D-link Dir-655 :: Viera Wifi Not Seen

Jun 30, 2012

I have a desktop and DIR-655 router upstairs [small house]. Downstairs I have a laptop and a new Panasonic Viera tv with built in WiFi. Panasonic's instructions are simple and suggest a click on the remote and the tv will be recognized. It has not happened. Error message states no connection to the router. My laptop is 5ft away and the signal is strong.Do I need to configure the router to pickup a new piece of equipment? If so how?

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Linksys Wireless Adapters :: WUSB600N Compatible With Panasonic Viera THL37S25A TV?

Jan 24, 2011

I recently bought the Panasonic Viera THL37S25A TV and wanted to connect it to my home network.  Just wondering whether the WUSB600N USB adapter will be compatible with the TV.

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D-link Dir-655 :: Wifi Link Speed Fluctuates On All Devices

Jan 9, 2013

I have a DIR-655 that I have been using for a while (b1 revision).  and suddenly I noticed my wifi speed fluctuates constantly.  My lenovo Y580 sees speed drop to 130 immediately and then it can slowly progress to 1 Mbps until the hardware is all rebooted.  Same happens to my Nexus 7, Dell XPS M1530 and to my roku. I have updated to 2.07 (since 2.10 is advised to avoid). And I have attempted changing channels or factory refresh.What Firmware version is currently loaded? 2.07What region are you located?

What ISP Service do you have? Cable or DSL? Cable (link speed independent of internet speed)What ISP Modem do you have? Stand Alone or built in router? Separate Motorola ((link speed independent of modem)What ISP Modem make and model do you have? Does not matter, router issue.If this modem has a built in router, it's best to bridge the modem. Having 2 routers on the same line can cause connection problems.To tell if the modem is bridged or not, look at the routers web page, Status/Device Info/Wan Section, if there is a 192.168.0.# address in the WAN IP address field, then the modem is not bridged.  Not bridged

Turn off all anti virus and firewall programs on PC while testing. 3rd party firewalls are not generally needed when using routers as they are effective on blocking malicious inbound traffic.  Independent of issue, not a factor

Turn off all devices accept for one wired PC while testing.  Wired works perfect.Check cable between Modem and Router, swap out to be sure. Cat6 is recommended.  Wireless issue.

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New Tp-link Router - Can't Use Lan Or Wifi

Jul 11, 2012

Today I bought a new TP-Link Wireless Router in China, (TL-WR845N), and set it up with followed instructions with the router IP setup too with Before, it was only LAN and now I bought the wireless to use my iPhone with it. Now LAN wont work at all on either of my computers. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the Ethernet drivers, rebooted/checked the modem and router, but still couldn't get it to work. My Windows XP shows connected, but Chrome says unable to connect to the Internet.

I've checked TCP/IP settings, made it automatic, still nothing.

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D-link Dir-615 :: Cannot Connect To Wifi

Feb 7, 2012

i cannot connect to the internet through wifi but if using cable is ok for me . i don't know why in my house only me (notebook and iphone) cannot connect to the wifi. i have install and reinstall the network driver but it still can't work. This problem is only occur in my house. When i take my notebook to outside, it can connect to others wifi. When i use my iphone to connect , it says that "It is unable to connect to [SSID]".

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D-link Dir-655 :: No Internet Via Wifi?

Feb 11, 2011

I've been having strange problems since I got my DIR 655. Set it up, run through factory wizards, and everything works great for a little while. Maybe week, or as soon as a few minutes I'll lose internet connectivity over wifi. Connection is 100% to the router. I can still log into the router via, but not get out of it to the net. If I plug in my pc via the wired ports everything is still great. Factory reset, and set it up again and It might bee good for a little while. Occasionally I'll get a warning on my PC that there is an IP address conflict when its been on for a long time. I've gone back to my WRT-54g since it still works perfectly. I just want my N bandwidth back. I've gone through and toggled just about every setting that I can think of. Advanced DNS is off.

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D-Link :: DIR-601 - Get WiFi Access?

Jun 16, 2011

I ordered this router from walmart...My questions are before I even open it up when i receive it are..Will it be a huge pain to hook my vonage modem up and not have problems with calls?...I really got it also so that i can use a wifi device like nook to access their store...Also i was thinking of getting a roku player from netflix for my little 22 inch hdtv.

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Tp-link Usb Wifi - Can Hear Static

Feb 2, 2013

I have a TP-Link TL-WN822N wireless usb adapter. It works well, as far as getting a signal.But whenever I use my earbuds I can hear static. When I unplug the adapter, I no longer hear static. It sounds like the static is the sound of data transfer, because the sound get busier and louder when I'm downloading something.I have the latest driver installed.

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Use My D-link Router As A Repeater For Wifi?

Apr 8, 2013

I find that within my apt I can only get about 32% signal from my shaw Wi-Fi router. They don't support what I want to do.. adding my d-link router to boost or repeat the signal.

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Tp-link Tl-wa5210g - Only Pc's Can Connect To My Wifi?

Jan 4, 2013

I have a tp-link TL-WA5210G set as access point
SSID is Awlad Omran
security is WPA2

The problem is that mobiles (Iphone, Android, Symbian) can not connect to the access point, it just say connecting, but nothing happens.PC's can connect easily without any problem.i tried to change SSID and security and did a reset to the device but non of that worked.

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Configuration Of D-link Dir-524 Wifi Router?

Feb 22, 2012

Recently i brought D-Link DIR-524 wifi router. somehow i am able to connect to internet. But i am dont know how to block it for other computers. i am new to networking. How to configure the D-Link DIR-524 wifi router.

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D-link Dir-600 Lan Slow While Wifi Fast?

Nov 19, 2012

I have a 10 Mbps Internet connection, if I connect my PC directly to my modem I get the 10Mbps sometimes more, also I get them if I connect my modem to my switch and from the switch the computer.The problem comes when I connect my modem to the D-link DIR-600 router and from the RJ-45 connectors of the D-link I connect my computer, i get 0.80, 1.5 max. and my wifi devices gets the 10mbps. What is happening with the D-link RJ-45 slots or im missing something in the configuration?

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Wifi Not Working With Tp-link Router?

Jul 20, 2012

im deployment and we have hardwire internet in my room. wanting to use all other devices eg. iphone and what not i bought a router to plug the hardwire in to and run the wifi off the router for all devices. its made by TP-LINK the model is TL-WR940N. it worked great for a while but then kept giving me DNS server is not responding but i could plug the hard cable in my computer and the internet would work fine? so i reset the router and set it all up again like before. Now i cant get it to run wifi off it anymore it recognizes and connect through wifi but no internet and its telling me i need to plud the hardwire in to my internet but my computer is recognizing it and saying i have internet access, but no internet i mean its not even thinking if there is internet.

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D-link Dir-655 :: How To Know If Wifi Antenna Is Not Working

May 7, 2011

I have a Dir 655 router how can I know if one of the antennas is working right? 

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D-link Dir-655 :: Wifi Signals Not Detected?

Mar 4, 2011

I have a problem on my DIR-652.My wifi signal is not detected over the past few days. I went through the settings, everything is good. Outside, in the page information device, wireless radio is off. How to put it ON?I am attaching the screen print.

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D-link Dir-655 :: Lost Installation Cd - Cannot Use Wifi?

Aug 24, 2011

Is there any place I can download it so I can use my wi-fi again withot buying the installation CD?

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D-link Dir-655 :: Wifi Randomly Dropping Out?

Jan 24, 2011

I have a B1, FW 2.00NA. Everything works great, but once or twice a day, randomly the wifi signal will just dropout, I cant see it in my networks list, if I connect directly to my router the connection is fine. If I reset the router by cutting power wifi will start working again. Is there an beta firmware for the B1 I can try? Everything on the router is set to pretty much default.

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D-link Dir-615 :: How To Extend Wifi Range

Apr 25, 2011

How do I extend my wifi network?I have a Dlink DIR 615....

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D-link Dcs-942l :: Keeps Going Offline Wifi?

Apr 19, 2012

I have 3 DCS cameras on my network all setup WiFi

2 are DCS-932L and 1 DCS-942L

The DCS942 (which is right near but facing the other direction) is about 2 meters away from one of the 932's but the 942 keeps going offline - it comes back on and off probably 4-5 time during a 24hr period.

This is most frustrating - it would look like Wifi signal strength could be the issue but the other 932 right near it doesn't have this issue?

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D-link Dir-655 :: Pce-n15 Bad Nas Transfer Speed By Wifi

Jan 23, 2012

I have a my book world NAS wired connected to the router (dir-655 A4) but i have slow transfer speed by wifi max 300 kB/sec. i use a asus pce-n15 wifi adapter on my pc and the wish or qos is not working

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D-link Dir-615 :: Multiple Connections On Wifi

Nov 6, 2011

When I connect 2 laptops to my router, why does the speed/connection get split? I would understand that if the speed was maxed out or something but it's a lame 500 kb/s connection. Do all wify routers behave this way? It's kind of annoying since there's a trafic quota limit implemented and when someone downloads, the other one can't do s^&t? how to handle this?

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D-link Dir-655 :: Vpn Device Doesn't Have Wifi

Dec 5, 2010

I have a "vpn device" (that is what they called it to me) basically its a custom no-name black box with a lan and a wan port that my office gave me.  It is running url... vpn connection to my office automatically so no computers have to run a vpn client locally.  "It just works".Previously I had a DL 4300 set to bridge mode so I could get wifi.  VPN device doesnt have wifi

I replaced the DL-4300 with a 655 because I wanted N speed for wifi and I got a DAP 1522 to wirelessly bridge my dvr and a htpc.I have read through the many threads of the 655 and bridging and it being removed and I'd love to use the 655 as my router to take advantage of all the other routing features, but alasSo here is my setup as of now, they set my vpn to be so that is my network.Cable Modem -> pfSense -> switch ->

-> office computers and printers
-> DL 4300 (I'll soon disable this and remove it, or maybe setup another remote ap in future)
-> DIR 655 (using Lan port not wan port)

Laptops/phones connecting to new 655 wireless SSID, however I'm not sure how you tell if its using the DAP1522 or the 655 or is that just seemless and I shouldnt know?Also I couldnt get a dhcp via the 655-> ... -> DAP 1522 from the pfSense router.  So I just enabled DHCP on the 655 and now I get ip and internet access.Really have no idea how that is working having 2 DHCP servers, but I guess they are smart about it (for now..or just lucky)

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D-link Dir-655 :: Schedule Shut-off Of Wifi?

Jul 25, 2012

Is there any way to schedule the shutoff of WiFi every night between certain hours?

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D-link Dir-655 :: Spread Wifi Around Whole House

Mar 24, 2012

Just purchased two DIR-655's to spread the WiFi around the whole house.  I realize now that the 655 is considered "older" when it comes to technology but I am really not using these for anything other than full coverage of our house.  I am just looking for any recommendation people may be able to offer as to how to get the best out of these. 

Same SSID everywhere so that the clients will see it one big network.  Different channels so that there is no interference.  No security enabled. (I am in the boonies, no neighbors and I have walked all the way out to the road with my laptop.  You can't even see the network) My guess is that the clients will automatically switch to the AP with the strongest signal correct? Any utility that can tell me which AP I am connected to?I am running a Windows 2008 domain here in my house with the server performing DHCP and DNS functions. [code]

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Tp-link Adapter - Cannot Connect To Wifi Although Connections Available

Dec 11, 2011

I have been using a TP-Link wifi adapter for last two months, It worked flawlessly till a couple of days ago. It just so happened that i turned on my computer and even though the wifi connections were available, when trying to connect this message keeps showing up " Windows was unable to connect to UoC WiFi". I have tried everything from making a new wifi connection to changing usb-ports

FYI I use the same wifi connection on my netbook and android, and they are working fine, so it's definitely not a problem with the ISP.


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Tp Link W8960n - Unable To Connect To Wifi?

Feb 5, 2012

I have installed a TP Link W8960N router and it is working fine using the ethernet cable. I have installed a realtek 11n USB adapter but cannot get it to connect to the router.

I uninstalled and reinstalled the software and whereas previously today it found my router (but wouldn't connect it says not associated) when I search now it doesnt even come up!

Windows device manager says the adpater is working properly

When installing router and adapter I set them both to WPA2 and used the same passkey. I am using Windows 7

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D-link Dir-300 Wifi Router Losses Connection

May 10, 2012

I have a D-LINK DIR-300 router with 4 LAN and WI-FI. It's acting very strange lately. It is connected to a UPS battery and the one LAN connection is in surge protection.Here are the symptoms:

-Every 2 days it just loses connection. I have to reboot it so to make the connection working. It's a little bit annoying after awhile.
- One day one of the LEDs started like fading away and came back up (the one that signals the LAN connection).
- When all the LEDs were properly working and the connection was good also, I moved the the power adapter cord a little bit at some part (I didn't plugged it out) and some of the LEDs gone (Internet connection LED and Wireless) but all the other LEDs were working. Of course there wasn't connection either.my OP is Ubuntu 12.04 and the connection DHCP is well configured.

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Providing Internet To D-link Router From 4g Wifi

Dec 7, 2012

I have a D-Link DGL-4500 Wireless N Gaming Router. If I create a mobile hotspot with my BB Bold 9900, can I somehow get my router to connect to it so I can provide bandwidth to my Ethernet dependent network devices?

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Wifi Of D-link Modem Disconnects Every 5 Minutes

May 26, 2012

I have connected two dsl modems for extending wifi coverage,the main one is netgear and the extended on is D-link,but the problem is the d-links wireless disconnects every 5 minutes or so..i have connected a pc with a cable from this modem but there r no problems with pc internet...so is the hardware of modem faulty or is this due to inappropriate settings of modem,i have disabled the dhcp and changed the ip address already.

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D-link 524 Router - Wifi Signals Are Not Detected?

Apr 1, 2013

I have D-link 524 router, my problem is that its signals are not being detected ( the devices we connect are ipad 4, htc wildfire S, nokia e-5 . these devices detect other wifi and connect to them.

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Tp Link Wifi Range Repeater Keeps Locking Up

Sep 9, 2012

I have the main router, which is SMC SMCD3GN from Rogers in Canada, and I have heard from MANY people that this router REALLY sucks..especially the range. And I myself also had problem with low signal in the 2nd floor of my house, so I purchased the wifi repeater (TP Link) to extend the range. I followed the guide given in the box, and everything was set up flawlessly. However, after a few hours of use, all my devices (laptop, tablet, phone) which are in the same room as the repeater decrease the signal again, to the point where it was before I purchased the repeater. Then if I disconnect the wifi and reconnect, the signal is full again. Sometimes I have to unplug the repeater from the wall and replug in order for it to work.

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Tp-link Repeating A Weak Wifi Signal

Dec 13, 2011

I bought TP-link wireless repeaters which i have failed trying to setup to an eircom zyxel dsl modem (ISP provided modem)i set it up as a universal repeater and had it auto latch on to the eircom modem but it just doesnt seem to boost the signal.i have turned all encryption and this doesnt work either. I have setup this situation using a netgear dsl modem and a netgear wireless router which if i remember i made a mac bridge, and it works great..am i wasting my time trying to get a TP-link talking to a cheap isp modem? i was reading an article somebody wrote that was doing the same thing yet the modem wasnt the same as mine, they said they got it working using WDS...and that the tp-link doesnt know about WDS and you need to use telnet to change settings on the tp-link looked a real hassle anyway.

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D-link Dir-655 :: Disable / Enable Wifi To Script Possible?

May 3, 2012

I want know if it's possible with a  script  enable disable wifi, without every time login  to router.

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