Using DSL Modem To Transmit Longer Distance Instead Of Ethernet?

Feb 1, 2011

I had a requirement where I have to send the internet connection over 100m.As Ethernet supports clear transmission only upto 100m, I came up with this new idea (only in papers untill now). I believe RJ11 cables (normal telephone line) would be able to carry signals over longer distance as in ADSL broadband. plug the Ethernet cable which is already connected to internet source into ADSL modem. This ADSL modem will be connected to another ADSL modem which is at a longer distance away(let us say more than 100m or so.) The output of the latter ADSL modem will be connected to a computer/router which requires an internet connection.

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WiFi To IPad - Increase The Signal Strength For A Longer Distance?

Jun 12, 2011

I use a Linksys WRT54GR router. I recently bought an iPad, and I generally use it in a room that is on the other side of the house and through many walls. When it works, it works nice. But recently, my signal has been weak, and is often dropped. Pages load slowly, or not at all after getting a could not connect to server or whatever message. However, this isnt a huge problem for my laptops when used in this room. I dont believe it is the iPad that is faulty because my iTouch also experiences difficulty sometimes. I need a way to increase the signal strength for a longer distance. I looked at a repeater, but im not quite sure what it is and how to set one up, or where to buy one.

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Ethernet No Longer Working?

Feb 5, 2011

I was using desktop computer and got infamous blue screen of death Rebooted and everything was fine except could no longer could see LAN connection or connect to internet The desktop computer also has a wireless card that allows me to connect to router wirelessly but only get "connect with limited access" I have a cable connection through a router and tried connection dsl directly to ethernet and bypassing router but no change Router works for other laptops to connect wirelessly I can see both network adapters in the device manager and both say devices are working properly Here are the results of ipconfig /all:

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6002]
Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:UsersCooper>cd c:

c:>ipconfig /all

Windows IP Configuration[code]......

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Why Ethernet Port On Motherboard No Longer Works

Aug 9, 2012

I've been having an issue with my internet connection. I have AT&T Uverse high speed internet, complete with the Motorola NVG510 ADSL modem. For the past couple weeks, my download speeds have gone from 1.0 MB/s to < 100 KB/s up to 400 KB/s if I'm lucky.I used to be able to download files and watch videos at the same time with very little trouble, but now I only have enough bandwidth to either do one or the other without causing any problems. I thought my ISP had throttled my bandwidth, but I've run the Glasnost tests at url... and it came back as fine.It may not mean anything, but I should note that a few weeks ago, we had storms move through the area and lightning struck our house. It ended up shocking my mom through the USB mouse while she was using my computer, it blew out one of my computer speakers, and I believe it's the reason why the ethernet port on my motherboard no longer works.

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PC No Longer Picking Up Connection Via Ethernet Cable

Feb 25, 2011

For other three years, me and my brother have both been connected to our router via ethernet cables. On this Tuesday just gone, however, my brother took it upon himself to mess with the router whilst I was out. Apparently, his internet had been down since we'd had a power-cut on the Sunday, (My internet was fine, and always has been and was fully functional after said power-cut), and before then, it'd been going really slow, and sometimes cutting out. Okay, no problem. Now, the the thing is, that morning, I was on my internet, all happy, and when I returned home that evening, my PC wouldn't connect. My PC still refuses to connect, three days on. It's not even picking up that there's something plugged in.the router is actually flashing to say that my PC is plugged in and connected to the router. I know that there is nothing wrong with the modem or what have you, as I linked my laptop up to my PC via a cable earlier today to try and get it online. It's not a virus program problem, either. Like I said, it was working Tuesday morning, nine hours later, I come home, my brother restarted/unplugged the router, and now my PC won't connect. I should also note that he's now had to go wireless via a dongle, and everyone else in the house uses wireless laptops. I can't connect my PC to the internet with a dongle

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7600]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Windows IP Configuration

Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : PY110
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No


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Linksys Wireless Router :: E1200 No Longer Working After Verizon Modem

Jun 24, 2012

I have a new Linksys E2100 that was working well with an old Verizon modem. Then recently that modem gave up the ghost and I was issued another one (Westel Model 6100G). I have no problems with internet connectivity when connecting directly from my harddrive to the Verizon modem. I am also not having trouble connecting to the Linksys routher as I am able to see my wireless connection with no problem. However, when I try to set up the connnection with the E2100 in the loop (yes, it's connected correctly) I no longer have internet access.
I tried de-installing and re-installing the Linksys software (thinking maybe there was some new configuration that would be auto-detected with a new set-up), but this didn't work. I suspect that if the problem is with my Linksys router and not with my Verizon modem that there might be something that could be done to reconfigure something manually but I do not know enough about connections and wireless systems to trust myself not to mess something up.
At this point I'm assuming it's a Linksys issue since I know that my Verizon modem can connect me to the internet, so works properly. Is there some known incompatibility with this Linksys model and the Westell 6100G modem?

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Using USB Modem And Ethernet The Same Time?

Aug 1, 2011

My laptop connected to the LAN for internal access, the LAN is limited access ( limited permission for internet connection), so I bought USB Modem. But when i connect to USB modem I lose my internal connection. ( I want to use LAN for internal access and USB Modem for Internet access at the same time)

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Cannot Connect To Modem Via Ethernet

Apr 4, 2012

I seem to be having a problem connecting to the internet via ethernet cable that goes directly to a router. I am currently running off of a crappy wireless card. Ive checked my drivers with device manager and that yielded nothing. I recently reinstalled windows 7 and thats when the problem started. My motherboard is a Amd Athlon II x4 640 (Socket AM3) GA-M74GM-S2.

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Modem Turns Off When Connected Via Ethernet

Nov 1, 2011

I have a 2wire modem and I'm using att DSL. The internet was working fine, I went out of town for 2 days, I returned to find my internet wont work. During the time I was out my brother said it hadn't worked for the 2 days. The modem works fine and all lights are green when my desktop is turned off or not connected. It even lets my brother use wireless on his laptop. However, when I turn on my computer or when I connect it to the modem with an ethernet cord, the DSL light will go red and not work.

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Broadband :: Ethernet Modem Light Blinking

Jun 14, 2012

HandPunch 3000 Time & Access Device, no Communication over the Ethernet, on the Ethernet Card the red light flashes for 1sec then red & Green for 1sec.

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Cannot Ping Modem Even Connected Via Ethernet Cable

Apr 22, 2011

A friend recently re-installed windows XP on their HP Laptop. They were connected wirelessly with a Linsys router (model wrt54g.1) and an RCA Cable Modem. The Cable ISP can ping the modem and gave me the IP address over the phone. I cannot ping the modem even when I take the router out of the loop. The network card (i1394) in the Laptop is functioning normally and I can see traffic on the modem (both the Cable Internet light and the PC activity light are flashing green) the ethernet port on the laptop is also flashing (amber). However I cannot reach the internet and cannot even ping the modem. The modem is brand new..

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Can't Connect To Internet Using Ethernet Cable And Modem

Aug 29, 2012

So saturday, my friend and i build my computer. Everything worked just fine that day. Sunday i had no problem connecting to the internet. Sunday is also the day i set up a password for my admin account.

Now when i came back from work monday, i tried to log in to my computer. As it appears, i forgot my password... (same i use on everything, so i must have messed up inputting my pass)

So i did a windows reset, since i had no CD or USB to reset my pass. I tried installing windows, and it appears 'this copy of windows is not genuine'. I thought, okay, no prob, as long as i have all options.

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Wireless Arris Modem Won't Connect Via Ethernet

Nov 22, 2012

I got a new modem from the cable company Arris TG862G. This is a wireless modem and I had them set everything up on their end which is now after 2 hours with them on the phone working fine. The problem I'm having is somewhere in my computer is my guess and their guys didn't know which way was up so i gave up on them fixing my issue. So here I am. I have a custom built computer that is using a Gigabyte mobo and has been working fine with the on board Ethernet card before now. I used to have the desktop plugged into an Arris modem via a Belkin router and this set up worked fine. I also took the current modem and plugged it into the Belkin N600 router and then to my computer and to my complete bewilderment it worked fine. I wanted to get rid of the router so I could see if I could get faster download speeds (That initial issue being on speed tests I get 50mb/s and on actual downloads I would only get 5mb/s).

I got it to work (I have no idea how) for about 20 minuets. When I restarted the computer it stopped working. I am now back to square one which is the desktop not even recognizing that there is a cord plugged in. I know the cord is fine and the ports are fine as well that isn't the issue. My laptop connected just fine to the Ethernet cord with no issue. I have uninstalled the Belkin software to see if that was the issue and no change. Everything wireless works just fine, it is just this Ethernet connection that is FUBARed, and again ONLY with the desktop.I am running Windows 7 ultimate. I am about to QQ and just deal with the 5mb/s downlods because that's not terrible but I got greedy.I was messing with the Ethernet wire some and it started picking up the router but never tried to connect to the internet, I'm going to try other wires but I don't think that's the issue.

OK so another update ladies and gents: my desktop has been on for about 40 minuets now and it is connected to the modem. I have done nothing to it that would cause this and it just randomly happened. Short of never turning my computer off again which would be hell on my power bill what can I do to fix this problem? On I'm only getting 30.48 Mb/s and as I said earlier I should be getting around 50mb/s (which is what I get on on the wireless laptop). I just restarted it and it wouldn't connect to the modem again.

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Convert A Ethernet Port To A Wireless Modem?

Sep 16, 2011

watch netflix on my tv,which has netflix,but has a Ethernet connection,and must use a rj45 cable,can I change it over to a wireless signal,so I won';t have to use a cable?

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Comcast Modem To Support 2 Ethernet Pcs And Wifi

Jan 17, 2012

Just got home from the Comcast store with a $7 rented modem just to last me until I do research and purchase one. I realize that this modem has only one Ethernet port with no WiFi support so I have another PC and a laptop sitting idle because there's no internet access. Did a quick search using Comcast's authorized modem's list and all of them only have a single Ethernet port and no WiFi. Is there a modem with multiple Ethernet ports with built in WiFi? I am getting almost 20mbps with a download speed of 4mb/s which is a HUGE improvement over my ATT DSL service that I've had since forever at 3mbps with a download speed of 300kb/s. I have no idea what technical specifications to look for in a cable modem to get 100% of full potential speed from my service without disconnects or other various problems.

I have a ATT U-Verse router sitting here right now, I am wondering if I can somehow connect it to my Comcast modem. I tried to connect the ATT router into Comcast modem via Ethernet cable, but I couldn't get past the "Your DSL service is unavailable" in the browser, but in my desktop system tray, it shows I am connected to the internet. If I could use this router, I would rather spend money on a modem instead of getting a combo.

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Modem Doesn't Have A Ethernet Plug In For Router

Jun 20, 2011

My modem does not have a Ethernet plug in for my router. do I have to buy another modem for a 2nd computer?

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2wire With 4 Ethernet Ports / Modem Randomly Shuts Itself Off?

Jun 20, 2011

It is a 2wire with 4 Ethernet ports and wireless capability. I have a pc and xbox connected via Ethernet and a laptop and smartphone connected wirelessly. The problem is that my router randomly completely shuts off/resets itself causing me to lose connection. This happens both when things are in use and not in use.

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Windows XP 32 Bit Cannot Access Internet Via Ethernet Cable To DSL Modem

May 5, 2013

Appended below are the following log files:

0. ipconfig /all 1. TechGuy SysInfo Log 2. HijackThis Log 3. attach log from dds.scr (note: this program did not create a file named dds.txt.) 4. ark log from GMER 5. FSS log from Farbar *************************************************************************** ********** 0. ipconfig /all Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600] (C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp. C:Documents and SettingsRick>ipconfig /all Windows IP


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Computer Ethernet Port Recognizes Modem But Not Router

Feb 10, 2011

My computer ethernet port recognizes any modem but will not recognize any wireless routers. My ISP (DSL) spent 3 hours on the phone with me and can't figure it out. I have also contacted Gateway, figuring it must be my computer. I make money on the side fixing computers, so I do have a good idea as to what is what. I run Win7 on a Gateway DX4822 with Intel Pentium Dou-core. I have searched and searched for months and have found nothing. I have asked this question on various forums (including Microsoft) and still nothing.

I have wireless connectivity with a USB 2.0 WAN antenna. I also have a blu-ray player, XBox 360, and Wii all hooked up through this router. The player and XBox are wired, the Wii and a printer is wireless.I have had all things disconnected while trying to solve this issue, thinking that somehow there wasn't enough juice getting through. The cable works. I have tried resets, powerdowns, restarts, system recovery (at one point for a few days it did work as I shared internet from a friend upstairs from me), system restore, many different wireless routers AND modems. With the router connected, the ethernet port light does NOT come on. With the modem directly connected, the light DOES come on. Other computers/laptops in the house work wired into the router.

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ZyXEL Modem / Router Does Not Detect Ethernet Cables

Jul 28, 2012

My ZyXEL modem/router does not detect my ethernet cables. it has one that runs to the main computer and i have a cable connected to my xbox. the light does not turn on when i try to use the internet for my xbox and the xbox does not detect ethernet. the other port works fine for the computer.

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How To Connect Satellite Receiver To Modem Through Ethernet Cable

Oct 9, 2012

I want to connect my satellite receiver to my modem through Ethernet cables. First connect the modem to Ethernet outlet using standard small Ethernet cable.connect Ethernet outlet A to outlet B using Ethernet cable inside the wall.connect outlet B to the receiver using standard small Ethernet cable.I want to know how I make the connection in outlet A and outlet B to make this work.

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Cisco WAN :: 2600 Router / IBM 3745 Modem - SNA To Ethernet Via 56k

Jun 5, 2011

trying to establish a connection on  an ibm 3745 controller via two IBM 5822 modems to a cisco 2600 router using sdlc encapsulation secondary bridging data from the serial port to the E/Net port to run the 3270 client ???

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT160N V3 Cannot Connect To Modem By Ethernet

Mar 25, 2012

Purchased today 26th March 2012, used CD first as warned, followed procedures, will not connect to WAG 160N modem router. WAG160N has MAC restrictions but MAC of WRT160N added, both in wireless and as a computer. Still won´t connect, gets to 85% in wireless connect mode then fails, gets to stage 4 of router recognition and fails, saying check cables. Cables changed to know working ones, still no success. Tried pinging direct from computer with no success, no access to router log-in page at all. WAG 160N has no problems.

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LAN Connect / Can Receive But Not Transmit

Jan 10, 2011

I've got an ASUS G50V that I normally connect to the net through a wireless router but I recently bought a router so I can make a physical connection and increase speed. However I cant get it to connect to the router no matter what I do (i had it working for a few hours at one point but it dropped off again).I confirmed it wasnt the router but running a crossover cable from the laptop to my desktop, setting static ips on both. Now I can ping the laptop from my desktop but for some reason I cannot ping the desktop from the lappy. I've tried everything I can think of but no dice.

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Transmit A Wireless Signal From PC?

Oct 3, 2012

I recently bought a Nintendo 3DS but unfortunately my University's wireless security (WPA2 Enterprise) is incompatible with the system. As such, I was looking for a way to transmit a wireless signal from my computer, and place an alternative form of security onto it (such as WEP), so that the 3DS can connect to it.

At the moment, my desktop is connected via ethernet cable, which plugs directly into a wall socket. I'm pretty unsure as to what to use, I've heard of things such as 'wireless bridges', but I'm not sure how they work. Also, I'm looking for the device to transmit a signal even if my desktop isn't turned on. Is a router my only option?

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How To Transmit A Wireless Signal From PC

Dec 10, 2012

i have ipod but i dont have wireless modem i need software thats work from my pc as wireless modem

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Xbox 360 Unable To Obtain IP Address From Bridged Wireless Modem Through Ethernet

Feb 6, 2012

I'm trying to connect my Xbox 360 to Live by bridging my computer's wireless connection. I've done this before for a friend in a different city and it worked fine, and I felt very proud of myself for doing so. However when I try to connect here, the modem won't assign my Xbox an IP address. I've been into ipconfig/all and tried to manually assign the same IP address to the Xbox but to no avail. Same deal with the alternate MAC address option.

To speed things along here's the readout from my ipconfig/all:

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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Westell 7500 DSL Modem / Router Only Works When Connected To Desktop Via Ethernet

Jun 10, 2012

So I have a Westell 7500 Modem/Router with Century Link DSL. I've been running a couple of laptops and my wifi enabled TV on the wireless. A few days ago I got a new desktop PC (Windows 7) and plugged the ethernet cable into it. Everything was great but the wireless was a bit slow for the TV so I plugged that in with an ethernet cable too. No problems for a few days. Today, we had a power blip and everything reset and I noticed that the internet light on the modem was solid red and I couldn't access the internet on any machine (ethernet or wifi). I called the ISP who said there was an outage in the area. A few hours later, solid green light on the modem BUT the TV (ethernet connected), my iphone, and my laptops could NOT connect, despite the network showing up with a full signal. Oddly, my new PC, connected via ethernet was fine so I played some Diablo (side note). Here's the deal: the new PC connects just fine but nothing else will. If I unplug the ethernet cable to the PC or disable the LAN connection, the red internet light appears on the modem. It seems as though the PC has hijacked the modem in some way. Even the TV won't connect with the ethernet cable. The only way the internet works now is if the modem is connected to the new PC. I've done all the resents - unplugged the modem and let it sit for 10-15 minutes, accessed the router settings, etc etc. Why would this start happening now after everything was working well for several days and how do I fix it? I need the wifi connection! Update: Plugged my Macbook Pro into the ethernet cable (took it out of new PC) and it works.

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Connect Wireless Telecom USB Modem To Buffalo WHR-G300N Router For Ethernet?

Oct 25, 2012

I have been trying from last 2 days to connect my Wireless USB Modem (from Telecom operator) to Buffalo's WHR-G300N V2 (Airstation Nfiniti High Power Gigabit Router, Access Point & Bridge) device and to connect to multiple devices using eithernet cable such PC and Vonage adaptor. I get internet connection from Telecom operators wireless USB Modem (which does not have ethernet port,, I use wireless to connect to my laptop), so I want to connect this telecom's USB modem to my Buffalo router which has multi ethernet ports. And use these ethernet ports to connect to my PC, Vonage and other wired devices. I am using Buffalo's WHR-G300N V2 (Airstation Nfiniti High Power Gigabit Router, Access Point & Bridge) to get internet from USB modem.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E3200 No Ethernet Connection Or Cable Modem

Mar 6, 2013

We have a E3200 wireless router but our only connection is wireless. There is no Ethernet connection or cable modem. Presently I am unable to bring up the web page ie...10.100.x.x for entering the id/pw to login. Router is setup with default settings. Is there a setting that needs to be changed from the setup menu or this type of setup will not work with this router.

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Cisco Switching/Routing :: 861 As Main Gateway To Ethernet From ISPs Modem?

Oct 8, 2012

I am moving a very small branch office to a new location, but we have a centrally controlled IT infrastructure team in Europe. I would like to implement a hosted VOIP solution without impacting the current network setup (i.e., VPN/Firewall) or asking this IT team to change anything on the existing LAN Network except the IP address/gateway. The VOIP system will have its own cabling.
Here is the configuration I would like:
•          Cisco 861 as main gateway to the Ethernet from the ISP’s modem
•          2 static public IPs from the ISP, one for the VOIP network and one for the LAN
•          Cisco 861 acting as NAT/DHCP for the VOIP system on one static public IP
•          My company’s Juniper device on the second static public IP managing NAT for the LAN
I have a diagram here to map out what I am considering:
Two options I have seen:
•          Setup Proxy ARP on the Cisco router, allowing the Juniper device a transparent (and unsecured/firewalled) route to the internet to get the Public IP and manage the LAN (seen in picture)

• Install an additional switch (with proper QOS prioritizing VOIP) at main entry point of location, and have both routers behind this (to minimize configuration of the Cisco router).

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Home Network :: How To Transmit Data From C To S

Jan 5, 2012

I have a client(C) and a server(S) nodes plus an intermediate node(I). Each node has a public IP. What I want to do is to transmit some data(whatever) from C to S but this data to go through I. So C ---> S will become C ----> I ----> S. I read something to create a tunnel(ip add tunnel) between C and I and add a route between them ? I tried different examples but did not work at all.

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How To Transmit Video Over Wireless Network

Mar 24, 2011

I need to transfer live video and if possible video from station A to station B over wireless network. So what are the hardware requirements and setup cost...

Secondly how should i connect my CCTv cameras atleast 5 to computer's webcam so that i can transfer video over internet.

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