Cisco :: 2504 PI 1.3 Inventory Collection Error

Apr 3, 2013

I was trying to add a 2504 to PI, but I keep coming up with this error in Unknown Devices: Collection Status : Unexpected error. [code]

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Cisco :: LMS 4.0.1 / Nexus 5020 - Internal Error In Inventory Collection

Oct 10, 2011

2 Nexus 5020 (SysObjId 3.719) brings internal error in inventory collection as following:"RICS0001: Internal Error, unable to process the collected data from the device".whereby 2 other devices from same type, same sysobjid are working well. SDT from v401 shows this device as supported.

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Cisco :: LMS 4.0.1 Inventory Collection Failure

Feb 20, 2012

After I upgrading all device packages, inventory collection failure to complete. All devices stuck on pending state and at the end of the job all devices are under not attempted and job result description ses " Timed out. Make shure that ICServer is running". I made sure that ICServer is running.
LMS runs on windows 2008 R2 server

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Cisco :: LMS 4.0 Inventory Collection Is Failed

Oct 17, 2011

I have Cisco Works LMS 4.0 on Win 2K8 64 bits on VMware EXs. I am facing issue with reference to Inventory Collection, my 10% devices (including Routers & Switches) Inventory collection is failed and give me error (Device sensed, but collection failed). I increase the SNMP timeout 10 sec, 30 sec, 60 sec and even 100 sec the result be the same.

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Cisco :: LMS 4.2.2 Times Out During Inventory Collection On VSS

Dec 12, 2012

A customer of mine have 2 VSS systems for wich IC times out during collection when trying to read from flash on them. From the ICserver.log
[ Thu Dec 13  16:45:19 CET 2012 ],WARN ,[Thread-20],,67,,g$eval,70,


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Cisco :: LMS 4.0.1 - Inventory Collection Failed?

Oct 5, 2011

LMS 4.0.1 installed on Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard with SP1. Created Inventory collection job, but couple of hours later, it is failed with all devices Not Attempted. Increased SNMP timeout on 10 sec, started again for only 1 device - collection failed again. I am attaching pdshow and ICServer file.

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Cisco :: 4506e Inventory Collection Fails

Jan 25, 2012

We have LMS4.0 monitoring 100+ devices.   In that collection we have 2 4506e switches. The switches are identical,but one is inventoried successfully and the other always fails.Both have verified their credentials. The 4506e failing inventory is the only device not being inventoried.I looked at other post and increased snmp timeout with no effect. 

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Cisco :: LMS4.0.1 - Inventory Collection Does Not Stop

Nov 10, 2011

I reinstalled CiscoWorks LMS (Windows 2008 R2) updated th LMS with all availible devicepackages and imported all devices with a xml bulk import of the former installation. Now I am frustrated.... because after the reinstallation LMS has problems collecting the inventory data.The inventory collection for one local device (Cisco WS-C3560-8PC-S) starts and nevers stops.... I have to stop the ICserver to stop the inventory collection.
I have only 4 of nearly 1800 devices where it was possible to collect the inventory information.All the rest is supposed to unreacheable...Reports> Inventory>Management Status>Unreachable Devices.But if I take one of the devices which is reported to be unreacheable and do a device diagnostic (Monitor> Troubleshooting Tools> Troubleshooting Workflows) says it is reacheable...

 The inventory does not appear in the "Collector Status"?

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Cisco :: LMS3.2 Runtime For Inventory Collection Is Very High

Jul 20, 2011

On our CiscoWorks 2000 installation, running on Solaris with LMS3.2 and RME4.3.1, we noticed a few weeks ago, that the job "Inventory Collection" needs more and more time to finish. At the moment the job execution time is as high as 8 hours, compared to 3 hours before. When we look at the network traffic during job execution, we see after the collection phase (~3h) several hours with no traffic together with a very high CPU load. I mean to remember that this job used to complete around 15 minutes after data collection phase. Restarting the application and rebooting the system didn't work.When we look in to the IC_Server.log, we find devices with a completion time of over 20'000 seconds. Increasing from day to day. [code]

Affected devices are Cisco Nexus 5548P. We tried to delete/add these devices. That works for a few days, then the runtime starts to increase again.

Are we hitting a bug? And is it possible, as a workaround, to exclude devices from only the Inventory Collection?

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Cisco :: 3750 - Devices Not Attempted In Inventory Collection

Sep 27, 2012

When I do an Inventory Collection, the job doesn´t work with some devices and I have to restart the server. The job doesn´t fail but the log ICServer.log doesn´t got any information and it works for hours and hours and when it finally stops I can see that devices are not attempted.
I have done some succesfull Inventory Collections with Cisco 3750 switches and 805 routes. I have tried witch Cisco 2811 routers and 2950 and 2960 switches but it doesn´t work.
I have tried to update my LMS4.0.1 but it doesn´t find any actualization. However, in the Cisco download page there are some patches.

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Cisco :: Inventory Collection Fails On 6509E Switches?

Mar 26, 2012

I'm currently experiencing some problems with LMS 3.1 where inventory collection fails on cat6500 switches running 12.2(33)SXI1, Sup720.
I have changed the SNMP timeout to 30 seconds.

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Cisco :: LMS 3.2 / Archive Management And Inventory Collection Failed

Jan 25, 2012

we have the following problems with lms 3.2 on windows. Archive management and inventory collection fail.
The following messages we get:
DCMA0055: URN_NOT_FOUND : urn "JRM" : Not found !!
DCMA0077: Could not create job. Check dcmaclient.log for more details.
Someone recommend to remove the following files ctmregistry and ctmregistry.backup.Will this fix the issue?

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Cisco :: LMS 3.1 Inventory Collection And Polling Causing High Cpu

Jun 23, 2011

I have 3560-24PS-S (ios version 12.2(35)SE1) that have high CPU (almost 100%) use at every inventory collection (each sunday) or polling (each day 6 a.m) during 2 or 3 minutes.

I read on the forum, that this could be due to some mib object polling failure, and could, perhaps, be solved by upgrading the ios version or configuring view preventing the poll of the problematic object.

But what view to configure ?Is there well known MIB objects to filter ? Which ones ? I did not see any bug related to my IOS version and this behavior in the bug toolkit ... I join some sh commands (unfortunately done when no problem). I will try to obtain the output of the sh command when the pb occurs.

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Cisco :: C3560 - LMS 4.0 Inventory Collection GBICs And Serial Numbers

Dec 13, 2011

I have larger numbers of WS-C3560X-24/24P/48 Cisco switches with1000BaseSX SFP GIBCs installed per switch in my network and they are all added to my DCR just fine. However, when i generate an inventory hardware report GBICs and GBICs serial number is not showing up. Is there any special settings i need to make?

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Cisco :: LMS 4.2 Error In Collection Settings?

Dec 18, 2012

Our customer is try to make a configuration by web interface menu:
Admin > Collection Settings > Inventory
After select the menu below they always received this message:
Error in starting acquisition: unable to connect to server

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Cisco Wireless :: WLC 2504 Certificate Error Web Authentication

Dec 19, 2012

When I get the web authentication dialog from it starts of with a certificate error. Is there a way to prevent this certificate error while using the self signed certificate?  I have not been successful installing certificates on my WLC - problems with OpenSSL and others.  Want to get this deployed but don't want users to have to encouter that error. 

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Cisco Wireless :: 2504 Controller And 1602i APs / Getting Different Error Messages From WLC

Feb 18, 2013

i have currently a 2504 WLC and some 1602i AP's.Basically so far i have configured the WLC as per the guidelines on the startup and now i want to join the AP's (which i haven't managed to do yet) and the setup the wireless network.I can get the AP to join and pickup an ip address and that is it. It comes up with different error messages from the WLC, and through hyper terminal, none of which i understand but the main jist is the following:
*spamApTask4: Feb 19 15:05:56.171: #CAPWAP-3-DECODE_ERR: capwap_ac_sm.c:3844 Error decoding Join request from AP 6c:20:56:0e:23:e0
0Tue Feb 19 15:06:19 2013AP with MAC 6c:20:56:0e:23:e0 (AIR-CAP1602I-E-K9 ) is unknown. 

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Cisco Wireless :: Error In Enabling Admin Status 2504 WLC

Oct 21, 2012

1552 E Ap with a 2504 WLC. Single Root Ap with Mesh  the Mesh has the problem.  Both Power Injector and AP has been replaced .   How do you turn on the 802.11 B Radio? No other problems at 40 other sites with identical installation.

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Cisco Wireless :: WLC 2504 Cannot Install Adder License / Duplicate Error

May 22, 2013

I have a WLC 2504 with 5 AP licenses for which I have installed an adder license via GUI.  The installation completed successfully, but I still cannot view the new license. The maximum number of APs is still showing as 5 and in fact I cannot add more that 5 APs.  I tried installing the license file again, but now I get a "duplicate" error.

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Cisco Wireless :: DHCP Error With WLC 2504 And Aironet 2600 Setup Across Subnets

Apr 2, 2013

I have just setup a new WLC 2504 controller to manage a WiFi service that will span 6 geographic locations.  The local networks at each location are on different subnets (all 192.168.x.x) and are linked up via IPSEC VPN links, and there is Active Directory spanning the sites, with DNS and DHCP servers running at each location.
I tested the WLC at our main office with a single AP, and it worked fine.  The AP set itself up, and wireless devices connect with no probs. Great!  Yesterday I headed out to one of our remote sites, and connected an AP to their network - and that seemed to work fine too.  Within a few minutes I was able to see the WiFi network I'd setup, and my smartphone connected to it straight away (as I'd rpeviously connected at the main office), so I was pretty happy that all was working well.
This morning however I've had notification that wifi performance at the remote site isn't great.  I've got someone to check their ip address, and I've found that their IP address and default gateway match the LAN at the main office where the WLC is based - NOT the LAN where the wireless client is.  Obvioulsy this is not ideal!
(I guess I HAVE done something wrong!?).  And how can I get wireless clients at remote sites to pick up an IP from the DHCP server at THEIR site?

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Cisco :: LMS 4.2 - Configuration Collection

Apr 22, 2012

After launching config collection job in LMS 4.2 I can't get job results and receive error message - Unable to get results of job execution for device. I've increased the job result wait time using option in Admin > Collection Settings ... , but nothing changed.Here are screenshots of error message and wait settings I used.

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Cisco :: LMS 4.2 Topology Data Collection

Mar 20, 2012

i have an issue with the lms 4.2 Topology Data Collection. After installation the Topology Data Collection was running normaly, but since first server reload the Topo Data Collect under Inventory > Dashboards > Device Status > Collection Summary is "frozen".Is there any option to stop this process elsewhere? I cannot find anything under jobs in running state or so. Clicking on Schedule only give me the option to start data collection, but lms always returns that the process is running.

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Cisco :: Data Collection And UT Failed On LMS 4.0.1

Aug 17, 2011

I have a problem with the User Tracking and Data Collection on LMS 4.0.1 . I think It crashes every time or freezes. I Have this error if I lunch UT Acquisition :
Failed to start acquisition: Construction of XML data required for UT IS in progress. Please try After Some Time.When scheduling a CM data collection, I have this error: Data collection IS Already in progress.
I detected an error in ani.log line 12266: Exception in thread "Discovery" java.lang.AbstractMethodError: com. cisco. nm. ani. server. topo. Port Channel.portIfIndex ()
I successfully changed the name of the CiscoWorks server last week with the tool
Perhaps there was an impact on data collection ?

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Cisco :: LMS 4 Configuration Collection Failure

Nov 20, 2011

I'm having an issue with LMS 4  where it's failing to collection configuration from devices.
The following is the status of your Scheduled Config collection job:
Job ID         : 1045
Status         : Job Failed(111)
Description    : System config collection job


I researched through this forum and found a thread where the ConfigMgmtServer server wouldn't run. Looking at the processes it says that this service is running normally.

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Cisco :: LMS 3.2 Data Collection Not Working?

Jan 15, 2013

we have installed LMS 3.2 when i try to run data collection it shows "Notified server to run campus data collection", but status of data collection is idle.
If i restart the server and try to run data collection it runs properly one time.
Each time i have to restart the server for data collection.

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Cisco :: LMS 4.2.1 Inventory Failed

Aug 6, 2012

I can't inventory a 4507R + E / SUP7E Version 15.1.1 SG with the last version of LMS 4.2.1. Next, the extract of IC_Server.log.


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Cisco :: Two SCE 2000s Sharing Same Collection Manager?

Aug 14, 2012

Does two separate SCE 2000 devices can share a collection manager, or do they each need a separate CM?  If they can share, is  there any special setup on the CM itself?

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: Collection Filter In ISE Similar To ACS 5.3?

Aug 28, 2012

I wanted to ask if there is a collection filter in the ISE similar to ACS 5.3, where I can filter out unwanted syslogs.

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Cisco :: Syslog Collection Suddenly Stops On LMS 3.2

Mar 6, 2012

I am having a very strange issue on  LMS 3.2
The problem is that the syslog collection suddently stops receiving logs and writing them into the syslog.log file
I have checked the following:

- Packet sniff to make sure that logs are being received on the server's NIC interface
- Checked the  UDP port 514 is bound to the crmlog process.
- Checked the crmlog is running.
When i restart the server, the  syslog connections works for a week or two and save the received logs in the syslog.log file, but after that it suddenly stops collecting log again, all the above points stays valid (service running, UDP Port...)
I have attached the LMS's modules versions installed on the server.

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Cisco :: Scheduled Configure Collection Job Is Failing / LMS 3.2

Jun 13, 2011

Usually the configuration files are fetched once every week. Lately, the Scheduled Config collection job is failing for all the devices. I have tried to “sync Archive” from LMS 3.2 on some devices but nothing happens. The switches out there are C3750, 2960, 2950, 3550, 3650 and some routers.The server is Win Ser 2003.


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Cisco :: LMS 4.1 - Data Collection Runs Forever

Apr 19, 2012

Data collection runs forever (since this morning). Also an reboot of the LMS server didnt work. Checked all processes and ani.log -OK. After reboot, the time stemp for Toplogy changed from 8:00 to "Not Available"
Inventory Collection24019 Apr 2012, 12:15 CEST
IdleScheduleConfig Archive24016 Apr 2012, 16:24 CEST

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Cisco :: LMS 3.01 - Inventory Failure On Various Devices

Nov 23, 2011

We have several unknown devices within our inventory.  When running an inventory report the message I get back is "No Credentials available".
For inventory checks is it just SNMP that is used or is it the standard credentials that are needed ?
I am planning to edit the credentials for the single device manually to see if this makes a difference.  Our integration is with ACS and we have a machine account with admin priveleges.
Device Verification for the device states "Device Not reachable" for SNMP and SSH.  There are no drops on any of our firewalls but snmpwalk does work from the command prompt from the LMS server.
Are there any further checks I can make for these 2 messages:
* "No Credentials available". * "Device Not reachable"

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Cisco :: LMS 4.0 - Inventory Is Not Collected For Devices?

May 21, 2011

I have been having problems getting devices into DFM once I enable fault management.I am now having issues with the basic LMS / RME I am getting the following issue:"No Device exists in LMS or Inventory is not collected for devices."I experienced this before and resolved by reapplying the licence.The issue has gone from - all devices discovered and added to LMS and DCR ok turned on Layer 2 Topology and Faults and then no devices appearing in DFM.after restarting the Daemon manger I have no devices in LMS. total device approx 1900 - standalone setup.

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