Cisco WAN :: 1812 Input Errors On Fast Ethernet Increasing
Dec 5, 2011
I'm using a Cisco 1812 to route traffic from a small location with 10 users.. Users are complaning about packet loss, and programs with live database connection is freezing..On the router i've checked one of the Fastethernet interfaces, and I can see that the input errors are increasing constantly. [code]
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May 19, 2013
SW1#show interfaces fastEthernet 0/14 counters errors
Port Align-Err FCS-Err Xmit-Err Rcv-Err UnderSize
Fa0/14 6682 140364 0 306468 0
Port Single-Col Multi-Col Late-Col Excess-Col Carri-Sen Runts Giants
Fa0/14 0 0 0 0 180103 0 2798
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Nov 4, 2011
I use an 1841 router as an internet facing firewall with a 10MB MetroE connection. Lately users started reporting slow internet download speeds and web pages timing out. Bandwidth reports do not show the link as being saturated so I looked at the interfaces on the 1841. The interface connected to the provider shows OK as far as errors but the LAN side of the router shows steadily increasing input errors. It doesn't show any other errors, no CRC, frame, runts, giants or overruns, just generic input errors. What type of errors are those? Nothing is being logged on the console.
I moved the connection to another switch ports and the errors continue. I switched it down to 10MB and also changed the switch and the errors slow down but don't stop. Interestingly, the switch side never shows any errors. What can I do here? I guess it can be a bad interface but that is such a rare thing that I am hesitant to replace the router.
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May 11, 2011
My router, a Cisco 7204 with NPE 300, is experiencing output drops and input errors on a fastethernet interface. I have a 100Mbps connection with less than 15Mbps utilization at peak times.
FastEthernet1/0 is up, line protocol is up Hardware is DEC21140, address is 0014.a985.1a1c (bia 0014.a985.1a1c) Internet address is MTU 1500 bytes, BW 100000 Kbit, DLY 100 usec, reliability 255/255, txload 3/255, rxload 1/255
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Oct 21, 2012
I ran into a problem a few weeks ago and am still trying to figure out why either the 3560 switch or our Cacti syslog server did not alert us when one of our ports was experiencing heavy CRC and Input errors.
I had upgraded the IOS to 12.2(55)SE6 and rebooted the switch. About a week later, someone was troubleshooting why print jobs were having problems printing to a high speed printer. When I looked at the interface it showed a few thousand CRC and Input errors. I cleared the counters and had them print again and watched as the CRC and Input errors went up. When I did a "show log" there were no error messages. Looking at our Cacti Syslog there were also no errors present for the past 6 months.
We found that the device on the port was set to auto speed and duplex and the switch port was at 100/Full. Once we got them to match the problem was resolved, but we were left wondering why we never got any alerts.
We also have some 3548 and 3550 model switches that Cacti picks up %LINK-4-ERROR for any ports that show CRC and Input errors. I did some research and it appears that the 3560 switches do not have the LINK facility code. I believe it has been replaced with a PHY link code but I'm not sure. We do have some "%PHY-4-EXCESSIVE_ERRORS: Excessive FCS, data, or idle word errors found" but they are all for 3750 switches. I could not find any 3560 that had alerted for that error or the LINK error.
I also tripped port security on the 3560 switch just to make sure that it was reporting correctly to Cacti and that alert did show up.
My question is how do I get a 3560 switch to alert in the logging buffer for CRC/Input/FCS errors? Also, how I can generate CRC and Input errors on purpose for testing? I tried mismatching the speed/duplex/Auto and only got collissions, no CRC or Input errors.
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Apr 16, 2013
We are facing since one month in our two Cisco WS-C3750G-12S on many interfaces input errors when data transer or ping (ICMP) increase input erros. Not only port 1 but many interface has same issue, i have change new IOS but still same issue, once i have erase startup config but same issue we are facing and finaly i have replace same new switch with the same IOS it's working fine.(c3750-ipservicesk9-mz.122-55.SE4.bin) [code]
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Feb 26, 2013
My Expertise with Cisco ASA is Very less. I have observed Input errors in a Couple of Interfaces in Cisco ASA 5540 Firewall. [code] I need to Clear the Input errors on this particular Interface.Will Clear interface GigabitEthernet 0/0 will work?
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Jul 1, 2012
I am not sure why the CRC and input errors are increasing in fastethernet port...This port is used as Intradomain cross connect to Data Center service provider for LAN extension between two Data Centers in different locations... The link is 100 MB. The switch port is directly connected to patch panel of DC provider and I believe they have some L3 switch or some other device that is providing LAN extension...
#sh interfaces fastEthernet 0/23
FastEthernet0/23 is up, line protocol is up (connected)
Hardware is Fast Ethernet, address is 0019.3050.1497 (bia 0019.3050.1497)
Description: ASA_VPN_TO
MTU 1500 bytes, BW 100000 Kbit, DLY 100 usec,
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Nov 16, 2009
Why packets overrun are incrementing on the ASA even when I've only 40Mbps of throughput traffic?All interface are 1000- Full Duplex, both on ASA and on Catalyst3750.I've test the ASA5540 generating GET HTTP, about 40Mbit of traffic.When I use one ingress interface and one egress interface, interface input overrun counter is zero.When I use the same traffic with 3 ingress interfaces(slot0) and 3 egress interfaces(slot1), interface input overrun counter increase(60k overrun in only 2 minutes).
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Oct 2, 2012
I am not sure why the CRC and input errors are increasing in fastethernet port...This port is used as Intradomain cross connect to Data Center service provider for LAN extension between two Data Centers in different locations... The link is 100 MB. The switch port is directly connected to patch panel of DC provider and I believe they have some L3 switch or some other device that is providing LAN extension...
#sh interfaces fastEthernet 0/23
FastEthernet0/23 is up, line protocol is up (connected)
Hardware is Fast Ethernet, address is 0019.3050.1497 (bia 0019.3050.1497)
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Feb 22, 2012
I have this output from show interfaces command for the fastethernet interface on a 2811 router.
find the causes of the crc and the ignored input errors on the interface?
The interface configuration is:
interface FastEthernet0/0description VLANS_CHILE
no ip address
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Mar 15, 2013
I have an ASR 1002x connected to a 6513. Connection is from ASR Gig Copper SFP to 6513 Copper 10/100/1000 port. The ASR is recevinig Runt and input errors. I have removed the negotiation auto command on both boxes and hard coded the speed etc and still errors occur. I have also added the negotiation auto to both devices and also removed it with out hard coding the speed at and same results. Everytime I have seen these errors is has been to collision caused by a duplex mismatch.
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Mar 11, 2013
I have an odd situation where I cannot get a device connected to a built in switchport with out input and crc errors. When connecting to a GLC-T sfp it works fine.Here is my test layout
Outdoor wireless AP --- 10' of cat6 cable --- Gigabit POE injector --- 10' Cat6 cable --- 3560G port 48. (input and crc errors)
When I do this there are input and crc errors on the switch port. This has been confirmed on three different switches and three different outdoor AP's. We though at first it was the injector, but when we run the same setup, but instead connect the device to port 49 with a GLC-T sfp there are no errors.
Outdoor wireless AP --- 10' of cat6 cable --- Gigabit POE injector --- 10' Cat6 cable --- 3560G port 49 (GLC-T). (No errors)
I have upgraded the 3560G to the latest ios and still it has the same problem. If I run the same setup to a 2960 there are no errors at all.
Outdoor wireless AP --- 10' of cat6 cable --- Gigabit POE injector --- 10' Cat6 cable --- 2960 port g0/1 (No errors)
I have also tried manually setting the speed on the 3560G with no success.
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May 10, 2012
I have an issue with input errors, overruns, and input reset drops on the inside interface of an 5580-40 (v8.2.5: Transparent mode) The box is not stressed at all according to the 'show' commands in the Cisco troubleshooting performance document for PIX/ASA v8.2.5. Nothing stands out because is pretty much normal, nothing (processes, RAM, blocks, IO...) really being highly utilized. I have replaced the 10Gig card and that seemed to work because the rate of errors has gone down tremedously. The next step is to RMA the whole box.My question is what would be the cause of the inside interface to stop processing traffic (I say that because the syslog server stops receiving messages) for some periods of 30 seconds periodically throughout the day and clients lose their connections (ie Outlook, IBM Sametime, Oracle, MSSQL..etc). Can the issue be somewhere related to the overruns and input errors?
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Oct 21, 2012
I have been making effort to solve frequent input errors of module interface(WS-X4548-GB-RJ45) in our Backbone Switch(Cat4506).Let me show you show interface information.Rx-No-pkt-buff value is increased continuously even though traffic rate of interfaces is lower than 20Mbps.We have two Backbone Switch which is operated by HA via HSRP.What bring buffer shortage to our network ? [code]
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Jul 24, 2011
we are trying to configure PPPOA over Ethernet on Cisco 1812 Router, we have 2 ethernet ports and no ATM ports, hence PPPOA must be applied at a global setting.
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Aug 4, 2012
Even without Open vSwitch, and using the stock, Linux bonding module with 802.3ad mode I had the same problem.
From what I have read about bonding, it seems like if you bond (for example) 2x 1Gbit Ethernet connections on two servers (ie so both have two ports bonded), then if using something like 802.3ad, a file transfer should utilize both ports, and you should see a throughput of 2 Gbit/s. So this would be an increase in throughput and bandwidth, right?
But, what I generally see, is for any single TCP connection, only one port is ever utilized at a time.So for example if I'm SCPing a large file from server1 to server2, I generally see that the scp session is only using one interface, at 1 Gbit/s. I can then also run a second SCP session which will use the second port, and also move at 1 Gbit/s.
This would be increasing the bandwidth, but not the throughput, correct?Which of these behaviors is what I should be seeing with 802.3ad? I guess it depends on the hashing method? Is there a hashing method which will allow a single connection to be spread over two interfaces, allowing 2Gbit/s transfers?
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Oct 12, 2012
what is difference between Ethernet and fast ethernet
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Oct 22, 2011
In university I have one ethernet socket in my room which I have connected to an ethernet port on my wireless router. I have also connected all my other ethernet devices to the router so I don't have to keep unplugging them and replacing the ethernet cable in the wall socket. I can connect to the internet through the router but it's only allowing one device to be connected at once and the router is saying "no connection" even though I can connect through it. does this mean it's working as a switch at the moment, right? Would it be possible to make it work as a router so all my devices can work simultaneously and get the wifi to work?
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May 21, 2013
I need to add another fast Ethernet port to an old 2621 router, I need a NM-1FE-TX OR NM-1FE-FX-V2 ??
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Oct 7, 2011
I currently have 2 PCs that are directly connected to each other via a 1Gbs Cat6 connection.I don't currently have a 1Gbs router so what I am doing right now is unhooking this connection and reconnecting both machines to my router when I need internet access. I have ordered some USB Wi-Fi adapters so I can have both machines access the internet that way whilst still use FTP between them on the 1Gbs line.If I were to scrap that idea and get a 1Gbs hub, connect both PCs straight into that, and then also connect the hub to my 100mbits router, would the 2 computers be able to communicate with each other at 1Gbs and then talk to the router at 100mbits, or would the whole network run at 100mbits.I don't really want to have to shell out on a 1Gbs router as I don't need anything else on the network to run at that speed.
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Aug 11, 2008
I am having a heck of a time finding information on this. I have a 2620xm router that only has one Ethernet port on it. Is there an expansion I can get that allows me another Ethernet port. I have thus far assumed that all of the WIC cards won't allow me to attach to an Ethernet LAN.
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Aug 2, 2012
I have a cisco 1841 whose LAN interface is showing status as "Fastethernet 0/1 is up , line protocol is down" the duplex and speed settings in the Router are in Auto mode and the Router was working fine till now , when i changed the duplex settings to duplex full , speed 100 the ping replies comes back with 5-6 replies then the link dies again..
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Apr 28, 2013
I have a home lab. I am trying to connect a 1710 to a 2610 with just using the fast ethernet ports. I understand that serial connections and t1 csu/dsu connections use clocking, etc. How can I configure FA ports to do the same AND be routable?
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May 2, 2012
I have a Cisco 2600 series with 2 X Fast Ethernet ports and I would like to configure the cisco to perform the task if it is possible.The scenario is:
2 networks:
F0/0: 192.168.x.x
F0/1: 10.1.x.x
No communication between them except one way multicast from F0/1 to F0/0.
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Apr 18, 2012
how is the IP configuration for this Fast Ethernet F0.
This is because usually we only assign IP to the BVI interface. Is it after that, the Fast Ethernet F0 automatically also be assigned the same IP?
As such, when goto the Fast Ethernet F0 by CLI, by using no shut then this will Enable the Fast Ethernet Port?
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May 18, 2011
I had a question regarding the Cisco 2811. I tried fitting an NM 2FE-2W card and the fast Ethernet interfaces of the module never get recognized. Is there a special command to enable it or isn't the module supported at all by the router. If not , is there a way to have the router possess more than the 2 Fast Ethernet interfaces it already has? Let me know if any more info is needed from my end.
Another question I have out of curiosity. Is it possible to make the controller T1 port of a VWIC 1MFT-T1 or a VWIC 2MFT-T1 act as a fast Ethernet.
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Apr 30, 2012
Is there a keyword that we use under the interface to specify that it is purely management?
We need to assure that the subnet and any node on that subnet is not shared with the default routing table.
how do we set the gateway for the management interface if the node we are sourcing the ssh session from is on a different private subnet?
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Jul 11, 2011
I am having some issues with a 861W router connected to a cable modem. Traffic is passing fine but my SNMP monitoring tool is showing continual changes to the ifLastChage mib. [code]
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Apr 24, 2012
I have cisco 1801W . Earlier I am using ADSL dynamic IP address on RJ 11 through the ADSL Port but now the ISP change the connection to RJ45.
I am trying to configure it but unable to do this. ADSL line is okay because When I am connecting through the ISP router it is working fine. I have connected the ADSL RJ45 cable in the router fast ethernet 0.But I wanted to use Cisco 1801 Router so that I can use the ADSL as primary and ISDN as the backup.
Below is my configuration, eiteher this is possible to configure ADSL through RJ45 in 1801 and what configuration require for this.
Router#show ip int brief
Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol
FastEthernet0 unassigned YES DHCP up up
BRI0 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
BRI0:1 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
BRI0:2 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
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Jan 12, 2011
It is a single router with dual ISPs. It is a 2800 and there is failover configured. I have implemented object tracking and the feature works great except that lately, whenever there is a lot of traffic coming perhaps from the internal users, we start getting intermittent outages.
I have gone deep into looking into this problem and have determined that our ISP#1 does not have any problems. What I think is happening is that whenever the router receives a lot of packets (30-40 users on the internal network) destined to the outside, the router CPU maybe gets too busy and the router then believes that the objects are no longer reachable and it triggers a failover which causes the router to re-direct traffic to the ISP#2. Then, because these are just quick burst of traffic, in the next 30 to 45 seconds after the router re-directed the traffic to ISP#2, the router object tracking engine detects that the objects are now again reachable and this then causes the router to re-direct all traffic back to ISP#1.
This cycle then continues all day on how to prevent this.
Is there a way to perhaps tell the router to completely shut down the interface facing ISP#1 whenever there is a hicup and to keep it shutdown for at least 8 hours? This way I can prevent the router from going crazy.
Or is there a way to perhaps prevent this at the internal (LAN) interface? Are there some metrics like QoS that I can implement on the internal Fast Ethernet Interface to prevent the burst of traffic from eating up the CPU?
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Mar 20, 2005
I am troubleshooting interface resets on a 3660 connected to a 3550 over Fast Ethernet. I have hard coded both sides for full duplex and 100Mbit. The 3660 is incrementing interface resetes about 4-6 times a day and the 3550 is clean. I have noticed this in other similar configurations as well.
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Oct 14, 2012
Trying to set-up a p2p link between a L2 fast ethenet module (within a 2900) to a 6506.Have created a subinterface SVI on the 2900 and put the fast ethernet port in the respective VLAN. However on 6506, am I correct in thinking I can do a no switchport and just create a L3 interface? Do I need to put the 6506 in the same vlan and the fast ethernet module and create a L3 SVI on it? As it's not a trunk port between the 6506 and the fastethernet module, the packets won't be tagged?
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