to use (slingbox and directv dvr). Neither are working.

If I go to setup menu on dvr it says it cannot find a network, not getting an ip address. is that the slingbox red lights are both solid (which means there is a connection), and if I go back to the router ETH1 and ETH2 are lit up on the front, again implying that I have a valid connection. This isn't rocket science, but I must be doing something wrong. Are the family GREEN and family BLUE supposed to go into any of the 9 remaining ports that are open inside the closet hub? Because my thought was- let's say hypothetically I wanted to use every available wall jack in my house. There are 9 wall jacks total, but there are only 4 ports on the router. So this would not work. But, there are 9 ethernet ports open on the board in the closet. So I must need to use the ports in the closet, NOT on the router? If so, are these closet ports specific? Because (remember I have a phone like cord coming out of port 3, going into the 'line' port on my router/modem) I took this phone like cord out of port 3, plugged into port 4. and 5, and 6, 7, etc... and none of them would allow my wifi to work- the INT light goes off on the modem/router at that point. But when I plugged back into port 3 (where Qwest originally put it), INT lit back up and wifi worked again. So this makes me think that these 10 (9 remaining) ports are specific somehow? I know this was a lot to read. End result I am looking for- continue to use my wifi on the computer (the ONE place in my house there is no wall jack lol), and connect my slingbox and my directv dvr to the wall jack in my family room so I can (have slingbox) and get On-Demand content for directv.

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Home Network :: Chaining Ethernet Switches And Access Points

Dec 22, 2012

i have a network at home where 2 Ethernet switches (denoted as #1 and #2 in the diagram below) are chained ,then 3 wireless access points is connected to the 2nd switch. family laptops want to access the internet using wireless access points. any problem with this configuration ?

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Home Network :: Can't Print To Wireless Printer From Ethernet Connected PC

Mar 1, 2011

I am currently having a problem connecting a hardlined (ethernet connected) PC to a wireless printer. I want to know first of all if this is even possible. If so, how can I make this work? I know just enough about networking to be dangerous, but not enough to see what I am doing wrong. My network structure is as follows:
a 2Wire wireless modem/router provided by my ISP. a win xp laptop connected wirelessly a vista laptop connected wirelessly a win xp pc connected via the 2Wire ethernet port a Lexmark 4530 printer with wireless adapter connected wirelessly wireless config is WPA-personal (TKIP)

The laptops are able to print to the printer, but that is only because I used the CD for the printer to setup the wireless printing. When I look at the network neighborhood on both laptops, the printer does not appear. This leads me to believe that the printer is not connected to the network, the laptops have just created a printer connection (the port designation leads me to believe this as it just shows Lexmark 3500_4500 and not an actual address). The hardlined PC can connect to the internet, but is not visible to either of the PC's. When I try to type in the IP address listed on the printers config page, it doesn't see it. I can ping it, but can't connect. I think my problem is in the connection of the wireless printer. I can see it in the connection screen of the 2Wire status page, but I have a funny feeling it isn't configured properly. There appears to be no way to configure the printer outside of using their "wireless connection utility wizard" on the CD.

There is one other twist to this, I have a Dlink DGL4300 wireless gaming router that I use for my XBOX and to give me additional hardline ports for other things. I don't have it connected right now (my box is out of commission waiting on parts), but I did have it connected behind the 2Wire before without any problems. I would like for it to remain this way once I have the printing problem resolved. I am using DHCP right now with auto assigned IPs, but I can reconfigure the network to whatever will allow me to get this to work properly.

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How To Open Udp Ports On Home Gateway Router

Aug 26, 2012

How to open udp ports on my home gateway router

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Cisco Switches :: SG200-18 - Losing Access On Random Ports When Creating LAG

Aug 3, 2011

I  just bought a SG200-18 in order to use LAG between a backup server and  multiple computers and servers. Servers are supposed to all use 2 links  and computers only 1.
As  soon as I activate LAG on port 2 and 3, no matter what is connected on  the switch I lose access to the switch interface (luckuly, it's still  working on port 17 for a strange reason) and all computers / servers  connected are randomly losing the network access. Everyrhing start to be  slow but most servers and computers don't lose access to the internet.  Browsing a web site will suddenly take ages but... it will work  eventualy.
I already used LAG on other switch without a single issue.. The only uplink I have is to the router and I know that I don't have any issue with network cables....
So  what am I doing wrong ??? I didn't even try to configure the TEAMING on  the servers, just creating LAG on the switch will kill everything Oo.. I'm starting to think that my SG200 is dead out of the box.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: EA3500 Ethernet Ports Do Not Support Ipv6?

May 29, 2012

Region : Ireland
Model : TL-MR3420
Hardware Version : V2
Firmware Version :

I have my router updated with the latest firmware and I'm pretty sure all the settings are correct but I'm only getting a max transfer rate of 144Mbps. I know this because I use InSSIDer 3 to analyse my wifi network etc. I stream movies over my network and while DVD quality movies play fine, HD movies tend to freeze and buffer a lot. I have the router's channel width set to 40Mhz, so I know that's not the problem. Strangely, I also use a Netgear wifi extender with the MR3420 and it's max rate is 300Mbps.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 Ethernet Ports Stop Working?

Oct 27, 2011

I've lost connectivity with all but one of the ethernet ports on my E4200 router.  My desktop PC was connected to Port 1 but stopped working.  Network troubleshooting via my Windows 7 Dell 8300 said I was not connected and to check the cable.  I did that with several different cables and tried the usual router and modem reset.  Only through trial and error did I find that I could connect to port 4 which is why I am able to write this post.  What could have changed to disable ports 1-3 and can I get them working again?  No issues with wireless connectivity.

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Home Network :: TP-Link Wireless Access Point / Ethernet Switcher (TL-SF2005D) Fails To Connect?

Jun 6, 2011

I have just bought a TP-Link Wireless Access Point (TL-WA&01ND) and an ethernet switcher (TL-SF2005D).I have put the access point into client mode, allowing me to put it in my room and wirelessly connect to my router, allowing me to plug my PC in over ethernet and use the internet. However, after much fiddling with settings I cannot get it to work, as it continually searches for a network, and then fails to connect, despite the fact it is configured to use the network?I already have a similar setup with a netgear wireless G access point which works, and so I dont understand why the new box cannot do this when using what I believe to be the same settings.

Secondly I have an ethernet switch box which I bought to connect to the access point and switch the ethernet signal between my two PCs, my xbox and PC. This works fine with my primary PC (over my old access point) but when I try to connect my PC i get a DNS failure with auto IP settings and a gateway failure with manual settings, and other devices refuse to connect.

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Losing Wifi Connection At Home On All Computers?

Feb 19, 2011

we have been having problems with our wireless internet connection for a while now and have even changed provider without success.
What happens is that all our computers lose the internet connection from one moment to the next while the signal strength remains unchanged. when you try to sign back into the home network it is basically impossible. When rebooting the BT router it works, sometimes for a few moments only sometimes it lasts.I am wondering if the reason is that the computers are losing their ip address or has it something to do with the security key?

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Realtek PCIe FE Losing Connectivity In Windows 7 Home 64-bit?

Mar 23, 2012

I am having an intermittent problem with my network connection dropping out for no apparent reason.When it drops, I still see the lights blinking on the NIC card, but cannot pass packets even to the router.Windows does not report the connection or the cable as disconnected when this problem is occurring.The problem will persist until I disconnect and reconnect the CAT-5e wire, or disable and re-enable the NIC.As soon as I do one of those 2 things, connectivity immediately returns (and works for another hour or so).I am running a legitimate copy of Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit on an HP Pavilion.All of the latest Windows updates and the latest firmware drivers are installed.My ethernet connection is a wired Local Area Connection with a static IP address, gateway and DNS.The IP address, gateway and DNS settings are accurate and work for several other computers here.[CODE]

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Realtek PCIe FE Losing Connectivity In Windows 7 Home 64bit

Mar 23, 2012

I am having an intermittent problem with my network connection dropping out for no apparent reason.When it drops, I still see the lights blinking on the NIC card, but cannot pass packets even to the router.Windows does not report the connection or the cable as disconnected when this problem is occurring.The problem will persist until I disconnect and reconnect the CAT-5e wire, or disable and re-enable the NIC.As soon as I do one of those 2 things, connectivity immediately returns (and works for another hour or so).I am running a legitimate copy of Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit on an HP Pavilion.All of the latest Windows updates and the latest firmware drivers are installed.My ethernet connection is a wired Local Area Connection with a static IP address, gateway and DNS.The IP address, gateway and DNS settings are accurate and work for several other computers here.The Network Interface Card is a Realtek PCIe FE Family Controller (VEN_10EC / DEV_8136 / REV_05).NIC Power Management, Energy Efficient Ethernet, and Link Down Power Saving are all turned off.On the NIC, ARP/Large Send/IPv4,TCP,UDP Checksum/NS Offload, Flow Control, and are all on.

Receive Buffer Size on the NIC is 64Kb (512 buffers). Receive Side Scaling on. 128 Transmit Buffers.Interrupt Moderation is turned on. Magic Packet features are turned off. Optimal Performance enabled.NIC Speed and Duplex are set to 100mbps Full Duplex wherever possible (automatic was also tried).802.1X authentication (EAP or PEAP) is disabled. Auto connection logic is disabled.Connection routes through two switches into a Belkin router; other devices on same networks unaffected.Much of my data is stored on a Network Attached Storage device, with UNC shares mapped to drive letters.Other Windows, Mac and Linux devices connected to the same NAS device have no problems staying connected.When the issue occurs, I can't ping the gateway, do DNS lookups or pass any packets as far as I can tell.I have tried swapping out the CAT-5e cables for other cables and even ran them through a cable tester.

Network fixes I have attempted from the OS level so far include:

~ Switching the dynamic port range to start at 10,000 and run for approximately 54,000 ports

~ Systematically reviewing every running service to make certain that only the essential ones are on

~ Disabling all NIC stacks except Client for Microsoft Networks, IPv4, File and Printer Sharing and Comodo

~ Attempted connections with Comodo turned completely off and its NIC driver disabled

~ Attempted rolling back the RealTek driver to an earlier one from the same family and device line

Using netsh I have tried the following settings:

~ netsh winsock reset catalog
~ netsh int ipv4 reset reset.log
~ netsh int ipv6 reset reset.log
~ netsh int tcp set global rss=enabled


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Linksys Wireless Router :: Tv Losing Network After Upgrade To E4200

Mar 15, 2013

I was using a netgear wndr 3400 and my network stream never failed. i bought a e4200 v2 and my tv loses streaming capabilities after about 10 to 15 minutes.i have to turn it off to get them back and then it does it again in 15 minutes. i know it is not the tv it wprked fine before the new router. 

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Windows XP Home PC Won't Connect Properly Via Ethernet Cable To Router (Belkin N150)

Mar 27, 2011

My WinXP Home PC won't connect properly (limited connectivity/no internet) via ethernet cable to my router (Belkin N150). Ipconfig /all shows the IP address as but this is determined by an entry in the registry at HLMSYSTEMCurre....'DhcpIPAddress' - REG_SZ - Also listed at 'IPAutoconfigurationAddress'. My laptop connects fine plugged into the same port getting it's IP automatically ( and getting internet fine. I've tried adding a DWORD entry 'IPAutoconfigurationEnabled' = 0, also tried deleting the 2 values.Tried setting the IP manually to - limited connectivity goes away but I get no internet connection from the router nor file sharing.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E3200 - Losing Access To Local Network HDD?

Dec 25, 2011

The issue is Windows7 (notebook ASUS N61Ja connected through Wi-Fi) loses and can not find again network HDD storage (Western Digital My Book Live 3TB). Rebooting of the notebook works but after I close HDD folder window the issue comes back. The issue exists only with Wi-Fi connection. Everything is fine using LAN connection.

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How To Setup Ethernet Ports In House

May 31, 2011

my house has 4 ports in each room, 2 coaxial, 1 for the net, and one for a TV, and there's a phone jack and a Cat5e Ethernet port. From what I have learned, all my ports lead up to a "closet", and I have found it. It has all the connections for the LAN, and everything else. I am confused on what to do next. I see that there are blue Ethernet cords connected to the ports on one side, and that they are not connected to anything on the other. I thought I had to buy a switch for all these ports, and I haven't done so yet. where am I supposed to connect the modem to the internet. It is currently connected to the internet coaxial port, which it then connect to the VoIP switch, and is then connected to everything else. Where is the coaxial port that I have to plug it in to, and what is it labeled?.

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D-Link DIR-655 :: Ethernet Ports Don't Seem To Work

Feb 8, 2013

i've tried plugging in various devices (computer & solar panel management device) into the ethernet ports to no avail. i just updated the firmware, reset the router, and still no luck.  all of the lights work when i reset and the wifi works fine. do i need to do something in the settings to turn on the hard connection?

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