Linksys Access Point :: How To Combine DPC 3925 / E3000 To Have More Internet Ports
Mar 29, 2013
I have a DCP 3925 with 2 telephone and 4 internet ports.So, how can I combine DPC 3925 + E3000 to have more internet ports? and wich one is the best wifi than I can use ??Main router is the DPC 3925, where the internet is connected.
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Aug 4, 2011
I am a day trader using Microsoft 7.I need to combine cable (comcast) and a wireless connection (AT&T) as backup into one access point.
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Apr 6, 2011
I have 3 E3000 Routers and would quality input regarding using 1 of the E3000 Routers connected to my Broadband Modem (Roadrunner) and would like to know how to configure the remaining 2 E3000 Routers to be hardwired to my main Router as Access Points located approximate segmented 1/3rd areas throughout my house which really is only 1800 Sq.Ft. in area. How to be configure these routers as access points as well as configuring the main router that will be connected to my broadband router. This is my first network to utilize streaming video, Internet Television Programs, Internet Radio, Accessing the Internet in all rooms of my house and outside the immediate adjacent patio area.
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Jan 30, 2011
I am replacing an old G setup with the above system, Not interested in anything but an easy setup if I can avoid it.Set up the E3000 yesterday and was easy right out of the box. I'll receive the 2 AP's in a couple of days. The 2 AP's are hard wired to a switch along with the E3000. Would like to have the two AP's be JUST AP's! In other words, use the WPA2 of the E3000 only. Seamless roaming throughout the house, Is this possible?Anything I need to know before setting up the 2 AP's?
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Mar 1, 2012
I have a Cisco RV082 and I would like to connect my E3000 to it and use it as just a wireless access point. Is it possible to do this with the E3000 so the RV082 is providing the routing functionality?
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Jun 14, 2011
I needed the Guest access of wi-fi setup that LinkSysys routers provided. I don't need the router/modem i just want to have wi-fi access point. I'm an advanced user and i can work with manual setup etc.I tried to do a manual setup of the router, i changed the IP address to mask my network and enable wi-fi and worked BUT the guest access option is NOT available unless you use the stupid CISCO connect software.
Now the cisco connect software IS NOT working or complete the setup if you don't connect it through the router and gain Internet access which is IMPOSSIBLE for me to accomplish as my modem is connected to a firewall device and we are using static DSL options with PPPoE and usernameme/password. There is no way i can get cisco connect to load properly as it always "fixes my connection trying to gain Internet access".Is there any solution on manually properly setup this router and take full advantages of it capabilities or should i return it ?
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Jul 24, 2011
I want to use my WRT160n in my room to connect all my devices (Xbox, playstation 3, and 3 laptops) I hardwired the E3000 from the room downstairs thats connected to everything else.
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Nov 25, 2012
I am running the e3000 as an access point.. My iphone and ipad connect to it seamlessly. After a few hours to days, they are no longer recognized by the router. Nothing I reset on the phone or ipad makes any difference. The only solution I have found is to re-boot the router. They then re-connect on their own.
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Apr 12, 2012
I want to connect my clients from the Windows WS to a VPN Tunnel using 3925 router w/o Cisco VPN client. Is there the way to use native IPSec client on Windows XP or Windows 7?
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Sep 23, 2011
Internet policy access on my Linksys E3000. I am trying to block to a particular ip address in my office. This what I did. Logged in to control panel clicked on access restriction. Clicked on add. Gave it a name. Clicked the applies to drop down box and selected by ip address. Unchecked the block all internet access. Typed facebook down in the window below. Saved.Not blocking access.
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Feb 24, 2011
I can now access my router config pages when connected to my ATT router. However, I cannot seem to access the Internet when connected to my e3000; I just time out. I also have difficulties just connecting to my e300 for some reason. I have been connected a couple of times where i could access the Internet but it was only for a few minutes and it was very slow.I can't seem to put the router in the DMZ because the ATT router will only DMZ a DHCP-enabled device and the e3000 has a static IP ( I have tried running the PING and Traceroute diagnostics and both just come back with Unknown Host no matter what URL i enter. The status page also appears as if the e3000 is not properly talking to the ATT router. Under the Internet Connection area it shows Connection Type: Automatic Configuration - DHCP then 0s for IP address, subnet, and gateway. the DNS entries are empty and the MTU shows 1500 and the DHCP Lease Time is also empty. i am all ears and willing to try whatever. But i just want to be able to connect to my e3000 so i can utilize the wireless n internally and connect a 2TB external drive to share. But I also want to be able to get out to the Internet when i am connected to the device.
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Mar 2, 2012
I have had numerous issues with my E3000 since I got about two months ago and they have all been resolved with the exception of this new one that popped up today.
My Samsung Blu-ray player is connected firectly via ethernet cable to the router. When it's on, I lose all conenctivity to the router with my wireless devices including three PC's, a PS3, two iPhones, one iPad, one Samsung Smart TV, one XBOX 360 and an Onkyo Receiver. When I say that I lose connectivity, I don't mean that I lose access to the Internet. My PC's see the network but cannot connect to it, the same goes for the Apple devices. The moment I shut off the Samsung BD player it kicks right back on and works normally. Until today, this never occurred.
I contacted Tech Support and they had never heard of this happening before. They suggested that I change the ethernet cable which I did while the unit was on and it worked until I turned the BD player off and turned it back on again. I also tried switching ports to no avail. Alos all of the software is up to date on both the router and the BD player.
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Jul 8, 2011
We have the E3000 Router and the guest internet access DOES NOT work. We occasionally repair other people's PC's and I seriously do not want to allow access to our home network. Recently, we are trying to access through guest, on a Win 7 Dell Notebook. It takes the passcode but no internet connection.
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May 26, 2010
I recently purchased the E3000.I thought i had read that this devices can act as an access point. There is no clear "access point" mode option so i configured it as best as i could to work with our radius server. I can connect to the wireless with radius credentials just fine but i don't get assigned a ip address from dhcp. I tried using an old blekin that does have ap mode and it works just fine.
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Aug 23, 2011
I just bought a e3000 and I have a 24 ports switch. I would like to plug more than 8 do I proced ? I used to have a dlink router and just plug a cat5e from the dlint to the switch ... but it doesn't work with the e3000
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Dec 9, 2012
I have been using Linksys routers for quite some time now, and recently made a big upgrade from the WRT54G to the E3000. I am familiar with the interface and its functionality. However, I recently noticed a problem: when I set a port to forward traffic to any IP address on my network and then check whether or not it is actually open (url...), I am told that the port is still closed. More interestingly still, the first port that I forwarded when I first got the router is listed as open, but the other half dozen or so are still considered closed. I have been trying to set up a file transfer protocol (FTP) server, but can't even get traffic to forward from port 21! I even tried using the pre-configured FTP drop down on the Applications & Gaming tab, but to no avail. Has anyone had similar issues, or perhaps an idea as to why only one port is forwarded when I have followed the same steps that I have been using for years?
I tried to get in touch with Technical Support about this issue, but was told that I needed to purchase a $30 subscription in order to qualify for assistance. I don't think that I should have to pay $30 to know why the same steps work with some ports but not with others.
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May 9, 2012
If I hook up a wireless router as an access point will both the Ethernet ports and the wireless connection on that router work?
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Nov 1, 2012
How do I connect and configure my WAP54G wireless access point to my new Cable Modem? I have it connected to the modem but I cannot access it to configure it. It appears to be working but before I got the cable modem I had it connected to a router and it was set-up with a static IP address. With my new ISP, I no longer have a static IP address so I am trying to configure the WAP54G to use DHCP. Trying to access it thru the internet at does not work.
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Aug 29, 2009
I just bought an LG Bluray DVD player (BD390) which is unable to find the access point in my home network.My router is a WRT54G, ver. 2.2, running firmware: Ver.4.21.1. My home network uses high speed cable with two computers on the wireless network, all working with no problems.The router is on the second floor but the two computers and the new BD390 are on the first floor - about 35 feet away. I have the wirelss security set to none and use only the specific computer MAC addresses to allow connection to this network.
I found directions in the forum for a setup using the LG BD390 but with a different Linksys router. I changed the security to WPA (AES); the Beacon interval from 100 to 75; the Fragmentation Threshold from 2346 to 2304; and the RTS Threshold from 2347 to 2307. The DVD wireless connection still failed to find my network. There is a "Push button" connection feature on the BD390 setup which I tried, but the only "button" on the router I could find was in the basic wireless setting, a green icon for the wireless SSID setup. No connection was made there either.
The recommendation connection from the LG manual is for a network cable, but that would be over 50 feet and a real pain to connect, so I would prefer WiFi.
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Jul 9, 2006
I had to reset my access point but the login screen fails to appear to lock the router. I don't have the setup wizard disk.
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Jan 17, 2013
I have a WAP54g hardware version 1.0.I install de last firmware on this access-point but, this access-point reset automatic after a random time..It’s it possible to downgrade de firmware from this access-point?
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Dec 14, 2011
Have a WRT320N router at one end of the house in the basement. Would like to boost signal to other end of the house. Which product should i use, an access point or a range extender? My house is also wired with Ethernet cable and I could plug the access point into an Ethernet port at the end of the house where the signal is weak.
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Jul 3, 2012
I have AP WAP 4410 N, and I want conected AP to cacti. Where is I faoun MIBs or OIDs for my Access Point?
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Apr 25, 2011
I've got a AP WAP54G. I've managed to get into the configuration page and rename my router and set a WPA2-Personl password.
The issue I'm facing is that when me and my roomate try to connect to the router at the same time, it shows the laptop that connects second as one that has 'limited connectivity' and hence cannot use the internet. The 1st laptop however works fine!
The settings for the router have all been left to default.
I'm not sure, but does this problem have anything to do with the fact that the router in configured with a static IP. If so, then there is another issure which is that whenever I try to change it from static to automatic/dynamic IP, the page fails and the router doesn't even get connected to the configuraion page( after that. The only way to get that page again is the reset the router.
Also I'm not able to directly get into the config page when I connect my router to my laptop via lan. I need to change the LAN IP to 192.168.1.x where x is >1.
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Mar 17, 2013
To extend my wired ethernet I have purchased a WAP300N access point and connected it according to the instructions. I can see the AP from a wireless client and connect, but no IP number is provided to the client. The AP is connected to a router which has a DHCP server via wired connection (though a switch). The AP does it self get an IP number from the router but does not pass through DHCP requests from the clients.Occasionally an IP number is provided, but then there is no route to the LAN or the WAN on the other side of the AP.I have tried a whole lot of things to make it work (and been in the internet chat for two hours with a Linksys supporter, who could not make it work either).I have tried to set the IP number in the AP to static.I have tried to remove security (has to be WPA2 eventually, but for the sake of testing it has been removed)I have tried to factory resetI have tried to reinstall the firmware (the same version as the factory installed)etc.
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Jan 4, 2012
I have an AT&T Gateway Wireless router to connect to Internet with my wired computer. In another room, I have another wired computer I also use to connect to Internet. I never have problems connecting to Internet from computer that is hooked up to the router, but I often have Internet connection issues from the computer in the other room. It can find the access point, but not connect to Internet. I reinstalled the WUSB300N driver again, but I still cannot connect.
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Aug 18, 2011
I have a new notebook Sony Z217GG, I connected WAP 4400N was very smooth, but after connected WAP 4410N, the internet connecting always connect and disconnect, I check the notebook wireless model is intel 6230.
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Aug 25, 2011
What I want to do is the opposite of most configurations. I live on a small island with only one DSL connection. The modem is wired connected to a WAP54G Access point. To extend this access point want to use a WRT54G.
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May 10, 2013
I'm using a WRT120N and have had no problems connecting most wireless devices, but a Nintendo DS and DSi owned by my family are unable to connect to the access point. My wireless security mode is disabled, network mode is set to mixed, SSID is the same as on the DS/DSi, Channel width is 20Mhz only, Standard channel is set to 6, but I tried using channel 1 and 11 without success, SSID broadcast is enabled.
I've tried every work-about I could find and always get the 51300 error code, and am at a loss as to what else I can try to get the devices to connect to the access point.
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May 1, 2012
Is it possible to configure WRT120n as an access point?
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Feb 10, 2012
I have tried to find mib for my Linksys WAP54G acces point without succeed. Any body know how I could find it?? I want to program a software based on SNMP protocol. Is there some databses for mibs?
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Feb 22, 2011
I have a Cisco 2921 configured with both DMVPN for remote sites and point-to-point isakmp ipsec VPN for smaller residential end-points.
The issue is, any ports that are NAT'd from the external appear filtered on the point-to-point vpn endpoints, but work fine over the dmvpn. Everything else seems to work correctly over the vpn. I have the nonat acl set up and the port forwards work fine from the external, but I'm not sure what's happening.
I have the configuration on the 2921 for reference.
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May 26, 2012
I'm going to combine 2 512 kbps ADSL line in my PC. i know that it would be much better to get a 1 MB ADSL connection...but the problem is where i live now there is not better speed than this! Well i have a PC with 2 LANs - 2 phone lines - 2 ADSL modems - as far as i learned from Google , by no means it is possible to combine them to have 1 MB data rate but it is possible for example IDM would works with one 512 and another program with another 512..!! And load balancing is the only solution for this which it needs a special routers ! it is somehow difficult for me to provide one ..!! so my question is :
1- Is there any other solution for combining this 2 lines?! I heard something about teaming.
2- Is it possible to use load balancing by software?
3- How about the efficiency and ping time?
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