Wireless :: Hook Up Usb External Hdd To Network At Home?

Apr 9, 2011

wireless router doesn't have usb connections. How can I hook up usb external hdd to network at home?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Hook Up 3TB External HDD To EA6500 - Shows 746.51 GB

Nov 24, 2012

I formatted my new 3TB External hard drive on my computer and it shows close to 3TB space. Now when I hook it up to EA6500 router, it shows on 746.51 GB total. I have latest firmware installed.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: EA3500 Unable To Hook Up 2 Storage External HDD And 1 USB Printer

Apr 20, 2012

I recently bought EA3500 router. I am not able to hook up 2 storage external HDD and 1 USB printer usnig the router.I am connecting all 3 to a USB hub which i am connecting to the router.

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Hook Up Printer To XP And Windows 7 Wireless Network

Sep 2, 2011

I have a wireless network with an older model HP printer connected to an HP XP desktop computer. I also have an HP laptop running Windows 7. How can I get the printer to work on the laptop?

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Realtek RTL 8168c / 8111c / Hook-up Desktop With Wireless Network?

Jan 22, 2011

got my router all set up running and working fine on my computer downstairs.. but my computer upstairs is what im trying to get wireless going.. guessing my network card dosent support wifi is why its not picking it /nor any other houses close to me.. my network card is realtek RTL 8168c / 8111c family pci-e gigabite ethernet NIC ( ndis 6.20 )could of sworn tho at my old house when i had my computer hookd up it picked up my neighbors routers above me .. currently its saying theres no routers or anything to connect too..

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Can The Linksys Ae1000 Adapter Be Used To Hook Printer To The Network

Jul 26, 2011

can the linksys ae1000 adapter be use to hook a printer to the network?

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Windows Home Server - Using External DNS In LAN

Apr 19, 2012

I'm running a Windows Home Server in my LAN and I would like to use it's functionalities (especially the streaming) features from "anywhere" using the same URL.My router is a Linksys WRT160Nv3 running.I've already setup the necessary port forwardings, as most of the WHS sites run on ports 80 (http) and/or 443 (https) and my isp is blocking all ports < 1024 (I know it suck, but nothing to do about)

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Home Network :: Install A Wireless Network In Home Environment?

Nov 10, 2011

How to install a wireless network in home environment?

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Unable To Ping External Home Ip And No Access?

Jul 11, 2011

I'm trying to setup my home network so that I can access it when away from home but I've ran into problems and I can't figure out what is causing the problem.I've setup the router to forward incoming requests on port 80 to be directed to my PC running WAMP. The PC has a static IP and if I access it from another PC on my network I get the WAMP page load as expected.I've also setup an account with no-ip.com to resolve my (dynamic) ip. If I use the address they have setup while I'm on my network I get the login page for the router, again this is what I expect.The problem begins when I try and access my home address (whatever.no-ip.biz) from outside my network. I've tried it from 2 different locations and via a dial-up account and I get nothing.

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Linksys Access Point :: WAP54G & WRT54G / Hook Up To Network Wirelessly?

Aug 1, 2012

I have a DVR that I am trying to hook up to my network wirelessly.  I have the wireless router in the house and can connect to it with my laptop from the shop in the back. Is there a way  I connect the wireless access point to the DVR in the shop and see it on the network in the house?

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Backing Up Home Directory Onto External Hard Drive?

May 8, 2012

I have a home directory on a linux server and i would like to figure out how can i schedule regular backups/syncs onto an external hard drive on a windows machine.

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Home Network :: Windows 7 Laptop To XP Home Desktop Wireless

Mar 13, 2011

I have been having a bit of trouble with networking my two machines to share files and allow printing i have a win 7 laptop and a xp home desktop. I share a net connection via 02 wireless box both systems have wireless i have tried many things

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Home Network :: AP For Extending Wireless At Home?

Jul 24, 2011

I am wanting to buy an access point to extend my range on my home network. I think i've used one AP before and if i remember correctly, after i plugged it into my main rounter and configured it, i unplugged the ethernet from it and moved it to somewhere else in the house. But i can't remember for sure if this is how it works or do i have to have an ethernet cable running to it at all times?

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Home Network :: Advanced Home Network Setup (3 Subnets) And Port Forwarding?

Feb 24, 2013

I have a Time Warner Cable business class service with no static IP, with a wireless modem which is plugged to a CAT5 distribution panel. On the jacks (2 other rooms on the house) I have a Linksys E3000 and a Linksys Valet router for signal boost and gadgets usage (TV, cameras, etc).The main router (TWC) has it's own external IP which TWC assigns to me and internally distributes via DHCP the range 192.168.0.x. With that said:

- The E3000 has a IP -- this is fixed setup on the TWC router (ubee brand) by MAC address
- The Valet has a IP -- this is fixed setup on the TWC router (ubee brand) by MAC address
- The main router has the as the gateway and web-interface

Whenever I connect something to the E3000, it is distributing the 192.168.1.x range and the valet 192.168.2.x range.That works perfectly for my home based business until I decided to use more stuff on the network such as a IP printer, IP cameras, etc.

- The IP cameras are connected to the E3000 due to signal strength and I have manually assigned them the and IPs and ports 9001 and 9002.

- The printer is connected to the E3000 and I have manually assigned the IP

Issue 1: Port forwarding On the main router (TWC - UBEE) I have tried to setup a port forwarding by informing the Local IP as (E3000 IP), Internal Port 0, Public Interface IP (, Ext Start Port 9001, Ext End Port 9001, Protocol - Both, Enabled Yes. On the E3000 I did the same config (screen shot attached e3000.png).This is not working properly. I can't get into the camera.

Issue 2: Printer/ The printer is only accessible if I connect to the E3000 (because it is on the 192.168.1.x network)

Issue 3: How to configure all the devices on the same subnet? If I want everyone to be on the 192.168.0.x network, how to configure properly the E3000 and the Valet? I have tried to force them into the same network but it would not work properly. It would not get an IP from the UBEE router (main).

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Share External HDD Over Wireless Network

Nov 23, 2011

I would like to share my external HDD over my wireless Network so I can share my files. All my our comuters are Windows 7 Ultimate.

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External HDD To Wireless Network To USB Port On TV?

Jul 15, 2011

Basically, I need my external hard drive connected to my wireless network so I can have access to it from two computers BUT I want to be able to stream my videos/music via a USB 2.0 wire directly to my TV.The problem with this configuration is that the hard drive has one input/output USB 2.0 port. I am going to hook it up to a network enclosure which will solve the having the hard drive to wireless network...but how can I stream data via a USB cable to my TV?A friend of mine told me that I can have a USB connection from my desktop going to the TV - this will achieve the data going from my external hard drive via the network to my desktop and from my desktop to my TV via USBDoes this sound like I am on the right track? I am unsure as to whether I will need any software solutions to be able to have access to the data on the hard drive from my TV.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E2500 - Can't Connect To External Network

Jan 2, 2012

Switched from a Netgear router to a Cisco E2500 and now my Samsung blue ray won't connect to internet.
It says physical connection established but can't connect to external network.

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Home Network :: Need To Extend Reach Of Wifi Network At Home

Oct 20, 2011

Here's the layout: Cable modem in the basement. Several devices in which I'd prefer a wired connection in the basement. Upstairs on the 1st and 2nd floor of the house are many devices in which wifi is fine or preferred.Here's the problem: As you might guess, wifi is weak upstairs and certainly on the patio and 2nd floor. I have an access point upstairs that I've experimented with but it is flaky.

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Home Network :: Need Input On Network At Home Newly Wired

Jan 14, 2012

I am a new student in networking, taking the CCNA courses, and now want to rewire my home. I currently have a cable modem and E2500 setup running my network. I want to get the modem and router out of my computer room and in the basement where the cable enters the house. I want to do this to clean up the computer room wiring a bit and to run line drops to different rooms in the house where the internet will be utilized.Currently there are two PC's, a laptop, a tablet, sometimes a phone, and an XBOX using the internet. I want to get my printer back up and running on the network but thats another story. Only one PC is currently hardwired. I would like to run two cables into the room with the PC and XBOX that are currently using wireless, at least two into the computer room for the PC and network printer, and one or two into the living room for the blue ray player and possibly an internet tv.

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Home Network :: Can't Get D-Link DGL-4500 To Accept Home Network?

Sep 10, 2011

I have a D-Link DGL-4500 router and my landlord recently ungraded our internet connection. However, now I get this error message when I try to hook it up to the ethernet hub,"The addressing of the Internet side learnt thru DHCP conflicts with the addressing selected for the LAN side. Internet communications will be disabled until you have changed the LAN side addressing to resolve the problem."

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Automatic Mirror / Backups To External Hard Drive On Wireless Network?

May 29, 2011

I have a simple wireless network in my home run through a Linksys WRT54G Router connected to a cable modem. I set up a Western Digital 1TB external hard drive as a network drive through use of a Seagate FreeAgent DockStar. (The HD connects to the DockStar by a USB cable, which in turn connects to the router by an Ethernet cable.)

The hard drive functions as a network drive and I've configured Windows 7 Home Premium on my laptop computer to recognize it at start-up so it can essentially be used read and written to like a local drive.

Is there a way to make Windows 7, either by built-in software or third party software, automatically backup certain files or directories when changes are detected?

For example, I have a folder on my internal HD where I organize the vast amount of photos that I take so that I can easily find them through the operating system instead of having to go through a photo manager. In my ideal situation, something would be monitoring to see if I have made changes in only that folder (either adding new folders, deleting photos, or modifying files) and simultaneously make the changes to the network hard drive. Effectively, I want something to mirror the changes on my local hard drive on the fly and update the network hard drive accordingly. I do this all manually at the moment and it sucks up a lot of time that could probably be done automatically.

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Hook Up Two Wireless Routers To A Internet Modem?

Dec 2, 2012

Can I set up two wireless routers to one modem? If so how?

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How To Hook Up Desktop Computer To Wireless Internet

Oct 19, 2012

i have a desktop computer and we have wireless internet how do i get that desktop to get wireless using a router to router connection?

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Can Hook Up Wireless Router To Existing Switch

Feb 6, 2013

[code] I have tried to configure this setup and have had no luck,and in the proccess have learned enough about networking to be really dangerous to my equipment. Is the problem DHCP? or incorporating MAC routing with IP routing? I'm pretty sure I've managed to program one of my keyboard buttons into a World Delete Function,.

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Routers / Switches :: Hook Up A Wireless Router And Switch?

Sep 1, 2011

how do I hook up a router and a switch together to my cable modem

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Hook-up IP Camera To WWRT54

Mar 1, 2012

 I can not connect from a remote location it connects from my home computer wirelessly but not from a remote location?(A) By default, the HTTP port on the camera is port 80. You will need to open TCP port 80 on your router to the IP address of the camera?

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Home Network :: Playing MPEG-2 File In Webpage From Home Server?

Dec 20, 2012

I have setup a webserver on my home PC and I have forwarded port 80 on my router to the IP adress of the PC that is running the web server. The web server is working great; I can get to my web pages from outside of my home by going to http://MyIpAddress/Anyway, the problem is with the Windows Media Player plugin I'm using. I want to embed 6GB MPEG-2 videos into my web pages. I have some videos on my PC and I want to be able to watch them remotely by connecting into my web page. It works fine when I'm at home; other PCs can connect and play the videos no problem. The problem is when I'm at work. When I'm at work, I go to my web page (via my IP address in a web browser) and the Media Player plugin says "Connecting" for a minute, then it says Ready, but the video will not play. I tried using a smaller, AVI file (680 MB) instead to see if the problem was streaming such a large file, but the video still would not play.Do I need to foward more ports on my router so that Windows Media Player can connect back and get the information it needs?

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Home Network :: Use Internet Of Workplace From Home Via Dial-up Connection?

Oct 3, 2011

I have ADSL modem in my workplace that is connected to a switch and other workplace computers are connected to this switch so the ADSL internet is shared in LAN network.(in each of computer I set default Gateway to ip of modem .....)I want to dial my workplace from home and then use of workplace internet or connect to workplace LAN.(such as VPN or Port Forwarding or I don't know...)

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Home Network :: Latest Ethernet Cable For Home Wiring?

Sep 20, 2011

I'm currently in the process of buying the new property, which is in the build process and would like to put some cables across 3 floors, which would be connected to the router downstairs.

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Home Network :: Add Printers To Local Wireless Network Without Sharing From Computer

Mar 3, 2012

I have a home network running all Mac computers (though can run Windows VM if necessary) and a pair of USB printers. The wireless router and cable modem are in one room, but the printers are in another. I'd like to find the most practical way to add the printers to the local wireless network without sharing them from a computer. I've tried that for a while, but don't want to leave a laptop connected 24/7 just to enable wireless printing (rather defeats the purpose of a portable computer). I don't have any wired network lines in the home, and am not excited by the idea of running any cables.

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Home Network :: Cisco Linksys E1500 - Wireless Security Protocol For Guest Network?

Oct 29, 2012

Having an issue with a Cisco Linksys E1500 on a home network. The device has a feature to provide a guest wireless network but the guest network can't get to the internet. A wired connection is fine, as is the normal wireless network but not the guest. The cheesy thing is, that it doesn't list an option for what type of wireless security protocol you want on the guest network. I'm assuming that it uses the same security protocol that the normal wireless network uses, but who knowsEspecially weird is that it asks you what password you want on the guest network but then the guest network show to be insecure when you try to connectthought maybe it was something funky with some of my configurations so I went ahead and factory defaulted it and just set it up with an insecure network for both the normal and guest networks. This didn't solve it. The guest network still couldn't get to the internet. In fact, the guest network can't even ping the router.

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Home Network :: IPhone Kills Home Network

Oct 17, 2011

Every time I connect to my home network with iPhone 4 my whole network stops working. Windows 7 is not reporting any problems with connection, nor is my router. I have cable connection with my PC and wireless with my laptop, they both just stop working without any visible reason. Even the iphone i connect with wont work, but of course it says its connected and everything is ok.I tought it was an iOS 5 problem, so I reinstalled it. It worked for an hour then its all back again. I even tried sharing my PC conection so that my iPhone is connected to PC and not directly to router.But that produced the same results.

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Home Network :: Unique Situation With Home Network

Mar 9, 2013

My Set up at home is as follows: [code] Now according to what I have read I should be able to set the subnet on .2.0 network to a subnet of 254 and this gives me 512 Hosts I believe however my question at this point is how to route between and when I set the subnet .254 does the router just route it automatically.I would still set the subnet mask on both networks to 254 correct? I believe I can only use to w/.254 subnet mask. However I already have some servers that are configured with applications (On the network) that I do not want to change ips on because it would be a pain to reconfigure so, my other question is other than using .252 to extend it to to, (I need the is there anything I can do? Like use with subnet mask of to get the network? The reason I asked is I was using a subnet calculator to try and figure this out but every time I put in with .254 subnet mask it changed the ip to to 192. 168. 1. 255.I would really like to use the netgear only. The way I have it now is not working I am able to ping the internet from the network but I can't ping from network to the network.

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