Servers :: NAS Differential / Incremental Backups?

Feb 7, 2013

I understand that a full backup backs up everything, and a differential backs up all changes since a full backup, and an incremental backup backs up all changes since the previous incremental.My belief is that I can do a full backup on Sunday, then differentials Mon- Fri. Then, if everything crashes, I can restore the full, then the most recent differential (As opposed to a full restore, an a bunch of incrementals to catch up)My question is if I do a full backup on Sunday, on Tuesday user Mary creates a file, on Wednesday she deletes it by mistake, then on Friday she realizes it and calls me.Will that file still exist on Thursday night's differential? Or do I need to load up Wednesday night's backup?The reason I am asking is because I am trying to go off of tapes and use a NAS instead. I would like to have a Sunday full backup, then have one differential backup that gets overridden nightly, to save space.By doing this, I will only have a full backup and the most recent differential. The alternative is to have a weekly backup and 5 differentials, which takes up more space?

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Running Differential Backups Over VPN?

Jun 19, 2012

i have a 2008 server that needs 80GB of data backed up over a VPN.i want to use backup exec 2012 i tried backing up the first 10GB but at the rate it will take two weeks to copy across we are upgrading our upload, but it still wont be viable i need to put the machine on the local network, do a full backup then point a differential backup to the same full backup (Anyway thats what i think should happen)

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Setting Up A Network For Backups?

Mar 11, 2013

With this Windows 7 & 8 needing storage device for ISO, looking for a better way to back'em up through my network... or having storage device attached to My router..?This is my router.. It has ReadyShare USB storage Access [URL] PDF Manual Router:[URL]I have available hardware 500Gb eBook device I can use???I also have a [URL]How to set these items up for best preference.

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AAA/Identity/Nac :: ACS 5.1 Handling Of Encrypted Backups (gpg)

May 24, 2010

I've noticed, that ACS 5.1 is writing .gpg archives for backups. I'm about to upgrade an evaluation system and the Installation and Upgrade Guide tells me to do a full backup and restore in order to upgrade an eval to a production system. [URL] (second note in section "Evaluating ACS 5.1)
Question: can the production system sucessfully decrypt the backup? According to my personal gpg it is CAST5 encrypted with one passphrase. Is this passphrase constant for all ACS 5.x?

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: ACS 5.3 - Backups Fail To TFTP

Jul 14, 2012

I'm configuring ACS for the first time and the config is complete and working, except backups of the view database. I've created a TFTP repositiory and if I perform a manual backup or wait for a scheduled one to occur it fails. I do get a .tar.gpg file in the TFTP server (but can not restore from it as it's not listed in "Restore" as a backup).
It works fine if I create and use a local disk repository. I get a .tar.gpg but also a catalog.xml and repolock.cfg file (which I don't in TFTP). Looking at the logs on the TFTP server I can see it tries repeatedly to read the catalog.xml file but fails:
Read request for file <DB/catalog.xml>. Mode netascii [15/07 16:05:52.167]
File <DBcatalog.xml> : error 2 in system call CreateFile The system cannot find the file specified. [15/07 16:05:52.167]
That seems correct, the file doesn't exist. However it never seems to try and create it.

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Cisco :: LMS 4.2 Soft Appliance - Remote Backups

Nov 18, 2012

I have a new installation of LMS 4.2 on the Soft Appliance and seem ot be only able to configure backups to the local disk? There is no option to select any of the configured repositories like there is in ACS. I can backup to /local disk, after change to filesystem as below:

chgrp casusers -R /local disk chmod 0775 /local disk 

But the issue is, how to I get this off the box in an automated fashion so it can be part of our corporate backup schedule?

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Cisco Switches :: SGE2010 How To Trigger Backups Via SNMP

May 15, 2011

I have been trying, so far unsucessfully, to trigger backups to a TFTP server of our SGE201 switches. I have testesd TFTP backups via the web interface, and that does work. I need SNMP as I  need a scriptable method to trgiger the backups on a regular schedule. I am running the SNMP query from a RedHat Linux server. So far I have the following query work out, but it is failing: [code] The error I am getting is generic, and the same query failed on multiple switches running Software Version The switch is set with the community having full SNMP-admin access from the server's IP address.

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Cisco Firewall :: Schedule Automatic Backups Of ASA5500

Mar 2, 2012

I would like to schedule automatic backups of our ASA5500's OoO-hours:

1. SSH from secure server and create _FULL_ backup - what would be the CLI command(s) ?
2. SCP from secure server and retreive file(s) - what is the location of the file(s) ?

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Dell R710 Need To Revamp Battery Backups Badly

Jul 24, 2012

I had a pair of Dell R710's and need to revamp our battery backups badly. Having almost no budget has its difficulties.These are 2x 120v 2200 smart ups. The servers both run win2k8r2. Not looking for run time, looking for safe shut down. Thinking 1 server per.

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Cisco Routers :: ISA550 Restore Backups From Other Devices?

Jun 7, 2013

Although I have no problem with backup/restore in ISA550 when I do it in the same device, I do have problems when restoring in one unit the backup of  another unit, i.e. when cloning devices in order to avoid having to configure every device from scratch. Lets call A the master device and B and C the devices I try to clone (to save most of the configuration) to modify them later.  I get two different situations here, but none of them works:
Situation 1.B reads without complaining the backup from A and gets the same configurations settings than A, but once modified appropriately to stablish a VPN Site-to-Site tunnel with A, ther is no way to make it work. Furthermore, this unit cannot be configured to VPN with A, even using the Site-to-Site wizzard (which resets all VPN settings).
Situation 2.C complaints when reading the backup from A and does not read it. However, this unit can be configured by hand using the wizzard and the VPN works fine.
So, I suspect that something in the backup identifies the unit in such way that VPN gets in troubles. What it does work is doing a FULL RESET of the unit B and then configure it manually.
I have reported the issue but the Cisco agent closed it simply saying that this cannot be done. I have serious dificulties believing that in you have N devices you have to do N configurations from scratch. I am aware that perhaps some codes must be removed before doing a backup, or that should be something like an "anonymous backup" for such objective, but I cannot accept that it is impossible to do.

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Automatic Mirror / Backups To External Hard Drive On Wireless Network?

May 29, 2011

I have a simple wireless network in my home run through a Linksys WRT54G Router connected to a cable modem. I set up a Western Digital 1TB external hard drive as a network drive through use of a Seagate FreeAgent DockStar. (The HD connects to the DockStar by a USB cable, which in turn connects to the router by an Ethernet cable.)

The hard drive functions as a network drive and I've configured Windows 7 Home Premium on my laptop computer to recognize it at start-up so it can essentially be used read and written to like a local drive.

Is there a way to make Windows 7, either by built-in software or third party software, automatically backup certain files or directories when changes are detected?

For example, I have a folder on my internal HD where I organize the vast amount of photos that I take so that I can easily find them through the operating system instead of having to go through a photo manager. In my ideal situation, something would be monitoring to see if I have made changes in only that folder (either adding new folders, deleting photos, or modifying files) and simultaneously make the changes to the network hard drive. Effectively, I want something to mirror the changes on my local hard drive on the fly and update the network hard drive accordingly. I do this all manually at the moment and it sucks up a lot of time that could probably be done automatically.

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Cisco Firewall :: Mask DMZ Servers From Private Servers And LAN ASA 5520

Jun 11, 2013

We are planning to split the Private servers from the DMZ Servers and configure an additional Interface and segment for this purpose.
Private Servers Segment: (there is no DHCP all servers' IPs are statically configured)
DMZ Segment: (This is a future deployment)
LAN Segment:
Both, Private Servers and DMZ Servers are in a collocation as well as the ASA5520. There are multiple Branch offices that uses subnets within the Network and they are connected to the ASA5520 via Metro-E.
I do not know if this is possible but what I want to do is this:
In order to avoid the change of internal DNS records I want to mask the DMZ servers with a Private Server IP when a Private server or LAN host wants to access it like this:
The FTP server in the DMZ has the IP address: But when a PC from the LAN wants to reach the FTP server it should points to its old IP: This way the PC sends a packet to the ( the ASA recieves the packet and translate it to the ( and send it out through the DMZ Interface.
Also if the Private Servers wants to reach the same FTP the ASA will act like a proxy-ARP and send the paquet to the DMZ by means of the translation of the IP.

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Servers :: Connect 5 Servers Together To Create A Private Network?

Apr 16, 2011

i'm trying to connect 5 servers together to create a private network.Each server has a network of it's own and i'm trying to make all 5 servers communicate with each other to share and search data simultaneously..

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Cisco WAN :: 6513 Servers Unable To Communicate With DC-1 Servers

Mar 20, 2012

I Have exented vlan 120,121 from DC-1 to DC-2,the DC-1 and DC-2 are connected using L2 Trunk over fiber terminated on Cisco 6513 on both site ,the distance around 40 Km  ,on the DC-2 i just assigned server-1 TO VLAN 120 while server-2 in vlan 121 ,but these servers unable to communicate neither with DC-1 Servers or betwen them locally on DC-2 ,pls note that the servers at dc-2 rely on DC-1 for routing.

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Servers :: Turn On PC In LAN?

Sep 1, 2011

i want turn on pc in lan & i have not macid

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Servers :: PCs Are In Lan But Not Getting Ping Among Them?

Sep 27, 2011

I Have 15 computer and they all are in Internet Connection.And I Have Network of C class that is the main Problem is that the computer are not getting ping with each other.How can I get them Pinging between them.Can any antivirus stop them?

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Cannot Connect To Certain Servers

Feb 13, 2012

I'm having an issue with my work computer where it can connect to all of the servers in the company accross the country EXCEPT the servers located in New Jersey. I am running Windows XP SP3. I am able to ping the servers and get a response back, but my network drives are disconnected and I cannot open them. I have tried completely uninstalling the driver for my network adapter and reinstalling it with no affect. Mine is the only computer having this problem and I have uninstalled all software that was installed within the past month to be sure. It is ALL of the servers in New Jersey so I know it's a problem with my computer and not the serers. I had a similar issue a while ago where I could ping Google, but could not get to the website, and that ended up being the ZoneAlarm firewall that I had. That was fixed by uninstalling ZoneAlarm and doing an ipconfig /release & /renew. I re-registered some dlls but that didnt work either.

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How To Run Two Web Servers On Same Connection

Jun 30, 2012

I currently have one home WWW server running on port 80 which is obviously the HTTP port. If I wanted to run another web server on the same connection, how would I do this? Is it possible? Obviously, I can't port forward the same port for more than one IP.

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Servers :: Can't Connect On Any Network?

Jan 16, 2013

I'm having a problem connecting to multiple servers. I do know that I have stopped the windows firewall and taken out Norton and avg, yet I still can't connect to any servers. I've even tried on other networks! I can download torrents and surf the internet just fine though. I can't connect to an online class server to do my homework, and I've also tried to start playing WOW but neither will connect. I also don't see peer guardian 2 in *services*

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Servers :: How To Save A Php File

Jan 27, 2011

When I going to save a php file I got an error message "U don have permission to save it here"

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Cannot Connect To Any Game Servers

Apr 10, 2013

I currently cannot connect to any game servers or sync my internet time or anything of the sort. I also cannot seem to P2P.

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Setup QoS Between Phone Servers Over P2P

Jul 30, 2012

I've got a digital phone system but it goes VoIP across our P2P T1's. I am having quality issues between our 2 sites only and have decided to setup QoS on the Cisco 1841 P2P routers. each side that does the voice traffic, I would like to do QoS by IP address, instead of by protocol.I will need an access-list, a class-map and a policy-map and need to point the interface to the policy-map

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Servers :: Install Iis 7 Without Cd Of Windows 7?

Feb 13, 2011

I am using Win 7.But my cd drive is not working.So can i install iis 7 from any other source??

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Application And Database Servers

Oct 13, 2011

I have question about the basics of a high performance application and database server connection to each other. I have two servers, one application and one database server. Both of them are Windows 2008 R2 servers. I would like to connect them. What is the best configuration for quicker communication between them. Is it better to connect them through a network switch? Or directly connect them? Do I need to dedicate one of the ethernet ports on each server to separate their traffic to each other, from the internet connection traffic?

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Servers :: Error PXE E61 In RSA Appliance

Jul 11, 2012

PXE E61 same error are comming in rsa envision appliance

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Servers :: Trace IP When Proxy Is Used?

Jun 17, 2011

how to trace IP when proxy is used.someone I know is playing a prank that might cause my marriage to break.That person uses proxy with many different IP and also a loopback. does anyone know how to trace the IP even with the above is used.

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Servers :: Cannot Connect Using Proxy Ip?

May 28, 2012

I have an issue here, I need to connect to various anonymus proxy servers, the ip's of which can be freely found on the web. I've tried doing this from a broadband connected computer and it's ok, but the thing is that when I try doing this from a computer that is tied to o router, it doesn't work at all.

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Servers :: Two Website Domain On One DNS?

Mar 7, 2011

Can we maintain two website domain on single DNS Server? its possible?

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Connecting Clients To Servers?

Apr 19, 2012

i don't know any thing about connecting clients to servers & it's methods & requirements

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Servers :: Can't See Messages On Facebook?

Feb 7, 2013

what can i do if my computer is not letting me see my messages on facebook what

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Servers :: How To Move Screen To Right

Nov 13, 2012

How can I move the screen to the right because it is missing me a part so how can I do it?

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Servers :: How To Connect Thin Pc To Other

Apr 28, 2011

how to connect a thin pc to another pc so me a full detail

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Servers :: Disable Port 80?

Jul 9, 2011

I want to use vertrigo localhost but due to port 80 enable it is not runing so how can i disable this port.

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