Random DNS Look-up Failure

Jan 27, 2013

Whenever I try to open multiple sites, I will get a DNS lookup failure. Whenever I torrent something, websites give me a DNS lookup failure. Watch Youtube and open anoter site, DNS lookup failure. It seems that when I try to use too much internet I crash something... which doesn't make any sense because this problem has only come up recently. The only thing that I can think of is that I was messing around with the DNS to be able to connect to the American Netflix (I'm Canadian). I was using a site called "ZenOK" I believe, which gives you a server to connect to, and then a week later tells you it's no longer free (which they didn't mention in the signup)... so I removed the DNS number in my internet protocols, but I still get American Netflix.

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Small Network / Random Computers Lose Browsing At Random Times?

Dec 29, 2012

Network running about 60 computers, most of which are running windows 7 professional. Some are on a domain, some are not.At (seemingly) random times, some computer on the network will lose the ability to browse websites (including the web interfaces of networked devices). I can't identify what circumstances cause this to occur. I only find out about it when someone calls me.From the affected computer:I can ping sites I can ping our Cyberoam UTM (which acts as our DNS, DHCP, and firewall)disabling/enabling connection doesn't fix the problem releasing/renewing ip doesn't fix the problem flushing dns doesnt fix the problem uninstalled antivirus on two test machines, problem still randomly manifests.replaced the Cyberoam with newer model users have claimed that if they wait a long period of time (40+ minutes) the problem sometimes resolves.rebooting the computer resolves the issue until it randomly occurs again changing the computer's mac address also resolves the issue until it randomly occurs again.

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Random Increases In Latency

Jan 12, 2013

I run windows 7 on a Gateway DX4860 desktop and my problem has been occurring for a long time. I casually play games like league of legends and I believe my problem lies within my computer rather than the network itself because my problem is latency spikes where when I start games with 90 ping, it quickly spikes to 300+ ping ~ 5 minutes into the game and then into the thousands making it absolutely unplayable. I have had this problem on 3 different internet providers and the problem still remains; HOWEVER, while hooked directly to my computer with an Ethernet cord, I have ZERO problems. The house I am living at now doesn't allow me to connect directly.

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Random Disconnect But Still Says Connected?

Aug 31, 2011

Ill get on my laptop and it will connect for 45min-hour and then it will disconnectEverything says connected on the laptop and the router and modem are connected and working. I have tried restarting my router and modem and even clean installed windows and reinstalled drivers. Nothing seems to work. Im posting from my old laptop and it seems to happen on this computer as well. This has never happened before.

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Random Disconnects Every 2 To 30 Minutes?

Aug 12, 2012

Recently I've been experiencing random disconnects.

My setup is a Actiontec Q1000 with (QAQ002-31.20L.4) modem/router that talks to qwest. Then I connect to a linksys router WRT54G2. I connect directly to the linksys router with an ethernet cable, but my family connects to it wirelessly.

I ran a constant ping to my modem and to google, and on the random disconnect, the Actiontec Q1000 gets a huge 4000ms response time (but then it resumes normally), and I get ping timeouts to google. Windows 7 will say "no internet connection available". Not sure if it makes a difference, but I had google timeout 4 times during my constant pings.

Nobody else is connected when it does this random disconnects, so I'm not sure what's causing it. I've tried a lot of things, from changing and flushing my dns, connecting directly to the modem, turning off QoS/firewall settings, but nothing seems to work.

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No Internet After Random Period?

Dec 27, 2012

I have Windows XP Pro SP3. After a random period of maybe 30 mins to a few hours, my internet connection seems inexistant. PC reacts like there is no internet cable plugged in. I've checked the ipconfig command in command prompt before my internet shuts down and after and there was a change. A few lines(IPs) were missing after my internet fell.

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Random Disconnections From Wireless On One PC

May 28, 2012

We sort of recently got wireless internet, have had it for 2-3 months now I think and everything was running smoothly. Yesterday my internet randomly disconnected and it was only from this (my) pc, the internet was fine for everything else in the house which includes another pc, 3 laptops, cellphones, ipods, and gaming systems. It has been going out randomly since maybe 6pm yesterday. I have to completely restart my computer for it to work again. The only thing I tried was to unplug the modem and router for a bit and plug them back in, which did nothing for my computer lol. When I did that though the other computer had an ip conflict that came up which it's had in the past with my own pc but after I restarted my computer they were both fine. My computer still has random disconnections from the internet though. I don't understand why my computer is the only one affected and why it's starting now when it's been fine for the 2-3 months it's been working.


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Centurylink Random Disconnects?

Nov 2, 2012

I just moved to a new rural city and Centurylink DSL is the only option for internet. I just had it installed on Monday and have had problems immediately. The two main problems are this:1) My computer is connected wirelessly but cannot seem to connect my mobile devices. My phone and my Google Nexus both try to obtain IP address and then immediately disconnect and try to reconnect over and over. Strangely my Kindle Fire didn't seem to have a problem.) I've found that when I am playing a game (Team Fortress 2 and World of Warcraft) and sometimes even watching a video on youtube, I will lose connection and get booted from my game or have to restart the video. The lights on the modem don't change and the modem itself does not disconnect or reboot. I seem to have internet service immediately after, but I get a hiccup probably once every 10 minutes that makes games unplayable

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Random Packet Loss 100%?

Feb 19, 2013

I have recently switch internet to Time Warner. Since the day I got it, i have experienced random packet losses of 100%. I have called time warner and they are going to send a tech out. But i would like to know more about this before he comes. I have replaced the modem with a brand new one. Surfboard SB5101N from the one i was leasing from them. They both do the same thing. I have made sure all my Drivers are up to date. I have replaced the coax cable and Ethernet cable and ran my Anti Virus and Spyware program. It does it more during online game, I have reinstalled the game and was having no problems with the ATT Dsl i had before this.

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Random Lag Spikes On PC And Xbox?

Mar 20, 2012

This is a video of what happens on my Xbox and my PC it is always three lag spikes for that set amount of time about every 15 mins or so.

Random lag spikes - YouTube

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Random Limited Connectivity?

Jun 7, 2011

Since I came back from vacation I've been having a problem with my wireless card. It seems that at random times my connection will go to limited connectivity, very rarely it will fix itself quickly, but the only real way to fix this is to restart the computer.

I thought it could be something to do with the router or the fact it was downstairs, but we recently changed provider and got a brand new one and it now sits in the same room as me and my laptop. Still have the same problem. And I'd already tried changing the router's channel and frequency and had no luck.I saw on another thread that the ipconfig /all was requested, so here it is:

Windows IP Configuration

Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : lesleycheese-PC
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No

Wireless LAN adapter Wireless Network Connection:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Con
Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-1B-77-00-B8-53[code].......

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Random Internet Lag Spikes

Jan 16, 2011

I am playing a game, like Battlefield Bad Company 2. Every 5-15 minutes, I get 3 lag spikes. When I get the lag spikes, everyone who is using my internet, also gets it the same time as me. So my computer is not the problem.For example: I am just running, shooting people (online), and then, randomly, people are running on the spot for like 3 seconds, and then they teleport somewhere in front of them. And then it goes back to normal, then it happens again. It will happen 3 times.

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Network Card Dies At Random

Aug 23, 2011

At first it seemed to happen everyday at the same time, but now seems completely random (happening twice a day somedays). At some part during the day while the user is busy with this system it drops the network connection. The ONLY way to get it back is by restarting via the reset button. Shutdown or even logoff just hangs. Nothing regarding that card will work or respond, you can not even disable and re-enable. I can however get the wireless to work without restarting. I've done everything I could possible think of including format and re-installing Windows. Something new I've noticed is that the user always has MS Access (in runtime mode) running while network goes down and then you can not end that process.

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Random Disconnecting For 10-20 Seconds Every Few Minutes

Mar 26, 2011

So...few days ago this is happening even more frequently, my service is from Verizon wireless. Its getting really annoying when i randomly disconnecting while im doing something important or its so slow it takes 4 minutes to load one page. Im in the basement so is my modem. Im using windows 7.

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Random Connection Loss On Desktop?

Oct 25, 2011

While I am connected to the internet, whether surfing the web or playing a game, I randomly get disconnected with a "No Network Connection" error on the network access icon on my toolbar. However, other computers that are networked (both wireless and wired) do not receive a disturbance in the connection. When I refresh or look for a new connection, I continue to get the same error and the troubleshooting tools fails to find a fix. The only way this seems to fix is rebooting the computer. Sometimes it happens multiple times in a row, but consistently happens between 1-2 times a day.I don't know if this is a coincidence or not, but it seems to happen when I'm doing stuff that could "stress" the connection, like downloading something or running a game while also browsing the web[CODE]

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Internet Random Disconnects After Reformatted

Mar 2, 2013

recently upgraded most of my computer parts and reformatted from windows 7 enterprise 32bit to win7 enterprise 64bit. (all of this happened in a computer store) I never had internet problems before the reformat, however it has happened to me before when I had previous, newly reformats on my pc which usually goes away after 2-3 months. here is the problem, the internet is fine when I start using it and after an hour or two it will disconnect and when I troubleshoot it, it will just say "DNS server isn't responding" and what I do is turn the modem off and turn it back on and the internet will come back after 10-20 seconds. so basically my internet is fine and will just go down then to fix it I just have to turn the router off and on.

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Random Network Dropping Mac Devices Only?

Sep 15, 2012

I have a mix of devices that all access the internet via a Deutches Telkom Speedport W 723v my windows devices, HTC phone and even the iPad 2 never have a problem, but my Macbook Pro (Unibody Late 2008 model) and my iMac (Probably 2007 / 2008) keep having a problem with the network dropping out. To fix it I have to switch off Airport and switch it back on again and it re-connects straight away.The Mac OSX software albeit now rather dated on both devices (The Macbook is 10.5.8) is kept up to date using Software Update.The problem amy also now be affecting my APPLE TV2 it never had a problem before but now I cannot connect to iTunes on my Macbook using Home Sharing it just does not want to connect!!!I did try before going into the Speedport and changing channels from AUTO to channel 1 but that did not resolve it. I am going to do it again and try a different channel but logging onto the Speedport is an absolute pain, I can only login using my Macbook Pro when it is booted into Windows XP and on Ethernet as we had all sorts of problems setting it up and could only do it using IE not SAFARI and now the Speedport login only recognises 1 x PC for logging in, if you try a different device it throws a wobbly and locks up!

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Random Wireless Network Dropout

Feb 7, 2013

I have been having intermittent wireless trouble. This includes Ping spiking, Wireless network drop-outs (The network stop appearing on available network list) and packet loss. This is all completely random (though very common) and is frustrating to say the least. As far as I know, the problem is not nearly as bad on other devices in the house , so I suspect that my network card has become shoddy. I have tried updating,removing,and re-installing network drivers to no avail. I have also used cmd and I have pinged, which shows random ping spikes, and some packet loss as well.

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Network Crashing At Random Point?

Jun 20, 2012

My router keeps crashing like it is restarting. it turns off then all the lights are beginning to turn un again after some time it repeats again and again....Last thing they did was turning down the internet speed for our Network. It worked in some time but then it begun crashing again...Then they said it was the cable in the road that could not take all the data stream... And something about and Bit error?I just dont belive the cable in the road thing because our neighbour are running 10 M/bits without a single error anytime... I am not an expert but i've found out that we are running a Sagembox or something like that. The hardware version (if that is important) is: 3DK04-02 Everybody in the house is running Win7 SP.1. If you need any more information then i will try to find them.

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Random Devices Won't Connect To Wireless?

Jun 3, 2012

Our wireless has worked fine over the past couple of years, both mine and my mom's laptops having no problem connecting. We bought Roku not long ago, which connects your tv to the internet so you can use netflix, hulu, etc., and it had no problem connecting. Now, it just stopped connecting. It detects the network but just wont connect to it. The password is right and everything. We also have this problem with an iPod touch, tablet, smartphone, and wii.

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Internet Disconnected At Random Intervals?

Mar 26, 2011

My internet is randomly disconnecting every once in a while. It seems to be at random intervals of 30 minutes to two hours. While it is disconnected my modem lights are still on and it says that I am connected to the internet.I am wired directly to a modem from my computer.

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Random Freezing While Playing Games?

Jul 22, 2011

I am having the same exact problem with the random freezing. I used to be sponsored on Xbox 360 for call of duty black ops and my mom met this guy and i had to move into his house, So now i had to drop my sponsorship and everything because i randomly freeze for about 3 seconds and then unfreeze and i jump forward and catch up to what apparently i was doing but not doing on my screen. It even happens on world of warcraft on my computer and it is very aggravating to have to deal with. And just like Cassius is saying "the ping spikes ruin online gaming entirely and tbh."

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Network And Internet Dropping At Random

Jan 15, 2012

We are having an issue on our domain where both internet and network connection drops at random, this lasts from about 30 secs up to a minute.The Domain server is running Server 2003 and we have afew XP and a few windows 7 machines.All of this is behind a SonicWall TZ-200 firewall.[code]

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Ip Address Conflict Random Occurrences?

Mar 17, 2013

I have a laptop running xp on a home network using cisco-linksys wrt310n router. A couple months ago I added another laptop running win7 to the network, and since then I have been getting ip address conflict errors once or twice a day. Both machines are set to obtain ip address automatically

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Random Lag Spikes While Playing Games?

Oct 11, 2012

I have Planet modem ade-4400 linked to a Digitus ethernet Dn 5001a that I use to connect my 2nd PC.The problem is that everytime, both PCs are connected I constantly get lag spikes while playing games.Also, seemingly on random occasions, no matter what programs I run in the background my connection gets disabled with a yellow exclamation mark over my network icon. I get a "The default gateway is not available" error once I troubleshoot, and the connection works fine afterwards.

However, recently after I updated the windows I think, I get another error that says "The connection between your access point, router, or cable modem and the Internet is broken" along with the gateway one. Also, recently, I started having lag spikes regardless of the other computer being connected to mine after the error, and once I turn on my pc. Could it be somehow related to Microsoft security essentials? Since I've installed it at about the same time when the lag-after-the-error started happening.

Error seems to happen more often when I watch something on the internet, or when I quickly browse through the web-pages, or when I'm downloading something. I'm using Windows 7, and another thing to note is that the other computer DOES NOT receive these kinds of errors, and I do believe it does not lag while playing games.The lag after the error and after I start up my pc goes away after some time.

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Router Disconnecting At Random Times

Jul 22, 2012

The router is being good so far. I have a Belkin Wireless G Plus MIMO router with windows XP operating system. This has been going on for a couple of weeks now and I really want it to stop because it is stopping me from doing things that require the internet.

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Random Internet Slow Downs

Mar 9, 2013

Where I try to download files and they do not download. They only download for a few seconds before not receiving any internet connection. Then after a few minutes they slowly download at only a few KB/s before completely not downloading. I also notice random slowdowns when browsing the internet or whatever I'm doing that uses the internet.

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Internet Slowdown And Random Disconnect

May 27, 2011

Recently I bought a new PC to replace an old laptop that I use in my bedroom. However, initially I couldn't pick up my downstairs router signal. So, I bought a new wireless network card and STILL didn't pick up any signal. I then purchased a Netgear WN200RPT and everything seemed to be ok while using that to repeat the signal up into my bedroom. Then, suddenly, it all stopped working. The WN200RPT would, although showing a full internet connection with no yellow ! or red x's, it would never ever load webpages. So, I removed it and put it back in its box. Then, for some unknown reason after a Windows 7 reinstall, my network card started picking up the signal from my home router and had a good speed and signal. This worked fine for a month or two before it started playing up again. It would randomly slow down and stop loading webpages, or completely lose the signal and show a red x, stating that no signals could be found. The strange thing is, all the other PCs in my house connect wirelessly fine, and so did the laptop that was in the same room as this PC. After a system restore, the internet started working again. Then it stopped. Another restore later, it works. Now it's intermittent again.

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Internet Random Disconnect And Reconnect

May 15, 2011

When doing anything on my PC, gaming, browsing, whatever, I will have random disconnects for a few seconds and it will reconnect. I don't get the "your network cable has been unplugged" message, it just stops working for a second or two and starts working again. This has been happening for a few months after a fresh install of windows xp and I haven't really tried to fix it.Every other computer in the house is fine except this one, it can't be the modem because a new one was installed a few days ago and its the same problem. The router was reset within the last week as well. I think the problem is with this computer alone but I don't know where to look.  The problem didn't happen for a few days after I put a new network card in, but soon after it continued happening. I also have tried a few different CAT5 cables, even the XBOX one but nothing resolved the issue.

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Unable To Connect To Random Sites?

May 7, 2012

I built a computer down at school in Utah, semester's over so I went back to Idaho for the summer. When I got here I seemed to stop being able to connect and load content from random sites. It gets a ping time out every time on the same random websites.

Some of the sites:


I can access these sites in Utah, so I called my ISP (frontier communications, previously verizon.) They flushed the DNS and checked that the modem wasn't to blame. I checked my host files and they're unaltered. After two hours on the phone they were stumped and hung up. [URL] loads fine, but it won't load the pictures which is odd.I'm not sure if it matters but I do have a 6 year old modem (westell 327w) that I think uses LAN g whereas my mobo (asrock extreme3 gen3) uses Realtek 8111E if i'm looking at the correct specs.one last thing to add would be that I am not able to access [URL], but I am able to access [URL]. Is there something all these websites have in common that cause them not to load?

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D-Link DIR-655 :: DIR 651 Random Connection Dropping?

Apr 4, 2013

My DIR 651 randomly drops connection, is not set for IP fragments (error on PS3 even though I set MTU), and has a flashing green globe compared to my other DLink router which has a solid green globe (replaced with DIR 651). I have BHN Road Runner Turbo (Speeds of 30mb/2mb) and my modem (supplied by ISP) is a Motorola SB5100.

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D-Link DIR-655 :: Random Disconnection From Internet

Feb 25, 2013

I have been experiencing random disconnection from the internet completely out of the blue lately.  Router has worked great for a long long time.  Now it just drops connection and is down for about a minute and then I can reconnect or reload a webpage.I have my xbox live and PC wired with a laptop wireless.  It drops everything at the same time everytime.  I hardwired my xbox to the modem and gamed all day.  I would assume this could eliminate the modem as an issue.  There isnt any inconsistencies with the router's colour or lights to my knowledge either.

I put a new Ethernet cable from modem to router to try and I thought it fixed the problem but it lasted problem free for about 6 hours then it crashed.   

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Cisco WAN :: ASA 5505 Restarting At Random?

Feb 27, 2012

We have an ASA5505 that seems to be randomly restarting.  How can I troubleshoot this?  Is there a log file somewhere that tracks hardware issues like this?

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