Where To Find Recessed Data Receptacles

Feb 6, 2013

Having a terrible time finding a single, dual or quad recessed 1 gang data receptacles! All I can find is 2 gang Electrical and Data combo's from Levinton like the one below. I already have Leviton's 1 gang duplex recessed electrical in the wall, and the cat6 keystones terminated in an MPLS wall box, so replacing both of these drops with the 2 gang outlet below would be a nightmare and I don't want to do it.

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Cisco :: Find MPLS Tunnel Data Counters In Routers?

Mar 12, 2013

i am new to MPLS on cisco routers. For our interoperability testing i need MPLS tunnel counters output ( data sent out and data received.). i am not able to find this information in cisco user guide. As per standard it is defined in MIB table mplsTunnelPerfTable of stdte.mib.

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Dell :: 1505 Adapter - Can't Find Own Router But Can Find Neighbor's

Jul 12, 2013

this might sound straight forward, but every other pc or console can find and connect to my router.This issue seems to happen about once every few months, sometimes it comes back by itself and reconnects completely fine.

There isn't a "user limit" on our router.Wireless adapter is dell wireless 1505 draft 802.11n wlan mini-card.

Have restarted PC and uninstalled and reinstalled the card.I tried to set the i.p address to static but it says "adapter disconnected" so won't allow me to edit any settings, despite it being able to find neighbour's wireless very easily.

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Cisco :: LMS 4.1 - No Data Is Available

Dec 8, 2011

Just recently installed CW LMS 4.1.  In the Configuration Dashboard you can see Discrepancies and Best Prctice Deviation.  In our old 4.0 it shows a list of both discrancies and bestpracice deviation.  In our new 4.1 we only see "No data is available", so I guess I need to do som work but can figure out where and what.

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Servers :: Copying Data To A NAS?

Jan 27, 2012

I transfered both shares to the NAS last weekend, and plan on configuring the shares to be hosted on the NAS this weekend. In order to do this, I need to copy all of the changed files to the NAS in the most efficient way possible. I was thinking of using either xcopy or robocopy. What do you think? Is there a command in either one that would allow me to copy only changed data? I don't want to wait another 18 hours worth of copying to move all the information over AGAIN

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Backing Up The Data On NAS Devices?

Sep 21, 2012

I have several network shares in my home using two different NAS devices.I am looking for recommendations for backing up the data on these devices.I currently use CrashPlan for backing up my computers.I have 1 share (documents) that I would like to somehow get backed up to CrashPlan (I'm not specifically tied to CrashPlan, it's just what I'm using now). The rest of the shares I would like to just backup locally in the event of hard drive failure.I have tried having my iMac mount the documents share automatically and include that in the CrashPlan backup, but it seems unreliable.

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Wireless :: Cat 5 Data And Phone?

Jul 13, 2011

I have a DSL wireless router in my house, I would also like to have wireless in my workshop. It's over 130 feet to the shop so my house router won't reach. when I built my shop I put an extra pipe in to pull phone line in but now I'm wondering if i can just pull in a cat 5 and get both data & phone.

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Block Isp From Seeing Data Received And Sent?

Mar 27, 2012

How can I prevent them from seeing the data i receive & send i was told vpn was a route to take but after some searching i found a lot of threads saying different is vpn a best way to go about blocking my isp from seeing data received & sent

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Setting Up 3g Data Card With Vpn

Jan 11, 2011

i am tryin to set up a vpn with a 3g data card. i have got a "virtual ip" supplied by the program i am using (tunngle)i have go tit to as far as using tunngle but as soon as i click "network" in the actual game menu, it disconnects my internet automatically.

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Usb Data Transfer Via Wifi

Aug 24, 2012

I would like to conect a USB device to a computer using WiFi instead of the USB cable the device has. The thing is that I'm not sure about the drivers. Is there any USB Wireless device that transmits the USB data "raw" and the receiver plugged to the computer gets the data with the driver of the remote device in the own PC?

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Extract Data From Internet?

Nov 21, 2012

Can i extract data from this website?

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Can't Transfer All Data From Old Palm To New

Sep 2, 2012

I have a new Palm Vx and have installed Version 3 Palm Software followed by an upgrade to 4.0.1.This works fine with the new Palm but I can't transfer all the data from my old Palm (almost 12 years of stuff) to my new Palm.

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How To Share Data But Not Internet

Dec 11, 2011

My computers are currently networked. I can share data and internet. I have a D-Link DAP-1522. How do I disable the internet from other devices? I can connect my main computer directly to the Comcast modem for access. But I don't want systems connected to the the access point - via LAN or wireless - to access the internet. i want employees to work and i also want to avoid the internet myself when not working at the main desk.

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Cisco :: Data Migration From LMS 3.2 To 4.1?

Nov 13, 2011

Are there any methods for statistic data importing from old LMS 3.2 to a new LMS 3.1 version? I know about devices invemtory export/import function, but also i want to save all data gathered from previous time.

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Cisco :: / Data Migration From WCS To NCS?

Dec 10, 2012

I am working on a migration from Windows based WCS to NCS appliance (1.2.1-once it is available).  After stopping WCS, I issued the export userdata C:WCS07Migrate.  The process completed, but did not create a single zip file. I found 2 files created in the tmp directory.  

One contains multiple  a folder called tempDirUserDataFromDb - containing multiple xml files; and another file called ImportExport_ca<number> which contains the maps.  Was there something incorrect in my command?  Can I use still use these files on NCS? Or do I need to redo the export on the WCS?

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Cisco :: Migrating DFM Data From LMS 3.1 To 4.2.3

Feb 18, 2013

I need to migrate DFM alarm settings data from LMS 3.1 to LMS 4.2.3 and I want to use this method, [URL] , to extract the data from 3.1 and then inport it into 4.2.3.
I successfully performed it for IP settings, it was easy since the data format was the same.
But the format differs quite alot for Interface and Port data, here is an example:
export from LMS 3.1
IF-hostname/17 [Gi0/0.524] []; INTERFACE:;IF-hostname/17; MANAGED_STATE:;EXPLICITLY_UNMANAGED
export from LMS 4.2.3
INTERFACE:IF-hostname/17 MANAGED_STATE:MANAGED GigabitEthernet0/0.524
It looks like I have convert interface names, sort and delete stuff to make it look the same.

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Home Network :: How To Transmit Data From C To S

Jan 5, 2012

I have a client(C) and a server(S) nodes plus an intermediate node(I). Each node has a public IP. What I want to do is to transmit some data(whatever) from C to S but this data to go through I. So C ---> S will become C ----> I ----> S. I read something to create a tunnel(ip add tunnel) between C and I and add a route between them ? I tried different examples but did not work at all.

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Data Structure For Routing Protocols

Jul 14, 2011

We know that every node in the network uses its routing table to forward the packets towards their destination. I have a doubt that which data structure used to implement these routing protocols.

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Online Data Exchange With Moderation

May 2, 2012

I'm looking for an online-service, where I can share files. Something like a forum, but not to text, but to share files (mostly MS office files). Main criteria are:

1) Access only by an account created by the admin (--> limited amount of members)
2) possibility of moderation through admin (meaning that I can determine, who can access which folders, who can upload/change/delete files).Something like OLAT, moodle, or blackboard, for those who know, only smaller.Would I need to create something new or is there some service already existent, where I could rent space?

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Data Structure For Routing Table

Feb 22, 2011

Which data structure used to preparation of a routing table.

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Router With Data Logging Ability?

Mar 11, 2013

Any Router that is capable of logging the amount of data down/up loaded from/to each connected device with amount of data and date and time stamp.

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Share Data Files With Someone In A Different Location?

Feb 24, 2012

How can I share data files with someone in a different location?

I have a particular question, and I get different answers from different tech people and salespersons at Fry's and Best Buy.

Here's my dilemma: my business partner works from home, while I am in the office using a Windows 7 desktop. This desktop contains most of the files. There are many times when he needs to access the files, so I have to e-mail them to him. It's become a distraction and slows down our work process. My question is what's the best solution to remedy this? What's the best way to share files and work independently of each other? Do we need to get a server? We're trying to keep down costs and I've seen that they can run pretty expensive. Do we need a NAS? Can we use another desktop computer as a "server"?

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Transfer Data From Desktop To Laptop Via LAN

Aug 4, 2011

I am currently using Win XP in my desktop. I am planning to buy a Laptop with Win7 o/s. S how to transfer data from XP desktop to Win7 laptop uisng the LAN cable?

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Internet Stop Uploading Data?

Feb 24, 2013

every couple of minutes my internet stop sending data but the downloads keep running, i can see it in my net meter, my skype get disconnected, online games too, this happen specially between 11 am and 9 pm, i know that my isp during pick hours is most probably the problem, but my friend that lives close dont have this problem with the same isp. is there anything i can do to solve this?

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To Reduce The Amount OF Data Being Pushed Down

Mar 8, 2011

I am really not sure how to ask this question, but I will do my best. I have a Server running an application that I am connecting to via VNC app on my client. The app on the server is pushing 90mb down to the client, which is incredibly slow (3fps). I am curious if there is something that I can do/configure/verify to reduce the amount of data being pushed down?

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Packet Loss / Internet Lag With Data

Dec 15, 2011

I started using Windows 7, on two different computers. I get pretty bad lag spikes while using Skype and playing online games. They occur about once per minute and last maybe one second. There is a "Network Throttling" fix floating around the internet which I have tried, to no avail. I don't know much more about computers than a basic understanding, and am completely new to Win7.

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Mobile Data Sim Connected But No Internet

Jul 5, 2011

I bought a data sim using it on my nokia 5220 mobile.The internet worked for the first week and it worked good, but then while connected after a while the internet will stop working and the same thing happens with my dial up 56kb land lind connection.So i reinstalled windows the computer thinking that was the problem, it worked with the dial up connection stop working after a while. With my Nokia it is connected to the pc but no web browser is working or online game or messenger

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How To Limit Amount Of Data Usage On Pc

Nov 5, 2012

how to limit amount of data usage on pc in a particular network

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How To Extract Data From A DHCP Server

Jul 25, 2012

How to get the details of an android phone connected to the wifi network.Even I know the IP of the device as we can see it from the phone it self how to fetch some information about the phone like its os version (2.2.x Froyo,2.3.x Gingerbread etc ),Model of phone etc.My aim is to identify an android when IP is given to me.I got some tool likeQuote:nmap,but it is not showing a full details of phone by which I can recognise it is as an android phone,is there any other tool or mechanism to identify the phone if the IP is givenI got something like "vendor class " of the dhcp protocol stack ,but how to read this data

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Want To Share Data Usage With Users On One Pc?

Oct 25, 2012

Not sure if I should be here or software but I'll start here. My question is I want to split my data plan with users on one pc, eg 3 users on windows 7 giving them 60gb each then shuts off when it is reached? I have tried looking online but seem to only find stuff about timelimits.

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How To Connect Via Wire To Transfer Data

Feb 22, 2013

I have a laptop and a pc...i want to transfer loads of data (about 100 gb) from the laptop to the desktop.I have NO means to do it wirelessly.how to accomplish this so seemingly cumbersome task via wires? (i read in some other places about connecting it via lan wire and then changing the ip addresses.where on my desktop will i see the data of my laptop?

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Cat 5 Cable Used To Transfer Data From One Computer To Another?

Apr 11, 2011

I have 2 cat 5 cables one has the network jack end on it and the other end has a usb end? What is this used for? Can it be used to transfer data from one computer to another?Also how can i tell if I have a crossover cable?

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Connecting A Second Router Through The RG6 Data Cable?

Feb 17, 2011

I have Verizon FIOS in my house, but the ActionTec router is in the second floor and the signal is not strong enough in the basement (where my home theater is) to stream and watch internet movies.I understand I can use the same video signal cable (RG-6) to install a second router and connect either wireless or wired to the Xbox and PS3 I have in the basement, but I do not know how, and what router would do the trick

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