Sharing :: Can't Access Files On A Computer On Home Network?

Mar 5, 2013

I am trying to transfer files from Laptop A to Laptop B. I can transfer files from B to A, but I can't transfer them from A to B. When I try to, I get an error message saying "Windows cannot access Laptop A".It then gives me the option to diagnose the problem (I'm using Vista on both laptops, by the way). When I click that, it gives me the error of "Cannot communicate with Laptop A. We pinged the remote host but did not receive a response".Laptop A is connected to the network according to it, it can access the internet fine and can access other laptops on the network fine. I have disabled the firewall, shared the folders appropriately, made sure they were both on the same workgroup (they are both on the default Vista WORKGROUP), and still nothing.

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Sharing Files Over Home Network With Windows 8?

Nov 6, 2012

Okay so I had all this set up to be simple back in windows 7.

Basically, what I did was turn off password required sharing or whatever, so all I had to do was click on networks in the left side panel when i was in My Computer and click on say, my wifes laptop and it'd open the public folder she had there, and I could drag and drop stuff into and out of it. And same for her and seeing mine.

Now that I have windows 8 on my PC It's all buggered up.

I didn't change ANY settings on HER laptop, but when I try and access it (I used it to back up important files while fresh installing w8) it's asking me for a username and password

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Home Network :: Protocols Used While Sharing Files In Windows?

Oct 12, 2011

I want to know which protocols are used to share files via lan.Both the machines are running windows.

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Home Network :: Connecting Two Computers For Sharing Files

Jul 20, 2012

They both have laptops and share data via a flash drive and emails between the two laptops.This is the scenario, They both input data into one excel spreadsheet on laptop 1. Laptop 2 works on data, puts it onto a flash drive then goes to laptop 1 and opens the spreadsheet and enters data from flash drive.My thought is wouldn't it be great if they could use some type of VPN? They could both work from home and access each others computer files, spreadsheet and databases.

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Home Network To Transfer Files From One Computer To Next

Feb 12, 2012

I love sharing on my home network to transfer files from one computer to the next. However, I will soon have tenants in my house sharing my network they can use my Wi-Fi to get on the internet.I need a solution to give them access to the internet without losing my own network sharing ability.I do not want them accessing my files.I have Windows XP home and a Dlink WBR-2310 router.As I see it, I need to either upgrade to a router with a Guest Zone/Access feature ...OR..upgrade to Windows 7(?) to give myself more networking options (i.e. file sharing where I select the users or set a password). Currently the XP permissions are too general.

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Home Network :: Transferring Personal Files From Office Computer?

Mar 31, 2011

Here a have a quest that can't find the perfect solution for a half year now.I have one machine at office and one at home, both Windows XP SP3, ADSL connection with static IP.On the office machine a have an archive of about 250 GB of files.When i am at home sometimes i need to connect to my office machine, search through those files, maybe preview some, and then download some needed files to my home machine, using a download queue feature is possible.The task doesn't seem so complicated, yet, i did not find a perfect simple solution so far.

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Home Network :: Add Printers To Local Wireless Network Without Sharing From Computer

Mar 3, 2012

I have a home network running all Mac computers (though can run Windows VM if necessary) and a pair of USB printers. The wireless router and cable modem are in one room, but the printers are in another. I'd like to find the most practical way to add the printers to the local wireless network without sharing them from a computer. I've tried that for a while, but don't want to leave a laptop connected 24/7 just to enable wireless printing (rather defeats the purpose of a portable computer). I don't have any wired network lines in the home, and am not excited by the idea of running any cables.

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Sharing :: Cannot Access Files On Server Files From Laptop?

Apr 17, 2012

I have a server connected to my router with a CAT5. I usually manage the server from my laptop connected to the router via WLAN. I often need to add files to a public folder on the server so it can be dowloaded by my clients when they need them. I can access my personal laptop from the server, but I cannot access the server's files from my laptop. This is recent and used to work fine. I also cannot acces other personal computers on my network that I often connect to

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Sharing :: Unable To Access Shared Files On Server - Network Path Not Found

Sep 20, 2011

Network error code 0x80070035 The network path was not found.

I read the previous posts on this error code but my sceanrio was not addressed. Dell Optiplex 980 i5-750 2.66GHz w/4GB RAM running 64bit Win7Pro SP1 and 64bit Symantec Enterprise Protection v.11.0.630

File server is Dell PowerEdge 1900 running 64bit Win 2008 standard server w/o hyper-v, SP2 and 64bit Symantec Enterprise Protection v.11.0.630

I support an OU in a large university domain. Myself and one other user are the only people experiencing this issue in an OU comprised of over 20 machines.

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Access Files Over A Home Network Between Vista And Windows 7

Oct 27, 2011

I'm trying to set up a windows 7 laptop and a vista computer on a home network.The vista computer accesses the lptop fine,but the laptop has the computer in the network,when you do a full map, but won't access any files. The cursor changes to a hand over the laptop name in full map, but doesn't on the vista icon?

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Connect 2 Computer For Sharing Files And VPN Connection?

Oct 28, 2012

How to connect 2 computer for sharing files & vpn connection

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WNDR3400 Windows Service Can't Access Files On XP Home Network

Feb 15, 2013

I've been able to duplicate my problem by using another WinXp computers instead of a USB drive plugged into my router. Same exact problem. So, the bottom line is that I can access (and modify) the files across the network if I'm doing so manually, but my Windows service fails when trying to do the same thing. If I run the program through Visual Studio, it works. If I run that same exact code as a Windows service, it fails.

I've created a Windows service that needs to access a common network location. To test it at home, I plugged a USB drive into my Netgear N600 WNDR3400 router. The USB storage settings show the workgroup name as Workgroup, and the file path is. [code]

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Sharing :: Cannot Access Shared Files Between Different OS

Sep 10, 2011

I am trying to share some files from my windows desktop PC, other windows devices on the network can access those files, but a laptop that runs Ubuntu and a WD TV Live, which runs its own OS cannot access the shared files. I had this problem a few weeks ago but it somehow fixed it self but the problem is back again.

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Sharing :: Setup A Home Network For Primarily Sharing Music / Pictures And Videos?

Jun 22, 2011

I wanted to setup a home network for primarily sharing my music, pictures and videos.I have a PS3 which can stream the video/music and display the pictures from a media server to my TV.I was wondering between NAS and a desktop computer? and wanted to know which was the better or cheaper solution? (2 much 2 ask for both)

Main Issues

--Will NAS work with PS3?

--Incase of a computer, i know i will be able to use logmein or gotomypc to Download files directly to that machine even when im not home and when i do get home its ready to go. Can the same be achieved with a NAS?What else should i consider? i.e. pros and cons of both.

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Home Network - Computer Connects To The Weakest Access Point?

Oct 25, 2011

I'm working at a high school which has pretty large grounds. The network is configured via one central router and a lot of access points. Recently, they shut down my access point for a moment after connecting it again. The access point works fine (after finding my problem we've tested a lot of computers and they all connect to it and the internet). My laptop and my desktop - the only computers connected to access point when it was rebooted - do not connect to this access point however!

Instead, they "choose" to connect to an access point farther away, so that my signal strength is extremely low (and hence, my internet connection is very poor).How do I get my computers to connect to the previous access point with the strong signal?

The laptop runs Windows 7 32-bit and the desktop runs Windows 7 64-bit.

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LAN Sharing For Creating Network To Share Files

Jul 13, 2011

i have been wanting to do this LAN sharing thingy for a while here's the deal.i wanna do is setup our PC's so we could create a network of our own and share files just like in LAN but not over the internet.its kinda like we would on a Homegroup in win7.also have a few more PC's on different ISP's.can they be added to the network too?

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Sharing :: Check Who Opened Files In A Network Drive?

Feb 22, 2013

We have a network drive (drive with Rj45 port) and it is shared by many computers. Frequently we are facing a problem while opening a file and we get the error message "The file is opened by another user" and can open only as ready only.

How can I find who has opened the file in the network drive?

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Sharing :: Network Places Web Folder Files Are Missing

Jan 29, 2012

I have been using FrontPage 2003 successfully and recently as of 2 days ago...I wanted to edit the website and the files are ALL missing. UGH!!!! Its very frustrating that I cannot edit the website now and we are missing valuable information. I did see the files when I created a new Network Place with the prefix but I cannot edit and save to our website. Now I did ask MyHosting administrator but they are seriously taking longer to get back to me then needed. I can open Front Page, but of course, cannot publish anything to the website. More so, even just opening the files in is the actual issue because I cannot change the website page. That's the files I need to change in Front Page. I did go to my account settings within myhosting server to the File Manager and YES! I could see all the files....but again I cannot save anything to the website or publish..I DID NOT DOWNLOAD anything over the past few days and have not gone to unauthorized websites that would have provided a virus. Everything else works fine.

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Can't Access Files From Computer

Jan 16, 2013

I have network group set up for 5 computers and everything is okay except 1 computer, lets call it X, cant access files from computer, Y, but there arent problems with Y getting into X. On computer X a login screen pops up for computer Y password but it doesnt have a password and it still wont let me in. would it be better to set a password or is there a way to bypass that screen?

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Sharing :: Slow Save Of Shared Files Over Windows 7 Network?

Dec 4, 2011

#1 windows 7 computer has a wired connection and #2 windows 7 computer has a wireless connection. When at #2 and trying to save a file to #1, the save time may be about a minute. When doing the same thing from a computer #3 with windows xp, the save time is a few seconds. Tried safe mode with networking. Same thing. Tried disabling remote differential compression. No change. The three computers are in the same workgroup.

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D-Link Xtreme N Dual Band Router / Access Home Wireless Network Through HP Laptop Computer

Nov 20, 2011

My home desk top is set up with D-Link Xtreme N Dual Band Router. I have no problems accessing the internet on my desk top computer. I am trying to access my home wireless network through my HP laptop computer. The wireless network status is Limited or no Connectivity. I've tried the "repair" button with no resolution. The wireless connection is set to automatic.

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Sharing :: User Unable To Save Files In Shared Network Folder

Mar 11, 2013

I have a user that is trying to save an excel speadsheet that is located in a shared folder on a server, the user can open the file and edit ok but when they try to save the file the progress bar pops up but just hangs then a message pops up to saying "file not saved". They are using Windows 7.The user is new and I have just set up their account so thought it might be permission issues but I have logged the user in on two other different machines (1 win7 and 1 WinXP) and they have no problem at all.

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Access Backed Up Files On A WHS 2011 Computer?

Nov 10, 2012

I'm considering upgrading my home server to 2012 Essentials from WHS 2011. WHS 2011 has always been strangely finicky and I have a new Win8 laptop, so i would like to take advantage of the new options in Essentials.that said, I was looking to access my data on the WHS 2011 system to back IT up, and all I see are a bunch of 4,194,304kb .dat files. I've been lucky in that I have never had to recover data from the server, so this has been an interesting issue. how does one access the backed up files on a WHS2011 computer, short of doing some kind of restore?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E3200 - Sharing Files Over Network Stopped Working

Sep 23, 2012

I tried searching google and Cisco Home Community for this answer, but no luck. Maybe I didn't phrase my search correctly. I have an external drive connected to a mac mini which is shared on the network. When transferring folders to or from that external drive, our internet connection stops working until the transfer finishes, then comes back up. I've tested this in a variety of ways. Any transfer of data from shared folders in any combination of devices causes internet to stop working both on wired and wireless devices until the transfer is done, then they all work again. Router firmware: 1.0.03.

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Routers / Switches :: How To Access Work Files From Home

Feb 14, 2011

Until recently when we changed the router at work, I can access work files from my laptop and notebook from home. It seems the problem is probably from my home wireless router supplier by-aol as I can access work from my laptop anywhere else except my home. But then I have been able to do so until the work router was changed so i don't know what could be wrong?

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Access Files Shared On Windows PC From Linux Computer?

Mar 14, 2012

How to access files shared on a windows pc from a linux xubuntu pc? i tried to use the "Gigolo" app but it didn't do anything pyneighborhood saw the computers on the network but didn't able to go into the shared folders...

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How To Protect Files From Home Network

Jul 30, 2011

My proplem is about my home network. There is computers on my home network can access to my files!How can i protect my files from them

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Set Up A Home Network - Move Files Between Computers

Feb 23, 2012

There are currently four computers in the house, all running Windows 7. Two of them are wired using homeplugs (different brands) and two of them are wireless.
I've tried using Homegroups but this never seems to work.Now that I have all the computers using the same OS I want to start from scratch and set up a basic home network so I can move files around between computers.

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Home Network :: Software To Transfer Files Over LAN Network?

Jun 8, 2012

I need a software that i can use to transfer files from one windows PC to another over the LAN network.I've tried "Quick'n Easy FTP server Lite" and it works, but its really slow (About 2MB/s) ( i know my hardware can go much faster than the software is allowing). But at least the speeds were constant and unchangingI have also tried Windows Easy Transfer. But that software makes it a bit harder to send back and for whenever i feel like it, and although sometime i would hit speeds 5 times faster than with the previously mentioned software (about 12MB/s) , those speeds were not constant. It would be slow (around 1MB/s) and then spike up, and then go back down, and repeat in that fashion

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Cannot Connect Or Share Files With Other Computer On Same Network

Sep 28, 2012

I am trying to transfer files from my laptop to my desktop, but when I open the 'network' folder from the start menu to access the desktop from the laptop, the desktop computer is not shown. I ensured that the workgroup names are the same, all sharing is turned on on both computers in Network and Sharing Center, since it is a private network, I checked the router settings and nothing seems to be wrong. The desktop is running Windows Vista Business x86 and the laptop is running Windows 7 Home Premium x64, so there is no way to make a Homegroup connection. However, I can see the laptop computer from the desktop's network folder. I click on it to gain access, but I get an error message: "Network Error, Windows cannot access \****-PC, check the spelling of the name. Otherwise, there might be a problem with your network. Error code: 0x80070035 The network path was not found." have checked all wiring, router settings, and nic card settings, have done a successful ping, even Network and Sharing Center, I have also checked sharing permissions and permission levels, I see nothing that could possibly affect the access of the computers.

The only thing I can think of is that when I click on the 'Network ID' button under the Computer Name tab in System Properties on the desktop, it asks join a domain or workgroup, it will not let me save the selection "This is a home computer; it's not part of a business network," that may or may not be the issue, because it will only remain on "This computer is part of a business network" probably because I am running Windows Vista Business.

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Home Network :: Can Share Files Wired But Not Wirelessly

Jan 10, 2012

My Laptop IP cannot see shares with desktop Both PC's are win 7 with firewalls turned off. However the desktop can see shares on laptop. All computers are part of WORKGROUP. When wireless i can ping desktop.When i plug Ethernet cable to laptop I can access desktop files.Also weird thing i have turned off password protection sharing but still asked for password (can live with that though)

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Home Network :: BR-6228nC - Internet Drops Out When Copying Files Over LAN?

Apr 29, 2012

I can't seem to access the Net when transferring large files between my desktop (WinXP SP3, 100Mbps net card) and my laptop (Win7, 54Mbps WiFi). I have an EDIMAX BR-6228nC 150 Mbps broadband router to which my desktop is wired and the laptop connects through WiFi. The speeds never go above 2.5MBps, so there should be plenty of bandwidth left for Internet use. My router config confirms that there's no Internet connection while transferring the files.

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Sharing :: How To Remotely Access Office PC From Home

Feb 10, 2013

How to access remotely over the Internet to office PC from my home PC and get files that I need? Office's ADSL modem's model is BeWan iBox V1.0 and it has a built-in firewall. ADSL connection has a dynamic IP, which I assume should be configured as static (but how?) Should I investigate VPN capabilities as well? I'm not very knowledgeable about these things.

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