Cisco Wireless :: Detailed Syslog From WAP4410n?

Jun 18, 2012

I need to count traffic used by each device connected to the access point.
The manual says: In addition to the standard event log, the access point can send a detailed log to an external Syslog server. The access point’s Syslog captures all log activities and includes this information about all data transmissions: every connection source and destination IP address, IP server, and number of bytes transferred.
How do I get that detailed log sent to a local IP address? All I managed to get so far is standard log - configuration changes and authentication messages.

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Cisco Wireless :: WAP4410N Detailed Log With Syslog Server?

Feb 7, 2011

I have a WAP4410N access Point, firmware I have configured a Kiwi syslog server to get the log from the WAP4410N, but the log information obtained is just the "standard event log" and not the detailed log (every connection source and destination IP address,IP server,and number of bytes transferred) , according to the manual of the access point.what I have to do? firmware update? another syslog server?

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Cisco Routers :: SA 500 - Ability To Send Syslog Events To Multiple Syslog Servers

Jul 7, 2012

Add the ability to send syslog events to multiple syslog servers in the SA500 Series routers.  I know the functionality is currently in the RV220W because we utilized it.  It would be great if you could configure the syslog servers by event type as well.  For example, being able to send the kernel events to syslog server A, and all other events to syslog server B.

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Cisco Firewall :: ASA 5500 Syslog Not Getting Captured In Centralised Syslog Server

Jan 15, 2012

Recently i have upgraded the IOS of ASA5550 (in HA mode) to 8.4.2 from 8.0.5, after OS upgrade we found that the syslog from thses firewalls are not getting captured/transfered to centralised syslog server. The server is reachable from the firewalls.

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Cisco Wireless :: 802.11 WAP4410N To WAP4410N Backhaul Using N Protocol?

Apr 30, 2011

I have the following equipment:
Cisco 871W router
2x WAP 4410N APs running

I currently have 1 AP connected to the router via copper.  The AP to AP link is over 802.11.  I have attached a diagram reflecting the current topology.
The AP-to-AP link will come up utilizing B/G/N mixed mode; however, the connection is basically unusable.  About 30% of the traffic is dropped, while the packets that do make it have a consistently volatile latency, anywhere from 15 to 1500 ms. I have had success using G-only and B/G mixed.  The link is stable (I have had the best results with B/G).  The problem is, I didn't buy the 2nd 4410N to run the G protocol.  I would like to connect the APs running either B/G/N (hopefully negotiating to N) or N only.  I am wondering if there is a certain configuration I can utilize (perhaps using WDS repeater or bridge versus Wireless Client/Repeater?), or a firmware upgrade set for release that can make this happen for me.

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Cisco :: Where Is LMS 4.0 Detailed Device View

Nov 28, 2012

How to get the Detailed Device View in LMS 4.0 ? From what I have been able to find out I should be able to go do Monitor> Fault Settings> Setup> Fault Device Details, select a device, click View and then click the device name link.Unfortunately the device name(s) displayed are not links, just text.
I need to get the the Detailed Device View so that I can block certain interfaces/events from generating alarms, specifically ISDNB channels when voice calls are made.

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Cisco :: WCS 7.0 Bug In Security Index Detailed Report?

Nov 9, 2010

Just looked at report after having upgraded to WCS 7.0.  It is reporting that SSH is disabled.  It is enabled on the controller.  The timeout value was set to zero for telnet access.  No indication was given that the telnet timeout value also affected SSH as well.  I set the timeout value to a non-zero number and reran the task that generated the report.  The Enable SSH line item on the report no longer shows up.

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Cisco Firewall :: More Detailed Specifications For ASA 5585-X

Aug 29, 2012

Any document in which is specified who may ACE rules are supported in an ASA5585-SSP-20?I need to compare this an other several specification versus a FWSM. I found the information for the module, but not for the ASA 5585-X..In the data sheet this information is not specified.

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Cisco Firewall :: Detailed Documentation On ASA 5512-x And 5515-x?

Aug 7, 2012

where I can find detailed documentation on these two products. Particularly, I am looking for high availability capabilities and any license requirements. 

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Cisco :: RME 4.3.1 / Failed To Export Detailed Device Report To CSV File

Apr 15, 2010

I try to export a Detailed Device Report to a CSV. It failes:
<HTML><META HTTP-EQUIV="content-type" CONTENT="text/html;charset=utf-8">
<H1>HTTP Status 500 - </H1><HR SIZE=1 noShade>
<P><B>type</B> Exception report</P><P><B>message</B> <U></U></P><P><B>description</B> <U>The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.</U></P><P><B>exception</B>


Exporting to PDF works OK.CW is running on Windows server. RME is 4.3.1

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Cisco Switching/Routing :: 2911 / NAT And Match Detailed Explanation?

Dec 8, 2011

we have bought 2911 router recently has to set up VOIP line seperately for the network we have two two broadband service provider:

1. how can i use 1 line as an active and other line as a failover(when 1 line is down other line should automatically bear the traffic).clear config will be useful. NATTING using MAtch address objects( roughly )

broadband service provider 1: 97.89.X.X  
broadband service provider 2: 10.0.x.x
2. there are only 20 users to set up a voip line now. here we have telecom provider where they should route the traffic to make any international calls( say telecom public ip lan - wan everything is allowed from wan -lan we have to allow only telcom provider IP(

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Cisco Wireless :: 1131AG - How To Disable Syslog Counter

Oct 24, 2012

I can't figure out how to disable the syslog counter on my 1131AG WAP.  See the below example log, the counter (number 3614) is right next to the hostname and increments with every syslog message:
Oct 25 07:31:10 airhead 3614: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   7c61.93a4.8332 Associated KEY_MGMT[WPAv2 PSK]
I've tried both of the following commands, neither one removes the counter:
no service sequence-numbers
no logging count
Version Info:
Cisco IOS Software, C1130 Software (C1130-K9W7-M), Version 12.4(10b)JDA, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
BOOTLDR: C1130 Boot Loader (C1130-BOOT-M) Version 12.3(8)JEA, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)
how to rid the syslog counter

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Cisco Wireless :: Client Association Syslog Message With 5500 Wlc

Sep 16, 2012

It is a Customer requirement to send 802.11 client association/disassociation logs to the Syslog server in a Unified Wireless system. (AIR-CT5508 + LAP1142) [code] Unfortunately I didn't find such logs even in Msg Log with the severity level set to debugging.I was able to do client assoc/disassoc logging with SNMP trap + trap receiver software, BUT is there any way to do this with Syslog?

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Cisco Wireless :: 5508 - Syslog Command For Clients Associations

Mar 18, 2013

For WLC 5508 software version, which command is needed to get the WLC send syslog messages everytime a wireless client associate and desassociate?

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Cisco Wireless :: WLC / How To Convert Snmp Trap To Be Syslog Message

Aug 22, 2011

Now I'm trying to write software that get information from Syslog message, but I'm facing with the problem about getting statistic of client de-authenticated in a WLC (Software Version:, because I cannot find any log about this information on WLC except only this SNMP trap:
Tue Aug 23 09:52:28 2011Client Deauthenticated: MACAddress:00:xx:77:2c:06:db Base Radio MAC:00:xx:5d:0c:fc:30 Slot: 0 User Name: unknown Ip Address: 10.2xx.47.15 Reason:Unspecified ReasonCode: 1
So, is there any way that I can configure WLC to convert this SNMP trap to send to Syslog server as a normal Syslog message?

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Cisco Wireless :: 5500 Detecting Rogue AP Messages In Syslog / Configuring WLC

May 9, 2013

I'm building the use case to test / detect for rogue devices on the network. I have in my enviroment Lan  controller 5500 controller with AP (aironet 3500). I want to detect for  rogue devices/ap connected to my network. I know before i can see this activity on the network i have to configure the controller / ap to  detect this behavior.
Authorize AP's against AAA function to make sure that  all the AP's  registering to your WLC are authorized AP's of the  network.By  enabling  this feature, only those AP's whose mac-addresses are present  in the  authorization list, will be able to register to the WLC. url...
Using Rogue detection. feature, the WLC will be able to detect any AP that is not a part of its RF group and contain it. url...the forum I have seen other talks about the same issue and saying that  if I have any APs in "Rogue Detection"  mode sitting on the trunk port   on the switch then  only, this AP will detect the  Rogue on Wired.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: EA4500 / How To Send Logs To Syslog Or Via Email

Mar 5, 2013

I absolutely need to collect the router logs and send them to a syslog daemon or via email.

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Cisco Wireless :: WAP4410N V1 Instead Of V2?

Sep 21, 2010

Well, I sent mine back and they shafted me with a v1 unit.I don't see how you can know what the problem is and still send me a v1 unit.
I contacted SB support and they said no guarantees on getting a v2 unit.
Now I must PAY to send another unit back.With no guarantees, I don't know.

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Cisco Wireless :: WAP4410n Won't Power On?

Dec 4, 2012

I have a WAP4410N that stopped powering on with PoE.  The PoE light comes on but the Power and Ethernet light remain off.  The link light comes on the port on the switch.  I have tried multiple switch ports and tried a different switch. 

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Cisco Wireless :: WAP4410N As Repeater

Jul 20, 2010

I would like to ask for assistance on how to configure one unit WAP4410N access point to work as repeater to one unit WRT120N wireless router.
As a background, I had one WRT120N already in my house before I bought one WAP4410N as advised by a Linksys guy. I wanted to wirelessly extend the signal of my WRT120N wherever its signal is so low around my house. The WAP4410N should work as repeater to WRT120N.
I already configured WAP4410N to work as repeater by enabling all the  choices in its wireless AP mode like the  “wireless WDS repeater” and the “wireless client/repeater” but to no avail. I successfully setup a similar scenario before using the old pair of one WRT54G and one WAP54G. I replaced the old  pair with the newer one ( WRT120N and one WAP4410N).
Is the tandem of WAP4410N and WRT120N can be configured technically as like as what I wanted? Do I need to upgrade the firmware of both devices? Did I miss something in the configuration?

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Cisco Wireless :: How To Get CLI Commands On WAP4410N

Jan 20, 2013

I need enable WPS function on WAP4410N. This is possible with CLI command #set wps enable. But how I can connect to WAP4410N with CLI?

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Cisco Wireless :: WAP4410N As AP And Another One As WDS Repeater

Mar 9, 2011

We have a WAP4410N as a Access Point and a second WAP4410N as a Wireless WDS Repeater. The settings are as of below.
We couldn't get the mobile users to get connected to the Access Point. But if we uncheck the option "Allow wireless signal to be repeated by a repeater.", it works.

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Cisco Wireless :: WAP4410N - AP Configuration

Apr 30, 2012

Router: Cisco WRVS4400N secured with WPA2WAP: Cisco WAP4410N . Router was working well but signal too weak in distant rooms. So, purchased a WAP4410N but am unsure about AP configuration. From reading the docs, I understand these to be the relevant choices:
1) Access Point -- Wired connection through built-in Ethernet port. (Not Desired)
2) Wireless WDS Repeater
3) Wireless Client / Repeater (What is difference from WDS Repeater?)
4) Wireless WDS Bridge
Desired Result:Simply extend the network. As a laptop is carried from room to room, laptop should switch to the strongest signal seamlessly, without user doing anything manually. No matter where I am, laptop should see entire network. Also, I prefer that the WAP not require a wired Ethernet connection (that is, I would like the WAP to receive/repeat the router's wireless signal No Ethernet Cable Required).
1. Which of the above 4 settings is best for achieving desired outcome?
2. What should the SSID be on the WAP? Same as on the router?
3. Should both the router and WAP be on the same channel? (I suspect not, but included docs sound like they should be..?)
4. Should both the router and the WAP have the same wireless security setting (WPA2) and pass phrase?
5. On the router, under the Wireless menu --> WDS sub menu there is a check box: "Allow wireless signal to be repeated by a repeater".  I assume this must be checked?
6. I understand that Microsoft's built-in Wireless Zero Configuration service does not disambiguate APs which share the same SSID and may not always roam with the strongest signal.*** We need to move from area to area and seamlessly retain the network signal. Is this still a problem in Windows7? Is there a workaround for XP's WZC deficiencies?
Is there anything else I should know? [URL]

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Cisco Wireless :: WAP4410N LED Flashing

Feb 7, 2012

We have two WAP4410N access points that are behaving identically. When connected without an ethernet connection, the Power light comes on and stays on. However, as soon as you attach an ethernet cable, whether it's attached to anything on the other end or not, the LEDs on the devices start blinking - first the Power light, then the Wireless light, repeatedly. They continue to do this, even when the ethernet cord is removed.
In addition to this, I cannot ping the IP, even when the WAP directly connected to a PC in the same subnet. I tried a hard reset, but I can't even ping the default IP.
Both WAPS have a very basic configuration. Neither of them are running upgraded firmware.

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Cisco Wireless :: WAP4410N Cannot Disable WPS

May 3, 2011

Would like to report that WAP4410N Access Point cannot disable Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS). Tried both firmware (19/JUL/2010) and the latest No Disable option in both firmware.
If you do not change the default IP or default SSID for example, The WPS is disable by default. Once you change default IP and SSID for example, the WPS is then enabled. There is no Disable Option for WPS.

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Cisco Wireless :: WAP4410n Not Reachable?

Feb 7, 2012

I have a wap4410n. It was performing poorly. Only letting some computers on the wireless while not letting other. I was able to login into the device and I went through each of the settings pages to see if there was anything set wrong. I soon found there was a firmware upgrade available.
So over a wired connection I started the firmware upgrade after waiting 10+ minutes I was unable to reach the device and the web page said it was waiting for the ip address of the device. So I rebooted the device.
I can not ping the device. I can not see it on any subnet. I have tried the reset button multiple times.
The ethernet and power lights are on.

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Cisco Wireless :: WAP4410N Not Transferring Anything

Sep 21, 2010


1) HP nw8440 with Intel PRO/wireless 3945ABG, running Vista Business, all latest driver & Win updates (ok, missing the last few that should arrive soon);

2) Dell m4400 of some sort  (supports 802.11n) running Windows 7 beta. This user says wifi works flawlessly in his home environment.
Transfer type: not even transferring anything - just sit there watching it... pings to otherwise speedy servers up and down like a yoyo followed by drop of ping transmission. At one stage I even saw the unit not responding to pings or admin website directly off LAN port once the problem had occurred - all leds looking normal, but no ICMP response. power cycled the unit, and it all started working again.
Only AP in our network - others in neighbouring buildings, but not under our control.
Can't say I've verified no overlapping IP's. will check tomorrow.
Re logging, I have syslog going off to neaby Linux server... despite having all the log types enabled, the only types of messages I see being logged are those about clients trying to connect, and options being changed. No sign of any error messages.
Ours is also a straight forward network - no Vlans, just one SSID, WPA-Personal/TKIP. Thought it might be to do with MAC filter, so disabled that, but no improvement. Tried channels 6 & 9 so far. I know in years gone by there has been plenty of talk re interference from microwave ovens etc - any chance of this being the culprit? Haven't toyed with any of the options on the Advanced tab under Wireless.
Tried switching back to BG instead of BGN (the Dell has N support) but that didn't work either.
Is there any chance this has anything to do with Vista/Win7 compared to XP? I've not tested with an XP client OS, but the somewhat vague report from a more distant XP user on the network was that he wasn't having problems at around the time we were, though I'd need to probe him more to be sure.
The AP was purchased around 1 week ago, and came with 1.0.12 (latest) installed. I also did a factory reset upon first use, before configuring. WPA key has 13 charcters, being a mix of numeric, alpha (both cases) and special (!@#$ etc...) characters.
This is decidedly embarassing for us since we were finally able to ditch the old Dlink AP we hated so much - but so far this Linxsys/Cisco ain't faring much better. Bring on 1.0.13 I say... :)
Edit: the unit is in regular/default AP mode, with own IP being static (SBS DHCP server has that MAC hard coded to that IP also). I presume teh AP's MAC is the same whether on WiFi or LAN port (??).

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Cisco Wireless :: Wi-Fi Keeps Disconnecting WAP4410n

Jan 21, 2013

After hours of testing and configuring I can say it’s not the same issue as discussed in the link above. I have the same problem as mentioned at the beginning.
Our set-up: We have Mac, windows and mobile clients and Cisco networking equipment. We would like to use the WAP4410n as our access point.  However, 10-20 minutes after connecting to the access point, the connection doesn’t work anymore. It happens randomly and not only during large file transfers. It also happens when I’m not even using the computer. After disabling and enabling the wireless interface on the client I get back the connection (for the next 10-20 minutes).
I not only tried to change all different settings on the access point (channel, encryption mode, ssid, channel bandwidth, ...) but I also changed settings on the Mac (disable IPv6) but it’s still not working. Of course I also tried older firmware’s.

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Cisco Wireless :: WAP4410n With POE Injector

Nov 14, 2011

We are looking at purchasing two of the WAP4410n Access Points to add wireless in one building, and possibly replace Wireless G in another. In our building already configured, we have POEs set up and this has worked to centralize everything that has to be monitored.  We would like to do the something with the WAP4410n.  With the access points we already have, they are Pre POE so there was only one device that would work.  With These they are standard POE, Does that mean I can use any POE Injector that is using this standard?
Also, are problems that first existed these access points being worked out or been fixed?  I want these to be minimal attention required since I am the IT person here and I don't work in this building, I work in the other building which is walking distance but I do want to avoid problems if possible.

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Cisco Wireless :: WAP4410N Way To Add Another Repeater To Configuration

Dec 10, 2012

I would like to provide WiFi in a big house of 4 floors so I have installed 1 WAP4410N wired to the Internet router to act as access point and I have configured 3 others WAP4410N as WDS repeater of the first one.In the first one (the AP), I have checked the option "Allow Wireless Signal to be repeated by a repeater" then entered the 3 repeaters' MAC addresses as allowed devices to repeat the signal.
Is that configuration OK ? Is there any way to add another (a fourth) repeater to this configuration ? Because there is only 3 fields to specify allowed repeaters' MAC addresses in the AP.

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Cisco Wireless :: WAP4410N Access Points Set Up

Apr 9, 2013

I've had some long standing issues that I've tried various things to fix.  I have two WAP4410N access points set up at a smaller sister company.  Wireless clients (laptops) are not receiving DHCP assigned IP addresses.  If I type in an IP manually, it works fine.The sister company has a point to point T-1 connection to our main building.  Our main building has the DHCP server.  The router on the sister company end is configured as the DHCP relay. 
I've upgraded the firmware three different times in the past to hopefully resolve the issue, but no luck.  Just today, on one of the WAP4410N's, I upgraded to the firmware (backing up config, reset to factory default, upgraded firmware, reset factory default again, restored config).  After the first reset to factory defaults, the Access Point itself picked up a DHCP address from the server, and I verified this in the DHCP console on the server, so I know that the DHCP relay is working.  However, my laptop would not get a DHCP address when connecting wirelessly through that access point.  It is a Windows 7 Enterprise laptop.  I also could not get a DHCP IP with my iPhone connecting to wireless, to rule out specific issues with just a laptop.I have the DHCP lease times for the subnet that these WAP4410Ns are on set to 2 hours.
To put a cherry on top, there is one laptop that stays in a lab area at all times, connecting wirelessly, and it DOES get a DHCP IP address (I can see in the DHCP console that the lease for this laptop continually renews as needed).  I do remember on initial config when I couldn't get it to work, that I did a manual set up, gained connection, then switched it to DHCP...but that doesn't work for any other laptop.Why would the access points get DHCP address, but not anything connecting to the Access Points?

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Cisco Wireless :: WAP4410N Drops The Connection?

Jan 19, 2012

We have a 4410N that all the time drops the connetion. We have approx 25-30 users using wireless. But when they try to connect or are connected, the router drops the connection like a yo-yo. The firmware is updated with no difference.
The wireless connection is very unstable. It's configured with WPA2 Personal and is connected through a POE-switch with IPv4. The logs don't answer the questions why it drops the connection.

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Cisco Wireless :: WAP4410N AP To Use Mac Address Filtering

Jun 8, 2012

i am using two  Cisco AP 4410N series in my network .Wants  to use MAC address Filtering but it supports  only 20Nos  of MAC to add in the AP.
Is there any way like IOS upgrade the AP supports more MAC Address to add.

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