Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 Access Point To Maximize Coverage Throughout House

Jan 27, 2012

I bought two E4200s with the intent of using the second as a wireless access point to maximize coverage throughout my house. I just learned the hard way that the E4200 doesn't support that feature, and will only act as an access point if physically connected to the primary router that is connected to the internet.
Before I spend even more money on equipment, I was wondering if any of the experts here can tell me whether I can use a Linksys Bridge, like the WET610N or WES610N, to operate the second router in bridge mode and turn it into a wireless access point?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Setup VPN Access To My House Through E4200?

Oct 11, 2011

I've got an E4200 at my house. I'd like to know if it's possible for my to establish a VPN connection from a remote location to login to my E4200 to get access to my computers behind the firewall.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: 2 Story House To Extend Coverage EA-4500

Nov 18, 2012

I have 2 story house and trying t extend wireless coverage in the house.  I have have 2 routers. One is just wrt54g while the second dual mode EA-4500. Cable modem is located in the basement so i would like to have one of the routers connected to it and use another router as bridge. So which router would be best to use a bridge.   If i use ea4500 as a bridge then i would lose dual band features of it.

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Linksys Access Point :: Using Wireless G WAP54G To Extend Coverage?

Jan 29, 2012

I have a Linksys wireless router in my basement and I want to extend coverage upstair. I have a office upstairs which has a ethernet cable that is plugged into my router in the basement, can I connect a Linksys Wireless G WAP54G access point to that ethernet cable and thus have a extender upstair?

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Linksys Access Point :: WAG320N / Expand LAN With Another Port And Wireless Coverage

Feb 26, 2012

I'm using a router WAG320N in my home but now i need to expand my lan with another ports and wireless coverage.In a wired point (connect directly to the router) i need 3 ehternet ports and a repetear of a wireless signal.The optimal solution woulb be a switch gigabit with an integrated acces point, but I understand that there is no such thing...So going to buyng the switch SE2500 and the AP WAP610N... but then I realized the existence of the bridge WES610N!But the information on the linksys italian site is not enough and the relative page does not works... i need to now if this object can take a wired lan replicate it in 3 ports and expand the wireless network of my router.

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Protocols / Routing :: Install A Second Wireless Router To Increase Coverage In Another Area Of House?

Nov 10, 2011

How do you install a second wireless router to increase coverage in another area of house?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 2.4GHz Has Lesser Coverage Than WRT54G V2.2?

Jul 11, 2011

Both use the same encryption (WPA2-Personal), same channel and they are tested in the same location with g-only mode. Only one router is switched on at any one time during the test. When 3 g-client notebooks (of various brands) are associated with the E4200, the signal indicator is a single bar, wherelse they can get 3 bars with the WRT54G (in the same location). For Internet speed test on a 20Mbps link, WRT54G is able to substain about 10Mbps, but only 1-2Mbps with the E4200.
Is such difference in performance between the two router models normal? Is there any configuration required to tweak the E4200? Or is it a hardware related issue with E4200?
The E4200 has been updated with the latest available firmware as of yesterday.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Turning An E4200 Into Access Point?

Jan 22, 2012

I have broadband internet coming into 1 room of my home. The internet goes through a router I have set up, its a Linksys WRT54G2 (router #1), Firmware version 1.0.04. Everything on this works fine, I'm able to get my TV and laptop in a different room to access the router wirelessly without any inconvenience.In another room I have a regular desktop computer which I would like to get internet on. As well as other devices, so I purchased another router, this time a Linksys E4200 (router #2) in hopes of turning it into an access point.Now I've set up LAN's in the past, using the actual cable plugged into the second router, problem is in this scenario I can't run a cable over to router #2. Both computers use Windows 7. Both router's drivers and firmware have been updated on the Linksys page, all my Windows drivers are updated, etc. I checked other forums for similar questions and although there are some, they date back to 2009 as well as Google which has some websites dating back to 2006! While useful, I wasn't able to find something that details how to solve my problem with my specific setup. I've already gone into router #2 and changed the router's IP to and also turned DHCP off, problem is, once I take that router off into the other room, it doesnt connect to primary network or allow devices to even "see" router #2.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 As Access Point / Bridge Mode?

Sep 6, 2011

I have spent most of the weekend trying to get this router to act as a proper Access Point.
When it does work (Stay connected) speeds and latency are rotten. If I go back to Routing Mode this thing kicks butt, but I isolate all devices attached to a different subnet and trying to set up proper routes has proved imposable. Firmware 1.0.2 r 13
The online help stated to connect to the "internet interface" when in Bridge Mode DHCP Server Is not broadcasting to on the wireless or wired interfaces.
If I used the wired interface as the uplink I can broadcast the DHCP to any device on wired but again nothing to the Wireless. When I "Show Routing Table" I see two static routes pointing to the ATT router for the Wired/Wireless Interfaces.. (my Gateway) Wired/Wireless (my Gateway) 0.0.0. Wired/Wireless
AP mode should only be working in Broadcast. By connecting the Wired Interfaces alone up to my switched network should not use the router at all. If you force all traffic to my router all traffic has to be inspected by the firewall You create a bottleneck my router interface is 10/100.
ATT 2 Wire Gateway/Router with pinholes. 10/100/1000 Non managed 24 port Switch Network. Server infrastructure serving DNS/DHCP.
I decided to buy this after reading it offered Bridge/Access Point mode instead of getting the WAP610 because I wanted to have the option to change to routing mode or AP mode. Since my ATT Uverse Router Wireless is “g” it takes forever to transfer files to and from my servers.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 / E3200 Or E2500 Better For Home Access Point?

Jan 18, 2012

I am looking form accesspoint for home network. I do not need router and usb functionality, I have this already in my linux server. I need only wifi accesspoint with 2 bands and 300Mbps bandwith. Is there a big difference between E4200 or E3200 or E2500? I know that E4200 supports 450Mbps, but I am not planning to buy new devices which could go faster than 300Mbps. Beside of technical parameters in technical specyfication is there a difference in wifi bandwith or tranmission between wifi and cable network?

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Cisco Wireless :: Access Point Coverage Area 1042

Apr 6, 2012

I want buy an Access point which cover 300 Meter coverage Area.
Have any data sheet or link where I can found which AP coverage how many Area, Like 1042 Access Point cover how many Feet Space.

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Maximize New Cisco E4200 Router

Aug 29, 2011

I just purchased my new router and I am wanting to know the best settings to use to get the best performance from it. I am a pretty novice user, I know just enough about computers to get myself in trouble. I plan to have several devices hooked up to it, but obviously not all running at the same time. Below are the items that I plan to have connected to it:


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Linksys Access Point :: E4200 Discover New IP Address Of Reconfigured Router

Feb 14, 2013

I have changed from a DSL internet service to a Comcast cable system.   I have setup my E4200v1 router as an Access Point, to extend coverage in my building.  It works fine, but I can no longer log on to  the unit using its'  IP address  The browser returns the message "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage."   If I want to tweak the settings the only thing I can think to do is to push the reset plug, back to factory settings and go through the whole process.   Is there a way to discover the new IP address of the reconfigured router?  I left the default address as it was when I made the changes to AP status. 

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Linksys Access Point :: E4200 / E1500 - Cascading Routers Versus Access Points?

Nov 24, 2011

I am trying to find an effective way to extend the wireless signal across our home. I have tried various different solutions. Currently, I have an e4200 primary router that is cascaded with two additional e1500 routers that have been configured as access points. The Linksys support team hosted my computer and configured the devices. The e1500 routers are connected via ethernet wires running through the walls. And, this seems to be working well. Here's my question. The e1500 routers are configured with different SSID names, which Linksys advised was required to avoid conflicts in communications from the three router devices. Is there any way to configure this set up or something similar so that the entire wireless network has the same SSID and is seamless. In the current configuration, I have to specifically connect to the primary router or one of the two access points.

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Linksys E4200 Can't Ping New Access Point

Jul 4, 2012

I have a Linksys e4200 and a EnGenius EAP300. I setup new EnGenius AP to and the Linksys is The two devices are connected with Ethernet capble with a POE switch in the middle. Internet connection thru the Linksys works fine. However, the EnGenius does not connect to the Ineternet (Gateway is set to Also when connected to the Linksys, I cannot ping the EnGenius.

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Linksys Access Point :: E4200 - How To Upgrade

Jan 30, 2011

upgrading to an E4200 router.  What would be the best wireless access point to use with that?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E1500 Checklist To Maximize Connection?

May 28, 2012

I am not getting anywhere near the same download speeds to my wireless laptop as my wired desktop? When I run the Xfinity speed test on my wired desktop I get anywhere from 18MB to 40MB downloads.But the same Xfinity speed test to my Wireless connection to my Dell laptop [G adapter] never gets above 15MB.Is there a checklist anywhere I can use to maximize my wireless speed to a [G adapter] wireless device?

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Linksys Access Point :: WAP54G As Range Expander For E4200?

Jun 25, 2011

I have just bought a E4200 and updated to latest FW version 1.0.02-Build13 It works very well for me so far But in the repote part of my home, the signal is too weak :-(
I have a WAP54G (HW-rev-2), which I would like to use to expand my wireless range, but so far I have not been able to get a setup where I can see the wireless coverage expanded. I have placed the WAP54G inside the wireless coverage range of the E4200 with good signal level.
I have tried various setup combinations and searched articles, but so far I have not been able to get this working as expected..
Before I spend more hours on this or decide to dump the WAP54G, I would like to know if this setup is at all possible with these components, - and of course if there are any hints to get this working ?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Wrt54g - Configure Firewall And Wifi Encryption To Maximize Safety

Mar 20, 2012

I am in a situation where I share internet access with roommates. We have a Gateway which is conected to the provider and which delivers ethernet and WiFi signal.
In order to isolate myself from my roomates and to protect my network connection, both wired and WiFi, I would like to plug in the Ethernet cable I get from the Gateway to my router, and then configure my router's firewall and WiFi enctryption to maximize my safety.
However, I am having some problems. I have already configured the router as "router" and not "Gateway" and I am trying to assign it an IP address different from the default one, which is the one the gateway has, and a ranger of DHCP IP's, also different from those of the Gateway. In other words, 192.1681.N.1 for the router and start from there.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Way To Get Maximum Performance And Coverage

Jun 30, 2011

Is this the best way to get maximum performance and coverage? I have a DIR-655 bridged to supply B/G on channel 11.I Gave Up On Linksys Firmware And Installed DD-WRT.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E3200 - How To Optimize Coverage

Mar 29, 2012

I had an old LINKSYS WRT54GS whihc had a poor coverage of my whole home.I just bought a new E-3200 which is supposed to have a real higher coverage but seems not.When I am in a room at 15m from the routeur, no coverage !How can we optimize the coverage of the routeur ?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 Cannot Access FTP

Nov 15, 2012

I've been trying to get FTP Running up on my router for some time now.
I know my current WAN address and have setup a specified folder on my E4200 for the FTP partition. A username for myself has been created with login info and I have forwarded the port I have specified on my router's FTP configuration page.
I try to log into the server, but whenever I try to log into it, I keep getting a "incorrect login information" message back at me.
If I cancel out of that then I get an error message saying it can't find the specified folder and to check the address of the server.
I know the login information information is correct and I've tried changing the password to others of varying lengths.
I've also tried changing the port I'm running the FTP off of incase my ISP has blocked that port, nothing works.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Vpn Access To E4200?

Nov 10, 2012

i have installed lutron lighting in my home and need to configure e4200 so i can access it from outside home with iphone application. Lutron manual says to go to VPN iphone setting and add PPTP  connection, server, account and password. I need to do same on e4200 but not sure where to go create pptp connection, accounts and passwords?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Wrt600n Expand Wifi Coverage

Aug 16, 2011

My DSL Modem connected right now to Linksys Model: WRT600N (Dual Band Wireless-N Gigabit Router) to give a wireless internet access in my house. I have TWO spare Linksys Wireless Router (WRT350N-Wireless-N Gigabit Router) and (WRT54G2-Wireless-G Broadband Router) that I need to use to expand my wireless network at home.
How can i connect the two routers to became an access point or range expander to existing router. It is possible the two spare routers became an access pt or expander? How can i configure that? Cable configuration?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 LAN And AP Does Not Access Internet

Jun 18, 2012

I have my main router, a E4200v2 which I use as a router and it provides wireless signal throughout my house, however reception is not as strong on the upper floor and there is a slight dead spot, so I purchased an E4200 for the uppermost floor.I set the E4200 to bridge mode so it will act solely as an AP.However connecting the two routers LAN to LAN and the AP does not access the internet.Setting a static IP for the router, instead of acquiring one via DHCP causes me to not be able to access the admin page on the AP.
Connecting WAN on the E4200 to the LAN on the v2 does not work either.My goal here is to have my main router on and the AP on where I can access the admin settings for both routers in case I need to make changes.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Unable To Access E4200

Jun 15, 2012

Just got a new hard drive installed on my laptop, and now for some reason I can not access my router.  I am connected to the internet, and everything is fine there, but when I type the and enter admin as the password, it shows that I am unauthorized.
I have a Linksys E4200 router

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Cannot Access E4200 Config In LAN-to-LAN

Jan 31, 2012

I posted before about my problem in forwarding certain ports in a LAN-to-WAN cascaded router setup, and I finally gave up looking for a solution, and went for a LAN-to-LAN.  On the internet there is many articles to be found on how to accomplish the setup, but none of them is complete, and as such, I think I really screwed up someplace. My setup: ISP modem/router ( / DHCP enabled, and DHCP address range 3-100 NAT configured Static IP address for a Synology NAS connected to the E4200 SSID id_1
Then the E4200 Internet connection type: I set to Static IP IP Subnet mask Default gateway: (to disable the WAN)
Then, the network setup: Router IP: gave me the error that WAN and LAN IPs  were identical. I played around quite some time but always got an “illegal value” error. Then finally I put the IP to (IP I had in LAN-to-WAN) and this was accepted. And subnet mask: The SSID I left unchanged from what it was, id_2 (also gives me the advantage that I know to which router I am connected)
I rebooted the E4200, and I was connected. But … I am unable to connect to the E4200 configuration page, and even Cisco Connect cannot establish the connection.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Way To Access DVR Remotely Of E4200

May 24, 2012

I recently put in a surveillance system with remote access.  I have an application on my android phone and it can be viewed by any browser.  While I am connected to my network these functions work fine, on my phone and any desktop/laptop.  The problem happens when I try to view remotely, off my network.  I had this setup on my Netgear router before I got my new fancy schmancy Cicso router becaue the netgear wasn't cutting the cheese in keeping my wireless connectionstory.So here is what I got.  I need 3 ports forwarded for this work, and how I got it work on my Netgear.  I have these 3 ports forwarded as single ports.  I have them forwarded in a range and I have port triggering turned on.  No matter what or which combination of these few things I try, I can't access the DVR remotely, again unless I'm local to MY network.Some additional notes - the DVR has a static address and that address has been reserved in the DHCP settings of the router. 

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Web Access With IMac To E4200?

Nov 13, 2011

I have a problem te access e4200 with web access on a iMac with Lion 10.7. I try to connect with standard Safari.With it won't open, if I look voor IP address it should be now the login screen opens but now I can't login with clean name en password "admin" it gives an error.I also can't install Ciso Connect from CD, it gives a error not right version!.Is there anyone that use iMac with E4200 and Sonos zone player?

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How To Configure Wireless Access Point To Linksys Router

Jan 18, 2011

How do I configure my Linksys N Router for a Netgear Wireless N Access Point set in repeater mode? Linksys and Netgear are communicating, but no Internet access is available on Netgear which makes me think I need to configure Linksys to provide Internet connectivity to the Netgear access point repeater.

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Install Linksys Wireless Router To Access Point?

Jun 19, 2011

How to install linksys wireless router to access point?

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How To Setup Linksys Wireless Router As Access Point

Aug 14, 2011

Can I use a second linksys wireless router as an access point and can I connect a wired computer to one of its ports?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Using WRT160N V2 As Access Point?

Mar 22, 2013

I have a FIOS setup with their Router/modem providing DHCP and Wireless routing.  The problem I have is that I have a mix of older equipment and newer equipment.  The newer equipment is capable of supporting WPA2, the older is not.  I would like the benefits of WPA2, but still would like to at times be able to use the older equipment.My solution was to use a WRT160N v2 router that I had as an access point and it also gives me switch capabilities for wired systems as the FIOS router in on a different floor than the Linksys router.  Wired access works just fine and the wireless worked fine until just recently.Since both routers have the same default IP addresses I changed the Linksys to a different static IP and turned off DHCP.  I left all of the other defaults the same.  I set up the Linksys for WEP and created the key for security.  Everything worked fine for the better part of a year, but recently I am having problems where some of the computers cannot find the network or find it then lose connection.

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