Linksys Wireless Router :: Setup VPN Access To My House Through E4200?
Oct 11, 2011
I've got an E4200 at my house. I'd like to know if it's possible for my to establish a VPN connection from a remote location to login to my E4200 to get access to my computers behind the firewall.
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Jan 27, 2012
I bought two E4200s with the intent of using the second as a wireless access point to maximize coverage throughout my house. I just learned the hard way that the E4200 doesn't support that feature, and will only act as an access point if physically connected to the primary router that is connected to the internet.
Before I spend even more money on equipment, I was wondering if any of the experts here can tell me whether I can use a Linksys Bridge, like the WET610N or WES610N, to operate the second router in bridge mode and turn it into a wireless access point?
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Oct 18, 2011
where i am from, the houses are made of conrete. so obviously my wi-fi degrades. i currently have 1 basic wireless g linksys router set up, in my bedroom as thats where the primarry devices are. there is a portion of the house where the signal is non existant and i want to set up a 2nd wireless router for that area to have signal. its a fairly large house with 4 is a breakdown of the device priority:
The main room (my room, east end of house)
Gaming PC (gaming, downloading, netflix streaming) non wireless
Wife's Laptop (occasional streaming, general internet surfing)
PS3 (gaming and netflix streaming)
Ipad (streaming)
The general purpose of all this is just have wireless across the whole house for mobility, my room is the priority as far as bandwidth usage and coverage.Also i will be purchasing an N router for my room and moving the G router to my moms.
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Aug 11, 2011
how to setup the E4200 so that I can access the media server when I am in office? I was browsing on the Cisco website and unable to find it.
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Jan 5, 2013
I am connecting the E4200 to a Sonicwall TZ100. I want the TZ100 to assign IP addresses to devices that connect to the LAN via the E4200.
How do I have the E4200 act as a WAP only or not assign IP addresses and push that responsibility to the TZ100?
I'd still want the E4200 to have a SID key for LAN access security.
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Oct 20, 2011
I have XP 64bit OS and I can't seem to get the setup CD to install E4200 Router. I have looked at the FAQ and it says it should be compatible with all Windows OS. Is there a link out there to the drivers I need to do this?
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Jan 25, 2012
I use my e2000 as router and want to use the e4200 as repeater. so if i connect wireless to my e4200 i can see all my devices also the one on the e2000. How to setup the e42000 ?
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Dec 3, 2011
Have been trying for the past two days to install a new E4200. It gets to 25% in the setup and then errors out and says I need to contact customer service.
Connecting through a brand new DSL modem that I know works as I can get access through my old router.
My PC (Windows 7) is directly connected to the router. I got to the point where I named the router in the install process the first time, but then it hung.
Have tried to use the CD to re-setup with no success. I've tried the hard reset holding in the button for 10 seconds and unplugging but nothing has changed.
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Jun 11, 2012
Our internet provider has no intention of providing a IPv6 DNS so I have a crippled at best service. We live in an area where our only option is through satellite service, so changing providers in not in the cards, yet.
If I "Disable" the DHCP Sever, the setup menu provides a method for me to force feed up to three Static DNS addresses, all with IPv4 addresses.
There are several locations that provide "free" DNS service, but how does one verify the security of such sites? Does Cisco keep track of the status of this kind of service or am I on my own? Cisco seems to endorse two DDNS services, but for home use, the extra charges seem otherwise unnecessary, and do not yet address the IPv6 question.
The first few that I have investigated that do provide IPv6 service also provide their addresses in IPv6 format. The E4200 menu does not seem to allow me to do that.
Am I going to be forced to live with crippled IPv6? I have already discovered a software product that has failed since changing routers, but works if I take my laptop to a particular WiFi location.
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Aug 9, 2011
I just purchased e4200 from a friend of mine. Got an issue with setup of this device. I use a model from internet provider. Have 2 computers at home. One is pc with cable, another one mac with wireless.SO my issue is that i can not connect none of them. I was trying to use cd that comes with router but he can not locate a router. When I connect cable directly from modem to computer everything works fine. As soon I connect cable to a router I can not see a router and I can not connect to internet.
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Jul 30, 2011
So, with the latest firmware update I could add a second e4200 to my network to use as a bridge or access point? What I need is another device in my living room that can pick up the wireless signal and dish out network connectivity to my receiver, xbox360, and ps3. With the new firmware update can this be done with a second e4200? How does one connect to each e4200 on the network for setup (dohave to change the default ip address of 1?)I just bought a trendnet TEW-687GA 450 mb/s wireless gaming adapter and a trendnet 5 port switch to accomplish what I mentioned above. I'm just wondering if there is an advantage to switching over to two e4200's. The trendnet adapater does not have a 5ghz channel.
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Jan 16, 2012
I got a problem with my setup main computer, It work wery god wireless, with very fine speed about 82 mbit in and 24 mbit out. The problem is that it almost don't work at all with cable, even if i turn off the wireless network, the speed is about 2-3 mbit in and about 6-7 mbit out All other computers, tv. printer wireless work very fine.
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Dec 4, 2011
if it is possible to access a modem setup page with a E4200 router? My router is on and modem(WAG-200G) is on, ethernet cable is on internet port on the e4200 and on port1 on the modem. Modem is set is bridge and I set up a ppoe and dhcp on router. Everything is ok, except that i can not access modem setup page to see adsl conection speed and settings.
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Mar 14, 2013
Trying to setup port forwarding for an XBox 360. Set fixed IP on XBox using IP outside DHCP range. DHCP range is .50 to .80. Set XBox to .49. Gateway is .1. Mask is four port forwarding rules per directions on xbox site and also for ports 53, 80, 88, 1074 to the static IP Turned off DMZ, Turned off UPnP, Turned off SPI. Windows firewall is on, running XP Pro SP3 and Win 7 Pro on other devices.Making the rules active for the fixed IP shuts off internet access for other devices.Single router (E4200 V2), switch, then remaining devices. Private IP addresses in the range. Rebooted router, same issue. What am I missing?
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Aug 5, 2011
I am finally duffing my WRT 610N (N=Never consistent in performance) main router and WRT54G that I am using up in my shop as an expander. Now I am going to a E4200 Main Router and E3000 for my secondary router (Truthfully a dual band expander).
Am I going to just simply Flash my 610 to default , disconnect it and pack it away , Setup my new E4200 , Plug in my E3000 into port 1 and go about giving it a separate IP Addy? Or can I expect a **bleep**? Any setup tips?
Wirelessly I am running 2 laptops , a PS3 , Xbox 360 , Epson printer , a picture frame and Samsung Blue Ray and TV, and on occasion 2 android phones. On the Wired side (Ethernet) I have a Sling Box , a Desktop , and the router up in the shop. This is the normal load and never everything all at once (Although it has been done).
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Dec 29, 2011
[URL]I have a Linksys E4200, even if i put wireless on manual WPS is still working, any answer from Linksys?
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Nov 15, 2012
I've been trying to get FTP Running up on my router for some time now.
I know my current WAN address and have setup a specified folder on my E4200 for the FTP partition. A username for myself has been created with login info and I have forwarded the port I have specified on my router's FTP configuration page.
I try to log into the server, but whenever I try to log into it, I keep getting a "incorrect login information" message back at me.
If I cancel out of that then I get an error message saying it can't find the specified folder and to check the address of the server.
I know the login information information is correct and I've tried changing the password to others of varying lengths.
I've also tried changing the port I'm running the FTP off of incase my ISP has blocked that port, nothing works.
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Nov 10, 2012
i have installed lutron lighting in my home and need to configure e4200 so i can access it from outside home with iphone application. Lutron manual says to go to VPN iphone setting and add PPTP connection, server, account and password. I need to do same on e4200 but not sure where to go create pptp connection, accounts and passwords?
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Jun 18, 2012
I have my main router, a E4200v2 which I use as a router and it provides wireless signal throughout my house, however reception is not as strong on the upper floor and there is a slight dead spot, so I purchased an E4200 for the uppermost floor.I set the E4200 to bridge mode so it will act solely as an AP.However connecting the two routers LAN to LAN and the AP does not access the internet.Setting a static IP for the router, instead of acquiring one via DHCP causes me to not be able to access the admin page on the AP.
Connecting WAN on the E4200 to the LAN on the v2 does not work either.My goal here is to have my main router on and the AP on where I can access the admin settings for both routers in case I need to make changes.
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Jun 15, 2012
Just got a new hard drive installed on my laptop, and now for some reason I can not access my router. I am connected to the internet, and everything is fine there, but when I type the and enter admin as the password, it shows that I am unauthorized.
I have a Linksys E4200 router
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Jan 31, 2012
I posted before about my problem in forwarding certain ports in a LAN-to-WAN cascaded router setup, and I finally gave up looking for a solution, and went for a LAN-to-LAN. On the internet there is many articles to be found on how to accomplish the setup, but none of them is complete, and as such, I think I really screwed up someplace. My setup: ISP modem/router ( / DHCP enabled, and DHCP address range 3-100 NAT configured Static IP address for a Synology NAS connected to the E4200 SSID id_1
Then the E4200 Internet connection type: I set to Static IP IP Subnet mask Default gateway: (to disable the WAN)
Then, the network setup: Router IP: gave me the error that WAN and LAN IPs were identical. I played around quite some time but always got an “illegal value” error. Then finally I put the IP to (IP I had in LAN-to-WAN) and this was accepted. And subnet mask: The SSID I left unchanged from what it was, id_2 (also gives me the advantage that I know to which router I am connected)
I rebooted the E4200, and I was connected. But … I am unable to connect to the E4200 configuration page, and even Cisco Connect cannot establish the connection.
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May 24, 2012
I recently put in a surveillance system with remote access. I have an application on my android phone and it can be viewed by any browser. While I am connected to my network these functions work fine, on my phone and any desktop/laptop. The problem happens when I try to view remotely, off my network. I had this setup on my Netgear router before I got my new fancy schmancy Cicso router becaue the netgear wasn't cutting the cheese in keeping my wireless connectionstory.So here is what I got. I need 3 ports forwarded for this work, and how I got it work on my Netgear. I have these 3 ports forwarded as single ports. I have them forwarded in a range and I have port triggering turned on. No matter what or which combination of these few things I try, I can't access the DVR remotely, again unless I'm local to MY network.Some additional notes - the DVR has a static address and that address has been reserved in the DHCP settings of the router.
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Nov 13, 2011
I have a problem te access e4200 with web access on a iMac with Lion 10.7. I try to connect with standard Safari.With it won't open, if I look voor IP address it should be now the login screen opens but now I can't login with clean name en password "admin" it gives an error.I also can't install Ciso Connect from CD, it gives a error not right version!.Is there anyone that use iMac with E4200 and Sonos zone player?
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Aug 21, 2011
If you have MAC filter enabled with the E4200 Firmware Version: 1.0.01 you cannot connect to guest.
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Nov 9, 2011
i enable guest access, when connecting though any device it doesn't ask for password but allows access straight away. I've tried changing the password, but no luck.
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Sep 26, 2011
I have a Linksys E4200 router with firmware version 1.0.02. I am using a Macbook Pro. I can connect to a VPN server with the default VPN client software, but it kills my internet connection and disables connecting to SMB
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Aug 6, 2011
I cannot connect to my company’s VPN after installing the current firmware (FW_E4200_1.0.02.013_US_20110524) on my E4200 router. Version 1.0.01 was on the router when I received it, and it worked without issues. As soon as I upgraded version 02, I could not initialize a VPN connection. When I try to start a VPN session, I get a "page not found" error when attempting to initiate SSL VPN service using a Microsoft Forefront Unified Access Gateway. VPN pass through is enabled for all protocols in the e4200’s setup. As soon as I revert to firmware 01, everything works fine again.
I did a fresh download and re-flashed the 02 firmware just to make sure that it wasn’t an issue with a bad download or a faulty flash. The problem is consistent and repeatable. I have upgraded and downgraded twice, and the results are exactly the same. My VPN connection works with firmware 01, and it fails with version 02. There is a something different in the 02 firmware that is blocking VPN access.
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Sep 19, 2012
I recently bought a e4200 v2 and installed connect cloud. I have attached a USB drive to the router. I can connect to it by mapping a network drive on my windows 7 laptop. I can also access it as a media server through my iPad on the local wifi network. This way I can play the music on the USB drive through the iPad. The next thing I would like to accomplish is to be able to listen to the music on the USB drive through the internet (so remotely).
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Jan 22, 2012
I have broadband internet coming into 1 room of my home. The internet goes through a router I have set up, its a Linksys WRT54G2 (router #1), Firmware version 1.0.04. Everything on this works fine, I'm able to get my TV and laptop in a different room to access the router wirelessly without any inconvenience.In another room I have a regular desktop computer which I would like to get internet on. As well as other devices, so I purchased another router, this time a Linksys E4200 (router #2) in hopes of turning it into an access point.Now I've set up LAN's in the past, using the actual cable plugged into the second router, problem is in this scenario I can't run a cable over to router #2. Both computers use Windows 7. Both router's drivers and firmware have been updated on the Linksys page, all my Windows drivers are updated, etc. I checked other forums for similar questions and although there are some, they date back to 2009 as well as Google which has some websites dating back to 2006! While useful, I wasn't able to find something that details how to solve my problem with my specific setup. I've already gone into router #2 and changed the router's IP to and also turned DHCP off, problem is, once I take that router off into the other room, it doesnt connect to primary network or allow devices to even "see" router #2.
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Apr 18, 2012
I just bought an E4200 and it was working perfectly, very easy to install, all that it promises. Then I had an energy peak. For some reason, don't ask me why, I did RESET the router not thru the web nor thru Cisco Connect, but pushing the reset button at the back. I can't access the router anymore ! It keeps asking for a password that is never accepted. I have uninstalled cisco connect and tried again. Nothing. The router is not found. Keeps asking for a password. I tried everything: blan+admin, admin+admin, the password I used to have (provided at the cisco connect uninstall).It seems that the RESET never worked. The router is working thru cables, meaning when I can connect to the internet wired. But the router is never found wireless.How could I update the firmware if the router is not recognized (or if I don't have a username+password) ?
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May 24, 2012
I recently bought the E4200 v2. When I first installed, I ran the firmware update and then performed a hard reset (push reset button for 20 secs). I then began to enter all the PPPoE information and network settings into the new router (verified these settings with the existing WRT54GL router I'm current using and they all matched). I then disconnected the old router, and powered up the E4200. I was able to access the new router (, I could see all previously shared files/computers with the new router, but I could not access most websites - usually I got a timeout error, or they eventually loaded in 10x the usual speed. This was typical of both laptops - one wired, and one wireless. My wireless handheld device could connect to the wireless network, and ran a test, and upload/download speeds were normal - but I could not access the internet from the device. When I switched back to the old router, everything worked perfectly again. I have tried some suggestions on changing MTU values, but that did not seem to make any difference.
As a work-around, I have ended up keeping the WRT54GL as the main router and using the E4200 in bridged mode for wireless only (not what I ideally would like)..
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Nov 17, 2011
The Guest Access is a very nice feature for allowing us to provide Internet access in our rental unit.
However, it would be nice to provide the Guests access to the USB printer.
Is there a way to provide access to the USB printer for those who are logged into the "Guest Network"?
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Sep 18, 2011
Upon attaching my external storage I was able to create a share, copy files and access it successfully from everywhere. Now when I attempt to add an additional share, the router lets me create it but when I try to move access groups over from the available groups, the >> buttons are greyed out. The one working share has the admin and Everyone groups with access. Any additional share I create has the admin group in it by default, but I can't add any more groups. I am logged into the router as admin and logged into the pc as a local admin. I am also unable to change the rights from my pc on a share (access denied). I AM, however, able to map a drive to a new share successfully, but when I copy files over, a few minutes later the filenames are there but they show up as 0 byte files.
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