Cisco Switching/Routing :: 10 Gig Distance Limitation Between 6704's
Jan 26, 2012
Looking to link up to 6513 chassis via 6704 10 gig cards.
I have a 6513 on the 8th floor and one on the 3rd floor in same building. Distance would be approx 150' max. New 10 gig cabling was installed between these floors.
I would like to use 2 10 gig ints on each 6704 to form a port channel (LACP) between the 2 environments.
So far I have been unable to get the links up between 6704's.
I have 2 6513's between floors that have a port channel between them using 2 10 gig interfaces on 6704 cardsThis weekend I lost the port channel for about 4 mins and then it came back up. Unfort at the time I had logging turned off so was unable to get any info as to why. But I turned on debugging that eve and this morn it happened again.
Looks like Mod 9 is being power recycled, 6704 is about a year old and had been running for a month or so without issue.The only thing I have upgraded in the last few weeks was I put in a pair of 6000w supplies..But I am not having any other issuesother than mod 9. In hind sight a better design would be to spread this port channel across 10 gig cards. I'll work on that next.
2w2d: %OIR-SP-3-PWRCYCLE: Card in module 9, is being power-cycled 'Off (Module Reset due to exception or user request)'2w2d: %C6KPWR-SP-4-DISABLED: power to module in slot 9 set Off (Module Reset due to exception or user request)*Mar 1 00:00:02.331: DaughterBoard (Centralized Forwarding Card)
I've learned recently that the Nexus 7000 only allows the configuration of a maximum of 2 Monitor sessions for spanning traffic. I only have one monitor session left and I need to do the following. 2 Core Nexus 7000 boxes with 2 different traffic probes/sniffers to each nexus( eg Sniffer 1 connects to Switch A on interface eth 1 and to Switch B on eth 1 ; Sniffer 2 connects to Switch A on eth 2 and to Switch B on eth 2.) My plan was to setup a standard session with multiple sources and destinations then on the interfaces connecting to the sniffers run a trunk and do 'sw trunk allowed xxxxx' and filter what I need to go to each sniffer box. However I've recently found out that some of my source traffic is coming from Port-Channel interfaces. Is there a way I can get around this and still do the filtering within only 1 monitor session ?
We are looking to deploy two Nexus 7009 cores at our two datacenters. They are approximately 2 miles apart. We are hoping to have 10G Dark Fiber between the buildings and therefore dedicate a pair for FCOE between the cores using 10G Long Range SFP's. I read that the Nexus 5000 series had a limit of ~3 km for FCOE. Does the same hold true for the 7000 series? I thought I read somehwere that the buffers were larger on the 7000 series and therefore would be able to do ~30 km.
I am trying to modify the OSPF admin distance for a specific subnet under version 5.1(5) of the Nexus 7K, but this command does not appear to be available.
I have a cisco 2950 switch, connected with 4Mbps of internet and number of users will access the internet. There is no restraction on bandwidth limit for users, if any body use high download the remaining users are facing the slow browsing problems.
So, if i can put a bandwidth limitation for every users the problem will be solved. how to restract the bandwidth on user bases.
I'm intending to purchase a switch for work,and I need to limit the bandwidth of one of the ports to 25 Mbit upload and 25 Mbit download (we have 100/100 Mbit connection and the customer is only paying for 25). I been trying to find information on how this could be "properly" done and what kind of switch I need to buy. As far as I have understood, most L2+ switches support outbound rate limiting, but not inbound, and as I only want the customer to have 25 mbit up and down, I need both.
I been looking at a Cisco Catalyst 3560 switch, and I'm first and foremost wondering if I can limit the inbound AND outbound bandwidth on this switch? Perhaps it can even be done on a simpler, cheaper, switch - as I rather not spend more money then necessary?
Lastly, how to do it, limit the inbound and outbound bandwidth on a single port (perhaps on the above mentioned switch, if possible), to 25 Mbit?
I am just browsing and looking for a solution to converge my multi-vendor switched network and bring some redundancy to it as recently we managed to get a redundant links. I have a need to change core switch to Cat3750G, which has Per-V LAN-RSTP+ on board, but tests have shown that it won't be compatible with some other proprietary per-V LAN RSTP solution other vendor's switches use currently.
So, I thought maybe standard-based MSTP design might do the trick. I've made some tests and got some weird and unstable switching result. I have two topology rings with a core switch in the center. Every ring has about 10 switches, so practically network diameter may vary from 5 switches (when spanning-tree converges in the center and I have a blocking port somewhere int the middle of the ring) to about 10-11 switches (if a I have link failure on any of ports right at the core switch). I disconnected one port from core switch to eliminate a possible switching loop while I will be configuring new MSTP design. Then I started enabling MSTP on all the switches staring from core Cat3750G to MSTP, one by one, placing all switches to the same MSTP region, and placing all V LAN's to default MSTI0(CIST) cause I don't need to organize any separate MSTP instances for every V LAN or for group of V LAN s. When I turned MSTP on on 7th or 8th switch in the chain (cause I had a physical chain when I disconnected one port out of redundant ring) I got all switches "flapping", storming and flooding the network with broadcasts. Even when I had one redundant port disabled.
I have no idea what I am doing wrong. I noticed that Cat3750G has an option that defines a possible network diameter which actually automatically changes some hello, max age etc. attributes according to diameter specified. When I defined a maximum network diameter of 7, if didn't change anything: I still have hello timer of 2 sec etc. I've been wondering if the maximum network diameter has something more than just a "variable" to fine tune hello timers etc? Maybe I won't be able to use MSTP in my network which might have diameter more that 7 switches. Or maybe it was a mistake of placing all the switches to the same region and all the v LAN s to the default MSTI0 (CIST) and I should configure one MSTI per V LAN or per some group of V LANs and subdivide my switches to few MSTP regions?
I am designing a network for my client where I have to implement a 10 Gig end to end connectivity. The major factor of concern from my management is about scalability (space to include more 10Gig servers as the nodes grow up). I have suggested Cisco 5596UP with 2232 PP as this gives ample amount of 10Gig ports. The setup has to be implemented across 2 different datacenters located 40 Kms apart, connected with 10Gig DC Interconnect.
I understand that Cisco Nexus 2232 is a Layer 2 Only switch and would need to communicate with parent 5K switch very frequently. Is it necessary to have the 2K and 5K pair in the same datacenter or in proximity? Is it possible to have the SFP uplinks connected to the DC interconnect? Because we have two datacenters located 40 Kms apart and having 1*Layer 3 - 5K switch at DC A with Layer 2 - 2K nexus Switch at DC B will be cost effective. We do require more 10Gig ports and not much requirement on Layer 3 usage. What are the type of communication that would be much frequent between 2K and 5K?
i have a Cisco 7609 with ws-6704-10ge, trying to test a cable that is connected to the 10Gig interface , i connected the other end to a 1Gig GBIC interface on WS-X6516-GBIC, now the speed does not match but how to force the 10Gig interface speed to 1Gig, will that ever work? both has LX optics and the cable is SM
Does the limitation on ASR 1000 series RP1 with regard to maximum number of match statements per class-map?. I have more than 30 match statements under my class-maps but when I apply the service policy on the interface, I get the error "cannot configure more than 16 matching statements per class-map for the interface”.I am running 3.1.0 S on an RP1. Is it a hardware limitation just like the older Cisco 10Ks?
Due to lack of address space, I have to go to NAT for our wireless guest users.Are there any limitation with WLC/NGS when comes to NAT?I have four 5500 WLCs, should I put them in 1 mobility group, at 2 different locations?
I am currently trying to find the method or mechanism for calculating the distance between two wireless mobile nodes.Let's say, there are 2 nodes (node B and C) coming in communication with node A. How can node A knows whether node B or node C is nearer than the other? Is it possible to find it out by using RSSI? or are there any other mechanisms to calculate the distance?
I have a 1262 that will be setup as a WGB and wirelessly connect to a Cisco MESH AP. A switch and clients will hang off of the 1262 WGB. How many clients can a 1262 WGB support?
I have a NMWLC6 module connected to a 3825 ISR using 1140N APs. Latest (but one) code. I had two SSIDs configured and deployed in the default AP group. Last week I needed to deploy a third SSID for unencrypted webauth, I created the interface and WLAN associated with the interface and the sub interface/svi on the WLAN-controller 0/1 with dot1q. All created with no problem and enabled, however the SSID was not available to clients and did not show up as available WLANs under AP groups menu. Out of desperation I created a new AP group and added an AP to it and hey presto all three WLANs were available and the third is now visible to clients! Is this normal behaviour? Is the default AP group limited to two SSIDs? (a quick google failed to find any documented limitation!) or is something weird going on?
We have a deployment of 400 store. Each of those have 2 GRE tunnels running over MPLS & 2 GRE Tunnels running over Internet leading to our 2 data-centers. At each Data-Center, we have 1 ASR-1002 connecting both MPLS & Internet MPLS tunnels (800 total per router).
I saw in the documentation that OER & PfR cannot support more than 20 external interface (in our case GRE tunnels) per MC. Does it means that we need to have 20 routers acting as MC to be able to use PfR for our Internet GRE tunnels ?
Is there any more scalable solution for this ? How big company address this issue when they have a lot of interface to run PfR ?
I have LMS3.2 running and have set up daily log rotation of my SYSLOG file via Common Services-Server-Admin-Log Rotation. In LMS2.6 I set this up from the command line and was able to set the number of rotations to 120. I found in LMS3.2 setting up the rotation via the GUI that the number of rotations is limited to 90.
Is there an association between fiber type, wavelength and distance? I mean are there single-mode fiber cables, which are more suited for 1550nm wavelength and have poor performance when wavelength is for example 1310nm? Are there fiber cables which support only some narrow wavelength range? In addition, how is such behavior called in physics?
is the aironet 1262 access point a good choice for an environment of about 20 users. each users is in an office and we are looking at deploying the ap at the end of the hall on a wall mount. would distance be a barrier and are there any better options out there?
I need to implement VSS on 6500 equipped with Sup720-10GE and WS-X6704; considering that this last 10G card doesn't support VSL, I need to realize VSS interchassis connections on Supervisor 10G interfaces, but I only have X2-10G-LR. Considering that the 2 6500 are in short distance (few meters): is it possible to use 10G long range optics and, if yes, do I need some additional patch?