Getting Wireless Into Separate Cabin

Oct 9, 2012

How to get wireless to a separate location from the house.I have the virgin media home hub in the house and I have a cabin out the back roughly 20m away which I require wireless to run in...i need the wireless for a ps3, mac mini, mac-book, ipad and other little wireless gadgets.I have tried using the devolo dLan 200 AV wireless n starter kit with very limited success. short of actually running an Ethernet cable along the ground and using an Ethernet switch is there anything else i can do? or are there better products with a bigger/better range than the devolo that would do the job?

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Separate Port 4 Into Separate Vlan?

Jan 16, 2013

My fiance recently signed up for the Screen-wise Panel for Google research. Basically they monitor your TV usage and your internet usage. As part of the program they installed a Cisco WIFI router. I've got no issue with them logging the sites visited etc but I'm a little worried about them possible collecting private information (banking / work related stuff) that I don't want going out there. According to what I've read what's supposed to happen is they replace your router with the new Cisco router.The "technician" who came in and installed the router was actually a builder and not an IT technician and rather than replace our router he connected the Cisco router into port 4 of our router... I wasn't in at the time.

What I was looking to do is separate Port 4 of my router into a separate VLAN that can access the internet, but not access anything on ports 1-3, or the wireless. However, I want to be able to see everything on port 4 from the other side (in other words I want to see "into" the port 4 VLAN, but don't want them to see out). I also wanted DHCP to assign IP addresses correctly depending on where you were plugged in. In this example the first VLAN (your current router ip address) is going to be on, and the second VLAN (the new on we create on port 4) is going to be on is exactly what I'm looking to do, I could then connect the kids machines / tablets / ipods to the Cisco router and have the main machine and my work laptop on the main router... but I don't have a clue how to do it. </quote> Is this something that I am able to do with the Netgear router I own and is it hard to set up?

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Installing Second Wireless Network Separate From DSL?

Feb 2, 2013

I have a DSL modem with wireless networking, and I am trying to install a second wireless router for a separate network. The standalone wireless network has five laptops networked to a sixth laptop, in a server/client setup. To complicate things, I am plugging the server laptop into a LAN connection on the DSL modem. The server shows both the LAN connection with internet access, and the second wireless network without internet access. The client laptops just show the wireless network, without internet access.

This is exactly what I need - internet access for the server but no access for the five clients. I have each wireless router on a separate channel and only auto connect to the standalone wireless network. Is there anything I need to do to the setup of either of the routers to avoid problems?? The wireless network without internet access seems to be abnormally slow in response and I am wondering if there is any interference between networks. None of the laptops are accessing the DSL wireless network, but I still need that DSL wireless capability for other computers in the building.

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Can Have 2 Routers And Make 2 Separate Wireless Signals

Mar 3, 2011

Can I have 2 routers and make 2 separate wireless signals? Reason being I need one so that I can keep net blacks for my little brother but I would like my net not to have any restrictions.

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Get Separate Wired And Wireless Connections To The Internet?

Sep 3, 2012

I currently have a Linksys WCG200 wireless gateway cable modem. The computers in my office are connected to it via ethernet cables and I use the wireless signal in the rest of the house for my laptop and guests. I'm (still) using Win XP Pro on all the computers.I'm about to start a work at home job doing customer service and I am not allowed to have a wireless network that might broadcast customer information, so I need to be able to prevent that from happening. I'm assuming I'll need two separate networks?All computers need internet access and if it's possible I would still like to be able to share files between the two networks (assuming I need 2 different networks), but it's not the end of the world if I can't do that.

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Wireless :: Get A Separate Wifi Connection For Kindle

Mar 10, 2013

My first Rooter provides Broadband via a cable connection.Is it possible too add a second rooter too the first one and set the second one for WI-FI or is their a better way too get my Kindle WI-FI connected.

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Why Should Wireless And Wired Networks Be On Separate Subnets

Oct 24, 2011

With traditional classful subnetting, the same number of host bits is used to designate the subnet ID for all the resulting subnetworks. This type of subnetting always results in a fixed number of subnets and a fixed number of hosts per subnet. For this reason, this is known as fixed-length subnetting. The decision about how many host bits to use for the subnet ID is a big planning decision. There are two considerations when planning subnets: the number of hosts on each network, and the number of individual local networks needed. The table for the subnet possibilities for the network shows how the selection of a number of bits for the subnet ID affects both the number of possible subnets and the number of hosts that can be in each subnet. One thing to keep in mind is that in all IPv4 networks, two host addresses are reserved: the all-0s and the all-1s. An address with all 0s in the host portion of the address is an invalid host address and usually refers to the entire network or subnetwork. An address with all 1s in the host portion is used as the local network broadcast address. When a network is subnetted, each subnet contains an all-0s and an all-1s host address that cannot be used for individual host addresses.

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Cisco Wireless :: Setup 3 Separate Vlans On 5508

Apr 18, 2013

I have a Cisco 5508 setup an running with Cisco 3502 AP. with same SSID
however i need segment the network using 3-Diff VLANS:

1. vlan 1-----students
2. vlan2----- Visitors
3.vlan3------ Staff
the students and visitor are not ment to login to the corporate network, however the staff are to be login using their Active Directory User name and Password how to i achieve this ?

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Cisco Wireless :: 2504 WLC And DHCP On Separate VLAN

Aug 8, 2012

My problem, in a nutshell, is that clients do not get an IP from an external DHCP server when connected to a guest VLAN.
My current setup is:
Native VLAN 1 (192.168.2.x)
2008 DHCP Servers
2504 WLC

The guest WLAN just uses WPA and a PSK and is set to interface vlan101 There rest of the 2504 config is default.
The ports that the WLC and APs are connected to are tagged on the correct VLANs. (is that even necessary for the AP now?)
Ive changed the interface config around a hundred times now with no luck. No matter what a client will not get an IP.
Could this be due to the 2504 and ASA both acting as DHCP relays? Ive tried setting the IP of the DHCP on the dynamic interface to many different things with no luck.

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Cisco Wireless :: 2504 Management Over Separate Port

Sep 25, 2012

is it possible to Manage the 2504 Controller over a separate Interface. Exmaple: Port 1 is used as controller management interface (untagged) - AP's are connected to the same VLAN Port 1 is used for Guest Traffic (VLAN 3 tagged) Port 2 should be used to manage the WLAN Controller from the internal LAN. (tested with untagged, tagged, same issue)
with this Setup it is possible to ping the Port 2 IP-Address from the internal LAN but if you try to connect to the controller, the Browser shows "Site not reachable".
I also enabled "Management via Wireless" but without success. I also tried to add the "management" VLAN as tagged on the management Interface with the same effect, the controller is not manageable from the internal LAN. On 5508 WLAN Controller i have an similar setup, but with LAG Port enabled. There this works.
The only interface were i can manage the WLAN controller is from the management Interface.

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Cisco Wireless :: WRVS4400N How To Separate SSID By Vlan

Aug 10, 2011

I have a WRVS4400N that broadcasts two different SSIDs.  One is a  public network and the second is a private network.  Right now, both  SSIDs are pulling from the same DHCP server, but I would like to  separate the public from the private.  How can I separate these SSIDs by  vlans?  I can't seem to get the vlans to route to separate ports.
This  is my vlan settings.  I have two DHCP servers right now.  One is in an  isolated network plugged into Port 3 of the WRVS4400N.  The other is on  the production network, plugged into port 1 of the WRVS4400N. For  some reason, whenever I connect to SSID Public, it won't pull an IP  from the DHCP on port 1, it only pulls it from the one on port 2.
I know there is three SSIDs here, the Static one is going to be the same network as the EMS one.

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Use Spare Router As Wireless Repeater / Separate Access Point?

Apr 11, 2011

We just got a new replacement router at our home. We had a 2wire 2701 HG-S (we got this for free when we signed up for our DSL service) and now replaced it with a Netgear N300 Work and Play model. I want to know if we can set up the 2wire router as another access point to improve our wireless signal range. Right now we have a good signal upstairs (where the Netgear router is located), but not the best signal downstairs. I am able to run an Ethernet cord from the Netgear router downstairs to the 2wire if necessary, if it will improve our WiFi signal. Both of these routers are router/modem combos that include the DSL modem, in addition to wireless access point btw. Is this even possible to do? Would it require me to install a custom firmware onto the 2wire router?

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Cisco Wireless :: WAP321 How To Setup Separate Guest SSID

Dec 11, 2012

how to setup a separate SSID for guests (without a password).
Basically, we have one SSID now called Mnet which has a WPA2 password. For guests coming in i want Mnet Guests where people can connect without needing a password. They should be able to use internet but not connect to LAN devices, how to accomplish this with this WAP321?

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Cisco Wireless :: CAP-1602E - External Antennas In Separate Rooms

Feb 14, 2013

I have a question about external antennas on an access point. I have to plan a wireles solution, that also includes coverage in the industrial freezers. The freezers are one part of the sotck rooms, so the general coverage will be done with 1602I access points.
Since there are quite a lot of freezers in one location, installing separate AP in every freezer will be very expensive. I wondered if there is a possibility to put one 1602 access point with external antennas outside the freezer and then extend the antennas with 2m cables inside different freezers (1602E has three external antennas, so one antenna to each freezer).
Would this installation even work?
The freezers are quite small rooms maybe 2-3m2 sow the coverage is not a problem. But does this installation support multiple clients per AP in different freezers doing stocktaking with handheld terminals?

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Cisco Wireless :: Connect Two 2960 Switches In Two Separate Buildings?

Feb 22, 2013

I am having a problem in connecting two Cisco 2960 Switches between two different buildings using Cisco WLC 2504 & 3 Wireless 1552S APs.
- One AP is directly connected to Switch - 1 where WLC is connected and serving as a RAP

- Another one is working as Mesh in the field.

- Third one is a Mesh Access Point wired to another Switch - 2. (Bridging is enabled)
All the APs, WLC & switches are in the same network 10.3.x.x subnet mask : is working with default management interface whereas switches are having VLAN1 configured as default VLAN.All the port for the switches are Trunk ports?Once i am trying to ping the RAP or any MAP from Switch - 1 I am sucessful but once i am pinging Switch - 2, its not replying. Similar is that case from Switch - 2 side.

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Cisco Wireless :: 5508wlc Separate Guest And Company Wifi Access?

May 9, 2013

We have;

3 - 5508WLC
1 - 4402 WLC
Cisco Prime 1.3
25 - 3502i

We have 25 remote sites that use MPLS back to the company HQ that has one connection to the internet.Also at the HQ we have a seperate ISP connection.The remote sites and HQ have AP's which provide internal company access.  We would like to have a seperate Guest WLAN at these remote sites to provide access to the ISP connection at the HQ's.  Do we need to have an anchor controller? From documentation I have been reading it looks like anchor controllers are mostly used for networks that have a single connection to the internet and they use the FW to control/ secure the guest and company network from each other.  Is there a differnt way of seperating the guest wireless and company wireless network securely from each other but use the same WLC's and AP's?? 

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E3000 Use Subtitles (in Separate Files) For Movies

Mar 15, 2012

I am sharing media from my Linksys E3000 router and would like to use subtitles (in separate files) for movies. It is working when I am using Samsung PC based AllShare server but not while using E3000 UPnP server. On the other hand I found some info on the web that Twonky should support subtitles. But maybe different version then embedded into E3000.

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Cisco Wireless :: Aironet 2600 / WLC With Authentication Against Two Separate Active Directories?

Feb 22, 2013

I am evaluating a Cisco wireless solution for our building. The building is occupied by two separate but related companies, which share some basic network infrastructure (some switches, an Internet connection, a DMZ environment), but which have two completely separate "Windows networks" with separate Active Directories. Each of these two networks are placed behind separate Microsoft TMG firewalls, each of whose external NIC are connected to the same DMZ network.
a) Acquire a set of Aironet 2600 APs and a controller, b) establish a BYOD SSID to be share between the two companies and guests, connected to the shared DMZ network, c) establish two additional separate SSIDs - one for each company’s staff, each authenticating against the appropriate AD-environment (incidentally, one is a straight Windows Server 2008 R2 environment with a TMG 2010 firewall and the other uses Windows Essential Business Server, so based on Window Server 2008).
Is that even possible with a single WLC?We are on 3 floors and about 60 people total. I am thinking that we can make do with 5 or 6 APs. Without having looked into it much, the 2500 controller looks good. Agree?

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Cisco Wireless :: WAP4410N Separate Access To Guest And Internal Employees

Sep 12, 2011

i have two WAP4410N wireless router. with software version ( , here i have a problem on SSID broadcast and access.i have created Two ssid's WC72 and SREE with same security configuration WPA2-personalmixed . i cant see the broadcasted SSID of name SREE where i only view WC72 and get connected to it..
where i initially want is separate SSID and internal network access for internal employees and Guests (shouldn't connect to internal network).

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E2000 Separate Networks On One Modem / Two Routers

Feb 27, 2012

Using a Linksys E2000 and Linksys WRT54GL (both flashed to most recent firmware), I am trying to set up Network "A" and Network "B" on one modem. I do not want either A or B to be able to see each other for security purposes. Both are secured networks for the wireless connections and have different SSIDs.
After online research, and the inability to find my exact question answered, this is what I did and I'd like to know if I'm missing anything to keep A and B completely separate. Or, if I've done anything that will cause any problems on my network. [code]
I disabled the ability to change settings using wireless connection on both routers.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: EA4500 Connection To 5Ghz Band With Separate SSIDs?

Apr 11, 2012

I set up my new EA4500 last night, and configured the 5Ghz and 2.4Ghz bands with separate SSIDs (as recommended). While I can see the 2.4Ghz band with all of my devices, I cannot see the 5Ghz band with any of them.I followed the advice given (including the settings shown) on the EA4500 FAQ.Title: Personalizing and connecting to the 5 GHz wireless band on a Linksys Wireless-N routerArticle ID: 21466.Did that *multiple* times, and still nothing. I do have a dual-band capable adapter (Netgear RangeMax WNDA3100 Dual Band Wireless-N Adapter) that I know works on 5Ghz (because I had it working on my old dual-band WDNR3700v1). Similarly, I have PCs sitting less than 20 feet away that were previously able to see the 5Ghz band on my old router, but are now unable to see it on the EA4500.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E2500 Need To Configure Two VLANs In Home Network To Separate Server 1 With VM

Jan 14, 2013

I need to configure two VLANs in my home network to separate a server 1 with VM from another part of network with server 2 and wifi clients. Is it possible to keep DHCP server and internet access on E2500 enabled for both vlans? If so, how should I configure ports tagging (variant shown on screen shoot below doesn't work).

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Cisco Wireless :: WLC 5508 - Separate DHCP Server Required To Get Option 43 Setup Properly?

May 7, 2012

I am using a WLC 5508 and its internal DHCP server. I cant find anywhere I can setup option 43. However, the access points are connected in just fine. Do I need to worry about setting up a seperate DHCP server to get option 43 setup properly?

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Access Internet Using Wireless Network And Printer Using Separate Wired Network At Time?

Apr 4, 2012

I have 4 computers (3 laptops, 1 desktop) in a shared office. We get internet access using their wireless network. All works fine. However, I need to share a printer amongst all of the computers. The printer is LAN enabled and I would normally just put all the PCs on a hub, together with the printer and share it that way. BUT my question is can we access the internet using the wireless network and the printer using a separate wired network at the same time?

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Two Separate Networks On One PC?

May 1, 2011

I have 2 PCs at home. Lets name one of them as PC 1 which has two onboard LAN Ports. Now, PC1 has to connect to PC 2, just a home network for easy transfer on files and stuff, and it also has to connect to the internet via a network. The problem is both of them use static ip and when I tried configuring PC 1, it allows only one of the connections to remain active. I simply get an error otherwise saying "Multiple Gateways" will cause conflict and I will be stuck with only one connection. After much study I "somehow" connected both. I vaguely remember using the "route" command in cmd to achieve this. But now, I am getting an error when I try to access PC 2. My Internet is working fine.I am not network savvy at all. run both these connections from PC 1. I should add that I can in no way modify/change/or do anything else to my internet network since it is out of my control. I can do anything, however, for my Home Lan with PC 2. I run windows 7. Both the connections are wired, by the way.

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Separate LAN From Wan Traffic?

Dec 12, 2011

What I am looking to do is separate my lan traffic from my wan traffic. The amount of Lan traffic is slowing my Internet connection. The media server is the host of all my music and movies and photos and well just about everything, Some of the files are excessivly large and just kill the throughput for the other machines. I'm wondering if it's possible to put 2 NICS in each machine and have all file transfers on one subnet and all internet activities on another. I have heard it's possible to put multiple addies on a single nic but doesn't this defeat the purpose of thru put?

Network 1 - one line diagram
Cable modem
Switch 1
6 PC's 1 Media/file/print server.

All pc's and wifi use this to access internet, and all outside connections like remote desktop.

Network 2 - one line diagram
Switch 2
6 PC's, 1 Media/file/print server.

All pc's use this to stream audio and video from the media server as well as print functions and file storage.I have most of the hardware already except the additional nics for each machine. so if it's not feasible I'll not waste the extra monies.

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Separate LAN And WAN Server With 2 NICs

Nov 2, 2011

I am planning the following network setup.Get a server with 2 NICs, a router and a switch ,1st NIC is connected to Internet2nd NIC is connected to a router,A router is connected to a switch,All the client workstation are connected to Switch to access the server.I believe with this setup all my client workstations can browse the internet on their local machine via server.

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Two Separate IP Addresses For Same House?

Jun 22, 2011

Me and my girl friend both work from home doing freelance work using the internet. The company we do freelance work for allows one agent per ip address and checks the ip address for multiple agents I guess.I only have one modem, router, and two computers, but I believe they are on the same ip address.Is there a way to have two different ip addresses so we wouldn't have any issues with our work here?

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Separate Wifi For Internet Only?

Oct 28, 2011

I have 2 wireless devices. The first is the modem itself and the wireless is setup on that with WPA and all that fun stuff. The second one is a wireless access point. I would like to have a WiFi that can access ONLY the internet. I don't want it to be able to access the local network at all. Is this possible?

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Setting Up Two Separate Networks With One Isp?

Feb 5, 2012

I would like to set up two separate networks from one internet connection(modem), with the goal being to have a public network(Network A) that would have a small server on it, and then having a second secured network(Network B) that would have my personal computers on it. And both networks having connection to the internet. (The idea being that if the server somehow became compromised that my personal computers and their data would be safe)I have done some research and found that many people claim this can be done with just two or three routers, but none of them go into any detail about how to configure the routers. Below are the physical setups of the two options that I have come up with in my research, which if either would you recommend? And how would I configure each of the routers?

Modem/router 1 (Network A public)
--Internet-in WAN port
--port 1 to WAN of router 2-------------l
--port 2 server


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Access To Separate Network

Mar 27, 2013

i have computer A with 2 NICs.... NIC 1 has ip 192.168.x.x which has access to internet and NIC 2 10.0.x.x which as access to server files and other docs....i have computer B with ip 192.168.x.x but want to be able to access 10.0.x.x using computer A as a router is this possible and how do i go about doing that. i was thinking about bridging NIC 1 and NIC 2 adding static route on computer A and adding a second ip 10.0.x.x to computer B NIC (i know it is possible to add 2 ips on one NIC in windows) so i can have access to the file what i mention possible

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1 PC Accessing Two Separate Networks?

Sep 12, 2012

I have two subnets at my home and both run through my Cisco router. One is my private LAN with access to the Internet, ie your standard home network. The other is a semi-public network that I share with friends through an encrypted GRE tunnel system(DMVPN) over the Internet. I have a server on that semi-public network and I can access my friend's servers from my server, but not from my main PC on my private network.

Is there a way I can access both networks from only my main pc using two nic's?

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Two Separate Networks On One DSL Modem?

Mar 29, 2012

how I can setup two separate networks on a Westell 327w modem/router. I know this question has been asked to death and I've utilized the search function, but I still don't know how to make this work. I have a computer that I plan on using for important business and my sibiling has my other computer that he uses for gaming and downloading stuff. His computer is connected wirelessly to the Westell 327w. My computer has no internet access at this point. I would like to have both connected wirelessly to the internet, but keep them completely separate and as secure as possible, as he downloads some questionable things.

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