Cisco Wireless :: WLC 2106 / Setup Mesh And Use Ethernet Bridge Port On MAP To Extend Network?
Mar 3, 2013
I've a WLC 2106 and it is running IOS version 7.0.240. I am trying to setup a wireless mesh and used the Ethernet bridge port on the MAP to extend the network. The wireless mesh works fine but I can not get the switch to work that is connected to the ethernet port on the MAP.I'm using two different Access points. I'm using a Air Cap 3502i as the RAP and a Air Lap1142N as the MAP.The switch port that is connected to the RAP and MAP is configured as the following:
The wireless mesh between the RAP and MAP works fine. I can connect a device to the MAP wirelessly and access the network with no problem but I can not get anything to work that connects to the switch that is connected to the MAP ethernet port.
My dorms have wifi in the common room, and ethernet wall ports in the rooms since wifi doesnt reach that far. They both have the same network name (e.g. the wifi network is named 'apple', and when i connect through ethernet in my room the name is also 'apple') I need to have wifi in my room. So, if i get a router and connect it to the ethernet port in my room's wall, would that work? Is that all you have to do or is there some other stuff i should know about?also can i put a password on it? And also, will it carry the network traffic of the common room?(if two people are using the common room's wifi, will the wifi speed in my room be affected nd whatnot) i have a linksys router lying around at home (the blue one with the double antennas, everyones seen them, and the one in the common room is the same...wireless g)
I have an 802.11n/g wireless network throughout my house. I also have several ethernet ports. I want to use the ethernet port to connect to the network and extended the existing wireless network (same SSID). I know AirPort devices from Apple can do this but I wanted to know if anything else could as well. It is too slow when I try to wirelessly extend it (not using ethernet at all).
I'm using the 2106 in one environment with ROOT AP and MESH AP and when i put these in the Bridge mode, when one client connects to them it isn't working well, sometimes i can reach the client and sometimes not.
I tried it with an Access Point that connect with the ROOT AP or MESH AP and will do an ethernet bridging with another wired client (camera), what happens is very strange because sometimes i can reach the bridge client and sometimes i can reach the Access Point that is doing the bridge. I can't access the two clients at the same time. In this situation i lose the images from camera when i have access to the Access Point and when i get the images from camera i lost access with the Access Point.
When i put the ROOT AP in the H-REAP mode Local Switching with AP 1142 or AP1552, the clients connects well and the bridge mode in the another access point works without problem, when i put the H-REAP in Central Switching i have the same problem.
I have a Cisco WLC 2106 and I got 2 access points working, conected the controller (Aironet 1130AG), but I would like to know if I could connect a host or a laptop to the 2106 WLC.
I have a router conected to the WLC using the port 1, and the APs are in ports 7 and 8, but when I plug a pc in the port number 3, I do not get and IP from DHCP server, (DHCP is giving by the router). Im not sure if the 2106 WLC ports are for connect other network devices like a pc... I would like to know if there is a way to configure the controller to conect a host or a pc to the ethernet ports.
We are looking for a solution to bridge two locations. 1300 and 1400 are now eol and we have found that Cisco now offers Exalt ExtendAir r5005 product for this purpose.
However we were unable to find a P/N for SmartNET for this device. Is there any such P/N?
I just got a new-to-me multifunction printer that's "network ready" (ie, has an ethernet cable port.) I also got myself an asus wl-520gu router. For now the router has the factory installed firmware on it, but i could put tomato or ddwrt on it. also in my house I have a linksys router already set up with a WEP encrypted wireless SSID which me and my 5 roommates share. I guess for the purpose of this post we can call that network "Kermit" and pretend it has password "ilovepiggy" This router sits on the second floor landing in our three story house. My printer and this asus is going to be in my room, which is on the first floor. I'd like to
a) get better signal strength/speed in my room
b) network my printer so that I and others can print to it / scan from it wirelessly over the network. Can I do both things? and what would that setup be like? Would it mean making the ASUS a wireless repeater? at what point in the process and how do I add the printer?
I have a wired and wireless network setup at home with 2 PCs wired and 2 PCs using wireless via a Fritz!Box 7390. The 2 wireless PCs are a Media Centre PC connected to the TV and the other is my young sons PC. I have an old switch (10Mbs) that I would like to connect to the Ethernet port of the Media Centre PC and then run Cat5 to 2 Topfield PVRs so they can access the internet for updates.I know I have setup a bridge between the wireless connection and the wired but not totally sure what to do and how to get the switch setup.The Media Centre PC is running Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 and has a Belkin USB wireless tongle.
I have the DIR-655, Rev. B running 2.07NA firmware, and have a strange problem with my wired clients. I have my primary computer/desktop PC connected via wired connection. I also have several wireless clients (laptop, iPad, iPhones, etc.). All have been performing normally. However, in December I connected a wired weather internet bridge to another ethernet port on the DIR-655.
It functions as it is supposed to, and all other connected devices do as well. But here's the problem - whenever I use the desktop PC (the only other wired connection) to do anything on the internet (mostly just web browsing ... I don't stream media from the internet on it, I don't do torrents....nothing out of the ordinary, and nothing really of high bandwidth), the wired weather bridge cannot communicate with its associated website. This continues as long as I'm using the desktop PC. When I stop using the desktop, the weather bridge resumes normally.
I have researched the weather bridge, and it is simply doing POST transactions (or so I'm told) to the website listening to it. It doesn't wait for acknowledgements or anything...just keeps POSTing updates. I tried reserving an IP for the weather bridge and the desktop, enabling QoS, and prioritizing the weather bridge (100 vs. desktop at 125), but it didn't work. I've tried moving the weather bridge into the DMZ. I'm totally baffled how just using the desktop to browse the internet could completely block the traffic from the weather bridge.
On the weather bridge support site, they suggested that I insure I'm not connected in gigabit speeds from my computer to the router, because in the past that has been known to cause issues on clients not running that speed, but I don't think my desktop is connected in that fashion. According to the settings, it can do 10 or 100, full or half. I have it set to AUTO.
I'm a little stuck with a 4400 + RAP 1550 + MAP 1260 Ethernet bridging issue. I'm using the VLAN tagging functionality and I'm finding that periodically a VLAN that I've tagged on the MAP will deregister from the backhaul and stop passing traffic. If I go into the Mesh tab on the MAP, select the wired interface, remove the VLAN from the list of tagged VLAN IDs and then add it right back to the list, its starts passing traffic again
I'm trying to get a DS lite connected to my university's wifi, which I learned doesn't broadcast a Wireless-b signal, which a DS needs to connect. Can I setup a my own router connected to an ethernet port, configure it to boardcast wireless-b and get on wifi through that? I asked another forum which said yes, but I want to make sure before I buy anything.
I have finally got my office extend AP to connect to my companies 5508 controller by enabling NAT on the management interface and can see all the cooperate SSID's. However when I try to connect to the SSID my client either gets a local IP address from my home router or then cannot get any IP address.
I have a Linksys WRT120N plugged directly into my cable modem upstairs, an 8 port switch plugged into it, an ethernet cable from it run downstairs in my house to another 8 port switch and a Linksys E4200 plugged into it. I want both routers to allow me to connect to the internet wirelessly if possible. I cannot even access the E4200 from a browser, because the IP adress goes directly to the WRT120N.
We're looking at deploying both office extend and also a guest wlan. Both would require a WLC in the DMZ.My question is can one 5508 WLC be both a guest anchor and have office extend APs on it at the same time?
I have an arris broadband modem combo and the wifi signal in the basement is poor I tryed to connect a netgear n 300 wireless router (wnr2000v3) to extend the wifi with an ethernet cable but the neatgear router does not have an internet connection.
I have a very basic WLAN setup with a 2106 controller and 3 (will be 4) 1140 APs.As part of securing the network I have been testing the rouge detection. The system has no trouble detecting and shutting down honeypots. I would like to also automatically shut down Rouge on Wire points. The system sees my test AP just fine. And I have it completely open (no security). But the system never detects that the rouge is on our network so no action is taken. I can connect just fine to the test AP with no encription using DHCP and communicate with everything on the network just fine.Is there some setting I am missing that allows the APs to detect that an AP is on wire?
basic question regarding the switchports on the rear of the 2106 controller. How do I configure them for use? I'm using port 1 as my uplink to a trunk port on an ASA and my network traffic to the management interface and guest vlans is all working as expected, but when I plug anything into any of the other ports, they get no addresses from my dhcp server (the ASA). I see nowhere to configure which vlan to tie the ports to or anything. I suppose I'm more used to a catalyst or ASA where I can just pick the ports and vlans (or trunks) I want to attach them to. [code] Again, all of the existing network functionality (private and guest network) is all functioning fine so I'm pretty confident I have the above configured correctly, I just cant make any progress on the WLC ports 2 - 8.
I am new to configuring WLC's. Our small business (5-15 wireless devices + 15ish wired) is trying to use a hand-me-down WLC and AP for our office wifi. We have a WLC 2106 directly connected to a 1231G-A-K9 via the WLC's port 8 POE. I am aware Cisco does not recommend this method, but we do not have a configurable switch at our disposal. We do not need separate VLAN's therefore I have left everything untagged. The AP has a static IP setup to allow communication to the WLC since it did not pull one from the WLC.
The AP is getting the correct network information and is showing up on the WLC monitoring page. I am able to connect to the new wireless network and able to ping between devices connected to the same AP. Now here is my question/issue. I cannot get communication from the WLC/AP to the rest of our network via an unconfigurable Netgear switch (FS605v3). After connecting an open switch port from the Netgear switch to port 4 on the WLC, I am lost. I tried giving port 4 on the WLC an address on the office network, but I receive an error stating "the IP information conflicts with another device".
Here is what I have setup on WLC Virtual - MNG IP- AP MNG Ip- Subnet - /24 Gateway - DHCP - DNS - Static Address on the AP's fa0-
Attempted port 4 setup on WLC VLAN identifier 0 IP- Mask - /24 Gateway - Port - 4
Can you use a Cisco 3600 to do a P2P bridge? Using the MAP's ethernet port to connect to a remote LAN? On that remote LAN can you have lightweight APs that connect to a controller on the RAP side?
I have a piece of hardware (audio device) with Ethernet network access only. I'd like to give it to my users and have them connect via Wifi. But configuring a Wifi bridge for each use is too onerous. I'm looking for a wireless bridge device with a display and keypad that allows the user to scan, select and associate with a wifi router, then bridge the wireless network to ethernet so I can attach my device. Does such an animal exist? Price is not a major factor.
Done a wifi mesh using 1552E and 1552i mix of AP's ? With the 1552E as RAP and 1552I's as MAP's ? Is it a recommended model of deployment and will it work well ? the 1552i having radiation pattern more towards the ground when mounted on top , will the mesh backhaul to the 1552E be strong enough ?
Will this work if i put the 1552e at a lower level than the 1552i so that the mesh is formed properly ?
I am using LINKSYS by CISCO (WRT54G2) Access point wirh out any controller or wireless control system (WCS). Is it possible to connect this AP in mesh scenario, if its possible, how about configuring in mesh mode.
I have a running Mesh Network with AP 1552E and Controller 5508. The end customer has a new requirement to have a indoor coverage near to AP1552E (mesh AP). But in this building he has not any wired Network (it is far from any switched site). The question is: We can use an AP1262 indoor with Line Of Sigth to AP1552E in the running Mesh Network? I know AP1262 can be used in a Mesh Netwok (Root or Mesh) configuring it as BRIDGE [URL]
My internet (via wifi) works just fine. But here is the situation that has me baffled-I have a house that has ethernet wired ports in each room, then there is a central hub in my closet. In the hub, I have a grey ethernet cord that is labeled 'service'. This service wire connects to a board that features 12 ethernet ports, 1 of which says 'in', 1 says 'security interface' and has a little nub in it, and the other 10 are not labeled. The grey wire is in the 'in' port.So I am left with 10 ports- port 3 of 10 has a (phone cord size) cord in it, connecting into the 'line' port on my Qwest modem/router. (Qwest set this all up for me, by the way). The modem/router is obviously plugged into the wall. Now- remaining loose in the hub are 9 ethernet cords- 5 blue, 4 green. Each one of these is written on in sharpie, and has a room label on it. 'Family, living room, kitchen, etc...'. So, pretty obvious, I simply found which cord corresponds to the room I am trying to use (family GREEN is one, family BLUE is another). These 2 wires correspond to the top port, and bottom port of a switch plate that is in my family room. Now- inside the closet hub I plugged family GREEN and family BLUE into the back of the ROUTER, ports 1 and 2 (of 4 available). Now- I went back to the wall- connected ethernet wires into the wall plate and then into the ethernet devices I am trying to use (slingbox and directv dvr). Neither are working.
If I go to setup menu on dvr it says it cannot find a network, not getting an ip address. is that the slingbox red lights are both solid (which means there is a connection), and if I go back to the router ETH1 and ETH2 are lit up on the front, again implying that I have a valid connection. This isn't rocket science, but I must be doing something wrong. Are the family GREEN and family BLUE supposed to go into any of the 9 remaining ports that are open inside the closet hub? Because my thought was- let's say hypothetically I wanted to use every available wall jack in my house. There are 9 wall jacks total, but there are only 4 ports on the router. So this would not work. But, there are 9 ethernet ports open on the board in the closet. So I must need to use the ports in the closet, NOT on the router? If so, are these closet ports specific? Because (remember I have a phone like cord coming out of port 3, going into the 'line' port on my router/modem) I took this phone like cord out of port 3, plugged into port 4. and 5, and 6, 7, etc... and none of them would allow my wifi to work- the INT light goes off on the modem/router at that point. But when I plugged back into port 3 (where Qwest originally put it), INT lit back up and wifi worked again. So this makes me think that these 10 (9 remaining) ports are specific somehow? I know this was a lot to read. End result I am looking for- continue to use my wifi on the computer (the ONE place in my house there is no wall jack lol), and connect my slingbox and my directv dvr to the wall jack in my family room so I can (have slingbox) and get On-Demand content for directv.
These questions are only in relation to the above Wireless Router (v6, FW-v1.02 [2010]) :
1. What is an Ethernet Bridge (the basic authoritative definition), and besides gaming, what are they generally used for in a business setting?
2. What are VPN settings in a Router used for, and can a VPN be configured on a remote PC without them?
3. Utilizing bridging, etc., can I utilize my WRT54G as a makeshift Range Expander as long as the primary router doesnt have WEP key requirements? The current WIFI doesnt reach my PC, so I thought I could configure my router midway in hopes of extending the other routers' signal, via some kind of bridging if necessary. Naturally, there would only be a wireless connection between routers.
4. How can I setup a simple Captive Portal on this router?
By default, 802/11a/n is set for backhaul communication.Does that mean that if most of my clients are on 5ghz, Mesh network is not a preferred design to go? Reason being:- client communication on a/n radio might disturb the traffic of the whole cell and of all the MAPs that connect to the network through that MAP.
I've already done plenty of web search and gone through various forums. That's how I've gained knowledge of setting up wireless bridge. But for some unknown reasons I haven't been able to successfully pull it off. Let me explain.I have an ISP provided modem+wifi device. Its called PTCL Modem. I normally connect my laptop and other devices through its wifi. I need to extend the signals around my workplace. So I have bought a TP-Link wifi router (TL-WR740N). Both these devices support wireless bridging according to their admin settings. I'll go pic-by-pic to explain what steps I performed.Pic1: PTCL Modem wireless bridging options. It shows two options for AP Mode: Access Point and Wireless Bridge. And it shows three options for Bridge Restrict.
Pic2: TP-Link router home page Pic2a: I first change the TP-Link's IP Address, because the PTCL Modem's wireless is also using the same IP address ( so the current address will conflict with it. I change the router's IP address to It goes for a restart.Pic3: Next I turn off the DHCP Server, as suggested by various blogs and forums. Router goes for another reboot after saving this setting.Pic4: Now I go to Wireless Settings page and set Enable WDS on. It shows me bridging options.Pic5.
I click the Survey button and it shows me a list of wireless devices in its range along with their BSSID and Channel number. I select my PTCL Modem access point which is on Channel 6. My PTCL Modem's wireless is set to WPA2-PSK security with the password "********". I also set the Channel on my TP-Link router from Auto to 6, to come in line with PTCL Modem's wireless. Clicking Save makes router goes for another reboot.
My b/g/n router is at one end of the house and on the second floor needs to be. I currently have a b/g/n wireless bridge hooked to a LAN port of an b/g/n router that I am using as an access point almost in the center of the house, about thirty feet away with one wall between them. I get good connection speed on an Internet TV that's about 7 feet below the access point with one floor/ceiling between. I get a reliable but slow connection to an Internet TV that is about 20 feet from the access point with two walls between. I get intermittent, slow connections with portable devices near the opposite end of the house on the first floor. Measured horizontally, they are within 15 feet of the upstairs TV that has a slow connection and about 9 feet below it.
The ceiling of my unfinished basement stairwell is a few feet below my router. I am thinking of putting a wireless bridge in the stairwell and connecting it with ethernet cable to an access point located in the crawl space, which is very dry, under the house directly below the upstairs Internet TV. It would be about 12 feet below the TV with a floor and a ceiling/floor between. That location would put it within 15 feet of the wireless devices on the far end of the house that now have a poor connection, with only a floor between. My primary goal is to get a better connection for them, but I'm hoping for a better one to the upstairs TV. My house is of frame construction with mostly plaster interior walls.
I want to use a POE access point under the house because I think it would be easier and safer than running a long extension cord. Looking at POE devices in catalogs, it is often not clear to me whether the device in question expects to be powered over ethernet or expects to power other devices over ethernet.
I have the following questions:
Does my plan sound feasible, and would it be expected to accomplish what I want?
How can I be sure that, when I order a POE access point, it expects to receive power over ethernet, not provide it?
Can POE devices be cascaded? If I do this and find that I did not get the coverage I hoped and, therefore, want to add another POE AP, can I add a POE hub or switch and run cable from it to the additional POE AP? If so, is there any particular monclature for devices that expect to both receive and provide POE? Can such devices receive and provide over any port, or do they have to receive power on a designated one and provide it to the others?
There is no "blinking light" indication on my E3000 at the Internet (Yellow label) and Ethernet port no 4. I tried plugging in 2 cables at all of the ports. I got the blinking indication at Port 1 through 3. The same cable's have no response at Port 4 and Internet port. As a result my I am not able to connect to the internet.