Cisco :: LMS 4.2 Soft Appliance - Remote Backups

Nov 18, 2012

I have a new installation of LMS 4.2 on the Soft Appliance and seem ot be only able to configure backups to the local disk? There is no option to select any of the configured repositories like there is in ACS. I can backup to /local disk, after change to filesystem as below:

chgrp casusers -R /local disk chmod 0775 /local disk 

But the issue is, how to I get this off the box in an automated fashion so it can be part of our corporate backup schedule?

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Cisco :: LMS 4.2 Upgrade To LMS 4.2.1 On Soft Appliance

Jul 10, 2012

I try to upgrade LMS 4.2 to LMS 4.2.1 on a soft appliance and i got this error. To upgrade from LMS 4.2 to LMS 4.2.1:
lms/admin# conf t
lms/admin(config)# repository myrepo
lms/admin(config-Repository)# url disk://opt
lms/admin(config-Repository)# end
lms/admin# application upgrade Cisco_Prime_LAN_Management_Solution_4_2_1upgrade.tar.gz myrepo
Save the ADE-OS running configuration?(yes/no) [yes]? yes
Generating configuration...
Saved the ADE-OS running configuration to startup successfully
Initiating Application Upgrade...
% Local file not found

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Cisco :: LMS 4.1 Soft Appliance Host-name Setup

Jan 24, 2012

While running the install wizard of soft appliance LMS 4.1 it asks for hostname and also the domain during the install. Is the hostname suppose to be fully qualified domain name exp: or just hostname without fqdn exp: foo? Reason why I ask is when I ran the following command below in the shell it doesn't look like it is setup correctly. Also if I did the install without my hostname in dns first will this mess up my install?

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Cisco :: LMS Prime 4.1 Soft Appliance Backup

Jan 17, 2012

We have an installation of Cisco Prime LMS 4.1 soft appliance on VMware and i would like to ask if it is possible to backup the database on an external drive other than the 'local' LMS hard disk.

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Cisco :: Backup Space In LMS 4.2 Soft Appliance?

Oct 15, 2012

LMS 4.2 Soft Apliance has default:
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
105G  4.8G   95G   5% /opt
53G  268M   50G   1% /var
Where to create Backup folder? Under /opt or /var ?

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Cisco :: Setup Prime LMS 4.2 With Pair Of Soft Appliance?

Jun 10, 2013

I am trying to setup prime LMS 4.2 with a pair of soft appliance. As I understand that HA is possible with the use of veritas/vmware for windows/solaris; I was wondering what are the possible high availability options available with a pair of prime LMS appliances? Can it form active/secondary with data synchronization/data redundancy of the LMS on top of the traditional backup/restore of the lms?

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Cisco :: Prime LMS 4.2 Soft Appliance Vmware Server Backup

Jun 13, 2012

I have to install Prime LMS 4.2 on ESX customer infrastructure (ova image as soft appliance). The customer  would like to know if LMS 4.2 is compatible with his backup agents  :

* Symantec Veritas Netbackup (v7.1.0.2)
* Control-m (v6.4.01.300)

If not, what would be the best solution to backup the server ? Are the VMware tools supported now ?

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: Windows Remote Agent For ACS 4.2 Appliance?

Jun 7, 2011

The problem is that i had configured the ACS appliance with a remote agent to Integrate with Microsoft active directory and I installed that agent on one of our domain controls and it is working fine.
When I installed another agent on anther domain control and add it to the ACS server it appear that the remote authentication service is working on it but when try to make the new agent the primary and the old one the secondary from External database configuration all the domain users authenticated but only to one group which configured in Unknown User Policy.It appeared like it can't read any more groups from active directory.

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Cisco Application :: ACE4710 Appliance To ANM Virtual Appliance NATed

Oct 12, 2011

We have an ACE Appliance in a DMZ and the ACE Appliance's Admin Context IP is translated between ACE and ANM. The ANM Server does not get translated. It is just the opposite then in another Community discussion.
Our Problem: When adding the ACE4710 Appliance to the ANM imported Device List, we use the ACE's NATed Admin Context IP. Import works well, but ANM reflects the Admin Context IP with it's real configured IP. Polling the ACE Appliance does not work therefore.
Is there a possibility of telling the ANM, that the ACE has to be polled through a NATed IP? I could not find a field to set a NATed Mgmt IP.
Configured IP on ACE Admin Context:
NATed ACE Admin  Context IP: 
Imported ACE with IP into ANM, but ANM polls for Rserver, Vserver, Probes, etc. via - which is not reachable from the ANM.

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Running Differential Backups Over VPN?

Jun 19, 2012

i have a 2008 server that needs 80GB of data backed up over a VPN.i want to use backup exec 2012 i tried backing up the first 10GB but at the rate it will take two weeks to copy across we are upgrading our upload, but it still wont be viable i need to put the machine on the local network, do a full backup then point a differential backup to the same full backup (Anyway thats what i think should happen)

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Setting Up A Network For Backups?

Mar 11, 2013

With this Windows 7 & 8 needing storage device for ISO, looking for a better way to back'em up through my network... or having storage device attached to My router..?This is my router.. It has ReadyShare USB storage Access [URL] PDF Manual Router:[URL]I have available hardware 500Gb eBook device I can use???I also have a [URL]How to set these items up for best preference.

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Cisco WAN :: ATM Soft Pvc Across T3 And T1 Backup?

May 3, 2006

I am trying to create a VBR soft pvc across a T3 and T1 backup link, but I am confused about what values to use for PCR, SCR and MCR.  If I use high values for the T3, what will happen when this link is down and the soft PVC reroutes across the T1?  I would like to use percents (%) for the values, i.e. voice can use 25% of the link, then it would make more sense when using the backup T1 link.

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: ACS 5.3 - Backups Fail To TFTP

Jul 14, 2012

I'm configuring ACS for the first time and the config is complete and working, except backups of the view database. I've created a TFTP repositiory and if I perform a manual backup or wait for a scheduled one to occur it fails. I do get a .tar.gpg file in the TFTP server (but can not restore from it as it's not listed in "Restore" as a backup).
It works fine if I create and use a local disk repository. I get a .tar.gpg but also a catalog.xml and repolock.cfg file (which I don't in TFTP). Looking at the logs on the TFTP server I can see it tries repeatedly to read the catalog.xml file but fails:
Read request for file <DB/catalog.xml>. Mode netascii [15/07 16:05:52.167]
File <DBcatalog.xml> : error 2 in system call CreateFile The system cannot find the file specified. [15/07 16:05:52.167]
That seems correct, the file doesn't exist. However it never seems to try and create it.

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Servers :: NAS Differential / Incremental Backups?

Feb 7, 2013

I understand that a full backup backs up everything, and a differential backs up all changes since a full backup, and an incremental backup backs up all changes since the previous incremental.My belief is that I can do a full backup on Sunday, then differentials Mon- Fri. Then, if everything crashes, I can restore the full, then the most recent differential (As opposed to a full restore, an a bunch of incrementals to catch up)My question is if I do a full backup on Sunday, on Tuesday user Mary creates a file, on Wednesday she deletes it by mistake, then on Friday she realizes it and calls me.Will that file still exist on Thursday night's differential? Or do I need to load up Wednesday night's backup?The reason I am asking is because I am trying to go off of tapes and use a NAS instead. I would like to have a Sunday full backup, then have one differential backup that gets overridden nightly, to save space.By doing this, I will only have a full backup and the most recent differential. The alternative is to have a weekly backup and 5 differentials, which takes up more space?

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AAA/Identity/Nac :: ACS 5.1 Handling Of Encrypted Backups (gpg)

May 24, 2010

I've noticed, that ACS 5.1 is writing .gpg archives for backups. I'm about to upgrade an evaluation system and the Installation and Upgrade Guide tells me to do a full backup and restore in order to upgrade an eval to a production system. [URL] (second note in section "Evaluating ACS 5.1)
Question: can the production system sucessfully decrypt the backup? According to my personal gpg it is CAST5 encrypted with one passphrase. Is this passphrase constant for all ACS 5.x?

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Cisco Switches :: SGE2010 How To Trigger Backups Via SNMP

May 15, 2011

I have been trying, so far unsucessfully, to trigger backups to a TFTP server of our SGE201 switches. I have testesd TFTP backups via the web interface, and that does work. I need SNMP as I  need a scriptable method to trgiger the backups on a regular schedule. I am running the SNMP query from a RedHat Linux server. So far I have the following query work out, but it is failing: [code] The error I am getting is generic, and the same query failed on multiple switches running Software Version The switch is set with the community having full SNMP-admin access from the server's IP address.

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Cisco Firewall :: Schedule Automatic Backups Of ASA5500

Mar 2, 2012

I would like to schedule automatic backups of our ASA5500's OoO-hours:

1. SSH from secure server and create _FULL_ backup - what would be the CLI command(s) ?
2. SCP from secure server and retreive file(s) - what is the location of the file(s) ?

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Cisco Routers :: ISA550 Restore Backups From Other Devices?

Jun 7, 2013

Although I have no problem with backup/restore in ISA550 when I do it in the same device, I do have problems when restoring in one unit the backup of  another unit, i.e. when cloning devices in order to avoid having to configure every device from scratch. Lets call A the master device and B and C the devices I try to clone (to save most of the configuration) to modify them later.  I get two different situations here, but none of them works:
Situation 1.B reads without complaining the backup from A and gets the same configurations settings than A, but once modified appropriately to stablish a VPN Site-to-Site tunnel with A, ther is no way to make it work. Furthermore, this unit cannot be configured to VPN with A, even using the Site-to-Site wizzard (which resets all VPN settings).
Situation 2.C complaints when reading the backup from A and does not read it. However, this unit can be configured by hand using the wizzard and the VPN works fine.
So, I suspect that something in the backup identifies the unit in such way that VPN gets in troubles. What it does work is doing a FULL RESET of the unit B and then configure it manually.
I have reported the issue but the Cisco agent closed it simply saying that this cannot be done. I have serious dificulties believing that in you have N devices you have to do N configurations from scratch. I am aware that perhaps some codes must be removed before doing a backup, or that should be something like an "anonymous backup" for such objective, but I cannot accept that it is impossible to do.

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Cisco VPN :: ASA 5500 - Way To Soft Reboot Automatically

Oct 31, 2011

Before nearly four years we have purchased 4 Cisco ASA 5500 Device for our organization.Out of these four device currently two are active in field and other two we kept as a spare.Now, in one active device we are facing very rare and strange issue.

The device automatically soft reboot once in nearly 60 days and we do not have any pre or post symptoms of this incident only server logs providing us this information.The device itself located in very controlled environment in a data center where physical tampering or temperature waviness is not possible.

We also asked one Cisco Expert from data center but still issue is not solved.Before two month, using remote syslog service we also started log redirection to a server so that when such incident occurs we have something to analyze but it is worthless log has nothing to tell us.

My questions are

1. "It is a hardware fault or software issue?"

2. "Is it possible with Cisco 5500 that automatically it reboots due to some internal hardware/software issue, if yes how we can trap or monitor it?


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Dell R710 Need To Revamp Battery Backups Badly

Jul 24, 2012

I had a pair of Dell R710's and need to revamp our battery backups badly. Having almost no budget has its difficulties.These are 2x 120v 2200 smart ups. The servers both run win2k8r2. Not looking for run time, looking for safe shut down. Thinking 1 server per.

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Broadband :: Reset PCI Soft Data Modem?

Feb 9, 2011

We recently upgraded to higher speed internet and were to "reset" our modem, which is PCI Soft Data Fax Modem With SmartCP.How does one "reset" their modem?

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Cisco WAN :: Complex Connectivity Involving Soft With IPMUX216 And RAD24

Aug 23, 2011

I have a rather complex issue that involves a Cisco softswitch, a Cisco router configured for BGP routing, a L2 Cisco switch, and two RAD IPMUXs.I am including a flat diagram that illustrates the layer 2 connections. On the diagram, the number adjacent to the vertical connection bar is the vlans allowed on that connection, either switchport access or trunk.
I use BGP routing on the router to advertise various routes. The issue is that the routes for the RAD IPMUX216 and RAD24 are both being advertised correctly and can be seen from remote sites. For example, from any remote site, I can ping any address on vlan 60 such as the switch, router, and IMMUX216 IPs. However, I can only ping the vlan 61 IPs for the router and switch, but not the RAD24. Even from the Softswitch and Router, I cannot ping the vlan 61 ip of the RAD24, I can ping the softswitch from the router and vice-versa.
Here is a flat diagram for the network with some snippets of code. I can provide more info if needed. I changed the routable IPs just to hide some of our actual info. If I ping from the softswitch and then issue the "sh arp" command, I get:
Victoria-SW#sh arp
Protocol  Address          Age (min)  Hardware Addr   Type   Interface
Internet            0   0016.4650.c411  ARPA   Vlan61
Internet            -   0019.5678.7d43  ARPA   Vlan80
Internet            0   Incomplete      ARPA
Internet           -   0019.5678.7d42  ARPA   Vlan60
Internet           0   0020.d239.01a0  ARPA   Vlan60
Internet            -   0019.5678.7d44  ARPA   Vlan61
Internet           69   0016.4650.c411  ARPA   Vlan60

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Automatic Mirror / Backups To External Hard Drive On Wireless Network?

May 29, 2011

I have a simple wireless network in my home run through a Linksys WRT54G Router connected to a cable modem. I set up a Western Digital 1TB external hard drive as a network drive through use of a Seagate FreeAgent DockStar. (The HD connects to the DockStar by a USB cable, which in turn connects to the router by an Ethernet cable.)

The hard drive functions as a network drive and I've configured Windows 7 Home Premium on my laptop computer to recognize it at start-up so it can essentially be used read and written to like a local drive.

Is there a way to make Windows 7, either by built-in software or third party software, automatically backup certain files or directories when changes are detected?

For example, I have a folder on my internal HD where I organize the vast amount of photos that I take so that I can easily find them through the operating system instead of having to go through a photo manager. In my ideal situation, something would be monitoring to see if I have made changes in only that folder (either adding new folders, deleting photos, or modifying files) and simultaneously make the changes to the network hard drive. Effectively, I want something to mirror the changes on my local hard drive on the fly and update the network hard drive accordingly. I do this all manually at the moment and it sucks up a lot of time that could probably be done automatically.

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Wireless :: Toshiba Soft Modem AMR Com3 Trying To Connect To Home Network

Dec 18, 2011

Ok I have a toshiba satellite with the above stated modem in place, however I am not sure if the modem is wireless capable. I have been trying to figure out how to connect it to my network.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 DCHP Client Table Doesn't Reset After Soft Reboot

Jul 15, 2011

One of the many things that I liked about the e4200 over my olg 54GL was the fact that I could reboot it remotely.   However, I've recently had a few problems that only a full power down would fix.   In addition, I've noticed that the DCHP client table doesn't reset when I do a soft reboot.   Is this intentional?   Is the soft reboot not really a full reboot? Can it be made a real reboot?

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Cisco :: Migration From Windows LMS 4.0.1 To Appliance 4.1?

Oct 4, 2011

Can't see this in the documentation, as only Solaris to soft appliance is mentioned, so does anyone know if you can migrate data from LMS 4.0.1 on Windows 2008 to the soft appliance on LMS 4.1?

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Cisco :: MSE 7.4 Appliance Stops Responding

Apr 2, 2013

After upgrading our Cisco MSE to 7.4, the appliance does not stay connected to the network.  Once the appliance is restarted, layer 3 echoes occur for about 2 minutes and then stop.  The only way to get it to respond again, is to restart the appliance.  Again, after a few minutes, it stops responding.  I've checked the switch, and there is no port security set up on it.  I've checked ACL's, and other potential culprits to no avail.  The MSE interface is set up, and the device is configured. 

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Cisco :: LMS 4.2 Appliance On VMware VSphere 4.0

Jul 31, 2012

I'm currently trying to install the Cisco LMS 4.2 Appliance on a VMware vSphere 4.0 environment.I'm following the [URL]. I downloaded the Cisco_Prime_LAN_Management_Solution_4_2.iso and I started the server.I get this screen and I choose option 1:

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: Unable To SSH To ACS SE Appliance

Feb 20, 2010

I could not SSH to ACS SE appliance? Why I could not, however I can do on another ACS SE.
note that I can ping the ACS SE, after disabling the CSA, so netowrk connectivity is ok.
Cisco Secure ACS:

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: Secure ACS 5.2 Appliance To Use Or Not To Use UCP

Nov 16, 2011

All users are located in the local identity store.So - assume I do not implement ACS but I do turn on password expiration after 60 or 90 days.  Will a user whose password is about to expire attempts to authenticate against ACS 5.2, will they be notified that their password is about to expire?Also, when a user attempts to authenticate but their password expired yesterday, will they be prompted to change it and if so, how will that prompt to change it be presented?

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Cisco :: CiscoWorks Appliance In T2000

Jul 25, 2011

A while back we were looking into upgrading our SUN/Oracle server to better service our CiscoWorks. Our vendor (partnered Cisco Vendor) told us that Cisco was developing an appliance like WCS and CNR that runs Redhat for CiscoWorks.Does any one have any info on this or could this be a rumor?

We do not run Windows devices on any of our network enterprise and this would be so cool!
Oracle is getting to be a clone of our opinion
If this is true, I will happy to sit and wait for it.
We now run LMS 4.0 on a SUN/Oracle T2000 and it seems to be bottlenecking.

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Servers :: Error PXE E61 In RSA Appliance

Jul 11, 2012

PXE E61 same error are comming in rsa envision appliance

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Cisco :: 7.0.172 / Manual Backup The Location Appliance?

Jun 19, 2011

I upgraded wcs to version 7.0.172 and migrated it to new server and ip address. The upgrade was done by install wcs 7.0.172 on new server and restoring a backup. I also upgraded the location appliance from to The wcs can see the location appliance without a problem. The problem occurs when i try to backup the location appliance. The wcs appears to run the backup and completes with a success but i cannot find the backup file in the ftp directory. wcs backup to ftp folder is a there a way of doing a manual backup the location appliance what logs can i check to see whether the backup is taking place or not?

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